Updated swurf pamphlet

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Updated swurf pamphlet

Tulane  University  SWURF

SWURF  Beginnings  SWURF  is  a  new  student  organiza4on,  founded  in  2014.  Tulane  School  of  Social  Work  (TSSW)  students  iden4fied  a  need  for  advocacy  around  reproduc4ve  rights  and  jus4ce  issues  in  our  community.  As  future  social  workers,  we  saw  a  need  and  calling  to  uphold  the  Na4onal  Associa4on  of  Social  Worker’s  (NASW)  code  of  ethics  to  support  every  individual’s  right  to  self-­‐determina4on,  dignity  and  respect  regardless  of  race,  ethnicity,  social  status,  class,  gender,  sexual  orienta4on  or  any  other  defining  factor.  

SWURF members with our TSSW Dean supporting Planned Parenthood of the Gulf

Coast (PPGC) at a fundraiser for the construction of their new clinic in New Orleans.

127  Elk  Place  New  Orleans,  Louisiana    

Email:  swurf.tu@gmail.com  

TwiUer:  @TulaneSWURF    

Facebook  Page:  Social  Work  Students  United  for  Reproduc4ve  Freedom  

Link:  www.facebook.com/TulaneSWURF  

Social  Work  Students  United  

for  Reproductive  Freedom


We  aim  to  engage  our  community  through  suppor4ve  educa4on,  training  programs,  fundraising  and  public  policy  ini4a4ves  to  facilitate  every  individual  having  the  right,  ability  and  access  to  make  personal  decisions  about  a  full  range  of  reproduc4ve  services  and  choices.  


A  community  where  every  individual  is  free  and  able  to  access  reproduc4ve  care  and  has  the  self-­‐determina4on  to  make  their  own  reproduc4ve  choices  regardless  of  race,  ethnicity,  social  status,  class,  gender,  sexual  orienta4on  or  any  other  defining  factor.    

SWURF members presenting donations raised for the NO/AIDS Food-bank.

TSSW  SWURF  Logic  Model  

Inputs Outputs: Activities

Outputs: Participation

Assumptions Impact


2 Fundraisers for NOAF, Donation drives for NO/AIDS, WWAV, and University Hospital’s SAFE Center.

$1,200 and $840 raised, 4 boxes of supplies delivered to each NO/AIDS, WWAV and University Hospital’s Sexual assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Center.

Financial costs of healthcare are barriers to access. Community agencies are in need of donated supplies for clients.

Increased access to healthcare in the GNO community. Increased resources available for agencies and clients.



SWURF member presence and collaboration with: LCRF NOAF SART PPGC.

SWURF Members: Attended and served on e-board of LCRF; Hosted NOAF training; Attend SART meetings and serve on prevention committee; Attended and provided support and input to 2 fundraisers, Lobby Day in Baton Rouge, participated in Generation Action in Washington DC for PPGC.

Increased SWURF presence and collaboration with reproductive justice organizations in the community can assist in uniting and initiating communication between agencies with similar missions.

Increased cohesiveness, communication and productivity of the Reproductive Justice community in GNO.


Create and distribute reproductive justice zine.

50 prints distributed to needed areas.

Education about sexual health changes behaviors.

Decrease in risky behaviors and increase use of prevention methods in focus population.

Host reproductive justice speaker and development webinar for graduate students in health and related programs.

10 attendees at webinar;100 expected attendees at educational speaker.

Education and training about reproductive justice issues will improve graduate students.

Increased education, communication and productivity of the Reproductive Justice community in GNO.

Community Networks

Create Facebook and twitter sites for SWURF.

270+ Facebook followers; expected 100 Twitter followers within 3 months of initiation.

Increased online presence will enhance community awareness of SWURF and causes.

Increased awareness and action for SWURF events and on RJ issues.