The University of Texas at · UT Austin Shooting...

Post on 01-May-2018

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Transcript of The University of Texas at · UT Austin Shooting...

The University of Texas

at Arlington


Define Workplace Violence

Warning Signs

Self-Protection Techniques

Active Shooter Situations

Workplace Violence

What is Workplace Violence?

• Physical Violence

• Sexual Assault and Coercion

• Verbal Threats and Intimidation

• Psychological and Emotional Abuse

Workplace Violence


Workplace Violence

Perpetrators of

Workplace Violence

It can happen anywhere!

Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence

• Violent and Threatening Behavior:

• Direct or veiled threats of harm;

• Intimidating, belligerent, harassing, bullying, or

other inappropriate aggressive behavior;

• Bringing a weapon to the workplace, or

fascination with weapons;

• Statements showing a fascination or approval

with incidents of workplace violence; “How can

you blame them?”

Warning Signs of Violence

Warning Signs of Violence


Emotional Problems - Drug/alcohol abuse,

depression, inappropriate emotional display,

statements indicating desperation over family,

financial, and other personal problems to the point

of contemplating suicide

“Strange Behavior” - Extreme changes in behavior,

appearance/hygiene, hypersensitivity to criticism

Performance Problems – Numerous conflicts with

supervisors and others, increased absenteeism, repeated

violations of policy

Warning Signs of Violence

Triggering Events

Being fired or passed

over for promotion

Mishandled termination or disciplinary


Personality conflict

(co-workers or supervisor)

Financial or legal problems

Breakup of a marriage or relationship

Drug or alcohol use on the job

Coping With Verbal Threats

of Violence

For an angry or hostile customer or co-worker:

• Remain calm.

• Call for help.

• Stall until help arrives.

• Listen.

Threats of Violence

If being threatened with a weapon,

should you…

• Try to disarm the person?

• Scream for help?

• Try to run away?

Comply with the attacker’s

demands to a point…

Try your best from being abducted

For someone attacking you with a knife or scissors:

• Create distance between you and the attacker.

• Use any object as a possible shield.

• Keep your body perpendicular to the attacker.

Threats of Violence

What is an Active


• A suspect or assailant who’s

activity is immediately causing

death and serious injury

• The threat is not contained and

there is immediate risk of death

and injury

Active Shooter

• Considered the greatest terroristic

threat on campuses

• Accelerated Law Enforcement Rapid

Response Training (ALERRT)

adopted as specific training for all

officers at UT Arlington

• You need to understand what the

law enforcement response will be so

you can take protective measures

According to the FBI:

• 2002-2012 – 154 workplace shootings

where 3 or more people were shot:

• 43% committed suicide

• 8% shot by responder

• 45% arrested

• 4% remain unidentified

• Motivation ( top three):

• Workplace retaliation – 21%

• Domestic disputes – 14%

• Academic retaliation of a former

student – 7%

Characteristics and Warning

Signs of Active Shooters

Social Outcasts who pride themselves on exclusions from

popular circles

Often bullied, teased and/or rejected

May come across as shy or quiet, occasionally acting out



Declining Social Functioning

Violent or dark themes present in school work, personal

writing, humor, drawings or doodles

Has experienced discipline from the school, suspension or


Characteristics and Warning

Signs of Active Shooters

Failed love relationship

Poor or tense relationship with parents

Low verbal aptitude

Captivated by weapons, bombs, paramilitary techniques

Fantasies involve violent retribution against oppressors

Fans of violent media, especially first-person shooter


Often threaten or brag about shooting spree before it


Klebold and Harris

(Columbine 1999)

Other Shootings…

Dawson College Shooting

September 13, 2006

• Kimveer Gill went

on a shooting spree

in Montreal Canada.

• Gill injured 19, and

killed one, before

committing suicide

Pictures on his web-


• Pictures posted on his

personal webpage at

Virginia Tech Massacre

April 16th

, 2007

• Seung –Hui Cho,

23 years old

• Senior level



• Killed 32 people,

wounded 25

Jokela School Massacre

November 7th

, 2007

• 18-year-old student

Pekka-Eric Auvinen,

entered the school

on that morning

armed with a semi-

automatic pistol

• Killed 8, wounded 12

others at his High

School in Tuusula,


Northern Illinois Shooting

February 14th

, 2008

• Steven Kazmierczak

was a graduate

student in the

School of Social


• Fired into a crowd of

150 – 200 people in a

lecture hall from the

stage in DeKalb,


• Killed 5, injured 18

UT Austin Shooting

September 28, 2010

Norway shooting

July 22 2011

• Anders Breivik,

set off bomb in

Oslo then

attacked island

• Killed 8 in Oslo,

69 on island

• Wounded 96

• 173 total victims

• Single gunman

Aurora Colorado

July 20 2012

James Eagan Holmes

12 killed

58 injured

Had rifle, shotgun,


Booby trapped his

apartment, it took 3

days to disarm.

Run, Hide, Fight!


After this presentation return to

your work area, and find one way

to escape, then another, then a

third. Know several ways to

escape each building you work in.

Think beyond your area, does the

office or classroom next door

have a window, hallway, or

rooftop you can break through to

get to.


Lock your Door! Shooters look for

unlocked, easily accessible areas

Barricade the door with furniture

Put your backpack on backwards

Put books inside your shirt:

2” books slowed every bullet

3” stopped most pistol rounds

4” stopped all pistol rounds

Develop a plan of action in

the event the shooter enters

the room


Take Out the Shooter!

Use improvised weapons:

Pens, letter openers, scissors, books,

chairs, fire extinguishers, car keys

Legal to have on campus:

5 inch folding knife, Pepper spray



Treat the injured

Remember Basic First Aid

For Bleeding apply pressure and

elevate above heart.

Be creative in identifying items for

use this purpose – clothing, paper

towels, feminine hygiene products,

newspapers, etc.

Improvised tourniquets need to be

at least 1 inch wide.

Get your phone out


817 272-3003

UTA Emergency Number

Calling from campus to 911 goes to the

Arlington Police Department first

You can still call 911, but the above

number is faster, as Arlington Police will

have to transfer your call to our Police


Communication devices

on Campus

Call boxes Outdoor





Be Vigilant!



See Something, Say Something:

If you are unsure or suspicious of people who say they are

visiting or lost, please call security so they can assist the


UTA Police Department – 817.272.3381

Crime Reporting


1. To report a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or

UTA at 817.272.3003

2. To report other emergencies or criminal activity,

call the UTA Police Dispatch at:


UTA Police Web Site: