Tried and True Process to Ensure Business Value with Your SharePoint D eployment

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Tried and True Process to Ensure Business Value with Your SharePoint D eployment. Jeffrey Travis United States - EST April 16 th /17 th , 2014 . Agenda. Profile Legal Introduction The Process Terms. Jeffrey Travis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Tried and True Process to Ensure Business Value with Your SharePoint D eployment

Tried and True Process to Ensure Business Value with Your SharePoint DeploymentJeffrey TravisUnited States - EST

April 16th /17th, 2014

Agenda• Profile• Legal• Introduction• The Process• Terms

• 7 years working with various SharePoint versions (2003 / 2007 / 2010 / 2013)

• 14 years working with portals – GE, Schlumberger, Home Depot & Macy’s

Jeffrey TravisProduct ManagerEnterprise PortalMacy‘sJohns Creek, GAUSA

Legal DisclaimerI am not speaking on behalf of Macy's and any views/opinions are mine and not reflective of Macy's.

Build it, and they will come.Not always. Simply "having an enterprise portal" does not add business value any more than "having a Web site" does. To be truly valuable, a portal solution must help users quickly and easily access the information and services they need. Enterprise portals can deliver measurable business value by increasing productivity, reducing costs, and improving communication. But, achieving these benefits requires a thoughtful strategy and a disciplined approach that combines planning, collaboration, and technology. The planning phase is critical to realizing the full potential of your SharePoint deployment. This high level presentation will outline what it takes to ensure that SharePoint will provide business value for your enterprise and will focus primarily on an area the business can control - the content side.

The Process - AssumptionsThis presentation will be under the following assumptions –• You or your company currently have or are planning a SharePoint

environment• You need a process to populate it so it can begin to provide value.

The Process - Steps• Discovery (Pre roll out)• Development (Roll out)• Analysis and Maintenance (Post roll out)

DiscoveryWhether you are starting a new portal implementation, or have an existing intranet or portal, prior to developing anything it is critical that you perform a discovery phase.

Discovery (continued) Determine business needs / goal(s) of the portal / site What are current pain points in the company / my team? What do users need to do their jobs better / faster / quicker?

Determine Roles / Personas Business needs for each role Use cases by role Determine tasks for each role

Discovery (continued) Content

Conduct content inventory (site collections, sites, pages, web parts, documents, links, apps, etc)

Content update or add frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) Retention policies (based on business need, Legal, company policy) Standardize naming convention Versioning / Publishing (prevents nameofileV4.docx) Establish security model

Who will maintain the site (Site Owners, Contributors) Who can do what - Read/Contribute/Edit/Delete (down to the line

item if needed) – use and trust AD and SP Groups as much as possible

Discovery (continued)

Content (continued) Establish content types / metadata

Look for similarities (reports, announcements, meeting notes, forms, policies, Knowledge base article, etc.- use card sorting or similar if needed)

Tie retention policies to content types Leverage an Information Architect

Determine necessary Approvals / Workflows

Discovery (continued)

Consumption Review usage analytics from prior internet/portal if they are available Content mapping / Map roles & tasks to content Customization vs Personalization Frequency of use Rank need by role

Determine necessary audiences

Where is our site?Notice we have not created a site yet.

Failing to plan, is planning to fail.

If you have not already, after this presentation I highly suggest viewing the "What is SharePoint? by Jasper Oosterveld“Also, additional reading for the technical side of SharePoint “Developing SharePoint Applications”

SharePoint, more than CMS.

Terms Information Architecture / Architect Meta data Taxonomy Governance Customization vs Personalization Steering Committee

Customization vs PersonalizationCustomization is by the choice of the end userPersonalization is based upon an attribute of the end user such as role.

Information Architecture / ArchitectThe Information Architecture Institute defines Information Architecture as:The art and science of organizing and labeling web sites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability and findability.

Steering committeeA 5-7 person committee comprised of those versed in the needs of the business and technical representation can assist in defining and driving the current and ongoing direction of your portal.

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...the anchor will pick some of them up!

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