The University of Sydney School of Physics Annual Report 2007 · 2009-04-04 · Tara Murphy, PhD...

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Transcript of The University of Sydney School of Physics Annual Report 2007 · 2009-04-04 · Tara Murphy, PhD...

The University of Sydney

School of Physics Annual Report 2007


























As part of the School of Physics plasma research, the Inertial Electrostatic

Confinement (IEC) group uses a small, spherically symmetric plasma generated by

electrostatic fields to obtain conditions which will lead to neutron production from

nuclear fusion when the gas is deuterium (see p22).

© The School of Physics, The University of Sydney 2007. All rights reserved.




I FEEL PRIVILEGED TO WRITE THIS REPORT as the first female Headof the School of Physics. This is an exciting opportunity for me to ledone of the top physics departments in Australia. My vision is toencourage and support our staff and students, who are by far ourgreatest assets. Perhaps the most exciting development in the Schoolof Physics in 2007 was the award of two new ARC FederationFellowships. Professor Joss Bland-Hawthorn joined us from the Anglo-Australian Observatory to work in astrophotonics, a new fieldpioneered by him that aims to apply techniques developed inphotonics to astronomical instruments. Professor Ben Eggleton wasawarded a second Federation Fellowship to undertake innovativeresearch in photonics. Speaking of photonics, CUDOS, the Centre ofUltrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems, an ARC-fundedCentre of Excellence, of which Ben is the Director, was renewed foranother three years with funding ($7.5M) until 2010. The Centre forQuantum Computer Technology, in which Professor David McKenzie isa Program Manager, was also renewed with a grant of more than$10M. In addition, David was awarded an ARC Professorial Fellowship.Other Fellowship winners include Dr Bruce Yabsley (ARC AustralianResearch Fellow) and Dr Michael Ireland (ARC Postdoctoral ResearchFellow). The total value for new ARC Grants in 2007 was $4.95M.

Recognition for other members of staff continued with thepromotion of Dr Carl Cui to Level B, Dr Stephen Bartlett to Level C,Dr Peter Tuthill and Dr Serdar Kuyucak to Level D, while I waspromoted to Level E. It was a particularly good year for Ben Eggleton,who was awarded the Pawsey Medal for outstanding research inphysics from the Australian Academy of Sciences, and named a “BrightSpark” by Cosmos magazine. Professor Martijn de Sterke wasappointed as the Editor in Chief of Optics Express, one of the leadingoptics journals. Professor Elaine Sadler was appointed to the Board ofAstronomy Australia Ltd. As well as accolades for the staff, ourstudents are recognized as amongst the best in the country. Dr AlexArgyros received the University Alumni prize for the best PhD thesis,to follow his award of the Bragg Medal in 2006 for the best PhysicsPhD thesis in the country.

Outreach to the general community remains a key priority of ouractivities. One of the highlights of the year was hosting the 34thProfessor Harry Messel International Science School (ISS2007) entitled“ecoscience”, which was an outstanding success. The school,organized by the Science Foundation for Physics, selected 140 topscholars from Australia and around the world. Lecturers includedProfessor Lord Robert Winston, and Dr Fred Watson from the Anglo-Australian Observatory, who serenaded the scholars with the “RedshiftBlues” on his guitar during the last lecture. Her Excellency ProfessorMarie Bashir has been the Patron and strong supporter of the ISS formany years, and we are delighted that she will continue in this roledespite her many commitments as Governor of NSW and nowChancellor of the University of Sydney. During 2007, the ScienceFoundation’s Executive Officer Dr Chris Stewart left the position topursue other opportunities; I am very pleased to report that AdamSelinger has been appointed to the role.

We continued to run major outreach projects specifically aimed atNSW high school students. They include Kickstart, which invitesstudents to the School where they engage in interesting experimentsfrom the high school syllabus. Some years ago it was decided to take


Kickstart to the bush to enable easier access for students from regionalNSW. This year the program was extended to include Dubbo, as well asWagga Wagga and Armidale, which were already participants. Activitiesare also produced for primary school students, for the Talented StudentProgram at the University, and for the general community.

‘Music and the Cosmos’ was a collaborative event between theSchool of Physics and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music held inOctober 2007. Maestro Imré Pallo conducted the SydneyConservatorium Symphony Orchestra playing Mozart’s Symphony No41 – Jupiter. Three of our astronomers, Professor Tim Bedding, DrPeter Tuthill and Professor Geraint Lewis – who between them havediscovered a square star, worked out how to maximise your time in ablack hole and how to tell the age of stars by their vibrations –delighted the audience with their presentations. For many onlookers itwas the first time they had attended an astronomy lecture and so itwas pleasing to hear their enthusiastic comments post-concert. Mythanks also to Physics and Music student Cliff Kerr who brilliantlyplayed his original work, Quasars, Pulsars and Black Holes and toABC’s Robyn Williams who graciously agreed to be MC for the night. Iam delighted to report that ‘Music and the Cosmos’ will have a repeatperformance in 2009 as part of The International Year of Astronomy.

I am very pleased that in an environment of declining scienceenrolments, the School’s student numbers are nonetheless holdingup. The Honours cohort for 2007 was a healthy 25, which is veryimportant because many of these students continue on topostgraduate research in the School. To improve the learningexperience of our Junior Physics classes, we introduced an interactivecomputer-based system for their weekly assignments. The studentsare pleased with the hints and feedback provided and the teachingstaff welcome the reduced work load; altogether a win-win situation.

One of the main challenges for a fast-growing and successfulSchool like Physics is to maintain high quality facilities. Some of theprojects completed during 2007 include the refurbishment of the thirdfloor of the Annexe, previously the Physics Library, into offices for theComplex Systems research group and the conversion of part of thebasement into a new laboratory for CUDOS. The School alsoreorganized and refurbished the Lecture Demonstration area. Lastly,but surely not least, the School has finally succeeded in constructingits own bike shed. This means that we have, in addition to the MainBuilding (A28) and the Annexe (A29), new building number A30.Though these improvements are important, the critical infrastructureissue for the School is that we are desperately short of space. This ispartly because our Main Building is a lovely example of heritagearchitecture by Leslie Wilkinson, but it is not well-suited to the needsof a modern world-class research and teaching Physics Department.The Annexe is a poor quality building, well past its “use-by date”. TheSenior Management of the University have recognized our needs andhave included a new and substantially larger building to replace theAnnexe in the ambitious Campus 2020 Plan. Details are not yet clear,but the preparation of a business case and the initiation of the NewBuilding project are among my highest priorities for 2008.

Finally, I would like to thank the previous Head A/Prof. Brian James forhis wise leadership and management of the School for the period 2003–2006. During this period many initiatives came to fruition, so the Schoolis now in a very strong position to look to the future with confidence.



ARC Federation FellowsMarcela M Bilek, BSc PhD Camb MBARochJoss Bland-Hawthorn, BSc AU Birm PhDSus & RGOBenjamin J Eggleton, BSc PhDBryan Gaensler, BSc PhDPeter A Robinson, BSc PhDCatherine Stampfl, BSc PhD LaTrobe

Australian Professorial FellowsIver H Cairns, BSc PhDRoss C McPhedran, BSc PhD TasElaine M Sadler, BSc Qld PhD ANUSergei Vladimirov, MSc PhD Mosc

Australian Professorial Fellow andUniversity ChairDonald B Melrose, BSc Tas DPhil Oxf

Professor in Medical PhysicsClive Baldock, BSc Sus MSc PhD Lond

Professor in Physics (Material Physics)David R McKenzie, BSc PhD NSW

Professor in Theoretical PhysicsMartijn de Sterke, MEng Delft PhD Roch

Professor in AstrophysicsRichard W Hunstead, BSc PhD

Professor in Sustainability ResearchManfred Lenzen, PhD Dip Bonn

Associate Professor and Head ofSchoolAnne Green, BSc Melb PhD

Associate ProfessorsTimothy R Bedding BSc PhD Geraint Lewis, BSc Lond PhD Camb

Adjunct ProfessorsRussell Cannon, BSc MA PhD CambMatthew Colless, BSc PhD CambRichard N Manchester, BSc Cant PhDNewcastle (NSW)

Adjunct Associate ProfessorsJohn Drew, BSc Adel MAppSc NSWITRoger Fulton, PhD UTSLyn Oliver, MSc Lond PhD CambNatalka Suchowerska, BSc Birm MScUTS PhD

Robert Wilkins, BE MEngSc PhD

Senior LecturersPeter Barnes BSc PhDSeyed Reza Hashemi-Nezhad, MSc PhDBirmJoseph Khachan, BSc PhD NSWSerdar Kuyucak, BSc METU PhD YaleDavid J Moss, BSc Waterloo MSc PhDTorontoNigel Marks, BSc PhDJohn W O'Byrne, BSc PhDJ Gordon Robertson, BSc Adel PhDManjula D Sharma, MSc DAPh SPacKevin E Varvell, BSc WAust DPhil OxfMichael S Wheatland, BSc PhD

Adjunct Senior LecturerLois Holloway, BSc Woll PhD NSW

LecturersStephen Bartlett, BSc Waterloo MScPhD TorontoNicholas Ekins-Daukes, MSc StAnd MScPhD Lond until JuneZdenka Kuncic, BSc PhD ANU

ARC Queen Elizabeth II ResearchFellowsScott Croom, BSc PhD DurhamAndrew Hopkins, BSc PhDKostyantyn Ostrikov, DSc KharkovAlexander A Samarian, MSc Kiev PhDRAS (Mosc)Peter G Tuthill, BSc Qld BSc (Hons) ANUPhD Camb

ARC Postdoctoral Research FellowsNelson K L Ng, PhD

Senior Research FellowsQinghuan Luo, BSc NIHM MScHeilongjiang PhDEric Magi, BSc ANU PhD NSWOliver Warschkow, BSc PhD Toronto

Denison Research FellowsCenk Kocer, BSc Monash PhDDixon Kwok, BSc PhD Camb

Postdoctoral FellowsTurgut Bastug, MSc DSc Kassel until JulyJulia J Bryant, PhDJames Canvin, MSc Manc DPhil Oxfuntil February

Shamibrata Chatterjee, BTech IIT MadrasMSc PhD CornellChristopher Dey, PhDLibin Fu, BS Wuhan MS PhD Pekinguntil AugustRodrigo Gil-Merino, BSc Laguna PhDPotsdam until MarchChristian E Grillet, ARC PD FellowLisa Harvey-Smith from OctoberHelen M Johnston, PhD CalifIT BScJong Won Kim, BS MS Soel PhDMaryland Laszlo Kiss, DPhys PhD AttilaChristian Karnutsch from OctoberAlexey Kondyurin, PhD PermBoris T A Kuhlmey, PhD, ARC PD FellowSusan Law, PhDSunnie Lim, BappSc PhD RMITVasili Lobzin from SeptemberPeter Loxley, BSc Murd PhD UWA BScBo L Li, MSc Nankai PhD JCUNQChristelle Monat PhD LEOM, CNRS,ARC PD FellowRichard Morrow, BSc Adel PhD Flin BATara Murphy, PhD Edin BScStephen NgRichard Tarrant, BA MSc PhDEduard N Tsoy, MSc St Petersburg PhDTashkentPaul Watson, BSc MSc Waikato PhDCamb until JuneJeanette I Weise, BSc PhD MelbYongbai Yin, MSc Nankai PhD

Research AssociatesHans Bruntt PhD AarhusXiangyuan Carl CuiDamien CarterKatawat Chuasiripattana from JunePeter Drysdale, BSc LLB PhDXiangmei DuanDaniel F HeviaFeng Luan from FebruaryAlberto Mendez from AugustJeremy Mitchell from JulyJoy MurrayNeil NosworthySwarma M PatraMark PelusiRebecca PowlesHongqing (Robin) Shi until SeptemberAloysius SoonSnjezana Tomljenovic-Hanic PhD ANU RFXingqiu Yuan until AprilVictor Zhou




Julius Sumner Miller FellowKarl Kruszelnicki, BSc MBioMedE NSWMBBS

CUDOS Chief Operating OfficerChris Walsh, PhD

CUDOS Laboratory ManagerJeremy Bolger, BSc UWA PhD Heriot-WattJoseph Zheng from October

CUDOS Administrative AssistantEmily Higginson

Teaching Laboratory Support StaffNathan Apps from JulyStephen Bosi PhD until JulyMarek DolleiserAmelita NapthaliBarry NapthaliMyo Win

Computing StaffSebastian Juraszek, PhDAnthony Monger, PhDGuoliang George ShanPaul Leopardi BSc MCom MSc UNSWuntil JuneXue (Sue) Zhang from November

Technical OfficersRobert DaviesPhil DennissAndre Kyme, BSc(Hons) UNSWMMedPhys Wollongong from July Barbara PiestrzynskaLai Chun (Cat) So

School Administration ManagerPaul Harbon, MBA DipMngmt DeakinDipMath SQld BSc

Science Communicator (Physics)Phil Dooley, BSc PhD ANULara Davis from November

Student Support OfficeHyacinth AlfonsoVerdi Arli from OctoberEve Teran, BSc

FinanceNelly Leh Hwa LiewDavid Young

Personnel and Administrative OfficerChindy Praseuthsouk, DipHRMngmt SITBA on leave from October

Personnel and AdministrativeAssistantsSang HuynhJean Pierre Cheaib

Science Foundation Executive OfficerChris Stewart, BSc UQ DipScCommANU PhD York until AugustAdam Selinger BSc Grad Dip (ScienceComm) ANU from October

Science Foundation CommunityRelations ManagerAlison Muir

Science Foundation Education andAdministrative OfficerAlex Viglienzone

Physics Workshop Technical OfficersMichael PatersonTerry Pfeiffer

Molonglo Telescope ManagerDuncan Campbell-Wilson, BSc ANURoger Ashwell CertIV Electronic Eng NSyd TAFEAdrian BlakeTim Hubbard

Emeritus ProfessorsRichard Edward Collins, BSc PhD NYJohn Davis, BSc PhD MancHarry Messel, CBE, BSc Qu PhD NUIBernard Mills, AC BSc BE ME DScEngFRS FAA

Honorary ProfessorsDavid J H Cockayne, MSc Melb DPhilOxf Lawrence E Cram, BSc BE PhDJak Kelly, BSc PhD Reading DSc NSW Colin JR Sheppard, MA PhD Camb DScOxfBarry S Thornton, AM, MSc PhD NSWDScGreg Forbes Phd ANU

Honorary ReaderGraham Derrick, BSc Qld PhD

Honorary Associate ProfessorsDale L Bailey, BAppSc NSWIT MAppScUTS PhD SurreyRodney C Cross, PhD DipEdRobert G Hewitt, PhDBrian W James, BSc PhD Ian D S Johnston, BSc Qld PhDBrian McInnes, BSc PhD QldLawrence S Peak, PhDMurray Winn, BSc PhD BirmHonorary Senior LecturersRoy Allen, BSc PhD Manc Ian M Bassett, MSc PhD MelbG Fergus Brand, MSc Otago PhDNeil F Cramer, BSc PhDDavid F Crawford, BSc PhDIan S Falconer, MSc NZ PhD ANUBruce McAdam, MSc NZ PhD CambJames B T McCaughan, MSc PhD

Rosemary Miller, BSc Qld MEdIan Sefton, MScRobert Shobbrook, BSc StAnd PhDWilliam J Tango, BSc Calif PhD ColoradoAnthony J Turtle, BA PhD CambJuris Ulrichs, PhD

Honorary AssociatesGary Arthur, BA DipEd Macq ThL ACTMBiomedE NSWAra Asatryan, MSc Yerevan State UniPhD MoscAndrew Bakich, MSc PhDLindsay C Botten, BSc Tas PhDMichael Breakspear, BA BSc MBBSIan J Cooper, BSc MPhys DipEd NSWGraham Derrick, PhDMartijn van Eijkelenborg, MSch PhDLeidenPal Fekete, PhDSimon Fleming, PhDRobert Fletcher, DipEd UTS BSc MScPhD Catherine Foley, BSc DipEd Macq PhDBarney ForanParameswaran Hariharan BSc MScTravancore PhD KevalaJulienne I Harnett, BA Macq DipT TasCAE PhDStuart Jackson PhDDavid L Jauncey, PhD Simon Johnston, BSc Edin PhD MancTim Langtry, BS PhD NSW MAppSc UTSMaryanne Large, BSc PhD DubJames K Lowry, BA Richmond MAWilliam & Mary PhD Cant Pamela McNamara, BSc Swansea(Wales), MSc Sheff PhD Bangor (Wales)David R Mills, BSc PhD NSWGraham Morrison, BE PhD MelbBhaskar Mukherjee, BE Calc MSc PhDTechnischAndrew R Parker, BSc JM Liv, PhD MacqJohn PiggotMark Reinhard, BSc PhD WollChristopher Rennie, BSc ANU MBioEngNSWMatthew RyanMichael Scholz, BSc Tuebingen MScPhD HamburgGeoff Smith, MSc Witw PhD NSWMichael Steel PhDHolger Stoeck, MS PhD BochumJocelyn Towson, BSc UWA BA CambMSc LondMartijn van EijkelenborgMark J Wardle, MSc Auck PhD PrinAndrew Willes, BSc PhDKinwah Wu, BSc HK MSc PhD LouisianaQui-Chu Zhang



Undergraduate student numbers in 2007 were sustainedoverall, with a drop in the junior advanced class and asignificant increase in senior physics.

Numbers in each year, averaged over the two semesters andcounting just the mainstream physics courses, were as follows:

Junior 645Intermediate 130Senior 87Honours 25

In addition there were 99 students doing the PHYS1500introductory astronomy course, and 47 doing the first yearcomputational science courses.

Junior physics: The coordination of junior physics in 2007moved from two staff members to three, with the addition ofan administration manager for tutor assignment, and test andexam preparation. The web-based tutorial and assignmentscheme known as Mastering Physics has been well receivedby first year students. This scheme, developed by PearsonEducation in conjunction with their Physics textbook, wasintroduced in 2005 and 2006 and extended to the advancedand environmental streams in 2007; it was further extended tothe introductory astronomy course in 2007 with a change oftextbook.

Intermediate physics: 2007 was the third year of the 6 creditpoint structure for Intermediate Physics, with one 6CP unit infirst semester and two in second semester; take-up of theoptional second semester unit has stabilised at about 65%.Student satisfaction with this new structure is very high,especially the strong links between the lecture courses andcomputational labs in optics and quantum physics. MasteringPhysics was introduced in the main second semester streamin 2007 in place of hand-marked assignments.

Talented Student Program (TSP): The TSP is a Faculty ofScience initiative aimed at introducing high-achieving studentsto research in their first years at University. The Physics TSPexperience consisted of weekly research seminars by staffand postgraduate students on topics ranging from opticalsupercomputers to sustainability, gravitational lensing to MRIbrain modelling, and complex plasma to particle physics.

Research groups across the School offered mini projects insecond semester to Junior and Intermediate students in theTalented Student Program.

These projects were done in place of part of the regularexperimental physics program. The response was excellent,with 35 students opting to do project work. The student talksand reports were of a uniformly high standard, and many ofthe TSP students continued with their research projects assummer vacation scholars. Twelve of the TSP students cameon a short excursion in the September mid-semester break toobservatories at Parkes, Siding Spring and Narrabri.


Senior Physics: After some minor adjustments to the subjectmixes in the new 6CP units for 2007, the new coursestructure has gone smoothly, with students appreciating theflexibility of subject choices. The pressure of increased studentnumbers in the laboratory was resolved by opening the lab ona third day. 46 students did special projects with researchgroups in the School as part of their senior assessment.

Honours: 25 students completed honours in 2007, with fourreceiving the University medal: Tom Griffin, Ben Fulcher, LisaTorlina and Parry Chen. The Australian Institute of Physics(NSW Branch) prize and the Shiroki Prize for the best honoursproject both went to Tom Griffin, and the Henry ChamberlainRussell prize in astronomy was shared by Christopher Halesand Juliana Kwan.

TSP students at the Parkes radio telescope.




TIES: Teaching Improvement andEquipment SchemeDr Peter Tuthill, Dr John O'Byrne,Professor Elaine Sadler, ProfessorBryan Gaensler and Dr GordonRobertson were awarded a small grantfor The Remote Observing CentreSydney (ROCS).

Pawsey Medal: awarded by theAustralian Academy of Sciences forexcellence in physics research, won byDr Kosya Ostrikov for experimental andtheoretical work in plasmananoscience. This is an early-careerresearch award, for scientists under 40years of age.

Muhlmann Award of the AstronomicalSociety of the Pacific: awarded by TheRoyal Astronomical Society (UK) forachievement in astronomicalinstrumentation, jointly won by ProfJoss Bland-Hawthorn (Sydney) as oneof an international team who worked onthe 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey.


The following students were awardedprizes or scholarships in 2007 based ontheir academic achievements in 2006.


The Levey Scholarship No. 1 for PhysicsJonathan Kummerfeld

School of Physics-Julius SumnerMiller Scholarship No. 1Cameron CuthbertAnna Wang

Science Foundation for PhysicsScholarship No. 1Robert DoltonStuart GilchristJimmy NgColin TuftChristopher LeongJames Leung

Smith Prize in Experimental Physics(shared)Rachel WangXin Zhang

Sky and Space Prize for AstronomyTimothy White


School of Physics–Julius SumnerMiller Scholarship No. 2Elie MatarMichael West

Science Foundation for PhysicsScholarship No. 2Alex CanhaoCasey HandmerJoel WallmanMatthew NicholsAaron Hayward

The Slade Prize for Practical Physics(shared)Yasmin ClarkeChristie Nelan

The Geoffrey Builder–AWA Prize(shared)Helen SmithMichael West


Deas-Thomson ScholarshipTom Griffin

The Walter Burfitt Scholarship No. 2for PhysicsBenjamin Fulcher

School of Physics–Julius SumnerMiller Scholarship No. 3Benjamin FulcherLisa Torlina

Science Foundation for PhysicsScholarship No. 3Parry ChenJuliana KwanFelix LawrenceChristopher HalesSahand Mahmoodian

The School of Physics HonoursScholarshipGeorge BrawleyStephen DekkerMatthew Palmer

The W.I.B. Smith PrizeJames Griffin

The Malcolm Turki MemorialScholarshipAlexander Gray


Shiroki Prize for Best HonoursProject in PhysicsChristine Lindstrom

The Australian Institute for Physics(NSW) Branch PrizeChristine Lindstrom

Henry Chamberlain Russell Prize inAstronomy (shared)Madhura KilledarDean Hillan


CISRA Postgraduate Physics Prizefor Best Refereed Publication (shared)Luke BarnesMatthew Francis

The School of Physics PostgraduateAlumni PrizeAlexander Argyros

Student Presentation Prizes at theAnnual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomical Society of AustraliaRichard LaneDaniel Yardley

Faculty Postgraduate Research Prizefor Outstanding AcademicAchievementAndrew Phillips

NSW Branch – Australian Institute ofPhysics Postgraduate PresentationPrizeEugene Tam

Faculty of Medicine Physiology PrizeJackie Huber (BSc(Hons) in physics, forwork performed entirely in the School)

Awards and Scholarships 2007



2007 followed on from the strong growth in 2006, as ourexisting programmes expanded and our involvement in moreprograms grew.

The flagship of outreach continued to be the Kickstartprogram, which grew again by 30 %, seeing over 3000 Year12 physics students in 278 sessions, bringing in nearly$48,000 in revenue.

The jump in figures was in part due to an expandedKickstart on the Road program, which added Dubbo to its2006 destinations of Armidale and Wagga Wagga to make aten-day tour in the mid-year break. As well as the high schoolworkshops, the team of ten student demonstrators gaveprimary schools and Associate Professor Geraint Lewis flew into the three locations to deliver his Quanta to the Cosmospublic lecture explaining the 2006 Nobel Prize. Teacherworkshops completed the package, which was billed asPhysics for all the family and attracted significant mediacoverage in all three locations.

Other programs conducted throughout the year, such asworkshops and talks to lower high school groups and theGifted and Talented Programs amounted to another 60sessions for another 800 students.

As major partners in the Science in the City program (run bythe Australian Museum) we also gave workshops and talks atthe Museum for Science in the City, and at Olympic Park andUWS Hawkesbury for the Science in the Suburbs programs.In particular a new high school show was presented, aimed atlower high school students, entitled ‘Flying Freezing FloatingPhysics: Why You Should Do HSC Physics’ with the goal toredress the decline in Physics enrolments. This will be rolledout to more audiences in 2008.

Other programs for prospective students includedparticipation in Faculty programs (e.g. Gifted and Talented,April theme mechanics, July theme Radiation andRadioactivity) University programs such as Degree in a Day(theme Astronomy) Siemens Science Experience (themeForensics) and Open Days, such as Sydney Uni Live and InfoDay. We also participated in the Smith Family Experience Uniday, and Foundations course for prospective Sciencestudents. In terms of external programs, beyond Science inthe City/Suburbs, we contributed to the State Government’sScience Exposed expo, and ran a Science and EngineeringChallenge (provided by University of Newcastle). We alsohosted a dozen or so work experience students.

Progress continued, albeit slowly, towards a primary schoolprogram, based on the work of author Marti Pels. The firstworkshops were conducted for staff training them in Marti’smethods (developed in consultation with former head ofSchool, Dick Collins) and in 2008 we are looking to get someof our staff into classrooms working with primary teachers andstudents (in addition to the MyScience program being run bythe Science Foundation).

On top of the prospective student programs, we conducteda number of public talks; the regular Nobel Prize lecture, thisyear given by Geraint Lewis, and talks by visiting staff, such as

Ron Thornton, Eric Mazur on teaching methods, and AnatolyShabad on ‘Russian Politics meets Quantum Field Theory’.Many other individuals contributed one-offs, such as talks toamateur astronomy groups, school visits for talks or prizegiving, and speaking at Australian Institute of Physics (AIP)student day.

Our newly organised approach to general questions fromthe public swung into action, with our website directingpeople from all over the world to ask us questions aboutcosmology, solar power, magnetic fields, life, the universe andeverything.

For the first time in 2007, outreach contributed to theresearch within the School, hosting a third year special projectwith SUPER. The work, conducted by Christie Nelanaddressed teaching of Medical Physics and led to a paperbeing delivered at the annual Uniserve Conference. AlsoKickstart was a major partner in an ASISTM grant, to developmultimedia resources for teachers.

There were significant personnel changes in the outreachteam during the year, with Chris Stewart leaving for Canberrain August, to be replaced by Adam Selinger. More significantlyfor outreach endeavours, a new position of ScienceCommunication Officer was created, which was filled by MsLara Davis, who takes on the organisation load of Kickstartand other programs.

Another institutional change was made with a restructure ofthe External Relations Committee, to reflect the change in roleof the academic staff; with the growing sciencecommunications team, the academic staff are not so muchrequired to do organisation work, but are more in an advisoryrole. As such the committee is being restructured to includerepresentatives from each research group in the school, aswell as undergrad and postgraduate student representation.With this new structure, it is hoped that all members of theschool will be aware of, and become a part of the School’sformidable Outreach Program.




In 1954 Professor Harry Messel established the ScienceFoundation for Physics as the Nuclear Research Foundation.The first of its kind not only within the University of Sydney butalso within the British Commonwealth, the Foundation wasformed as a voluntary philanthropic association of individualsand public and private organisations dedicated to the pursuitof excellence in science education and research.

Although there have been minor changes, today's aims areconsistent with the overall objectives of the Foundation fromits inception. The aims are:● to promote, foster, develop and assist the teaching and

research work of the School of Physics within the University● to co-operate with the School of Physics to promote the

significance of science and develop an understanding of itsimportance, both within Australia and internationally.

DIRECTOR'S REPORT 2007My inaugural year as Director of the Science Foundation forPhysics has been a busy one with the main focus of ourenergies being on staging the 34th Professor Harry MesselInternational Science School (ISS) in July. I am also veryappreciative that the Foundation continued to support manyactivities in the School of Physics, and events such as thehighly acclaimed Music and the Cosmos performance, held atthe Conservatorium of Music in October.

To support the activities of the School, I am very pleased toannounce that the Foundation was again able to contribute$100,000 in 2007. This funding will be used to provide aRemote Observing Room to support research,teaching and outreach, to provide webmaster assistance andto upgrade teleconference facilities, among other projects.These initiatives will be of enormous assistance in enhancingthe School's research, teaching and community outreachprograms.

The value of the Science Foundation for PhysicsScholarships offered to our outstanding third-year studentswas also increased from $900 to $3,000, bringing them intoline with other similar School awards.

It was a thrill for me that the ISS2007 was a huge success.Ecoscience is a subject that generated keen interest and thelink to the International Polar Year was excellent. I would liketo congratulate Chris Stewart, Alex Viglienzone and AlisonMuir as well as all the volunteer staff and the Young ScientistAssociation on a most memorable and enjoyable event ofwhich we can all be very proud. I would also like to thank allthe speakers for giving freely of their time and for deliveringsuch stimulating and interesting lectures to our ISS Scholars.A complete report on the ISS2007 'EcoScience' is availablefrom the Science Foundation for Physics website.

As part of the ISS program, a fascinating public talk by LordRobert Winston was held in the Great Hall, hosted by theFoundation in conjunction with the University. This well-attended event was a highlight for both the ISS scholars andUniversity guests.

The participation of India at the ISS for the first time wasmost welcome, with scholars selected by competition fromthe Bangalore District. My thanks to Professor RaviSubrahmanyan, Director of the Raman Research Institute,who organised India's entry. There are now ten countriestaking part in this outstanding educational program.

I am very pleased to see that our new initiatives forsupporting Primary science education have been implementedthrough two new programs in 2007. MyScience is a jointinitiative between the Foundation, IBM, the Australian CatholicUniversity and the NSW Department of Education. We alsosupported workshops by Marti Pels for primary teachers.Marti is inspiring innovative teaching practices through herwonderful primary science book.

For the past three years the Foundation was most fortunateto have had Dr Chris Stewart as its Executive Officer. Chrismade an outstanding contribution to the work of theFoundation. We wish him every success in his new position atAustralia's Science Innovation in Canberra. The Foundationwas exceptionally pleased to appoint Adam Selinger,previously the Science Communicator in the School ofBiological Sciences, as the new Executive Officer. Adam hasexcellent credentials in science communication and broadexpertise in managing events, which means the Foundation isin very capable hands.

The Foundation membership grew in 2007 with thewelcome addition of Mr Ian Kiernan AO and Mr Trevor Danos.Ian, as Chairman of CleanUp Australia is well acquainted withnational events, fundraising and sponsorship and we hopethat his expertise in these areas will assist the Foundation as itincreases its profile within the community. As an alumnus ofboth the ISS and the University of Sydney, Trevor has a longand generous engagement with the School and theFoundation and I am delighted he is now a member. A warmwelcome to both Ian and Trevor.

In November 2007 a Round Table Workshop was held forthe Foundation and the School of Physics. The goals includeda review of strategies for improving the interaction of theFoundation with the School and for identifying valuableprojects to be supported. I look forward to an exciting 2008and a successful implementation of these ideas.




Federation FellowsThe School's sixth Federation Fellow Professor Joss BlandHawthorn joined us in late 2007 from the Australia TelescopeNational Facility. Professor Bland-Hawthorn's research area,Astrophotonics links two of the existing areas of the School –CUDOS and the Institute of Astronomy. CUDOS' research intophotonics is being used by the Institute of Astronomy tocreate new ways of collecting and processing the light fromthe heavens.

Federation Fellow Ben Eggleton, Research Director ofCUDOS, received a boost when funding of the Centre wasrenewed for another five years after favourable reviews.Professor Eggleton continues his pursuit of the photonic chip– the next generation of high-speed communications.

As well as being involved the new Astrophotonics group,Federation Fellow Bryan Gaensler from the Institute ofAstronomy continued building his 'Extreme Astrophysics'group, with the aim to study the brightest, faintest, furthest,most dispersed or most magnetic phenomena in the Universe.

Celestial phenomena is also on the agenda for FederationFellow, Professor Peter Robinson, whose Complex Systemsgroup continued theoretical studies of Plasmas, includingthose in the gas clouds between stars and galaxies. At theother end of the scale Professor Robinson's group alsomodels plasmas to create nanotechnology, and, to completean extraordinarily breadth of research, Professor Robinsoncontinued his extremely successful theoretical modeling of thebrain, through his collaborative Brain Dynamics Centre.

The intersection of physics and biology is also the subject ofresearch by Federation Fellow Professor Marcela Bilek, as shefound biomedical applications for the thin layer technologiesdeveloped in her Applied and Plasma Labs. As well as studiesof ther fundamental properties of Plasma, Professor Bilek'sgroup is developing a range of diverse applications ofPlasmas, such as materials science, ion-thrust mechanisms,and fusion energy.

In contrast to the experimental research of Professor Bilek,Federation Fellow Professor Cathy Stampfl studies theproperties of materials from a theoretical standpoint. HerCondensed Matter Theory group strives to achievefundamental understanding of the processes and reactionsoccurring at the surfaces of materials, with a view toimproving the manufacture of complex materials such aselectronic, magnetic and optical devices, sensors, catalystsand hard coatings.

Research Highlights 2007




AWARDS AND HONOURSLaszlo Kiss and his collaborators, usingWide-Field Imager on the ANU 40 inchtelescope in Siding Spring, havediscovered 63 new minor planets in theSolar System. One of these, '171429Hunstead', was named after Prof. R.W.Hunstead to honour his achievementsas a scientist and teacher.

PhD students Richard Lane andDaniel Yardley won student prizes atthe 2007 ASA meeting. Honoursstudent Chris Hales won the Bok Prizefor the best astronomy honours reportwithin Australia. Luke Barnes, MatthewFrancis and Brian James received the2007 school of physics award for thebest student paper published in amajor journal.

HIGH REDSHIFT RADIO GALAXIESHigh-redshift radio galaxies are amongthe most massive galaxies to form inthe early universe. As a result they playa crucial role in our understanding ofgalaxy formation and evolution. PhDstudent Jess Broderick, in collaborationwith colleagues in Germany and theUSA, has used radio polarisationmeasurements to investigate theenvironments which surround thesemassive systems. Using high-frequencyradio polarisation observations from theAustralia Telescope Compact Array, hediscovered an extreme Faraday rotationmeasure of ~10,000 rad m-2 in thedistant radio galaxy PKS B0529-549,which is located 11 billion light yearsaway. This is the largest rotationmeasure found in a radio galaxy at thisdistance and suggests that the hostgalaxy is surrounded by an extremelydense halo of approximately 100 billionsolar masses of hot, magnetised, X-rayemitting gas.

ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI ANDGALAXY EVOLUTIONTom Mauch and Elaine Sadler havecarried out the largest-ever study ofradio-source populations in the localuniverse, using a set of more than7,000 radio-detected galaxies from the6dF Galaxy Survey. Their work confirmsthat active galactic nuclei (AGN) withpowerful radio emission inhabit thebrightest and most massive hostgalaxies. This study provides anessential benchmark for studies of thecosmic evolution of radio galaxies athigher redshift.

Elaine Sadler, Helen Johnston, PaulHancock, Andrew Hopkins and ScottCroom, together with colleagues in the2dF-SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy andQSO (2SLAQ) redshift survey, havemeasured the radio luminosity functionfor galaxies at redshift z ~ 0.55. Theirresults show for the first time that low-power radio galaxies (like their morepowerful counterparts) undergosignificant cosmic evolution, and weremore powerful and/or more numerousin the past. The 2SLAQ results implythat the energy input into the interstellarmedium of galaxies by 'AGN heating'must increase with redshift, which hasimportant consequences for the star-formation history of the most massivegalaxies.

GRAVITATIONAL ASTROPHYSICSWith collaborators in France and theUK, Geraint Lewis has continued tosurvey the Local Group of Galaxies,mapping out the halo of our nearestcompanion, the Andromeda Galaxy, toan unprecedented degree. This wide-field survey, using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, has revealed a hostof previously unknown dwarf galaxiesand the tidal debris of dismemberedsystems. These studies have beenenhanced with velocity measurements,obtained with the 10m Keck Telescope,providing vital clues to the processes ofgalaxy formation. One of the key resultswas the discovery of And XII, a smalldwarf galaxy which appears to bemoving through the Local Group for thefirst time.

Geraint Lewis and Juliana Kwan(honours student in 2007), published apaper on maximizing your survival timewhen you are within the event horizonof a black hole. While you are ultimatelydoomed to end at the centralsingularity, their work showed thatjudicial use of a rocket pack can buyyou a little more time. This resultreceived significant interest from the

international media, appearing in theUSA and Europe.

Geraint Lewis, with Prof. HansKalpdor-Kleingrothaus of the Max-Planck Institut fur Kernphysik,Heidelberg, hosted the 6th InternationalHeidelberg Conference on Dark Matterin Astroparticle and Particle Physics(Dark2007) at the School of Physics inSeptember. This attracted more thatsixty leading researchers from aroundthe world to present their research onthis mysterious component of theuniverse.

A NEW MAGNETAR IN A SUPERNOVAREMNANTMagnetars are an exotic population ofpulsating X-ray sources, which are nowthought to be highly magnetizedneutron stars ('magnetars'). However,the evolution, demography, and relationof magnetars to other types of neutronstar are all not yet understood. Criticalinsights are provided by associationsbetween magnetars and supernovaremnants, which can help constrain theorigin, evolution and physical propertiesof the magnetar population.

Using a combination of X-ray datafrom the Einstein, ASCA, XMM andChandra telescopes, Bryan Gaenslerand Harvard PhD student Yosi Gelfandidentified an association between anew magnetar, 1E 1547.0-5408, and apreviously unidentified youngsupernova remnant, G327.24-0.13, asshown in Figure 2. This appears to bean important addition to the smallnumber of known associationsbetween magnetars and supernovaremnants.

X-RAY PULSES FROM THE DOUBLEPULSARThe double pulsar system J0737-3039is an extraordinary system consistingof a recycled 22.7 millisecond pulsar'A' and a young 2.8 second pulsar 'B',in orbit around each other with a periodof 2.454 hours. Not only is the systemthe best current test bed for GeneralRelativity and theories of gravity, but italso provides a unique laboratory forprobing the relativistic winds of neutronstars. In observations of the system





the most extensive campaign of thistype ever carried out.

MOLONGLO OBSERVATORYIn 2007 two major surveys of theSouthern sky were completed; theSydney University Molonglo Sky Surveyand the 2nd epoch Molonglo GalacticPlane Survey. This the cumulation ofover 10 years of work by a team ofSchool of Physics staff and studentsincluding Anne Green, Dick Hunstead,Tom Mauch (now at Oxford), TaraMurphy, Elaine Sadler, GordonRobertson, Tony Turtle, BarbaraPiestrzynska, Duncan Cambell-Wilsonand Molonglo site staff.

Between them, these surveys coverthe southern sky up to a declination of-30 degrees, at a frequency of 843MHz. The images and catalogues (withover 200,000 sources) have now beenpublicly released and will be animportant resource for the community.The surveys have already resulted inmany significant scientific results,including the study of distant radiogalaxies and searches for ultracompact HII regions and youngsupernova remnants.

Current work includes searching theMolonglo archive for transient andvariable sources, allowing us to putlimits on what we can expect to findwith future telescopes such as theMurchison Widefield Array (MWA).


Complex Systems is one of the largestresearch groups in the School,accounting for nearly one-fifth of theSchool's, research activity, publications,grant income, and postgraduateenrolments. In 2007 its main areas ofresearch were Brain Dynamics, ComplexPlasmas, Plasma Nanotechnology,Space Plasma Physics, and TheoreticalAstrophysics. In 2007 the grouppublished one book and over 75refereed articles. It comprised oneFederation Fellow, two AustralianProfessorial Fellows, two QEII Fellows,one Senior Lecturer, 9 ResearchFellows, and over 20 Postgraduate andHonors students.

BRAIN DYNAMICSThe dynamics and informationprocessing pathways of the brain are ofintense research interest. A key windowon these functions exists because thecerebral cortex exhibits waves ofactivity ('brain waves') that are detected

with the Chandra X-ray ObservatoryHigh Resolution Camera, we havedetected deeply modulated, double-peaked X-ray pulses at the period ofpulsar A, similar in appearance to theobserved radio pulses. The pulsedfraction is as high as 70 percent, andthe pulses have both thermal and non-thermal emission components. No X-ray pulsations were detected frompulsar B, and there is no evidence fororbital modulation in the X-rayemission, in contrast to some previousexpectations. However, the absence oforbital modulation is consistent with theelectromagnetic nature of the relativisticwind at the interaction shock frontbetween the magnetosphere of B andthe wind from A, and with the smallfraction of the energy outflow from Aintercepted by the termination shockbetween the two pulsars.

STELLAR OSCILLATIONSTim Bedding, Laszlo Kiss, Hans Brunttand Dennis Stello work on manyprojects involving oscillating stars. Thestudy of stellar oscillations, known asasteroseismology, allows us to probethe interiors of stars. It is a rapidlygrowing field that covers a wide rangeof stars, from Sun-like stars to redgiants and white dwarfs.

One aspect of the work involvedmaking clever use of photometry fromthe star tracker on the NASA WIREspacecraft (whose primary mission, toobserve galaxies in the infrared, failedsoon after launch) to observe a numberof eclipsing and pulsating stars. Mostrecently, WIRE data were used tomeasure masses of a sample of redgiants by studying their oscillationproperties.

Oscillations in solar-like stars are bestobserved in velocity using ground-based spectrographs, preferably fromtwo or more sites to give continuouscoverage. The IoA group led a teamthat used two telescopes, the Anglo-Australian Telescope and the ESO 3.6-m in Chile, to measure oscillations inthe southern star beta Hydri, a mucholder version of the Sun. Combining theoscillation results with the angulardiameter, as measured by SUSI,allowed a determination of the mass ofbeta Hydri with an accuracy of 2.6%,which is perhaps the most precisemass determination of a solar-type starthat is not in a binary system. In aneven bigger effort, the same teamorganised observations of the moremassive star Procyon over more thanthree weeks with eleven telescopes, in







electrically by electroencephalography,magnetic resonance imaging, and othertechniques. Our work focuses ondeveloping quantitative models of howthese measures are related to theunderlying physiology and structure ofthe cerebral cortex and otherstructures. These models yieldexcellent agreement with multipleclasses of experiment and enable arange of new diagnostics to beimplemented.

During 2007, work continued in anumber of directions in areas rangingfrom pure theory to data analysis andexperiment, in conjunction withpsychologists and medical staff in theBrain Dynamics Center, RPA Hospital,and elsewhere, and with industrypartners, including Brain Resource Ltd.

Some 2007 research highlights werethat we● Published improved methods for

extracting brain parameters fromnoninvasive electrical measurements,with one student-derived methodbeing transferred to industry.

● Used our brain model to study thespreading of seizures from an initialfocus to engulf the whole brain.

● Published the first quantitative modelof the sleep-wake switch in thebrainstem. The results enable sleepdynamics to be tracked and relatedto observations. Excellent agreementwith experimental work has beenfound.

● Explained the patterns of 40 Hz'gamma' oscillations seen during

visual perception, starting fromphysiologically-based modeling. Alsowe developed models of visual rivalry,in which different stimuli arepresented to left and right eyes, andthe perception oscillates between thetwo.

● Used physical principles to constrainthe types of brain networks that canexist, consistent with brain stability.

● Continued our work with BrainResource Ltd on development andcommercialization of brain functionmeasures.

COMPLEX AND DUSTY PLASMASWhen studying fundamentals ofarrangements of dust particles in acomplex plasma, a critical instabilitywas discovered. It was shown that atwo-particle system has a critical pointwhere the alignment symmetry iscontinuously broken as a systemparameter is varied. Furthermore, itwas found that clusters of dust incomplex plasmas may naturally self-organize themselves into stableinteracting helical structures.

The self-organization is based on non-trivial physical mechanisms of plasmainteractions involving over-screening ofplasma polarization in an open plasmaenvironment. The salient features of thenew complex 'state of soft matter' inlight of the autonomy, evolution,progenity and autopoiesis principlesused to define life were examined and itwas concluded that complex self-organized plasma structures exhibit thenecessary properties to qualify them ascandidates for inorganic living matterthat may exist in space providedcertain conditions allow them to evolvenaturally. This publication (New J. Phys.9, No. 8 (2007) 263/1-11) has attractedsignificant media attention (e.g. articlesin Science, The Times, New Scientist,Physics World, etc.). After publication in

August, 2007, it was the secondmostly downloaded articles in Top TenDownloads of New Journal of Physicsfor more than half a year.● The magnetorotational instability

(MRI) is one of the most activelyinvestigated phenomena of recentplasma physics and astrophysics. Animportant trend is investigation ofMRI in the so-called Hall regime, inparticular, in discussion of a possiblerole of MRI in the evolution ofprotostellar disks and the quiescentphase of dwarf nova disks. Toinvestigate MRI in the Hall regime,the dispersion relation was derivedand analyzed for a rotating plasmawith both finite electron pressure andpressure anisotropy. It was shownthat in the presence of electronpressure anisotropy, a hybrid of MRIand anisotropic instability appears. Theresults may be useful, in particular, forstudying the mechanisms of theradio and X-ray source Sagittarius A.

● The potentially important role of dustin future large power wall loadingsand long operation times expectedfor new devices such as ITER is nowrecognized. In this context the effectof the dust poloidal distribution onthe plasma dynamics of the plasmaedge was studied. The study showedthat in the considered range of dustdensities, the poloidal distribution ofdust affects only the toroidal velocity,while the poloidal velocity and theradial electric field are defined by theion-dust friction and by the ion-dustthermal forces. These results are alsoapplicable to heavy impurities intokamaks.

● For technological plasmaapplications, two-dimensional fluidsimulation of number densities andfluxes of the main building blocksand surface preparation speciesinvolved in nanoassembly of carbon-based nanopatterns in Ar+H2+C2H2reactive plasmas was done. It wasshown that the process parametersand nonuniformity of surface fluxes ofeach particular species may affectthe targeted nanopattern quality. Theresults can be used to improvepredictability of plasma-aidednanofabrication processes andoptimize the parameters of plasmananotools. Furthermore, the growthkinetics of carbon nanowall-likenanostructures in the plasma andneutral gas synthesis processes wasinvestigated. It was found that the




local density of carbon adatoms onthe nanotube side surface, at areasfacing the adjacent nanotubes of thepattern, can be high enough to leadto the additional wall formation andthus cause the single- to multiwallstructural transition, and other as yetunexplained nanosciencephenomena.

PLASMA NANOSCIENCEIn 2007, the Plasma Nanosciencegroup continued computational,theoretical, and experimental studies ofplasma-specific effects on the synthesisand post-processing of a range ofnanoscale objects of differentdimensionalities that find numeroususes in optoelectronic, photonic,nanoelectronic devices, ultra-sensitivesensors and other applications. Thisresearch involved major collaborationswith Nanyang Technological University(Singapore), University of Michigan(USA), The George WashingtonUniversity (USA), Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity (China), and Josef StefanInstitute (Slovenia, EU). Severalimportant results that improve controland predictability of a number ofpresent-day nanoscale processes havebeen obtained; these resultssignificantly advance modernnanoscience and in particular, in thearea of nanoscale assembly understrongly non-equilibrium conditions,such as on solid surfaces exposed tothermally non-equilibrium low-temperature plasmas. For example, in acombined experimental and theoreticalstudy it was confirmed that underplasma conditions carbon nanoconesdevelop into highly uniform three-dimensional arrays from verynonuniform nickel catalyst films asshown in the figure reproduced fromCarbon 45 (2007) 2022-2030. In 2007,the Plasma Nanoscience Teampublished 1 book, 28 papers (4 inApplied Physics Letters) in high-rankrefereed intternational journals, andpresented more than 45 conferencepapers (5 plenary and keynote lecturesand other 8 invited talks are amongthem).

SPACE PLASMA PHYSICSThe Space Plasma Physics groupstudies the physics of plasmas andtheir applications to solar systemphenomena and objects. As such, itsinterests range from Earth's tropopause(the top of the cloud layer) to the Sunto the local interstellar medium. Itsprimary focus is the plasma physics of

particle acceleration and growth ofwaves and radio emission in the solarcorona and interplanetary medium.

During the most powerful events onthe Sun, such as solar flares andcoronal mass ejections (CMEs),energetic electrons produce radioemissions via linear and nonlinearprocesses in the solar corona andinterplanetary medium. These eventsare the major sources of space weatherand can profoundly influence theterrestrial environment. Type II and IIIsolar radio bursts were discoveredalmost 60 years ago and are nowknown to be associated with CME-driven shocks and beams of energeticelectrons ejected from sites of solarflares. During 2007 the Space Physicsgroup continued to advance thequantitative understanding of type IIand III bursts. This is particularlyrelevant to the STEREO spacecraft, onwhich two of the Group are Co-Investigators for theory andinterpretation of data from its radio andplasma waves instrument, SWAVES.

In 2007 the group performed severaltypes of numerical simulations of typeIII bursts at coronal and interplanetaryaltitudes. These include simulations oftype III bursts in realistic nonuniformplasmas, simultaneously consideringmicroscale beam-wave and nonlinearwave-wave interactions, intermediate-scale ambient density inhomogeneities,large-scale evolution of the beam, andelectromagnetic emission. Thesimulations agree semiquantitativelywith observations and also continue toconfirm predictions of stochasticgrowth theory (SGT), originated by us.This work has significant implicationsfor a variety of laboratory and spacephenomena with SGT behavior, andcollaborations are under way to furtherconfirm it in laboratory and othersettings.

A major focus of a Linkage-Projectgrant, with IPS Radio and SpaceServices as the industry partner, is theprediction of space weather associatedwith type II and III bursts, CMEs, andsolar active regions, and resultingautomated event identification softwareis now being implemented at IPS.

The acceleration and heating ofelectrons at shock waves and inmagnetic reconnection regions arefundamental problems with multipleapplications in space and astrophysicalplasmas. Ongoing simulations aredemonstrating the importance of timenonstationarity, ripples, and othereffects for the electron distribution

function, plasma waves, and radioemissions upstream of shocks.

In fundamental plasma physics, thefirst large-scale simulations ofelectromagnetic strong plasmaturbulence were published, and a newmethod for fast numerical integration ofnonlinear wave equations wasdeveloped as part of this work.

THEORETICAL ASTROPHYSICSThe theoretical astrophysics activities ofthe Complex Systems group are largelyfocused on high-energy phenomenaassociated with magnetized plasmas instrong gravity environments. Some ofthe most powerful sources in theUniverse are driven by the process ofaccretion, whereby matter is driveninevitably towards a strongly gravitatingobject, such as a white dwarf, neutronstar, or black hole. Enormous amountsof energy can be released by thisprocess, especially in the case ofaccretion onto a black hole.

In 2007, Dr Kuncic continued tomake progress in modeling accretingastrophysical sources. In January, DrKuncic gave an invited talk at the 5thInternational Stromlo Symposium onAccretion and Outflow Phenomena onmagnetohydrodynamic effects in blackhole accretion disks. This work waspublished in 2007 as an invited reviewpaper. Dr Kuncic also presented 2invited talks on space andastrophysical plasmas at theInternational Workshop onMagnetospheric Physics, held at theMullard Space Science Laboratory,University College London (UCL) inSeptember 2007. She has continuedher theoretical and computational workon modeling various high-energyastrophysical sources: ultra-luminousX-ray sources, X-ray binaries and activegalaxies. This work involves ongoingcollaborations with UCL, OxfordUniversity and ANU. A highlight of thiswork is the modeling of X-raypolarization signatures of high-energysources. X-ray polarimetry is a novelmeasurement technique anticipated inthe next generation of X-ray satelliteinstruments. The work of Dr Kuncicand her PhD student Aimee McNamararepresents the only theoreticalpredictions to date of X-ray polarizationlevels in high-energy astrophysicalsources.




Our research involves ab initio studiesof the properties of materials and theirsurfaces for systems of high relevanceto technological applications, as well asof fundamental interest; for example, 1. Copper-, gold-, silver- and ceria-

based catalysts for energyproduction, manufacturing, andemission control

2. Nitride-based semiconductormaterials for spintronic andoptoelectronic devices

3. Superhard nitride-based coatings formechanical cutting tools

4. Below are some summaries of workover the last year:

FIRST-PRINCIPLES INVESTIGATIONOF AG-CU ALLOY SURFACES IN ANOXIDIZING ENVIRONMENTThe efficiency of numerous hetero-geneous catalysts depend directly onreactions that occur at precious metalsurfaces. The key to future advances inthis area is to understand surfaceprocesses at the atomic level. One wayto reach this understanding is throughfirst-principles simulations often insynergy with experiment.

There has been intense interest inalloy or "multi-component" catalysts inthe light of experimental reports ofsuperior catalytic behaviour of suchsystems. For example, for ethyleneepoxidation, the selective oxidation ofethylene to ethylene oxide over thesilver catalyst is one of the mostimportant industrial catalytic processes,since the product of this reaction has awide range of applications, fromautomotive antifreeze to the productionof plastics. Improving the selectivitytoward ethylene oxide rather than totaloxidation to carbon dioxide is thereforeof tremendous importance. Recentlyincreased selectivity by alloying silverwith small concentrations of Cu hasbeen reported.

By means of first-principles densityfunctional theory calculations, we havestudied the surface structure of suchalloys under varying oxygen pressureand temperature conditions and havedetermined the surface phase-diagram[1] (see Fig. 1). To do this we haveconsidered the alloy surface to be inthermodynamic equilibrium with anatmosphere of pure oxygen.

We find that in the absence ofoxygen, copper impurities in silverprefer to stay directly below the silver

surface, rather than in the bulk or onthe surface. The presence of oxygen,on the other hand, has the effect toinduce copper to segregate to thesurface due to the stronger O-Cu bondrelative to the O-Ag one. We haveinvestigated structures involvingchemisorbed oxygen on the alloysurface, as well as oxide-like structureson the surface. Through theconstruction of the oxygen chemicalpotential dependent convex hull, wehave been able to identify, as a functionof the surface copper content, thecombinations of structures that aremost stable at that particulartemperature and pressure. In the regionof interest, our results suggest that,depending on the copper surfacecontent, clean Ag(111) and thin copperoxide-like structures ('p4-Cu3O', 'p2'and 'CuO(1L)', can coexist. This modelfor the surface of the Ag-Cu catalystdiffers substantially from the structuresused in earlier theoretical works toinvestigate the effect of copperimpurities in silver on the mechanism ofethylene epoxidation. Our resultssuggest that to understand the fullcatalytic cycle of ethylene oxidation oneshould consider oxygen species suchas those in the proposed structures,rather than just oxygen chemisorbedon the clean alloy surface as have beenassumed in previous studies. This willbe the study of future studies. Thetheoretical methodology developed thepresent work will be useful forcharacterizing other alloy catalystsunder realistic conditions.

SHAPE AND SURFACE STRUCTUREOF GOLD NANOPARTICLES UNDEROXIDIZING CONDITIONSGiven the extreme inertness of the lowindex surfaces of gold, goldnanoparticles exhibit a remarkable and'unexpected' activity for severalimportant heterogeneous catalyticreactions, e.g. low temperature COoxidation. Although several theorieshave been proposed to explain theactivity, the underlying atomicmechanisms responsible remainunclear and unconfirmed. To gaindeeper insight into this question, foroxidizing reactions in particular, weperformed first-principles calculationsfor adsorption of oxygen at theAu(100), Au(110), and Au(111) surfaces[2]. For oxygen adsorption on Au(100),the most stable structure is predictedto be a low coverage (~0.1 monolayer(ML)) on the added-row reconstructedsurface, while for adsorption onAu(110), the most stable configurationof those considered is a (2(1) missing-row structure with 1 ML coverage ofoxygen. On the (111) surface weidentified the relative stability of asurface-oxidelike structure [2]. From theGibbs surface free energy, and theWulff construction, we obtain thepredicted gold nanoparticlemorphology in an oxidizing environment(see Fig. 2). At low oxygen chemicalpotential, clean Au(111) facetsdominate. For higher values, e.g., from-0.4 to -0.18 eV, the O-Au surfacestructures form on all the low-indexfacets, with the (111) orientation

Fig. 1. Surface phase diagram for 0/Cu/Ag(111) as a function of the Cu surface content and the Oxygen chemical

potential µo



aspects of our operations – top qualitypeople from students through to seniorstaff, strong and productivecollaboration across all nodes, acompelling focus and an astonishinglyproductive research output.

We are extremely grateful to theSchool for its continued support, andeven more so this year with theSchool's decision to reclaim around100 m2 of space in the basement(previously used for storage) andconvert it into high quality laboratoriesat a cost of around $250,000. Part ofthis new space will be used by our newfaculty appointment, Dr Boris Kuhlmey.

CUDOS researchers in the Schoolcontinue to perform extremely well insecuring competitive grants. DrChristian Grillet and Dr Christelle Monattook up Australian PostdoctoralFellowships this year, joining ProfessorRoss McPhedran (AustralianProfessorial Fellowship) and DrKuhlmey (Australian PostdoctoralFellowship). Dr Feng Luan has joinedthe CUDOS group from the University

of Bath in the United Kingdom, fundedby a University of Sydney postdoctoralFellowship. In May I was advised thatmy application for a further five yearterm as Federation Fellow had beenaccepted, and I am looking forward tothe prospect, as Research Director, ofleading the CUDOS research programthrough to 2010 and beyond.

The support from the ARC and theSchool to the Centre and ourresearchers is fitting acknowledgementof outstanding research performance,in which our central focus has been todevelop capabilities in nonlinearphotonics and microphotonics leadingtowards the demonstration of all opticalprocessing in a 'photonic chip' with arange of integrated signal processingfunctions including switching and signalregeneration. The Centre now has six'Flagship' projects, each focusing on aparticular capability that is crucial to aphotonic chip. Three of these – all-optical switching, slow light andnonlinear optical signal processing –are managed by researchers from theSchool.

Our approach to management ofeach Flagship project is to empowerour younger researchers with theresponsibility of managing the processof achieving the year-to-year goals ofthe project – including project planning,cross node liaison and reporting – whileleaving the senior Chief Investigatorswith the task of leading the long-term,strategic aspects of the science. AtSydney Dr Grillet manages All-OpticalSwitching, Dr Monat manages SlowLight and Dr Mark Pelusi manages theNonlinear Optical Signal ProcessingFlagship project.

This approach to focusing on highprofile opportunities with both a

dominating. At atmosphere pressure,this corresponds to a temperaturerange of 200-420 K. For values of theoxygen chemical potential in the rangefrom -0.26 to -0.18 eV, there is aswitch-over in that the (110) facetsbecome dominant. For a pressure of 1atm, this corresponds to a temperaturerange of ~200-300 K. Our resultstherefore suggest, assuming that O2can dissociatively adsorb or atomicoxygen can be supplied e.g. from acatalyst support material, that surface-oxide like structures, may be presentunder low temperature oxidationreaction conditions and could possiblyplay a role as a catalyst over goldnanoparticles.[2]. H. Q. Shi and C. Stampfl, Phys.Rev. B 77, 094127 (2008); ibid 76,075327 (2007).


CUDOS, the ARC Centre of Excellencefor Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices forOptical Systems, is headquartered inthe School of Physics. With aroundforty researchers and students we areabout 50% of the Centre's overall effortand a major contributor to the School'sresearch and teaching activities.

2007 was a watershed year forCUDOS, with the ARC considering ourapplication to extend our operation bythree years to 2010. We received thegood news in March that ourapplication for renewed funding hadbeen successful, with a level of supportthat was almost unchanged from thatwhich we have enjoyed for the last fouryears. A quick reading of the ARC'sreport on their website shows thatCUDOS has fared extremely well incomparison to its peers. This is a fittingoutcome for a Centre strong in all

Fig. 2 Surface free energies for O at Au(100), Au(110), and Au(111) for the lowest energy structures as a function of

the O chemical potential, µo



HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSThe High Energy Physics group isinvolved in two large internationalexperiments, Belle at KEK in Tsukuba,Japan and ATLAS at CERN nearGeneva, Switzerland. The Belleexperiment has been running since1999 and has produced a wealth ofphysics results based on a hugeamount of collected data. ATLAS onthe other hand is due to start operatingin the second half of 2008, producingtruly unprecedented amounts ofexperimental data.

Belle utilises the KEKB acceleratorwhich is the most luminous collidingbeam accelerator ever built. Theexperiment studies the physics of Bmesons (mesons containing a bottomquark). Over 650 million B-anti-Bmeson pairs have been collected to theend of 2007. These have been mostlyused for the study of CP symmetryviolation. However two results fromBelle which stood out in 2007 were ofa different nature.

Firstly, the transformation of particlesinto their antiparticles, a phenomenonreferred to as mixing, has beenobserved in several systems of neutralmesons: neutral kaons, Bd and Bsmesons. The only other system wherethis phenomenon is possible, but hadnot yet been observed, is the neutral Dmeson system (D mesons contain a

charmed rather than bottom quark). Bystudying the decay times of neutral Dmesons produced in Belle, thecollaboration was able to provide thefirst evidence for mixing amongst Dmesons, something which has beensought after for 30 years.

A second result from Belle whichattracted a lot of attention involved thediscovery of a new exotic particleamongst the decay products of Bmesons, which has been dubbed theZ(4430)+. A number of new particleswhich at first sight resemble mesonscontaining charmed-anticharmedquarks have been discovered by the B-factories Belle and BaBar, but whatdistinguishes the Z(4430) is the factthat it is a charged particle and that itdoes not fit into the usual framework ofmesons containing a bound quark-antiquark pair. Evidence for the newparticle can be seen in the figure below.One possibility is that it could be amultiquark state, containing a charmedand anticharmed quark together withan additional quark and differentantiquark, for example charmed up

targeted year-by-year and long termapproach is reaping scientificdividends. A major result in our slowlight project, in which graduate studentJoe Mok succeeded in slowing pulsedlight down in a fibre Bragg grating bythe temporal equivalent of more than 2pulse widths, was published in NaturePhotonics this year and will be thesubject of an invited talk at next year'sOptical Fibre Communications (OFC)Conference in the USA. These resultsalso received significant press in themedia, including articles in CosmosMagazine and domestic newspapers.

The optical switching team has madesome truly innovative progress, withtheoretical calculations by Dr SnjezanaTomljenovic-Hanic demonstrating newways of producing very high qualityfactor (Q) cavities in photonic crystals,so the energy density inside the cavityis hundreds of thousands of timeshigher than outside. Dr Grillet andgraduate students Cameron Smith andMichael Lee have also developedinnovative approaches to coupling lightinto these cavities, enabling intensity-dependent thresholds for opticalnonlinearity (and ultimately switching) tobe exceeded at only most inputpowers.

Mark Pelusi has succeeded indeveloping an operational 160 Gb/soptical testbed (the only one in thesouthern hemisphere) and using this toevaluate the high speed performance ofthe all-optical signal processors underdevelopment in CUDOS. Mark, withstudents Michael Lamont and VahidTa'eed, has been able to demonstratetime division demultiplexing in theoptical domain of a 10 Gb/s signal froma 160Gb/s pulse trains using CUDOSall-optical signal processing technology.

With CUDOS in its fifth year, we arebeginning to see some interest fromindustry in our research. We are in thesecond year of an industry Linkageproject with Optium Australia, fundedby the ARC, to investigate newapplications for an innovativetechnology for next generation,reconfigurable optical networks. Wehave recruited a young Belgianscientist, Dr Michael Roelens, for thistask and he has achieved someexcellent results that were presented asa prestigious post-deadline paper atthe OFC Conference and an invitedpaper at the CLEO-Europe meeting inMunich.

Sydney University graduate student Jason Lee on-site at CERN, in front of ATLAS.



anticharmed antidown. Sydney Ph.Dstudent Sam McOnie has continued hiswork into the Y(4260), another newparticle observed at the B factoryexperiments which may turn out to bea hybrid state of quark antiquark gluon.

The ATLAS experiment at CERNrepresents the energy rather thanintensity frontier of particle physics. It isscheduled to start studying proton -proton collisions (at an energyapproaching an order of magnitudehigher than has previously beenachieved) in 2008. Most of theexperiment is now in place deepbeneath the countryside near Geneva.

ATLAS will search for many newphenomena once it is running. Theseinclude Higgs bosons, supersymmetricparticles, evidence for new dimensions,and mini-black holes. Postdoctoralresearcher Aldo Saavedra, along withstudents Jason Lee and AnthonyWaugh, have been busy adding to ourpreparatory work on how best totrigger on and detect Higgs Bosonsdecaying to tau leptons, electronreconstruction, and fast simulationtechniques for ATLAS calorimetry.

APPLIED NUCLEAR SCIENCEAt the boundary of High Energy andNuclear Physics, acceleratortechnology has applications beyondfundamental science. Reza Hashemi-Nezhad and his students Jacob Borgerand Lindsey Bignell conduct researchinto Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS).These sub-critical nuclear reactorsdriven by accelerators hold the promisenot only of a safer and less expensiveway of generating power thanconventional reactors, but also as ameans of transmuting long-livedradioactive waste into shorter-lived oreven stable isotopes which can bemore easily dealt with.

This research is carried on the basisof the 'Energy plus Transmutation(EpT)' international collaboration. TheEpT experimental setup is composedof a lead target surrounded with 206.4kg of natural uranium blanket. Thetarget of the EpT is irradiated withprotons and deuteron ions of energy inthe range of 0.5 – 4 GeV using theNuclotron accelerator of the JointInstitute for Nuclear Research (JINR),Dubna, Russia. In these studies theneutronics of the ADS andtransmutation of the nuclear wasteisotopes such as 238Pu, 239Pu,237Np, 241Am and 129I is investigatedexperimentally and by Monte Carlomethods.


The Institute of Nuclear Science wasfounded at the end of 2007 with theaim of acting as a focus for high-qualitynuclear science research in theUniversity. Building on the signing ofthe Memorandum of Understandingbetween the University of Sydney andANSTO and administratively hosted inthe School of Physics, the Institute ofNuclear Science brings togetherresearch and teaching expertise fromacross the University, and capitaliseson Australia's renewed status as aleader in nuclear science by virtue ofthe OPAL research nuclear reactor.

The Institute of Nuclear Scienceactivities aim to cover a broadspectrum.● Materials Synthesis & Characterisation:

The School of Physics has a majorprogram in experimental materialsscience for which neutron scatteringis extremely valuable for character-isation of atomic structure andmagnetic properties. This methodologyis common throughout chemistry andbiological disciplines, and is anexample of applied nuclear researchin which neutrons are used to studynon-radioactive materials.

● Nuclear Materials Simulation: TheSchool of Physics has recentlygenerated significant impact in thefield of computer simulation of nuclearmaterials in radioactive environments,such as found in reactors or in wasteimmobilisation. Plans are to expandthis into a fully-fledged program,collaborating with major internationalinstitutions and experimental groupsat ANSTO.

● Nuclear Medicine: Applications ofnuclear science in medicine areincreasingly common and affordable,with new treatment and imagingtechniques under constantdevelopment. Nuclear medicineresearch in the School of Physics, inconjunction with the Faculties ofHealth Science and Medicine includeradiation detector research and thedevelopment of new imagingtechniques.

● Fusion: As the alternative to fission forproducing nuclear power, fusion isreturning to the public eye with the $6billion ITER project in France.Continuing a long tradition, TheSchool of Physics continues toaddresses fusion physics via inertialconfinement schemes and dusty

plasmas, the latter being potentially amajor issue for ITER.

● Thorium Fuel Cycle: Fissile radioactivematerial can be derived from Thorium.Together with industry partners(including possible ARC Linkagefunding), researchers in the Schoolare investigating the potential ofThorium as an alternative to Uranium.

● Education: Although global warmingis an enormous driver for change,public confidence in nuclear sciencehas yet to be addressed. A keymission of the Institute of NuclearScience (INS) is to improve publicperception of nuclear science byproviding expert opinion to schools,media and the general public onnuclear issues.Approval was given by the University

in 2007 for the introduction of theMaster of Applied Nuclear Sciencedegree (MApplNucSci) and GraduateDiploma of Applied Nuclear Science(GradDipApplNucSci) in the Institute ofNuclear Science, School of Physics.The first enrollment of students wasexpected to be in Semester 1, 2008.


2007 was the fourth year that thepostgraduate coursework Masters ofMedical Physics (MMedPhys) degreeand Graduate Diploma in MedicalPhysics had operated in associationwith the Institute of Medical Physicswithin the School of Physics. From anenrolment of 6 postgraduatecoursework students in 2004 the totalnumber of enrolled MMedPhysstudents had grown to over 20 in2007. The number of postgraduatestudents undertaking either MSc orPhD research degrees continued toincrease with the majority of projectsbeing undertaken in collaboration withlocal hospitals and other externalinstitutions.

2007 saw 2 part-time medicalphysics PhD students graduate. Li Mowho is employed as a senior scientistat ANSTO wrote her thesis on thestandardization of pure beta and beta-gamma emitting radionuclides invarious physical forms. Brendan Hillwho is employed as the Chief MedicalPhysicist at Canberra Hospital wrotehis thesis on investigations into geldosimetry formulations and evaluationtechniques in radiation therapy anddiagnostic X-ray computed tomography.



Competitive research grants in 2007included income from $750K from theCancer Council NSW and theAustralian Research Council forprojects on in-vivo verification ofradiotherapy dose delivery in cancerand motion compensation in PositronEmission Tomography imaging.

A number of research projectscontinued to be undertaken byacademic staff, postgraduate andundergraduate students throughongoing collaborations with localhospitals and other external institutions.● Motion correction for radiation

oncology and medical imaging(Institute of Medical Physics, Schoolof Physics; Royal North Shore, RoyalPrince Alfred and Liverpool Hospitals;School of Medical Radiation Science;Brain and Mind Research Institute)

● Radiation dosimetry for radiationoncology and medical imaging(Institute of Medical Physics, Schoolof Physics; Royal North Shore,Westmead and Canberra Hospitals;ANSTO)

● Radiation biology of intensitymodulated radiation therapies(Institute of Medical Physics, Schoolof Physics; Bill Walsh CancerLaboratories; Royal North ShoreHospital)

● Functional and molecular imaging(Institute of Medical Physics, Schoolof Physics; Royal North Shore, Brainand Mind Research Institute)

● Development of radionuclidestandards (Institute of MedicalPhysics, School of Physics; ANSTO)

● Neutron flux characterisation of OPALnuclear reactor (School of Physics;ANSTO)


ISA – The Conception Professor Manfred Lenzen has created aunique environmental accounting andanalysis framework for Australia. Itsuniqueness stems from the integration ofpreviously disparate environmental,financial and technological informationinto a single analysis tool, thus allowingthe translation of human activity into itscorresponding impacts on theenvironment.

This framework describes theAustralian industry technology in greatdetail, distinguishing 350 industrysectors, and all eight States and

Territories. It combines a range of dataon industrial interdependence, tradeand performance with environmentalindicators such as energy use,greenhouse gas emissions, water use,land disturbance, and emissions ofSO2, NOx, and organic compounds.

In order to create this integratedaccounting framework, Prof. ManfredLenzen has developed an innovativemathematical and computationalapproach to balancing and reconciling alarge amount of disparate and conflictingdata into one homogeneous database.The breakthrough in his method lies inthe size and detail of the accountingsystems. The integrated Australiannational account for example includesmore than 10 million data points.Carrying out the compilation andreconciliation of the accounts wasachieved on a supercomputer hosted bythe Australian Partnership for AdvancedComputation in Canberra. Prof. ManfredLenzen's approach is now also beingused to balance economic as well asresource, environmental, and social datafor time series and trend analysis, forexample by the British Department ofEnvironment (Defra) and the British Officeof National Statistics (ONS).

The accounting framework comesequipped with cutting-edge tools forsustainability analysis and planning. Inparticular, Prof. Manfred Lenzendeveloped Structural Path Analysis(SPA) which allows the unravelling ofmyriad complex supply-chaininteraction throughout the economy,that link consumption decisions toecological and resource hot spots thatwere previously hidden from managers'analytical reach.

ISA – The BirthProf. Manfred Lenzen with Dr. ChrisDey, in 2006, as the result of thisframework, formed the Centre forIntegrated Sustainability Analysis (ISA)within the School of Physics, which forthe first time offered a designatedplatform for interdisciplinaryenvironmental research at the Universityof Sydney.

ISA – VisionThe ISA vision is to:● inform international standards on

sustainability measurement andreporting for organisations

● be used by national governments forpolicy development

● be used by the United Nations forglobal sustainability policydevelopment

● provide quantitative analysis forassessing the impacts of internationaltrade on global problems such as- biodiversity loss ❚ land degradation ❚ water scarcity ❚ child labour ❚ poverty ❚ health issues❚ climate change

ISA – 2007 OutreachIn 2007, Dr Joy Murray who managesEducation & Training for ISA haddelivered four Triple Bottom Line (TBL)workshops.

These workshops cover: what's'carbon neutral' and how do we knowwhat's to be neutralized; what's acarbon/ecological footprint and howdoes it fit into the TBL; and sharingresponsibility along the supply chain.Participants also work on their ownTBL case study using the ISA andDipolar Pty Ltd developed BL_ software( This exercisehelps participants with data collection,data input, BL_ software functionality,output analysis and reporting theoutput accurately.

Raising the awareness of loop-holesand inaccuracy in sustainabilityreporting and responsibility is one ofthe key objectives of the ISA team. DrJoy Murray was invited by TheodosiaFerguson from Sustainable Ventures(US) to present at Syracuse University,New York. Approximately 50 peopleattended Dr Murray's presentation onTriple Bottom Line accounting, carbonneutrality and consumer vs. producershared responsibility.

ISA – 2007 Completed ConsultancyProjectsDr Chris Dey manages ConsultancyServices. In 2007 the ISA teamcompleted approximately tenconsultancy projects. These projectsused the ISA framework in various toolsand reports for the Federal, State andLocal Governments, NGOs, Industriesand SMEs.

The highlights from the 2007completed consultancy projects are:● The Consumption Atlas, an interactiveonline tool developed in collaborationwith the Australian ConservationFoundation (ACF)● The ACF Eco-calculator, part of theACF's GreenHome program is anotherinteractive online tool that uses theaccounting framework

implantable prosthetics, protein assaysfor diagnosing disease and biosensorsfor detecting biotoxins. The technologylaid the foundations for a successfulARC Linkage Project application withindustry partners Cochlear and SpineCell.

A new direction in this work is theplasma deposition of these surfaces,allowing them to be created on anyunderlying material. Dr Yongbai Yin hasjoined the team to plasma processessuitable to implement this method.Professor Wolfhard Moeller, the Directorof the Institute of Ion Beam Physicsand Materials Research, Dresden,Germany successfully obtained aUniversity Visitors Fellowship to workwith Dr Yin and Professors Bilek andMcKenzie to develop methods of usingenergetic ions to create interfacesrobust enough for use in the bloodstream and other sensitive regions in-vivo. Related experiments, in whichproteins were exposed to pulsedmicrowaves by PhD student DoaaGeorge, confirm that pulsedmicrowaves are more effective inunfolding proteins than heating to thesame temperature. Congratulations toDoaa for successfully completing herPhD and having two manuscripts onthe work accepted for publication thisyear.

Our work in medical applications ofphysics has led to a new fibre opticdosimeter that is more accurate thanexisting dosimeters and is smallenough to be inserted into the body formonitoring cancer treatments. Thisdosimeter is being commercialised byRadiant LX, a company formed by ourcollaborators the Bandwidth Foundry,CMS Alphatech and the SydneyCancer Centre. A recent developmentis the demonstration of a dosimeter forexternal beam radiotherapy. Previouslyfibre optic dosimeters could not beused for this application because ofinterference from Cerenkov lightgenerated in the fibre. We haveeliminated this light by using a hollowcore light guide. We have studied theeffects of radiation on human cancercell lines and have identified three typesof effects arising from spatialmodulation of radiation dose. It hasbeen found that cells receiving radiationcan influence the outcome ofneighbouring cells and can eitherincrease or decrease the survival of theneighbouring cells when these receivea radiation dose. The Roberts Prizewas awarded to Elizabeth Claridge,Natalka Suchowerska, David McKenzie

and other team members for this work.New materials created or modified by

plasmas have formed a central part ofour research program. In-situellipsometric monitoring has allowed usto visualise the early growth modes ofthin films, including the transition(known as percolation) from an "island"film to a fully dense layer.

Understanding this transition hasbeen crucial for the fabrication ofmultilayered thin films. In recent workappearing in Physical Review Letterswe have shown how to create highlyoriented, highly conductive carbonlayers that maybe useful as verticalinterconnects in the next generation ofmicroelectronic devices. Our study ofthe microstructure of multilayered filmsrevealed the formation of orientedgraphite at interfaces with transitionmetals such titanium. For his work withus on this project, Dr. GintautasAbrasonis, has been awarded aprestigious DEST Endeavour Fellowshipfrom November 2008. This project willbe our first to take advantage ofpowerful new microstructural analysismethods recently made available at theAustralian Synchrotron.

A new ARC project on MAX phasealloys – novel nanolaminate materialswith great potential for hightemperature structural applicationssuch as super efficient engines – hasbegun. This work is a collaboration withLinkoping University in Sweden and theTechnical University of Aachen inGermany. PhD students, MathewGuenette, Mark Tucker and MylesCover together with visitors, DrsJohanna Rosen and Per Persson, fromLinkoping, have produced somestunning preliminary results. The firstever MAX phase single crystal wasgrown in the School of Physics usingcathodic arc deposition. Dr MartinaLattemann of Technical University,Darmstadt, Germany, has commencedher Linkage International Fellowship tojoin our team studying high powerimpulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS),a new sputtering technique withpromise as a controlled source of ionsfor film formation.

Our work on Transparent ConductingOxides in collaboration with theLawrence Berkeley Laboratory inBerlekley, California and RMITUniversity in Melbourne continues. Wewelcome our newest team member, DrBarabara Abendroth, a Humbold Fellowfrom the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. Barbara isdeveloping in-situ ellipsometry methods


ator.asp?section_id=86● The Sustainable island businesses: acase study of Norfolk Island reportdemonstrates that vision and creativitycan work wonders in achieving 'morewith less'. Both business case studiesdemonstrate exceptional sustainabilityperformance in terms of material flow,and greenhouse gas emissions.Furthermore, the whole-of-islandanalysis demonstrates that – from asustainability point of view – increasingtourist yield rather than tourist numbersis a preferred strategy for coping withprice hikes and limited resource base.For the full report, please see:

ISA – 2007 Completed ResearchProf. Manfred Lenzen manages DataModelling and Computation. Prof.Lenzen also leads research projects onbehalf of the ISA team. In 2007 theISA team submitted 16 journal articlepapers and four book chapters, andwritten seven reports.


The applied and plasma researchgroup is one of the largest and mostdiverse in the School of Physics. Ourmission is to apply the principles ofphysics to solve problems of relevanceto society. Current research activitiesspan the fields of preparation of novelmaterials and devices, modification ofsurfaces and interfaces using plasmaprocesses, understanding the behaviourof soft matter, renewable energy andenergy efficient technologies. Weemploy a combination of theoreticaland experimental methods and worktogether with commercial partners inmany of our projects.

Our research program in the physicsof biomolecules has grown rapidly andproduced exciting new results this year.New members who joined the team thisyear include Research Fellow, Dr DanielBax from the University of Manchester,UK and NSF funded visitor, ChristopherMacDonald, from University ofCalifornia, San Diego in the USA. Wehave developed and patented twoplasma methods to prepare surfacescapable of covalently binding proteinswhilst retaining their bioactivity evenafter multiple washing steps. Themodified surfaces are directly relevant tobiomedical applications including

for the non-destructive ultra fastcharacterization of transparentconducting oxides during synthesis. Wealso welcome Dr Xiangmei Duan whojoined the team to provide theoreticalinsights into the doping of TCOmaterials. Her predictions have alreadyled to a number of new researchdirections being suggested and offeredas future post-graduate projects.

Advanced atomistic modelling basedon a quantum mechanical descriptionof interactions helps us interpret theresults of our experimental materialsprograms. As a member of the Centreof Excellence for Quantum ComputerTechnology we have developed modelsof the processes to fabricate a solidstate "qubit', the fundamentalcomputational unit. New understandinghas been gained of the movement ofphosphorous atoms over a siliconsurface, and good agreement obtainedwith experimental observation usingscanning tunneling microscopy. DrDamien Carter and Jenny Bell havejoined the team to refine our methodsof studying the motion of dopant atomsin silicon. We are now focusing on"delta doping", the formation of verythin dopant layers in silicon useful forelectrodes for interrogating thequantum state of a q-bit.

Our vacuum glazing technology,licensed to Japanese glazing company,Nippon Sheet Glass (NSG), has seenglobal market growth this year asbuilding codes become more focussedon energy efficient materials. Our on-going collaborative research programwith NSG has led to new ARC LinkageProject Funding. This project will focuson developing high strength versions ofthe glazing product expected to openup a global market. We welcome DrCenk Kocer, who joined the team fromJapan this year to provide expertise infracture mechanisms in glassstructures.

The Inertial Electrostatic Confinement(IEC) group uses a small, sphericallysymmetric plasma generated byelectrostatic fields to obtain conditionswhich will lead to neutron productionfrom nuclear fusion when the gas isdeuterium. Despite considerable workaround the world on these small fusiondevices over several decades therehas been no improvement in the fusionrates. Dr. Joe Khachan and his group,have produced controversial resultswhich cast doubt on the generally heldview that these devices work bycausing ions to converge spherically toa central point of collision, where there

is a small probability of fusionreactions occurring. Measurements ofspectral line emission from chargeexchange neutrals in a hydrogendischarge have shown that the ionsare created in the centre of the deviceand diverge outwards, leading to theconclusion that there is no ionconfinement. This discovery will nowenable the IEC group to design adevice that has a chance of workingaccording to the theoreticalassumptions about IEC.


The Quantum Information Theory (QIT)group, formed in 2005, investigateshow information can be stored,transmitted, and processed in quantumsystems. Highly interdisciplinary, thisresearch investigates optical, atomic,and condensed-matter systems as wellas the foundations and mathematicalstructure of quantum theory. Somehighlights of 2007 include:

ULTRA-HIGH PRECISIONMEASUREMENT USING PHOTONSIn collaboration with researchers atGriffith and Macquarie universities, wehave proposed and experimentallydemonstrated the very first scheme tomeasure an optical phase shift at thefundamental precision allowed byquantum mechanics – the so-calledHeisenberg limit. Achieving this limithas been a key goal of quantummetrology for over a decade; whereasthe strange quantum phenomenon ofentanglement was thought necessary todo so, we have shown unambiguouslythat it is not. Our results werepublished in Nature.

REFERENCE FRAMES IN QUANTUMINFORMATIONReference frames can serve as a noveltype of resource for processingquantum information, and our grouphas made a number of surprisingdiscoveries in the characterization ofquantum reference frames. This year,we've focussed on how quantumreference frames degrade withrepeated use: a key problem forperforming quantum computation withultra-accurate quantum gates.Together with colleagues Dr TerryRudolph (Imperial College London, UK)and Dr Robert Spekkens (University ofCambridge, UK), we have published an



extensive invited review on this subjectin Reviews of Modern Physics.

THE QIT GROUP IS GROWINGThe QIT group has grown considerablyin 2007. Four students completed theirHonours project under the supervisionof Dr Stephen Bartlett this year,researching a range of topics fromquantum computation in spin lattices,quantum reference frames in cold atomicsystems, and new interpretations ofquantum mechanics based onrestrictions of knowledge. In addition,Dr Stein Olav Skrøvseth from the NTUin Norway has joined the group as avisiting scholar for 12 months, toresearch quantum information theory inmany-body physics.

PRACQSYS 2007The QIT group hosted the premierinternational conference in quantumcontrol – Principles and Applications ofControl in Quantum Systems(PRACQSYS) – at the Darlington Centrein July. The 31 invited speakers cameto Sydney from top institutions all overthe world – Caltech, Harvard, Oxford,and Tokyo to name a few – to presentthe latest and greatest in this excitingnew field.

PIAF – AN INTERNATIONALCOLLABORATION IN QUANTUMFOUNDATIONSA bold new initiative in the field ofQuantum Foundations hascommenced. The Perimeter Institute –Australia Foundations (PIAF)collaboration, between the premierinternational research institute inquantum foundations (PI) and threeAustralian universities including theUniversity of Sydney, aims to promotequantum foundations as a subject tobe studied and researched inacademia. As part of this initiative, twonew postdoctoral fellows will be joiningUSyd, shared between the School ofPhysics and the Department ofPhilosophy.


In 2007, the SUPER group wassuccessful in obtaining funding from theCarrick Institute for Learning andTeaching in Higher Education todevelop the project 'Forging NewDirections in Physics Education in

been devolved to other researchgroups, particularly the ComplexSystems group and CUDOS. Also newappointments have led to additionalresearch groups with a strongtheoretical or computation component.These include Condensed MatterTheory, Quantum Information Theory,the Institute of Medical Physics, andcosmology in the Institute ofAstronomy. Theoretical research inthese groups is reviewed elsewhere inthis report. Progress in three specificareas of theoretical physics in 2007 arereviewed here.

QUANTUM PLASMADYNAMICSAt the end of 2007, Professor DonMelrose completed a five-yearAustralian Professorial Fellowship inwhich the major project involvedsynthesizing two different fields oftheoretical physics. The two fields arethe kinetic theory of plasmas, which isa classical theory used to describecollective effects in ionized media, andquantum electrodynamics (QED), whichis the relativistic quantum theory for theinteraction of electrons and photons invacuo. The synthesized theory, calledquantum plasmadynamics, is beingwritten up as a two-volume book. Thefirst volume has been published (bySpringer): details can be found bytyping "quantum plasmadynamics" intoGoogle. It is planned to complete thesecond volume by the end of 2008.Don and Mike Wheatland now have anARC Discovery grant to investigatefurther aspects of quantum plasmas.

MODELLING SOLAR MAGNETICFIELDSDr Mike Wheatland has developeddetails numerical models for magneticfields in the solar corona, which are the



Australian Universities' that will be co-directed by Dr Manjula Sharma fromthe School of Physics and AssociateProfessor Les Kirkup from theUniversity of Technology Sydney (UTS).

'Graduates in the Workforce' is aworking party being lead by Dr JohnO'Byrne. The working party will begenerating graduate profiles that willassist in highlighting, for academicsand students alike, career opportunitiesfor physics graduates. Two workshopswere run in 2007. The first, on goodpractices, was held at the School onthe 26 September attracting 36delegates from 17 institutions. Thesecond was run in conjunction with theDeans of Sciences and a team ofchemists and was held on 29November at UTS. The workshopfocusing specifically on undergraduatelaboratories involved 19 differentuniversities and generated significantinterest. The participants were Deans ofScience or their representatives,academics and undergraduatestudents. Two experiments from JuniorPhysics, advocated by Ian Cooper andDr Richard Tarrant were in the suiteutilised on the day.

Christine Lindstrom continued intoPhD studies with the SUPER group.She implemented Link Maps and MapMeetings on a large scale in JuniorPhysics.

Derek Muller is continuing hisresearch as well as workingenthusiastically on the AustralianSchool Innovation in ScienceTechnology and Mathematics (ASISTM)funded project titled 'Developingmultimedia tools for senior high schoolphysics'. A range of videos has beentrial led and evaluated. The title'Australian Multimedia for PhysicsStudents' or AMPS, has been coinedfor the project.

Apisit Tongchai, who is working onmechanical waves, joined us fromThailand in midyear and will be stayingwith the SUPER group for the nexttwelve months. He is the third visitingstudent from Mahidol University,strengthening the physics educationpartnership between the twouniversities.


Before 2000, theoretical physics in theSchool was concentrated in a singledepartment, and since then much ofthe research in theoretical physics has

source of energy for solar flares. He isinvolved in a major internationalcollaboration in which differentnumerical methods are beingdeveloped, tested and refined, forcalculating the coronal magnetic fieldfrom boundary values provides byobservational data on the magneticfield near the visible surface of the Sun,now complemented by space-basedmeasurements by the JapaneseHinode satellite. The resulting modelsof the coronal magnetic field shouldallow insight into the vexed questionsof how and when flares occur.

PULSAR MAGNETOSPHERESPulsars, which are very powerful radioemitters, are rapidly rotating neutronstars with superstrong magnetic fields.The rapid rotation of the magnetic fieldsets up an extremely large electric field,and it is widely accepted that the radioemission results from electrons andpositrons created by the electric field.However, the details of the electro-dynamics of pulsar magnetospheres,as the field is called, remaininadequately understood. ProfessorDon Melrose, Dr Qinghuan Luo andcollaborators argued that existingmodels for the electrodynamics ofpulsar magnetospheres, in which thestructures are stationary in a framerotating with the star, are highlyunstable to temporal perturbations.They have developed an analytic modelfor the resulting large-amplidudeoscillations of the electric field tocomplement an earlier numericalmodel. The analytic model opens upnew possibilities for the interpretation ofthe rich variety of poorly understoodphenomena in these enigmatic radiosources. These possibilities are nowbeing explored systematically.



$ 370,000—Prof MS Bessell, Prof MADopita, Prof M Colless, Prof RWHunstead, A/Prof MC Ashley, A/ProfMJ DrinkwaterConstruction of the blue-arm of theANU 2.3m telescope Wide-FieldSpectrograph

$340,000—Prof KC Freeman, Dr QAParker, Dr GF Lewis, Dr TR Bedding, Dr J Bland-Hawthorn, Prof BK GibsonGalactic Archaeology: A Radial VelocityExperiment to Unveil the History of theMilky Way

$ 100,000—A/Prof MG Burton, ProfJW Storey, Dr MR Cunningham, A/ProfAJ Green, Dr PJ Barnes, A/Prof MJWardle, Prof Y Fukui; Prof Dr J Stutzki A ground station for the NANTEN2sub-millimetre wave telescope

Cancer Council NSW$139,500—Peter Greer, Martin Ebert,Prof Clive Baldock, James DenhamIn-vivo verification of radiotherapy dosedelivery with a flat-panel imager


The School continued to build onresearch successes in recent years,being awarded 13 new ARC grantsbeginning in 2007, totaling $5.7M over5 years. There were a further 8 grantsawarded in collaboration with otherinstitutions totaling $6.0M over 5 years.These grants were awarded throughDiscovery Projects, (including 2 QEIIFellowships), LIEF and Linkage grantschemes. Details are listed below,together with 2007 new grant funding(total $1.9M), with School of Physicsstaff highlighted.

$250,000—Prof MM Bilek, Dr RNTarrant, Dr VJ Keast, Prof JMSchneiderNew nanolaminate ternary andquaternary alloy phases by thin filmsynthesis

$77,030—Dr C GrilletHighly nonlinear alloptical switchesusing chalcogenide photonic crystal

$100,000—Prof DB Melrose, Dr JRMacquart, Dr S JohnstonPhysics of extreme brightnesstemperatures in radioastronomicalsources

$77,030— Dr C MonatSlow light in nonlinear photoniccrystals: less haste, more speed

$94,000—Dr K OstrikovPlasma nanotools: bridging plasmaphysics and surface science

$159,893—Dr AA SamarianDust Physics: a Challenge inInternational ThermonuclearExperimental Reactor

$130,000—Prof CM Stampfl, Dr OWarschkow, Dr B Delley, Prof CG Vande WalleFirst Principles Catalyst DesignTowards an Environmentally Clean andEnergy Efficient Future

$65,773—Dr D StelloHabitable planets and stellaroscillations with the NASA Keplermission

$117,446—Dr PG TuthillDRAGONFLY: A revolutionaryinstrument for astronomical imaging

$325,000—Prof MM Bilek, Prof DRMcKenzie, Prof Y Mai

Approved Fracture-Resistant HighlyInsulating Vacuum Glazing

$210,000—Dr MJ Withford, Prof JAPiper, Dr A Fuerbach, Dr G Marshall,A/Prof JM Dawes, Prof BJ Eggleton,Prof CM de Sterke, Dr SD Jackson, DrDG LancasterDirect write - microphotonicsfabrication facility

$5,000—Dr K Ostrikov, Prof S XuDeterministic plasma-aidednanoassembly: from elementaryprocesses to industry-grade nano- andbiomaterials

$280,000—Prof CJ Kepert, Prof Dr TMaschmeyer, Dr BJ Kennedy, Dr CDLing, Dr SA Schmid, Prof Y Mai, Dr NJEkins-Daukes, Dr R Robinson, Dr JAStridePhysical Property MeasurementSystem for Materials Characterisation

University of Sydney ascollaborating institution:

ARC grants$450,000—Taylor, Barberio, Sevior,Tovey, Dr K Varvell, A/Prof L PeakFrontier Experiments in High EnergyPhysics

$270,000—Taylor, Barberio, Sevior,Tovey, Dr K Varvell, A/Prof L Peak,RosenfeldSupport for the Australian ExperimentaHigh Energy Physics Program

$223,000—Dr QA Parker, Prof KCFreeman, Dr GF Lewis, Prof MSteinmetz, Prof BK Gibson, Dr J Bland-HawthornA new field plate for the 6DF multi-object spectroscopy system on the Anglo-Australian Observatory'sSchmidt telescope

$445,000—Dr CI Pakes, Prof DNJamieson, Prof S Prawer, Prof CMStampfl, Dr AP Stampfl, Dr J Bartlett,Dr PJ EvansInfrastructure for Surface and Molecularlevel Electronic and Spintronic MaterialsMeasurement

$636,000—Prof JD Riley, Prof RCLeckey, A/Prof PJ Pigram, Dr N Janke-Gilman, A/Prof BF Usher, Prof CMStampfl, Prof JF Williams, A/Prof RLStamps, Dr AE Smith, Prof J O'Connor,A/Prof PC DastoorSurface and Magnetic structure ofcrystalline materials




BOOKOstrikov, K, Xu, S 2007, Plasma-AidedNanofabrication: From Plasma Sourcesto Nanoassembly, Weinheim, Germany

BOOK CHAPTERSBeck, R, Gaensler, B M, Feretti, L2007, Exploring the Cosmic Frontier:Astrophysical Instruments for the 21stCentury, SKA and the MagneticUniverse, Springer-Verlag BerlinHeidelberg, Berlin Heidelberg, 103-108

Bilek, M, Powles, R C, McKenzie, D R2007, Biomaterials and SurfaceModification, Treatment of polymericbiomaterials by ion implantation,Research Signpost, India, 205-248

Britton, S C, New, P B, Roberts, A L,Sharma, M D 2007, Transforming auniversity: the scholarship of teachingand learning in practice, Investigatingstudents' ability to transfermathematics, University of SydneyPress, Australia, 127-140

Dey, C J, Berger, C, Foran, B, Foran,M, Joske, R, Lenzen, M, Wood, R J2007, Water Wind Art and Debate –How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research, Householdenvironmental pressure fromconsumption: an Australianenvironmental atlas, Sydney UniversityPress, Sydney, 1, 280-314

Sefton, I M, Sharma, M D 2007,Transforming a university: thescholarship of teaching and learning inpractice, Assessment of understandingphysics: a case study, University ofSydney Press, Australia, 81-92

JOURNAL ARTICLESAbe, K, Adachi,, I, Aihara, H, Arinstein,K, Asano,, Y, Aulchenko, V, Aushev, T,Aziz, T, Bakich, A M, Balagura, V, Cole,S B, Peak, L S, Varvell, K E, et al, '2007, Physical Review Letters,Observation of a charmoniumlike stateproduced in association with a J/psi ine(+)e(-) annihilation at root sigmaapproximate to 10.6 GeV, 98, 082001-1-6

Abendroth, B, Jäger, H, Moller, W,Bilek, M 2007, Applied Physics Letters,Binary-collision modeling of ion-induced stress relaxation in cubic BNand amorphous C thin films, 90,181910-1-3

Acosta-Pulido, J, Kun, M, Abraham, P,Kospal, A, Csizmadia, S, Kiss, L L,Moor, A, Szabados, L, Benko, J, et, a2007, The Astronomical Journal, The2004-2006 outburst and environmentof V1647 ORI, 133(5), 2020-2036

Aihara, H, Arakawa, T, Asano, Y, Aso,T, Bakich, A M, Barbero, M, Browder,T, Chang, M, Chao, Y, Chen, K, Peak,L S, Varvell, K E, et al, ' 2007, NuclearInstruments & Methods in PhysicsResearch. Section A. Accelerators,Spectrometers, Detectors, andAssociated Equipment, Status andupgrade plans of the Belle silicon vertexdetector, 582(3), 709-713

Alinejad, H, Robinson, P A, Cairns, I H,Skjaeraasen, O, Sobhanian, S 2007,Physics of Plasmas, Structure ofLangmuir and electromagneticcollapsing wave packets in two-dimensional strong plasma turbulence,14(7), 072304-1-10

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CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSAsimakis, S, Roelens, M A,Petropoulos, P, Riches, J, Meloni, G,Bogoni, A, Poti, L 2007, EuropeanConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007 and the InternationalQuantum Electronics Conference.CLEOE-IQEC 2007, CLEOE-IQECorganisers, not known

Au, T W, Sharma, M D 2007, UniServeScience Conference 2007, UniserveScience, Sydney, Australia, 4-8

Barnes, P J, Baldock, C, Meikle, S R,Fulton, R R 2007, 2007 IEEE NuclearScience Symposium & medical ImagingConference, Institute Of Electrical andElectronics Engineers, USA, 4513-4520

Chan, C, Fulton, R R, Cai, W, Feng, D D,Meikle, S R 2007, 29th Annual InternationalConference of the IEEE Engineering inMedicine and Biology Society, Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc,USA, 6527-6530

Chan, C, Fulton, R R, Feng, D D, Cai,W, Meikle, S R 2007, 2007 IEEENuclear Science Symposium & medicalImaging Conference, Institute Of

Electrical and Electronics Engineers,USA, 3237-3240

Chan, C, Fulton, R R, Feng, D D, Cai,W, Meikle, S R 2007, 2007 IEEENuclear Science Symposium & medicalImaging Conference, Institute OfElectrical and Electronics Engineers,USA, 4137-4141

Cox, F, Argyros, A, Large, M C, Kalluri,S 2007, 16th International Conferenceon Plastic Optical Fibers POF 2007,International Cooperative of PlasticOptical Fibers (ICPOF), not known, 33-36

Curran, J R, Murphy, T, Scholz, B2007, 10th Conference of the PacificAssociation for ComputationalLinguistics (PACLING 2007), PacificAssociation for ComputationLinguistics, Australia, 172-180

Domachuk, P, Eggleton, B J 2007,SPIE Europe Optics andOptoelectronics Conference 2007,SPIE Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation, Bellingham,Washington, 6588

Eggleton, B J, Taeed, V G, Baker, N J,Choi, D, Finsterbusch, K, Fu, L,Lamont, M, Littler, I C, Luther-Davies,B, Madden, S, Moss, D J, Nguyen, HC, Shokooh-Saremi, M 2007,Conference on Optical FiberCommunication and the National FiberOptic Engineers Conference –OFC/NFOEC 2007, Optical Society ofAmerica (OSA), United States, online

Fu, L, Taeed, V G, Rochette, M,Fuerbach, A, Littler, I C, Pelusi, M D,Lamont, M, Nguyen, H C, Finsterbusch,K, Moss, D J, Magi, E C, Eggleton, B J2007, Fiber Lasers IV: Technology,Systems, and Applications, SPIE – TheInternational Society for OpticalEngineering, United States, 6453

Groothoff, N, Canning, J, Aslund, M L,Jackson, S D 2007, Bragg Gratings,Photosensitivity and Poling in GlassWaveguides (BGPP 2007), OpticalSociety of America (OSA), Washington,DC, BTuC2.pdf

Groothoff, N, Canning, J, Jovanovic, N,Marshall, G, Whitford, M 2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007 conference – 6thInternational Conference on the OpticalInternet (COIN) and the 32nd AustralianConference on Optical FibreTechnology (ACOFT), COIN-ACOFT2007, Melbourne, Australia, online



Groothoff, N, Martelli, C, Canning, J2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007 conference –6th International Conference on theOptical Internet (COIN) and the 32ndAustralian Conference on Optical FibreTechnology (ACOFT), COIN-ACOFT2007, Melbourne, Australia, online

Hambley, P O, Canning, J 2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007 conference – 6thInternational Conference on the OpticalInternet (COIN) and the 32nd AustralianConference on Optical FibreTechnology (ACOFT), COIN-ACOFT2007, Melbourne, Australia

Hambley, P O, Canning, J, Henry, G J2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007 conference -6TH International Conference on theOptical Internet (COIN) and the 32ndAustralian Conference on Optical FibreTechnology (ACOFT), COIN-ACOFT2007, Melbourne, Australia, online

Hill, R F, Brown, S, Baldock, C 2007,2007 AAPM Annual Meeting, AmericanAssociation of Physicists in Medicine,United States, 34, 6, 2412

Johnston, T, Nikolic, L, Tyshetskiy, Y O,Vidal, F 2007, 49th Annual Meeting ofthe Division of Plasma Physics, NotKnown, Not Known

Kassiou, M, Chellappan, S, Henderson,DJ, Fulton, R R, Giboureau, N, Xiao, Y,Wei, Z, Guilloteau, D, Emond, P, Dolle,F, Kellar, K, Kozikowski, A 2007, 17thInternational Symposium onRadiopharmaceutical Sciences, Wiley-Interscience Inc., unknown

Khalil, Z, Hoa, X, Alleyne, C, Tabrizian,M, Beauvais, J, Charette, P, Nicorovici,N, McPhedran, R C, Kirk, A 2007,Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IV,SPIE – The International Society forOptical Engineering, United States,6450

Kim, J, Wen, L, Eberl, S, Fulton, R R,Feng, D D 2007, 2007 IEEE NuclearScience Symposium & medical ImagingConference, Institute Of Electrical andElectronics Engineers, USA, 4242-4245

Kirkup, L, Sharma, M D, Scott, D 2007,UniServe Science Conference 2007,Uniserve Science, Sydney, Australia,46-51

Kyme, A, Zhou, W V, Meikle, S R,Fulton, R R 2007, 2007 IEEE NuclearScience Symposium & medical ImagingConference, Institute Of Electrical andElectronics Engineers, USA, 3555-3559

Lamont, M, Taeed, V G, Moss, D,Eggleton, B J, Choi, D, Madden, S,Luther-Davies, B 2007, Conference onOptical Fiber Communication and theNational Fiber Optic EngineersConference - OFC/NFOEC 2007,Optical Society of America (OSA),United States, online

Law, S H, Fleming, S C, McKenzie, DR, Suchowerska, N O, Lambert, J, Yin,Y 2007, Australian Conference onOptical Fibre Technology, Tour Hosts P/L

Law, S H, Fleming, S C, Suchowerska,N O, McKenzie, D R, Lin, T 2007,Conference on Optical FiberCommunication and the National FiberOptic Engineers Conference -OFC/NFOEC 2007, Optical Society ofAmerica (OSA), United States, online

Martelli, C, Olivero, P, Canning, J,Groothoff, N, Gibson, B, Huntington, S2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007 conference -6TH International Conference on theOptical Internet (COIN) and the 32ndAustralian Conference on Optical FibreTechnology (ACOFT), COIN-ACOFT2007, Melbourne, Australia, online

Martelli, C, Olivero, P, Canning, J,Groothoff, N, Prawer, S, Huntington, S,Gibson, B 2007, Bragg Gratings,Photosensitivity and Poling in GlassWaveguides (BGPP 2007), OpticalSociety of America (OSA), Washington,DC, cd-rom

McPhedran, R C, Botten, L C,Nicorovici, N, Kuhlmey, B T 2007,Seventh International Conference ontheElectrical Transport and OpticalProperties of Inhomogeneous Media(ETOPIM7), Elsevier Science,Amsterdam, Netherlands, 394, 2,X111-XIV

Mukasa, K, Poletti, F, Petrovich, M,Broderick, N, Amezcua-Correa, R,Roelens, M A, Riches, J 2007,Conference on Optical FiberCommunication and the National FiberOptic Engineers Conference -OFC/NFOEC 2007, Optical Society ofAmerica (OSA), United States, online

Muller, D A, Sharma, M D 2007,UniServe Science Conference 2007,Uniserve Science, Sydney, Australia,58-63

Murphy, T, Curran, J R 2007,Australasian Language TechnologyWorkshop 2007, ALTA, Australia, 66-74

Nelan, C K, Dooley, P M, Sharma, M D2007, UniServe Science Conference2007, Uniserve Science, Sydney,Australia, 64-69

Nguyen, H C, Magi, E C, Yeom, D I,Fu, L, Eggleton, B J 2007, SPIE EuropeOptics and Optoelectronics Conference2007, SPIE Society of Photo-OpticalInstrumentation, Bellingham,Washington, 6588

Preston, H, Buzasi, D, Bruntt, H, Stello,D 2007, 210th American AstronomicalSociety Meeting, AmericanAstronomical Society, United States,210, 88.05

Robinson, P A, Li, B, Cairns, I H 2007,6th International AstrophysicalConference, American Institute ofPhysics, Melville, New York, 932, 32-37

Roelens, M A, Bolger, J A, Baxter, G W,Frisken, S, Poole, S, Eggleton, B J2007, Conference on Optical FiberCommunication and the National FiberOptic Engineers Conference -OFC/NFOEC 2007, Optical Society ofAmerica (OSA), United States, PostDeadline Paper 44

Roelens, M A, Bolger, J A, Eggleton, BJ, Baxter, G, Frisken, S, Poole, S 2007,European Conference on Lasers andElectro-Optics, 2007 and theInternational Quantum ElectronicsConference. CLEOE-IQEC 2007,CLEOE-IQEC organisers, not known,invited paper

Roelens, M A, Bolger, J A, Pelusi, M D,Eggleton, B J, Frisken, S, Baxter, G,Poole, S 2007, COIN-ACOFT 2007conference - 6TH InternationalConference on the Optical Internet(COIN) and the 32nd AustralianConference on Optical FibreTechnology (ACOFT), COIN-ACOFT2007, Melbourne, Australia, online

Sefton, I M, Sharma, M D 2007,UniServe Science Conference 2007,Uniserve Science, Sydney, Australia, 1,95-100

Smith, C L, Grillet, C E, Magi, E C,Ruan, Y, Freeman, D, Luther-Davies, B,Madden, S, Rode, A, Tomljenovic-Hanic, S, Moss, D J, Eggleton, B J2007, Progress In ElectromagneticsResearch Symposium (PIERS 2007 inBeijing), Electromagnetics Academy,Cambridge. Mass., 3(3), 308-310



Stello, D, Kjeldsen,, H, Bedding, T R2007, Transiting Extrapolar PlanetsWorkshop, Astronomical Society of thePacific, San Francisco, 366, 247

Taeed, V G, Eggleton, B J 2007, 9thInternational Conference onTransparent Optical Networks (ICTON2007), IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey,1, 228-231

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