Understanding LocalGov

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Transcript of Understanding LocalGov

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    Bringing Knowledge to

    State and Local Government Program

    Bringing Knowledge to


    Local Governmentin Michigan

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Local Government in Michigan

    Program will help you:

    Learn more about the development oflocal government in Michigan

    Understand how local governmentsoperate and the services they provide

    Explore the ways that you can be moreactively involved.

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    What is Local Government?

    Uses tax revenues

    Has own governing body (usually elected)

    What do local governments do for YOU?

    Provide a wide range ofprograms andservices

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    What does local government do for you?

    Where would you go to

    Have your name changed

    Get a birth certificate or marriage license

    Obtain a building permit

    Deal with a sewer or drainage problem

    Get an immunization

    Register to vote

    Obtain records of property ownership

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    This session will examine

    History and structure of local governmentin Michigan

    Focus on county government, then,townships, villages and cities

    Brief overview of how local government isfunded.

    Exploring the paths for citizen involvement

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    Bringing Knowledge to

    State and Local Government Program

    Bringing Knowledge to

    History and structure of local

    government in Michigan

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigan Has 8

    Type Quantity

    Townships 1,242

    Villages 261

    Cities 272Counties 83

    School districts 556

    Int. school districts 57

    Community colleges 29

    Special authorities unknown

    Total 2500+






    Types of Local


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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    * Boundaries may cross city, township and village lines

    ** Boundaries are within the township

    *** Boundaries may include more than one county

    Local GovernmentsOverlapping Boundaries


    School Dist.*


    Intermediate SchoolDist.***


  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigans Local Government Heritage

    Northwest Ordinance (1787), and then thestates four constitutions, establishedframework for local government.

    Large number of local governments (13thamong the 50 states)

    Strong sense of local control

    Strong emphasis on role of governmentand education

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    U.S. Congress Shaped MichiganLocal Government

    Land Ordinance of 1785

    Established rectangular grid survey

    Townships were 6 miles x 6 miles

    Reserved Section 16 lands for public education

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    State intention to divide territory into 3-5 states(Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan)

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Guaranteed rights for settlers:

    Habeas corpus

    Due process

    Religious freedom

    Prohibited slavery in the territory Guaranteed statehood when there were 60,000


    Ad valorem taxes to be used to finance local


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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigan Becomes a State--1837

    1834 census counted 84,000 in lowerpeninsula

    First state constitution ratified in 1835

    Statehood delayed until 1837 because ofboundary dispute with Ohio.

    Final agreement: Toledo for Ohio, U.P. for


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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Three patterns for local governments in1837

    New England Plan Compact settlements; town/township was basic unit

    County served basic judicial function

    Virginia Plan

    Scattered settlements; land granted to individuals county was principle unit, no townships

    Most officials appointed

    New York Plan Western N.Y. settled by New Englanders, thus, strong

    township influence; however, counties became stronger

    As local government evolved in Michigan, counties andtownships shared powers.

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Local Government Powers

    Granted existence by state constitution

    Political subdivisions of the states

    No inherent right to existence

    Power of local governments rests largelywith provisions, interpretations of stateconstitutions.

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Two Sides of the Argument

    of Local vs. state control





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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Home Rule Concept

    Most forcefully argued by Thomas Cooley (MI SupremeCourt) in late 1800s

    Grants discretionary authority to local governments overlocal affairs

    Local government is a matter of absolute right to citizens,cannot be taken away by state

    C t f th St t (N

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Creatures of the State (No

    Home Rule)

    Dillions Rule (Iowa Supreme Court)

    Local governments possess no inherentsovereignty unless expressly implied bystate law

    Local governments owe their veryexistence to the state

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Trenton v. New Jersey 1923 (U.S.Supreme Court)

    In the absence of state constitutional provisionssafeguarding it to them, municipalities have noinherent right of self-government which is

    beyond the legislative control of the state. 1Amunicipality is merely a department of the state,and the state may withhold, grant or withdrawpowers and privileges as it sees fit. However

    great or small its sphere of action, it remains thecreature of the state exercising and holdingpowers and privileges subject to the sovereignwill.

    A i th D f

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Assessing the Degree of

    Home Rule

    Degree of Discretionary Authority

    Immunity from state mandates/legislation

    Court interpretation of local government

    authority also called liberal construction

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Local Control

    Local control is constantly evolving Subject to legislative agenda, courts

    Locals have power to act unless prohibited bylegislature, constitution

    Legislature has provided: Examples: home rule authority; planning and zoning


    State has also removed powers: Examples: employee residency requirements; Right to

    Farm legislation

    D f Di ti

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Degree of Discretionary

    Authority over:

    Structure and organization; How willyou operate?

    Function: What will you do?

    Fiscal: How will you raise spend andborrow money

    Personnel: Number, type and conditionof employees

    Mi hi H R l &

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigan Home Rule &


    In general, Michigan home rule is not as strong as itwould first appear

    Constitutional provisions for home rule do not identifyschool districts

    Statues must be passed to implement constitutionalprovisions

    Legislature shall pass no special or local in any case

    where a general act can be made applicable

    State is prohibited from requiring any new or expandedactivities by local governments without full state financing

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    1835 Constitution Individual liberties; self-government State and local court system Elected county officials

    1850 Constitution Established Board of Supervisors 1908 Constitution

    Citizens given more role in government

    Home rules for cities 1963 Constitution Provided option for county charters Better defined relationships between levels of


    Local Government andthe State Constitutions

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    Bringing Knowledge to

    State and Local Government Program

    Bringing Knowledge to

    Focus on county government,townships, villages and cities

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Grand Design of Local Govt

    Counties would serve as outposts ofstate government agent of the state

    Cities would provide for the urbanpopulation

    Townships provide basic services forrural residents (assessing, collectingtaxes and conducting elections

    Villages serve as transition governmentfrom rural township to an urban center.

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension


    Largest political subdivision of the state

    Began in Wayne County in 1796

    38 counties established when Michiganbecame a state in 1837

    Dickinson (1891)--last of the now 83counties

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigans 83 Counties


    Population:Keweenaw 2,300

    Wayne 2,061,162

    1,828 sq. miles


    316 sq. miles

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigan County Government

    Formed to centralize administrative functions ofstate government and to address needs of

    citizens. Responsibilities have remained much

    the same through the years. Equalization of taxes

    Election oversight

    Records of persons and property


    Roads Care of rural lands and populations

    Provision of health and social services

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    County Government--Other States

    County governmentall but 3 states(Connecticut, Hawaii, Rhode Island)

    Terminology different in some states:

    Boroughs in Alaska Parishes in Louisiana

    Commissioners are called: freeholders in New Jersey,supervisors in California, police jurors in Louisiana

    and judges in several southern states

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Michigan County Government

    Powers conferred by the state Must be directly authorized by constitution or


    Must be related to county affairs Must not interfere in local affairs

    Must be consistent with state law

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    County Board of Commissioners

    Originally Michigan had a Board ofSupervisors(representing each township and city)

    1967 U.S. Supreme Court ruling (Avery vs.Midland TX) brought one person one vote tolocal government

    Board of Supervisors became Board of

    Commissioners in 1968

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    County Boards

    County boards can change size after census;currently 699 commissioners in state 18.7 percent are female

    Average age is 55.1 years

    64.7% Republican

    Size of board depends on population--rangesfrom5-26

    Urban counties have as many as 80,000constituents per commissioner; rural have as few as445.

    Commissioners serve two-year terms Partisan elections held in even years

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Functions of the County Board

    Legislation (resolutions and ordinances)consistent with grant of authority


    Establish compensation for employees

    Make appointments to county positions

    Provide constituent services

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Elected County Officials

    Constitution specifies 4 or 5 electedadministrative officials Sheriff, Clerk*, Register of Deeds*, Treasurer,

    Prosecuting Attorney Elected for 4-year terms

    Partisan races in gubernatorial elections

    Optional elected administrative positions Drain Commissioner, Members of Road

    Commission, Surveyor, Mine Inspector

    *These two offices can be combined.

    Oth R ibiliti f

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Other Responsibilities ofCounty Government

    Public Health Mental HealthAnimal Control MSU Extension

    Fair Board Social Services

    Veterans Affairs Senior Services

    Friend of the Court Economic Development

    Planning/Zoning Hospital

    Emergency Medical


    Emergency Preparedness

    Parks Public Works

    Circuit, Probate, DistrictCourts

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    County Administration

    County elected officials carry out administrative functions(no central administration)18

    With growing populations and increasing complexity ofissues, more counties have created administrative

    positions: Elected Executive3



    Administrator29 Director of Finance--2


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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Functions of County Administration

    Separates policymaking fromadministration

    Centralizes administrative functions in

    single person/office Budget development, monitoring

    Leadership for county staff

    Personnel and labor relations

    Purchasing Buildings and grounds

    Other duties depending on position

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Township Government in Michigan

    20 states with township government

    Townships originally 36 square miles; now rangefrom 4 square miles to 600

    1242 townships Jurisdiction of almost 95% of total land

    Almost half of states population live in a

    township Population range: 10-95,000

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Township History

    1787: Northwest Territory divided the land into

    36-mile squares called townships(section 16

    set aside for schools)

    1827: Townships were made governmental


    1947: Charter Township Act provided option

    for townships to increase tax revenues andprovide more services

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Two Forms of Townships

    State law provides for eithergeneral laworchartertownships

    Organization of government is same

    Different ability to levy taxes; chartertownships can levy 5 more mills and anadditional 5 with vote of people

    Units choose which option works for them;

    can adopt charter if population is over 2000 Charter townships do not actually adopt a


    Two Methods of Achieving Charter

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Two Methods of Achieving CharterStatus for Townships

    Vote of registered electors or TownshipBoard Resolution

    If by Election:

    5 charter mills, voters may increase the limit to10 mills

    If by Resolution:

    Levy only the amount currently authorized,voters may increase to 5 mills

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension


    Responsible for all aspects of local government Health, safety, welfare

    Fire protection

    Traffic safety

    Land use and zoning Subdivision controls

    Licensing of businesses

    Administer elections

    Assess property and collect taxes May also provide public water and sewers, libraries, etc.

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Leadership for Townships

    Township governing structure specified in

    constitution; officials elected for four-year

    terms on partisan ballot in the presidential

    election year:





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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Township Legislative Body

    General Law 5 person board allelected, may hire a townshipadministrator

    Charter Township 7 person board, hiretownship manager or superintendent

    Board appoints individuals to variousboards and commissions

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Village Government

    Historically formed when greater population density within atownship leads to the need for more services

    Licensing and regulation

    Establishment of own water supply, sewerage

    Controlling and maintaining own streets, roads

    Villages remain part of township Residents vote in village and township elections

    Subject to both village and township taxes

    Presently--261 villages with populations ranging from 130 - 10,000

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Village History

    Before 1895special charters passed bylegislature

    1895 General Law Village Actincorporated everyexisting village

    1909 Home Rule Village Act

    Mandated by 1908 Constitution

    Permitted existing villages to adopt charter (presently

    about 50 in 2005)

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Village Leadership

    Village officials elected in partisanelections for 2-4 year terms; 2nd Monday inMarch

    General Law villages elect: president,clerk, treasurer and 6 trustees

    Home Rule villages elect president, clerk

    and a legislative body; others as needed

    Vill G t

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Village Government--Types of Responsibilities


    Street lighting and pavement


    Local water supply

    Care of cemeteries

    Building regulations

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    City Government

    272 cities; populations range from 500 900,000

    Formed when community becomes moredensely populated; residents decide tobecome a city in order to provide a full

    array of municipal services

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Prior to Home Rule City Act

    Cities incorporated by special acts of thelegislature, therefore the act organizingthe city became the basic law for the city,

    any modification required legislative action

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Home Rule Act 1909 (I)

    Constitution of 1908 mandated that thelegislature pass such a law Legislature shall provide for by general law

    the incorporation of cities and villages Law shall limit their taxation, borrowing and

    contracting debts powers.

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Home Rule Act 1909 (II)

    General Law shall further provide thatelectors of each city and village mayframe, adopt, and amend its charter, and

    amend its existing charter granted by thelegislature

    Empowered cities and villages to passlaws and ordinances relating to its

    municipal concerns subject to theconstitution and general laws of the state.

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    City Government

    Cities have flexibility in structure, taxingpowers, writing ordinances

    Cities carry on same type of business as

    townships/villagesusually on largerscale; responsible for:

    Assessing property

    Collecting taxes Conducting elections

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    City Government

    All cities in Michigan are Home Rule Citiesbut arrived at their status through twoavenues:

    Home Rule City Act or Fourth Class Cities Act (1980)

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Leadership for City Government

    Each city charter determines form of government;options: Council-manager

    Strong mayor-council

    Weak mayor-council Charter establishes election process for city officials

    Election dates (April or November of odd years)

    Usually four-year terms

    Usually non-partisan Positions: council members, and, depending on charter,mayor, clerk and treasurer

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Types of City Services








    Fire protection

    Water supply


    Trash removal

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension


    Special purpose governments defined by statelaw; constitution permits these and othercooperative agreements

    Provide services requiring large capital

    expenditures Mass transportation

    Recreational facilities

    Wastewater treatment

    Facilitate long term investments Airports Ports

    Public utilities

  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov


    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Intergovernmental Cooperation

    State constitution gives: Local governments ability to enter into agreements with other political units

    Legislature power to create metropolitan authorities

    Local governments ability to cooperate in execution of any functions orpowers which they could perform separately.

    Examples: Language in planning and zoning acts allowing for cooperative study

    Joint agreements on recreational facilities, police and fire services, contractsbetween municipal corporations, etc.

    Regional planning commissions

    How Do We Pay

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    How Do We PayFor Local Government?

    Property tax

    Special Assessment

    Revenues from the state

    Federal monies

    Other fees, permits, grants, etc.

    Option for citiesincome tax

    Property Tax

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Property TaxBasic Facts

    Started with Northwest Ordinance Used for cities, counties, townships, schools,

    villages, authorities, community colleges

    Primarily a local tax; there is also a stateproperty tax for schools

    Property tax ratemill--$1/$1,000 of State Equalized Value(SEV)

    Property tax is millage rate x taxable value

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Public Debt and Borrowing

    Public bodies (local govt) have the powerto borrow money and to issue securities(Constitution)

    Fi i l E

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Financial Emergency

    Local Govt Fiscal Responsibility Act (Act 72 of 1990)

    Conditions to call for Financial Emergency Undisputed claim, six months old+, exceeding $10,000

    Petition to state treasurer form 10% of registered voters Pension beneficiaries, actuary or accountant reports violation ofpension deposits

    Local employees have been unpaid for at least 7 days

    Resolution fro state Senate or House

    Notice of unpaid bond principal and/or interest Local govt has not distributed taxes owed to other govt.

    Fails to provide financial audit or report to state

    Fi i l E

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Financial Emergency

    State appoints Financial EmergencyManager Amend or override local budget

    Make plans for debt repayment May override decisions of local governing

    body concerning finances

    May renegotiate but not eliminate localcollective bargaining agreements

    Accounting and Auditing for local

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Accounting and Auditing for localGovt

    All financial records, accounting, audit reports andother reports of public money shall be publicrecords and open to inspection (Art IX $23)

    Uniform Budget and Accounting Act (Act 2 of1968) Specifies how local govt must act with regards to

    finances, budget and financial reporting to state

    P t T Li it ti

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Property Tax Limitations

    Headlee Amendment All tax increases must be voted on Tax collections limited to inflation (excluding new

    property), if exceeded must rollback millage

    Proposal A Taxable Value capped by inflation (Recent CPI 2-3%) Millage votes limited to two per year for same question Cannot rollup millage when growth less than inflation

    Headlee/Proposal A Interaction Uncapping of property causes Headlee Rollback

    Disproportionate affect on older industrialized areas

    H dl A d t 1978

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Headlee Amendment 1978

    Voters must approve: Increase in property or other local taxes Creation of new taxes not authorized by law or charter prior

    to 1978

    Assessed valuation may not increase more than rateof inflation in preceding year Excludes value of new construction Assessed valuation limit= (old assessed valuation *

    inflation) + assessed value of new construction

    If limit is exceed, rollback of millage (property tax) rateoccurs to enforce limit Limit does not apply to taxes imposed for payment of debt

    C l l ti th T B

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Reforms of Proposal A (1994) Established Taxable Value as the base for

    levying property tax

    Growth in TV capped at the rate of inflation,or 5% per year, whichever is less(Separates SEV from Taxable Value)

    Property is uncapped and set equal to SEVwhen property is transferred

    Calculating the Tax Base

    H R l Citi d Vill

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Home Rule Cities and Villages

    20 mills but charter establishes the limit

    23 cities levy an income tax; no authority

    for other locals to levy income tax

    State Funds

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Make up about 1/3 total revenue forlocal units

    41.6% of state budget goes to localgovernment; comes from:

    Single Business Tax

    State Sales Tax Transportation Taxes

    Distributed for: School Aid

    Social Services


    Mental Health

    Law Enforcement

    Health Departments

    Federal Monies

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Federal Moniesfor Local Governments

    Relationship has changed over the years--greater policy impact in certain areas(schools, health care, transportation)

    About 25% of state budget and 11% oflocal budgets come from federal level

    Money mostly goes to individual citizens

    Job training Medicaid, etc.

    Cit I T

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    City Income Tax

    Option for cities22 presently levy this tax Direct tax on income for residents; tax on

    earnings for nonresidents

    Rate: generally 1% for residents andcorporations; .5% for nonresidents (higherrates for Detroit)

    How can YOU be more involved

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    How can YOU be more involvedwith local government?

    Read, pay attention to local issues Vote in local elections

    Attend public meetings

    Talk with public officials Get involved with a committee regarding an

    issue you care about

    Apply for appointment to a local board orcommission

    Run for public office

    Local Boards & Commissions

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Planning Commission

    Zoning Commission

    Human RelationsCommission

    Housing Commission


    Road Commission

    Parks & RecreationCommission

    Fair Board

    Mental HealthBoard

    Social ServicesBoard

    Veterans AffairsBoard

    Library Board Board of Review

    Local Boards & CommissionsPossibilities for Citizen Involvement

    Q estions for Disc ssion

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    Questions for Discussion

    Does Michigan have too many units of localgovernment?

    What do we expect from local government? Arewe willing to pay for those expectations?

    Why does local government seem invisible? How have the changing relationships in recent

    years between different levels of governmentaffected the local units in your area?

    What seem to be the most difficult issues facinglocal governments in your area?

    More Questions for Discussion

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    State and Local Government Program, MSU Extension

    More Questions for Discussion

    What are some of the possibilities forintergovernmental cooperation? Whatmight be the barriers?

    What are the influences and connectionswith non-governmental sectors of thecommunity (foundations, industry, etc.)?

    How can citizens play a more active role?


  • 8/9/2019 Understanding LocalGov



    This presentation prepared byDr. EricScorsone MSU Extension, State and LocalGovernment Program (scorsone@msu.edu)

    Major source for this workBeth Moore MSU

    Extension Specialist and the writings ofDr. LynnHarvey, Professor Emeritus, MSU Dept. ofAgricultural Economics (Harveyl@msu.edu)

    Additional contributionJohn Amrhein, State and

    Local Government Educator, MSU Extension (Amrhein@msu.edu)
