The training programme that jumpstarts your business idea

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Do you have an innovative business idea aimed at a larger international market? Are you a researcher, innovator or entrepreneur hesitant about investing in your idea or unsure of how to go about it? Apply to the Startup programme!

Transcript of The training programme that jumpstarts your business idea

  • 1. WHERE IDEAS GO GLOBAL Startup The training programme that jumpstarts your business idea
  • 2. ? Do you have an innovative business idea aimed at a larger international market? ? Are you a researcher, innovator or entrepreneur hesitant about investing in your idea or unsure of how to go about it? ! Apply to the Startup programme!
  • 3. What is Startup? Startup is a practically oriented training programme that helps you for- mulate and refine your business idea to make sure you have a great foun- dation for starting your company. The programme consists of around ten workshops on key subjects like business models, sales strategies, entry barriers, internationalisation, financing alternatives, leadership and more. The course combines theory with practical application. Experienced entrepreneurs and experts also provide inspiration and help you to refine your idea. By developing your business plan, you will be able to decide whether you are ready to launch or not. At the end of the course, you will have the chance to present your business plan to an exclusive network of people who could prove valuable for you in the future. An award for the Best Startup Project will also be announced at the final ceremony. This programme is of- fered free of charge. The only thing you need to invest is your time and commitment.
  • 4. How is the program designed? Sessions are held one evening a week for just over three months. Between meetings, STINGs experienced business coaches give assignments and provide some individual guidance. If you want to go ahead with your idea after the course, you can apply to STINGs Business Lab pre-incubator. For more information about application deadline and program start for the next round of Startup, please visit Who can apply? The programme is aimed at individuals who have an innovative business idea with significant international growth potential. Scalability is an impor- tant criterion. You should also have the drive needed to start a company based on your idea. The programme is offered in Swedish. For this rea- son, one requirement is that you understand Swedish, although express- ing yourself in English during the discussions is fine. We would prefer that your team consists of two to three people and includes both men and women. Eight to ten projects will be accepted into the programme. More information/applications:
  • 5. PROGRAMME INSTRUCTORS CONTACT Raoul Stubbe, the director of Startup, is a Raoul Stubbe, business coach at the STING business incu- Programme Leader: bator where he helps innovative companies +46 (0)706-55 27 74; become international growth companies more raoul.stubbe@stockholm- quickly. Raoul has previously been involved in starting up and establishing a venture capital- financed international export company that now has 90 employees. In other words, he has personally been through the entire star- I feel that including tup process from thinking like a researcher participants from to thinking like an entrepreneur and businessman. Raoul previously both the private worked on contract-based research projects for Swedish industry at sector and acade- the Acreo research institute. mia is one of the Gustav Notander and Donnie SC Lygonis are also programme strengths of the instructors. Both are business coaches at KTH Innovation. programme. SOME REFERENCES FROM PREVIOUS PARTICIPANTS: It was a brilliant idea to apply We had a business idea we to Startup, not just because wanted to develop, so Startup we were voted the best startup was the perfect programme project, but because the train- for us. The course maintained ing programme completely an incredibly high standard changed the way we look at our innovation. and the coaches had solid experience. It was The training we received in public speaking also a lot of fun to hear other peoples stories was also very valuable. Even though Im used both those of guest speakers and of the to giving presentations at research confer- other participants. ences, communicating a business idea is Anna Wiberg, Innventia something else entirely. Christer Ericsson, founder of Liquid Biopsy
  • 6. ORGANISERS STING PARTNERS MAIN PARTNERS STINGs business incubator helps entrepre- neurs to build international growth compa- nies faster. Through business development, RESOURCE PARTNERS financing and network support, we aim to create the conditions necessary to allow start-ups to conquer the world. INDUSTRY PARTNERS KTHs vision is to be an entrepreneurial university that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in education, stimulates RESEARCH PARTNERS creativity and promotes innovation skills among students and researchers. Through KTH Innovation, the university aims to cre- ate Swedens most market-oriented support ENTREPRENUERIAL PARTNERS system for commercialising research find- ings and new technology. PROGRAMME PARTNERS LOCATION PARTNER