Transmission 1 2012

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Transcript of Transmission 1 2012

  • 8/14/2019 Transmission 1 2012



  • 8/14/2019 Transmission 1 2012


    Transmissions are occasional energetic emissions of texts and graphics

    from the virtual offices of Reality Sandwich


    2012: A Time Odysseyby Sharron Rose

    Suns of God: The Orion RevelationJohn Jay Harper

    A Vision for Getting to 2012John L. Petersen

    The Age of UncertaintyDaniel Pinchbeck





    Art Direction/Desig

    by Michael Robinso


    2012As we approach the end of the 5,125-year Long Count Calendar of the Classic

    Maya, there is increasing fascination with the brilliant culture of this lost

    civilization and the mysterious transition they predicted. Does the completion

    of the 13th baktun presage a doomsday event as Hollywood chose to project? Will

    we undergo a rapid transformation of global society in response to ecologicalcatastrophe? Could there be a shift into another "dimension" of psychic awareness?

    The thinkers we have collected in the first of our occasional Transmissions offer

    varied perspectives on 2012, which is quickly becoming an iconic symbol for the

    potential and the peril that the human species faces now.

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    veil of delusion. Lost in the media haze of spin, bogus reporting,

    and talking points, which reduce deep issues that affect our future to

    mere sound bites, it has become more and more difficult to discern the

    false from the true. The prevailing forces of the modern world have

    brought us to a state where we are out of balance, out of tune. The

    question is how did this come about?

    Jose Arguelles speaks eloquently of this misalignment resulting from

    the shift from the Lunar calendar to the Gregorian calendar. The

    previous calendar, based on Lunar cycles as opposed to our

    current calendar which is based on solar cycleswas attuned to

    a different vibration, one of harmony with the rhythms and

    cycles of nature. The transition from Lunar time to Solar

    time was also a transition from cyclic time to linear time.

    As the Lunar time period waned, our right-brain feminine-

    based qualities of cr eativity, art and beauty were repressed

    and the left-brain tendencies of order, efficiency and

    logic became the dominant force. With industrialization,

    the solar-based calendars took a firm grip on us and we

    became bound by time, locked into mechanical rhythms,

    habitual patterns of thought and motion. We have become a

    society of slaves to the clock and to the machines that appeared to offer

    us freedom, but at what cost? Today we are isolated from nature and each

    other, a society of consumers. In our greed, we have not only gobbled up

    the resources of the past, but we are devouring the future as well.

    Think about it. The twentieth century with all of its invention, wars,

    and change was brought to us by the power of one sing le substance

    oil. Over the course of the last one hundred years, during this Age of

    Oil, we have used up millions of years of compacted light created by

    the bones and residue of the plants and animals that once occupied

    this planet. On a metaphysical level that means our very environ-

    ment is suffused with the ka or psychic residue of these living

    beings from the past. Is the Age of Oil an outer manifestation of

    the karmic traces, seeds of destruction left from the inhabitants of

    a former age? It certainly appears so.

    Now that the Age of Oil is comi ng to an end we will

    all face enormous difficulties, but instead of planning for these

    eventualities, our corporations, leaders and politicians are ignoring

    their responsibilities and are using up the world at an even faster

    rate than before.

    The world, our environment and our future appear to have

    become a gigantic closeout salewhere everything must go.

    Just take a look around. It seems that everything is up for grabs.

    Anything can happen. The real question that lies before us is this: will

    the human race survive this process? Will we c ontinue to fall for the

    seduction of materialism, war and domination or open our eyes and

    live consciously? Will we finally achieve our potential and manifest our

    destiny or will we wither away like the dinosaurs? Fac

    essential questions, what can we do?

    I believe that the answer is to free our minds; wake u

    trance. And how can we do this? By shifting our focus in

    ourselves with the highest spiritual values. If we look inw

    with spirit, perceive and strip away the conditioned actio

    traces that have led to the fear-based nightmare of

    manufactured reality the veil that obscures our true v

    It is time to become the heroes and heroines of our

    beyond fear and transmute its fundamental energy into r

    every thought we are effecting the shape of the future, w

    we are creating angels or demons.

    It is said that as we move to the end point of the cy

    the end of the world or the end of a li fe, time speeds up

    time, only the moment. In this extraordinary moment of

    the psychic knots that bind us unwind, and the karmic v

    that moment we can see with true clarity the pure essenc

    we come face to face with our eternal nature. Time disso

    and all things appear in the perfect simultaneity of the st

    mediate present. This is the moment of true awakening

    between the thoughts, the pause between the in breath a

    It is time to dream a new dream for humanity, mov

    confines of li near time. What is going on right now on p

    a new level of c onsciousness is emerging. The Quero

    that there has been a tear in the fabric of time itself, a

    future through which a new species will emerge. The Bra

    spiritual group from North India, tell us that we have alre

    the darkness of the Iron Age to a new age of consciou

    Diamond Age. With this shift of consciousness, we are

    painfully aware of how much work there is left to do.

    The great spiritual teachers tell us that the chaos of

    age is merely part of the natural order, that out of this ch

    of har mony and grace will emerge. Many of us are mov

    phase in the cycle, realigning ourselves with spirit and fee

    to the light. We are planting the seeds for the world to co

    If we are willing to break free of the cultural tran

    materialist, ego-based mindset and live a more simple an

    in balance with the Earth we will probably survive. If

    to change now we may not make it.

    I once heard Terence McKenna say, We mu

    apocalypse has already occurred. At the time I didnt u

    he meant, but I think I do now. What Terence was sayin

    begin to live in the futureright now. We must act as if

    materialist-based culture has already withered away and

    a future of our own creation.


    There is no more hopeful situation im


    Jose Arguelles calls it the climax of matter, Jean Houston refers to it

    as jump time, and Ray Kurzweil names it the approaching singularity.

    Each person who studies this phenomenon calls it by a different name, or

    uses different terms to describe it, but they are all speaking of the same

    ideathat human experience is reaching some kind of ultimate point.

    Significantly, many prophecies from ancient traditions around the

    world have also pointed to this time period as a time of great upheaval

    and change, perhaps the most important in human history. The Mayans

    of Mexico marked this ti me with their famous calendar; the alchemists of

    Europe built the Cross of Hendaye to describe it; the Quero Indians of

    Peru call it the PachaKuti; and the ancient Egyptians referred to it as the

    Zep Tepi or The First Time. In the Indo-Tibetan tradition it is equated

    with the final throes of the Kali Yuga, the Age of Iron. Each of these

    traditions tells us that a great transformative moment is at hand, a mo-

    ment in which we have the opportunity to release old patterns and re-link

    ourselves with the essential rhythms and harmonies of the universe.

    In all of these prophecies this shift is not just limited to historical tan-

    gibles globalization, the internet, global warming and the destruction of

    the environmentbut is deeply embedded in almost all of the great spiri-

    tual traditions of humanity. According to these traditions this approaching

    singularity will be the most profound event in history; everything that we

    know, everything that we are, is about to undergo a radical change.

    It might be said that right now there is a great slumber across the land,

    Alberto Villoldo refers to it as a cultural trance, Jose Arguelles, a dream-

    spell, Riane Eisler calls it the dominator trance or the last gasp of the

    patriarchy. It is as if a glamour has been cast over our collective eyes, a

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    unsThef Godrion Revelation

    John Jay Harper

  • 8/14/2019 Transmission 1 2012


    Man is the Measureof all Things.

    Once upon a time in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, crea-

    tures calling themselves homo sapiens, a Latin ter m meaning wise orknowing man, lived in one of its smaller solar systems on a very small

    planet they nicknamed dirt or Earth. Ironically, they were not wise,

    knowing -- or unique. They had simply forgotten their birth origins

    and destiny as celestial beings of the Orion Nebula, the birthplace of

    stars, the Suns of God on Earth.

    So over the course of centuries, as they gazed into the night sky

    sitting around campfires yearning for clues, a sign from on high, they

    told each other creation stories, myths, and performed acts, rituals, to

    explain why they were in this predicament.

    Some religionists said they sinned against a god, in one form

    or another, a being that had returned to the sky. That they were

    now quarantined on Earth until a savior, in one form or another,

    returned as promised at the end-of-time.

    Others of these so-called wise men known as scientists taught

    humans were accidents of a blind and dumb gene-generating universe;

    freaks of nature, that gods and saviors did not even exist.

    But then these myths and rituals, especially the ancient symbols

    used in astrology began to make sense, add-up, with the modern obser-

    vations of astronomy. One of these homo sapiens named Carl Sagan

    even mused:Some 25 million years ago, a Galactic survey ship on a

    routine visit to the third planet of a relatively common G dwarf star, our

    Sun, may have noted an interesting and promising evolutionary

    development: Proconsul, the ancestor of homo sapiens, or modern man.

    Archaeologist, historian, and mythologist also known as D. M.

    Murdock, conclusively documents that major world religions are in

    fact founded upon an astro-theology: the story of stars as gods sent

    down from heaven to earth to save men from ignorance.

    The larger realization based upon the overwhelming evidence

    suggests these humans represented the gods as action heroes on the

    ground to the people, as she catalogues in her book Suns of God:

    Krishna, Buddha, and Christ Unveiled. Of course, we have Jesus

    himself saying: I have said, you are gods; and all of you are children

    of the most High.

    Nonetheless, once we saw the creation story focused

    through the lens of Galileo and later Hubble and Herschel

    telescopes, the lights came on to full-star power again across

    the entire spectrum of science and religion theories of origins.

    And a whole new way of seeing oursel ves not as freaks of

    nature but as a planned family of geneti cally engineered, star

    seeded, celestial beings emerged. Clearly, the occult, or hid-

    den, records collected by esoteric societies were beginning to

    pay rich dividends too with respect to our relationship to stars.

    One of these pioneers, Alice Bailey, reported: In the secret of the

    Sun Sirius are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution, and inciden-tally, therefore, of our solar system. The Sirius System is always beam-

    ing helpful rays to the poor people of Earth who wallow in appalling

    ignorance, violence, and oppression.

    Suddenly the musings of mystics, s hamans, and prophets of every

    culture made more sense, fit a pattern mir rored by stone structures at

    sacred sites worldwide; in particular Asia, Egypt, Mexico, England as well

    as the Hopi Nation in North America and Inca Empire in South America.

    Egyptologist Wallis Budge, and others, linked the stars in Si rius,

    Orion, and Pleiades with emitting spiritual rays of li ght that vivify

    gods, men, cattle, and creeping things ... out of the seed of the soul.

    Budge even declared, The mention of Orion and Sothis (Sirius) is

    interesting, for it shows that at one time the Egyptians believed that

    these stars were the homes of departed souls.

    This rediscovered truth is straight-forward: We humans were

    designed to operate on a cosmic larger-than-life scale, as a super-

    man mystics called Adam Kadmon, and artist Leonardo Da Vinci

    portrayed as perfection personified in The Vitruvian Man. That is,

    our human body was the mathematical mirror-image of the Phi ratio

    Fibonacci series spiral, the golden mean of the Cosmos.

    Overall, we see our self-image in a new light as that of a super-

    star, the Sun of God, in fact, what theologian Matthew Fox calls The

    Cosmic Christ.

    Plato was very clear in his treatise, Timaeus, that God made

    souls in equal number with the stars and distributed them, each soul

    to its several star, and he who should live well for his due span of time

    should journey back to the habitation of his consort star.

    Consciousness is King, proclaimed philosopher of Rome, Ploti-

    nus, in the 3rd century A.D.

    This then is true hidden knowledge: Stars are conscious beings of light

    and co-create planets for the development of infinite Christs-in-potential!

    Gregory Sams, co-founder of the Harmony/Whole Earth Foods

    outlets in the United Kingdom, chaos theory expert, and now bestsell-

    ing author of Sun of God: Consciousness and the Self-Organizing

    Force that Underlies Everything has it spot on: This is the greatest

    cover-up in history!

    In other words, human beings are created to live eternally as

    physical beings made of sunlight. We are Children of the Sun, and the

    Sun behind the Sun, the Mother Star Clusters in the Orion Nebula of

    our Milky Way Galaxy.

    The Orion Nebula is the birthplace of our Suns solar system and

    its lifecycle known as World Sun Ages. T he Maya, for example, saw the

    rebirth of Ear th as beginning the Fifth Sun Age on December 22, 2012.

    Ancients saw how species are seeded and mutated by starbursts,

    supernova explosions, solar flares, and Coronal Mass Ejections, or

    CMEs, as well as advanced civilizations. They saw cross-breeding be-

    tween gods and men potentially helped evolve new cosmic creatures in

    an infinite loop of creation, destruction, and recreation: the life, death,

    and rebirth cycle of Suns of God.

    This was hinted in the Holy Bible that such was the case as in

    Genesis 6:4: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also

    after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,

    and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which

    were of old, men of renown.

    Now scientists agree: we are Star Children: In a very real sense,

    says University of Illinois astrophysicist Larry Smarr, we are the

    grandchildren of supernovas.

    Harvard professor of astronomy, Robert Kirshner, says, Gen-

    erations of supernovas created the elements we take for granted-the

    oxygen we breathe, the calcium in our bones, and the iron in your

    blood are products of the stars.

    Fascinatingly enough, these sacred site ruins that we have turned

    into tourist traps can now become star map repositories of i nvaluable

    star seed information to reclaim our origins and destiny according to

    many scholars of them today.

    And as we dug deeper into the forensic evidence of sacred sites,

    examined the blood, bone, and stones, so to speak; we decoded the

    meaning of the 12 signs of the times: the houses, mansions, or

    constellations the Greeks named Zodiac, or Circle of Animals.

    Again, it was Jesus who said: In my Fathers house are many

    mansions, I go and prepare a place for you.

    So Zodiac signs were used to assign specific energy signatures to

    stars in the night sky with stones carefully crafted on-the- ground to

    create a mirror-image of their consciousness traits. This maps the 12

    characteristics of constellations. Our own stars lifecycle through time

    and eternity in what we know now as a 26,000 year precession of the

    equinox of The Great Year.

    Naturopathic health practitioner Amalia Camateros, proclaimed

    in her book Spirit of the Stones: A Revival of Earth Wisdom, based

    upon insights into the Anasazi of the American Southwest: This

    knowledge was stored in the rocks as living libraries and kept safe

    within until a future time.

    Stones are in effect sponges: they absorb and store consciousness

    that is carried by 12-rays of sunlight. Our human brain has 12 cranial

    nerves and earth 12 major tectonic plates to process light energy

    through them too. Needless to say, 12 is a key number to life, death,

    and rebirth as it defines, partitions, or sectors space itself into 12 signs

    of the Zodiac.

    Perhaps, that is the greatest insights of so-call ed pa

    saw space is alive, conscious, with the ebb and flow of su

    tion energy pulsations permeating everything forever. T

    new under the Sun other than a cosmic recycling progra

    beings through a mixing and matching of star sys tems w

    Pyramids are The Word of God written in Stars

    Distinguished writer Adrian Gilbert, stated this m

    2012: Mayan Year of Destiny: By building a giganti

    Heaven on Earth, they were establishing a psychic lin

    Orion/Osiris. Then, by carrying out certain funerary

    the Opening of the Mouth and Weighing of the He

    confines of the pyramids, they could assist the pharao

    journey to the land of Osiris: the stars of Orion.

    Alan F. Alford of Walsall, England declares:

    believed that the future destiny of mankind lay in

    Source, i.e. to God and Heaven. The death of the

    did not mark an end but rather a critical mid-poin

    existence. Those who had the secret knowledge could

    to the Heavenly Source and enter the gates to the lo

    knowing soul would then unite with its primeval bo

    materialize in a remarkably Earth-like world.

    Ultimately we have rediscovered the secrets to reinca

    embedded in The Great Pyramid stones at Giza and

    Valley of the Kings. They and other related sacred site

    to help us recapture our roots in the stars and point us

    Twin Earth in the star nursery of the Orion Nebul

    What weve learned is pyramids were not burial t

    bombs! They speak to the end-time of the Earths Shif

    realigning us with our home among the stars in the 2

    Indeed, our god fathers or Higher Selves are a

    binary star earthlike system of planets defined by star

    vicinity of the Orion, Sirius, and Pleiades constellatio

    Robert Temple, the highly-acclaimed investigato

    tribe cultural myths in Africa, and also a member of t

    nomical Society in England stated forthrightly in his clas

    Mystery: New Scientific Ev idence of Alien Contac t 5,00

    wwwwSirius was, astronomically, the foundatio

    Egyptian religious system. Its celestial movements det

    Egyptian Calendar, which is even known as the Sothic

    Sirius, the Dog Star, is the prime candidate for o

    double, or twin star system.

    This insight is shared by archaeo-astronomer Wa

    the Executive Director of the Binary Research Institu

    California in his book titled Lost Star of Myth and T

    The Great Year.

    This article is based on the authors book Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century.

    { }Protagoras of Abdera(c .480-410 B.C.)


    analogyfortheworkingsoftheuniverse.{ }Leonardo da Vinci(1452 - 1519)

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    John L. Petersen

  • 8/14/2019 Transmission 1 2012


    Until now, this discussion has been largely descriptive.

    What is going on? What might be in our future? The much more

    important issue is, what are we going to do about it? It may not be

    clear yet where we are going, but what is clear is how to get where

    we decide we want to go. The future doesnt just happen; we make it

    happen. It is the product of our desires, interests, perspectives, visions,

    and actions.

    What we think and what we do makes a difference.

    It makes the only difference.

    This is not just a meaningless platitude of the kind that is offered

    repeatedly at graduation ceremonies. The images that we have in our

    minds (or not) about what wed like to be, where wed like to go, and

    what kind of world wed like to live in directly shape what we do. Ourbehavior is consistent with our worldview, and therefore contributes

    to sustaining it.

    Most people who have made their way through school, particu-

    larly college, have watched their worldview change and in a short

    period have seen the options available to them open up in ways they

    never before anticipated. They see themselves and their possibilities

    in a different way ... and then they choose different directions in their

    lives. For me it was the Navy. Join the Navy, see the world, they said.

    It was true. I saw and experienced all kinds of things in less than a

    handful of years that radically altered who I believed I was and where

    I was going for the rest of my life.

    In the face of the rapidly converging trends approaching, not only

    do we need to persevere, we need to be on the offense: to shape and

    help manifest the new world that will c ertainly evolve, whether we take

    an active role in it or not. We need a vision -- something to aim for.

    Both an explicit and an intuitive sense of where were going is critical

    to this whole transition. If you dont know where youre going, as they say,

    any destination will do. In this context, that approach is not a good idea.Visions are magical. They function in strange ways to guide you to

    achieving them. When you see the world in terms of explicit objec-

    tives, opportunities, and options, serendipitous things seem to show up

    to help you get to where you want to go. You dont have to understand

    how they work to appreciate that visions really do work. Effective busi-

    ness leaders know intuitively that if they havent hung a big exciting

    vision in front of their employees, then the organization will wander

    about rather aimlessly searching for some random objective to home

    in on. If they are successful in crisply communicating exceptional

    possibilities for the company and providing the resources to fuel them,

    they can literally change their world. The same can be said for an

    individual ... and for an administration.

    We need to change theworld around a new vision.

    Its important to keep in mind that were talking about a new

    world. Were not trying to build a better version of what we alreadyhave. Here is the sequence:

    In this new world, humanity has figured out how to do its business

    in ways that do not produce the kinds of problems that caused the old,

    smoldering decomposition in the first place. In this world, we certainly

    learn something from the traumatic experience.

    The key to getting to this new future is a vision. We need a picture

    of a viable global future to guide us going forward. In practical terms,this new world needs to be pretty idealistic. After all, were really

    (really!) going to build a new one in a new context, which makes all

    kinds of things possible that certainly wouldnt work right now. Thats

    what we should aim for. Thats the contextual objective we should

    carry around in our minds.


    first imagineour future.

    After that,we live it.

    The trends and plausible big-change events discussed here appear to potentially

    around 2012 and then settle down over the following years, maybe finding a new e

    by 2020. If that is what happens, then the new world we have to focus on building

    evolves between 2012 and 2020. The question is, what would we like that world toWhat will we try to build? That will be our vision. In building a vision of this type

    portant to fully understand the conditions from which this new world might evolve

    Lets guess that by 2012 we will have survived a global bout with bird flu (in late

    it appeared the virus was, for the first time, becoming transmissible to humans). A

    ate pandemic has killed 500 million people worldwide over a six-month period of

    negatively affected almost every aspect of modern life -- governments, economies,

    interaction, and others.

    During the same period, the change in the planets climate has accelerated as th

    feedback loops in the climatic system kicked in. Devastating storms have become t

    seasons dont work the way they used to, nor does traditional agriculture, generatin

    cant food shortages and serious broad-based disruptions in regions like the United

    and the rest of Europe. Or maybe by 2012 weve experienced a major series odisruptions related to changes in the energy sector. Driven by a decreasing sup

    the biggest countries in the world have aggressively tried to capture what petroleum

    It has turned into a war (or at least a period of very serious threats) involving the U

    States and China, or China and Russia. A companion breakthrough in energy sou

    begun to fill in some of the major cracks in the system left from the rapidly decreasing

    fossil fuels, but even heroic efforts and amazing innovations are unable to take up th

    enough to offset the crises.

    We have gotten much smarter, much faster with the advent of amazing new We

    knowledge discovery and sense-making tools (which make it easy to understand lar

    amounts of complex information) and have learned to manipulate life in ways nev

    possible. Finding solutions to big problems has gotten much easier, but implementi

    still takes too much time.Our new world will have to take into consideration the underlying trends in scie

    technology that are driving a great deal of change, address the biggest pressing pro

    confront us, reflect changes in our values and perspectives of how we see ourselves a

    and suggest a new social framework that describes how we will work and live toget

    Big extraordinary change happens.

    Things fail.

    They dont work the way they use to.

    Something new emerges.

    It operates differently.

    It runs on different principles and values.


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    An increased emphasis on connectedness and interdependence.The Internet, the global

    economy, the environment, and many other aspects of life have made transparent that we are all directly

    and indirectly connected to each other and the larger context in which we live in ways that were previously

    not obvious. All transactions now take these li nkages into consideration. Because of this interdependence,

    it is logical that nonconstructive relationships are intrinsically destructive and that there has been ...

    A shift toward cooperation and away from competition. The interdependencies that we live with

    coupled with the highly destructive potential of advanced technologies have made it obvious that finding

    ways of working together is much better than fighting over differences. This has translated into a ...

    Commitment to conflict resolution without resorting to violence. The potential destructive

    capability of new technologies juxtaposed with the need to build a new world has mandated that violence,

    especially between developed nations, as in all-out world wars, is no longer feasible. Sophisticated methods

    of negotiation and influence become the main tools of persuasion.

    A commitment to justice for all people. Since in an i nterconnected society injustice to some ultimately

    affects all others, a broad-based commitment to justice for all is imperative.

    A world of abundance. The resolution of energy problems and the advent of advanced information-

    technology applications presents the possibility of a world without intrinsic scarcity. Equitable access to and

    distribution of food, knowledge, shelter, and work could well become possible.

    Individual self-realization. The crucible of ph enomenal global change would produce a new perspective

    of oneself and the untapped potential in each of us. A dedication to self-realization would be reflected in all

    aspects of human activity.

    Individuals choose for themselves rather than taking their cues externally.

    Interdependency coupled with unsurpassed knowledge and a common allegiance tojustice weakens the requirement for centralized authority.

    That new world might look like this:

    Values and Perspectives

    Harmony with nature. The fact that everything that lives on this planet is

    connected with everything else means that we live with nature, actively cocreating

    the context within which we live. We herefore see ourselves as part of the larger,

    global system. Maintaining harmony with nature is a priority that produces

    personal, spiritual, physical, and economic benefits.

    A shift toward localization. The failure of global supply chains initiates a reliance

    on local suppliers rather than distant ones. This is especially true with food items, for

    which local farmers and ranchers become preferred.

    A commitment to healthy food. Fresh, healthy food is a necessity for sustaining the

    physical and mental requirements of living in the new world.

    These values and perspectives are reflected and reinforced in all other areas:

    Science and Technology

    A clean, all-electric world is achieved. We have entered the post-petroleum

    age and the world is moving toward all-electric status. Electricity is produced by

    pollution-free sources that in most cases require no extracted fuel, like generators

    that run off tidal currents , turbines driven by deep-well-produced steam, and

    advanced solar and wind devices.

    The global brain is rapidly evolving. Unprecedented knowledge generation,

    discovery, and problem resolution are everyday occurrences, spurred by exponential

    developments in computing and communication technologies. Intractable problems

    are solved with capabilities that were impossible to imagine just ten years earlier.

    New agricultural methods that do not rely on synthetic petroleum-based fertiliz

    become dominant. Seawater-based agriculture is becoming commonplace, encouraging f

    in vast areas that previous had no freshwater for irrigation.

    The challenge of environmental sustainability is resolved.Problem-solving knowledge

    technology and a new perspective on our relationship with nature results in significantly new

    ways of maintaining our environment.

    Pressing Problems

    We have moved beyond the petroleum age. Clean, sustainable, independent sources of energy are

    the only approaches that are supported.

    Energy production is decentralized and more distributed.Energy producti

    localized, whether in vehicles or individual buildings that translate solar energy a

    into electricity. All sources contribute to the grid, fewer c entral power plants are r

    Social Systems

    An equitable way to have a global yet local civilization is worked out.Tensions have been

    balanced between the forces of globalization, universal connectivity, and interdependence, as well as the

    increasing marginalization of people and cultures that always seemed to attend those trends.

    Decentralization along with an ecology of cultures is effected. Local, cultural character still

    colors societies, but at the same time all groups have learned how to relate effectively to the larger world

    Global issues become global interests. A communications process is in place that allows all c

    a current interest in pressing global issues. The world thinks and acts together for the common goo

    Global security is discovered, removing the legitimacy of war.The experience of having lived

    through or narrowly sidestepped a major world war with unheard-of new weapons convinces the world

    that modern combat is not an option. Sophisticated behavior-modification approaches and incentives are

    developed that do not include v iolence.

    The possibility of nuclear war is prevented with 100 percent reliability.War is n

    and nuclear war must never happen. The world community bands together to assure that

    weapons are eliminated or so closely constrained that the chance of their being used appro

    This vision might not be as far-out as you would guess. The Earth

    Charter closely resembles this vision. It was written with the input of

    five thousand people, has been endorsed by numerous governments,

    organizations, and a multitude of individuals, and draws more than

    one hundred thousand people to its website each month.

    Effectively transitioning to this new world will require envisioning

    it into reality. We will all need to use a model like the one above to

    build a coherent idea of what the new world might look like-the

    principles, values, structures, behavior-and begin to carry that common

    picture in our minds. We need to get together at regular times with

    as many others as possible to project the new images, talk about them,

    and debate them. We should do it as though our lives depend on it, as

    they probably do.

    There will need to be a constant orientation of o

    need to have a wide aperture for seeing subtle indicator

    change and be receptive to newly emerging technique

    the rapidly changing world. Being close-minded to the

    ideas of others will court failure, as no one individua

    will have the capability to deal with these change

    New ideas and explanations about how reality works,

    begin to bubble up in many places; they must be op

    and honestly evaluated.

    There must also be an openness toadaptation to rapidly changewhen it is required.

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    This essay is excerpted from A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change published here with permission from Fulcrum P

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    I have taken as my personal

    mantra the not very transcendent phrase,

    I dont know. The list of things I feel unsure about seems to

    be steadily increasing. For instance, I dont know if our soli psistic species

    will survive much longer, and sometimes I am not even sure how much I care.

    I dont know if Barack Obama is a warm-hearted leader who will unite people at a time

    of adversity, or the most brilliant puppet ever put forth by the New World Order conspirators

    (who, as radio journalist and documentary filmmaker Alex Jones suggests, may be plotting a program

    of rapid depopulation). I dont know if the increase in UFO sightings means we are approaching abenevolent contact experience or a horrific predatory ambush. I dont know if global warming is mainly

    caused by human action, or if it is part of a phase transition of the entire solar system, as the Russian

    scientist Dmitriev proposes.

    I dont know if men and women should be monogamous or if it is better to be bonobo-like in ones erotic habits. I

    dont know if we will develop some type of new energy technology that will rescue us from Peak Oil, or if we are destined to

    see industrial civilization devolve and disintegrate as fossil fuel becomes scarce. I dont know whether to learn to grow food and

    harvest rainwater or to master some weird new esoteric discipline like Vortex Healing or Keylontic Science. I dont know if free

    will exists, or if we are conditioned robots, performing an illusory spectacle scripted by Hindu deities or dreamtime ancestors.

    I dont know if we should get rid of reli gions or create a really cool new one.

    I dont know whether to stockpile gold or create an intentional community. I dont know whether to stay in Manhattan or head for

    the hills. I dont know whether we are approaching global enlightenment or regressing into barbarism. I dont know whether

    biotec hnolog y and nanotechnology will fuse to give us immortal physical bodies or if we will all croak as our mis treated planet falls apart.

    I dont know if any thing special will happen on December 21, 201 2. I dont know if I should start a ri ot or throw a party. I

    dont know whether to panic or relax.

    Something seems to be happening that is beyond my capacity to understand or articulate. I can only assume other people are feeling

    this way as well. We are witnessing the coll apse of the old, rigidified structures, while the new hasnt come into realization yet -- that is, i f

    there is going to be a new anything. A change seems to be happening at the level of logic, which is becoming less dualistic, less either-or, and

    more binary, both-and. Former diametric opposites are moving toward confluence, as well as dissonance, in various areas: Like tweakedout psychonauts, the physicists at CERN discuss opening portals into other dimensions. As the financial system evaporates, incredible new

    gizmos like Pandora and Cool Iris spread freely on the Internet. Obama references Chicago 1968 in his acceptance speech at Grant Park,

    then hires as his economic advisers the guys who, under Clinton, deregulated the banking system, causing the current disaster.

    Reality is becoming more improvisational and up-tempo. Although I dont pretend to have certainty about it, the ideas that Jose

    Arguelles, Terence McKenna and others have proposed about time speeding up and going through ever-faster fractal spirals of historical

    pantomime -- including, alas, the mass suffering usually caused by historical convulsions - seem increasingly on the mark. If we are

    shifting away from dualistic separation and linear logic to a binary thought marked by polarities, this also suggests a shift from the

    modern historical perspective to a revived mythological consciousness. Like processes in the unconscious, myth resolves oppositions

    through symbol and image, without need of rational explanation. A society that reintegr ates mythic thought at a deeper level

    of awareness will be able to handle seemingly contradictory perspectives without breaking down.

    I dont know if we will live to see the birth of such a new worldview as part of a regenerated civilization, or if we

    only get to see the decline and fall of our current dinosaur. It does seem that ever-increasing numbers of people are

    done with it and ready to move on, but move on to what?

    Some theorists propose we have reached a point in evolution where we have the capacity to consciously

    co-create reality, and choose our own script for the future. Sometimes, this feels fuzzily plausible to me.

    On the other hand, our past actions and intentions have created the reality we experience now. It

    seems highly unlikely we can phase-shift to hyperspace, the fifth-dimension, or whatever it is

    until we have learned how to take proper care of this material world and those who share it

    with us. Although maybe I am wrong and we will get a free pass. I just dont know.




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    20 21


    Heavenis just around the corner

    is just around the cornerHell

    Choose One