The Out of Stock Paradox

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Out of Stock Paradox






Consumer Pain

The Cost to Retailers: Eroded Sales and Brand

of all US adults have suffered from an unavailable product in-store in the last 12 months (63% online).

of US shoppers experienced in-store stock outs often or very often in the last year (26% online).

of in-store shoppers blamed the retailer when a product was unavailable.

of in-store shoppers became lost sales – where shoppers bought from another retailer or did not buy at all.

of online shoppers became lost sales.

Retailers are investing heavily to lure customers in, but they’re leaking significant amounts of revenue on the back-end, losing sales and brand equity. Retailers have a considerable amount of work to do to ‘network’ their supply chains and enable smoother, more agile delivery of goods to meet demand.

Retailers invest heavily to draw customers but lack capabilities to meet demand.

SOURCE: YouGov study conducted on behalf of GT Nexus, Aug. 3-4, 2015