Typography for WordPress

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Typography for WordPress

Typography For WordPressBy Nile Flores


Explain typography and its importance in regards to web design

Examples of typography that works Tips for better typography usage A couple ways to apply typography to a

WordPress theme Other typography resources


The art and technique of arranging type in order to make language visible.

- Wikipedia


What Is Typography?

Leading – the space between the lines (ex: in CSS – line-height)

Kerning – the space in between individual characters

Tracking – the amount of spacing between groups of letters.

Typography Terms

Spacing of font Shape of font Grouping of letters in a

specific shape or order Size of font Color(s) of font

Ways to Alter Typography for Design

Examples of Good Typography Usage In Web Design

Choose legible typefaces (fonts) that will not be hard to read even for those with visual impairing issues

Keep it simple when it comes to choosing a number of fonts

Keep in mind color combination in regards to being able to read specific word with a specific font

Typography Tips for Web Design

Keep in mind the white-space of your theme when applying graphics that contain words or if you are using specific web fonts

Be consistent throughout your site with spacing (leading, kerning, tracking)

Use web friendly fonts that will not take a lot of time to load


Keep in mind that

not all fonts are

licensed to be used

for web fonts or

commercial use

@font-face is an font embedding technique that can be done in the style sheet (CSS).


Pick a font you want to use (of course, keep in mind the licensing to make sure you can use it as a web font)

If it makes it easy, convert it to a web font. Ot you can choose from the hundred of free ones at Font Squirrel. (bit.ly/fontsqgen)

@font-face Tutorial

In your WordPress theme’s style.css, after the theme information, put the following:

@font-face {

font-family: ‘YOURFONTNAME';

src: url('font/YOURFONTNAME.eot');

src: url('font/YOURFONTNAME.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),

url('font/YOURFONTNAME.woff') format('woff'),

url('font/YOURFONTNAME.ttf') format('truetype'),

url('font/YOURFONTNAME.svg#segoepr') format('svg');

font-weight: normal;

font-style: normal;


@font-face TutorialContinued…

• Replace YOURFONTNAME with the exact font name of your file

• Load your web fonts to a folder in your theme call font

• In your style sheet (style.css), add the font to the areas of your theme that you want your new font to appear.

@font-face Tutorial


Make sure to add a fallback font in case a user has a browser that does not support your web font


font-family: YOURFONTNAME, Arial, Sans-Serif;


@font-face Tutorial


Cufón text replacement is a font embedding technique that uses jQuery

Cufón Text Replacement

Pick your web font and go to (bit.ly/cufongen ) to convert your font for cufón text replacement

Download the jQuery file for the cufón text replacement

Load your jQuery files to a folder in your theme’s directory. Example: /js

Note: Change YOURFONTNAME to the font name or file name

Cufón Text Replacement Tutorial

Add to your theme’s header.php file:

<script src="<?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/cufon-yui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="<?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/YOURFONTNAME.font.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Cufón Text Replacement Tutorial


Add the following JavaScript lines so that the CSS elements you want to convert will change to the font you want.


<script type="text/javascript">Cufon.replace(‘h1, { fontFamily: ‘YOURFONTNAME',

hover: true });</script>

Cufón Text Replacement Tutorial


It is a matter of preference

@font-face Versus Cufón


• Uses and works more with CSS, less jQuery calls to page

• Not all browsers support this method

• SEO friendly, less load time (unless font is a huge file)

Cufón Text Replacement

• Uses jQuery• Not all browsers

support this method• Fonts are more like

images, slower on load

TypeKit is a third party resource site that has fonts you can insert javascript into your header (using their tutorial) or using a plugin.

Typekit has plans that depend on how many pageviews your site has per month.



Google’s free font directory that are optimized for the web. – bit.ly/gwebfonts

Plugin – WP Google Fonts bit.ly/wpgfonts

Google Fonts

UrbanFonts.com Fontalicious.com Typekit.com FontSquirrel.com Google.com/WebFonts

Font Sites

Any Questions?

Nile FloresSite: http://blondish.netTwitter: @blondishnetFacebook: http://fb.com/NileFlores