Top 10 best magento extensions from marketplace of 2014!

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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In these days, CMSMART becomes a favorite market place where many online store owner lay their trust and their support. They are specialize in Magneto, Joomla Virtuemart. A reliable brand in research and improve a huge amount of extensions and templates for online stores. With their enthusiastic and quickly support, every problem or question can be solved in a short time. Only with a click to access their website you can reach a world of useful templates and extensions. In this article, we will list Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014... + See more:

Transcript of Top 10 best magento extensions from marketplace of 2014!

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!

In these days, CMSMART becomes a favorite market place where many online store owner lay their trust and their support. They are specialize in Magneto, Joomla Virtuemart. A reliable brand in research and improve a huge amount of extensions and templates for online stores. With their enthusiastic and quickly support, every problem or question can be solved in a short time. Only with a click to access their website you can reach a world of useful templates and extensions. In this article, we will listTop 10 best Magento Extensions from CMSMART MarketPlace of 2014

1. Magento One Step Checkout Extension

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!


It is a Magento Extention that everyone are waiting. Only with Magento One Step Checkout Extensionand short time to install it, your online store will have a noticeable boost. It reduces 6 checkout steps to only 1 step and supports various payment methods. Shopping online now faster and more interesting. For first-time buyers, owners can set up default auto-selected shipping and payment methods in order to keep a save purchase for your store.

2. Magento Ajax Cart Pro


Users can add, update or remove products from an Ajax pop-up on your Magento eCommerce store easier without reloading the cart. Buyer also can choose product options via Pop-Up. For products which have custom fields, customers won’t have to access the product details page, they can choose options before they add products to cart on the catalogue page. A mini cart can be updated quickly. To make the shopping on your store more interesting, you can use animation effects for Magento Ajax Cart Pro.

3. Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete And Suggest

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!


Your customers can easily add or remove products in cart without waiting the page to load again and again.  Cart’s content can be expandable with light box effect. When your customer add or delete an image to indicate loading process will appear with Ajax load. Owners also can easily customize pop-up skin and choose colors suitable with your store from admin panel.

4. Magento Color Swatch Extension With Zoom


This application will overcome all the limitations of an online store which your customers just can experience from a real store. They can foresee and compare products in various angles, sizes and colors without go through and back the catalogue page many times.

5. Magento Multi Vendor

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!


If you open a shop and you want to introduce vendors selling their own products on your store, this extension will get enough of yours. A vendor signs up an account, they can sell their products manage their own orders, ratings and more.

6. Magento Price Matrix Extension


Magento Price Matrix Extension can be works as an automatic calculator flexibility. After your customer choose many kinds of products with different price level, this extension will be able to show the total value that help buyer make a suit decision.

7. Magento Quick View Extension

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!


Your customer can save time because of they can have a quick view of product detail when browsing the product listing page with a click on any products. A light box will be appeared once customer click on the quick view icon. So that, the visitors no need to go back many time in product category to see full description of each product.

8. Magento Mega Menu Extension


The extension helps you organize products and categories in an excellent way. Magento Mega Menu Extension allows both user and administrator to manage and display all kinds of information flexibly optimizing your website navigation performance.

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!

9. Magento Shipping Cost Calculator Extension


The extension helps customers calculate shipping rates for any product they are looking for or they can calculate shipping prices for all items in the cart. Calculate the shipping cost with short time loading makes your website be preferred than before.

10. Magento Facebook Login Extension


Online store owners will lose many potential customers due to their website demands customers keep signing up and logging in their account. They feel uncomfortable to continue that process and log out it.

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!

This extension allows customers to log in through Facebook account easily and quickly in just 2 clicks. It bring more convenience to your buyer.

 Download and install now at

If you have little time to upgrade your site, above extensions will bring you a fast but effectively way to solve this problem. Do not forget to create a professional website with friendly frontend to get closer to customer. Now, many Extensions for store online are available for your using. You can visit to get it with ease immediately.

Top 10 best Magento Extensions from MarketPlace of 2014!!!