Unit4 are there any windows in the dining room_word bank

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Unit4 are there any windows in the dining room_word bank

Unit 4 Are there any windows in the dining

room?Word bank 生字大補帖

•couch / sofa 沙發

•All he ever does is watch TV. He's a real couch potato.

•coffee table (客廳沙發前的)矮桌

•rocking chair 搖椅

•armchair 扶手椅

•carpet 地毯


•remote control遙控器

•electric fan電風扇

•Video/DVD/CD/MP3 player錄映帶 /DVD/CD/MP3 播放器

•air conditioner 冷氣機


•lamp 檯燈

•cabinet 儲藏櫃


•microwave oven微波爐

•dishwasher 洗碗機

•oven 烤箱