The west in the industrial age

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The west in the industrial age

The West in the Industrial Age

I. The Industrial Revolution Takes ShapeDuring 18th century the way goods were produced & the way labor was organized.New forms in power, replace animal strength & human muscle, newly discovered raw materials, new production system, & new methods in agriculture.

A. Changes in Great Britain

1. Labor Supply2. Natural resources3. Investment capital4. Entrepreneurs5. Transportation6. Markets

B. Advances in AgricultureJethro Tull•Mechanical drill

-that made holes in the soil & dropped seeds• Horse-drawn hoe

-broke up & loosened the soil so that plants could grew better

Mechanical drill & Horse-drawn hoe (1701)

Robert Bakewell• Scientific breeding programs• - to produce cattle w/ more meat, sheep w/ finer wool, & cows w/ better milk

cattle/ cow & sheep

Charles Townshend• English statesman• Experimented w/

crop rotation- a practice of

alternating cops in a field from year to year.• He also discovered

the use of “Clover” in restoring the fertility the soil

• He also taught the farmers to grow “Turnips” which could be stored to feed livestock during winter.

C. Change in Textile IndustryDomestic System or cottage industry

-a manufacturing system whereby workers  make products in their own homes with materials supplied by entrepreneurs.

John Kay• Invented flying shuttle (1733)

-used in speed up weaving cloth

Flying Shuttle

James Hargreaves• In 1760 he invented the “Spinning Jenny” contained a series of spindles to speed up weaving cloth

The Spinning Jenny

Richard Arkwright

• In 1769 he invented “water frame” used water to run a spinning machine

Edmund Cartwright

•He also invented a machine in 1785 run by water called “Loom”

Water Frame & Loom

Eli Whitney• In 1793 he invented “Cotton Gin”

-a machine can remove seeds from the fibers

Cotton Gin

D. The factory system develops.

Factory system – a manufacturing method for a standardized product or products in which fixed capital, raw material, and labor operations are centralized and sophisticated machinery is often used.

E. Iron making process change.

Henry Cort-devised the

puddling process-the of used coal,

which was cheaper & more plentiful than charcoal & it can produced iron 15x faster than the older system.

Puddling Process

In 1850’s a quick & inexpensive process

was devised for changing iron into

steel. Because steel is more durable than

iron, it soon came to be used in most heavy


William Kelly & Henry Bessemer

F. Steam engines revolutionize industry & transportation.

In 1769 James Watt a Scottish engineer develop a steam engine to grain speed in production.

Steam Engine

G. Science & technology continue

to bring changes.Alessandro Volta-invented the1st electric battery.-Italian Physicist

Michael Faraday-English Physicist & chemist-produced electricity by moving a magnet through coil of copper wire

James Clerk Maxwell-English Physicist-Predicted the existence of invisible electromagnetic waves.

Heinrich Hertz-from Germany -discovered a way to send, receive, & measure the electromagnetic waves.

Samuel F. B. Morse- An American invented “Telegraph”

- -messages spelled in a code of “dots” & “dashes” sent by electricity carried through wires

Alexander Graham Bell-invented “Telephone”

Guglielmo Marconi-an Italian inventor -sent the 1st wireless message his instrument used the electromagnetic or radio waves

Thomas Alva Edison- Invented “light bulb” & “phonograph”

Karl Benz & Gottlieb Daimler

The pioneered in the development of the internal-combustion engine. They produced engines small enough to use in early automobiles.

Rudolf Diesel & Henry Ford

Orville & Wilbur Wright

H. Industrial Revolution spreads to

other countries.

2. Industrialization changes working & living conditions.

1. Workers• Wages are low• Unsecure employment• Sick & elderly workers received no pay & fired• They replace men w/ woman & children, who

were paid lower wages2. Factory owners did not consider safety:• Poor lighting• Dirt• Noise from machine• Smoke & fumes

A. Factory workers face hardships.3.Child Labor• Age of 10 children work at the factory• Sometimes the child workers beat by the supervisors to keep them awake & alert

B. Industrialization brings long range

benefits.1.A rapidly expanding population.2.Factory-made goods were plentiful

& priced within the reach of most people.

3.The growing cities offered many varied opportunities for advancement, and

4.Workers who acquired special skills & education had hopes of entering the middle class

3. New Economic Theories Develop