Ultimate guide to become a successful freelancer

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Ultimate guide to become a successful freelancer

Ultimate Guide to become a Successful Freelancer

What is freelancing?

Freelancing is one of the easiest, fastest, and lowest cost ways to start working for

yourself. Multiple freelancing websites, like Upwork.com, Guru.com and

eLance.com provide an online marketplace where employers post work and

freelancers bid on completing the work in an open market, which is often

extremely competitive.

What is a Freelancer?

A freelancer is someone who doesn‟t work for one company full-time, but is hired

by different companies for certain jobs. A freelancer works independently with no

expectation of a permanent or long-term relationship with a single employer.

For example, a magazine or website will have a core team of editors who hire

freelance writers to write articles, or a TV production crew might hire freelance

cameramen to work on one series of programs.

Freelancers may work part-time or full-time. Because they are not considered

employers, freelancers are allowed to work for other employers and are

usually permitted to perform tasks in their own way, so long as the work gets

done to the client's specifications.

What are the advantages of freelancing?

Choose your work- Being a freelancer means you don‟t have a boss telling

you what to do so you can say „no‟ to jobs you don‟t want. You might also

get to work at home for specific projects. As long as your work is delivered

to the deadline most clients won‟t mind how and when you do it.

Better pay- Freelancers can negotiate your own rates with the companies

who hire you. Companies are often prepared to pay freelancers a better rate

than their own staff because they don‟t have to pay for things like sick leave

as part of the contract. The more experience you have then the more money

you can ask for.

How do you find freelance work?

The answer partly depends on the type of freelance work you want to do. But here

a few freelance job resources you might consider:

• Upwork (formerly oDesk) – www.upwork.com

• Freelancer- www.freelancer.com

• Craigslist - www.craigslist.org

• Guru - www.guru.com

• ELance - www.elance.com

• VWorker (formerly Rent-a-Coder) - www.vworker.com

• Freelancer- www.FreelancerCircle.com

Some freelance job sites are free - some charge a renewable fee in order to bid for

jobs. In some cases, a freelance job site might offer both free and paid

membership, but in such cases the jobs on which you can bid as a free member are

usually very limited.

Some freelancers join a union that can also provide job opportunities.

How to grab freelancing projects?

Becoming a freelancer is an excellent idea for anyone who likes working for

themselves. It will be difficult to get a first job in freelancing independent. So

what we can do to make our chance higher.

1. Build Your Own Website / Portfolio

2. Develop your personal brand/Selling yourself

3. Frequent Freelance Job Networks

4. Write about Your Expertise

5. Spread the word of your business online

6. Accept opportunities

7. Partner Up

8. Get Listed in Directories and Resource Pages

9. Compete for Crowd source Projects

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Content Source: http://www.apsense.com/article/ultimate-guide-to-become-a-
