Training for Architects and Planners in Conservation Methods and Techniques

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Training for Architects and Planners

Transcript of Training for Architects and Planners in Conservation Methods and Techniques



    ln alI countries, a new realisatiori is dawning of theimportance to our civilisation of its older city centres.ln recent years, the increasing pace of urban changehas altered many places beyond recognition; whileevery surviving older town has increased apace insignificance. A new concern is today voiced by impor-tant international bodies like ICOMOS and the Councilof Europe; and it is right that the needs of our ancienttowns should receive the special attention of the Inter-national Union of Architects, whose members thismovement may deeply affect.

    Fig. 1. -Boston Manor (Brentford). A hand-painted wallpaperre-discovered during repairs.

    In the latter half of the 20th century, architecturefinds itself at a crossroads. In Britain, the professionalarchitect-designer came with the Renaissance. Beforethis, most buildings were designed by a master crafts-man -often a master-mason. Then the professionalarchitect came on the scelle as a guiding co-ordinator,increasingly pre-occupied with visual and design con-siderations. Later of course, especially after the Indus-trial Revolution, professional attention turned more andmore to ideas of " taste ", and to the eclectic choiceand manipulation of established " styles ". Then earlierin the present century, un der the influence of move-ments like the Bauhaus, this excess of professionalismwas in turn modified and tempered in a return to thetrue function of the design process -the analysis offunctional/environmental problems, the capacites ofmaterials, and the successful solution of the one bymeans of the other. More recently again, the architecthas become belatedly reinvolved in the management ofthe building force, and in the co-ordination and planningof constructional processes and trades, as for examplein methods of critical path analysis and system-building.These changes in professional orientation have beenreflected in the training of architects. The old systemof practical experience backed by " articles ", sup-plemented by academic lectures and examinations, hasgiven place increasingly to whole-time school anduniversity education. Part-time training and eveningcourses find themselves officially discouraged. Tocorrect any otherwise over-academic balance, it hasbeen found desirable in Britain to re-introduce the" sandwich" course, in which the trainee goes fromhis school into an approved office, between intensiveperiods of more sequestered leaming. But the modemtrainee architect has increasingly a university bias, andless and less contact with the craftsman on the site,his conditions, his tools and his materials.What is the result of this change of emphasis, and thisdecreasing contact between " designer" and" maker " ?Can the architect still effectively absorb, then sympathe-tically guide and control the old-fashioned crafts ? Canhe, faced with the problerns of an old building, suc-cessfully identify himself with his predecessors andtheir products, identify their strengths and weaknesses,their defects and remedies, and effectively guide thework of conservation ?



    cornes nearer. The training of the conservator is largelya question of developing a basic attitude of mind -and this should be a part of the equipment of everyarchitect.It would not be true to say, at least in Britain, thatthe conservation of older buildings could ever in prac-tice be concentrated in the hands of specially-trainedpractitioners. The owner of a building will more likelyselect his architect from personal knowledge or trustin a general capacity, than from analytical research andenquiry into his particular skills for an individual job.The architect who has repaired a house may next beasked to add a new garage, or perhaps to design anew house entirely; and the architect who designed ahouse is unlikely, if he did a good job, to be thoughtincapable of restoring an ancient gazebo in the garden.The relationship between architect and client is not oneof limited specialist servant, so much as for interpreter ,friend and agent. There is a valuable place for theoccasion al specialist: but the great majority of run-of-the-mill conservation of our architectural heritage is in

    Should, in fact, the conservation of old buildingsbecome a preserve of specialists, trained exclusivelyin traditional methods and incapable of modern build-ing ? It need not, nor to my mind can it, be separatedin this way. The skills of the architect are not limitedto knowledge about differences of local or period tra-dition or method. The architect can never again becomea purveyor of " styles ". He above aIl is qualified toanalyse -to identfy the problems of a site or abuilding, andto solve them in terms of the best availableconstructional methods and materials. To make thebest of an old building and to evoke its special qua-lities requires the same approach as making the bestof a vacant building site. We lack, in English, anadequate word for this process. " Exploitation " cornessomewhere near it; the French " mise en valeur "

    Fig. 2. -Boston Manor (Brentford). Decorations restored andrequiring special care. Ornemental panel.


  • balance which time has destroyed. But history cannotbe rebuilt, nor the clock tumed back. The architectwho can re-evaluate the assets of a situation or a struc-ture and help it to meet new circumstances can some-times achieve more for it, by bringing it back to lifeand use, than too historically-correct a " restoration ".

    One more danger is that of preoccupation with restoringa building to its " original" form. A consultant'sreport on an ancient Church, in connection with whichour Firm was recently called in to advise, started itsrecommendations section on a sinister note. " Thereseems no reason " it said, " why this beautiful Churchshould not be straightened completely ...Many ofsimilar date have already been made almost as goodas new ". We in Britain have suffered much in thepast from this kind of over-zealous " restoration ".Hypothetical reinstatement can so easily be a slipperyslope, leading only to out-gothicising the Goths.Over-specialisation would be equally dangerous if anarchitect knew only the latest techniques. The degreeof fundamental change in the basic building crafts is

    the hands of the private practitioner, in the same wayas most normal attention to health is at first the res-ponsibility of the family doctor. To licence a doctorwith no knowledge of the ailments of old age wouldbe criminal. To set loose on the public an architectqualified exclusively to design new buildings is onlylittle less so.Another danger of over-specialisation is " death byover-correctness ". Very many old buildings are nolonger able usefully to serve the original purpose forwhich they were built. The forces of social and eco-nomic change weigh heavily upon them; and if theyare to live on, they must adapt themselves to newpurposes and new values. Whereas an Egyptian sphynxor a Greek temple may only be restored as such, anearly industrial mill may have to be converted as ayouth hostel, a disused railway-station as a warehouse,or a castle as an hotel.ln adapting and revitalising old structures, an over-specialist conservator would be at a disadvantage. Hemay be anxious to re-create correctly an original

    Fig. 3. -Thundersley (Essex), St. Peter. A difficult architectural problem : a 14th-century English parish church sympatheticallyextended by a modem nave. (Civic Trust Award, 1969).


  • the MarketFig. 4. -Lavenham (Suffolk). English villagePlace after removal of" eyesore " buildings.

    [ 300 or [ 500. ln carpentry similarly, metal connectors areused instead of old woodwork joints. Laminated constructionallows sizes unheard -of by the traditional carpenter.

    well illustrated in modern joinery. Every older crafts-man knows with his finger-tips " what wood can do ".Many senior architects are finding it difficult to adaptto the revolutionary new ways in which timber can nowbe used.

    This is only one material in which architects face anentirely new vocabulary in the use of a tradition almaterial. The same could be said of stone. Reconsti-tuted and reinforced " artificial " stone can be cheaplyproduced. It can be cast instead of cut. It will spandistances ridiculous in natural stone. It can even bepre-stressed. The old-fashioned mason would be worriedat the " unnatural " things which his material is everyday asked to do.The craftsman is far from home, and so is the architect.He is no longer of necessity trained in this basic sense,to know deeply and instinctively what his materialswill do. The modern architect has many skills whichhis predecessor lacked. He can butt-joint sheets ofglass with mastic, in an almost invisible line. He basat bis fingertips endless systems of light-weight par-titioning and external curtain-walling. But he does nothave the same capacity as his forebears to design withinthe capacity of his materials, and within the ability ofcraftsmen.

    Timber is perhaps the most readily-obtained and predictableof veryday building materials. Centuries of dai I y use havedeveloped a simple basic grammar of timber construction. Asany carpenter and any joiner knows without a moment'sthought, timber is a living material. Traditional woodwork is,for example, matched to normal timber sizes. Joinery con-struction was always panelled to permit natural shrinkage -especially across the grain. End grain was never displayed,but always protected. An extensive range of woodwork joints(from dovetailing to the tusk-tenon) was developed to meetevery situation in the best possible way.Today, timber is used entirely differently. It can be circum-ferentially sawn as a thin veneer in enormous lenghs. It can bemounted on and bonded to non-shrink materials. The qualityof seasoned hardwood one finds in an old table-top is almostunknown in building. Timber can be sawn into strips or groundto sawdust and reconstituted, often with waterproof bondingagents, as chipboard, insulating board or hardboard. Plywoodis general -sometimes unpleasantly -grooved to echo thecffect of matchboarding. The veneered flush door is every-where standard, while a panelled mahogany door can cost


  • Thus, when the young graduate architect cornes torepair an ancient structure, he can find hirnself lookingvery foolish, and unable to produce naturally the archi-tectural forms which were so irnmediate and direct aproduct of the earlier craft traditions.What can be done to redresse this balance ? Whatspecial bias does the conservator-architect require ?And how can this best be encouraged through profes-sional training ?


    Is it possible for young architects to continue beyondtheir normal training, and to equip themselves withspecial extra skills, for example, by postgraduate study ?ln Britain, it has not proved easy to at tract enoughgraduates each year to extend by perhaps one or twoyears their already long training. The financial awardsof work in conservation department just do not providethe necessary incentive to a young man, after six yearsof whole-time training, to at tract any but the very few.Are these few enough ?Most of the specialist work done at national level onhistoric buildings in Britain is confined to the AncientMonuments Department of the Ministry of Works, theInvestigators of the Ministry of Housing, and to oneor two of the largest Councils such as London, whichcan afford to maintain their own special Sections foradvisory services on specialist groups of buildings. Yetd:espite wide advertising, neither of these Departmentsis at present fully staffed. It would seem that evenhere the need is not met. Coming to the wider ranksof the profession concerned, for example, in the repairof ancient Churches, it is clear thitt again there is ademand for skilled architects and assistants, which pre-sent educational arrangements simply do not meet. Twoor three decades ago, every practitioner was expectednot only to have a knowledge of historical design, butto cope more or less with the traditional crafts andtfueir architectural implications. Since then, the advanceof " system " building and the use of new non-traditionalmaterials has stretched the training syllabus in newdirections, at the cost expense of this older knowledge.To equip architects for the care of old buildings, eitherduring or after normal training, what subjects can theybe taught ?

    Burton Constable (Yorkshire). An English bouseFig. 5. -endangered

    architect -not as an exercise in " styles " but as adeeper education in significance and form.Teaching architectural history in the Schools might, ithas been suggested, be linked wherever possible notonly to the analytical study of style, but to the practicalproblems of re-using old buildings, and of strengtheningthem structurally and making them economically viable.There is much to be said for this view.

    (b) Collaboration in Specialist ResearchA training in research develops the enquiring frame ofmind. Specialists include -the photographer, thegenealogist or the archaeologist, the geologist or thehistorian. The conservator-architect needs knowledgeto be able to define the problems, and to discuss themintelligently with the specialist. He needs a good work-ing relationship with his fellow professionnals -thevaluer, the surveyor and the structural engineer. Heneeds the ability to work as one of team, and to colla-borate to the best effect.

    (a) Historical architectureFirstly, of course, architects need a knowledge of his-t

  • (c) SurveyMuch of the success of the conservator will dependupon his skill in intense observation and analysis." Measured drawing ", as it was once taught in theSchools, was valuable in instilling just this discipline :no one for decades has written a study of historicaldetail as penetrating (albeit ill-presented) as Paley's" Gothic Mouldings ".Survey, it may be claimed, is merely " looking at abuilding ". But the quality of the job is entirely amat ter of painstaking, thorough, deep and observantsearching -a searching into exact present form andconstruction, its historical derivations and its impli-cations for the future. As Boswell understood hisJohnson, so the surveyor must identify himself withhis building until he feels he knows unerringly what itwould do in any set of circumstances. Right and wrongin architectural conservation are rarely absolute. Asin languages, they are a mat ter of usage. The chiefskill of the expert may be in his depth of experience,

    and his ability to c;111 unerringly upon parallel examples,each int:mately known and recalled, interrelated andapplied.This habit of detailed and penetrating observation dis-tinguishes the expert, and is the chief aim of aIl train-ing. It has been weIl sa id that ski Ils of this kind canbe " caught " rather than " taught ". ln this, individualand tutorial methods often achieve the most.ln addition, the conservator needs a thorough know-Iedge of practical survey techniques. The accuratemeasurement of buildings by constant I y self -checkingmanual methods cornes first. Then follows a know-ledge of modem measuring and recording methodssuch as photography, photogrammetry and stereophoto-grammetry.Photography is a basic tooI of recording, and it is saidthat " photography is a Ianguage ". The conservator isalways his own best photographer, since he knowsexactly what the photograph is to say. The exactrecording of each stage of a progressive restoration or

    Fig. 6 -Wotton Bouse (Buckingshamshire). Modern materials : a wooden cornice renewed in fibreglass after dry-rot.


  • Fig. 7. -Blackmore (Essex). Timber constructions: Massive oak timbers of an English church tower, recently repaired.


  • repair job is a vital link in the chain of architecturalevidence.Photogrammetry and stereophotogrammetry are equallyvaluable tools, useful not only in their most sophis-ticated form, with prohibitively-expensive optical in-struments, but in everyday simple forms like theplot ting of stonework detail in a wall. Stereophoto-grammetry can help to re-create lost and damagedparts of building, like the dome at our own CastleHoward, which was accurately restored by this meansfrom old photographic records.

    (d) DiagnosisA detailed training in structural techniques and infailures, their diagnosis and repair, is a straight-forwardmat ter. The tradition al building trades follow thepattern of the basic building materials. Apart from thegrowth through time of architectural form, a thoroughgrounding in the historical development of buildingtechnique is as essential as a knowledge of conservationmethods. This may be covered in items such as thefollowing :

    Fig. 8. -Trinity College {Cambridge). The Wrenn Library.Craftmanship : Wood-carving in limewood.


    Stonework : geology of building stones. Quarrying andmasonry techniques. Static and dynamic construction,wailing, decoration and sculpture. Weathering anddecay. RenewaI, dentistry repair, chemicaI treatmentand the availability of replacement building stones;Brickwork and Masonry : clay building materiaIs :bricks, tiles and terra-cotta. TraditionaI craftsmanship,bonding, mortars, weathering and decay, repair andrenewal;Woodwork: historical construction. Timber types inhistory and today. Felling, conversion and seasoning.Traditional carpentry and joinery design. Detail, panel-ling, carving, etc. Weathering, timber pests and fungi,methods of repair and strengthening;Roofing : historical development. Thatching, tiling,slating, sheet metals -lead, copper, etc. Use andfixings. Repair and renewal;Olass : history and techniques, including stained andpainted glass and its conservation;MetaIwork : metallurgy and development in buildings :structural and decorative cast-iron, wrought iron, steeland non-ferrous metals historicaily and now, and repairtechniques;Plasterwork : development of lime and gypsum plas-tering and of decorative work, and its repair today;Paints and Decorations : internaI decorations, paintsand protective and decorative finishes : methods ofconservation.

    -Structural Movem/?nt, Consolidation and Repair

    Foundations : movement, inequality and structuraladaptation;Live Structure: the problems of " live " and vaultedstructures, framed buildings and those designed to" give " like bell-towers or affected by special loadingor vibration;Damp : the prevention and eradication of damp andancillary disorders;Pire Precautions : means of prevention, detection andarrest. Structural discontinuity, and legal provisions forthe escape of occupants, lightning conductors, installa-tions, etc.

    -Special Studies

    Gardens and Landscape : historical development, gar-dening and management;Bell Ringing : bell-frames, ringing techniques, castingand bell-care;Furniture : co-operation with repair specialists;Wallpaintings : history and conservation;Management: houses open to the Public, Museums, dis-play, taxation, staffing, daily maintenance and security.

  • Fig. 9. -Lavenham (Suffolk). An English village du ring improvement. Once marred by overhead wires; wires now reinstatedunterground.


  • replacement of expended materials, and especially inthe conservation of v,uable original detail, like carvedstonework and stained glass.

    (e) Office and Site ExperienceA practical office and site experience is of great valuein training. It should cover several forms of work,e.g. : Experience in manual work

    Actually handling materials on the site will help anyarchitect to see every-day problems of organisation,labour difficulties, weather and programming by whicha contractor is faced. Much misunderstanding wouldbe avoided if every architect had experience of thiskind.

    Experience in restorationThe full restoration of a monument to its original formis a task calling for special accuracy and detailed know-ledge. It includes detective work in historical researchand adept translation into modern materials.

    Experience in conversion workAdapting buildings to new needs calls for the analysisof its practical assets and debts, and their reorganisationto the best effect. Modem services such as electricity,heating and lifts will bring special problems.

    Communication -report and specificationsBut observation cans for another skin -that of com-munication. Able sllfvey presupposes a subsequentability to convey information, in written or verballyas in a report. Yet j'ew architects in fact possess thisability trained in high degree. It is one thing to conectthe facts ,and another to be able to marsha1, interrelateand re-present then in a balanced form for any specificpurpose. Methods win differ. One way of describing

    Experience in maintenance workThe day-ta-day care af buildings such as Churches andCathedrals is a valu able abject lessan in the phased

    Fig. 10. -Wotton House (Buckinghamshire). An Englishhouse recently saved from demolition.

  • a building is by a sequential record of its historicaldevelopment. Another is by a verbal perambulation,like a guided tour. Comment on actual or potentialmerits and faults may fall within this description, ormay follow. The Report furthermore must be matchedto those who will read it. It must distinguish andpursue its purpose whether to bring about a morebalanced appreciation, or to assess defects and remedies,or to make suggestions for adaptation to changing cir-cumstances. AlI this calls for a good deal of trainingand experience.The communication of instructions to builders andcraftsmen is next of supreme importance. Conservationwork requires specification-writing of the highest order.The architect must stipulate the exact materials andmethods, and envisage in intimate detail the sequenceof actual building operations, the actual trades available,and their most economic use. He needs good archi-tectural judgement in distinguishing, ever what may oneday be significant, and must provide for endless unseencontingencies.

    Organisation and cost controlMoney for conservation is short. lndeed, too muchmoney can even be an embarrassment, and a temptationto renew too much original work, with a consequentloss of character. Cost control in conservation workis the special, practical science of job management.Accurate estimating is difficult : and the architect mustbe able to work within a budget.Architectural values are virtually as important asmoney. High on the list is the retention of originalcharacter. Once again, this may be irreplaceable. Manyfine buildings throughout the world have been destroyedby over-restoration. One thinks of fine houses open tothe public, with a dining-table but without any dining-chairs -an atmosphere of inhumanity and unreality.But as a dentist stops each individu al tooth, so theidentity of the stones and beams of a building can begiven a maximum of life.Relative urgencies of different repair elements may bea mat ter of sheer deterioration and its arrest. " Gallop-ing " decay increases at compound interest, and the

    Fig. 11. -Blanchland {Northumberland}. An English villagerecently surveyed and now under repair .


  • Fig. 12. -Belchamp Otton. A typical English country church, before and after interiors repairs.

    Above all this is so in contract administration, sitesupervision and cost control; and these are the fieldsin which the real battle is won or lost.

    5. Training in town planning

    Not only in Europe, but in the Middle East and inAmerica, the conservation of ancient towns, historicareas and groups of buildings is becoming a newscience, with methods of its own. In Britain, this hasbeen recognised in the commissioning of special pilotstudies on behalf of the Minister of Housing, designedto develop new and adequate techniques of town surveyand conservation. Actual pilot rehabilitation schemesare a natural next step, and these are already beingundertaken on a wide and successful scale in France.In Britain again, the Civic Amenities Act now providesfor the designation of Conservation Areas, for con-servation and enhancement. Here a careful and rea-listic evaluation of the facts is essential, especially in

    emergency patching of a leaking gutter may decidethe future of a building. Self-increasing defects claimfirst attention: but they may be in accessible. Someelements are less predict1ible in cost than others; andit may be logical to deal first with those whose costis least known, holding back the more readily mea-sured and costed items until the whole budget can beapportioned.Methods of cost control vary considerably. Some archi-tects are too pessimistic -most are too optimistic.The job then creeps and escalates in cost -sometimesout of aIl recognition. The best aim is to allocatebudget elements from experience, working within thesein a self-correcting allocation of available funds. Butit is very bard to expect any newly graduated architectto have the " feel " for costs in such a highly deve-loped degree. The more one thinks of the contrastbetween academic and practical experience, the moreone sees how essential is the latter, and how difficultit is to train the sheepdog without an olderdog to guide.


  • large and diverse areas of attractiveness and character.These surveys and these schemes will calI for a greatdeal of professional expertise. Techniques of surveyinclude not only traffic and commercial enquiries butarchitectural/historical and townscape surveys, and theindividual and relative evaluation, indoor and out, ofhundreds of older buildings.Town survey and enhancement is in fact an inter-professional discipline, in which the best results areobtajned by teamwork. The best rapport is reacbedwhen postgraduate courses draw together differentdisciplines in a single, combined training. This basonly rarely been possible: a comparable example inBritain was the School of Planning and Research andDevelopment, wbich largely under the influence ofex-service grants achieved so much during and justalter the War. Would it not be an international effortto establish a Course on such a model, directed at thetraining of the urban conservation teams ? In Londonand Rome, Ankara and Columbia, valuable courses,

    by scholarship and otherwise, are already being run forarchitects, for ancient buildings. It would be a shortstep to extend these to the wider social, economic andtraffic problems of towns; and it would seem a worthyaim of the International Union of Architects to promoteand sustain this movement by every practical means.

    There is so much to be shared in a world-wide ex changeof views and methods, in the conservation of our inter-national heritage of culture and environment, andespecially of architecture.Architectural training in the U.K. is c0--ordinated bythe Board of Education of the R.I.B.A. There are33 recognised Architectural Schools : some of theseoffer facilities for students to specialise in their lateryears of training.Under the Lethaby Scholarship, the Society for theProtection of Ancient Buildings trains 2 graduates eachyear, and also runs Refresher Courses of 1 weekannually.

    Fig. 13. -Trinity College (Cambridge). The Wrenn Library.Currently under repair (1969).


  • Fig. 14. -Kedleston Hall (Derbyshire). An English " Statelyhome" under repair.

    A specialist postgraduate Course of 2 years is now heldat the Institute of Archaeology in the University ofLondon. The Standing Joint Conference for the Recruit-ment and Training of Architects promotes IntroductoryDay Courses for Students.Many historic buildings in the U .K. are in privateownership : others are owned by the Nation. TheOovemement and larger Local Authorities have specialArchitectural Departments in charge of historic build-ings. Oovemment Orants are available to privateowners, who generally commission private architectsand building contractors. So do Churches, each ofwhich must be inspected every 5 years.Four Historic Towns CUath, Chester, Chichester andYork) are currently the subject of specialist PilotReports commissioned by the Oovemment.

    David INSALL,International Union of Architects


    Fig. 15. -Came House (Do!set). A 19th-century conservatory.Recently repaired in modern materials.

    Fig. 16. -Boston Manor (Brentford). A house restored nearLondon and reopened by H.M. the Queen Mother (1962).



    La Socit impose aux architectes trois niveaux dis-tincts de connaissance et de savoir-faire professionnels,Il y a, tout d'abord, le niveau terre--terre de cequ'on pourrait appeler l'architecte-praticien, qui, toutcomme le mdecin de fami/1e, est gnralement le pre-mier examiner le malade et aura donc besoin deconnaissances tendues lui donnant un jugement qui-libr, Il doit savoir valuer et analyser /' tat de sant d'un difice existant, compte tenu de ses conditions devie et des services qu'on peut lui demander de rendre,et doit savoir effectuer des traitements simples et appor-ter des remdes immdiats, y compris au moyen d'inter-ventions chirurgicales simples,Ensuite, tous les pays ont besoin d'architectes dont lesconnaissances sont plus approfond:es parce que plusspcialises. L'architecte spcialiste (par exemple, dansle domaine des difices historiques) peut faire appel une exprience pratique plus riche dans un champ d'ac-tivit plus troit. Il saura, par exemple, obtenir d'unmaon occup rejointoyer une faade en pierre et y pratiquer des injections qu'il n'tale pas son mortiercomme s'il beurrait des toasts. Il sait jusqu' quel pointil peut s'attaquer un cancer sans tuer le malade.Il existe, enfin, l'expert hautement spcialis qui seconsacre un aspect dtermin des diffrents problmesde la construction. Ses connaissances seront encore plusapprofondies et plus troites que ce/les de /' architectespcialiste, et peuvent tre le rsultat d'une exprienceacquise dans de nombreux pays diffrents, S'il croitconnatre compltement son domaine, il se trompe; maisc'est pourtant lui qui pourra apporter la contributionla plus grande, avec le degr de dtail voulu, en matirede peinture murale, par exemple, ou de rforme litur-

    gique des diffrentes glises, ou d'excution de relevsde zones historiques et de leur rnovation.Or, chaque chelon de cette spcialisation de nou-veaux besoins sont remplir l'heure actuelle et denouvelles possibilits sont exploiter .Dans le cas de l'architecte praticien , une impor-tance accrue devrait tre accorde, dans la formationprofessionnelle courante, aux techniques traditionnellesdu btiment, qui en fait ne servent plus pour la cons-truction actuelle de tous les jours. Le meilleur moyend'acqurir ce genre de connaissances est l'expriencedirecte des travaux de rfection. Dans ce domaine,l'UNESCO pourrait aider en insistant auprs des asso-ciations professionnelles des pays membres pour qu'ellesse penchent spcialement sur la question.Quant aux architectes spcialistes, ceux dont le domaineest la conservation des difices ou un sujet analogue ,ils ont besoin dans l'immdiat de pouvoir profiter debourses d'tudes et de cours de formation plus nom-breux et amliors, dans le genre de ce qu'offrent lesexcellents programmes-pilotes rcemment institus Londres et Rome et, tout dernirement, en Colombieet Ankara" Un financement plus gnreux doit tretrouv pour ses cours, qui ont besoin d'tre plus gn-ralement reconnus, de manire ce que les diplmes quiles sanctionnent confrent un plus grand prestige.L'UNESCO peut ici la fois apporter une aide directeet appuyer toutes les dmarches qui pourront tre faitesauprs des grands fonds internationaux, de mme qu'ellepeut promouvoir la mise en commun des sources d'exp-rience pratique, dan.l" le but d'largir les connaissancesde chacun.

  • Enfin, les experts hautement spcialiss pourront tirerun profit considrable de l'change l'chelle inter-nationale d'ides et de connaissances, l'occasion detravaux tels que la restauration des glises toscanes, laquelle nous assistons. L'exposition de 1968 organise Pistoia contient, en effet, de nombreux documents quipourraient utilement tre condenss et reproduits, voiremme publis par le Centre de Rome, moyennant un

    largissement de son programme de publications. Unfilm international prsent la tlvision produirait, parailleurs, une impression exceptionnelle, mme si sa pro-jection ne dpassait pas un quart d'heure. Nous espronsqu'il pourra s'avrer possible de raliser un tel projet,de manire faire partager par d'autres l'expriencespciale acquise par nos htes, htes que nous tenonsaujourd'hui remercier si chaleureusement.

    Fig. I. -Boston Manor. Tapisserie de papier peint la mainretrouve en cours de restauration.

    Fig. 2. -Boston Manor. Panneau dcoratif restaur avecgrande attention.

    Fig. 3. -Thundersley, St-Pierre. Problme architectural dlicatde l'adjonction d'une nef moderne l'glise paroissiale duXIVe sicle.

    Fig. 4. -Lavenham. La place du village aprs la disparitionde btisses gnantes.

    Fig. 5. -Burton Constble, Une demeure anglaise menace.

    Fig. 6. -Wotton Bouse. Un matriau nouveau: corniche debois vermoulue refaite en fibre de verre.

    Fig. 7. -Blackmore. CQnstruction en bois: charpenterie enchne massif de la tour de l'glise, rcemment remise en tat.

    Fig. 8. -Cambridge, Trinity College, bibliothque de Chr.Wenn. Artisanat: sculpture dans le bois.

    Fig. 9. -Lavenham. Village anglais, avant et aprs la posesouterraine des fils.

    Fig. 10. -Wotton House. Une demeufe sauve rcemmentde la destruction.

    Fig. II. -Blanchland. Village anglais rpertori rcemmentet en cours de restauration.

    Fig. 12. -Belchamp Otton. Intrieur typique d'glise rurale,avant et aprs restauration.

    Fig. 13. -Cambridge, Trinity College, bibliothque de Chr.Wrenn. Projet de remise tn valeur (1969).Fig. 14. -Kedleston Hall. Home en cours de restauration.

    Fig. 15. -Came House. Conservatoire du XIXe sicle, res-taur avec des moyens modernes.

    Fig. 16. -Boston Manor. Demeure remise en tat et rouverteen 1962.
