Tru. / Issue 6

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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We've got plenty of stars, and industry insiders willing to give our readers the inside scoop, THE TRU STORY of their lives! That's right, the exclusive never before told stories and interviews with superstars, their struggles,trials and tribulations as well as their triumphs. We feature the real side of real people who are far more that what you see on T.V. or read about in a magazine. Tru. Mag also offers a chance for that new generation of Indie Artists to be featured and get their chance to shine. You'll get the inside scoop on their personal lives and that "back-story" that TRU. story you can't find anywhere else.

Transcript of Tru. / Issue 6







18 TRU. CELEB VIP Backstage Access Granted with Sheila Raye Charles29 An iBroadcast Jazz Feature35 ALL TRU. MAN CONTEST50 TRU.TAKE Batman Takes the Stage57 TRU.BUZZ Lizelle Gutierrez62 TRU.SPORTS Lynk brings home the GOLD!68 TRU.STAR WATCH Clay Drayton

columns10 TRU. VITALITY Getting to Know You!16 TRU. LOVE “Kickin’ it With Keith”25 TRU. TALK Smoove Second39 TRU.GIFT Michael Bodine43 TRU. CULINARY In the Kitchen with Sharon Fox 66 TRU. BEAUTY Beauty Bay by By’Tali



Each and every time that we work on the magazine my husband Kevin and I say to one another “this issue is the best issue that we’ve pulled together yet”- and, I always hope that’s true. I mean if I could bottle up all of the blood, sweat, and tears that go into producing Tru. Magazine for our readers, and then SELL it, we wouldn’t have to charge clients for Ad Space! LOL. No- but seriously, it’s important to me that our readers know how much intense hard work and effort goes into preparing each magazine layout for you. We have an extremely talented team of over 25 people who committedly dedicate their time and talent to creating this diverse and dynamic (yeah I said it) publication each and every month. And, I am especially proud because this particular issue marks our 6th month anniversary! And, to think that Tru. Entertainment Magazine was “born” out of a commitment and an innocent promise made to a couple of friends! I think that it’s time that I tell you the story of “the birth” of Tru. Why? Because it really speaks to the very HEART of what Tru. was, and still is- all about.Last year, almost around this very same time Kevin and I were working with a different entertainment company. We were both senior executives within that organization and it was our responsibility to manage the day- to- day business operations, the staff, and to make important connections and decisions on behalf of the owners. As time went on, it seemed that more and more we were finding that we didn’t agree with the owners and that we weren’t able to come to terms on certain basic principles. I mean we were arguing and going back and forth and either quitting or getting fired every day like we were in a bad marriage or something! So, after one battle too many I decided that I would resign and Kevin and most of the other staff members followed suit and did the same. Well, that’s when all hell broke loose, and there were; threats, talks of law suits, suspected Facebook hacking -you name it. But we knew that we had to do, what we had to do, so we walked and we never looked back. Feeling like God would work the rest out.About a month prior to all this drama jumpin’ off, I had arranged for a couple of celebrities to interview for a maga-zine layout that we were planning to work on with the company we had just left. And because I was the one who had inked the deal and brought the talent to the table these celebrities were expecting to be featured in a magazine that I was a part of. WTH? Now, we had a problem!When we made the decision to “part ways” the magazine commitment we’d made had never dawned on us. So, when the realization that we had given our word to follow through on the magazine thing smacked us in the face we thought”, Now we’ve gone and done it - what are we gonna do”? We had no previous magazine experience (which can be witnessed if you ever take a peek at our first issue, LOL) and we had no clue HOW or WHAT to do to pull this thing off! But what we did have was our word, and with that; a strong compulsion to honor it with integrity. And just that quickly, we were in the magazine business. Initially, we thought we’d find a way to pull off just the one issue, to keep our commitment and figured that it would be a fun project, an adventure-if you will! We put a plan together to hire some self-proclaimed “pros”, pulled our pennies together, and then before we knew it we were ‘broke’ and without the product we were promised. Slowly but surely we came to the realization that we had to do this thing ourselves. WE were all we that we could count on… WE were all that we had. Today I’m here to tell ya that 6- months later we are still here in the magazine business and WE are stronger than ever before! By His grace we pulled a rabbit out of a hat time and time again, and eventually grew from a company of TWO to a company of 25+ complete with our own business manager and publicity agent! LOL, wow - who knew? Someone once told us we were the biggest “little” company in existence, and you know what they were right! You are only as successful as your dream and the dedication that it takes to pursue it. And so, the moral of this story is…never stop believing in YOU. This issue is jam packed with celebs, up and coming fresh talent , interesting stories and fun features but what it is also filled with and what is most important of all to us is; love, dedication and our undying belief in one another, and- in YOU. We consider every contributor to Tru. a part of our family. They are all successful business owners whom we support whole-heartedly. I hope that you will join us in recognizing and applauding all of the very talented people that are listed on our STAFF ROSTER PAGE. Those committed individuals who have been with us through our journey thus far. I hope that you will look them up; Google them, Tweet them, FB them, and connect with them! Support their business, just like you support Tru. After all, as they say in the biz, you’re only as big as your last hit! So let’s all work together, so that we can get that big HIT… together! Our motto is “1-Love / 1-Mission”, we’re standing by it, and we’re livin’ in it and Tru. Magazine is the proof!With much love n gratitude to our team, and to each and every one of you, stay blessed.

Lydia Marie and Kevin King






I have one question for you...

Do you know who you are? I know you are probably thinking, “I know who I am, that’s a dumb question!” But do you really? Do you have total clarity of who you are? So much so that everything you do in life is intentional and in alignment with whom you really are deep down inside?Most people have a gen-eral idea of who they are based on their looks and lifestyle. Hey, that’s a great place to start! But I want to share with you a few more steps in taking a closer look and finding new answers as you take this jour-ney of self-discovery.

Discover your true likes: Not just the things you like because you have access to it but the things you like because your heart desires it. They could be things most people you know don’t like but there’s something in you that just has to see for it-self.

Discover your true dislikes: Not just things you don’t like because all your friends hate it too but the things that deep down turn you off. They could be things that you do right now to please others but real-ly just don’t like it.

Discover your true calling: Fig-ure out what you’ve been put here on Earth to do. Many times it is our passions, gifts and talents that lead us there. Even though you enjoy your day job, is that your God given as-signment?

Discover your true desires: Who do you want to become? What do you want to do? What do you want to have? No matter how out of reach they may seem…get clear about your dreams.

Discover your personal power: You have the power to be more, do more and have more if you can see it and believe it. But remember, faith without work is dead so if you want for some-thing to happen in your life, decide what steps you must take to make it happen. Then act fast! As you begin to dis-cover more about your-self, your looks and

lifestyle may begin to change to better fit the true you. Don’t be afraid, just embrace it. Being who you are to the core is being happy, content, and at peace. For more self-discovery tips, visit


getting to know...YOU


Angel L. Richards Author, Teacher, Life Coach,

Helping Others Transform, LLC




Our lives hinge upon what we have made of our past. The powers that guided our ancestors are ever present in our existence as a people, or, as in this case…, the individual. Our childhood lays the foundation upon Marvin’s early interest in music was spawned through his singing in the church choir, mixing faith into his creative yearn-ings, which is still present today. His songs are a culmination of the driving vocals and rhythms of these Gospel roots, the spirited melodies that bring comfort to our everyday lives. He shares beauty, new-found love, heart break, and dreams in As Marvin grew, so did his interests, and the influence of greats such as Luther Vandross and Marvin Gaye helped him find his center, as he grew with a new-found balance. His soulful singing became a mainstay in his early bands, and a solid stepping stone in the development of his present musical creations, which take advantage of his gifted vocal range, and intertwining rhythms. He gives credit to Leroy Coleman, who first introduced Marvin to the studio, singing on microphones, and the world of production. From there, he learned how to mix the R&B flavored songs he began writing, making use of his love for ballads, and Gospel music. Some of his biggest growth came from the experience he got while traveling. The exposure to the Soul cultures of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee, prepared him for his jump into to the mainstream of R&B in California, and now…, Minnesota. And, it’s been Minneapolis that has taken him to performances on Radio KMOS, and frequent appearances on the Lemy-O-Live Show TV broadcasts, to name a few. Getting down with the people who know talent, Marvin lets his grooves and moves fill these media platforms with his own special brand of music…, the music of Marvin Jaye.

Authored by Contributing Writer: Al Pethtel Contact/Management:

ON BLAST...with Marvin Jaye

On Blast...with Marvin Jaye

Our lives hinge upon what we have made of our past. The powers that guided our ancestors are ever present in our existence as a people, or, as in this case…, the individual. Our childhood lays the foundation upon which we build our future. Marvin’s early interest in music was spawned through his singing in the church choir, mixing faith into his creative yearnings, which is still

present today. His songs are a culmination of the driving vocals and rhythms of these Gospel roots, the spirited melodies that bring comfort to our everyday lives. He shares beauty, new-found love, heart break, and dreams in his music, while spinning a collection of haunting catch-phrases that will stay in with you throughout your day.

As Marvin grew, so did his interests, and the influence of greats such

as Luther Vandross and Marvin Gaye helped him find his center, as he grew with a new-found balance. His soulful singing became a mainstay in his early bands, and a solid stepping stone in the development of his present musical creations, which take advantage of his gifted vocal range, and intertwining rhythms. He gives credit to Leroy Coleman, who first introduced Marvin to the studio, singing on microphones, and the world of production. From there, he learned how to mix the R&B flavored songs he began writing, making use of his love for ballads, and Gospel music.

Some of his biggest growth came from the experience he got while traveling. The exposure to the Soul cultures of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee, prepared him for his jump into to the mainstream of R&B in California, and now…, Minnesota. And, it’s been Minneapolis that has taken him to performances on Radio KMOS, and frequent appearances on the Lemy-O-Live Show TV broadcasts, to name a few. Getting down with the people who know

talent, Marvin lets his grooves and moves fill these media platforms with his own special brand of music…, the music of Marvin Jaye.

Authored by Contributing Writer: Al Pethtel Contact/Management:



So let’s get into it, how long is too long to be en-gaged? Roughly a year is enough time but that’s just me, and there are exceptions to the rule but in general a solid year is enough time or in that ballpark. If not maybe your man just caved in to the pressure of marriage talk. OR… somebody ain’t all that committed? I heard someone say that “it ain’t an engagement until you have both a ring and a date”. How about that?

I was talking to a friend today that said she knows a couple that’s been together for seven years then they got engaged but the wedding is not planned for another four years or something like that? (smh) Sounds suspect to me. If you’re getting engaged you should be able to come up with a date in the foreseeable future. The engage-ment is not a long term investment, the marriage is! Duh!


Date Six Months?Engaged for a Year?

Date a Year?Engaged for Two?

Kickin’ it with Keith, the Relationship Doctor


There is no specific window for determination of an engagement length. What’s more relevant is the bond of the commitment. The real commitment begins at the courting stage, for this is when you are focused on the upcom-ing covenant. The shorter version is that you use the courting stage to solidify prior compatibility essentials, and the perspectives each have going forward towards marriage. Some may need longer than 6 months, others only 3-6. Circumstances should dictate in each individual case. I.e, debt reduction, or other preparatory matters. Not questions of, “is this the right one, can they be trusted, are they or you unsure, etc.” If those things are not clear at the end of a “suitable” courtship, then you should not be engaged. More Research, Investigation, Discovery and Determination is needed. R.I.D.D. Yallall betta remember THAT!

“Dating”, is for Research, Investigation, and Discovery for Determination (RIDD!) for future consideration of a “Candidate For A Mate.” Nothing more, nothing less!

Courtship is the time-honored and successful practice of learning about someone enough to know whether or not the two is compatible for marriage. It often involves friendship, discussing each individual’s future plans, knowing the parents if they’re alive and praying privately for God’s will in the matter. After deciding it is God’s will to get married, the couple prays together and then go to their parents to seek their blessings and finally to the pastor to seek his approval. After engaged the couple still avoids intimacy until marriage. Commitment comes before intimacy.Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don’t let lust, pity, desperation, immaturity, ig-norance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don’t fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults isn’t really that impor-tant. (SMH) Pay attention to the Red Flags....! (Now THAT is a whole ‘nother subject we will get into another time. D.A.T.E. Determine And Teach Each other.Many smart people refuse to accept that a good, solid, workable answer could come from someone “dumber” than them, (that would be me) so they discount any idea that comes from an “obviously less intelligent person” (again me) before trying it. Usually “disagreeing” due to a lack of understanding of something they’ve never heard of before, or didn’t think of themselves.Let me ask you a question: If you were going to be walking across Africa on foot, would you rather have your guide be the guy on this planet with the highest I.Q., or a caveman who lived a million years ago that had an I.Q. of about 50... (not exactly me, but close enough) But who grew up being chased by lions and all kinds of animals that wanted to eat him all his life?Now, hopefully you’d like to have the guide who isn’t the smartest guy around... but who has escaped from many, many dangerous situations with deadly animals... OR deadly relationships!If you’d like to learn how to be more successful with dating, would you take advice from a guy who isn’t very intelligent, but who knows how to attract women, and has had many relationships? Or an “expert” with a degree from college and has been married to his childhood sweetheart for 20-30 years?Look around. Learn from some “dumb” guy... and let them teach you how to get what you REALLY want or need to know. If you get the beginning “right”, chances are, the ending will be too.So, KICKIN’ IT WITH KEITH family what do you say on this one? Is a year too long, not enough or just right? In general terms, how long is too long to be engaged? Don’t ask me ‘cause I Don’t Know, I’m just KICKIN’ IT!!!



VIP Backstage Access Granted, with

Tru. MagazineThe daughter of Legendary artist Singer/Song-writer Ray Charles, Ms. Shelia Raye Charles vis-ited Backstage Access with the studio for a radio show interview for KFAI Radio’s Lennie Chism Show. She was between stops on her way back out on tour and boy did she have a lot to say. She’s in the midst of a controversy with some of her other siblings in a case involving their fa-thers foundation, the Ray Charles Foundation. Sheila was dismayed over tabloid articles and false rumours surrounding the beef between the foundation and the family and she wanted to talk to TRU. about it!

LK= Lydia Marie King SRC = Sheila Raye Charles

LK: Tru. Magazine in the house ya’ll with V.I.P ac-cess granted to you! This is Lydia Marie King forV.I.P…back stage access with Tru. Magazine. We’re live in the studio today with singer, song writer, motivational speaker, and author of Be-hind the Shades, my girl, the magical and always powerful Miss Sheila Raye Charles!SRC: Wow, can you just follow me around and do that everywhere I go? I got chills.

LK: Sure, I can be what’s his name, Ed McMahon? I can be your Ed McMahon!SRC: Please, that was beautiful. I am telling ya what I got chills all over by body. That was beau-tiful.Thank you sis!

LK: Thank you girl. I am so happy that you de-cided to bless us with your presence here todaySRC: Amen

LK: I know that you are moving around and do-ing so many things both in the community and

at special events for some worthy causes. And, we’re gonna try and touch on all of those things. So your back in the Twin Cities area,let’s talk about what you’re here to do over the next few days. Other than talk with us obviously.SRC: I was gonna say one of them surely being here with you, loving what you’re doing, getting the word out and in truth and in spirit. That is so important to me that when something comes out about individuals or organizations or things that they are actually getting the truth about what’s going on. I feel very blessed to be a part of that with you Lydia.

LK: Thank YouSRC: I am also here to get to spend some time with my management team and just figure out what’s happening for the future. I’ve got, well let’s just say my schedule is so blessed right now. There is so much going on that I have to…some-times I have to rest.

LK: Certainly you have one amazing story to tell I know that for sure. And, what I love is the fact the we are going to be able to get the story straight from you-no chaser! There is a huge controver-sy going on right now between your family and your father’s foundation and of course your fa-ther is the legendary, Ray Charles. From what I understand you and your brothers and sisters are kind of caught up in this controversy. You’re be-ing sued by the foundation and we’re really go-ing to be able to get into depth about the case in an upcoming issue, but can you just give our lis-teners a little taste of what that whole beef is all about? I mean why is that even happening and how you’re handling it?SRC: Well, 1st and foremost one of the things that I want to say and I am grateful that you’ve given me the opportunity to speak briefly about this is I want to say to the public...public, please, stop sending those horrible comments about “Oh you greedy kids” “Ray this and Ray that.” You don’t know my father and you don’t know us. We are not doing anything 1st and foremost that we don’t have the legal right to do. We have a legal right to the copyrights of our father’s mu-sic by law. We’re not after his estate. We’re not



Sheila Raye Charles

Sheila Raye Charles


greedy, excuse me, bastards!”

LK: Wow!SRC: I was like “What?” What gives you the right to say that when you don’t know the story? You don’t know the relationship that we had with our father. The world has a tendency to take stars and make them something that they’re not. He was just a man. My father would never sue his chil-dren! He would never ever want them to be in the circumstances that we have been put it. Being put in the public eye like that, why do you think the world didn’t know that Ray had 12 kids? He kept it that way. He was very secretive and private about his personal life. It isn’t like we’re all just trying to come out. They put us out there like that. Me myself I have a career so I am in the public eye but most of the kids are very laid back. They’re trying to be. I wanna be out front for the whole world to see about what’s happening. That’s the main thing. I want Tru. readers, and the public that is lis-tening and will be watching through the magazine or what have you to look and see and hear before you make judgment!

“Don’t make any judgments

before you know the whole story.”

LK: Absolutely and you’re owed that for sure. How difficult that’s got to be to be going through at the same time you’re planning a fund raiser “Re-membering Ray”for the hearing impaired and that’s coming up soon in Atlanta. You’ve got some heavy hitters that have been invited to participate in this event I understand.SRC: Yes, Jamie Foxx, Regina King, Clifton Pow-ell, I believe he will be MCing it for that night. We’re going to have some special guests come out and perform as well. AS we get closer to the date we will open up that private information to those who may want to consider coming down for it. It’s going to be a night to remember. 1st of all just the fact that the children are coming together. Never before in the history of my fa-ther’s living or passing have we come together to give a tribute to him. From Usher to Alicia Keys to Jamie Foxx, everybody in the industry has done a tribute to our father but this will be an intimate evening with the children. Which will give you a greater understanding of who Ray was because we all have collected a piece of our father and we all act like him too. Well some of us have got-ten over the Ray attributes that we don’t need to have- amen. There was some we needed to let go of. It’s going to be a wonderful evening.

LK: And you told me earlier that you, your sister Robin and your brother Corey will also be per-forming, right?SRC: Yes, it is so exciting. I am so excited for the world see and hear my sister Robin. We don’t sing in the same genre of music, thank God, because I wouldn’t want to compete with her. She bad, ok?! She’s just as cute as she wants to be. My brother he’s like more rock and roll, funky, Lenny Kravitz style, so he is hot in his own right. I’m a little bit more old school R&B, love doing my father’s mu-

trying to get more money-we’re not! We are after what rightfully belongs to us. If anybody knows anything about big business and big money; it wouldn’t matter of we we’re the kids, or if we were our father’s best friend-the foundation does not want us to have that money! It’s about the money for real for them. I was just so shocked by all of the comments on CNN, I went down and I looked at all the comments after CNN put the story up, and me and my sister cried together on the phone be-cause they talked about us like they were so famil-iar with who we are. That we were these greedy...(pause),

“they called us


sic, and my own music which is a combination of Jazz, R&B, and Gospel. Very much a message of hope and bringing light on some serious issues through the lyrical content of my music.

LK: We’re looking forward to it all. We’ve got so many wonderful surprises in store for all of you out there. If your fans of Trumagazine or of the Lennie Chism show, keep it true with us you guys because for real we’re bringing you that good good! We’re gonna just blow it up. We’re gonna follow her through all the way to the end, and give you the back-story, the true story so don’t believe what you hear if you don’t hear it from us. Remember fam, if we don’t report it that it ain’t the truth.

Pt. II. of Sheila’s, Behind the Shades, the backstory will be featured in an upcoming issue of Tru. Magazine.


THE TONY AWARD-WINNING BEST MUSICALOPENS AT THE ST. PAUL ORDWAY THEATER OCTOBER 9! Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films Old Vic Productions and NETworks Presentations, LLC bring the multi-award-winning “Billy Elliot the Musical” to the Ordway stage in Saint Paul for a one-week run opening October 9. Based on the international smash-hit film and featuring music by Elton John, book and lyrics by Lee Hall, choreography by Peter Darling and direction by Stephen Daldry, “Billy Elliot the Musical” has earned critical acclaim around the world and was the winner of ten 2009 Tony Awards including Best Musical. “Billy Elliot the Musical” is the joyous celebration of one boy’s journey to make his dreams come true. Set in a small town, the story follows Billy as he stumbles out of the boxing ring and into a ballet class, discovering a surprising talent that inspires his family and his whole community and changes his life forever.

Performances:Tue., Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. Wed., Oct. 10 at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m.Fri., Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 13 (Shows) at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 14 (Shows) at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

THE TONY AWARD-WINNING BEST MUSICALOPENS AT THE ST. PAUL ORDWAY THEATER OCTOBER 9! Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films Old Vic Productions and NETworks Presentations, LLC bring the multi-award-winning “Billy Elliot the Musical” to the Ordway stage in Saint Paul for a one-week run opening October 9. Based on the international smash-hit film and featuring music by Elton John, book and lyrics by Lee Hall, choreography by Peter Darling and direction by Stephen Daldry, “Billy Elliot the Musical” has earned critical acclaim around the world and was the winner of ten 2009 Tony Awards including Best Musical. “Billy Elliot the Musical” is the joyous celebration of one boy’s journey to make his dreams come true. Set in a small town, the story follows Billy as he stumbles out of the boxing ring and into a ballet class, discovering a surprising talent that inspires his family and his whole community and changes his life forever.

Performances:Tue., Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. Wed., Oct. 10 at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m.Fri., Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 13 (Shows) at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 14 (Shows) at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.



THE TONY AWARD-WINNING BEST MUSICALOPENS AT THE ST. PAUL ORDWAY THEATER OCTOBER 9! Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films Old Vic Productions and NETworks Presentations, LLC bring the multi-award-winning “Billy Elliot the Musical” to the Ordway stage in Saint Paul for a one-week run opening October 9. Based on the international smash-hit film and featuring music by Elton John, book and lyrics by Lee Hall, choreography by Peter Darling and direction by Stephen Daldry, “Billy Elliot the Musical” has earned critical acclaim around the world and was the winner of ten 2009 Tony Awards including Best Musical. “Billy Elliot the Musical” is the joyous celebration of one boy’s journey to make his dreams come true. Set in a small town, the story follows Billy as he stumbles out of the boxing ring and into a ballet class, discovering a surprising talent that inspires his family and his whole community and changes his life forever.

Performances:Tue., Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. Wed., Oct. 10 at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m.Fri., Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 13 (Shows) at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 14 (Shows) at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.



‘Smoove Second’Every now and then, we ALL need a little help Time to get it in with... Mike Smoove. *Disclaimer; Warning the views and opinions expressed in this article are my own damn views and opinions. Not those of the publication. They are for entertainment purposes only. Read at your own risk!

Q: from Darryle Holloway-Hughes Why is being a mommas boy considered negative to some wom-en shouldn’t we all love and respect are mommas?

Mike Smoove: Of course we should love and respect our moms, that’s a given. As a matter of fact, I believe most women find it as a quality they admire. Having love and respect for your elders, parents, and a male having a healthy relationship with his mother is great. You just have to ask how the situation went from “He loves his mother” to “He’s a Momma’s Boy.” I think

woman primitively are attracted to a certain type of man. One who can do these four P’s: Protect, Provide, Progress, and Pleasure. She wants you to be her king; and most good kings have only one queen. She’s not trying to share you with any woman, especially your mother. There may even be some competitive feelings there. She wants to nurture her man, not stand in line. A good woman is going to want to be the one to take care of your wants and needs. She wants to take care of you when our sick, not have you call your mommy. You must have healthy boundaries and you must respect your current woman’s position. Imagine if every time your woman needed something: advice, money, or help she called her father. I’d be annoyed. If I’m your man, come to me first. I think the issue comes down to placing your mother before your woman. Are you still putting your mothers’ wishes and concerns first? Does she invade the privacy of your relationship? Do you not stand up to her? Does your woman feel like she comes second to your mother? Do you expect your woman to do every-thing your mother did for you? We all love our momma, but are you a man or a [momma’s] boy? If you can’t show her that you can do those 4 P’s for her; what do you think she really thinks about you? If you’re a momma’s boy; that means you es-sentially put your mom first. Then when it’s time to protect, whom are you going to protect more? Who’s more important for you to provide for? Who do you want to progress with? And, whom are you really trying to Please? There’s a fine line and when you cross it; it’s not sexy to woman. You look too dependent and possibly weak. Next time you put your mom first remember who you gotta wake up next to every day.

Q: from Rudy Spelker: Okay Mike, here’s a question: why is it that females like to post pictures of their cleavage and/or of their rear ends but in the same breath wanna holler about men not respecting them? They also refer to themselves as “B`”s but want to get upset when someone else does! Why is that?

Mike Smoove: They absolutely know what they’re doing when they show cleavage, wear skin-tight clothes, and show off their ASSets. They know what’s up; and they know you lookin’! Be-lieve that! All the time spent in front of the mirror, trust me that woman studied every line,

crack, and curve on her body before you did. They love the attention. So when you’re standing before her, sh** (explicit)…don’t be shy to look. She more than likely likes that you notice…just don’t forget to make eye contact! That’s where you lost points. Remember eyes are the windows to the soul. So, after you look at her flesh, look into her soul. She wants to be touched in both places. But she’ll feel cheap if all you want is the flesh. If you objectify her THAT’S when she’ll feel not respected. She wants you to not just lust for her, but to actually want…HER. To know her, respect her as an individual with her own personality, thoughts, and desires. If you’re only thinkin’ about sex, you know damn well you don’t really give a damn about her and she knows this too! Just think how many guys per day, week, month, and year come at her with every angle you can think of. The older she is, the more experienced she is. They know when you actually respect them, and if it’s real respect or you just being cordial until you get what you want. Most women are turned off by the thought of someone wanting them only as a piece of meat. She’s been played before and is not likely to believe you really care and all men are guilty until proven innocent. So don’t be like all the rest. Be Smoove… LOL

To answer your second question about being called a bi***(explicit). There are so many different perspectives around this subject. One could probably write a book on it. You know it’s funny, the word has so many meanings. Here are some examples of the different contexts:Degrading: “You ain’t gonna believe what this little bi***(explicit) did!” Sexy: “Damn baby, your going to be the sexiest bi***(explicit) in the club tonight!” Comradely: “Me and my bi***es(explicit) stick together.”Empowering: “Yo, do you see all she goes through? That’s a bad “bi***”(explicit) ! Weak: “Stop acting like a “bi***(explicit)”! Complaining: “All you do is “bi***(explicit)”!I don’t think we’ll ever figure this one out! LOL

This is Mike Smoove and I’m out,’til next time just remember…keep it Smoove!

If you want to get your questions answered email us at; and put SMOOVE SECOND QUESTION in the subject line. We’ll be sure that Mike get’s at yah



THEE Viking World Order rocks with Tru. Magazine

Retired NBA Baller Ben Coleman, who played for the New Jersey Nets and the Detroit Pistons comes out frequently to support charity events for the kids. AND Ben LOVES Tru. Magazine! Way to go Big Ben!

Galie Jaddunath throws the best fundraising events for kids in need! And, she’s a TRU. supporter. Thanks Galie, for all you do!



(RIGHT) Tru. Magazine Execu-tive Staff; Far left back row, Business Manager, Stepha-nie Allensworth, CEO/Editor in Chief, Lydia Marie King, Publicist, Alaina Lewis, CEO/Sr. Editor, Kevin King and front: Event Promoter for Galie’s Professional Services, Galie Jaddunath

Electric Heart Media, CEO/PUBLICIST Alaina Lewis took Tru. Magazine on as a client this month. We’ve got big things on the horizon for Tru. Magazine!



(ABOVE) VH 1 Mob House-wives Chicago, Reality T.V. Star, Pia Rizza was in Min-neapolis this month looking hot and promoting that hot NEW adult beverage that everybody’s talking about Cold Steel Vodka! And of course she loves us too!

Talent Manager, Eldon Peterson, who also happens to be the brother of Minnesota Viking’s Quarterback, Adrian Peterson kicks it with Love Promotions, CEO Pamela Weems at the Twin Cities Black Film Festival’s Fashion Show event held at the Deseo Ultra Lounge.



An iBroadCast Jazz FeatureBy Contributing Writer: Cairo Qween

All around the world, it is the same song! My journey has been an interesting one to say the least. I was given a vision of one nation under a groove, not the song, but the sound of music. Jazz gave me a plan to make her viral to the masses. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing, words to live by for a person like me and Dizzy Gillespie . Swing may very well be the tempo that my heart beats to. I am Cairo Qween and iBroadCast Jazz not just to the Jazz Hedz, but to all of you that want to sleep on Jazz. Wake up, I am your alarm clock and I gave you a few extra minutes to snooze, but now, it is TIME!

JAZZ! If music was a family then Jazz would literally play her part like this…Gospel – is grandmother, Blues is the grandfather and Jazz, she is the buck wild daughter of the two. Jazz had a mind of her own, fooled around and had two children out of wedlock named Rock ‘N Roll –who had his own pick up truck and Rhythm and Blues ,a loving an emotional creature, always had to walk and heard beats as her feet hit the streets. Now, both of these children left home to start their own lives with their own families making Jazz the proud grandparent to Pop and Hip-Hop. Pop is a really well known girl, her name is short for Popular and of course the street name for Hip-Hop is Rap. They both bring their significant others to the family reunion and pop, wanting to date someone well known around the world, hooked up with Alternative and they had a child name Techno – that kid is really up on one. Hip-Hop linked up with this city chick name Neo-Soul and they created House – that urban kat.

You know like every family reunion, the illegitimate children show up with their kids like that up-tempo lady Disco and her child Funk, we are not sure who the daddy is, but the rumor is that they are related on great grandpa Blues side. Hmm… and then there is the Doo Wop, haven’t seen her in a while. Frankly, I wish she would come around more. She is one of my personal favorites out of this crew.

Now you have Jazz in a strange place, which often happens with the elderly in our society – we put them somewhere and almost forget about them, when in reality, they are major contributors to our society. I am here to revitalize Jazz for you. You see, if not for Jazz, you would not have House, Techno, Hip-Hop, Neo-Soul, Pop, Alternative, Disco, Funk , Doo Wop, Rock N’ Roll, nor Rhythm N’Blues!

All of this being said, iBroadCast Jazz for a reason, to not only remind you of the extreme history that Jazz is and Jazz made and Jazz took part in, but to expose you to NEW emerging artists from around the globe.



I would like to start with love from Russia Denis Galuski is an extremely gifted and entertaining Jazz Pianist. He sent a music video to me on Facebook and blew my mind. I could not believe the sound that was coming from, of all places, Russia. Watching TV will have you confused about the world around you. Denis fused the sound of Straight Ahead Jazz with the ‘old school’ turn table scratches and samplings from other music almost reminds you of the “Unwrapped” series of Instrumentals by Hidden Beach Records

Sean O’Bryan Smith – SOS on Bass. While is Jazz SWAGG is a term that I may have to coin when I describe some of these musicians. Upright or Bass guitar, Sean really has the moxie to do big things with his Jazz career. Not to name drop, but Sean out of Nashville, TN is has recorded with some big name players like Gerald Albright, one of his best friends and Malcolm Jamal Warner (Yes, Theo – he plays Bass also).

Mace Hibbard for me is the one of the most

credible of all the musicians that I know of. He is a Grammy Award Winning Saxophonist, a college music instructor, big band section leader and one of the baddest Saxophone players and music arrangers of our time. Purchase your copy of “Time Gone By” on iTunes. Don’t sleep on Mace

To piggyback off that I would have to say THE BADDEST SAXOPHONE PLAYER ON THE EAST COAST has to be Brian Hogans! No joke he is a super beast with his sax. I would love someone to connect something to his brain to measure the activity when he plays. He has a song on his cd (look for iton iTunes),”Evidence of Things to Come”, called “Mind Tricks” and that is probably what best describes his style of playing – it will mess with your mind. He plays both Alto Saxophone and Piano and the sentiment is applied to both instruments as he plays. He will literally blow your mind. NPR JAZZ PAY ATTENTION!




brianhogansmusic .

Big Band Swing King Joe Gransden is not just a trumpet player and bandleader but quite a funny guy. Clint Eastwood comes to his shows specifically to see Joe Gransden and the Band! Don’t believe me? Look it up online. It is one great show with his 16 piece band presentation.


Will Goble,”Some Secrets Tell No Lies”. I was privileged to work with this young man in early August this summer on his cd release party. I was so pleased to have worked with an artist with that type of integrity about his work and the promotion of his music, but the sound of his music really is exceptional. He really has a fantastic cd in its entirety. Whether you like Jazz or not this cd is hot. He is my pick for JAZZSWAGG because

of his style and his ‘All In’ mentality. He is a nice young man, and watching him play is a delight. He literally dances with his bass and I don’t see many bass players really get into it like that anymore. The music is fun and lively very enjoyable personality on stage. I hope he goes far, he plays with the Jason Marsalis Quartet already and have seen them play together, outstanding show and band. Check out his music at . Tell him I sent you. My name is Cairo Qween and iBroadCast Jazz

“Jazz is, Jazz was, and Jazz always will be. More Jazz Everywhere NOW!”

Cairo Qween & iBroadCast Entertainment Network: Facebook: Twitter:!/cairoqween







ALL TRU. MAN CONTEST!We recently held a contest on our FB page ask-ing Tru. Friends to vote on who they felt was the SEXIEST looking “ALL TRU. MAN”. Well, actually as Chief Editor it was my own selfish indulgence, because let’s keep it real…all of these gentlemen put the “S” in SIZZLE, but anyway- our friends (both ladies and gents) chimed in and we promised to do a full feature on the winner. Here’s a peak at the contestants!




And the winner was…

….JIMMIE!So as promised, we’ll be bringing you a full spread on this fine specimen of an ALL TRU. MAN in the…NEXT issue of Tru.! That’s right, ya gotta get the NEXT issue of Tru to get the low-down on Jimmie!

All contestants courtesy of :


Tru. Gift Michael Bodine

Michael Bodine, Psychic to the stars is often asked questions about his gift and talents and his frequent eerie encounters with the after-world. Some of our readers wanted to know... Q: Where does one's "psychic ability" comefrom? Michael: This question is asked all the time and depending on who you ask, the answer is complicated. Some say it’s a curse, so therefore it comes from a dark place. Others say it’s a blessing so, it comes from God. For me the answer is simple, all things come from god, athletic ability, artistic ability, psychic ability. How’s it possible to paint a haystack so beautifully that people come all over the world just to see it? How can a person teach an unreachable child? And how can a person accurately tell you your future, when they don’t even know you? Growing up, as a psychic I was taught, just like any other natural gift you might have,you had to exercise your abilities, you had to practice over and over, do reading after reading before you could actually do a professional one. The thought being it was something you worked on no matter how gifted you might be. You needed to learn the nuances that came with it, the meaning of the symbols and colors and words. So in my world I didn’t see it as a special gift, it was just something I was kind of good at I needed to develop Q: Do you actually see dead people in their original body or is it just a shadow or a form or mist that appears?

Michael Bodine, Psychic to the stars is often asked questions about his gift and talents and his frequent eerie encounters with the after-world. Some of our readers wanted to know...Q: Where does one’s “psychic ability” come from?Michael: This question is asked all the time and depending on who you ask, theanswer is complicated. Some say it’s a curse, so therefore it comes from a darkplace. Others say it’s a blessing so, it comes from God. For me the answer is simple,all things come from God, athletic ability, artistic ability, psychic ability. How’s itpossible to paint a haystack so beautifully that people come all over the world justto see it? How can a person teach an unreachable child? And how can a personaccurately tell you your future, when they don’t even know you?Growing up, as a psychic I was taught, just like any other natural gift you mighthave,you had to exercise your abilities, you had to practice over and over, doreading after reading before you could actually do a professional one. The thoughtbeing it was something you worked on no matter how gifted you might be.You needed to learn the nuances that came with it, the meaning of the symbolsand colors and words. So in my world I didn’t see it as a special gift, it was justsomething I was kind of good at I needed to developQ: Do you actually see dead people in their original body or is it just a shadow ora form or mist that appears?Michael: In my experience, ghost come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve seen heads, halfbodies, full bodies, body parts. I’ve seen lights, bright lights dull lights little lights biglights. Depending on how strong the spirit is the clearer the image. For me the mostunsettling thing I’ve seen was a white bony hand reaching out to grab me. I was ona ghost-busting, end of the night when I went into the bathroom to put cold wateron my face. I looked in the mirror then down at my hands and there was the handreaching for me, I pulled my hand away and told it to get the hell away from me Iwas taking a break. It disappeared.

Michael Bodine


Q: Can people invite an evil presence into theirhome by performing seances or other rituals?Michael: As I was growing up and we were learning about the dos and the don’t ofpsychic development, we learned that certain things attracted negative earth boundspirits. Things like Ouija boards and amateur seances attracted spirits who wereboard, lonely and tended to do things like turn off lights and make things move, justto get a reaction from the people who were using them. The weren’t necessarilyevil, more like jerks you knew when you were growing up. But, people tend tobe drawn to that at first because it’s dramatic and fun and kinda spooky but theproblems came when you were finished playing with whatever you were playingwith, the spirits you called upon wouldn’t leave. We were told we needed to burnOuija boards and not do seances unless it was with a professional so we couldavoid the dark side.A moment inside of Michael’s Private ThoughtsBack in the stone age, when I was 20, I dated a girl who’s only joy in life seemed tobe ripping my heart out, eating it in front of me and smiling as I passed out gaspingfor breath. So tormented by this she devil I sought the counsel of my mothers bestfriend, a female medicine women named white feather.White feather, for me was not the easiest person to talk to, her Idea of fun wassitting in a 105 degree tee pee naked, smoking a long wooden pipe and discussingthe affairs of the day with her dead relatives. But she was kind and she was wiseand the closest person I knew to a living Gandhi.Before I could get into my tale of pain and woe, she asked me to sit down and listen,she had a story to tell. She went on to say that there was this brave, a warriorwho according to the tribe, had, had it all. A happy wife, a strong son, and a prizedstallion the whole community admired. One day his beautiful horse broke his reinsand fled the village and the whole community said oh no, his luck has changed,surely this is a bad sign. When asked about this the brave simply said, yea maybe ithas. A week later his horse returned and with his horse came 7 beautiful mares, all the envy of the village. Surely he’s blessed, said the tribe and when told how luckyhe was, the brave simply replied “yea maybe I am.”Another week passed and the braves young son was training in one of the newmares when he fell off the horse and broke his leg. Oh no, said the village, his badluck has returned, he must be cursed. When asked, the brave replied “yea maybe Iam”. Shortly after, a war broke out with a rival tribe and many young braves werekilled or wounded but the braves sons broken leg prevented him from going on thewar party and therefore was sparred. And once again the village told the brave, howlucky and fortunate he was and with that the brave replied yea maybe I am.White feather never told me her thoughts on her story, rather leaving it up to me,to come up with my own interpretation. But as time went on and issues came upI would always go back to her story and remember. Things do change, and I yesmaybe I can.

To learn more about Michael Bodine and his book, “Growing Up Psychic” visit his website at


Necessary Exposure... w/Tru. ‘ Exposed’

Tru. Magazine Photojournalist “Shane” aka ‘Necessary Exposure’ caught up with Actor, Kevin James, who was in town to promote his new movie “Here Comes The Boom”. Shane: What can you take from this film and put into your everyday life right now? Kevin James: Just to be a better version of yourself, you know…everybody kinda get’s complacent in life ya know? I know I do, in a lot of areas of my life. But, just to kinda get “re-invigorated” by some things hopefully some things inspire you and in doing that you try to become a better version of yourself, you get to see how to kind of inspire other people- and uh…have fun while you're at it. Tru. say’s, that’s real spit...go head Kevin James!!

Tru. Magazine Photojournalist “Shane” aka ‘Necessary Exposure’ caught up with Actor, Kevin James, who was in town to promote his new movie “Here Comes The Boom”.

Shane: What can you take from this film and put into your everyday life right now?Kevin James: Just to be a better version of yourself, you know…everybody kin-da get’s complacent in life ya know? I know I do, in a lot of areas of my life. But, just to kinda get “re-invigorated” by some things hopefully some things inspire you and in doing that you try to become a better version of yourself, you get to see how to kind of inspire other people- and uh…have fun while you’re at it.

Tru. say’s, that’s real spit...go head Kevin James!!

Necessary Exposure... w/Tru. ‘ Exposed’

Tru. Magazine Photojournalist “Shane” aka ‘Necessary Exposure’ caught up with Actor, Kevin James, who was in town to promote his new movie “Here Comes The Boom”. Shane: What can you take from this film and put into your everyday life right now? Kevin James: Just to be a better version of yourself, you know…everybody kinda get’s complacent in life ya know? I know I do, in a lot of areas of my life. But, just to kinda get “re-invigorated” by some things hopefully some things inspire you and in doing that you try to become a better version of yourself, you get to see how to kind of inspire other people- and uh…have fun while you're at it. Tru. say’s, that’s real spit...go head Kevin James!!

Necessary Exposure... w/Tru. ‘ Exposed’




Ingredients:2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into thin strips 4 ounces linguine, cooked al dente 2 teaspoons Cajun seasoning 2 tablespoons butter 1 thinly sliced green onions 1 -2 cup heavy whipping cream 2 tablespoons chopped sun-dried tomatoes 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon dried basil 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese


Place chicken and Cajun seasoning in a bowl and toss to coat.

In a large skillet over medium heat, sauté chicken in butter or margarine until chicken is tender, about 5 to 7 minutes.

Reduce heat add green onion, heavy cream, toma-toes, basil, salt, garlic powder, black pepper and heat through.

Pour over hot linguine and toss with Parmesan cheese.

September RecipesTRU.CULINARY

In the Kitchen with...Sharon Fox


Serve over hot rice and ENJOY.

ITALIAN MEATBALLSIngredients: 1 lb. ground beef 1/2 lb. ground pork1 large eggs, slightly beaten 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese 1/3 cup breadcrumbs, use enough to hold the meat together (no dry breadcrumbs? Just soak 3 slices of bread in the 1/3 cup of milk ) 1 -2 tablespoon fresh minced garlic ( or use 1 teaspoon garlic powder or to taste) 1 -2 teaspoon salt ( or to taste, I use 2 teaspoons seasoned salt) 1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 1/3 cup milk ( can use up to 1/2 cup milk) 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano ( optional, or to taste) 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley ( or 2 tablespoons dried parsley)

Spaghetti sauce

SUPER SUPPER CHICKENIngredients:2 lbs boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces 1 -2 tablespoon olive oil 1 garlic cloves, crushed 1/4 teaspoon ginger 3/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1/4 cup apple juice 1/3 cup light brown sugar 2 tablespoons ketchup 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup soy sauce

Directions:Heat oil in a large skillet. Add chicken pieces and cook until lightly browned. Remove chicken. Add remaining ingredients, heating over medium Heat until well mixed and dissolved. Add chicken and bring to a hard boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Directions: Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Shape into small meatballs (at this point you can place on a jelly-roll/baking sheet and freeze to use later, or cover with plastic wrap refrigerate up to 24 hours before using). Drop the meatballs into your favorite simmering pasta sauce, do not stir for at least 20 minutes or you will risk breaking the meatballs. Continue cooking in the simmering sauce for another 20 minutes (depending on how fast your sauce is simmering 40 min total should fully cook the meatballs). After the 40 minutes cooking time continue cooking your sauce with the meatballs in for as long as desired. **note** you may also bake the meatballs at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes or until cooked through.



CAKE2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 3/4 cups white sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups shredded carrots 1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 (8 ounce) cans crushed pineapple, drained 1/2 cup raisins (optional)

FROSTING1 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup butter, softened 2 cups icing sugar Directions:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan, or 2 round cake pans. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon; make a well in the center and add sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla. Mix with wooden spoon until smooth.

Stir in carrots, coconut, walnuts, raisins, and pineapple. Pour into cake pan and bake for about 45 minutes for 9x13 pan or about 30 minutes for round layers, until toothpick comes out clean. Don’t panic, the center will sink a little.

Allow to cool; when cool, ice the cake. You can certainly use your favorite cream cheese frosting to ice this cake, but the one I’ve included is highly recommended (I usually leave the cake in the 13x9 pan and just frost the top).

To make the frosting: Cream the butter and cream cheese until smooth; add the icing sugar and beat until creamy.

Garnish cake with chopped walnuts.



2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon kosher salt

Cream wet ingredients:1 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 cup sugar 1 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed

2 large eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla

Then stir in:3 cups rolled oats ( not instant)

1 1/2 cups raisins

Directions:Preheat oven to 350°.

Whisk dry ingredients; set aside. Combine wet ingredients with a hand mixer on low.

To cream, increase speed to high and beat until fluffy and the color lightens. Stir the flour mixture into the creamed mixture until no flour is visible.

(Over mixing develops the gluten, making a tough cookie.) Now add the oats and raisins; stir to incorporate. Fill cookie scoop with dough.

(Use a #40 cookie scoop; it measures 2 tablespoon of dough) Press against side of bowl, pulling up to level dough.

Drop 2-inches apart onto baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray. Bake 11-13 minutes (on center rack), until golden, but still moist beneath cracks on top.

Remove from oven; let cookies sit on baking sheet for 2 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.




Batman Live



TRU was fortunate enough to be present at the second US performance of the Batman Live World Arena Tour. It was a sensational show that delivers on many elements any Batman or theatre enthusiast can appreciate.

Gotham City took life as the heroes and villains took over the stage and brought moments from print, TV, and film to light in a completely new way. The show was a brilliant combination of deep plot lines interwoven with pyrotechnics, acrobatics, and fight scenes. Giving all in attendance an enjoyable experience. The entire cast did a great job with stand-out performances by many players, including; Jack Walker/Batman, Mark Frost/Joker, Poppy Tierney/Harley Quinn, Emma Clifford/Catwoman, John Harding/Alfred, and Kamran Darabi-Ford/Robin. TRU was invited to view opening day rehearsal and spoke with some of the cast members prior to the show.

TRU: “You’re playing Catwoman in this production. Did you draw any inspiration from the prior actresses who portrayed the role?”

Catwoman: “I think first and foremost when you’re playing any role you go back to the material it originated from. For me I went back to the comics, looked at your journey throughout them. How she behaved…what sort of things she says, even how the illustrations depicted her movement.”

TRU: “When you say you went back to the comics, was there a specific series within the Batman comics you

were focused on?”

Catwoman: “I was looking quite broadly; it was more interesting to see how she’s developed over the years and try to incorporate those elements.”

TRU: “What do you do to prepare for the acrobatics, heights, and pyrotechnics involved in a production this size?”

Catwoman: “We’re all pretty physical, so it’s part of our job to work out and go to the gym. We try to have a nice time as well, but that’s a huge part of the preparation for this job. Once you hear the music and the show starts running you really feel like you’re on a train.”

TRU: “This being the newest installation of a Batman project, where did you draw your inspiration for your version of Robin?”

Robin: “With this show we’ve stuck very rigidly to the comic book, so it’s a show unlike anything that’s been done before. We wanted to bring these characters to life from the comic book. Where the roots were initially instigated. We wanted to create something fresh and new.”

TRU: “With a production of this scale, what’s it like working with the production team?”

Robin: “We have a massive crew, huge cast, huge technical team, and the best safety team. We all feel safe when we’re flying and the pyros are going, we have a lot of gymnasts, acrobats, and performers working on the show. It’s a very high energy show, and we all need to be in peak physical condition to execute this well oiled machine.”

TRU: “How much of a range of characters is being featured in this production?”


Robin: “What’s nice is we have all the iconic characters, the ones everybody knows. Weather we like the old Adam West TV shows, the movies, or you’ve played the games, or if you know the comics. It doesn’t matter if you’re six or sixty-six there’s something for everyone, Riddler, Joker, Two-Face, The Flying Graysons, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Catwoman…everyone.”

TRU: “It’s nice to be here at the rehearsal, you’re playing the Joker…what’s going through your head when you prepare for a role like this?”

Joker: “We’ve been doing this show for quite a long time. Before we got to the states we had a year of getting the show ready in the UK and then in Europe and a little time in South America. It’s now really exciting to have brought it to the states which is the home of Batman. We’re used to the routine of getting to a new city and setting up the show. It feels familiar but very exciting.”

TRU: “Were some of the prior venues this size or is this the largest stage so far?”

Joker: “We’ve had some very big venues. This is the biggest venue we’ve played in the states so far. We’ve had similar size venues in Europe, and it’s definitely a new challenge. It’s unusual for all of us in that you don’t get to play venues of this size as an actor very often. It’s great when you’ve got thousands of people packed in, and the show has plenty of spectacle so it gets them on the edge of their seat.”

TRU: “What level of theatricality should we expect out of your portrayal of the Joker?”

Joker: “It takes the Joker back to the character’s roots. He’s very much the Clown Prince of Crime, and also the

master of ceremonies so to speak. He takes over the circus, orchestrates the death of Dick Grayson’s parents, and then lures Batman in. Since so much of the action takes place at the circus during our show he’s very much the master of ceremonies. It’s his kind of world, he even gets to perform some illusions throughout the show.”

TRU: “Gotham City getting all set up, we have the Batmobile behind us. How do you feel about your new car?”

Batman: “It’s only the best car I’ve ever had, should show you some pictures of my cars back home. It’s amaz-ing; it’s a lot of fun. The audience responds to it as much as we enjoy it.”

TRU: “The wardrobe and make-up effects look phenomenal, how do you respond to the Batman attire?”

Batman: “You feel great when you’re in them. You feel like your Batman, which is helpful.”

TRU: “How do you prepare for the physical elements of the production?”

Batman: “Tried to stay as fit as possible, I’ve exercised more for this job than at any other point in my life.”

TRU: “From my interviews with other cast members it sounds like it’s going to be a very traditional Gotham, getting into roots of what Batman is all about. What does it feel like to be a part of something so iconic?”

Batman: “I think the thing is it’s so iconic because it’s really good. That’s why Batman is iconic. I don’t know if I’m necessarily aware of how iconic it is while I’m doing it, you get that afterwards…it’s a retrospective feeling. Just the fact that it’s a lot of fun and you know you’re making something good. That’s the thing, we’re not just trying to make something work, and hold it together. We’re making something good and the source material is there for us.”

“I am Jack Walker…I am Batman…this is TRU Magazine.”



VIP Backstage Access with TM caught wind of this rising star and recently interviewed the very beautiful “Ms. Hollwood Latina”. Lizelle Gutierrez is an actress on the ‘rise’. She’s active in the community and heads up her own anti-bulling campaign. You wanted to know more so, here she is…

TM: What’s happening, Lizelle? What are you into these days.Lizelle Gutierrez: Well, I’m an actor, living in LA, and currently I’m working on short films, and independent films. I used to work in local commercials when I was in high school and I did a lot of theatre in the past, but right now, I’m working more in films and trying to break through in independent films.

TM: Well, I understand that you were a beauty queen, Miss Hollywood Latina?Lizelle Gutierrez: Yes. Actually, I won the Bettie Page Search for Miss Hollywood Latina in Hollywood. It was a great honor for me to be involved and I ran for the Miss California Latina pageant and it was a very great experience for me. They pushed me to my best. It helped me be stronger, more courageous and bolder and I’m really glad I had this opportunity to run for this pageant as Miss Hollywood Latina.




TM: So is that work helping to launch your career in the area that you want to go? I mean once you’re on a beauty pageant, I know they expect you to do a lot of waving with your hand. So …

Lizelle Gutierrez: Yes. Actually it helped me a lot with my career because they train us. They push us beyond our limits, our maximum. We meet great people. We get to network. You know how I said we got to go in front of the audience and we build more courage and different types of people look at us and see us, and I’m actually running for another pageant right now, Miss California Ethnic World Pageant and that’s another great opportunity where we get to network with different artists and people. They teach us different social skills with individuals. So it definitely helps me with my career.

TM: I see, I understand that you’re also a part of a public policy movement, the anti-bullying campaign. How did you get involved with that and what do you see some of the pros and cons being?

Lizelle Gutierrez: Oh, this has been a really amazing experience! The gentleman that I’m involved on the project with is Wesley Rodney. What we do with

this anti-bullying organization is raise awareness by going through music, acting skits, fashion shows, cartoons, etc. to help solve issues with bullying. We want to help the person that’s being bullied as well as “the bully” because, the person that does the actual “bullying” also has their own personal problems in life So we try to encourage both sides to seek help and to inspire people through music, to raise awareness through music and to help others out there. We want to send the message that they’re not alone. We are also working to one day make this illegal because it’s really not right that other people put other people down.

TM: Yeah. I know as an older person, I grew up in a public school system and that was just a part of growing up. We played dodge ball. We knew who were big kids and little kids and it was always a bigger guy in the community of friends. I’m curious as to what kinds of legal processes you would like to

see put into place when there’s children involved? What are some of the things that you’re asking the legislature to pass laws on?

Lizelle Gutierrez: I think first before a legislator can pass a law, the community has to get involved and the parents of course, because the parents are the ones who know when their children are getting bullied. It’s up to the parents to reach out because; truthfully, “the people” have a lot of power and they have to actually go to the schools, go to the educators, the teachers, the principals and they all have to organize the system because it’s really hard to pass the law without people getting involved. So I think the more people need to speak up and stand up for their rights and actually raise awareness about this issue and go to the police officers because even the police department doesn’t take this issue seriously, in fact unfortunately a lot of people don’t take it seriously. I think that if people start speaking up and organizing in schools and having meetings in different towns, I think a legislator could actually pass this law to make bullying illegal.

TM: So I’m thinking – and bear with me on this


thought that was part of becoming an adult as a child. You had to be in environments where you were able to challenge yourself and others to challenge you, particularly from the male side and in the African-American community. I’m not familiar with how the Latino community handles it. But given both communities, are you seeing a change? Are you seeing the pendulum shift to the other direction where that’s not something that people want to tolerate as much?

Lizelle Gutierrez: Yes. From the Latino community, there are a lot of natural behaviors and of course people have socialized that way since their childhood and I think with people raising awareness and educating the community, I think that people are starting to be aware that bullying is bad because some people are committing suicide.

And when people see that people are really being highly affected by bullying, then I think individuals are going to evaluate their actions regardless what ethnic heritage they come from and they’re really going to evaluate what they do, how they hurt other individuals and really consider stopping it. And I think there is progress in the society based on people’s organizations. I guess a lot of artists are involved with the anti-bullying movement and of course I know there are a lot of leaders, political leaders that are also involved. So I think the more people that get involved, the more people that talk and debate about this issue, the more people are going to stop bullying other individuals because it’s really highly affecting people.

TM: Let’s talk about your film that you’re involved in. I understand you have a new film coming up. Tell us about it. And what’s your role? Are you supporting? Starring? Extra?

Lizelle Gutierrez: I’m actually a co-star, the leading female in this independent feature film that’s coming up. The director told me I can’t really announce the name of the project right now but it’s kind of to give you a broad specific – it’s kind of a combination of Freaky Friday and My Week with Marilyn. So it’s something that I’m really looking forward to and I really hope that this really works out for the best and this can really help launch my career to do other projects and give me an opportunity to grow as an artist.

TM: Well, we hope that that does occur too. It sounds like you will be a great actress on the big screen. What are some of the things you have coming up next? Give us an idea. Are you coming to the Twin Cities anytime


soon? You’re going to Puerto Rico? Canada? What’s on your agenda?

Lizelle Gutierrez: Right now on my agenda, I have the next pageant that’s coming up, Miss California World Ethnic Pageant and I’m really looking forward to that pageant in September. As I told you, this is really helping me out with my personal development to meet great people and new artists. I’m also involved in the anti-bullying movement. I’m currently working as a host to host other events where there are artists who perform music. So I kind of really had a hosting experience before so that’s going to be a great opportunity in talent screening and with traveling, I’m not planning to travel anytime soon. But I’m hoping that I get the opportunity to go abroad or to a different state.

TM: Well is there anything that I didn’t cover that you would like for us to know? How to contact you, website.

Lizelle Gutierrez: Yes. I have a really great agent. Her name is Stephanie Allensworth and she’s amazing. And she has really been supportive in my career and I could say she’s an amazing and awesome person.

TM: OK. Well, we will give a shout out to Stephanie there. Is there a website or fan page, a Facebook, anything that you want people to check out?

Lizelle Gutierrez: I have a fan page in Facebook. It’s Lizelle Gutierrez. I also have an IMDb page and a website, but I’m currently considering developing a different website.

TM: Shall we follow you on Twitter anywhere or anything like that?

Lizelle Gutierrez: I really – I don’t – I mean, I don’t really go on Twitter. I might have an account but I don’t really log in. But I follow Facebook more so Facebook would be a better place to follow me.

TM: OK. Well, we will tell the paparazzi where to find you at, the red carpet. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing you on it shortly.

Lizelle Gutierrez: Thank you.

Contributing Reporter; Lennie Chism, for The Lennie Chism Show on KFAI Radio, 90.3 FM in Minneapolis and Tru. Entertainment Magazine



MinnesotaLynx Bring Home the

GoldStory by; Reporter Matt Fleegle

At the halfway point of a season flooded with victo-ries and milestones, three players from the WNBA Champion Minnesota Lynx headed to England for the United States Women’s Olympic Basketball Team.

The US women’s national team has won forty-0ne straight games. Since 1996 the US team has only lost once in international competition. In London this year they brought home their fifth consecutive gold medal in dominant fashion averaging 90 points per contest while only allowing an average of 56 points.

In an effort to disway the threat of overconfidence the US national team has instilled a championship culture supported by the best talent and coaching in the world. The practices are grind sessions where players hone their skills and learn each other’s ten-


For last year’s WNBA rookie of the year, Maya Moore, this began her first journey into Olympic culture. She met the challenge with patience and focused on executing as a unit above the individual.

“We play forty minutes, and we give it our all.” -Maya Moore

Maya Moore is a young talent who already holds many accolades. In ad-dition to being one of the only women endorsed by Jordan brand, she has been a key cog in the Minnesota Lynx success. During last year’s Champion-ship run and continuing through this season Moore has produced time and time again. Moore plays hard every minute of every contest.

For Minnesota native Lindsay Whalen this was her third year with the US national team and her first trip to the Olympics. Whalen has developed an aura of effort in all those around her. Her tough work on the defensive side of the ball, mixed with her ability to read the court on offense, make her a phenomenal floor leader.

In addition to her basketball IQ and talent, Whalen had no issues being humble and helping her Lynx team-mates keep that mindset, as they became the US national team’s Bench Mob in 2012.

The third member of the Lynx that traveled to London this year was defending Finals MVP Seimone Augus-tus. This was the second trip to Olym-pic village for Augustus and that expe-rience assisted her as she acclimated her Lynx teammates into the 2012 US



national team.

The veteran leadership provided by Augustus was key to maintaining con-tinuity within the US national team as they decimated one opponent after another during the London Olympic Games.

All three players participated in all eight contests. Moore started five of the eight games and was third in steals and rebounds, and fourth in scoring throughout the Olympics. Augustus and Whalen came off the bench in every game and finished fifth and sixth amongst the US players in scoring.

The average attendance during the Olympics for the US women’s national team was 10,361 per contest. This amount of attention could have been distracting, however the defending Lynx are currently averaging 9,683 attendees per game, so the players were used to the noise and pressure.

After returning home from the Olym-pics the momentum continued for all three players as well as the Lynx as they made their push for the playoffs. Seimone Augustus broke the Lynx all time record for total points. Lindsay Whalen answered by setting the Lynx record for career assists.

Not to be left out Maya Moore set a team record with a career high 7 steals, as well as tying a WNBA record for three-point shots in one quarter with 5 during the last home game of the season.

In addition to the multiple in-game ac-colades Moore, Augustus, and Whalen accompanied their team to Washing-

ton D.C. to meet President Obama.

“This team does it all, and they do it in style…they play the game the right way. They compete fiercely, but they’re good.” ABC News

President Obama

The Lynx finished the season with a record of 27-7. Lead by their big three the team prepares to enter the WNBA postseason with high hopes for a second consecutive title.

CHAMP…agne, anyone?




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One of Motown Records original Staff Writers,

Mr. Clay Drayton sat down with us this month to discuss his work, then and now in the music business. Clay has written hits for superstars like Diana Ross and he worked with countless industry mega stars.

We wondered what he is up to today.

TM: Clay, you were really a part of the Motown tradition!Clay Drayton: Yeah, I was with Motown for seven years.

TM: OK. How about a little background? Clay Drayton: I am a songwriter, producer, arranger, and I played on a lot of songs as well. I did the arrangement for Love Hangover with Diana Ross, which was her biggest hit. I wrote songs for the Jackson 5, and one of the songs that had not been released on the Jackson 5 is going to be coming out in the next month. It’s a new album release that is going to be coming out. One of my songs on the project is called “Cupid” and the album is called “Rare Pearls”. That’s the name of the album because these are songs that have never before been released.



TM: Being a songwriter opens represents a whole different side of the music business. My understanding – and I’m a novice to your world – is that songwriters have lifetime rights to the song. Am I correct?Clay Drayton: Well your copyright is 50 years so that should last you a lifetime and the family can actually – if you’re not here, they can actually go ahead and copyright it again to get it back up and going.

TM: With the recent passing of Whitney Houston, one of the issues that some industry insiders were discussing is the copyrights for the song that Dolly Parton had written for her, and the obvious huge spike in revenues for “I will always love you”, which obviously worked out quite well for both Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston’s estate. Have you experienced that working in your favor too?Clay Drayton: Absolutely. When Michael Jackson passed a lot of people were beginning to purchase a lot of his songs that he had sung on (or with) the Jackson 5 and of course I did see more revenue at that time- yes.

TM: So when you see – like with today’s advancement and all the different ways music is played, the internet has opened up for instance, YouTube, Daily Motion, all of these different versions of how a song is put out there. How have you seen that affect your ability to keep your rights and for people to basically compensate you for use of your music.Clay Drayton: Well, what we’re looking at now is a phenomenon in that. Because of the internet, writers are making less money because now instead of purchasing the songs, you get a lot of people downloading them for free and some of the contemporary artists and hip-hop and rap are even encouraging that by actually giving away their songs online. Free download here, free download here. And it’s actually “cheapening”, if you will, the art of songwriting and so they’re basically saying, “Well songwriting is free. That doesn’t take any work.” When in actuality, the true songwriters don’t just cut and paste on proTunes, and reason and logic. People actually sit down and write songs from scratch and really know how to craft great lyrics. It takes hours. It takes days. It takes weeks. It takes months and sometimes years to come up with a really great song and you don’t want someone to just download it and you’ve done all that work and you get nothing for it. So this is something that they have to address so that songwriters can still have a career and get an income.

TM: Well, you mentioned how the young artists may have a much more understanding of this. George Clinton allowed that to happen with his music. He allowed them to sample it without any royalties coming to him and it actually from my understanding revived his career with a lot of the rappers. Have you seen that same thing occurring with your career where you’re able to find different ways to revive your career with the younger generation by using your music in songs?Clay Drayton: Well, in actuality, it has not worked that way for me. What has happened as it relates to reviving my music is I’ve been teaching the “Motown Secrets” to songwriting which is of course I teach at the Burbank – at the Los Angeles School of Songwriting and that’s in Burbank, California and so I have several students who will come to that. Then I just came back from Seattle where I put on a workshop and we had a packed house there, teaching them about songwriting. Prior to that, I was in San Diego-the same thing. It was a packed house and as I’m beginning to travel around the country – in fact I was in Phoenix last month-the same thing. So what has really been helping is me going around teaching songwriting and doing songwriting seminars. Then I tweet. I have Motown Monday that I tweet, @Clay Drayton, and so this has helped in a tremendous way because a lot of people now are coming out to learn how to write but also they’re learning about my music as well. So that has been a benefit without having to give away music.

TM: Well now one of the things that I found interesting is when I grew up there were big bands; Earth, Wind and Fire, Brass Construction, Con Funk Shun, all of the big bands with a lot of instruments. But


today we don’t see those styles of bands anymore so I would presume that has affected some of the songwriting that you put together with less of the instruments involved. What are some of the things that you’re doing now that the young writers can take advantage of that would allow you to now be able to really get into their world?Clay Drayton: Well see, the key in all of this is – to promote your songwriting is writing with lots of people, writing with different people. As I write with different people, you never know where the song is going to go. For example, I wrote with one particular brother; Erik Griggs, he did “No Air” for Jordan Sparks and here we were working on the thing for Earth, Wind and Fire because I know Philip Bailey and so we went in the studio and actually all the instrumentation is live because we wanted to get that sound. Now, for a lot of the guys who are out there and working just basically themselves playing in their own home studio, what some of those guys should do is, then once you’ve got your track done and it’s at the degree where you really like it, then bring in a live musician to play each one of those parts and then it’s going to bring it back to life! There is so much of a difference in the sound when you introduce live music with live musicians. It’s really what it’s all about. I think we need to go back to that. One of the reasons why country music has really been leading the pack is that they never change. All of the instrumentation is live, live guitar, live bass, live keyboards, everything; and they have great sound. But

when you’re just the only musician and you’re using a software, then you can’t play as good as four, five guys who’ve been playing all their life and you can’t have the same type of feeling that all of these people would be able to put into it. So you’re going from mechanized sound to the live sound where there’s so much feeling and emotion and that’s what has been happening a lot. You don’t get as much feeling and emotion now like you used to get. For example; like when you have groups like Earth, Wind and Fire who are just tremendous musicians. When we did “Love Hangover”, we had the best – Joe Sample plays on keyboard, James Gadson on drums and some really great musicians and that’s why we have some great music.


TM: What are some of the things that you would like to give as advice for future songwriters as far as breaking into the industry? And give us some contact information for those who may like to follow up with you, to attend your class or connect you on Facebook or Twitter.Clay Drayton: You can tweet me, @ClayDrayton. Facebook is Clay Drayton and if you want to email me, it’s And now as it relates to “tips” on how people would break into the business; the first thing I would say is get someone who really is a good lyricist because right now, good lyricists are hard to find but when you can get a song with great lyrics, that’s a plus. Find a good musician because the sound of your music, the quality of your music is important. Listen to some of the songs that we did at Motown because you notice there’s Motown Monday, Motown Weekend, Motown everything. Listen to those songs. Listen to how they’re crafted and see if you can come up with songs that are similar and then to get your songs out, you should email me and I can direct them in whatever direction they want to go because the Achilles’ heels of every songwriter is being able to get these songs out and get them recorded with a major artist. I’m working on various projects for a few of my other friends. If they got something really good, they can contact me through email or Facebook or whatever and I will see if I can steer them in the right direction. Like I said early on, I was in Phoenix and I put on a songwriter seminar a couple of weeks ago. I was in San Diego then I was in Seattle this past weekend. But if you would like me to come out and do a seminar or workshop, contact me at that email address and I will set everything up. Be sure to email me and then CC that to She’s my agent and she will be able to communicate with you and facilitate making that happen.

TM: Well Clay, I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with the Lennie Chism Show via Tru Magazine. We are always interested in where we came from and how we can still keep moving forward in the music industry. And I really appreciate all the hard work that you have given our communities to make it the voice, the Motown sound and others have really shaped a lot of young people today in regards to what they may say or do. Those songs have really shaped them and I still play quite a few of them on my show.Clay Drayton: Great.

TM: So we really do appreciate all you’ve done and keep going, man. Just keep knocking it out. We’re looking for the next big hit. !Clay Drayton: Well, I really appreciate you having me on and there’s one group I’m working on now. You might be interested. It’s called New Bounce and they’re out of the UK and they were on Simon Cowell’s show called Britain’s Got Talent. They came in as a finalist and they asked me to write songs for them and and they liked what we have. So look out for New Bounce coming out of the UK, sounding like the Jackson 5.

TM: Well, you know, always send them over to Tru Magazine and let’s get them onClay Drayton: Right!Clay Drayton: I will do that. In fact, they’re coming into the US sometime soon because they’re on tour.

TM: Well, we will definitely get them on the air and I’m looking forward. If they’re on YouTube, I will look for them today on YouTube and see if I can find something to play on the air this week and I will mention that you referred them to the US.

Contributing Reporter; Lennie Chism, for The Lennie Chism Show on KFAI Radio, 90.3 FM in Minneapolis and Tru. Entertainment Magazine