Using Spark to Load Oracle Data into Cassandra

Post on 06-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Using Spark to Load Oracle Data into Cassandra

Jim Hatcher

Using Spark to Load Oracle Data into Cassandra

1 Introduction

2 Problem Description

3 Methods of loading external data into Cassandra

4 What is Spark?

5 Lessons Learned

6 Resources

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At IHS Markit, we take raw data and turn it into information and insights for our customers.

Automotive Systems (CarFax)Defense Systems (Jane’s)Oil & Gas Systems (Petra, Kingdom)Maritime SystemsTechnology Systems (Electronic Parts Database, Root Metrics)ChemicalsFinancial Systems (Wall Street on Demand)Lots of others

Problem Description




Back-end Applications Customer-facing Systems

Load Files







Data Updates



Methods of loading external data into Cassandra

Methods of Loading External Data into C*

1. CQL Copy command2. Sqoop3. Write a custom program that uses the CQL driver4. Write a Spark program

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What is Spark?

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What is Spark?Spark is a processing framework designed to work with distributed data.

“up to 100X faster than MapReduce” according to

Used in any ecosystem where you want to work with distributed data (Hadoop, Cassandra, etc.)

Includes other specialized libraries:• SparkSQL• Spark Streaming• MLLib• GraphX

Spark Facts

Conceptually Similar To MapReduce

Written In Scala

Supported By DataBricks

Supported Languages Scala, Java, Python, R

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Spark Client



Spark Master

Spark Worker

Spark Worker

Spark Worker




1. Request Resources2. Allocate Resources

3. S





4. P







Spark Architecture

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Spark with CassandraCredit:

Cassandra Cluster



Spark Worker

Spark WorkerSpark Worker

Spark Master

Spark Client

Spark Cassandra Connector – open source, supported by DataStax

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ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)

Text File

JDBC Data Source



Extract Data

Spark: Create RDD or Data


Data Source(s)Spark Code

Transform Data

Spark: Map function

Spark Code


Data Source(s)

Load Data

Spark: Save

Spark Code

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Typical Code - Example// Extractval extracted = sqlContext .read  .format("jdbc")  .options(    Map[String, String](      "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:username/password@//hostname:port/oracle_svc",      "dbtable" -> "table_name"    )  )  .load()

// Transformval transformed = { dbRow => (dbRow.getAs[String](“field_one"), dbRow.getAs[Integer](“field_two"))}

// Loadtransformed.saveToCassandra(“keyspace_name", “table_name", SomeColumns(“field_one“, “field_two"))

Lessons Learned

Lesson #1 - Spark SQL handles Oracle NUMBER fields with no precision incorrectly

All of our Oracle tables have ID fields defined as NUMBER(15,0).

When you use Spark SQL to access an Oracle table, there is a piece of code in the JDBC driver that reads the metadata and creates a dataframe with the proper schema. If your schema has a NUMBER(*, 0) field defined in it, you get a “Overflowed precision” error.

This is fixed in Spark 1.5, but we don’t have the option of adopting a new version of Spark since we’re using Spark bundled with DSE 4.8.6 (which uses spark 1.4.2). We were able to fix this by stealing the fix from the Spark 1.5 code and applying it to our code (yay, open source!).

At some point, we’ll update to DSE 5.* which uses Spark 1.6, and we can remove this code.

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import java.sql.Typesimport org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.{JdbcDialect, JdbcType}import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

private case object OracleDialect extends JdbcDialect {

override def canHandle(url: String): Boolean = url.startsWith("jdbc:oracle")

override def getCatalystType(sqlType: Int, typeName: String, size: Int, md: MetadataBuilder): Option[DataType] = { // Handle NUMBER fields that have no precision/scale in special way // because JDBC ResultSetMetaData converts this to 0 precision and -127 scale // For more details, please see // // and // if (sqlType == Types.NUMERIC && size == 0) { // This is sub-optimal as we have to pick a precision/scale in advance whereas the data // in Oracle is allowed to have different precision/scale for each value. Option(DecimalType(38, 10)) } else { None } }

override def getJDBCType(dt: DataType): Option[JdbcType] = dt match { case StringType => Some(JdbcType("VARCHAR2(255)", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR)) case _ => None }


Lesson #1 - Spark SQL handles Oracle NUMBER fields with no precision incorrectly

Lesson #2 - Spark SQL doesn’t handle timeuuid fields correctly

Spark SQL doesn’t know what to do with a timeuuid field when reading a table from Cassandra. This is an issue since we commonly use timeuuid columns in our Cassandra key structures.

We got this error: scala.MatchError: UUIDType (of class org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.types.UUIDType$)

We are able to work around this issue by casting the timeuuid values to strings, like this:

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val dataFrameRaw = sqlContext  .read  .format("org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra")  .options(Map("table" -> "table_name", "keyspace" -> "keyspace_name"))  .load()

val dataFrameFixed = dataFrameRaw  .withColumn(“timeuuid_column", dataFrameRaw("timeuuid_column").cast(StringType))

Lesson #3 – Careful when generating ID fields

We created an RDD:

val baseRdd = { dbRow =>

  val keyColumn = {    if (!dbRow.isNullAt(dbRow.fieldIndex(“timeuuid_key_column"))) {      dbRow.getAs[String]("timeuuid_key_column")    } else {      UUIDs.timeBased().toString    }  }

  //do some further processing

(keyColumn, …other values)}

Then, we took that RDD and transformed it into another RDD:

val invertedIndexTable = { entry =>  (entry.getString(“timeuuid_key_column"), entry.getString(“fld_1"))}

Then we wrote them both to C*, like this:

baseRdd.saveToCassandra(“keyspace_name", “table_name", SomeColumns(“key_column“, “fld_1“, “fld_2"))

invertedIndexTable.saveToCassandra(“keyspace_name", “inverted_index_table_name"  SomeColumns(“key_column“, “fld_1“)

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Lesson #3 – Careful when generating ID fields

We kept finding that the ID values in the inverted index table had slightly different ID values than the values in the base table.

We fixed this by adding a cache() to our first RDD.

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val baseRdd = { dbRow =>

  val keyColumn = {    if (!dbRow.isNullAt(dbRow.fieldIndex(“timeuuid_key_column"))) {      dbRow.getAs[String]("timeuuid_key_column")    } else {      UUIDs.timeBased().toString    }  }

  //do some further processing

(keyColumn, …other values)}.cache()

Lesson #4 – You can only return an RDD of a tuple if you have 22 items or less.

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It’s pretty common in Spark to return an RDD of tuplesval myNewRdd = { dbRow =>

val firstName = dbRow.getAs[String](“FirstName") val lastName = dbRow.getAs[String](“LastName") val calcField1 = dbRow.getAs[Intger](“SomeColumn") * 3.14

(firstName, lastName, calcField1)}

This works great until you get to 22 fields in your tuple, and then Scala throws an error. (Later versions of Scala lift this restriction, but it’s a problem for our version of Scala.)

Lesson #4 – You can only return an RDD of a tuple if you have 22 items or less.

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You can fix this by returning an RDD of CassandraRows instead. (especially if your goal is to save them to C*)val myNewRdd = { dbRow =>

val firstName = dbRow.getAs[String](“FirstName") val lastName = dbRow.getAs[String](“LastName") val calcField1 = dbRow.getAs[Integer](“SomeColumn") * 3.14 val allValues = IndexedSeq[AnyRef](firstName, lastName, calcField1) val allColumnNames = Array[String]( “first_name", “last_name", “calc_field_1“) new CassandraRow(allColumnNames, allValues)}

Lesson #5 – Getting a JDBC dataframe based on a SQL statement is not very intuitive.To get a dataframe from a JDBC source, you do this:

val exampleDataFrame = sqlContext .read  .format("jdbc")  .options(    Map[String, String](      "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:username/password@//hostname:port/oracle_svc",      "dbtable" -> "table_name"    )  )  .load()

You would think there would be a version of this call that lets you pass in a SQL statement but there is not.

However, when JDBC creates your query from the above syntax, all it does is prepend your dbtable value with “SELECT * FROM”.

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Lesson #5 – Getting a JDBC dataframe based on a SQL statement is not very intuitive.So, the workaround is to do this:

val sql =  "( " +    "  SELECT S.* " +    "  FROM Sample S " +    "  WHERE ID = 11111 " +    "  ORDER BY S.SomeField " +    ")" val exampleDataFrame = sqlContext .read  .format("jdbc")  .options(    Map[String, String](      "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:username/password@//hostname:port/oracle_svc",      "dbtable" -> sql    )  )  .load()

You’re effectively doing this in Oracle:SELECT * FROM (      SELECT S.*      FROM Sample S      WHERE ID = 11111      ORDER BY S.SomeField)© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 24

Lesson #6 – Creating a partitioned JDBC dataframe is not very intuitive.The code to get a JDBC dataframe looks like this:val basePartitionedOracleData = sqlContext .read  .format("jdbc")  .options(    Map[String, String](      "url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:username/password@//hostname:port/oracle_svc",      "dbtable" -> "ExampleTable",      "lowerBound" -> "1",      "upperBound" -> "10000",      "numPartitions" -> "10",      "partitionColumn" -> “KeyColumn"    )  )  .load()

The last four arguments in that map are there for the purpose of getting a partitioned dataset.  If you pass any of them, you have to pass all of them.

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Lesson #6 – Creating a partitioned JDBC dataframe is not very intuitive.When you pass these additional arguments in, here’s what it does:

It builds a SQL statement template in the format “SELECT * FROM {tableName} WHERE {partitionColumn} >= ? AND {partitionColumn} < ?”

It sends {numPartitions} statements to the DB engine.  If you suppled these values: {dbTable=ExampleTable, lowerBound=1, upperBound=10,000, numPartitions=10, partitionColumn=KeyColumn}, it would create these ten statements:

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 1 AND KeyColumn < 1001

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 1001 AND KeyColumn < 2000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 2001 AND KeyColumn < 3000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 3001 AND KeyColumn < 4000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 4001 AND KeyColumn < 5000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 5001 AND KeyColumn < 6000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 6001 AND KeyColumn < 7000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 7001 AND KeyColumn < 8000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 8001 AND KeyColumn < 9000

SELECT * FROM ExampleTable WHERE KeyColumn >= 9001 AND KeyColumn < 10000

And then it would put the results of each of those queries in its own partition in Spark.© DataStax, All Rights Reserved. 26

Lesson #7 – JDBC *really* wants you to get your partitioned dataframe using a sequential ID column.In our Oracle database, we don’t have sequential integer ID columns.

We tried to get around that by doing a query like this and passing “ROW_NUMBER” as the partitioning column:SELECT ST.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID_FIELD ASC) AS ROW_NUMBER FROM SourceTable STWHERE …my criteriaORDER BY ID_FIELDBut, this didn’t perform well.

We ended up creating a processing table:


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Lesson #7 – JDBC *really* wants you to get your partitioned dataframe using a sequential ID column.We insert into this table first:INSERT INTO SPARK_ETL_BATCH_SEQUENCE ( BATCH_ID, ID_FIELD ) //SEQ_ID gets auto-populatedSELECT {NextBatchID}, ID_FIELDFROM SourceTable STWHERE …my criteriaORDER BY ID_FIELD

Then, we join to it in the query where we get our data which provides us with a sequential ID:SELECT ST.*, SEQ.SEQ_IDFROM SourceTable STINNER JOIN SPARK_ETL_BATCH_SEQUENCE SEQ ON ST.ID_FIELD = SEQ.ID_FIELDWHERE …my criteriaORDER BY ID_FIELDAnd, we use SEQ_ID as our Partitioning Column.Despite its need to talk to Oracle twice, this approach has proven to perform much faster than having uneven partitions.

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Spark• Books

• Learning Spark

Scala (Knowing Scala with really help you progress in Spark)• Functional Programming Principles in Scala (videos)• Books

Spark and Cassandra• DataStax Academy• Self-paced course: DS320: DataStax Enterprise Analytics with Apache Spark – Really Good!• Tutorials

• Spark Cassandra Connector website – lots of good examples