Unit 2 Where the Sun Always Rises. Part I Listening & Speaking Activities 1 Brainstorming Work with...

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Transcript of Unit 2 Where the Sun Always Rises. Part I Listening & Speaking Activities 1 Brainstorming Work with...

Unit 2 Where the Sun Always Rises

Part I Listening & Speaking Activities 1 Brainstorming Work with your group to think out as many

words/expressions as possible about country life and the changes. Write them down in the blanks below.

1 Brainstorming

1 Expressions of natural phenomena: Dawn, sunrise, twilight, sunset, moonlit,

mist, fog, rain, snow, storm, hail, flowering, budding

1 Brainstorming

2 Expressions of flowers: Lily, rose, tulip, gardenia, daisy, daffodil,

chrysanthemum, poinsettia, violet, sunflower, cactus

1 Brainstorming

3 Expressions of trees: Pine, willow, poplar, fir, plane tree,

magnolia, redwood

1 Brainstorming

4 Expressions of countryside animals/insects:

Sheep, pig, buffalo, cow, bull, deer, goat, lizard, cicada, butterfly, dragonfly, frog, tadpole, ant, bee, termite, wasp, mosquito, fly, beetle, cricket, grasshopper

1 Brainstorming

5 Verbs for talking about the countryside/changes (of life):

(The tress/flowers) blossom in April, (Morning) awakens at the crack of the day, (The leaves) decay in winter, (The little pond) sparkles in the sun, (Early morning mist) disappears with the sunrise,

(The wind) wanes/dies away, (The storm) subsides, (The flood water) recedes, (The garden) thrives after rain, (Changes) bring new life into the village; (Old occupations) die/disappear/are replaced by …, (New entertainment) comes into being, (Village life) declines/is gone forever, (Automobiles/Machinery) sweep(s) away…

Part I Listening & Speaking Activities 2 The woman on the hilltop 3 Changes in the countryside

Part I Listening & Speaking Activities 4 Pick your favorite 5 Look at the other side of the picture

Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities Pre-reading Task 1 Which of the following views do you

appreciate most? Can you tell your partner when you visited the place and how it impressed you? Or name your own favorite sights such as: sea, lake, river, temples, desert.

2 What factors, in your opinion, contribute most to one’s appreciation of natural beauty? (Age, mood, education, etc.)

Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities Main idea

Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities Notes: 1 screen (4) frame with fine wire netting (w

indow screen, door screen) to keep out flies, mosquitoes, etc.

纱窗 , 纱门 ( 用以挡苍蝇 , 蚊虫等 )

2 crest (4) n. (1) 鸟冠,鸡冠; (2)( 头盔上的 ) 羽饰,翎毛; (3) 山顶,顶峰; (4) 信纸上的纹章 , 饰章

--on the crest of a wave, (fig) at the most favorable moment of one’s fortunes( 喻 ) 在某人最得意的时刻

--v. reach, form into a crest of a hill/wave达到 ( 山 , 浪 ) 之顶 ; 形成顶

3 silhouette(8)n. 影子 , 剪影 ; 使显出黑色的影像 -- vt. 通常用被动语态现出…之轮廓

4 dock(4)n.(1) 码头 , 船坞 ;(2)( 法庭中的 )被告席 , 犯人栏 ;(3) 使船靠码头 ;(4)( 宇宙飞行器 ) 在外层空间对接

5 skim(4)v.(1) 从液体表面撇去 ;(2) 略读 ,快读 ;(3) 擦过 , 滑过

6 streak(4)n.(1) 条纹,纹理; (2) (性格上不太好的)特质,性情; v.(1) 在…上加条纹 ;(2)( 口 ) 疾动 , 飞跑 .

7 fray(8)v.(1) 磨损 ;(2) 使变得令人紧张 ( 急噪 ).n. 打斗 , 争吵 .

8 eagle(4) 鹰 , 雕 --eagle-eyed 目光锐利的 eaglet 小鹰

9 linger(4)v. 逗留 , 徘徊 Linger on after everyone else has left Linger about/around 徘徊 The custom lingers on. 该风俗历久犹存 .( 但不若

往昔之盛行 ) Lingering adj. 拖久的 , 延长的 A lingering illness 缠绵的疾病 A lingering look 恋恋不舍的表情

10 awake (awoke,awoken/awoked)(1)=wake (2)awake to 觉悟,领会 He awoke to his opportunities. 他察觉到他的机会。 He awoke to find himself famous. 他一觉醒来发

现自己已成名。 Awake, pred.adj. 醒着的 Is he awake or asleep?

Awake to 知晓,觉察 Be awake to what is going on/to a danger Awaken vt.(1)=awake 的比喻用法 (2)awake sb to sth 使某人知道;唤起某人 Awake sb to a sense of his responsibility/to a se

nse of shame 唤起某人的责任感(羞耻之心) A rude awakening 猛然觉悟

1 Comprehension work A. Probe the story

The log steps:

The place where they camp:

The location where they see the sunrise:

Unchanged, 49 dew covered log steps to the lake

Unchanged; the old log cabin

Unchanged; at the lake shore

The road to the lake:

The time and the weather:

The thing children use to keep warm

Unchanged; slippery rocks covered with prickly pine needles

Unchanged; early morning and cold

The old World War II army blanket remains unchanged, but they are frayed, which indicates the passage of time

The view of the sunrise:

The kind of wild birds seen on the lake:

Unchanged; glorious and awesome

Almost the same; first sunrise—blue herons, a loon, ducks; second sunrise—a blue heron, a loon and an eagle

The children’s reaction to the view:

Unchanged; fascinated by the breathtaking view of the sunrise despite their reluctance to leave their warm beds

The writer: Changed; from a 14-year old to a mother of adolescent sons, showing more appreciation and even overcome by awe at the sight of the beauty of the sunrise

The writer’s mother: Changed, from a mother to a grandmother, but her fascination with the beauty of nature isn’t waning, instead, it has become all the more intense

2. reluctant to leavedeep love and great admiration for natural beautygrowing older only intensifies such love

3. nature and life have remained almost the same as when she was a young girlthe eternity of nature and of natural beauty

4. first, the historical moment is brought back into the “assumed present” so that readers may feel as if the scenes being described were right in front of them; second, this may suggest a truth that beauty is eternal.

5. This is an open-ended question which should encourage you to talk about your own understanding. But basically, the writer seems to be expressing the everlasting charm of the sunrise at the peaceful and tranquil(4) lakeside regardless of the elapse of time.(people grow up and get old)

2 Read more Tally 帐目 , 积分 ; 符合,(完全)吻合 England’s tally at the moment is 15 points. 英格兰队目前的积分是 15 分 . If the figure don’t quite tally you might be missing

an invoice. 如果数目不完全吻合 , 可能是你遗漏了一张发票 .

Your account of the accident doesn’t tally with the facts. 你对这次事故的描述与事实不完全一致 .

1. The Common Stream refers to the merger of village life and town life. In other words, the difference between village life and town life are less and less distinguishable. This is what the author means by “the village is not dead…(but) the village life is dead.”

2. According to the author, the following factors have “swept away” village life: 1944 Education Act and subsequent legislation; the Social Security plan; town and country planning; paid holidays; higher wages; cheaper travel; television and a host of electrical gadgets, etc…

5 Translation 1. The rescue team set off at the first light

of day in search of the missing child. 2. Although the goalkeeper tried his best,

he missed catching the ball. 3. The news was so unexpected that she

caught her breath in surprise.

4. Seeing the footballer make/kick/score a goal, the spectators bursts into thunderous applause.

5. Who do you think you are? You’re the last person I would like to talk to about this matter!

6. The girl fixed her eyes intently on the telephone when she was waiting for her boyfriend’s call.

7. When the boy fell off his little bike, the father encouraged him to make another effort.