Todays Turkey

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Todays Turkey

1923- 2014


Today Turkey is a modern democratic and secular country. Our country recovered from colonalism by Mustafa Kemal , thanks to him we live happily now.

Previously Turkey was groverned by sultanate for years but now Turkey is ruled by elected representatives of the people. So Turkey is a Republic now.

Turkish women were given the right to be elected in the absence of women’s rights in many countries in the world

Arabic alphabet was replaced by the Latin alphabet because Arabic alphabet was too diffucult to read and write.

Arabic alphabet Latin alphabet

And the education system was connected to religion but later modern and secular educational system has been introduced

İn order to regulate relations with Europe , the Gregorian Calendar was introduced in our country


In adition to all of these revolutions alot of laws were renewed by Ataturk and his friends

In our country people from diffrent origins, religions and beliefs have been living together in peace for a long time.

‘’Peace at home, peace in the world.’’ MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK

It is time for our National Anthem. It is the only one in the world that is sung by standing up.