The REAL Third Secret of Fatima

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An explaination about fatima

Transcript of The REAL Third Secret of Fatima

The REAL Third Secret of Fatima explains the chaos...

"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret—as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - Our Lady of the Roses, April 29, 1992

Our Lady of the Roses message has revealed the REAL Third Secret of Fatima, which explains the true reason for the tremendous chaos in the Catholic Church, and explains the contradictory and disobedient actions of many bishops and cardinals throughout the world:

"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents—and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind—sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth....

"Therefore, I must make it known at this time to you. If you are perceiving and interested in My Church upon earth, I do not have to explain Myself too fully; for you will already know of the chaos that satan has wrought when he entered My Church. And why did he enter, you say? This I want it made known, My child—and you will not be affrighted as you are now—you will speak out for Me and My Mother, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Spirit; you will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is growing short.

"And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules, given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the Third World War and, also, the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem to go about their way, perhaps pridefully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but some may pridefully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand, that once you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and sisters.

"My child and My children, this message will not be greeted gleefully by your clergy. But since Lucy has been silenced, it is necessary that the world knows the truth. I will also send this message out through one more seer in the world, and if it is not abided by I have nothing to do but to allow the chastisement to fall upon mankind.” - Jesus, June 18, 1986

REAL Third Secret suppressed because of “fear of exposure”

The history of the Third Secret of Fatima is one of cover up. As Our Lady of the Roses has said, "The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." (April 29, 1992) The following are several historical highlights concerning the Third Secret, as well as incidents of coverup:

September 2, 1952 - Pope Pius XII sent Father Schweigl to interrogate Sister Lucy about the Third Secret at her convent in Coimbra, Portugal. On his return to the Russicum in Rome, Father Schweigl confides this to one of his colleagues: "I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope. The other, logically--although I must say nothing--would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved."

SUPPRESSED: 1960 comes and goes without the Third Secret being released - In 1946, Sister Lucy was asked when the Third Secret would be revealed to the world, and without hesitation she said, "In 1960." In 1955 Cardinal Ottaviani asked her why it was not to be opened before 1960. She told him, "because then it will seem clearer (mais claro)." Sister Lucy had made the Bishop of Fatima-Leiria promise that the Secret would be read to the world at her death, but in no event later than 1960, "because the blessed Virgin wishes it so." And from Canon Barthas: "Moreover, it [the Third Secret] will soon be known, since Sister Lucy affirms that Our Lady wills that it can be published beginning in 1960." Nevertheless, in 1960 the Vatican said that the Third Secret would not be released. (Read more...)

SUPPRESSED: Fr. Alonso's definitive study of the Fatima apparitions - To defend the Message of Fatima against revisionists, in 1966 the Bishop of Fatima, Mgr. Joao Venancio commissioned a learned Claretian priest, Father Joaquin Alonso, to establish a complete critical history of the revelations of Fatima. Ten years later, Father Alonso completed his work, entitled Fatima Texts and Critical Studies. The massive work presented 5,396 documents, ranging from the beginnings of the Fatima apparitions until 12 November 1974. His manuscripts were "very well prepared," according to the Abbé René Laurentin. In 1975, Father Alonso’s 24 volumes of 800 pages each were ready for publication. The presses were literally stopped by the new Bishop of Fatima, Monsignor do Amaral, preventing Father Alonso’s ten years of research from reaching the public. Two of the twenty-four volumes were finally published in 1992 and 1999, respectively, but only in a heavily edited form. The other 22 other volumes remain under lock and key.

WHY WERE FR. ALONSO'S BOOKS SUPPRESSED? It is highly probable that his works have been suppressed because they are too revealing and would have exposed the Vatican's June 26, 2000 document as a fake. Two of Fr. Alonso's quotes are especially revealing: "In the period preceding the great triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, terrible things are to happen. These form the content of the third part of the Secret. What are they? If ‘in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will

always be preserved,’... it can be clearly deduced from this that in other parts of the Church these dogmas are going to become obscure or even lost altogether." He also writes, "Thus it is quite possible that in this intermediate period which is in question (after 1960 and before the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), the text (of the Third Secret) makes concrete references to the crisis of the Faith of the Church and to the negligence of the pastors themselves." Father Alonso speaks further of "internal struggles in the very bosom of the Church and of grave pastoral negligence by the upper hierarchy," of "deficiencies of the upper hierarchy of the Church."

THIRD SECRET IS ABOUT APOSTASY: March 1990 - In March 1990, Cardinal Oddi confirmed the belief of many that in the Third Secret "the Blessed Virgin was alerting us to the apostasy in the Church", and that the date for its revelation, 1960, indicates that "the Secret had something to do with the convocation of Vatican II.”

June 26, 2000 – The Vatican releases what it calls the "third secret" of Fatima, but a great deal of evidence indicates that this is a forgery.

CONTRADICTIONS: First sentence of REAL Third Secret is missing - According to the Fatima scholar, Bro. Michael of the Holy Trinity: "Along with the many historical facts and positive criteria already pointed out, in effect we are aware of a little sentence which is, in all certainty, an element of the authentic third Secret. It is this sentence which gives us the key: 'Em Portugal se conservara sempre o dogma da fé, etc. In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc.' This little sentence which, curiously, has gone unnoticed by the majority of Fatima historians, is obviously of vital importance. Since Lucy's Memoirs were published in their integral text, in effect we can make a decisive critical remark: in her third Memoir, written in July - August 1941, Sister Lucy had been content to mention the existence of a third part of the Secret, but as yet she had said nothing about it. A few months later, in her fourth Memoir, written between October - December 1941, she decided to say more. She recopied almost word for word the text of the third Memoir, but adding after the final words—'... and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world'—the new sentence: 'Em Portugal se conservara sempre o dogma da fé, etc.' Thus we now know the first sentence of the final Secret. This addition is definitely significant. For it is certain that Sister Lucy did not insert it here out of levity, but in the specific intention of showing us, in a veiled manner, the essential contents of the third Secret. Indeed in 1943, when Bishop da Silva had asked her to write down the text, and she was encountering insurmountable obstacles in obeying this order, she declared that it was not absolutely necessary to do so, 'since in a certain manner she had said it.' [VSF, (Spanish Edition), Alonso, p. 64] Undoubtedly she was alluding to the ten words discreetly added in December, 1941, to the text of the great Secret—but added so discreetly that almost nobody noticed them. However, they are very enlightening when we stop and think about them." (The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. III, Bro. Michael of the Holy Trinity, pp. 683-684)

EVIDENCE OF FORGERY - The alleged third secret released by the Vatican on June 26th, 2000 was examined by Speckin Forensic Laboratories, an international forensic firm specializing in forgeries and handwriting (famous for the JonBenet Ramsey case). In a study of this Vatican document they stated, "it is my opinion, based on the documents examined, that the Questioned Document 'Third Secret' can not be identified with the purported known writings of Sister Lucy." (see Speckin report and handwriting analysis).

MORE EVIDENCE OF FORGERY: Signs of a skilled professional calligrapher or accomplished forger - Known writing samples of Sister Lucy do not match the style or quality of the writing present in the June 26, 2000 Vatican document. In fact, there is evidence that a professional calligrapher or accomplished forger wrote this document. Bear in mind that Sister Lucy is not a calligrapher and does not have the writing skill indicated in this Vatican document. A writing expert, upon examining the Vatican document, noted that "Great care was taken in that article in that the 'weight' of the stroke is almost flat, relative to the plane of the paper, throughout the whole document. Humans don't as a rule write that way. As an expert on legibility (among other things), I can state with some confidence that except for persons trained in the ritual art of copying or calligraphy, humans leave impressions in the act of writing which betrays things like how the body was held at the time of writing. Such things as whether there is something to act as a wrist brace and how far away from the writing surface, all leave impressions in the act of writing. The offered document has none of these apparent. In fact the absence of normal human writing 'quavers' (as they are known in the trade) suggests with some certainty that this person was trained to penmanship as an adult. Such people are rare these days, except in the catholic and orthodox (russian/greek) churches."

CONTRADICTION: June 26, 2000 document does not fit with Pope’s May 13, 2000 sermon - "The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the "dragon" whose "tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth" (Rev 12: 4)." (Read more…) The known Fatima message does not mention the "dragon" or the Apocalypse. From what source did the Pope get this?

FORGERY QUOTING A FORGERY? A letter quoted in the Vatican's June 26, 2000 document was also proven to be a forgery many years earlier. According to a written report on October 22, 1990, a highly regarded forensic expert from Canada indicated that Sister Lucy’s signature was forged on the November 8, 1989 computer-generated letter. This bogus November 8, 1989 letter was used as "evidence" in the Vatican’s June 26, 2000 document that Russia has been consecrated. (Read more…)

SUPPRESSED: June 27, 2000 Vatican press conference allows no questions - The day after the Vatican released a forgery instead of the REAL Third Secret, the Vatican held a press conference in which no questions were permitted. As Fr. Paul Kramer remarked, “Whoever heard of a press conference at which the press is not allowed to ask any questions?" Mass murderer Mikhail Gorbachev was a guest

of honor at this press conference, seated next to Cardinal Sodano. For what purpose would the Vatican refuse to answer questions about their document released the day before?

CONTRADICTIONS, July 1, 2000: The July 1, 2000 Washington Post was one of many newspapers noting that the Vatican’s "interpretation" of the Secret did not square with the text the Vatican released. It also noted that two Vatican officials contradicted each other as to when John Paul II first read the Third Secret: "On May 13 [2000], Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Pope first read the secret within days of assuming the papacy in 1978. On Monday, an aide [Msgr. Bertone] to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said that the Pope first saw it in the hospital after his attack." (Bill Broadway and Sarah Delancy, "Third Secret Spurs More Questions: Fatima Interpretation Departs from Vision," The Washington Post, July 1, 2000)

CONTRADICTIONS: August 2, 2000 - John Hogue, author and scholar of prophetic traditions, made the following accusation against the Vatican: "In all of my 30 years as a scholar of prophetic traditions, I have seen some interpretative stretches, but Cardinal Ratzinger's spin of this prophecy is as weak as they come. Indeed, I have seen more imaginative twists of reason made by the National Enquirer. Even the third secret's physical pages, offered as evidence at the news conference, are suspect. Up to June 26, Cardinal Ratzinger officially agreed with other witnesses that Sister Lucy wrote the prophecy in 24 lines on a single page. Now Ratzinger presents a four-page handwritten document of 62 lines! These and many other inconsistencies and prophetic stretches only add support to the growing belief that the highest echelons of the Vatican are involved in a coverup. Why?" (Laura Lee radio show, August 2, 2000) John Hogue has challenged Vatican officials to debate him on this subject. His challenge remains unaccepted.

MOTHER ANGELICA, May 16, 2001 - Mother Angelica has publicly stated that she doesn't believe the entire Third Secret has been released: "As for the Secret, well I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn’t get the whole thing. I told ya! I mean, you have the right to your own opinion, don’t you, Father? There, you know, that’s my opinion. Because I think it’s scary. And I don’t think the Holy See is going to say something that does not happen, that might happen. And then what does it do if it doesn’t happen? I mean the Holy See cannot afford to make prophecies."

Akita, Fatima, and Bayside apparitions all agree

To make sense out of this tangle of information, it is worth examining statements made by Bishop John Ito of Akita, Japan in April 1984, and those made by Cardinal Ratzinger in November 1984.

Bishop Ito and the Akita, Japan apparitions - Bishop John Ito, on April 22, 1984, after eight years of investigating the Akita apparitions and after consulting with the Holy See (including Cardinal Ratzinger), approved the messages of Our Lady of Akita. He authorized, throughout his entire diocese, the veneration of our Holy Mother of Akita. A dossier was turned over to Cardinal Ratzinger at the Vatican who, after studying it for himself, reaffirmed that the events were credible and reliable and worthy of belief by all Catholics. Howard Dee, former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, said in a 1998 interview with Inside the Vatican magazine: “Bishop Ito [the local bishop, now deceased] was certain Akita was an extension of Fatima, and Cardinal Ratzinger personally confirmed to me that these two messages, of Fatima and Akita, are essentially the same.” Part of the Akita message reads: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres. Churches and altars will be sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."

Cardinal Ratzinger on the Third Secret - Only months after Bishop Ito approved the Akita apparitions, Cardinal Ratzinger was interviewed on November 11, 1984 by Jesus magazine, a publication of the Pauline Sisters. Within this 1984 interview (titled "Here is Why the Faith is in Crisis"), published to millions in Italy, Cardinal Ratzinger acknowledged that he had read the Third Secret and that it speaks of "The dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian, and therefore the world, and also the importance of the last times." Cardinal Ratzinger said that the Third Secret had been suppressed since 1960 “to avoid confusing religious prophecy with sensationalism.” He also said, "But the things contained in this Third Secret correspond to what is announced in Scripture and are confirmed by many other Marian apparitions...." As noted above, Howard Dee stated that "Cardinal Ratzinger personally confirmed to me that these two messages, of Fatima and Akita, are essentially the same.” Therefore, when Cardinal Ratzinger mentioned in his interview that the Third Secret corresponds to "other Marian apparitions," this reference includes the Akita apparitions. But in a subsequent publication of the same interview in the famous Ratzinger Report, this language was mysteriously deleted. Apparently, Cardinal Ratzinger had said too much.

How are the Third Secret and the Akita apparitions the same? (Remember that Cardinal Ratzinger had received a dossier of information on the Akita apparitions prior to his interview with Jesus magazine, so this information was fresh in his mind). We believe the following line from the Akita apparitions is the key: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops." A WorldNetDaily article also makes this same connection. (Read more...)

At this point, if we can prove that "bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal" is part of the REAL Third Secret, we have yet another piece of evidence to affirm that the June 26, 2000 Vatican document was a forgery.

Our Lady of the Roses message supplies this proof we are seeking:

"My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1976

Where is "bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal" in the Vatican's June 26, 2000 document?

Connect the dots.

Pope under the domination of his bishops

The Holy Father is openly contradicted by many of his own cardinals and bishops. From a WorldNetDaily article, a group of priests in the early 1990s assembled a dossier on ecclesiastical problems in the U.S. that was delivered directly into the Pope's hands. It is reported that the Pope briefly examined the documents and then, "referring to his previous attempts to lead and discipline the bishops regarding various issues, exclaimed, 'I've told them, and they don't listen to me.'" (Read more...)

According to the website Roman Catholic Faithful, in 1989 a Chicago businessman (whose son was abused by a Chicago priest a few years earlier) met with Cardinal Edouard Gagnon. The Cardinal stated that the Holy See had received hundreds of letters regarding the pedophile problem in the U.S. and that it was beyond the control of the Holy See as the Church in the United States is in schism and the American bishops will not obey the Holy Father.

Furthermore, a perceptible tug-of-war exists between the Pope and Cardinal Sodano (who holds the #2 position in the Catholic Church, Secretary of State). Before the beatification of Jacinta and Francisco (two of the three seers of Fatima), conflicting reports of the date and location of the ceremony abounded. Some reports mentioned that the ceremony would be in Rome in April of 2000; other reports said in Fatima on May 13, 2000. It was discovered that Sodano was pushing for a Rome ceremony on an irrelevant date; the Pope (who prevailed) chose May 13th in Fatima. Cardinal Sodano has also called the Pope "despotic," and praised the heretic Hans Kung at a speech given at

the Lateran Basilica, even after Kung had been stripped of his title as a Catholic theologian. A clear slap in the face to the Holy Father.

As Our Lady of the Roses message has stated, "he [the Pope] is under the domination of his bishops and cardinals." (Jesus, October 2, 1989)

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 13, 1978

Three Secrets of Fátima

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A religious statue depicting the Immaculate Heart of Mary as described by Sister Lúcia of Fátima.

The Three Secrets of Fátima consist of a series of apocalyptic visions and prophecies which by some are believed to have been given to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, starting on 13 May 1917. The three children claimed they were visited by a Marian apparition six times between May and October 1917. The apparition is now popularly known as Our Lady of Fátima.

According to the official Catholic interpretation, the three secrets involve Hell, World War I and World War II, and the attempted assassination by gunshot of Pope John Paul II.

On 13 July 1917, around noon, the Virgin Mary is said to have entrusted the children with three secrets. Two of the secrets were revealed in 1941 in a document written by Lúcia, at the request of José Alves Correia da Silva, Bishop of Leiria, to assist with the publication of a new edition of a book on Jacinta.[1] When asked by the Bishop in 1943 to reveal the third secret, Lúcia struggled for a short period, being "not yet convinced that God had clearly authorized her to act."[2] However, in October 1943 the Bishop ordered her to put it in writing.[3] Lúcia then wrote the secret down and sealed it in an envelope not to be opened until 1960, when "it will appear clearer."[4] The text of the third secret was officially released by Pope John Paul II in 2000, although some claim that it was not the entire secret revealed by Lúcia, despite repeated assertions from the Vatican to the contrary.

According to some believers,[who?] the purported prophecies and their actual realization were dependent on the personal request by the Blessed Virgin Mary to "consecrate Russia" to the Immaculate Heart.

To this date, the formal consecration of Russia is widely disputed as incomplete among some Fátima devotees. Some claim the varying consecrations made by recent Popes are insufficient in fulfilling the specific request that the Virgin Mary allegedly made. Others consider the issue irrelevant due to the finished actualisation of the Second Vatican Council and World War II.

Contents [hide]

1 First secret

2 Second secret

3 Third secret

4 Third Secret controversy

4.1 Written on one sheet of paper

4.2 Written in the form of a letter

4.3 Contains words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary

4.4 Contains information about the Apocalypse, apostasy, Satanic infiltration of the Church

4.5 Cardinal Bertone's response to criticism

4.6 Continuing criticism and controversy

5 Pope John Paul I

6 References

7 External links

First secret[edit]

The first secret was a vision of Hell:

Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already

prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.[5]

Second secret[edit]

The second secret was a statement that World War I would end, along with a prediction of another war during the reign of Pope Pius XI, should men continue offending God and should Russia not convert. The second half requests that Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart:

You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pope Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.[6]

Skeptics have noted that the second prophecy was not disclosed until August 1941, after World War II had already begun.[7] They have also asked whether Mary, in 1917, referred explicitly to Pius XI, as the regnal name of a pope is not known until after the announcement of his election, which did not occur for Pius XI until 1922. Further, the European portion of the Second World War is generally held to have begun on 1 September 1939, and by then, Pius XII had succeeded Pius XI as pope. Germany annexed Austria on 12 March 1938 (well before the 1939 death of Pius XI), in an uncontested military invasion that was met with cheering pro-German crowds. Shortly before this annexation, the "great sign" allegedly appeared on 25 Jan 1938, as reported in The New York Times of that day: "Aurora Borealis Startles Europe; People Flee in Fear, Call Firemen." The aurora borealis is caused by solar flare activity,[dubious – discuss] yet there was none reported in the previous day.[citation needed] The celestial display was seen from Canada to Bermuda to Austria to Scotland, and short-wave radio transmissions were shut down for almost 12 hours in Canada. RCA reported it was the second-most powerful electrical disturbance in 100 years. The lights were not seen over the Pacific Ocean, and radio traffic was uninterrupted in that region. However, some[8][9] argue that the secret did not say that the war must begin in Europe, and in Judean Mary's home continent of Asia (the continent which is home to most of humankind), during the pontificate of Pius XI Japan had already invaded China in 1937, which is generally seen by Chinese and other Asian historians as when the Second World War actually began,[10][11] a view which also has qualified support from some Western historians.[11]

Third secret[edit]

The third part of the secret was written down "by order of His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother" on 3 January 1944.[12] In 1943, Lúcia fell ill with influenza and pleurisy, which had killed her cousins. For several months, she was sure she was going to die. Bishop Silva, visiting her on 15 September 1943 while she was bedridden, first suggested that she write the third secret down to ensure that it would be recorded in the event of her death. Lúcia was hesitant to do so, however. At the time she received the secret, she had heard Mary say not to reveal it, but because Carmelite obedience requires that orders from superiors be regarded as coming directly from God, she was in a quandary as to whose orders took precedence. Finally, in mid-October, Bishop Silva sent her a letter containing a direct order to record the secret, and Lúcia obeyed. In June 1944, the sealed envelope containing the third secret was delivered to Silva, where it stayed until 1957, when it was finally delivered to Rome.[13]

It was announced by Cardinal Sodano on 13 May 2000, 83 years after the first apparition of the Lady to the children in the Cova da Iria, that the Third Secret would finally be released. In his announcement, Cardinal Sodano implied that the secret was about the 20th century persecution of Christians that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II on 13 May 1981, the 64th anniversary of the first apparition of the Lady at Fátima.[14]

The text of the Third Secret, according to the Vatican, was published on 26 June 2000:


The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fátima, on 13 July 1917.

I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.

After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same

way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.


Along with the text of the secret, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, (the future Pope Benedict XVI), published a theological commentary,[12][16] in which he states: "A careful reading of the text of the so-called third 'secret' of Fatima ... will probably prove disappointing or surprising after all the speculation it has stirred. No great mystery is revealed; nor is the future unveiled." After explaining the differences between public and private revelations, he cautions people not to see in the message a determined future event:

The purpose of the vision is not to show a film of an irrevocably fixed future. Its meaning is exactly the opposite: it is meant to mobilize the forces of change in the right direction. Therefore we must totally discount fatalistic explanations of the “secret”, such as, for example, the claim that the would-be assassin of 13 May 1981 was merely an instrument of the divine plan guided by Providence and could not therefore have acted freely, or other similar ideas in circulation. Rather, the vision speaks of dangers and how we might be saved from them.

He then moves on to talk about the symbolic nature of the images, noting: "The concluding part of the 'secret' uses images which Lucia may have seen in devotional books and which draw their inspiration from long-standing intuitions of faith." As for the meaning of the message: "What remains was already evident when we began our reflections on the text of the 'secret': the exhortation to prayer as the path of 'salvation for souls' and, likewise, the summons to penance and conversion."

Third Secret controversy[edit]

The Holy See withheld the Third Secret until 26 June 2000, despite Lúcia's declaration that it should be released to the public after 1960. Some sources, including Canon Barthas and Cardinal Ottaviani, said that Lúcia insisted to them it must be released by 1960, saying that, "by that time, it will be more clearly understood", and, "because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so."[17][18] Instead, in 1960 the Vatican published a press release stating that it was "most probable the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal."[19] This announcement produced considerable speculation over the content of the secret. According to the New York Times, speculation ranged from "worldwide nuclear annihilation to deep rifts in the Roman Catholic Church that lead to rival papacies."[20] On 2 May 1981, eleven days before the assassination attempt that Cardinal Sodano later implied in 2000

had been prophesied in the Third Secret,[14] Laurence James Downey hijacked an airplane and demanded that Pope John Paul II make public the Third Secret of Fatima.[21]

The release of the text sparked immediate criticism, even outrage, from the Catholic Church in Portugal. Clergy as well as laypeople were offended that the text had been read in Rome and not at the Fátima shrine in Portugal where the reported events took place. Portuguese Catholics responded to the release of the text with disbelief, saying that if the words did not concern some kind of terrible catastrophe such as war, holocaust or apocalypse, there had been no reason for the Vatican to keep them secret. The Times for 29 June 2000 reported that "The revelation on Monday that there were no doomsday predictions has provoked angry reactions from the Portuguese church over the decision to keep the prophecy secret for half a century."[citation needed] Portuguese newspapers[which?] reported that many people felt "dismayed, cheated, and betrayed" by the news.[citation needed]

Some sources claim that the four-page, handwritten text[12] of the Third Secret released by the Vatican in 2000 is not the real secret, or at least not the full secret.[22][23][24][25] These sources contend that the Third Secret is actually composed of two texts, where one of these texts is the published four-page vision, and the other is a single-page letter containing the words of the Virgin Mary that has been concealed.[22][23][24]

Critics such as Italian journalist Antonio Socci and American attorney Christopher Ferrara have written many articles disputing that the full Third Secret has been released. Their argument for proof of a second part to the secret includes the following:

Bishops working with Pope Pius XII, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI have commented that the text was written on one sheet of paper rather than four sheets;

Lúcia stated that she wrote the message in the form of a signed letter to the Bishop of Leiria;

Lúcia's text is supposed to contain words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary;

The full secret contains information about the Apocalypse, a great apostasy, and Satanic infiltration of the Catholic Church.

Written on one sheet of paper[edit]

The text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican is handwritten on four sheets of paper.[12] Multiple clerics claiming familiarity with the purported authentic text have stated that the Third Secret was written on a single sheet of paper rather than four sheets.[26] For example, Father Joaquin Alonso, official Fátima archivist for sixteen years, reports in his book that, "Lucy tells us that she wrote it on a sheet of paper. Cardinal Ottaviani, who has read it, tells us the same thing: 'She

wrote it on a sheet of paper' ...".[27] In addition, Bishop Venancio, who was entrusted to transport the envelope containing the Third Secret to a Vatican representative after Lúcia wrote it down, is reported to have held the envelope up to a light and noted that the Third Secret was "written on a small sheet of paper."[28][29] Bishop Venancio also measured the dimensions of the paper, the size of its margins, and estimated there to be 20–25 lines of text.[30] Also, Malachi Martin asserted that he was shown the text of the Third Secret in February 1960.[31] On a syndicated radio broadcast, Martin indicated that the Third Secret was written on "one sheet of paper."[31] In a taped interview, Charles Fiore quoted Malachi Martin as saying the following regarding the text of the Third Secret: "I cooled my heels in the corridor outside the Holy Father's apartments, while my boss, Cardinal Bea, was inside debating with the Holy Father, and with a group of other bishops and priests, and two young Portuguese seminarians, who translated the letter, a single page, written in Portuguese, for all those in the room."[32]

Written in the form of a letter[edit]

Another reason why critics argue the full Third Secret has not been released is because of documented evidence that the Third Secret was written in the form of a signed letter to the Bishop of Leiria. The text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican is not written in the form of a letter.[12] Lúcia was interviewed by Father Jongen on 3 February 1946.[18][33] When Fr. Jongen asked Lúcia when the time would arrive for the Third Secret, Lúcia responded, "I communicated the third part in a letter to the Bishop of Leiria." Also, Canon Galamba, an advisor to the Bishop of Leiria, is quoted as saying, "When the bishop refused to open the letter, Lucy made him promise that it would definitely be opened and read to the world either at her death or in 1960, whichever came first."[18][34] Also, the Vatican press release from 1960 announcing that the Third Secret would probably never be revealed was written with the following words: "... it is most likely that the letter will never be opened, in which Sister Lucy wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three shepherds of the Cova da Iria."[35]

Contains words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary[edit]

The text of the Third Secret released by the Vatican contains no words attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary.[12] According to the 1960 Vatican press release on the Third Secret cited above, "Sister Lucy wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret ...".[35] Some sources assert that the Third Secret most likely begins with the words, "In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc", words which Lúcia included in her Fourth Memoir, but which are included only as a footnote to the text released by the Vatican.[36] In addition, evidence shows that Fr. Joseph Schweigl was sent by Pope Pius XII to interview Lúcia about the Third Secret on 2 September 1952.[37][38] The day after the interview, Fr. Schweigl is reported to have stated the following: "I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope; the other logically (although I must say nothing) would have to be the continuation of the words: 'In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved.' "[37][38][39]

Contains information about the Apocalypse, apostasy, Satanic infiltration of the Church[edit]

According to Jacob Mathew in the commentary accompanying the text[12] of the Third Secret released by the Vatican, "Those who expected exciting apocalyptic revelations about the end of the world or the future course of history are bound to be disappointed. Fatima does not satisfy our curiosity in this way ...".[12] Some critics see this as contradicting a considerable amount of evidence in the record, including previous testimony by Cardinal Ratzinger himself.[24][40][41] In an interview published in the 11 November 1984 edition of Jesus Magazine, Cardinal Ratzinger was asked whether he had read the text of the Third Secret and why it had not been revealed.[42][43] Ratzinger acknowledged that he had read the Third Secret, and stated in part that the Third Secret involves the "importance of the novissimi", and "dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore (the life) of the world." Ratzinger also commented that, "If it is not made public – at least for the time being – it is in order to prevent religious prophecy from being mistaken for a quest for the sensational."[43] Also, a news article quoted former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, Howard Dee, as saying that Cardinal Ratzinger had personally confirmed to him that the messages of Akita and Fátima are "essentially the same."[44] The Akita prophecy, in part, contains the following: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres … churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."[45][46]

Father Charles Fiore, in a taped interview, made the following remarks with regard to Cardinal Ratzinger's various statements about the Third Secret: "We have two different Cardinal Ratzingers; we have two different messages. But Malachi Martin was consistent all the way through; he believed that the Third Secret of Fatima had to do [...] with the internal problems of the Catholic Church."[32] On a syndicated radio broadcast, Father Malachi Martin was asked the following question by a caller: "I had a Jesuit priest tell me more of the Third Secret of Fatima years ago, in Perth. He said, among other things, the last pope would be under control of Satan... Any comment on that?" Fr. Martin responded, "Yes, it sounds as if they were reading, or being told, the text of the Third Secret. But it's sufficiently vague to make one hesitate— it sounds like it."[31] In a taped interview with Bernard Janzen, Fr. Martin was asked the following question: "Who are the people who are working so hard to suppress Fatima?" Fr. Martin responded, "A bunch, a whole bunch, of Catholic prelates in Rome, who belong to Satan. They're servants of Satan. And the servants of Satan outside the Church, in various organizations; they want to destroy the Catholicism of the Church, and keep it as a stabilizing factor in human affairs. It's an alliance. A dirty alliance, a filthy alliance, but a very good alliance."[47] In the same interview, Fr. Martin also said with respect to Lúcia that, "They've (The Vatican) published forged letters in her name; they've made her say things she didn't want to say. They put statements on her lips she never made."

On 13 May 2000, Cardinal Sodano announced that the Third Secret would be released, during which he implied the secret was about the persecution of Christians in the 20th century that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II on 13 May 1981.[14] However, other theologians believe that the secret concerns an apostasy of cardinals, bishops and priests. For instance, Cardinal Ciappi, personal theologian to Pope John Paul II, is quoted by sources as saying, "In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top."[48] In addition, on a syndicated radio broadcast, Fr. Malachi Martin stated that the Third Secret "doesn't make any sense unless we accept that there will be, or that there is in progress, a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics, and laity in the Catholic Church ...".[49]

In a 1980 interview for the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens published in October 1981, John Paul II was asked explicitly to speak about the third secret. He said: "Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that 'to know' implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted." He held up his rosary and stated "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God." Asked what would happen in the Church, he said: "We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong, we must prepare ourselves, we must entrust ourselves to Christ and to His holy Mother, and we must be attentive, very attentive, to the prayer of the Rosary."[50]

Lúcia herself is reported to have explicitly stated that the Third Secret contains apocalyptic content. According to one source, when Lúcia was asked about the Third Secret, she said it was "in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse", and at one point she had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes Apocalypse 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fátima on 13 May 2000.[51]

Cardinal Bertone's response to criticism[edit]

The Vatican has maintained its position that the full text of the Third Secret was published in June 2000. A report from the Zenit Daily Dispatch dated 20 December 2001, based on a Vatican press

release, reported that Lúcia told then-Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, in an interview conducted the previous month, that the secret has been completely revealed and published, and that no secrets remain.[52] Bertone, along with Cardinal Ratzinger, co-authored The Message of Fatima,[12] the document published in June 2000 by the Vatican that contains a scanned copy of the original text of the Third Secret.

Cardinal Bertone.

Bertone, who was elevated to cardinal in 2003 and held the position of Vatican Secretary of State until September 2013, wrote a book titled, The Last Secret of Fatima, published first in Italian under a different title in 2007, and then subsequently in English.[53] The book contains a transcribed interview between journalist Giuseppe De Carli and Bertone in which Bertone responds to various criticisms and accusations regarding the content and disclosure of the Third Secret. At one point in the interview, De Carli comments on an unsourced accusation that the Vatican is concealing a one-page text of the Third Secret which predicts a great apostasy where Rome will "lose the faith and become the throne of the Antichrist." Bertone responds as follows:

That's absolutely crazy. Look, are you claiming that the prophecy of Fatima is about the apostasy of the Church of Rome? That Fatima is a prediction of Rome's transformation into the throne of the Antichrist? Despite the love Our Lady has for the Pope and the Popes for Our Lady? Anyone can write books based on conspiracy theories, on biased interpretations. Anybody can take sentences out of context and present them as clues to some supposed plot to avoid divulging the truth and to transmit it in a code that only the initiates can understand. No, the whole theory you allude to is a fabrication. And this supposedly factual account is actually the sort of device the Masons used to invent to discredit the Church. I'm surprised that journalists and writers who claim to be Catholic let themselves be taken in.[54]

At another point in the interview, De Carli mentions that Cardinal Ottaviani had once stated that the Third Secret was written on a single sheet of paper. He also mentions that one of Lúcia's memoirs contains the words, "In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc", words which some believe introduce the real Third Secret. After the interviewer interjects his own opinion and calls these observations "feeble bits of evidence that neither prove nor disprove anything", he asks Cardinal Bertone about the possibility of there being two texts, where the "first document" contains the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the other contains the description of the vision published by the Vatican. Bertone answers in part, "There is no first document. There never was any such text in the archives of the Holy Office." Bertone also says, "So I'm not sure what Cardinal Ottaviani was talking about." Bertone also states that, "We have the word, better, the official confirmation of Sister Lúcia: 'Is this the Third Secret, and is this the only text of it?' 'Yes, this is the Third Secret, and I never wrote any other'."[55]

Later on in the interview, Bertone again addresses the question as to whether a text exists with words attributed to the Blessed Virgin that was censored: "The part of the text where the Virgin speaks in the first person wasn't censored, for the simple reason that it never existed. ...I'm basing my statement on Sister Lucia's own direct confirmation that the Third Secret is none other than the text that was published in the year 2000."[56]

Continuing criticism and controversy[edit]

Cardinal Bertone has been accused of lying about the content of the Third Secret in his book, The Last Secret of Fatima,[53] and also in televised appearances.[23][57] After Bertone's book was published, Italian journalist Antonio Socci published an article titled Dear Cardinal Bertone: Who—between you and me—is Deliberately Lying?[57] Catholic attorney Christopher Ferrara wrote an entire book called The Secret Still Hidden ( available online) aimed at exposing and debunking the claims of Cardinal Bertone with respect to Fátima.[23] The book contains an appendix entitled 101 Grounds for Doubting Cardinal Bertone's Account. For example, Ferrara asserts that Bertone has given at least five different versions of Lúcia's alleged acceptance of the interpretation of the vision published by the Vatican in 2000.[58]

An article published in Catholic World News on 27 September 2007 reports that Italian journalists Antonio Socci and Solideo Paolini "produced a tape recording in which Archbishop Loris Capovilla, who once served as private secretary to Pope John XXIII, revealed that there were two texts of the Third Secret."[59] An article dated just two weeks earlier quotes Archbishop Capovilla as saying, "There are not two truths from Fatima and nor is there any fourth secret. The text which I read in 1959 is the same that was distributed by the Vatican." Capovilla is also quoted as saying, "I have had enough of these conspiracy theories. It just isn't true. I read it, I presented it to the Pope and we resealed the envelope."[60]

Pope John Paul I[edit]

The Catholic Counter-Reformation group, founded by theologian Abbé George de Nantes, takes the position that the released text is the complete Third Secret, but refers to Pope John Paul I rather than John Paul II, pointing out that the latter, after all, did not die when he was attacked, while the bishop in the Third Secret did.[61] John Paul I had met Lúcia Santos while he was Patriarch of Venice, and was deeply moved by the experience. In a letter to a colleague after his election, he vowed to perform the Consecration of Russia which Lúcia said Mary had asked for.[62]

The True Third Secret of Fatima?

"A Wicked Council... The Church will Bleed from all Her Wounds"

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In May of 1994 -- 77 years after Our Lady first appeared to the three children at Fatima, Portugal -- a French priest by the name of Raymond Arnette was listening to a CD entitled "Mysterium Fidei," with French lyrics and sung by French choirs. As he was listening devoutly, suddenly the music faded into the background and a clear voice, which was perceived quite normally and not as an interior inspiration, said: "L'eglise saignera de toutes ses plaies", that is, "The Church will bleed from all her wounds."Then, there followed this text:There will be a wicked council planned and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the Faith; confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain. A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This will be the end of times, foretold in the Holy Scriptures and recalled to memory by Me in many places. The abomination of abominations will reach its peak and it will bring the chastisement announced at La Salette. My Son's arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes.One will only speak about wars and revolutions. The elements of nature will be unchained and will cause anguish even among the best (the most courageous). The Church will bleed from all Her wounds. Happy are they who will persevere and search for refuge in My Heart, because in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

After this message, Fr. Arnette only heard one more sentence: "This is the Third Secret of Fatima."Could this be the true Third Secret, then? It could be. This text has been published and circulated before, for instance, in the book The Devil's Final Battle as well as in a newsletter of then-SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson in 2000. If this is the true Third Secret, it is no wonder why the Vatican, beginning in 1960 with John XXIII, did not wish to make it public. John XXIII claimed that the Third Secret "does not concern my pontificate" and refused to reveal it, despite the Blessed Virgin Mary's order that it be revealed to the faithful by 1960 at the latest. Of course, by 1960, preparations for John XXIII's so-called "Second Vaticcan Council" were running high, its convocation having been announced by him on January 25, 1959.It is perhaps particularly interesting that the text states: "The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain," a perfect description of the Catholic world according to the sedevacantist position, which holds that the clergy of the Novus Ordo Church (the Church of Vatican II) are not valid or legitimate Roman Catholic shepherds. Besides, the text makes reference to the "chastisement announced at La Salette", which could be another reference to the illegitimacy of the New Church, for it was at La Salette (in 1846) that Our Lady reportedly said that "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist."The fact that, according to private testimony, then-"Cardinal" Joseph Ratzinger admitted in 2004 that the true text of the Third Secret speaks of an "evil council" (source here - see also this response), helps to bolster the hypothesis that this might indeed be the genuine Third Secret of Fatima, revealed by the Blessed Mother to Lucia dos Santos on July 13, 1917. (Though there are, of course, also some considerations that speak against this hypothesis.)The above text and its preface are based on a pamphlet Novus Ordo Watch received from a traditionalist Catholic German publisher, Pro Fide Catholica. It is reproduced here for the education and (hopefully) the benefit of faithful Catholics, but really for all men of good will. Whether it is the true Third Secret or not, we do not profess to know. But let us certainly follow its advice and seek refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


"Cardinal" Oddi hints Third Secret about Vatican II

Another Text: Chiesa Viva claims THIS is the True Third Secret

Book: The Fourth Secret of Fatima by Antonio Socci

Book: The Secret Still Hidden by Christopher A. Ferrara

No Friend of Fatima: Unspinning Christopher Ferrara's Defense of Benedict XVI

The Miracle of the Sun: October 13, 1917, in Fatima, Portugal

70,000 People witness the Miracle of the Sun

Return to the Novus Ordo Wire blog


"Consecration to the Mother of God," says Pope Pius XII, "is a total gift of self, for the whole of life and for all eternity; and a gift which is not a mere formality or sentimentality, but effectual, comprising the full intensity of the Christian life - Marian life." This consecration, the Pope explained, "tends essentially to union with Jesus, under the guidance of Mary."

By our consecration we promise to become dependent on Mary in all things: to offer all our prayers and oblations to God through Mary, and to seek every gift from God through Mary. And we do this with the greatest confidence. Since she is our mother, she knows our needs better than we; and since she is Queen of Heaven, she has immediate access to the infinite treasury of graces in the Kingdom of her Divine Son.

Mary is not only the Mother of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father; she is also Mother of all the Father's adopted children. As their Mother, she has been given the role of molding them into the likeness of Jesus.

Every work of grace, every increase of grace, is a work of the Holy Spirit; but as in the Incarnation of the Divine Word God used human instruments, so does He in the sanctification of each individual soul. As He chose Mary as the instrument through whom He would come to us, so He chose Mary as the instrument through whom we should go to Him. And both the mystery of God coming to us through Mary, and our being led to God through Mary, is a work of the Holy Spirit. So when we speak of Mary's unique role in our sanctification, she is but the instrument the Holy Spirit uses in sharing with us the divine life of grace. It is in this sense that Mary fashions us into the likeness of Christ.

However, that this transformation - through Mary's help - be accomplished in a notable degree, there must be an awareness of her role in our sanctification, a confidence in her maternal concern and in her power under God, a surrender of oneself into her hands, and a fervent, frequent and

confident seeking of her aid. This usually comes through some form of consecration to the Mother of God.

At Fatima Our Lady asked for consecration to her Immaculate Heart, a consecration which, among other things, calls for the devotion of the Five First Saturdays, which includes the Rosary, meditation and Communions of reparation - all done in reparation to her Immaculate Heart. It involves a striving to fulfill her requests for prayer and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for offenses against the Divine Majesty. In a word, it involves a striving to fulfill all that she asked for at Fatima, and trying to bring others to heed her requests.

Living that consecration means becoming an apostle of Mary, striving to imitate her virtues, and to place in her hands the flowers of little sacrifices of reparation for the salvation of souls, so that we might strengthen her hand against the attacks of the Evil One, and hasten the day of the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. To everyone who makes that consecration and sincerely tries to live it, the words of Our Lady to the child Lucia at Fatima would also apply: "I will never leave you; my Immaculate Heart will be your refuge, and the way that will lead you to God."

If consecration to Mary "tends essentially to union with Jesus, under the guidance of Mary," as Pope Pius XII pointed out, we must remember that any gradual transformation into Christ requires a gradual loving acceptance of a greater share in His redeeming Cross.

So when we offer ourselves to Mary to lead us, to form us into the likeness of her Son, we are offering to let her lead us along the way of the Cross.

Our Blessed Mother's great concern is the salvation of the souls of her children, many of whom are being lost. She looks for generous souls among her children, who are willing to let her lead them close behind her Son, sharing more fully in His redemptive mission, filling up what is wanting in other members of the Body of Christ. Little by little they are transformed to see as Christ sees, and to desire what He desires. God wants to draw us closer to Himself, sharing more fully His Divine life; but we must understand what the fulfillment of this requires.

In our Rosary, we contemplate Mary in Heaven in the Glorious Mysteries, because she had so unique a role on earth in the Sorrowful Mysteries. This is the pattern that is offered to each of us, and of which we are reminded each time we pray the Rosary.

Consecration to Mary, then, requires a childlike simplicity and confidence, letting her lead one by the hand, trusting - regardless of what lies ahead - that she knows better than we what contributes most to God's glory, our sanctification and the salvation of souls.


While many decades have passed since Our Lady gave to the world her message at Fatima in 1917, there are comparatively few who have taken that message seriously, and of those who have, some have interpreted it erroneously. It is true that the fulfillment or nonfulfillment of her requests would have great consequences for the world situation, for world peace, for the very survival of nations. Nevertheless, her message is essentially a spiritual one, a call for prayer and penance - a conversion of life, and a dire warning of what would happen if her requests were not fulfilled. Her words were truly prophetic, for much of what she predicted has come to pass.

Fr. Thomas McGlynn, O.P. is the artist who carved the large marble statue of Our Lady above the main entrance to the basilica in Fatima. In the course of his work at Fatima, Fr. McGlynn had several long interviews with Sr. Lucia, the last living witness of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. Sr. Lucia knew that Father McGlynn was going to write a book on Fatima as soon as he completed his work on the statue.

"In your writing," Sr. Lucia said to Father, "please stress the spiritual meaning of things, in order to raise minds which today have become so materialistic to regions of the supernatural; so that they may understand the true meaning and purpose of the coming of Our Lady to earth, which is to bring souls to Heaven, to draw them to God."

Unfortunately, however, there are some who stress predominantly the political aspects of the Fatima message, i.e., the worldwide political consequences, if Our Lady's requests are not heeded. We all are aware of the terrible realities and consequences of war, and especially of nuclear war, or of persecution of the Church; and it is natural to think of Our Lady's message in terms of avoiding these calamities. Yet, we must not let this perspective cloud our minds as to our own personal obligations. As Msgr. William McGrath has pointed out:

"When all is said and done, our primary responsibility is not the conversion of Russia or the prevention of world wars, but the salvation of that little world within ourselves over which, with God's help, we must exercise control, and for which we shall one day have to render an account to

God in judgment. What will it profit us, even if Russia is converted and an era of peace be granted to humanity, if we have failed in the great task for which we were created, the salvation of our own immortal souls."

Fr. McGlynn pointed out in his book VISION OF FATIMA, that Fatima is, first of all, a dreadful warning to the world to stop sinning. The enormity of mankind's rebellion against God, and God's infinite aversion to sin, form the foundation of the Fatima message. It is a warning that the time of God's justice will come to pass, if men do not take advantage of this time of His mercy, this special opportunity of making reparation through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Lady showed the three children a vision of hell. That vision was not for their instruction and warning, but for ours. The Blessed Virgin had assured them that they were going to be saved. Yet, as Fr. McGlynn pointed out, "All the bleeding, dying and despair of a thousand wars cannot equal the disaster of a single soul being damned. We miss the spiritual meaning of things," he said, "if we think Our Lady came to Fatima to tell us how to keep out of a third world war, or how to convert Russia, or how to achieve tranquility in our earthly existence. She came to tell us how to keep out of hell."


Any formula may be used to consecrate oneself to the Mother of God, as long as it involves a total oblation of oneself. As a suggestion, one of the following consecrations could be renewed each first Saturday with the shorter formula renewed daily.

0 Virgin Mary, most powerful Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and earth, in accordance with your wish made known at Fatima, I consecrate myself today to your Immaculate Heart. To you I entrust all that I have, all that I am. Reign over me, dearest Mother, that I may be yours in prosperity, in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, in life and in death.

Most compassionate Heart of Mary, Queen of Virgins, watch over my mind and heart and preserve me from the deluge of impurity which you lamented so sorrowfully at Fatima. I want to be pure like you. I want to atone for the many crimes committed against Jesus and you. I want to call down upon this country and the whole world the peace of God in justice and charity.

Mindful of this consecration, I now promise to strive to imitate you by the practice of the Christian virtues without regard for human respect. I resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month when possible, and to offer daily five decades of the Rosary, with all my sacrifices in the spirit of penance and reparation. Amen.

I, . . ., a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy Heart, O Immaculate Mother, the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose thee this day for my Mother and Mistress. I deliver and consecrate to thee, and to thy Immaculate Heart, as thy child and slave of love, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present and future; leaving to thee the entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen.

Short daily renewal of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, I renew my consecration to you and to your Immaculate Heart. Please accept me, my dear Mother, and use me as you wish to accomplish your designs upon the world. I am all yours, my Mother, my Queen, and all that I have is yours.


Lest there should be any misconception about the place of devotion to Mary in Catholic piety, we honor in a special way the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of Jesus, i.e., the person of Mary in her eminent sanctity and glorification by God, because it is the wish of her Son - as Our Lady revealed in her second apparition at Fatima. Jesus knows well that true devotion to His Mother leads souls to Him. As Pope Paul VI wrote in his encyclical celebrating the centenary of the apparitions at Lourdes:

"Everything in Mary leads us toward her Son, our only Savior, by whose foreseen merits she was preserved immaculate and full of grace; everything in Mary lifts up our hearts to the praise of the Holy Trinity."

And as Our Lady assured Lucy, June 13, 1917:

"I will never abandon you, my child. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God."

The Church sees Mary, then, not as the goal, but as the guide, who always leads souls who honor her with true devotion - to her Son, especially to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. When we pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for help in time of need, she in turn points to the Tabernacle, to Him who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life," and has a way of conveying to us what she said to the steward at Cana: "Do whatever he tells you." (Jn.2:5)

The   "Prophecies"   of Saint Malachy — (This article is presented as a matter of record and interest only,

and NOT as fact) —

The most famous and best known prophecies about the popes are those attributed to St. Malachy, a medieval Irish priest and Kabbalist. In 1139 he went to Rome to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to the pope, Innocent II, who promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel. While at Rome, he received (according to the Abbot Cucherat) the strange vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time. The same author tells us that St. Malachy gave his manuscript to Innocent II to console him in the midst of his tribulations, and that the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590 (Cucherat, "Proph. de la succession des papes", ch. xv). They were first published by Arnold de Wyon, and ever since there has been much discussion as to whether they are genuine predictions of St. Malachy or forgeries. The silence of 400 years on the part of so many learned authors who had written about the popes, and the silence of St. Bernard especially, who wrote the "Life of St. Malachy," is a strong argument against their authenticity, but it is not conclusive if we adopt Cucherat's theory that they were hidden in the Archives during those 400 years. 

These short prophetical announcements, in number 112, indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the end of the world. They are enunciated under mystical titles. Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolical prophecies have succeeded in discovering some

trait, allusion, point, or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, their name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth-place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. For example, the prophecy concerning Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose); he was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figured a fleur-de-lis; he had three bees emblazoned on his escutcheon, and the bees gather honey from the lilies and roses. Again, the name accords often with some remarkable and rare circumstance in the pope's career; thus Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his journey when pope into Germany, by his long career as pope, and by his expatriation from Rome at the end of his pontificate. Those who have lived and followed the course of events in an intelligent manner during the pontificates of Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X cannot fail to be impressed with the titles given to each by the prophecies of St. Malachy and their wonderful appropriateness: Crux de Cruce (Cross from a Cross) Pius IX; Lumen in caelo(Light in the Sky) Leo XIII; Ignis ardens (Burning Fire) Pius X. There is something more than coincidence in the designations given to these three popes so many hundred years before their time. We need not have recourse either to the family names, armorial bearings or cardinalatial titles, to see the fitness of their designations as given in the prophecies. The afflictions and crosses of Pius IX were more than fell to the lot of his predecessors; and the more aggravating of these crosses were brought on by the House of Savoy whose emblem was a cross. Leo XIII was a veritable luminary of the papacy. The present pope is truly a burning fire of zeal for the restoration of all things to Christ. 

The last of these prophecies concerns the end of the world and is as follows: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End." It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who according to St. Malachy's list is to be the last pope, that the prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria olivoe. It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before "Peter the Roman." Cornelius a Lapide refers to this prophecy in his commentary "On the Gospel of St. John" (C. xvi) and "On the Apocalypse" (cc. xvii-xx), and he endeavours to calculate according to it the remaining years of time (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913).

Popes before Malachy's Prophecies

Pope No. Name (Reign)Motto

No.Explanatory Notes

1St. Peter(42-67)

2St. Linus(67-76)

3St. Cletus(76-88)

4St. Clement I(88-97)

5 St. Evaristus


6St. Alexander I(105-1l5)

7St. Sixtus I(1l5-125)


9St. Hyginus(136-140)

10St. Pius I(140-155)

11St. Anicetus(155-166)

12St. Soter(166-175)

13St. Eleutherius(175-189)

14St. Victor I(189-199)

15St. Zephyrin(199-217) Jew

16St. Callistus(217-222)

Callistus and the following three popes were opposed by St. Hippolytus, antipope (217-236)

antipopeSt.Hippolytus (217-235)

17St. Urban I(222-230)

18St. Pontian(230-235)

19St. Anterus(235-236)

20St. Fabian(236-250)

21St. Cornelius(251-253)

Opposed by Novatian, antipope (251)


22St. Lucius I(253-254)

23St. Stephen I(254-257)

24St. Sixtus II(257-258)

25St. Dionysius(256-268)

26St. Felix I(269-274)

27St. Eutychianus(275-283)

28St. Caius(283-296)

29St. Marcellinus(296-304)

See vacant about 4 years.

30St. Marcellus I(308-309)

31St. Eusebius(309)

32St. Miltiades(31l-314)or Melchiades

33St. Sylvester I(314-335)

34St. Marcus(336)

35St. Julius I(337-352)


Opposed by Felix II, antipope (355-365)

antipopeFelix II(355-365)

37St. Damasus I(366-384)

Opposed by Ursicinus, antipope (366-367)


38St. Siricius(384-399) Jew

"At a Roman council held by Pope Siricius in 386 an edict was passed forbidding priests and deacons to have conjugal intercourse with their wives...[I]t may fairly be said that by the time of St. Leo the Great (446) the law of celibacy was generally recognized in the West." –Catholic Encyclopedia,

39St. Anastasius I(399-401)

40St. Innocent I(401-417)

41St. Zosimus (417-418)

42St. Boniface I(418-422)

Opposed by Eulalius, antipope (418-419)


43St. Celestine I(422-432)

44St. Sixtus III(432-440)

45St. Leo I(440-461)

46St. Hilarus(461-468)

47St. Simplicius(468-483)

48St. Felix III(483-492)

49St. Gelasius I(492-496)

50Anastasius II(496-498)

51St. Symmachus(498-514)

Opposed by Laurentius, antipope (498-501)


52St. Hormisdas(514-523) Jew

53St. John I(523-526)

54St. Felix IV(526-530)


55Boniface II(530-532)

Opposed by Dioscorus, antipope (530)

56John II(533-535)

57Agapitus I(535-536)

58St. Silverius(536-537)


60Pelagius I(556-561)

61John III(561-574)

62 Benedict I


63Pelagius II(579-590)

64St. Gregory I(590-604) Jew


66Boniface III(607)

67St. Boniface IV(608-615)

68Deusdedit orSt. Adeodatus(615-618)

69Boniface V(619-625)

70Honorius I(625-638)

See vacant 1 year 6 months


72John IV(640-642)

73Theodore I(642-649)


St. Martin I<br< (649-655)="" <="" b=""></br<>

75St. Eugene I(654-657)

76St. Vitalian(657-672)

77Adeodatus II(672-676)


79St. Agatho(678-681)

80St. Leo II(682-683)

81St. Benedict II(684-685)

82 John V





84St. Sergius I(687-701)

85John VI(701-705)

86John VII(705-707)



89St. Gregory II(715-731)

90St. Gregory III(731-741)

91St. Zacharias(741-752)

92Stephen II(752)

Because he died before being consecrated, many authoritative lists omit him

93Stephen III(752-757)

94St. Paul I(757-767)



95Stephen IV(767-772)

Opposed by Constantine II (767) and Philip (768), antipopes

96Adrian I(772-795)

97St. Leo III(795-816)

98Stephen V(816-817)

99St. Paschal I(817-824)

100Eugene II(824-827)


102Gregory IV(827-844)

antipopeJohn (844)

103Sergius II(844-847)

Opposed by John, antipope (855)

104St. Leo IV(847-855)

105Benedict III(855-858)

Opposed by Anastasius, antipope (855)


106St. Nicholas(858-867)

107Hadrian II<br< (867-872)<="" b=""></br<>

108John VIII(872-882)

109Marinus I(882-884)

110St. Hadrian III(884-885)

111Stephen V(885-891)


113Boniface VI(896)

114Stephen VI(896-897)


116Theodore II(897)

117John IX(898-900)

118Benedict IV(900-903)

119Leo V(903)

Opposed by Christopher, antipope (903-904)


120Sergius III(904-91l)

121Anastasius III(91l-913)


123John X(914-928)

124Leo VI(928)

125Stephen VII(928-931)

126John XI(931-935)

127Leo VII(936-939)

128Stephen VIII(939-942)

129Marinus II(942-946)

130Agapitus II(946-955)

131John XII(955-964)

132Leo VIII(963-965)

133Benedict V(964-966)

134John XIII(965-972)

135Benedict VI(973-974)

antipopeBoniface VII(974-985)

136Benedict VII(974-983)

opposed by Boniface VII, antipope (974)

137John XIV(983-984)

opposed by Boniface VII, antipope (984-985)

138John XV(985-996)

139Gregory V(996-999)

Opposed by John XVI, antipope (997-998)

antipopeJohn XVI(997-998)

140 Silvester II "The first Frenchman to be pope, becomes Sylvester


II. . . The new French pope, Sylvester II had been Abbot of the monastery founded by Columbanus, Bobbio; became one of its scholars, excelling in mathematics which had been learned in Arab schools in Spain; thence, he became Master at Reims. The French Merovingian infiltration had begun—in 999. . ." – Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism

141John XVII(1003)

142John XVIII(1004-1009)

143Sergius IV(1009-1012)

144BenedictVIII (1012-1024)

Opposed by Gregory, antipope (1012)


145John XIX(1024-1032)

146Benedict IX(1032-1044)

He appears on this list three separate times, because he was twice deposed and restored

147Silvester III(1045)

Considered by some to be an antipope.

148Benedict IX(1045)

149Gregory VI(1045-1046) Jew

150Clement II(1046-1047)

151Benedict IX(1047-1048)

152Damasus II(1048)

153St. Leo IX(1049-1054)

154Victor II(1055-1057)

155Stephen IX(1057-1058)

"Stephen X French Abbot of Monte Cassino, Benedict’s monastery, becomes pope and surrounds himself with leading "Reformers" per the Merovingian mandate to "Reform the Church" (meaning "Crush the Church" per the conspiracy)." – Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism

antipope Benedict X


156Nicholas II (1059-1061)

Opposed by Benedict X, antipope (1058). "Nicholas II, French from Burgundy becomes a leading reformer pope" – Ibid.

157Alexander II(1061-1073)

Opposed by Honorius II, antipope (1061-1072)

antipopeHonorius II(1061-1072)

158St. Gregory VII(1073-85)

"Gregory VII of Tuscany, part of the Carolingian kingdom of the Franks, and Cluniac monk becomes pope and transforms the Church into a legal institution with a monarchial form of government. He seems not to have played his "expected role" as he came into conflict with the Holy Roman Emperor when he issued a general ban on lay investiture. He died exiled captive of the Normans." –Ibid.

Clement III(1084-1100)

Guilbert, antipope who opposed the following three popes.

159Bl. Victor III(1086-1087)

"Victor III, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Benedict’s monastery, becomes pope."– Ibid.

160 Bl. Urban II(1088-1099) Jew

"Urban II, French Prior of Cluny (Reformed Benedictines) becomes the pope. Urban was of the "Eudes" family, not only the name of the King of the Franks, Eudes, who ruled 888 to 898 and considered one of the antecedent kings of the Capetian House of France, but also the name of the Royal Capetian line of Burgundy, great grandson of Hugh Capet, Eudes I the RED of Burgundy who acceded 1079, NINE years before Urban (Eudes) became pope. And Eudes the Red acceded in that specific year because his brother, Hugh I of Burgundy, had abdicated to become the Prior of Cluny! Now something is very amiss here! Is this just coincidence? Both were sons of Henry of Burgundy who married Sibylle of Barcelona. Henry was son of Robert I of Burgundy, who was the son of Hugh Capet. Barcelona, home of their mother, was part of the Spanish March connected to Septimania and, here too, the Duke of Aquitaine in 1012 was Eudes of Aquitaine! And Aquitaine and Septimania are extremely significant: 

It happens that Septimania (Languedoc) is exactly where the Jesus-Magdalene heresy flourished, and where there was a large population of Cathar Jews who were given independent status by Pepin, Carolingian King. Thence their own kings ruled as: "seed of the Royal House of David," each

acknowledged as "King of the Jews". . ." – Ibid.

161Paschal II(1099-1118)

Opposed by Theodoric (1100), Aleric (1102) and Maginulf ("Sylvester IV", 1105-1111), antipopes (1100). "Certainly a religious Order of Canons of the Holy Sepulcher under the Rule of Saint Augustine was founded early in the twelfth century, and this Order soon established itself across Europe and acquired great wealth." – The Papal Orders



Sylvester IV(1105-1111)


Gelasius II(1118-1119)Gregory VII(1118-1121)

Opposed by Burdin ("Gregory VIII"), antipope (1118)

163Callistus II(1119-1124)

Opposed by Celestine II, antipope (1124)

164Honorius II(1124-1130)

Opposed by Celestine II, antipope (1124)

Celestine II(1124)

165Innocent II(1130-1143)

Opposed by Anacletus II (1130-1138) and Gregory Conti ("Victor IV") (1138), antipopes (1138)

antipopeAnacletus II(1130-1138) Jew

". . . a member of the Pierleoni family, one of the most famous in Italian history, was the Pope Anacletus II".

antipopeVictor IV(1138)

Gregory Conti

Note the Vatican counts Celestine II as Pope 165 or 166, and Benedict XVI as the Pope 265 or 266.

167Celestine II(1143-1144)


Ex castro Tyberis (from a castle on the Tiber). Celestin II was born Guido de Castello in Citta di Castello, (formerly called Tifernum-Tiberinum), Toscany, on the banks of the Tiber.

168Lucius II(1144-1145)


Inimicus expulsus Enemy expelled. Born Gherardo Caccianemici del Orso, Lucius II's family name, Caccianemici; in Italian, Cacciare means "to drive out and nemici means "enemies".

169Eugene III(1145-1153)


Ex magnitudine montis (Of the greatness of the mount). Born Bernardo dei Pagnelli di Montemagno in the castle of Grammont (latin: mons magnus), his family name was Montemagno.

170Anastasius IV(1153-1154)


Abbas Suburranus (Abbot from Subbura). Corrado di Suburra was traditionally referred to as abbot of the canon regulars of St. Ruf in Avignon, but modern scholars have established that he actually belonged to the secular clergy.

171Adrian IV(1154-1159)

5De rure albo (From the white countryside). Born Nicholas Breakspear in the town of Saint-Alban in Hertfordshire.

AntipopeVictor IV(1159-1164)

6Ex tetro carcere (Out of a loathsome prison). Born Ottaviano Monticello, he was a cardinal of St. Nicholas in the Tullian prison.

AntipopeCalixtus III(1168-1178) Jew

7De Pannonia Tusciae (From Tusculan Hungary). A Hungarian by birth, Guido di Crema was Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum.

AntipopePaschal III(1164-1168)

8Via trans-Tyberina (Road across the Tiber). Born Giovanni di Strumi, a Hungarian by birth, Callixtus was Cardinal Bishop of Albano.

172Alexander III(1159-1181)

9 Ex ansere custode

173Lucius III(1181-1185)

10 Lux in ostio

174Urban III(1185-1187)

11 Sus in cribo

175Gregory VIII(1187)

12 Ensis Laurentii

176Clement III(1187-1191)

13 De schola exiet

177Celestine III(1191-1198)

14 De rure bovensi

178Innocent III(1198-1216)

15Comes signatus (signed Count). Descendant of the noble Signy, later called Segni family

179Honorius III(1216-1227)

16 Canonicus de latere

180Gregory IX(1227-1241)

17Avis Ostiensis. (Bird of Ostia). Before his election he was Cardinal of Ostia

181Celestine IV(1241)

18 Leo Sabinus

182Innocent IV(1243-1254)

19 Comes Laurentius

183Alexander IV(1254-1261)

20 Signum Ostiense

184Urban IV(1261-1264)

21Hierusalem Campaniae (Jerusalem of Champagne). Native of Troyes, Champagne, later patriarch of Jerusalem

185Clement IV(1265-1268)

22 Draca depressus

186Gregory X(1271-1276)

23 Anguinus vir

187Innocent V(1276)

24 Concionatur Gallus

188Adrian V(1276)

25 Bonus Comes

189John XXI(1276-1277)

26 Piscator Tuscus

190Nicholas III(1277-1280)

27 Rosa composita

191Martin IV(1281-1285)

28 Ex teloneo liliacei Martini

192Honorius IV(1285-1287)

29 Ex rosa leonina

193Nicholas IV(1288-1292)


Picus inter escas Woodpecker between food. Born Girolamo Masci, a Picene by nation, of Asculum (Ascoli). The motto is likely an obscure wordplay on Nicholas IV's birthplace in Ascoli, in Picenum.

194St. Celestine V(1294)


Ex eremo celsus elevated from a hermit (in the monastery of Pouilles), his one surviving edict as pope was confirmation of the right of the pope to abdicate, which he did one week after issuing his decree. Subsequently imprisoned by Pope Boniface VIII, in the castle of Fumone, he died after nine months. In 1313 he was canonized as Catholic saint. No subsequent pope has taken the name Celestine.

195Boniface VIII(1294-1303)

32 Ex undarum benedictione

196Benedict XI(1303-1304)

33 Concionator patereus

197Clement V(1305-1314)

34De fessis Aquitanicis (ribbon of Aquitaine). He was archbishop of Bordeaux in Aquitaine

198John XXII(1316-1334)

35De sutore osseo (of the cobbler of Osseo). Family name Ossa, son of a shoe-maker

AntipopeNicholas V(1328-1330)

36Corvus schismaticus (the schismatic crow). Note the reference to the schism, the only antipope at this period

199Benedict XII(1334-1342)

37Frigidus Abbas (cold friar). He was a priest in the monastery of Frontfroid (coldfront)

200Clement VI(1342-1352)

38 De rosa Attrebatensi

201Innocent VI(1352-1362)

39 De montibus Pammachii

202Urban V(1362-1370)

40 Gallus Vice-comes

203 Gregory XI 41 Novus de Virgine forti (novel of the virgin fort).

(1370-1378)Count of Beaufort, later Cardinal of Ste-Marie La Neuve

AntipopeClement VII(1378-1394)

42 De cruce Apostilica

AntipopeBenedict XIII(1394-1423)

43 Luna Cosmedina

AntipopeClement VIII(1423-1429)

44 Schisma Barcinonicum

204Urban VI(1378-1389)

45 De Inferno praegnanti

205Boniface IX(1389-1404)

46 Cubus de mixtione

206Innocent VII(1404-1406)

47 De meliore sydere

207Gregory XII(1406-1415)

48 Nauta de ponte nigro

AntipopeAlexander V(1409-1410)

49 Flagellum Solis

AntipopeJohn XXIII(1410-1415)

50 Cervus Sirenae

208Martin V(1417-1431)

51 Corona veli aurei

209Eugene IV(1431-1447)

52 Lupa caelestina

AntipopeFelix V(1439-1449)

53 Amator crucis

210Nicholas V(1447-1455)

54 De modicitate lunae

211Callistus III(1455-1458) Jew*

55Bos pascens (grazing ox). Alphonse Borgia's arms sported a golden grazing ox

212Pius II(1458-1464)

56 De capra et Albergo

213Paul II(1464-1471)

57 De cervo et Leone

214Sixtus IV(1471-1484)

58 Piscator Minorita

215Innocent VIII(1484-1492)

59 Praecursor Siciliae

216Alexander VI(1492-1503) Jew*

60 Bos Albanus in portu

217Pius III(1503) Jew*

61 De parvo homine

218Julius II(1503-1513)

62 Fructus jovis juvabit

219 Leo X 63 De craticula Politiana

(1513-1521) Jew*

220Adrian VI(1522-1523)

64 Leo Florentius

221Clement VII(1523-1534) Jew*

65 Flos pilaei aegri. Medecci family (cousin of Leo X).

222Paul III(1534-1549) Jew*

66 Hiacynthus medicorum

223Julius III(1550-1555)

67 De corona Montana

224Marcellus II(1555)

68 Frumentum floccidum

225Paul IV(1555-1559)

69 De fide Petri

226Pius IV(1559-1565)

70 Aesculapii pharmacum

227St. Pius V(1566-1572) Jew*

71 Angelus nemorosus

228Gregory XIII(1572-1585) Jew*

72 Medium corpus pilarum

229Sixtus V(1585-1590)

73 Axis in medietate signi

230Urban VII(1590)

74 De rore caeli

231Gregory XIV(1590-1591)

75 De antiquitate Urbis

232Innocent IX(1591)

76 Pia civitas in bello

233Clement VIII(1592-1605)

77 Crux Romulea

234Leo XI(1605)

78 Undosus Vir

235Paul V(1605-1621)

79 Gens perversa

236Gregory XV(1621-1623)

80 In tribulatione pacis

237Urban VIII(1623-1644)

81 Lilium et rosa

238Innocent X(1644-1655)

82 Jucunditas crucis

239Alexander VII(1655-1667)

83 Montium custos

240Clement IX(1667-1669)

84Sydus Olorum (constellation of swans). Upon his election, he was apparently the occupant of the Chamber of Swans in the Vatican.

241 Clement X 85 De flumine magno


242Innocent XI(1676-1689)

86 Bellua insatiabilis

243Alexander VIII(1689-1691)

87 Poenitentia gloriosa

244Innocent XII(1691-1700)

88 Rastrum in porta

245Clement XI(1700-1721)

89 Flores circumdati

246Innocent XIII(1721-1724)

90 De bona Religione

247Benedict XIII(1724-1730)

91 Miles in bello

248Clement XII(1730-1740)

92 Columna excelsa

249Benedict XIV(1740-1758)

93 Animal rurale

250Clement XIII(1758-1769)

94 Rosa Umbriae

251Clement XIV(1769-1774)

95 Ursus velox

252Pius VI(1775-1799)

96 Peregrinus Apostolicus

253Pius VII(1800-1823)

97 Aquila rapax

254Leo XII(1823-1829)

98 Canis et coluber

255Pius VIII(1829-1830)

99 Vir religiosus

256Gregory XVI(1831-1846)


De balneis hetruriae (bath of Etruria). Prior to his election he was member of an order founded by Saint Romuald, at Balneo, in Etruria, present day Toscany.

257Pius IX(1846-1878)

101 Crux de cruce

258Leo XIII(1878-1903)

102 Lumen in caelo

259St. Pius X(1903-1914)

103Ignis ardent(ardent fire)

260Benedict XV(1914-1922)

104 Religio depopulata

261Pius XI(1922-1939) Jew*

105 Fides intrepida

262 Pius XII(1939-1958)

106 Pastor angelicus Eugenio Pancelli was (Black Nobility).


263John XXIII(1958-1963) Jew*****


Pastor et Nauta (pastor and marine). Prior to his election he was patriarch of Venice, a marine city, home of the gondolas. Occultist Angelo Roncalli chose the same name and number as Antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) for his papacy in 1958. See Piers Compton The Broken Cross, p. 59).

264Paul VI(1963-1978) Jew***

108Flos florum (flower of flowers). His arms displayed three lilies.

265John Paul I(1978)


De medietate Lunae (from the midst of the moon). Albino Luciani, born in Canale d'Ogardo, diocese of Belluno, (beautiful moon) Elected pope on August 26, his reign lasted about a month, from half a moon to the next half...


John Paul II

(1978-2005) Jew****


De labore Solis (of the eclipse of the sun, or from the labour of the sun). Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse. There was also solar eclipse on April 8, 2005, the day of his funeral. The eclipse did occur.

267 Benedict XVI(2005-2013)

111 Gloria olivae Benedict means "Blessed by God." Prior to his elevation to the Purple, Joseph Alois Ratzinger was Prefect of the Holy Office of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (previously known as The Roman and Universal Inquisition). As a staunch defender of the Church his immediate personna is one of hard line orthodoxy. He is an opponent of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, and abortion. 

In his retirement this "false prophet" and "Glory of the olive" resides still in Rome as Pope Emeritus, His Holiness (sic) Benedict XVI, and continues to wear his papal ring (see below) which explains the contemporaneous popes prophesied in Revelation 19:20 and 20:10.

268 Francis I(2013-)

112 In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur, & Iudex tremêdus iudicabit populum suum. Finis. (In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed [in accordance with Revelation 18:4-20], and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.)

On March 13, 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of the Jewish Society of Jesus, former right hand man to Jesuit Superiors General Pedro Arrupe and Peter-Hans Kolvenbach was named Pope Francis I after St. Francis of Assisi whose full name was Francesco di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone, an Italian who was once a beggar in Rome, effectively making Bergoglio "Peter the Roman." Francis I is the first Jesuit and the first from the Americas to be elected Pope. He is the first non-European pope since Syrian-born Pope Gregory III, who served for ten years (731–741). Francis I is well-qualified to be pope of the cloven hoof, fulfilling Revelation 17:11; 13:3-10 and I Thessalonians 5:3 and the final prophecy of St. Malachy. If this be so he will also fulfill Brother Branham's prophesy of the final pope after the brief 'hot stage' of World War III: "I believe, one of these glorious days, when this united confederation of church goes together, and the new pope is brought out of the United States and put over there [in Jerusalem] according to prophecy [Daniel 7:25-25; 8:23-25; 9:27; 11:32-35; Revelation 13], then they'll form an image like unto the beast [the United States and Rome's (once) Protestant daughter churches]" (Acts of the Holy Spirit, p. 12:87).

According to Daniel 9:27, Revelation 13 and 17:10-18, Satan will incarnate the last pontiff who will deify himself and break Rome's covenant with the Jewish banksters. It is claimed Malachy made only 111 predictions and that the Benedictines devised pope 112 in order to dissociate their order from the "Beast" so that John Paul II's successor should be the final pope. However "Gloria olivae" resides still in Rome as Pope Emeritus, His Holiness (sic) Benedict XVI, and it appears Malachy's prophecy of popes 111 and 112 are intended to be conjoined in accordance with the two popes mentioned in Revelation 19:20, and 20:10. This scripture is reinforced by the fact Pope Benedict was the first pope to receive the Ring of St. Peter after it was re-instated by John Paul II who did not wear the ring, and contrary to custom Pope Benedict XVI did not destroy his ring but "disabled the seal" and now wears the ring contemporaneously with Pope Francis I, enjoining both to St. Peter—something that has never happened in the history of the false church, but fulfilling Jesus' prophecy!

Partial List of "Jewish" Popes

Jew Gert Haendler: Kirchengeschichte, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin, 1980 Jew * Das Papsttum, Breitkopf & Haertel 1904. Pope Leo X was a Medici (i.e. Khazar Black Nobility) and Clement VII was his cousin.Jew ** Khazar Black Nobility whose father was a banker brought to Rome in Rothschild employ.Jew ***Paul VI, Montini, was Jew according to the Blue Book of prominent families in Italy.Jew **** Mother was a Jew, maiden name "Katz" Polonised as "Kaczorowska". Jew ***** whose family had been accepted into the annals of Roman nobility more than a century before his birth. (The Broken Cross – The Hidden Hand in the Vatican by Piers Compton, p. 51).

Despite the fact there was no such office or word as "pope" until about the fourth century and that Peter was neither Roman Catholic nor pope, commencing with Peter, the first ten popes were "Jews" of some description (Philip I by William Thomas Walsh, Shead & Ward London, 1938). 

Some "Jewish" popes previous to Malachy's prophecy include, Zephyrin (199-217), Siricus (384-399), Hormidas (514-523), and Analdet II (1130-1138). (Gert Haendler: Kirchengeschichte, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin, 1980).