Trinity Tidings · PDF fileThese early 19th century words are a poetic commentary on Jesus'...

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Transcript of Trinity Tidings · PDF fileThese early 19th century words are a poetic commentary on Jesus'...

Trinity Tidings An Inviting Community Following Christ For Life

Volume 52, Issue 3 February 2018

Another Sweet Hour of Prayer But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is

unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6

For nearly 175 years, Christians have sung the words penned by the blind English pastor,

William Walford. These early 19th century words are a poetic commentary on Jesus'

words in Matthew 6:6.

Sweet hour of prayer!

Sweet hour of prayer!

That calls me from a world of care,

And bids me at my Father’s throne

Make all my wants and wishes known.

During our 24-Hour Prayer Vigils each of us is offered an hour to pray "in secret" here at

Trinity. Our Prayer Vigil is not all of us spending 24-hours in corporate prayer, as we do

on Sundays, but rather each participant is given one sweet hour of prayer. This place of

“secret” prayer is made possible by using a variety of locations throughout the main

church building. Someone will be in the Sanctuary; another might be in the Hospitality

Room or the Columbarium or the Fellowship Hall. This affords us the opportunity to

fulfill Jesus' command to "go into your room, close the door and pray."

During the Prayer Vigil you will read the Bible and "pray to your Father who is unseen"

and, I promise you, that sweet hour of prayer will seem to fly by and be over before you

know it. (For those who like, there will be a prayer station set up for 90-minute time


As we begin the Holy Week journey to Christ's cross and on to his glorious Resurrection,

the Prayer Vigil is a wonderful opportunity to be called "from a world of care" and at

God's throne to "make all [our] wants and wishes known." If you have participated before,

I hope you will sign up to again enjoy this offer for an hour of prayer. If you have not

been able to pray at the Vigil, I want to ask you to seriously consider doing so. I have

been saddened to see last Fall’s Vigil see a decline in participation. I am praying (pun

intended!) that this month’s goal of 100 people participating will be reached. You can sign

up during coffee hour for the Prayer Vigil, which will begin at Noon on Friday, March

23 till Noon on Saturday, March 24.

The Prayer Vigil is an invitation for you to close the door and to find in the quietness of

our church the presence of God; if we will, we will find, as at every previous Prayer Vigil,

that the reward promised by Jesus will be an experience of love and grace and peace and

strength that will transform us. I hope you will sign up during coffee hour and join us as

we spend an hour in prayer—a sweet hour of prayer—alone with God. If you will do that,

you and I will both have great cause to continue to keep...

Hoping Big, Gregory


Pastor/Head of Staff

The Rev. Dr. Gregory

C. Faulkner

Associate Pastor

The Rev. Ms. Sarah


Parish Associate

The Rev. Mr. Barry


Director of


Lisa Marcelli

Interim Music


Brain Kain

Church Treasurer

Debby Talbott

Office Manager

Sue Nork

Media Associate

Alysia Sieh Badskey



Pam Dougherty

Property Manger

Larry Hall

Director of

Nursery School

Marina Pappas


Session of Elders

Clerk of Session

Margery Sly

Adult Ministries

Larry Miller

Children’s Ministries

Nancy Roberts

Finance & Stewardship

Donna Croker


Kris Parsons

Mission & Outreach

Julie Blair


Brian Dougherty

Property & Buildings

Walt Steinle

Worship & Music

Steve Talbott

Youth Ministries

Donna Allen

Strategy Committee

Margery Sly

Technology Committee

Tom Earp


Moderator of Deacons

Mike D’Amico

Committee Chairs


Jenny Leitinger,

Hersch Craven


Rob Bailey


Randy Southworth


Audrey Azevedo

Trinity News and Notes

Sympathies We express our sympathies to Pat and Carl

Turner on the death of Pat’s mother, Maria.

Baptisms We rejoice with Nikki and William Cockey on the baptism of their son

Liam Patrick Cockey.

We rejoice with Jill and Jason Powell on the baptism of their daughter

Lily Ann Powell.

Births Congratulations to Steve and Emily Wean on the birth their daughter, Eva. We

also offer our congratulations to grandparents, Dave and Linda Wean.

Session Update At its stated meeting on February 5, 2018, the Session:

Thanked the departing elders for their service and welcomed the new


Approved the monthly membership count of 698.

Discussed options for new local mission projects.

Learned that Trinity can send two elder commissioners to Presbytery

meetings in 2018.

Discussed plans for the February 17 officer retreat and the March 23-24

Prayer Vigil.

Held an election for a member at large for the Session Personnel


Elected Margery Sly to a one-year term as Clerk of Session.

Elected corporation officers: Donna Croker, President; Brad Ritchie,

Secretary; and Debby Talbott, Treasurer.

Approved communion for several special services and events.

Prayed for members and friends.

- Margery N. Sly, Clerk of Session

Deacons Blood Drive

Deacons Spring Blood Drive will be

held on Monday, April 16th. Watch

for a sign up table during coffee hour

towards the end of this month.



Trinity’s Music News

Adult Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

Adult Bell Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Children’s Rehearsals Cherub Choir – Pre-K and Kindergarten;

Thursday 4:30-5:00pm

Carol Choir – 1st and 2nd grade;

Thursday 5:00-5:40pm

Team Choir – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade; Thursday 5:40-6:20pm

Team Bells – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade; Thursday 6:20-6:50pm

Youth Rehearsals Youth Choir – 6th -12th grade; Sundays 10:50am-11:30am

Youth Bell Ensemble 6th -12th grade; Sundays 11:30-noon

Youth Instrumental Ensemble 6th -12th grade;

Rehearsal Dates to be Announced

Trinity Band and

Mahalo Ukulele Band Rehearsal Dates to be Announced

YOU CAN MAKE MUSIC AT TRINITY! Please call the church office at 428-2050 or e-mail Lisa Marcelli,

Director of Music, at for more information.



Children's Ministries

One Great Hour of Sharing It is that time of year again! On Sunday February 11,

the Sunday School children received their One Great

of Hour Of Sharing Banks. On Sunday March 25

(Palm Sunday) we will be receiving those banks in

the beginning of the worship service, where the

children can bring them to the baskets in the front of

the church before going to Witherspoon for their

regular classes. After the service we will also have crafts and snacks for the children in

the anti room. Your child can do a craft while the parents enjoy a good cup of coffee, or

parents can help their child do a beautiful craft. Hope to see you all there.

Sunday, March 11th,


Come and enjoy the choristers of

Trinity as they present their

spring musical of the classic tale!

We hope to see you there!

Malice in the Palace

The Story of Esther

Children’s Musical


Who: Trinity’s Teens and Tweens (6th-12th grades)

When: Once a month

Where: Trinity and the community

Next Mixers & Mission:

4/15/18- Noon- Lunch followed by Trinity

scavenger hunt.

R&M Boarding Home


Care n’ Share Care n Share... March is traditionally our time to change over to SUMMER/SPRING clothing. We will start with 1/2 price sale on Saturday, March 3; Tuesday, March 6; and end with a bag sale on Thursday, March 8. Any clothing left over will be donated to Angels of God in Pitman or Hope Thrift in Stratford. The shop will be closed the 13 th & the 15th to customers but open to those wishing to donate SUMMER clothes.

We will re-open on March 20. Just in time for spring!

Items may be dropped off during regular hours as

well as Sunday morning following the 9:30 worship


Library Corner This month we have chosen a few children’s books to review. Keeping with the season, they all have a Valentine’s Day theme.

How Many Hugs

Written by Heather Swain, and

illustrated by Steven Henry

How Many Hugs is a story about

all different kinds of animals,

including humans, and how they

give hugs. For your youngster, can

they answer how do centipedes,

and other multi-legged creatures, hug? There are also

some fun facts in the back of the book that are very

interesting for each of the animals listed in the story.

Click, Clack, Moo: I Love You

By Doreen Cronin and Betsy


If you’ve ever read the precursor

to this story, Click, Clack, Moo:

Cows That Type, it continues

here. Little Duck decorates the

barnyard for Valentine’s Day and

invites all of her friends. Even the cows show up,

after a formal event. What Little Duck didn’t know

was that an outsider was going to arrive, uninvited.

This is a fun story that shows how everyone is

different and can still get along.


By Sandra Mogsamen

A happy rhyming book that

tells all children that they can

be anything they want to be

and do anything they want to

do. The most important part

of the story is reminding

children that above all, they need to be themselves.

“Dream big and remember to follow your heart.

Believe in yourself ‘cause you’re really so smart.”

The Littlest Valentine

Written by Brandi Dougherty

and illustrated by Michelle

Lisa Todd

Little Emma is a good helper,

or at least she tries to be. She

finds that she is too little to

help her brother, her parents,

or her grandparents. Instead of feeling sorry for

herself for very long, she found a small puppy. She

learned that she was big enough to show love and

kindness to the little lost puppy.

Pete the Cat: Valentine’s

Day is Cool

By Kimberly and James


Pete the Cat wasn’t fond of

Valentine’s Day until his

friend told him that it was a

day to tell people how

special they are to you. Then he decided that all the

students in his class needed a card. Pete also felt that

all the adults in his life should get cards as well – his

teacher, the bus driver, the crossing guard, the

fireman. By the end, Pete the Cat ready to show his

friend how much he care.

Care n’ Share


Adult Education



How has our worship of God changed over time? Are there things that we do

on Sundays that have been handed-down from ancient times? How might

our relationship with God be enhanced by learning about our liturgical

heritage? Come and see this Sunday as Dr Faulkner shares with us from his

sabbatical studies.

February 18, 25, March 4, 11, and 18 in the Witherspoon Center.

Grab some coffee and join us at 11 am. It is a wonderful time for fellowship and getting to know our

members on a more personal level. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come.




SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2018


Rev. Jonathan Miller retired after 22 years at Moorestown Presbyterian Church. He was

born in Cleveland but is currently all about the Eagles! Friendship with the Faulkners is one

of his best gifts.

The Christian life puts us in an environment that is filled with both high fulfillment and high

drama. What looks like victory one day looks like loss the next. You can’t get to Easter

without getting through a fearful and Holy Week.


PW March 2018 Circle Meetings

Monday, March 19th

1:00 p.m. Deborah Circle Dottie Dunfee

1:00 p.m. Priscilla Circle Home of Ruth Bohm

7:00 p.m. Ruth Circle Home of Linda Thorpe

Tuesday, March 20th

7.00 p.m. Hannah Circle TBD

7:00 p.m. Shiphrah Circle Home of Sheri Desjardins

7:15 p.m. Rebekah Circle Home of Elissa Goss

Wednesday, March 21st

9.30 a.m. Miriam Circle Witherspoon

PW Spring Bus Trip-NYC!

Enjoy the excitement and energy of New York City without the transportation hassles. The

semi-annual New York bus trip, sponsored by Trinity’s PW, returns on Wednesday, April 11.

Trinity members and friends are invited to create their own New York adventure by

participating in this transportation only bus trip to New York. Pick up will be from the Trinity

parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and return to Trinity will be in the 7:30-8:00 p.m. range. Whether you

decide to tour a museum, catch a show, sight-see or shop, the two drop-off/ pick-up spots in

New York, one in the Times Square area, the other in the Canal Street area, will provide inter-

esting options.

The price of this transportation only trip to New York is $35. Ticket sales for the bus trip

will continue through the month of March or until the bus is filled.

Look for the ticket table in Fellowship Hall after the 9:30 service. Money or checks should be made out to

"Trinity Church” (memo line -Bus Trip), and will be due at the time of sign up. If you have any

question, call Linda Thorpe at 856-428-6233 or Bonnie Jones at 856-983-1197 for more information.



It’s that time of year again! Time to collect health and beauty items for the Mother’s Day gift basket project

sponsored by the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation (LRAF). Mothers Matter assembles gift packages filled

with women’s health and beauty care products and then distributes them to women facing difficult challenges.

Packages are delivered to women’s shelters, children’s pediatric hospital wards and centers, day care centers

and facilities or agencies such as Ronald McDonald House, Mercy Hospice, My Sister’s Place, Mother -

Child, Memorial Veterans Home and other groups. Each gift carries the message that “Mothers Matter” and

for many, this is their only Mother’s Day present. LRAF has also added “comfort” gift bags into the program

that are distributed to Virtua/Fox Chase Cancer Program and MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper.

The Trinity PW Circles will be starting to collect for Mothers Matter gift baskets at their March meetings. In

addition, there will be a large basket at Church located between the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall

(underneath the PW Bulletin Board) for donated items. We appreciate the support of all Church members.

The basket will be there during March.

Here are the items that can be donated: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, body spray, body lotion, perfume,

hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, lipstick, nail polish, eye shadow, blush, mascara, mesh sponges/

puffs, foot and hand care products. The highlighted items are in demand. The products need to be new and

unopened (no sample sizes except Bath & Body Works Products of any size). The “comfort” gift bags also

include warm and fuzzy socks and unscented lotions.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!!! Anyone interested in coming with PW members to help

assemble the baskets at their headquarters in Sewell is welcome to join us. We are currently arranging a date

in April. It’s a great volunteer activity! Any questions, please contact Jan Caffrey at (856) 667-3687 or

Daytime Men’s Group

How’s your memory ? What did you say ? I don’t remember that. If you want answers to

these questions, STOP by our Men’s Group meeting on Tuesday

March 20th @ 10 AM and you’ll be surprised at the results. Join

Casey Price and Mackenzie Slusser from Price and Price Elder

Law- a South Jersey law firm from Haddonfield dedicated to helping

families touched by Alzheimer’s disease and dementia – as they

discuss how to plan for a loved one with dementia. They will also good decision making, care planning, and

how to pay for long term care.

We want to invite all men and women that would like to learn more about this topic. Come early for our

special blend of coffee and tea with some sweet treats to start off your SUPER COLOSSAL DAY.


Trinity is Installing Solar Panels!

On August 7th the session approved a plan to install solar

panels on the large South facing roofs of Fellowship Hall and the

office. These solar panels will produce over 38,000 Kilowatts of

electricity each year, saving the church over $7,000 annually. The

project will be financed through a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

so the church will not have to withdraw any money from capital for

the solar panels. Savings due to lower electricity costs will pay the

loan payments so the church saves money the very first year. With

the solar panels guaranteed to produce electricity at no cost for 25

years, Trinity will save upwards of $200,000 on electricity!

Thinking Green: The system will generate over 38,000 Kw of electricity per year, reducing CO2 emissions by

28.4 tons, which is equivalent to driving an average car 67,173 miles, or enough electricity to supply a

typical home for three years.

The 18-year-old roof has just been replaced in preparation for installation of the solar panels. The solar panels

have been purchased and are currently in storage awaiting completion of the re-roofing and fare weather. We

should be up and running before the second quarter of this year!



Lord, I Want to Be a Christian! Soup & Sound Lenten Study

Following each Soup & Sound concert, Dr. Faulkner will be

leading a discussion on what it means to be a Christian. Our

conversation will be centered around the writings of John

Calvin (1509-1564). Though Calvin wrote well over 400 years

ago, his insights in what it means to be a disciple of Christ are

still amazingly perceptive. Join Rev. Faulkner in the

Hospitality Room immediately following the S&S concert for

an open and lively discussion. (Books are being purchased

ahead of time so please let Greg know if you plan to participate

so a book will be available for you.)

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday

Worship Sunday, March 25th, 9:30am

Maundy-Thursday (A Quiet Service)

Thursday, March 29th,


Easter Services Sunday, April 1st

9:30am and 11:15am (Childcare Nursery-K

9:30am only)


SUNDAY 9:30 Worship Service 9:30 Church School, Nursery-Gr. 6 10:50 Youth Choir 11 am Adult Ed—Witherspoon 11:30am Youth Bells 7 pm Senior High Fellowship (SHF) - Witherspoon MONDAY 7 pm Boy Scouts—Witherspoon

TUESDAY 10 am-1 pm Care ‘n Share Shop 7:30 BASIC– 1st and 3rd Tuesday WEDNESDAY 6:15 pm Commissioning—Witherspoon 7:00 pm Cub Scouts—Community Room 7:30 pm Adult Choir

THURSDAY 10 am–1 pm Care ‘n Share Shop 12 pm Alzheimer’s Support Group— 6:30 pm AA, Witherspoon 8:00 pm AA, Witherspoon Thursday Children’s Choirs 4:30-5:00 pm Cherub Choir 5:00-5:40 pm Carol Choir 5:40-6:20 pm TEAM Choir 6:20-6:50 pm TEAM Bells

March 2018 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 Care n’ Share 10am-1pm

4 Communion 9:30am Ukuleles 12pm

5 6pm Strategy 7pm Session

6 7 Soup & Sound 12pm Lent Study 1pm

8 9 10 Kids Musical Rehearsal 9:30am Pizza 12pm

11 Children’s Musical 9:30am

12 13 14 Soup & Sound 12pm Lent Study 1pm

15 16 NS Closed


18 TCCS 4pm

19 Deborah 1pm Priscilla 1pm Ruth 7pm

20 Men’s Mtg. 10am Hannah 7pm Shiphrah 7pm Rebekah 7pm

21 Miriam 9:30am Soup & Sound 12pm Lent Study 1pm

22 Miriam Circle 9:30am

23 24

25 Palm Sunday Men’s Palm Breakfast 7am Palm Celebration 10:45am Rev. Miller 11am

26 27 28 29 Maundy Thursday Service 7:30pm

30 NS Closed

31 Adult/Music Rehearsal 9am


Trinity Presbyterian Church (USA) 499 Route 70 East Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-2462

Next Tidings deadline is March 15 for April Issue

Sunday Worship


Church Office

9 am-4 pm M-TH

(856) 428-2050


(856) 795-8471

