Unit 3: Community Life Week 1 Day 2. Activate Prior Knowledge Why might people like a community and...

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Transcript of Unit 3: Community Life Week 1 Day 2. Activate Prior Knowledge Why might people like a community and...

Unit 3: Community Life Week 1 Day 2

Activate Prior Knowledge

Why might people like a community and want to move there?

What things does a community need to have?

How does a community change when more people move there?

Reinforce Theme Vocabulary

resources – things that can be sold or used to make other things

population – the number of people living in a place

need- to have to have something

Ask and Answer Questions- Readers can ask and answer questions

before, during, and after reading.

O You can ask questions if you are confused, to find information, or to deepen your understanding of a text.

O Sometimes you’ll find answers by rereading or reading on, and other times you’ll have to think on your own.


Ask and Answer Questions

O Refer to page 6-7 of A Community Like Mine

Questions Answers• Is the water in the photo

on page 6 a lake or an ocean?

• an ocean

• Why do towns start by the ocean?

• can fish in the water• can get there by boat

Read aloud page 10 and record.

• •

Prepare to Read

How are small towns and large cities alike and different?

What do you predict will happen in Chapter 2 of A Community Like Mine?

Read pages 12-17

Word Study Contractions * made with two words put together * a shorter way of saying a word * drop one letter or letters from the

second word and place a punctuation mark called an apostrophe where the letter (s) used to

be * the words in each column have the same


Contractions2 words 1 word with


you are you’reI am I’mthey had they’dwe have we’vethey areshe hadyou have

High Frequency Words: doesn’t, don’t

Decodable Reader #11: “A Pig for a Pet”

Fluency: “This Is the Place!” (Phrasing)

Practice Page 146

WritingCharacteristics of a Good Biography: Tells about the important events and experiences in

another person’s life.

Usually is about a person who is famous or has done

something special.

Tells why this person and these events are important.

Tells events in the order in which they happened.

Written in the third person, uses the pronoun he or


Reread Pierre L’Enfant (Writing Models Chart p. 16) 

Possible Topics for a Biography

Have students use a T-Chart (RM 14) to create a list of possible topics. Choose one that interests them and begin research using a sequence chart (RM 27).

Famous Women

Famous Men

Harriet Tubman Abraham Lincoln *

Amelia Earhart Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martha Washington Alexander Graham Bell

Gather InformationEarly LifeBorn in a log cabin in 1809; loved to readBecame a mill worker, a postmaster, and a lawyer

1860Became the 16th President of the United States

1861-1863The Civil War started in 1861 partly because Lincoln wanted to end slaveryThe southern states disagreed with ending slavery and wanted to break awayLincoln ended slavery in 1863

1865Civil War endedLincoln kept the country togetherHe was killed by an assassin