Post on 18-Dec-2014

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United Arab Emirates has launched several ambitious programs to become a Knowledge Economy.It will remain as a dream unless the UAE adopts some drastic steps, including defining Knowledge Economy different from Information Economy and Internet Dominated Activities and incorporating new research on Intelligent Internet - Internet of Things/Cities/People. The major challenge of the UAE in becoming a Knowledge Economy is to redefine 'Knowledge Economy' besides Education and Qualifications. With some idea of 'Knowledge Management' which is Data or Information Management rather than 'Knowledge Management', nobody can create a Knowledge Economy. The attached YouTube video may be useful in clarifying the concepts of Knowledge, Information, Data, Knowledge Industry, Knowledge Economy, though it discuss more about Kerala.




PROF. (DR.) RAJU M. MATHEW(This is a modified version of the presentation at the

National Qualification Authority, Abu Dhabi, UAE)



• The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been striving hard to become a Knowledge Economy with ambitious e-Governance, Smart Schools and so many other programs. Though these programs are successful, it is not clear how they contribute for building up a Knowledge Economy due to certain serious methodological problems.

• There is an urgent need to redefine ‘Knowledge Economy’ and redesign the entire Education, Training and Qualifications besides governmental programs for building up a ‘Knowledge Economy’ rather than a ‘Data or Information Economy’ with over emphasis on Information Technology. The UAE Model will be useful both for developed and developing countries, if executed properly.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• In 2005, after realizing the inability of Information Technology to deal with knowledge and the substitution of Data or Information for Knowledge and declining role of Knowledge, I propounded Knowmatics – Mathematics and Engineering of Knowledge- based on Mathew’s Theories of Knowledge Consumption and Production.

• On the basis of further research on the Application of Knowmatics in Education, Professional Practices, Research and Decision making, I jointly with Ranjit Mathew, a network expert, submitted a paper ‘Knowmatics- A New Revolution in Higher Education’ in 2008 for the Second World Universities Forum. The World Universities Forum, comes under the World Economic Forum. After taking more than two years for Peer Review, including UNESCO experts, the paper was finally accepted and presented for the Fourth World Universities Forum held at Hong Kong, Jan.14-16, 2011 and published in the Journal of the World Universities Forum 4,1,2011:1-11. It was selected as a Finalist for the International Award for Excellence.

• After studying the scope and possibilities of the New Generation Knowledge Industries, I developed the blue print for the technology, the system and the business model for Knowledge Bank or Knowledge Corporation so as to produce and deliver value-added Knowledge Products and Solutions to Education, Practicing Professions, Government and Corporate Sector, Scientific Research and etc. so as to augment the Consumption and Production of Knowledge and thereby their efficiency , productivity and competitiveness. After studying the complex problems of the Arab World, I propose the Arab Knowledge Bank.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE


KNOWLEDGE BASIS OF RELIGIONS AND SCRIPTURES• A detailed study of the scriptures, teachings, messages, communication skills and

organizational style of the Hinduism (3500 years) the Buddhism (2600 years), Confucianism (2500 years), Christianity (2000 years ) and Islam (1400 years), help us realize that even illiterates, primitive tribes, sidetracked and oppressed men and women can be empowered with complex knowledge for their Knowledge foundation ; education or culture is not a barrier for knowledge creation, sharing or transferring. The depth, intensity and diversity of the Knowledge dealt by them are really amazing, though people are still making use of less than 5 to 10 % Knowledge that they have taught.

• In spite of the major research, application of technology and huge investment in terms of billions, Education all over the world is still remained without much innovation or revolution or effectiveness compared to Aristotle’s Academy of Athens and Taxila University in India during 300 BC.

• By a combined use of the strategy and techniques of knowledge creation, sharing and empowerment of religions and also the judicial application of the available Information Communication Technology, we can empower the entire humanity besides augmenting the knowledge intensiveness of Education, Training, Research, Decision making, Professional Practices and all social production processes in the agriculture. industrial and service sectors.

• These are the underlying principle behind Knowmatics – Mathematics, Cybernetics and Engineering of Knowledge and the New Generation Knowledge Industry, including the Knowledge Banks. Some mathematicians identify the root of Knowmatics in the Pythagorean Mathematics.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE


ARISTOTLE’S ACADEMY• Aristotle in 336 BC founded a school called Lyceum in Athens where he taught

for the next 12 years. Most of his works were created in this period in Athens of which today only fragments survive. He is said to have given two types of lectures: detailed discussions in morning to advanced students and in the evening, short discourses for general people. He studied and educated his students on a variety of topics, which included logic, physics, astronomy, meteorology, zoology, metaphysics, theology, psychology, politics, economics, ethics, rhetoric, and poetics.

• Modern universities are the modified versions of Aristotle’s Academy and they follow the same organizational structure, teaching and research models and strategies. No revolution has been taken place in education, especially higher education for the last 2000 years, though we have hi-tech universities and IT-intensive class rooms, labs and libraries. As a result, everybody is unhappy with the way in which education has been delivered in schools and universities, the spiralling cost of education and irrelevant programs that have a negative impacts on building up Knowledge Economies.


KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY• Now everybody talks about ‘Knowledge Economy’ In order to buildup the Knowledge

Economy the most effective way is to develop the New Generation Knowledge Industry based on Knowmatics rather than following the present strategies built upon the familiar Education and Training, Management Techniques , Information Technology and Economic and Social Development Model that are getting ineffective. It is the most effective way to tide over the present Global Economic Crisis and to attain sustained development.

• There is a need to redefine the Knowledge Economy. A Knowledge Society is characterized by consuming and producing knowledge at high quality and quantity by all the members of the society, consequent on getting all the social production processes as knowledge-intensive. Those who have mastery in the production, consumption, processing, managing and delivery of Advanced Knowledge ultimately control the World in the coming days.

• Advanced forms of Knowledge have increasingly been consumed, applied and produced constantly not only in the Industrial and Service Sectors but also even in the Rural or Agriculture or Primary Sectors. The quality and quantity of Knowledge consumed and produced in a society determine its role, sustainability and competitiveness globally.

• In a Knowledge Economy, over 80% of the work force is engaged in the production and consumption, including application of Advanced Knowledge that constitute over 80% of the national income. Knowledge is a catalyst in increasing the overall productivity and competitiveness of the Economy that necessitates the creation or updating new Knowledge, Skills and Expertise regularly, for the Dynamic Nature of the Knowledge Economy.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Striving for world class qualifications is a basic step in building up a vibrant knowledge economy. But that is not enough. Along with upgrading and upholding qualifications of highest standard in a set of familiar education and training programs, especially in Management or Information Technology or Medical Sciences or Engineering, for building up a knowledge economy, there is a need to develop people with multi-disciplinary backgrounds besides experts in Basic Sciences, Applied Sciences and Technology, Humanities, Social Sciences and Soft Skills that provide the intellectual and cultural wealth of the economy. With the existing Education and Training Programs, no nation can enter into a Knowledge Economy within 50 years.

• Knowmatics based Knowledge Bank offers the means to create the required number of experts in identified areas provided the society is endowed with young people with the required intellectual caliber , aptitude and commitments. It also facilitates rapid ‘Knowledgeization’ of the society and thereby the creation of the Knowledge Economy.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Education or Qualification is not a necessary condition for people to be made rich in knowledge, even complex or advanced knowledge, provided they have the required intellectual caliber, the desire for knowledge and knowledge is delivered or made accessible to them in a style, form and language in which they can understand.

• Education and Qualification is not a sufficient condition for people to be made rich in Knowledge. There are people with higher educational qualifications without much expertise or competency to share their knowledge or put their knowledge into application or problem solving. This is known as ‘doctors without expertise’ for their inability to enter the critical stage of high level knowledge consumption, as explained in Mathew’s Theories of Knowledge .

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• It can also be found that most of the scholars or experts could not make use of more than 5% of the knowledge that they have, though about 85% of their knowledge could have been shared or made accessible globally to those who need it. At present, we don’t any such global knowledge sharing system.

• With death or disease or accident , knowledge of a great scholar or expert can be erased or deleted for ever at any time. But unfortunately, at present we don’t have any technology or system to tap their unexploited knowledge for the benefit of the humanity.

• Knowmatics based Knowledge Bank has been designed or developed to address these complex problems as a knowledge extracting, knowledge sharing and knowledge delivery system linking the networks of knowledge producers and knowledge consumers or the knowledge rich and the knowledge-poor and thereby enriching and empowering everybody with knowledge. With Knowmatics based Knowledge Banks, Knowledge and Brainpower can be transformed into wealth and source of income and they can be marketed and delivered globally.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Educators, Economists, Brain Researchers, Cognitive Scientists and Educational Policy Makers have been considering Education and Training as the End and not the means. But the underlying philosophy behind the Knowledge Economy is to treat Education and Training, including Qualifications, as not the end but only the means for entering the Knowledge Economy which demand new skills, expertise, competency, knowledge and qualifications. Even if conventional education and training are offered with high quality, they may not be socially relevant and productive.

• The quality, competency , attitude, behavior and Knowledge Intensity of the Human Resources are the determining factor for making the Knowledge Economy and attaining excellence and competitiveness.

• However, the exponential growth of Knowledge, too much dependence on Information Technology and fast life style are the factors that prevent not only the experts, the students and teachers but also the common people to make use of knowledge, scattered in books or libraries or scholars and experts besides tapping the potentiality of the Internet and Digital Libraries.

• The humanity is using less than 5% of the Brainpower and the available Knowledge Resources. In the familiar ‘Knowledge Management’ the missing element is knowledge and it has been reduced into Data or Information or Document or Human Capital Management. Education and Training are getting more and more Data or Information- Centered rather than Knowledge-Centered.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• For the increasing applications of the Information Communication Technology, Education is getting fragmented and data or information centered. While IT has been built upon Algorithms based on Data Structure which is linear, static and one dimensional, Education has been based upon Knowledge and Thinking Structure that are non-linear, dynamic and multi-dimensional.

• Education and Training, besides Skill Acquisition and Scientific Productivity have slowly become an art of Data or Information manipulation without much Knowledge Base. Even in 2013, the role of IT has been limited with information search, retrieval, analysis, manipulation and presentation or communication.

• This has adverse impacts on the personality development, critical thinking, vision and imagination, the spirit of exploration or adventure and innovation of the new generation. Too much exposure of IT to children at a tender age has negative impacts on their personality development, creativity and imagination. (For details see: digitally modified children (dmc) - new threats to the humanity - SlideShare www.slideshare.net/.../crimes-against-children-in-the-digital-age)

• It is time for the Humanity to devise new techniques and strategies for making Education and Training Knowledge Centered besides consuming and producing high quality knowledge and acquiring socially needed critical skills with efficiency.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• It is surprising to note that Schools, Colleges and Universities all over the world still follow almost the same technique and methods that Aristotle had developed for his Academy- Lyceum in Athens by 330 BC or that of Taxila University in India during the same period.

• Aristotle is said to have given two types of lectures: detailed discussions in morning to advanced students and in the evening, short discourses for general people.

• Even after the introduction of Information Technology in Education during 1990s there is not much basic changes in the way in which teachers are teaching and students are learning or scholars are researching in Schools or Universities.

• Compared to age of Aristotle, now knowledge has grown both vertically and horizontally into thousands of folds along with the number of learners and teachers; as a result, the old techniques and methods and organizational structure have become totally incompatible. A revolution in education is the need of the hour to help humanity make rich in knowledge, skills and expertise.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Knowmatics has been proposed to make a Revolution in Education. as elaborately discussed in :

• 1) Knowmatics: A New Revolution in Higher Education .Journal of the World Universities Forum, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp.1-12. Article: Print (Spiral Bound). Article: Electronic (PDF File; 763.482KB). cgpublisher.com...www.wuj.cgpublisher.com/products_index Mathew, Raju M. and Mathew, Ranjit Raju, Knowmatics: A New Revolution in Higher Education--Mathew’s Theories of Knowledge Production and Consumption as the basis of

• 2) Knowmatics: A New Revolution in Higher Education – YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p0SXqRuV3k Mathew's Theories of Knowledge consist of the two basic theories in knowledge consumption and production formulated by Mathew in 1984, were published in ...

• 3) Knowmatics and knowledge industries – YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHcapByJeS4–

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE


DATA,INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE• Knowledge must be distinguished from Data or Information or Documents in

print or digital form.• The building blocs of Data are bits which do not have any independent

meaning, unlike concepts. Processed Data constitute Information. Information is one-dimensional and it has no value without Knowledge.

• The building blocs of Knowledge are concepts; each concept is multi-dimensional in nature and can be represented at different levels such as Elementary or Basic, Advanced and Specialized with several subclasses All Domains of Knowledge have a common structure similar to our logical thinking structure.

• In spite of human evolutions and social revolutions, the basic nature and the thinking and learning pattern or the knowledge consumption-production pattern of the human beings remain almost same. That is why; the Vedas and Upanishads created about 5000 years ago, the Bible (the Old and the New) between 3500 to 2000 years ago and the Koran about 1400 years ago and the Modern Science during the last 100 years are understandable to us even in the 21st century. Other wise, nobody can understand them.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Knowledge can be either a stock or a flow. All the knowledge kept in the printed or the digital forms or documents constitute the stock of knowledge or static knowledge.

• All the knowledge that flows from experts or scholars or teachers to others can be considered as the flow of knowledge or dynamic knowledge. For the human interventions, static knowledge changes its content and quality when it is transformed into Dynamic Knowledge.

• Almost all the existing Information Systems, Data Banks and Libraries, including Digital Libraries and e-books are based on Static Knowledge or Information. Knowmatics-based Knowledge Banks deal with Dynamic Knowledge.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Knowledge, though intangible, is a form of wealth, capable of adding values to all other wealth when applied. In economic terminology, Knowledge is a Product for Consumption and Production. Consumption of Knowledge leads to the production of Knowledge. Every scientific or technological or social advancement results in the intensification of knowledge in the social production processes.

• Education, Teaching, Learning, Training, Skill Acquisition, Research and Scientific Productivity, Inventions, Innovations, Policy and Decision-making are basically a function of Knowledge Consumption and Production. Knowledge is inbuilt in every aspect of Education, Training, Values, Beliefs, Revelations, Culture, Language, Expertise, Professional Practices, Inventions, Innovations, Interpretations and Explanations.

• All forms of social organizations and institutions, including Schools, Colleges and Universities are charged with processing, consuming and producing Knowledge at different levels or quality. Every religion is founded on a set of faiths, beliefs and practices that constitute the consumption, production and transfer or communication of Knowledge .

• The terms: ‘Word’ in the Bible, ‘Read’ in the Koran and ‘Om’- the Sound in Hinduism represent ‘Knowledge’ of different nature. The Bible says: ’Beginning was the word’ and asks “to hear or listen the words” ; The Koran starts with the command : “You Read”;for the Hinduism ,“ Ohm” the Sound or the Cosmic Energy was the beginning.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Even though Philosophers, Educational Psychologists, Linguists and Brain Researchers had dealt Knowledge within their framework, there was no theory on the consumption and production of knowledge.

• As early as 1981, Mathew ( the present author) in his book published from England pointed out the possibility of treating knowledge as a product for Consumption and Production. On this basis, he was nominated to a 12 member FID International Committee on Research on Theoretical Basis of Information Science as the youngest member with Prof. A. I. Mikhalove, the father of Informatics, as the chairman. The Committee had consultative with the UNESCO.

• In 1985 when Information Technology was not popular even in the West, the Committee published the Two Theories of Knowledge Consumption-Production of Raju M. Mathew . Subsequently they appeared in eight languages and came to be known as Mathew’s Theories of Knowledge that can be applied in augmenting learning, acquisition of sophisticated skills and scientific productivity. They have become an area for doctoral research. A detailed discussion on the applications of these theories in Education is given: www.slideshare.net/drrajumathew/mathews-theories

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Mathew’s Theory of Knowledge Consumption-Production Correlation identifies the direct correlation between high level (quality) knowledge consumption and high level knowledge production. High level knowledge producers are experts, scientists or technocrats , decision makers, innovators, problem solvers or rulers. The basis of high level knowledge production is high level knowledge consumption.

• Its educational and training implications are: to produce the required number of experts or people with required skills is to indentify young people with the minimum intellectual caliber and aptitude and feed them with basic or elementary, advanced and specialized knowledge within a short period of time using the most optimal learning, instructional or training strategy in a deliberate and systematic way. Unfortunately, in the existing education and training programs employed for civilian and military purposes, there is no deliberate attempt to create high level knowledge consumers and producers. Experts are created quite accidentally, not deliberately.

• If the theory is applied, the cost, efforts, strain and time expended for education and training can be cut short into one fifth. Knowmatics based Knowledge Banks are proposed for ensuring accessibility of knowledge and high level consumption of knowledge leading to high level knowledge production.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Mathew’s Stage Theory of Knowledge Consumption-Production Growth identifies five distinct stages of knowledge consumption that ultimately leads to high level knowledge production or making of the experts or decision makers or problem solvers.

• By developing the required technology and system, knowledge accessibility and knowledge consumption can be augmented into several folds besides making a quantum leap from lower stages to higher stages.

• It implies that the cost, time, efforts or strain of education and training can be cut short into five to ten fold besides achieving efficiency and effectiveness. Knowmatics based Knowledge Banks are proposed for ensuring accessibility of knowledge and high level consumption of knowledge. This theory can be employed in the acquisition of sophisticated skills within a short span of time, especially in training pilots and military personnels.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• By 1986 Information Technology Revolution became a reality with a lot of promises, including a revolution in education. Mathew started to study the theoretical foundations of Information Technology in the context of application in Education and Knowledge Processing.

• However, the application Information Technology in Learning, Teaching and Research has been limited only at peripheral level without going deep in the heart of Education for its inability to process, manage and employ Knowledge. Even in 2013, the role of IT has been limited with information search, retrieval, analysis, manipulation and presentation or communication.

• Too much exposure of IT to children at a tender age has negative impacts on their personality development, creativity and imagination. (digitally modified children (dmc) - new threats to the ... - SlideShare www.slideshare.net/.../crimes-against-children-in-the-digital-age


INTERNET –KNOWLEDGE VS INFORMATION• Internet search has been designed to download the maximum data or information about information

within a short span of time, including irrelevant and unwanted ones. To cull out a small quantum of knowledge from a heap of data or information, one has to spend hours together in searching, weeding out, organizing, extracting and organizing.

• It may take over 30 hours to extract worthwhile Knowledge from a mountain of data or information searched and downloaded by spending just 30 minutes., provided one is equipped with skill and expertise in formulating queries, using the exact key words, narrowing down the searches, downloading and identifying the relevant materials, organizing them, extracting the relevant knowledge from them and finally packaging or presenting it. All the initial advantages of the internet has been eroded and loosing its cost-effectiveness.

• It can be seen that not only the University students but even primary school students also follow almost same search strategy and download almost same materials from the net. However, over 80% of the resources available in the net, including Wikipedia, is not authentic and up-to-date. As a result, not only school children or university students but also Experts, Professionals, Researchers, Policy Makers and University Professors are forced to satisfy what they get from the net. In spite of all these complexities, about 90% of the internet resources has not been utilized optimally and less than 8% of the resources has been used heavily. So also is the case with the conventional libraries and learning resource centers.

• Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• School teachers and students do not have much freedom to go away from the curriculum and prescribed text books for the constraints of time, resources and the rigidity of the system though higher education is bit more flexible. However, Libraries are the most under-utilized resources in almost all educational institutions; about 80% of the library resources has not been touched by anybody at all (20/80 Rule).

• Curriculum, Text Books and Instructions have been designed unidimensionally in the sense that they are made basically for a particular type of students with a particular intellectual caliber, mindset, disciple, imagination and creativity, generally called as average students who constitute less than 50% of the student body.

• But in reality, over 20% students is above average and above 30% students is below average. Even the average students are not homogenous as is in the case of above average or below average students. Each student is multi-dimensional in nature. Each student varies in his or her intellectual caliber, aptitude, imagination, creativity, level of abstractness, vocabulary, language skill , learning skill and involvement.

• As a result, the existing education systems all over the world, including the British, American, Indian or Chinese are unscientific, inefficient and ineffective to the extent of between 70 to 90%. To absorb a small quantum of skill, values and knowledge, the stress, strain and pain undertaken by each student is unjustifiably too high for the wrong methodology and unscientific nature.

• It is less than 2% of the students fulfill the goal set by the school or the society when leaving the school or becoming an adult citizen—the glaring discrepancy between the stated Vision and Mission of the education institutions and their actual achievement.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• The best students and the best school or university are endowed with the best teachers and great scientists who are not only rich in knowledge or expertise but also with best methods and skills of instruction and learning, ability to motivate the students and induce their imagination and above all gifted with effective communication skills.

• But unfortunately, at any moment of time, just 2 or 3 % of the students alone is getting such kind of the best teachers and the great scientists. In other words, over 90% of the students is spoiled with poor or incompetent teachers or schools.

• If every student is lucky enough to have the best teachers and the great scientists to interact with them, the efficiency and effectiveness of the schools or universities could have been increased into ten or twenty folds. Knowmatics based Knowledge Banks has been designed to solve this fundamental problem of Education and Training.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE


ARAB KNOWLEDGE BANK• Since I have elaborated the underlying principle, strategy and

methodology of the Arab Knowledge Bank in my presentations uploaded in slideshare.net, as given in the following links , I am not elaborating them.

• 1. ARAB KNOWLEDGE BANK -MAKING KNOWLEDGE ACCESSIBLE ...• www.slideshare.net/drrajumathew/arab-knowledge-bank-for-the Sep 25,

2012 – Arab Knowledge Bank deals with all types and forms of Knowledge, not Data or Information, for the Arab World as a Big Business. It involves ...

• 2. ARAB KNOWLEDGE BANK -- WHY AND HOW ? ?• www.slideshare.net/.../arab-knowledge-bank-why-and-how-• 1459965...Oct 5, 2012 – Discuss the need for the Arab Knowledge Bank,

the Methodology, Theory, Technology, System and Business Model of the Arab Knowledge ..

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• Since Knowledge Bank is a revolutionary idea, it demands new technology, system and business model from the familiar ones. By protecting the IPR issues, a New System must be designed; new programs must be developed; new technology must be devised or the existing technology must be redesigned and new business model must be worked out. A dedicated team of experts can develop all these within six months. Decision must be taken in adopting either cloud or rain computing besides the appropriate networks.

• Along with developing the system and technology, different types of domain experts, professionals, service providers, knowledge engineers, knowledge technicians, channel, but its cost is less than the cost of an average university in terms of land, building, technology, staff and etc.

Dr.Raju M. Mathew - Developing Knowledge Economy for the UAE



• I started my career as a Lecturer in Economics. After studying Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Communism, Fascism, besides Political Science, History and philosophy of Science and Technology till early 80s, I turned towards Economics of Knowledge.

• My first work on Economics of Knowledge was published from England by the MCB University Press in 1981 . As a result, I was nominated to a 12 member FID Committee on Research on Theoretical Basis of Information Science as the youngest member. The Committee had consultative status with the UNESCO.

• In 1984 I formulated two theories of Knowledge Consumption and Production that got published form Moscow in1985 for the Netherlands based International Federation for Documentation. They appeared into several languages and known as Mathew’s Theories of Knowledge. These theories can effectively applied in augmenting Education, Skill Acquisition and Scientific Productivity.

• With the emergence of IT Revolution, I started to study the theoretical and policy aspects of Information Technology besides the Social Application of IT for Development. My works got presented or published for the Second World Conference on Strategies and Policies of Informatics for Development, Rome, I984; International Information Economy Handbook 1985, IFIP Second World Conference on Tele-Teaching ,Norway,1992 and etc.

• Since I propounded Knowmatics – Mathematics and Cybernetics of Knowledge- in 2005, I have been conducting research on Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Science, Cybernetics of Knowledge, Intelligent Internet, New Generation Knowledge Industries, Redesigning Schools and Universities for the Knowledge Economy. Some of my works can be found at www.slideshare.net/drrajumathew