Trinity Trumpet Trinity United SEPTEMBER 2016...2016/09/08  · Trinity Trumpet Trinity United...

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Transcript of Trinity Trumpet Trinity United SEPTEMBER 2016...2016/09/08  · Trinity Trumpet Trinity United...

Trinity Trumpet Trinity United Methodist Church


Inside This Issue

150 Celebration Schedule 2 Parish Nurse 3, 4 News and Notes 4, 9,12

Health Outreach Ministry 5 Youth News 6, 7 Christian Education 8 Bible Studies 10 Recipe of the Month 11 Birthdays 13 Church Calendar 14 Thank You Notes 15

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The hottest summer days are behind us, and our 150

th Anniversary Celebration weekend is almost here.

We hope you are planning to celebrate with us, and en-joy the many activities – religious, historical, and social – planned for September 24 and 25, 2016. What a joy and privilege for us to serve as the Pastor of

Trinity Church, and the Chairman of the Anniversary

Committee, as we celebrate 150 years of dynamic and

meaningful ministry. God indeed has been faithful and

has honored the vision, commitment, and sacrifice of

those who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to establish

this ministry in 1866. He has continued to bless the

countless people who have served Trinity faithfully from

its founding until today. We indeed thank God for all our

past accomplishments, and we seek His grace and guid-

ance for even greater accomplishments in the future.

( Article continued on page 2)


Highlights of our anniversary weekend include:

Saturday, September 24

3:00 PM & 5:00 PM Seatings - Old Fashioned Picnic (Tickets required) - JMB

3:00 - 5:30 PM -- “Our Story,” a short DVD on Trinity’s history (continuous show-

ings), and Self-Guided Tours - Sanctuary

4:00- 5:30 PM - Children’s Activities - JMB Lawn

6:00 PM - Time Capsule Ceremony - Sanctuary

6:20 PM - Recognition of Descendants of Trinity Founders - Sanctuary

6:30 PM - “Upon This Rock,” a Dean DeFino drama, documenting the history of

Methodism in America and the early history of Trinity - Sanctuary

Sunday, September 25

8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM – Services of Celebration - Sanctuary

Special Music by the Sanctuary Choir, Organ and Brass

150th Anniversary Liturgy

Sermon by Rev. Fred W. Duncan, District Superintendent

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we feel honored and privileged to be an important part of the mission and ministry of Trinity UMC, as we celebrate our 150

th year. We pray for God’s richest

blessings upon all of us at Trinity, as we continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and promote the building of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Join with our congregation as we celebrate Trinity’s rich heritage on September 24 and 25.

Grace and Peace,

Rev. George R. Patterson, MDiv. Roy S. Perdue Senior Pastor Chair, 150

th Anniversary


By Carolyn Lewis, RN

It seems summer just started and now fall is fast approach-

ing. I hope everyone has had a great summer and are looking

forward to returning to our church fall schedule. We are busy

right now getting ready to celebrate our 150th anniversary and

much planning has been done to make this a great event. Trin-

ity has been a strong congregation since its conception, and we

will pass the torch to the next generation to carry on our mis-

sion of serving God and sharing His Word with others.

Sometimes people get dizzy and they are not sure of the

cause. With that in mind, I thought I would share some infor-

mation on the types of vertigo.


Vertigo is a sensation of motion or spinning that is often de-

scribed as dizziness. Vertigo is not the same as be-

ing lightheaded. People with vertigo feel as though they are

actually spinning or moving, or that the world is spinning

around them.


There are two types of vertigo, peripheral and central vertigo.

Peripheral vertigo is due to a problem in the part of the inner

ear that controls balance. These areas are called the vestibular

labyrinth or semicircular canals. The problem may also involve

the vestibular nerve. This is the nerve between the inner

ear and the brain stem.

Peripheral vertigo may be caused by:

Problem focusing the eyes

Benign positional vertigo (benign paroxysmal positional


Certain medicines such as aminoglycoside antibiot-

ics, cisplatin, diuretics, or salicylates

Injury (such as head injury)

Inflammation of the vestibular nerve (neuronitis)


Meniere disease

Pressure on the vestibular nerve, usually from an

oncancerous tumor such as a meningioma or


Problem focusing the eyes

Central vertigo is due to a problem in the brain,

Usually in the brain stem or the back part of the

brain (cerebellum).

Central vertigo may be caused by:

Problem focusing the eyes

Blood vessel disease

Certain drugs such as anticonvulsants, aspirin, and


Problem focusing the eyes


Multiple sclerosis

Seizures (rarely)


Tumors (cancerous or noncancerous)


The main symptom is a sensation that you or the room is

moving or spinning. The spinning sensation may cause nau-

sea and vomiting. Depending on the cause, other symptoms

can include:

Problem focusing the eyes


Hearing loss in one ear

Loss of balance (may cause falls)

Ringing in the ears

If you have vertigo due to problems in the brain (central ver-

tigo), you may have other symptoms, including:

Difficulty swallowing

Double vision

Eye movement problems

Facial paralysis

Slurred speech

Weakness of the limbs


Examination by the health care provider may show:

Problems walking due to loss of balance

Eye movement problems or involuntary eye move-

ments (nystagmus)

Hearing loss

Lack of coordination and balance



Blood tests

Brain stem auditory evoked potential studies

Caloric stimulation

Electroencephalogram (EEG)


- Head CT

- Lumbar puncture

- MRI scan of head and MRA scan of blood

vessels of the brain


The cause of any brain disorder causing vertigo should be

identified and treated when possible.

To help resolve symptoms of benign positional vertigo, the

provider may perform the Epley maneuver on you. This in-

volves placing your head in different positions to help reset

the balance organ. You may be prescribed medicines to

treat symptoms of peripheral vertigo, such as nausea and


Physical therapy may help improve balance problems. You'll

be taught exercises to restore your sense of balance.


PARISH NURSE (continued)

To prevent worsening of symptoms during an episode of ver-

tigo, try the following:

Keep still. Sit or lie down when symptoms occur

Gradually resume activity

Avoid sudden position changes

Do not try to read when symptoms occur

Avoid bright lights

You may need help walking when symptoms occur. Avoid

hazardous activities such as driving, operating heavy machin-

ery, and climbing until 1 week after symptoms have disap-


Other treatment depends on the cause of the vertigo. Surgery

may be suggested in some cases.

Possible Complications

Vertigo can interfere with driving, work, and lifestyle. It can

also cause falls, which can lead to many injuries, including hip


When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you

have vertigo that does not go away or interferes with your

daily activities. If you have never had vertigo before or if you

have vertigo with other symptoms (such as double vision,

slurred speech, or incoordination), call 911.

Alternative Names

Peripheral vertigo; Central vertigo; Dizziness


Chang AK, Olshaker JS. Dizziness and vertigo. In: Marx JA,

Hockberger RS, Walls RM, et al, eds. Rosen's Emergency

Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 8th ed. Philadel-

phia, PA: Elsevier Mosby; 2014:chap 19.Crane BT, Minor

LB. Peripheral vestibular disorders. In: Flint PW, Haughey

BH, Lund V, et al, eds. Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and

Neck Surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Mosby;

2015:chap 165.

Furman JK, Mccall AA. Otoneurologic manifestations of

otologic and systemic disease. In: Aminoff MJ, ed. Aminoff's

Neurology and General Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA:

Elsevier; 2014:chap 23.Kerber KA, Baloh RW. Neuro-

otology: diagnosis and management of neuro-otoligical disor-

ders. In: Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic J, Mazziotta JC,

eds. Bradley's Neurology in Clinical Practice. 6th ed. Phila-

delphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:chap 37.

Update Date 1/5/2016

Updated by: Joseph V. Campellone, MD, Division of Neurol-

ogy, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ. Review pro-

vided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by

David Zieve, MD, MHA, Isla Ogilvie, PhD, and the A.D.A.M.

Editorial team.



We continue our card ministry for our nurs-

ing home residents and our shut in members.

Our Pine Bluff ministry is alive and well,

and we have had an increase in our attendance the

last few visits. Mrs. Hazel Willing is always willing

to play for our group singing, and she also directs

the choir at Pine Bluff for their Sunday night ser-

vices. She is 94 years young and has been serving

God with her music talents since she was 14 years

old. She is amazing. She started with Trinity

through her sister, Mrs. Alice Evans, who was a

faithful member until her passing.


It is time for Lunch Bunch to resume and our

first gathering will be on September 14 at 11:30

a.m. Once again, Charles Paparella will be our

opening guest. I have to share his comment to me

when I sent him an e-mail, “You must know that the

Lunch Bunch is the highlight of the fall season for

me!” He also made mention of all the “presents”,

meaning the deserts that we send back to the station

with him. He will also be doing a little coverage of

our 150th anniversary the week ahead and said he

would be delighted to cover such an auspicious oc-

casion, and was proud he didn’t even have to look

up the spelling of that large word.

We have a couple of other new and exciting

programs planned for October and November; one

on Assateague and one on Wallops Island.

Hopefully you will all come out to join us to

kick off our new season and welcome Charlie back

to Trinity.


I have a Christmas show bus trip planned for

November 1. We will be going to see the Christmas

show at the American Music Theater. Our dinner

will be at Dienner’s Buffet. This is a new venue,

but I have been told by many the food is excellent.

We are also using a new bus service, JorLin,

this time. We will leave at 8:15 a.m. and hopefully

return no later than 9 p.m. The cost is $85 dollars

and all money needs to be paid by October 1.


SAFETY in PUBLIC PLACES Health Outreach Ministry

Dr. Dot Baker

This newsletter article features some basic information about our safety in public places. Our world

is very complex (and sometimes frightening) these days. Although we cannot avoid all threats and

hazards, we can learn and use some basic steps to protect our families and ourselves. The “most” ba-

sic step is to be aware of our need to learn about our safety ---in other words, be proactive in our

daily lives. Recognize that any place can be unsafe.

CLUES of Possible Danger: you are alone; area is dark or dim; area is very crowded or very open;

“feeling” that things are not right; someone is following you; someone is using rude language/

gestures and/or raising voice in angry manner or making threats; vehicles drive slowly or speed

around you; someone threatens or shows a weapon; your arms are full; you wear earbuds/phones;

folks are using alcohol/drugs; you cannot identify an escape route/emergency exit; you are wearing

expensive accessories; you display or brag about cash; strangers approach you with requests, prom-

ises, or threats; you “sense” that someone may be dangerous; you do not see any security personnel;

you are in an unfamiliar setting.

BASIC safety tips: educate yourself and your family about public safety awareness and tips;

“always”!! have a communication plan with family and friends (phone numbers, where you are going,

with whom, how long stay, when return); identify “safe” neighbors; do not leave children alone; know

where your children are; communicate with your friends about boundaries and safety action plan

when you are out with them; Stay Alert --- trust your instincts about strangers or “senses” of un-

safe people or situations; always scan/determine an escape plan; scan for security personnel and

emergency phones; carry your cell phone; be aware of the effects of using alcohol; avoid mind-

altering substances; walk with someone or small group; protect your belongings (keys, purses, back-

packs, wallet, credit cards, cash, jewelry, electronics, etc.); leave places that do not seem safe; get

out and stay out when alarms sound; ask questions if you have questions; face people when walking or

running; use cautions with phones, earbuds ( so that you can hear what is going on around you); carry

loud noise deterrent such as a whistle or pepper spray.

Sources: Educational Materials Center Central Michigan University, National Fire Protection Association, Network

of Patrols, World Health Organization

Upcoming Community Events: Relay for Life Wicomico County on Saturday 9/10/16 from 12N-10PM at Winter-

place Park; Women Supporting Women Walk on Saturday 10/08/16 at 8:30AM at Winterplace Park; Alzheimer’s

Walk on Saturday 10/08/16 at 9AM at MAC Center


Letter from

the Youth Pastor ___________________________________________________________

This Summer has come to a close faster than any one of us ex-

pected. But, it has been a great one regardless. We completed two series this summer in youth.

We learned to be "Fearless" because the most common command in the Bible is "do not be

afraid". After learning we cannot both be fearful and love like Jesus, we then moved into our

"Upcycle" series. Upcycling is the art of taking something that is trash and, not just recycling it

but, turning it into something new, with a new purpose. Just as Christ did for us on the cross,

he took worthless sinners and made them into something new and better and now we can use

our spiritual gifts to serve our Lord!

Our "Fearless" and "Upcycle" series is not the only things we have done. We have had two

beach fellowship days and they were a blast! The Trinity ASP Trip was an amazing experience

where I was able to meet and interact with many youth and I look forward to seeing them

again. We also upgraded and remodeled the youth room in anticipation of a great year.

We look forward to so much coming up in September. With Sunday School Starting and, the

return of the school year in general, we will be having a Back to School Bash on Sunday Sep-

tember 11th. This date will also mark the start of our new schedule. We will be dividing up the

High School and Junior High Students but also keep the youth group unified through an over-

lap time in-between the two age groups meeting. This time will include snacks and social ac-

tivities. We also will be adding regular fellowship nights on certain Fridays throughout the

month. The Schedule is laid out below.

Sundays- 3:00-6:30

Middle School- 3:00-4:30

Both Groups Social- 4:30-5:00

High School- 5:00-6:30

Select Fridays- High/Middle Social- 4:00-6:00

As always feel free to contact me and follow Trinity Youth Group the Rising on social meet-

ing/email. Hope you had a blessed summer and I am looking forward to talking to you all



Trever Pusey

Our Contact info is on the next page.



Email: and request to be added


Remind Texting Program


Christian Education

by Janal Walton Director of Children’s Ministries


This September 11, our Sunday School season begins with the study of Jo-

seph (Genesis 39-42). Joseph was a young man, seventeen years old, who had

grown up knowing that he was his father’s favorite son. Not only did Joseph realize

that, but all his other brothers knew it as well. Joseph must have believed himself to

be very special. We are also special people, and are GOD’S servants . Each

week we will explore God’s Word and see how it applies to our lives.

Thanks to everyone who makes it possible for a child or grandchild to get to Sunday school each

week---you make the difference!


What fun we (Trinity UMC, Bethesda UMC, and Wicomico Presbyterian) had at the VBS Surf Shack

in the JMB on June 26-30. We had 18 preschoolers, 50-70 children, 20 youth helpers and 30-40 adults in-

volved each night with activities from arts and crafts, science, games, music, and Bible storytelling. Everyone

got involved and had a blast. We wrapped up the week with 170 people enjoying a hot dog dinner at Be-

thesda UMC, a children’s program, and then fun and games outside. A special thank you to Fire Station

Number 16 for bringing the fire truck and giving us tours of it. The bouncy tent was a huge success and made

a great ending to a great week. Thanks everyone!


Each Sunday, in the JMB, we have children and youth attending our 10:00

Summer Sunday School. Our youth are earning service hours and also benefiting

from hearing the Bible lessons. This summer has been focused on the stories of

Noah, Samuel, David, and Jesus’ miracles. Did you know that Noah’s ark was

450 feet long, took 12 years to make and was 4 stories high. Noah and his family

were also on the ark for almost a year—talk about cabin fever! Did you know

Samuel anointed two kings with oil—Saul and David. After David was anointed

at age 16…it would be another 14 years before he became king. Yes, the age of 30 , just the same age that

Christ was baptized and started his ministry. Please continue getting involved in church and Sunday School so

we can continue to review the Bible stories and how they apply to our lives.

One of our favorite children is AnnaLucille Graves who has perfect attendance this summer. Wow,

thanks to her mom and dad, Melissa and Zach! Also Luke Twilley, Lacey and Ryan Dunn, Ava and Isaac

Mah, and youth helpers - Sam Shannahan, Christian and Harrison Webb had very good attendance. What fun it

is to learn and do God’s work!


ACOLYTES AND CRUCIFERS NEEDED We are in need of new acolytes and cruci-

fers! Please encourage your sons/

daughters grades 4-12 to volunteer. This is

a very important ministry to our church

and requires only a few Sundays a year.

To volunteer, please contact Jennifer

Hooper at (410) 430-6914 or Training will

be held in the sanctuary on Thursday, Sep-

tember 15 at 5:30 p.m. for acolytes and 6:00 p.m. for




The Sanctuary Choir will resume

rehearsals on Thursday, September

8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

New members are always welcome.

If you are interested or have questions feel free to

contact Phyllis Oldham at 410-749-8374 or e-mail at

Fall Worship Schedule Begins September 11

8:00 a.m. Traditional Service— Sanctuary

9:30 a.m. Traditional Service— Sanctuary

Sunday School—JMB

11:00 a.m. Traditional Service—Sanctuary


Videos of the 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

worship services are made every Sunday morning

and are available in DVD or CD format at NO

COST. If you would like a copy, please call the

church office for pick up, or if necessary, a copy

can be mailed to you.


T.A. Phillips

Trinity continues to wonderfully support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded $1.8 million value of

coupons. We mailed May 2016 coupons to U.S. Air Force, Incirlik, Turkey; June 2016 coupons to U.S. Air Force, Laken-

heath, U.K.; and July 2016 coupons to U.S. Army, Okinawa, Japan.

HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apart. Leave the booklets fastened together – just like

they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons – not into strips. Please do not

staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band. We cannot use restaurant, fast food, and grocery store coupons.

As they serve overseas, thank you for your participation to make these services to military families possible and


Report for the Program

Year Month(s) Number





Value ($) of



Grand To-

tal Number

of Cou-

pons for


Grand Total

Dollar Value

($) of Cou-

pons for year



Number of


Grand Total

Dollar Value ($)

of Coupons

2009 –

July 2016

1,048,605 $1,859,851.57

2016 May 16,009 $28,812.86 59,987 $115,289.21

2016 June 8,347 $14,583.56 68,334 $129,872.77

2016 July 11,934 $20,100.32 80,268 $149,973.09




Wednesday Night Bible Study The Epistles of Peter & John

Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. beginning

September 7, 2016 in the Sanctuary

Join us every Wednesday night this year as we con-

tinue our study of the non-Pauline letters of the New

Testament: 1 & 2 Peter and 1 & 2 & 3 John. This

year we begin with the book written by the disciple

of Peter. Yes, Peter wrote two books

of the Bible that prophetically de-

scribes and refutes the atheistic

theory of evolution that was devel-

oped 1900 years after the book was

written. The year will conclude with

the three epistles written by John.

Thursday Afternoon Bible Study


Berean Sunday School Class

The Book of Kings

Every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. and Sunday

at 10:45

Room 303 of the Jackson Memorial


Starting Sunday, September 11th, 2016


Thursday, September 8

The history of Israel’s kings is explored in the excit-

ing historical narrative of the books of Kings. The

two books of Kings follow the life of two of the

most famous prophets in Israel’s history: Elijah and

Elisha. It describes the struggle that resulted in the

division of the country into the two countries of Is-

rael in the North and Judah in the South. These two

books contain some of the most important and inter-

esting stories in Israeli history. NEW MEMBERS CLASS

The New Members Class will be held October 9, 16,

23, 30 and November 6 in room 303 of the J.M.B. at

9:30 a.m. New Members will be received into the

church on November 13 at 9:30 a.m. These classes

are held for anyone wishing to join Trinity. Topics

include: doctrines of the Christian faith, introduction

to church history, Methodism and its beliefs and the

life of Trinity United Methodist Church. Those in-

terested in joining the church should call the church

office: (410) 749-5562.

Upon this Rock

Saturday September 24, 2016 6:00 P.m.

A dramatic presentation of the History of Metho-

dism and Trinity United Methodist Church written

by Rev. DeFino for the Sesquicentennial Anniver-

sary1866-2016 of Trinity United Methodist Church.

This is a multi-media stage production that includes

congregational singing as we look at the history of

John Wesley in establishing the Methodist Church

and the lives of Elihu and Nanny Jackson and the

start of Trinity United Methodist Church. It is a

story of love, heart break, trials

and glorious

triumph in the

spreading of

the gospel of

our Lord and

Savior Jesus



Peninsula Delaware Conference

Salisbury District Rev. Peggy Johnson

Peninsula Delaware Conference


Rev. Frederick W. Duncan

Salisbury District


Church Staff

Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor

Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor

Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor

Mr. Trever Pusey, Youth Pastor

Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director

Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Children’s Choir Director

Mr. David Lawson, Organist

Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director

Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Children’s Ministry

Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse

Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant

Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton

Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager

Mrs. Sarah Burton, Riverwalk Organist

Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician

Church Leaders

Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Chairperson

Mr. Ron Boltz, Administrative Board Vice-Chairperson

Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader

Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson

Mr. Chris McCabe, Board of Trustees Chairperson

Mr. Bill Hetherington, Finance Committee Chairperson

Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Leadership Development Committee


Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer

Committee Leaders

Dr. T. J. Mumford,, Annual Conference Member

Mr. Ric Bloodsworth, Missions Committee Chairperson

Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee


Mrs. Laura Robertson, Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson

Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson

Mrs. Sandy Robinson, United Methodist Women President

Mr. Everett Thomas Morton, United Methodist Men


Mrs. Margy Meeks, Altar Guild President

Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry

Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor

Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry


Salted Caramel Apple Poke Cake


1 box Betty Crocker™ SuperMoist™ white cake mix 1 ¼ cups water 1/3 cup vegetable oil 3 eggs 1 can (20 oz) apple pie filling 1/ 2 cup caramel sauce 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 container (8 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed 1/3 cup butterscotch chips


Heat oven to 350° F (325° F for dark or nonstick pan). Grease or lightly spray bottom only of 13 x 9-inch pan. In large bowl, beat cake mix, water, oil and eggs with electric mixer on low speed 2 minutes. Add ap-ple pie filling; beat 1 minute longer. Pour into pan. Bake as directed on box for 13 x 9-inch pan. Cool in pan on cooling rack 20 minutes. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix 1/4 cup of the cara-mel sauce and the sea salt. Poke warm cake every inch with a straw or handle of wooden spoon, half-way into cake. Pour caramel-salt mixture over cake, allowing it to fill in holes. Spread cake with whipped topping. Drizzle with re-maining 1/4 cup caramel sauce; top with butter-scotch chips. I like to just use a white glaze and then pour the caramel sauce over that.




One could argue that there is no better lunch

for a hungry student than the great standby: a

peanut butter sandwich

( unless, of course, you add some jelly )!

This September, please bring your favorite

brand of peanut butter to Trinity. Donations

go directly to those in need at the Lazarus

Food Pantry.



Sandy Robinson, President Our United Methodist Women’s Chicken Salad and Bake Sale was successful with changes made. We made $2,300.00. With the upcoming celebration of Trinity’s 150th anniversary, there is no Fall fundraiser planned, but there is one in the works for the Spring. Again, we thank the congregation for their generosity and support, as we strive to serve Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Please check future church bulletins for meeting dates and times for circle meetings. We will begin meeting in September. You are always wel-come!

Join us for the 2016-2017 school year! Welcome back to all of our Children’s Choir families! As we get into the swing of things with the new school year, I

want to extend an invitation to all members and visitors of Trinity UMC to join us on Sunday mornings on the 2nd floor

of the JMB for Children’s Choir.

The group meets each Sunday immediately after the completion of the 9:30 service in the sanctuary. We enjoy a time of

fellowship, singing, playing instruments, learning about God, and learning about music. The group completes rehearsal

by 11:00am each week, and we look forward to seeing new faces all the time!

Children between Kindergarten and 5th grade are welcome to join the group at any time during the school year. Each

year the kids love to work for our fun incentives, prizes, and games…and even a special sweet treat every now and

then! We start and end the year with a special party to celebrate our new and returning members.

Please join us at the completion of the 9:30 service in the JMB and just follow the signs! Contact Sarah McCabe at 443-

235-2287 or with questions or comments. Have a child that is outside of the age range listed

above? Everyone is welcome! Please contact me so that I can help to arrange something that works for your child.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

2017 Appalachia Service Project

An interest meeting for our 2017 Appalachia Service Project will be held on

Sunday, October 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Any high school youth, par-

ent, and other interested adult should attend. Please call the church office at

(410) 749-5562 with any questions.


PLEASE NOTE: If your name

does not appear on this list it

does not mean that we do not

have you as a Trinity member. It

only means that we do not have

your birth date. Please give the

church office a call with any ad-

ditions to, or corrections, of this



1 - Bruce Bozman

Emma Hall

Robert Horsey

Chip Leonard

Wesley Richardson

Jimmy Sarbanes

Michael Saywell

John Terrell

Bonnie Walston

2 - Gwen Acle

Matthew Brittingham

Michael Brittingham

Richard Cheng

Chuck Dix

Craig Dodd

Chris McCabe

Sara Shearer

Lee Townsend

3 - James Lackie

Joe Paradis

Jamison Price

Michael Truitt

4 - Jay Darrah

Vonda Rossi

Brett Wiseman

5 - Cory Baysinger

Christine Bernstein

Jenna Bowne

Heidi Galloway

Emma Hillyer

Becky Merritt

Joseph O’Brien

Albert Townsend

6 - Buddy Adkins

Peggy Cartwright

Jordan Jones

Art Legates

Lindsay Long

Adele MacMurray

Kellie Noonan

7 - Becky Blizzard

Sam Edney

Daivd Irvine

Mary Johnson

Gavin Mariner

Kristen Messick

Sarah Smith

Carter Thomas

Fran Tracy-Mumford

8 - Curt Hickman

Jamie Hill

Morgan Hill

9 - Kylor Berkman

Andrew Emge

Rosemary Greenwood

Nicholas Hearne

Jack Kostelac

Valerie Landon

Sheila Loar

10 - Vicki Bozman

Remi Howard

Parker Mason

Laura McCarty

Michael Moses

11 - Colby Clifton

Allison Hooper

Ryan Nelson

Addy Seagraves

Charles Strickler

12 - Emily Butler

Johnathan Crockett

Ann Marie Desjardins

Jenna Hussey

Kailey Moyers

Julie Pryor

Philip Pryor

Pat Snyder

Ann Stevens

13 - Ed Baker

Curt Dodd

Gerry Farrelly

Michael Merritt

Heather Moore

Erin Mumford

Jay Savage

Jon Shearer

Carl Wilson

14 - Charles Meeks

Heidy Richter

Beryl Whaley

15 - Clarence Andrews

Case Dempsey

Matt Elliott

Katie Jones

Tom Lewis

Lauren Pusey

16 - Ann Marie Barnes

Joseph Duncan

Lorna Lyster

Blaine Mason

Jami Myers

John Phillips

Matthew Shores

Katherine Slaughter

Stacie Sousa

17 - Fernando Acle

Ernie Bailey

Griffin DelGaudio

Andrea Fletcher

Michael Hannemann

James Rapp

18 - Gary Breeding

Mary Sue Gladden

Anita Hearne

Kay Hopkins

Jennifer Lopez


Connor Mason

Susan Moore

Matthew Morris

Katie Thamert

19 - Linda Hearn

Dixie Herweh

Scarlett Johnson

20 - Wayne Blades

Lillie Marvel

Bruce Roglitz

Stacy Wheeler

21 - Sonny Chiofolo

Nathanael Dees

Rex Hammer

Jamie Lawson

Cheryl Sandt

Andrew Thorsten

Maureen Truitt

22 - Missy Covert

Austin Loar

Katie Oldham

Ruth Richins

Kim Snyder

23 - Craig Booth

Eugene Ely

Ethan Giles

Julie Peters

24 - Spencer Brown

Christina Danzi

Erin Douse

Sheree Draucker

Glenn Gorden

Andrew Haldeman

Joey Kutchen

Paige Paxton

Tracy Shannahan

Jason Thompson

25 - Mulan Bell

Mark Brennan

Greg East

Lesley Grier

Mark Nay

Naman Nay

Harrel Pitsenbarger

Melissa Saywell

26 - Lou Bradley

Kyle Mills

David Morris

Vera Patterson

27 - James Crouse

Julia Early

Melissa Graves

Marisa Post

Denise Rapp

Marci Ryan

28 - Blair Ritchie

Dan Todd

29 - Eva Ageloff

Katie Burkett

Erin Carlisle

Christian Gordy

Richard Hastings

Hannah Nechay

Dale Pusey

Carter Smarte

Matthew Webster

30 - Todd Bellamy

Chad Culver

Bill Lankford

Robert Mulford

David Thompson

Diane Tull


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


6:30pm Play




4 8, 10am Worship 9:00 Riverwalk

Service (Last Sunday for Summer Worship)

4pm Youth Group

5 Church Office Closed

(Banks Closed)

NO FitMinded Exercise

6:30pm Hebrew Class


6 1pm UMW “Esther”

1:30pm UMW


6:30pm Play Practice

7 9:30am Mom’s

Morning Out

12pm Pastor’s


1pm UMW “Ruth”

7pm Evening Book


6:30pm Bible Study

8 9:30am Altar Guild

1pm Bible Study

6:15pm Handbell Choir

6:30pm Play Practice

7:30pm Sanctuary



10 10am Relay for Life

11 8, 9:30, 11am


3pm M. S. Youth 4:30pm Youth

Dinner 5pm H. S. Youth


6:00pm FitMinded


6:30pm Hebrew



6:30pm Play Practice

14 9:30am Mom’s

Morning Out

11:30am Lunch


6:30pm Bible Study


1pm Bible Study

5:30pm Acolyte/Crucifer


6:15pm Handbell Choir

6:30pm Play Practice

7:30pm Sanctuary Choir


17 8am UMM

18 8, 9:30, 11am


3pm M. S. Youth 4:30pm Youth

Dinner 5pm H. S. Youth

19 6:00pm FitMinded


NO Hebrew Class

6:30pm Play



6:30pm Play Practice

21 Joseph House


9:30am Mom’s

Morning Out

6:30pm Bible Study

7pm Evening Book


7:30pm Sanctuary



1pm Bible Study

6:15pm Handbell


6:30pm Play


23 NO Pine Bluff


6:30pm Play



3pm Picnic Supper


5:45pm Time Capsule

6:20pm Descendant


6:30pm Play



25 8, 9:30, 11am


3pm M. S. Youth

4:30pm Youth


5pm H. S. Youth




6:00pm FitMinded


6:30pm Hebrew



28 9:30am Mom’s

Morning Out

6:30pm Bible Study


1pm Bible Study

6:15pm Handbell


7:30pm Sanctuary



1:30pm Visitation


September 2016


Thank you!

Thank you all so much for thoughts, prayers, visits,

cards, and phone calls after surgery. Special thanks to

Rev. Patterson and Rev. Vroman for visits and prayers.

Recovery is progressing normally.

In Christian love,

Judy and Kern Briele

I wanted to thank you immensely for the scholarship

and the support you have provided for me. There better

feeling to have than knowing that I have such a wonder-

ful support system through my church and through my

faith in the Lord. I know that as I walk through this new

journey to college, God is walking right by my side. The

scholarship that I was so kindly awarded will be used to

cover my educational textbooks and tuition fees. Thank

you all for me and my family, and best wishes to my ex-

tended family at Trinity.

Clarice Dodd

We would like to thank everyone who attended and vol-

unteered at S.U.M.’s Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser.

We raised $785.60! Thank you for all your support.

Our next breakfast will be October 8, so mark your cal-



Pam Alexander

Administrative Assistant

Salisbury Urban Ministries

I would like to thank you for the cards, calls, visits, and

prayers during my recent hospitalization. I am recover-

ing at home and soon hope to be back to normal.

With fondest regards,

Carl Wilson

We would like to thank you for your support and contri-

bution to our Prom Dress Drive. The event helped many

girls find a great dress for Prom.

Thank you!

1 Tear to Empowerment

The outstanding support of Rev. Patterson, Carolyn, and

all of the Trinity family was very comforting to us.

Many sympathy cards, compassionate calls, and prayers

surrounded us with the love of the Trinity family. Con-

tinue to pray for Kyle’s mother and siblings.


Joanne and Chuck Cherry

Thank you all so much for the cards and all the prayers.

Thank you Rev. Patterson’s prayers over the phone be-

fore my surgery. It means a lot to me. My surgery went

well, and I am getting better everyday. Also thank you

Sue for help with transportation for Mulan!

God bless Trinity!

Xiuhua Bell

My very sincere thanks to all of you for your calls, cards,

visits, and food following my recent surgery. It was

overwhelmed by the many acts of kindness shown to me

during the last couple of weeks. Trinity members truly

are a very special group of people and I feel blessed to be

a part of this congregation. Thank you for your thoughts

and prayers.


John Wayne Freed

Thank you so much for awarding me a 2016 scholarship.

I am so proud to be a recipient of a contribution from the

church I love. I am blessed to have had the opportunity

to be a member of not only Trinity UMC, but the out-

standing ASP group as well. I am excited to begin study-

ing biology and psychology as an honors/pre-med stu-

dent at UMD, College Park this fall. Again, thank you

for believing in me and contributing to my education.


Luke Pitsenbarger

My family and I would like to thank everyone for their

kind expressions of sympathy and prayers at this time of

my mother, Irene Layton’s passing. She truly loved her

church family.

Pam Quillen


Thank You

Summer Bulletin Folders

Judy Briele

Dolly Burkett Dottie Butler Joyce Dunn

Allison Freshwater Bonnie Gibson Louise Hearne Joyce Marvel Linda Nelson

Sarah Renshaw Laura Twilley

Barbara Webster

Newsletter Staff

General Editor:

Ron Moore

Mailing Coordinators:

Norman and Barbara Webster





Salisbury, MD 21801

Return Service Requested

Trinity United Methodist Church 112 High Street

Salisbury, MD 21801

Church: 410-749-5562 Fax: 410-749-8830


Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday

Visit us on the web at