The World Since 1945. The Cold War (1945-1991) Bi-Polar World Hot Spots –Korea –Vietnam Truman...

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Transcript of The World Since 1945. The Cold War (1945-1991) Bi-Polar World Hot Spots –Korea –Vietnam Truman...

The World Since 1945

The Cold War (1945-1991)• Bi-Polar World

• Hot Spots

– Korea

– Vietnam

• Truman Doctrine—Brezhnev Doctrine

• Marshall Plan—Molotov Plan

• NATO-Warsaw Pact

• Arms Race

• Space Race

Areas of Potential Crisis

• Berlin– West and East Germany– Berlin Airlift

• Cuban Missile Crisis

• Competition for “new” countries

The Fall of the Soviet Union

• Revocation of the Brezhnev Doctrine– Hungary 1956– Czechoslovakia 1968

• Gorbachev– Perestroika– Glasnost

• 1989 Revolutions

• Fall of the USSR

Trends in East Asia• China

– Mao Zedong—1949 Communist Revolution• Peasants• Women• Nationalism

Great Leap Forward

Cultural Revolution– Deng Xiaoping

• Four Modernizations• Tiananmen Square

• Japan– US occupation ends 1952– Constitutional monarchy (democracy)– MITI—market economy with state “guidance”– 1970s oil shocks– Trade imbalance with West (US)– Leadership in the Pacific Rim

Trends in the South Asia• Independence in 1947—Partition of India

(Hindu) and Pakistan (Muslim)• Nehru dynasty

– Mixed economy (trends of socialism)– Non-alignment leader– Territorial disputes over Kashmir

• Green Revolution• Since the 1980s movement toward market

economy• India is world’s largest democracy• Creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh (1971)

SE Asia

• Asian Tigers– Hong Kong– Taiwan– Singapore – S. Korea

• Vietnam War

Trends in Latin America

• Neo-Colonialism– Colossus of the North

• Military rule, one party rule, dictatorship

• Communism

• Disparity between rich and poor

• Cuba under Castro

• ISI—Brazil and Bolivia –1970s

Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa

• Nationalism

• Difficulty with democracy

• One party rule, military rule, communism, civil war, genocide

• Monoculture, economic dependence


• poverty

Trends in the Middle East• Iran

– Overthrow of Western supported Shah– 1979 Islamic Revolution (theocracy)

• American hostages• Iran-Iraq War• Nuclear weapons?

• Iraq– Arab Social –Ba’ath Party– Saddam Hussein – Persian Gulf Wars– Weapons--Kurds

• Turkey– Ataturk

• Westernization• NATO• European Union

• Egypt– Nasser

• Nationalization of the Suez Canal (Arab Socialism)• 1956 War• Sadat—Camp David Accords

• Israel

• Zionism –Herzl (Dreyfus Affair; pogroms; Holocaust)– Partition 1948 (Palestine/Israel)– Wars: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973– Peace with Egypt; Jordan– Return of land; self-rule for Palestinian cities

• Israeli politics/PLO/?