University of Cincinnati Quiz Club_Weekly quiz_Arun_feb 24

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Transcript of University of Cincinnati Quiz Club_Weekly quiz_Arun_feb 24

The Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V QuizBlatantly copied from many slideshare presentations and the ever reliable Internet

Presented by Arunkumar MuthusamyUC Quiz ClubWeekly Meeting_ Feb 24, 2015

• Although many use X and Y interchangeably, they aren’t the same.

• Xs have rigid metal skeletons, making them suitable for longer trips in a wider variety of weather conditions (which also makes them expensive). Ys, on the other hand, are simply shaped ______ with fins and an engine. The name Y dates back to 1916 and mimics the sound made when the ______ is thumped with a finger.

• Give me X and Y.

• X- Zeppelin

• Y- Blimp

• His full name is X Horrendous Haddock the Third, the Hope and Heir to the Tribe of the Hairy Hooligans. He is the son of the Chief, thus making him heir to the tribe.

• In the first film he is 14 years old, in the series he is 15 years old and 20 in the second film.

• Identify X.


• Some fruit flies were found to develop without a heart, due to the absence of a certain master gene.

• What nickname has this gene been given?

• Tin Man

• Charles Barbier was a Colonel in the French Army. He invented a system called Ecriture Nocturne to help soldiers communicate under certain conditions, supposedly on Napoleon’s demand. However, it was later rejected by soldiers as being too complex.

• Later, Barbier demonstrated his system at an institution in Paris. One of the people associated with this institution modified Barbier’s method, to come up with something still used today. Who, or what?

• Louis Braille/The Braille system

• Barbier’s system was designed to help soldiers communicate (without making noise) at night, when there wasn’t enough light to read

• Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the cylindrical building, wider at the top than at the bottom was conceived as a “temple of the spirit”. It moved into these premises in 1959, and is considered to be a landmark work of 20th century architecture. If no one is buzzing, image on the next slide.

• The Guggenheim Museum, New York City


• It is a small deciduous tree or shrub reaching a height of 5–12 metres, usually with thorny branches. The leaves are shiny-green, ovate-acute, 2–7 centimetres wide and 1–3 centimetres broad, with three conspicuous veins at the base, and a finely toothed margin. The flowers are small, 5 millimetres wide, with five inconspicuous yellowish-green petals. The fruit is an edible oval drupe 1.5–3 centimetres deep; when immature it is smooth-green, with the consistency and taste of an apple, maturing brown to purplish-black and eventually wrinkled, looking like a small date. There is a single hard stone similar to an olive stone. It is called zinzell in Malta. In Vietnamese, the fruit is called "táo tàu," which translates to "Chinese apple". In Urdu it is called "Unnab".In Italian it is called "Giuggole".

• This fruit shares its name with a confectionery and is often mentioned by the one and only Superstar of Indian cinema. What is the fruit commonly called in English?

• Jujube

• A/An ________ number is a prime number that results in a different prime when its digits are reversed.

• The smallest ________ number is 13.

• Fill in the blank.

• Emirp

• This was invented by Søren Sørensen, when he was the head of the Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen.

• This came about due to the tedious work of having to monitor a particular aspect of Beer, to maintain good quality, which was made much easier thanks to him.

• What?

• The pH scale.


These TVC's have been designed by Bubblewrapfilms.

This football team took the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp by storm, with a particularly muscular and aggressive style of play, blessed with a nobility of intent and execution. They ultimately ended up winning silver in the tournament.

1. Which country?

2. What was the name given to the style of play, which became a cornerstone of the country’s future successes?

1. Spain

2. La Furia

• In April 2003, Paula Radcliffe set a World Record by clocking 2:15:25 in the London Marathon.

In 2011, the IAAF decided that this mark would no longer be classed as the World Record and decided that her 02:17:42 from the 2005 London would be considered the World Record instead.

• However, after vehement protests they let the 2003 mark stay as the World Record. On what grounds did the IAAF originally discount Radcliffe’s record?

• She set the record in a “mixed” race with men. The IAAF felt that the presence of male pacemakers lead to a faster time being set.

Radcliffe’s record stands but there’s considerable debate on how to classify these races.

• Kryptonite

• All of these are prefixed to a single word Y to specify the different types of Y.

• Green, red, anti-, X-, blue, white, red-green, gold, silver, jewel, red-green-blue-gold, bizarrored, red-gold, magno-, slow, black, orange, pink, periwinkle.

• Give me Y.

*What was the occasion?

Before the world cup opener between Australia and England will meet at the MCG.

When Japan suffered from the earthquake compounded by a tsunami in 2011, it resulted in the Fukushima plant going off the grid, leading to blackouts in Tokyo which is in the East. However, it could not import electricity from the West as Japan does not have a national grid.

This is a legacy of the 1800s when electricity started its growth in Japan. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) which started in 1883 got its Alternating Current generators from the Germany company X, which produced electricity at Europe’s 50 Hz whereas the Osaka Electric Light Company bought AC generators from the American company Y which produced electricity at USA’s 60 Hz. Thus Eastern Japan operates with 50 Hz and Western Japan with 60 Hz.

What are the two companies X and Y that led to this unique situation?

X – AEG; Y - GE

Only movies which have won the major five Academy Awards (Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, and Screenplay).


A farmer traps the devil each time the devil tries to make him his slave. Each time the devil promised the farmer all the comforts in life, if he agreed to be his slave after 7 years.

• Each time the devil returned, the farmer traps the devil with a trick, till the devil again promised him 7 years of comforts. After this happened for the 3rd time, the devil begged him to release him on the condition that he would provide a life of luxury.

• Now, after this farmer died, the doors of heaven were closed to him as he had lived his entire life off the devil. When he turned to hell, the devil gave a howl of terror and barred the door. As the farmer was in darkness, the devil contemptuously throws him a lamp.

• Halloween

• Jack ‘O Lantern

In the sport of hot air ballooning, why is it a common tradition for balloonists carry a bottle of champagne with them?

Legend has it that early French aeronauts carried champagne to appease angry or frightened spectators at the landing site.

So as this tradition continued, people carry a bottle of champagne and toast on landing

• Jackson Haines is widely considered to be the father of modern figure skating. Previous to him, figure skating was performed in the "English style", which was rigid and formal. Haines' style was a complete contrast to the English style; he used his ballet background to create graceful programs.

• There were two major innovations that he is credited with :-

1. One that improved the aesthetics and increased the ‘Performance value’

2. The other was to do with the equipment that was used, which resulted in increased stability and provided scope for more athletic leaps

• What were the innovations?

1. Introduced accompanying music

2. Screwed his figure skates directly onto his boots. Typical practice before was to strap the blades on to the boot

*The following infographic is a graph depicting

the size of certain software/OS/websites, in millions of lines of code.

What is the last and biggest project, in the news in 2013 for its size, unreliability and immense cost?

• Designed and patented in 1834 by Joseph ________, an architect from Yorkshire, it was made with a low centre of gravity, and was known for its speed and ease of pulling.

• They became extremely popular in New York towards the end of the 19th century.

• However, their use declined in the 1920s, and the last license to own it was relinquished in 1947.

• A surviving one is operated currently by the ________ ________ Museum, and one is on display at the Remington museum.

• Hansom

• Sherlock Holmes

Martha L. Ruiz, along with Brian Cullinan, will oversee the tabulation of the votes and will be the only two people in the world who know the identity of the Oscar winners before the Oscars live telecast.Which Big 4 audit firm do they work for, now in its 81st consecutive year of its role of preserving the secrecy of Oscars winners?

Pricewaterhouse Coopers


In the Épée variant of fencing, the minimum pressure required to score a touch is set at 750 gram weight. Why this specific level?

Set at the minimum pressure required to break skin to draw blood.

The dueling sword developed in the 19th century when, under pressure from the authorities, duels were more frequently fought until "first blood" only, instead of to the death

*Ad for?

*The use that these two phrases have in the present day take their origins from bookkeeping in accounting. In keeping the accounts, two different pens were used with one being used for keeping accounts on the Debit side and the other for the Credit side.As double entry bookkeeping had two entries, it meant that it was easier to know what shape the accounts were in when the entries were closed, and the use of separate pens also denoted that.

Although the practise in bookkeeping is not widely followed these days, the two phrases still carry over into modern parlance. Which two phrases?

In the black/In the red for a company running at a profit or

loss respectively

GestiFute is a Portuguese company that began operations in 1996. The main business lay in advising and facilitating trade in certain products to companies. However, its activities were found to be illegal by an international body which cited a conflict of interest as the point of illegality. Thus, GestiFute’s holdings are now illegal, but it still provides advisory services.

What is the ‘product’ that was deemed unlawful?

Football players; GestiFute is Jorge Mendes’ company that held third-party ownership rights

over some football players.