The Profit Pendulum: How Entrepreneurs Can Stop the Futzing Failure Syndrome

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Are you caught in the Forever Futzing Trap? That's when your business never gets ahead, because you're always delaying doing what will actually bring in money until after you: Update my website with a fresh new look! Add this cool new video thingamabobber to my sales page! Rewrite my eBook to reflect my "new outlook"! Take this cool new class I just found out about that will "change everything"! The problem is: You are always discovering new things. This will always be true. And there will always be "one more thing" you feel you must do before you're happy getting your offers out there. Here's a flash: That's a fast road to ruin. Successful business owners learn to launch and integrate their discoveries at the same time. In fact, its the reason WHY they are successful. If you'd like to be one of them (instead of constantly "getting ready" to be one of them, you need this:

Transcript of The Profit Pendulum: How Entrepreneurs Can Stop the Futzing Failure Syndrome

The Profit Pendulum:

... and FINALLY START moving full speed ahead to big

time profits

How to STOP getting caught in the

Forever Futzing Failure Formula

Its a reality of business:

Its a reality of business:We're always "discovering" new ideas we

can apply.

Its a reality of business:We're always "discovering" new ideas we

can apply.

That revolutionize what we do. That finally

get us over the hump.

Its a reality of business:We're always "discovering" new ideas we

can apply.

The problem is: That’s not what saves us.

It’s what sucks us down.

That revolutionize what we do. That finally

get us over the hump.

Its a reality of business:What if I told you ... for a startling number of entrepreneurs

Its a reality of business:

ESPECIALLY those in the early growth

phase of their business

What if I told you ... for a startling number of entrepreneurs

Its a reality of business:

ESPECIALLY those in the early growth

phase of their business

What if I told you ... for a startling number of entrepreneurs

“Discovery” is one of THE primary reasons their businesses FAIL

How is this possible?

How is this possible?Because EACH time they press

The creative RESET button

And try to apply their new discovery...

How is this possible?Because EACH time they press

The creative RESET button

And try to apply their new discovery...

Their business grinds to a halt

How is this possible?Because EACH time they press

The creative RESET button

And try to apply their new discovery...

And their Profits never get off

the ground.

Their business grinds to a halt

And that's a problem:

And that's a problem:


They decide to re-write

their book (instead of

putting the one they've

already written out there).

They decide to re-write

their book (instead of

putting the one they've

already written out there).

They decide to cancel their

product launch. Instead of

bringing in a boatload of money

with the one they had planned.

They stop booking

speaking gigs until they

rework their signature talk.

They stop booking

speaking gigs until they

rework their signature talk.

(So no new clients fill the pipeline).

They stop booking

speaking gigs until they

rework their signature talk.

(So no new clients fill the pipeline).

They spend weeks (or

months) crafting an all-new

strategic plan or mind map

integrating their big “a-ha!”

They stop booking

speaking gigs until they

rework their signature talk.

(So no new clients fill the pipeline).

(And do it again when their next big “a-ha!” rolls in).

They spend weeks (or

months) crafting an all-new

strategic plan or mind map

integrating their big “a-ha!”

The Simple Truth:

The Simple Truth:In doing this, they ignore the hidden factors

that prove the DOWNFALL of their business:

The Simple Truth:In doing this, they ignore the hidden factors

that prove the DOWNFALL of their business:

You will always discover new things1

The Simple Truth:In doing this, they ignore the hidden factors

that prove the DOWNFALL of their business:

You will always discover new things1

These new ideas often put a cool new spin

on your existing message / approach.2

The Simple Truth:

The temptation is overwhelming to


apply this “cool new spin”.


Why that’s a really bad idea:

Why that’s a really bad idea:

FIRST … lots of folks use

"discovery" as a stealth strategy to

keep from moving ahead:

As a way to avoid risk

As a way to avoid risk

As a way to avoid commitment

As a way to avoid risk

As a way to avoid commitment

As a way to avoid failure

As a way to avoid risk

As a way to avoid commitment

As a way to avoid failure

As a way to delay the fear and uncertainty that

always accompanies growing your business.

But most important:

But most important:They ignore the fact that

But most important:They ignore the fact that

If you wait to

TOTALLY NAIL your message / vision / approach

before you move forward … you will

NEVER move forward.

How do you get off this endless wheel?

How do you get off this endless wheel?

By understanding the Profit Pendulum.


The Profit Pendulum recognizes:


The Profit Pendulum recognizes:

Our business is always

shifting back and forth

between Vision and


This never changes. It

never goes away.VISION ACTION

So the key becomes:


The Profit Pendulum:

So the key becomes:


The Profit Pendulum:

Understanding where

the Pendulum is

swinging right now in

your business ...


The Profit Pendulum:And knowing yourbusiness survivaldepends on:


The Profit Pendulum:And knowing yourbusiness survivaldepends on:

Preventing the

Pendulum from

swinging all

the way to one

side or the other.

So you don’t stop making moneywhen your next big discovery arrives.

So you don’t stop making moneywhen your next big discovery arrives.

And you actually use your Action Cyclesto get clear on where you need to go next.

Successful companies:

Unsuccessful companies:

Successful companies:One of the biggest distinctions between

successful companies and wanna-be's is:

Unsuccessful companies:

Successful companies:One of the biggest distinctions between

successful companies and wanna-be's is:

Unsuccessful companies:

Successful companies realize this.

Successful companies:One of the biggest distinctions between

successful companies and wanna-be's is:

Unsuccessful companies:

Successful companies realize this.

Unsuccessful ones don't.

Just about every successful

business mastered the ability to

continue to make money (and

lots of it!) while at the

SAME TIME working to

integrate new discoveries.

Successful companies:

Just about every successful

business mastered the ability to

continue to make money (and

lots of it!) while at the

SAME TIME working to

integrate new discoveries.

You rarely notice this because …

Successful companies:

Most of their updates happen

behind the scenes.

Successful companies:

Most of their updates happen

behind the scenes.

They often use new products, offers

or campaigns to rollout their new

discoveries or message.

Successful companies:

Most of their updates happen

behind the scenes.

They often use new products, offers

or campaigns to rollout their new

discoveries or message.

And often phase in the new

approach over time.

Successful companies:

So before you know it ...

Successful companies:

You already view this

business through a

fresh new lens.

So before you know it ...

Successful companies:

You already view this

business through a

fresh new lens.

So before you know it ...

Successful companies:

Without ever realizing it happened.

Example: Cadillac

Example: Cadillac

Moved from being known for massive, bloated luxury cars to zippy, sporty high-performance


Example: Target

Example: Target

Moved from competing solely on price (a la Wal-Mart) to being the trendy, fashionable discount superstore. (With undoubtedly higher margins!)

Example: Apple

Example: Apple

Transformed themselves from a rudderless company, just months from

bankruptcy, to the one of the most profitable companies in the world.

Not one of them did it by

stopping what they were



Not one of them did it by

stopping what they were



Not one of them did it by

stopping what they were


Figuring things out.


Not one of them did it by

stopping what they were


Figuring things out.

And then rolling out their

all new approach.

They ALL did it by

managing theProfit Pendulum:

They ALL did it by

managing theProfit Pendulum:

Keeping the money

flowing in …

They ALL did it by

managing theProfit Pendulum:

Keeping the money

flowing in …

While working to bridge

from the old approach to

the new.

How can you pull it off?


How can you pull it off?By realizing your

business operates as

a Profit Pendulum.

That swings back and

forth between Vision

and Action.


Understand that Successful companies:

Understand that Successful companies:

Don't grind their business to a halt when

their big reframe arrives.1

Understand that Successful companies:

Don't grind their business to a halt when

their big reframe arrives.1Don't penalize themselves by slowing their

revenue gears when their new "a-ha!"



Understand that Successful companies:

Don't grind their business to a halt when

their big reframe arrives.1Don't penalize themselves by slowing their

revenue gears when their new "a-ha!"



Master the art of walking, chewing

gum (and making money!) all at the

same time.


While Unsuccessful companies:

While Unsuccessful companies:

Stop their momentum when their next

revelation arrives.1

While Unsuccessful companies:

Stop their momentum when their next

revelation arrives.1

Put all their effort into updating their

approach, philosophy or brand.2

While Unsuccessful companies:

Stop their momentum when their next

revelation arrives.1

Put all their effort into updating their

approach, philosophy or brand.2

Allow competitors to step into the

vacuum this creates, and snap up

their prospects.


So they continually delay the success that could be theirs NOW ...

So they continually delay the success that could be theirs NOW ...

... by Forever Futzing until they "get it right".

So they continually delay the success that could be theirs NOW ...

... by Forever Futzing until they "get it right".

Always believing THIS is the tweak that takes them over the top

The problem is:

The problem is:

The revelations NEVER stop.

So their business NEVER gets traction.

They are ALWAYS in revision mode.

The problem is:

The revelations NEVER stop.

So their business NEVER gets traction.

They are ALWAYS in revision mode.

And they always wonder, “Why am I still struggling?”

So ... if you're finally ready

So ... if you're finally ready

To get off the “Forever Futzing” treadmill

So ... if you're finally ready

To get off the “Forever Futzing” treadmill

To finally ensure your big revenue and big vision advance, side-by-side

So ... if you're finally ready

To get off the “Forever Futzing” treadmill

To finally ensure your big revenue and big vision advance, side-by-side

And start climbing your stairway to success ...

FIRST: Realize your business is always on a

Profit Pendulum.

FIRST: Realize your business is always on a

Profit Pendulum.

SECOND: Realize success requires that you

never allow it to swing all the way to one side or

the other.

FIRST: Realize your business is always on a

Profit Pendulum.

SECOND: Realize success requires that you

never allow it to swing all the way to one side or

the other.

THIRD: Master the ability to bring in big money

all the time, no matter where on the Pendulum

swing you are ...

AND FINALLY:Know exactly how the Profit Pendulum is swinging for your business at any instant. So you avoid the extremes that lead to failure.

So you continue:

To bring in revenue.even while your vision / message is shifting.

So you continue:

To bring in revenue.even while your vision / message is shifting.

And look for ways to knock your message out of the park.

So you continue:

To bring in revenue.even while your vision / message is shifting.

( Even while you are launching or delivering a major offering. )

And look for ways to knock your message out of the park.

Understand …

The survival of your business depends on this.

Understand …

The survival of your business depends on this.

Businesses that spend too much time on

the Vision Swing of the Pendulum

Struggle to pay the bills.

Understand … Businesses that spend too much time on

the Action swing of the Pendulum

Often lose their relevance

Understand … Businesses that spend too much time on

the Action swing of the Pendulum

Often lose their relevance

And risk losing their share of the market

To someone who has their finger on the pulse

of what their prospects are yearning for.

And finally understand:

And finally understand:If you can’t get it out

there ‘til its perfect ...

And finally understand:If you can’t get it out

there ‘til its perfect ...


So if you’re finally ready …

So if you’re finally ready …

To leap off the Forever Futzing Treadmill

Ride the Profit Pendulum to Success

So if you’re finally ready …

And ... instead of desperately chasing the money

Get in front of the money that is desperately chasing YOU:

To leap off the Forever Futzing Treadmill

Ride the Profit Pendulum to Success

Discover your:

its FREE.

Personal Perfect Profit Model:The Profit Model Mastery Report