The Presidency - U.S. Government and... · The...

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Transcript of The Presidency - U.S. Government and... · The...

The Presidency


Student Essential Knowledge and Skills

(USG 9B) The student will analyze the structure

and functions of the executive branch of


Including the Constitutional powers of the president

The growth of presidential power

And the role of the Cabinet and executive departments.

– (USG 11B) Analyze and evaluate the process of

electing the President of the United States.


Learning Objectives

1. Analyze the structure and functions of the

executive branch of government.

2. Analyze and evaluate the process of

electing the President of the United States

3. Analyze the constitutional powers of the


4. Describe the growth of presidential power.

5. Evaluate the role of the Cabinet and

departments of the Executive branch.


Introduction: The President

Presidents operate in an environment filled

with checks and balances and competing

centers of power.

Other policymakers with whom they deal

with have their own agendas, interests,and

sources of power.

Effective presidents must have highly

developed political skills to mobilize

influence, manage conflict, negotiate, and

build compromises.

Do presidents persuade, or command?


The Presidents

Great Expectations

– Americans want a president who is

powerful and who can do good:

Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt

and Kennedy.

– But at the same time, they don’t want the

president to get too powerful since we are

individualistic and skeptical of authority.


The Presidents

Who They Are

– Formal Requirements:

Must be 35 years old

Must have resided in U.S. for 14 years

– Informal “Requirements”:

White, Male

Protestant (except one)

– All manner of professions, but mostly

political ones (former state governors,

for example)


The Presidents: How They Got There

Elections are the normal road to the

White House

– Once elected, the president gets a term

of four years.

– In 1951, the 22nd Amendment limited

the number of terms to two.

– Most Presidents have been elected to



The Presidents: How They Got There

Succession and Impeachment

– Vice-President succeeds if the president leaves office due to death (McKinley/TR, FDR/HST, JFK/LBJ) or resignation (Nixon) or convicted of impeachment.

– Impeachment is investigated by the House, and if impeached, tried by the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding.

– Only two presidents have been impeached: A. Johnson & Clinton- neither was convicted.


The Presidents: How They Got There

Presidential Succession

– The 25th Amendment (1967) permits the vice-president to become acting president if the vice president and the president’s cabinet determine that the president is disabled or the president declares his own disability.

– A recuperated president can reclaim his office.

– Provision is also made for selecting a new vice president when the office becomes vacant. (Ford; Rockefeller)


Constitutional Powers of the


National Security-

– Commander in Chief of the armed forces

– Make treaties with other nations

– Nominate ambassadors

– Confer diplomatic recognition on other



Constitutional Powers of the President

Legislative powers

– Present info on the state of the union to


– Recommend legislation to Congress

– Convene & adjourn Congress in certain


– Veto legislation (Congress has a 2/3



Constitutional Powers of the President

Administrative powers

– Must “take care that laws be faithfully


– Nominate officials

– Request written opinions of

administrative officials

– Fill vacancies during congressional



Constitutional Powers of the



– Grant reprieves and pardons for federal


– Appoint federal judges with the

agreement of a majority of the Senate


Presidential Powers

The Expansion of Power

– Presidents develop new roles for the


– Presidents expand the power of the office

Perspectives on Presidential Power

– Through the 50’s & 60’s a powerful

President was perceived as good

– From the 70’s on, presidential power was

checked and distrusted by the public


Running the Government:

The Chief Executive

The Vice President

– Basically just “waits” for things to do

– Constitutional job is to be President of the


– Recent presidents have given their VPs

important jobs

The Cabinet

– Presidential advisors, not in Constitution

– Is made up of the top executives of the Federal

Departments, confirmed by the Senate


The Executive Office

Made up of several policymaking and advisory bodies

– Three principle groups: NSC, CEA, OMB


Executive Office of the President

The National Security Council is the

committee that link’s the president’s key

foreign and military policy advisors.

The Council of Economic Advisors advises

the president on economic policy

The Office of Management and Budget has

responsibility for preparing the president’s

budget, which is then sent to Congress.


The White House Staff

White House Staff included the key aides the

president sees daily

– Chief of staff, congressional liaison people, press

secretary, national security advisor, political


The White House Office is part of the

Executive Office of the President

– 600+ people, provide the president with a wide

range of services

Presidents rely on their staffs for information,

policy options, and analysis.


The First Lady

– No official government position, but

many get involved politically

– Recent First Ladies have focused on a

single issue


Presidential Leadership of Congress: The Politics of Shared Powers

Chief Legislator: the President is the major shaper of the congressional agenda.

– Veto: Sending a bill back to Congress with his reasons for rejecting it. Can be overridden.

– Pocket Veto: Letting a bill die by not signing it- only works when Congress is adjourned.

– Line Item Veto: The ability to veto parts of a bill. Some state governors have it, but not the president.

– Vetoes are most used to prevent legislation. The threat of a veto can be an effective tool for persuading Congress.


Party Leadership

– presidents must counter the natural tendencies toward conflict between the executive and legislative.

– The Bonds of Party

The psychological bond of being in the president’s party helps pass legislation

– Slippage in Party Support

Presidents cannot always count on party support, especially on controversial issues

– Leading the Party

Because parties are highly decentralized, Presidents can do little to actually lead their party


Presidents improve their chances of

obtaining support for legislation by

increasing the number of party members in


– Presidential coattails: legislators who are elected

because of their support for a president’s


– In midterm elections (between presidential

elections, president’s parties usually lose seats

in Congress.


Public Support: presidents who have the

backing of the public have an easier time

influencing Congress.

– Public Approval

Operates mostly in the background

Impact is important, but occurs at the margins

– Mandates: confers added legitimacy on the

president’s character and policies

Perception that the voters strongly support the

president’s character and policies

Mandates are infrequent, but presidents may claim a

mandate anyway


Legislative Skills: Presidents influence the

legislative agenda more than any other

political figure.

– Influence takes a variety of forms: bargaining,

making personal appeals, consulting with

Congress, setting priorities, etc.

– Most important is bargaining with Congress.

– Presidents should use their “honeymoon” period

(first year in office)

– President is the nation’s key agenda builder


The President and National Security Policy

Chief Diplomat

– Negotiates treaties with other countries

– Treaties must be approved by the Senate

– Use executive agreements to take care of routine

matters with other countries

– May negotiate for peace between other countries

– Lead U.S. allies in defense & economic issues

(relies on his ability to persuade)


Commander in Chief

– Writers of the constitution wanted civilian

control of the military

– Presidents often make important military


– Presidents command a standing military and

nuclear arsenal- unthinkable 200 years ago


War Powers

– Constitution gives Congress the power to

declare war, but presidents can commit troops

and equipment in conflicts without

congressional approval (Korea, Vietnam)

– War Powers Act/Resolution (1973) was

intended to limit the president’s use of the

military- but may be unconstitutional

– Presidents continue to test the limits of using the

military in foreign conflicts


Crisis Manager

– Crisis: a sudden, unpredictable, potentially

dangerous event.

– The role the president plays can help or hurt the

presidential image.

– With current technology, the president can act

much faster than Congress to resolve a crisis.


Working with Congress

– Congress has a central constitutional role in

making national security policy

– The Founders divided the powers of supply

(Congress) and command (Exec)

– President has the dominant role in foreign affairs.

– Presidents still have to work with Congress for

support and funding of foreign policies.


Power from the People: The Public Presidency

Perhaps the greatest challenge to any

president is to obtain and maintain the

public’s support. Because presidents are

rarely in a position to command others to

comply with their wishes, they must rely on



Going Public

– Public support is perhaps the greatest source of

influence a president has.

– Presidential appearances are staged to get the

public’s attention. They are marketing a product –

the president’s policy agenda!

– As the head of state, presidents often perform

many ceremonial functions- which usually result

in favorable press coverage.


Presidential Approval

– Receives much effort by the White House

– Product of many factors: predispositions (“I only vote

Republican”), “honeymoon”

– Changes can highlight good / bad decisions


Changes in approval levels appear to be due primarily to the public’s evaluation of how the president is handling policy.

– Citizens seem to focus on the president’s efforts and stands on issues rather than on personality.

– Job-related personal characteristics (integrity, leadership skills) also play a role.

– “rally events” are sudden increases in poll ratings: usually do not last.


Policy Support (using the “Bully Pulpit” to mobilize public


– Being an effective speaker is important

– The public may still miss the message

Mobilizing the Public

– The president may need to get the public to actually act

by contacting Congress

– Difficult to do since public opinion and political action

are needed

– The president takes certain risks: what happens if he fails

to mobilize the public?


The President and the Press

The press has become the principle

intermediary between the president and the


Relations with the press are an important

aspect of the president’s efforts to lead

public opinion.

Presidents and media tend to conflict: they

are often adversaries due to different goals.


The President and the Press

Many people in the White House deal with

the media, but the press secretary is the main

contact person.

– Conducts daily press briefings, gives prepared

announcements, answers questions.

Media is often more interested in the person,

not the policies

News coverage has become more negative


Understanding the American Presidency

The Presidency and Democracy

– There are still concerns over the president having

too much power

– Is the president a threat to democracy?

– Concerns over presidential power are generally

closely related to policy views

– Others argue that in this era of divided

government, the president can’t do enough with

all the checks and balances in the system.


The Presidency and the Scope of Government

– Some presidents have increased, while others

have sought to decrease, the functions of


– It is often said that the American people are

ideologically conservative and operationally
