The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (2) Oct 7, 1959

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (2) Oct 7, 1959

Yandt, Adams Are Elected New Class t'residents


~• 1Ln a .. ~vote aeG O\U n..t ,....,.... uppul1ttll tCJ.eft &acA I• .... ,C' ft~ & ~ .a.u­•fC'H l~ll t,;otur d AJCD•• WOQ

Ult wtln ot \1ce pr91deot or 111• atud<llt oody. ( CIUld>• ~t• IOr Ult <JUN. A.ttb.ur San• ., ... anu u .,no .tknWLZ. riec.•v· ,.., J\I ano \'Ot• rCIJpect.r"~l)•

Students Select SB , Class Officers Olu..J'tJU \IJUOO bOa.rO Ol fJC.c-a

• ... \lo"'" b)' \ Holal.elll. Uk VIU7 &lJCiD.k nom.a.aaWd ean~ ti1UAtlf, &nt.i C..c..b)' (.;tQW, &

.-n~.,.&D candiclatlf &ui ate u ... 11utn .C.Uoen.L&. ~ out oa top UI the

8Llpb01D0•• premomwu a-c-uun WU Jton \A.Deft, &a edUC&tlOG llJJlj,}Vr 1rom eoew- er A..Jcne. •blt

rtc.<lY.0 olJ \'Ota. Hll OPJ>O" nr,n~ ~ Sczuodt and YeU M...ur. •bn Z& and 21 '·01.a1 , ...

•pKU\'tlJ. JMll• M.&MJns -.,,.., ""Ph<>­

hi'->fl d&M vtce pruJdt.nt wu.h A \:fllU .., la tor Cl&Jr Ula.c:k, bcr ne:ate.-L compc:uwr, J 1 tor Item Scharlf, I~ for llal>· f'tt Ye.wt, and 12 tor CayttJru h,,. krna.nn.

Mnlyn Nf"wton \loU V<1t.cJ .. ,ponmorf't ClAA9 MCTC:ULt)' wn.n ;JJ taUot.a in her favor. ti&ndra Nyrf' and rauJ wern.t:c -irr• c iOM MCOoda wit.b ze: and ~ t'otff rnptcU\·cJ)' Na.ney rt.oa had JCf VC#lAlll

\\'•IJ7 u.:...n ~ a!tt.rma • the vt1lce '''' the oUic·t or fruoman tl&M prwsk1cnt Ha t1Mrnt c,,ppunent, .Paul PdUllCIO &ut H votta The t't'mAlntna vol• wt re ¢1vadod betwtcn J~n Ani.lrt• and Ed Oltvt-r.

O_.,vcrly won Utn offl•• of VIC• 11ruld•nt "' Ui. !r~"hm.M.11 du.t wllJ1 Ola hJ&hut numtHor ot vola rocewed by a.ny r•ndJd•t• f'7 Jac.k Scho1t• """ """"d wllh 21. and Kon t·arnt'J10, Tom )l&y, and Jt&lph

LAJfcrty """"°" lh• ulhtr 20 \Otta.

.~.,,. t~man c...._ H<"ttlal")'

Judy llf"'Uman ,..,, •• ..., n h.llrt., Mary l!tdc1in• won 3l, and llunnto ,. • ..,_., and i- Tran· 11Jlh1h1 ._..l.h received 2•

J- trur.-. ahow Lh&l lhti atu< bt,.Jy tum·41Ul to th~ po11• w1.1i "111 l'pU•>nally lood Lb.II )'•f

w1111 a llUI• n1or• than hall th• etudrnt batty \oUng, ft('('Ordlne lo atUlltnl botly J•~lduU , Juhn Ad•m• Mftn)' wrile·tlll wel'1" N'• tl\'td tor \tU10UI ortk'"8


Thfl £n1tnw1 a Club •l NlJl• htM a flJMUn1 Oct l anJ "'~ t rd ott1c~ra tor Ul• rnr Thfl n('W Jirftidftnt '9 Kenneth J .. ,. ton. U.. M<r<Ull')· ill Bill Tan· J;:t-n, \'tt• J',...cknt. Al RhuadM, a.nJ lt'MArer U \\'ayno N)N 1°h• &nstnttr'a Club t.a Opt'n tn all .. n11nwnn1 1tudi&:.l\l6-

0lhirr \&n~hl.atn we"* Kent llulln•r. Oob llarwOOd, and Oar)· 81e1nvau fur pl"O<lldont,'I OOC>dAl<. N<ll Flt.ulm· hw1... 4.1:\•I\• tChtnba.\1oi for llJJ'\'~l•ry; Uob CanS~r nm llfnnlnf, a.nd W&)"n• N),..., tor \lffl-rre-.IJdt"J\l and lrla.n•hlro Yuki. and L.arry OO<>dal• lor lrf'&•Ul"l.r

Night Claues Taught At NIJC

NIJC llcuo In addition to d&)·· Un..r cl.._.... a ec:hedult oC nllbt -.h'"'' t"....._ Tb.I.a,._,.. a"" cvurN tri "~ £.slate Ap­r"'""'1" ,..,u .,. ""'Cbt b}" Jll!I C.ri'1lt) and Joe Arutt. Thla ,•otu·- h&a • rrt111tnl cnrollmtftt. Of H

Mra. H C"ltn Brent hu lW() <l._ tn tallorlnlf h<ld at ntght •n lhf hon10 tt. room. an4\ haa • pt .. •nl tnrollmMt of :i

•tt• !otttll• Ya.••• tf*t"hu ~t SttJr•&la 1n bu•1n- eou......._

f 't1' lnl( ""'" "'" "'tudrnl lf~,..tnnvnt oftln-,.. •I NfJ( thl• fAll , N"\fl1'J \\rr., rltt1"'4 ta .. l .. prtuc trn t ot11to,.. ,,.,, f"rhlAJ . (~f" t'6lu.01n Ill l,.U for 1•IN'llou .. ,o,.) .) l_.rrt lo r"l«bl. fmn1 ron: d o \nn tooko1•latl , "''"'"flt fHHJ) M"Ctr f'laf"): .lf'Anr \ l •n ulna. -..-11lhuuw1rt· ,,.,.. pn• .. ldmt: .Jud, ""ptllman. lrr•t11ntt" .., .... ,, 1•r). ""' \ -"'ha.rt, ·de,,,.. flf'-ldrnt t K•lhl,.,.n f1rn\\0 'tud,....I l nl• btMLt-d

'""''~r· tll&c'k "'"· .,,~o \ <Sant, "'"'•l•·nt

Federal Funds For New S. U. Building Now A Possibility

Atlflr ell our tnr npo L. fr'uro lhf' ~c f'f1 m•nl, NUC h.a.1 nt.i" r.-., I\ t.J mot.- f'ncuura11n n•'4 a to lhf" C'ftl'< l thAl lhfl 1ovt-nrn1rnt \\lU alnwtl wrc-ly ttllot thr rolh•Rf\ • aum nr n1one)' tor thf't h'ilhlln~ oC • """'' •lo· tl~nl untnn hullrttng, GC"t"1rdln1 to \\'ATN'n 8hrpJk'rd Ntt.-cc·

A nf'\\ •tmh nl un1nn ft>t "hh h thtt col1rl'f'I 19 ukt.nK $1 JO OOd. ('l1UIJ 1n·•tl) C"nta,..:" thfl •tu.trnt Mf"\ h.""C" CaC"thUn •nd .. n•bt(' th• C"Q11~ to NPftOrt mureo ntfl'\U\ fl •ludfnt bott\ •• ll\ltlN \Ir lllwrl"'rd. "'"° .. 11J th•t thf' r&an• haJ JW1l Mj'un lo 1""1k tKip.tul w1Lhln the" t.•t CM' da\a,. aUtf'd that runnetri "'"'"toPm•nt..11 Mould \Akfl t'I•• f' "'lth'n •J'lrn>i.Unat'"h thrf'G ,,, ttl\lr \\:f'('ka.

Amona ulh, r plaMed im· rn.1\f'mt"nt• at NlJC ha1 "t>rcon t.h• f\&,nUn • ..-.t th• Un~ M lln arpru,tm•t..- <'t'Mlt ur $08 to th• rollc-1•. "\"<'OrdU\S to Mr Nht<l'J'i'rd Th"" Jul. "hll"h wa:.i. btllrkt •f'rN two )Mn ago at a ro•t ol •bout ft.000 to U.. CollifCf: no•. ln 1ta fta.iahlfld •t&l• (tn>\ tdit"a M.ff' ('Oll\ .-.nlc-nl park· •nc for th"' cara ot •t.udcDt. •ho att•nd ~1.JC.

8llU In tho pla~ la tlwo rroi-1 t o ..," up.. -<"amp homa Mi&r OW auto mtc h&nlca. • hlcll "°"' mu, h nt °'"" C'nll~ • ~"1tC4m •tara...- Lated Sb•pr--nt.

R.\lll() R£T1 Rt-' U... ~"ullno fro•h from ~·­

•ltn Lakt'. br,np Mr portable!' ra1hu t o f'Atlven lhtt ladlW )1\Uf\Ct" •Int'(\ theo r.cular nuUa In thti t<tuna• hu •PJ'llll~nUy atutu- 1ntu ,..ll..,.mtnl

1•r .. r nl.\ald \ And&. ...,,~bt•mo,.,.. c-J_..,.,. 1>,......I• 4Jrnt; Rfll tlul,1f'ln • ..,l udrftt 1 nl•lft hoard nlt"IU• tW"r; •>•''' fl&man.. .. tuJ.-nr ~"'1} '11 f".J1n-'1dt·nt; \\ •lh \dam .... ln-bnan r la ..... r,.,....l1lt-al ''"""' "' ""•"' ·,, n '"'" '""· Krilatt """'phomnf'f' t '"''"' ..,,,.,...t.,..,

l 0 New Members Pledged Into NIJC Phi Theta Club

,.. s t Tbf't.a Ka. t .I

.oc1"t). hdd a Tap U.J on Oct. ~ and p!f'CJ&~I l n n~ mem• ~ra: Th• ca.n.d.1datea tuc man· biruh1p and thctr majou are u f1,1Jkl,, • • • n An•lUllJn. 8.A Mari~ tlra)'. MN N.U Harma 11.8 Clmn. OUald )l•CSJ ~"' t- r•trJ'. J ~ • n • Mannine. II.A Ed ltuUI l"~ n.... E4 • \\ aync :-,... En s;\nHnllj; uura IUcrlard. C..A lAI s....., I'- A A Ed. lU>d Xonc) Tbompaoa. rr.X<d

Tlw Phi n.cta Kappa 11.u • capactly or •· m-.-0. lllAC• 11 .-.Iota or IJ>e I ~ <flit Kbolutlcall)" CIC lbo mrull mant Tbcrr att onl7 11 ....,,. bcora from tut }ar lll.UI alt~ U!.:~UC.

Th..., mrniben aDll Ulctr rn.aJOrs an UIU °""1WI&", li:l>CI· O<'C~, ('"r••ldcr1'. ravJ \\'_.. ntc l'rc--!>llld., ,,_.,.._,&mt r.: U.. i.x-.J dub and n&Uoaal lint '''*P.-dunl Of Phi ThR9 Kappe Jan• Yaodt, ll.A E4.. -rot&I')' Loula \lonnlzlc Heme &c. Hlalortan, Al~ ea­p~ .xial <llalrm&D. Bob Crttt1a. ~ lolArru> H~ Bua. Adm. L,y-"'-S KAry. B.A S4 '~ ~da. 8.A J- Sdlaatl. Hmne Ee. S4 and A­Hat• '" 8' \

II u.t.0\\ l:t:.' 0 '-"CE -.11 L.4' rn la M 1--r J

tor th«~ A WS t-R•ll•>" HD d&ntt Th• dat• bM bHn Mt u OC't :.• an&! \.be <Oll~ir· .,..,., la lh• ,,1ca.,. Tb.­d&nt< la frff and rr... ...,,.._,,. nutnt.a 'tto'lll be (ltff'nd .A 11 atu· d~nt.a lll'I' ln\1t~ •la.IC or date-

NIJC Custodian New At Job But likes It

..., to u.n thJ.9 Hr

" rm&1 C'b&~ Mr CllA I'" pdl t rm«! •..S at llanUun aJ>d CIO\-..J to Corur <f \ l<M at the start r .ummn to .... pn l.M momcntmu tu.k ot own· .., r cl""'1'UJll: and ,..pa1nn: of' ~boot ff~ Wt:rkM t r the RUSMD L04 l"ui;ll Lumt..r Cu. t..f ro ~ .,.... a.Del ala> f~

:-. .. .-i ci.,.,...u n..., nnt ~Kr

Chap,- ... - janltm' wort.. ar-d .br &&.111. '""E•o)t»od)' la ..a t.o i-ct &lmtc WW. lwre t&<Ult) &nd otudmta botL I 1:1.a-t lla4..,.,. ~

Kr Ol&ppoU.. wife. :-:c111e IMlpo blm dean U.. Kbool at mc1>ta. Tiie cu.ppdla i:a.-. -d&lq:tlter i..........._ wbo la -Mn SlaaDedr and Uva on l~tll all'Nt ~ rrom ~ Hanhnit $..:boQI_

Mr Cb&ppell la an "< ld·um•t'" "' t.llla a-. Ro wu bom In Spolc&no and "'.,.. up around Coeur <f Al•n•, ba.v..,. 11' t<I lwra tor o-.•r •o ,..,. Ha bobbl .. are lnmUft&' and I~.


Enrollment Hits 416; Education Dept. Has 122

Fl.r.w.I P.n. men1 nro r-" 1r • m:~~ att r -m

pl•~ mlb ~16 roi;ut<r<d. Thi. u app:roxnnateJr a 4 =-:- ln· C!"ftlM o\·u a year ai:o \\·hm m f'nroll~ at !'IJC \Ctual tt=ts: rauona Q, ett ('(iJU df'rsbly bt~bc-r and the O;) Cls;urC" rt>prt'­

!rnU an adj~tl.*'t1 figur~ A.ftl"r

dropoul9 •t l~ f'ntl of th~ th~wtoek d .. Adhnc Wif'r-..• tub· tnct.~.

Thu• fAll the-re are Zc>6 Crtah· mc-.n. 137 .-.ipbomorf'< Z9 llpt'("tAJ llUld.e.nta. &nd ~· 11H n ln \:OC•· tumaJ C'laael Thi• compc&.re• •ith Wt wi·a enrollmf'nt at :!10 US :6 and 36 l"ffP't'<"U\ely

\h·n •tu~UI outnumbrr "°"' en .!tUdcnt.a ~ to 130 or

n-.akc up Gr! ot tht" •ludml body ~ tall ;o of rOj;!O­

tnnu watt mat... tn it:.:-. :1 t'"(" ~ abo•'1n~ A Yt9t°Y ftin• teont dlatnbutkm p.AttC":m. Or the ::e ff'Ollh l53 ar. mtn.

t t~ 13; topbonu'lfa p, 4ln" meon. an4 au 24 \"\'M"Ational a1u• 1J.,nb arc mf!n \\·e>mf'1\ bUl•

umbC"r men. 18 to t1 In t.ho 111-woci•I •ludC"nt catcgt')ry

\•('1.:-atlonaJ drpartml"nt ~If ... •nUnn fttl Onf'-lhltd t.hla fatl, .and th .. .ophomor('! clua aho\\~t th~ ~.-... t~l crov-·th

Enmllmt"nl In tht" ~lu<aUon ~\lntnl cnnunuciii1 Ila rhc­n<>m•nal Inc,..... fmm IS In JP!.; to 108 In 1115q to 12! thl• ran. and now ln<lud.. •bout 30 of th• enu..,. atud•nt bc>d)"

~..,.t l&rtt.-t d•partm•nl la bu•I· ..,..._ ...ith ~ 1tuJmta. a nae or .Z& O\er lut taU Ens:tnffrw ••Ut· numbn.-d all othf'r atudC"nt1 two \""'""" ~ w1lb 7Z but lhn num 4

l><r •iroppod to M hut fllll and I ht'V uow number 52

9\C'helor ot ~tonc-t• tnmu .. mrnt doub1~ trom 1:? to 21 8o<h•lor or arta A'-> •hDW"" 11 r!J<o oa 41d tnrutry, which n•lll'­ly dnubll'd• hut fall to :?II uu. year

O.partmenta lo•1ng tnroll· "'"' l trom l- tall'• fliutt• an n1~nng. ham• ...,. ~ lndwltria1 IU'ta t which by more than .$0,... l, auto ~ and watchmalc1ni:., p,....,..,tal and p~ ounu.,; aadGlta ai.o droppod ..,__

A IJlbla .i.-tuc c!<otall..S com· !la"- by numbu and pc-,... ~· lo ,,,_... o.o P"C• 8 FlzlaJ !Abulatlona ala> ..,..""'

t.IM t.att that 38 matTl .. c:I v.·omen ll.n ... ~ thla /all In var·

r-ruc id&M.,...

Sue Casey Elected New A W S Prexv

\ • II"< UtlK ot ~ Amo· ~ " St-la tlft fkopt

:t• - Or. Feta p.....w..l untJJ IJic - pratlldent. a .... Caaq', wu •l«t.od. Bue th•n ptt.IC'eOded "1th UM nominatlona anti elecllon ol. Boanie LolJllty, '1c:e-p....S4mt. lrkll.,. Whl~ l•Y. MCttt.Vy; p,,.,,.. :-:owa.c­kJ. -1&.l cll&lrman..

TM AWS la opon IO all -. men lltllden ta and th• orncen or the dub urro all t.o part.let· fllll.e In the mootl.op and l'Uno· uona during th• ochool yoar.

Oollcg-e .iudenta .-em to ran Into three categorl .. : th< rl<h, lhf' hand.90mr, and the majority.

STUDENTS waCOMa> BACK TO SCl-!OOl "'·"0' '"'' a... . °" 'Ii Jo '"'8Ca! i'rwvy•'.

So .. 0901! Boon v\lllU Notwo. iot000° lhc po,nt we ore l')U>g to "°"'rt o W.icom.! o~ the

dollftr""I l..1>9u119t,. ,.,.. ymboloc. of Ille var- bacl9.-our.a 0 NIJC >ludonh. Th .. vonety, ond tho iec£:.c; ol ~ 4!'!d gonorol ftoondhnou oro r .. '°" wliy the & oll o' I popct boliovo !hot oU tho no• atudenh w f.ncs t~ U.fO'l "9 NIJC mo<o ond more. Wo i:cnoi:ily hope yo.. • end OC}O bod you Wolcornol ond good ... <.1

MATURE STUDENTS ESPECIAi.LY WRCOME . Com.mont .br o Jody ro urn.1>9 ,o school ror tho ror.t tome

>1n<:0 hovon9 roi>od hor lom11)': Boforo I C4me lo NIJC. I thought 11>1! <t..00Ql1 wo:.-lc

ro•ont older people 901n9 lo thoor achool. Thi romor& wo> cortoonly In co>e ony otner

ol tho m1ddlci·o9od pilgr.m< boco 1n .chool t..,roor. ony rroas of such o m"'°"'°ploon, horo ore lho oct>:

No •ludonl of NIJC ho O•O< bMl! uiown to rr.enr ~ ti-.<. leo>I hov1n9 cloumote• om01>9 t~o older gene<o1-. ,,. - o ttw. oppo>1to. tho >ludont• hove olway~ lo..nd : uch contacts '" •n the. older> >l1muloton9 ono enio)ob o. Man ano ,..,.,,.,, . r., r ... vo been owoy from tho U..ltor of •cl>ool ood po·on•• 01 '"'All) )_,..,

who hove perhop> roo .. d the r O>o fonu 0$ OI pell ma ) )60 •

.. rn1n9 o living an tho b 11\C .,.orld hove =;;n p<~ IC4

lodge ond mony on•tghh which we "'"° ho• beoll <ehool o yoor or two ho.o I yet llod dovolopod

/\loo . ... c.onnol help b•I odm o !WA r u orlc: '° mony yoo,.. obWlll(o lrom tho ocoo

o woy> '° much hardor for them ol I t 'ion oro mo<O or lou in 1ho hobo! of 1udym9 T of rho roowrH wh1 NIJC llud h no­"cor1aly wolcomo older people 90 ng I

ENTHUSIASM EQUALS ACHIEVEMENT Mony o•O tho O•ompio wh ~h Neil ot "' o

d"''Y Uo ond which pro•o to 11 tho • o •• ot " fX'...., > CN190tnou an our ottomp • o occomplo.h O• pe • o

Eoc:h of u• hovo. ol one I me onothor, de·urm1ned 10 o::tu o •poc111c purposo. end hove F""uod lhot goal wi ... fldo•orro:i onthu•ioi.m. lhon .. o ho•o ... hod tno ro •• la grow - o d " ho' o wolchod with o <Orto in omount ot wondor in < r.9 Gd with prido.

Sf)O'o\,n9 on o broooot o .... e&. tt 1 obvio"'• :not ~ch o ::tt.JO·

lion cou d opply to .n1hlut on ond, wo or<! hoPf 1 lo rep;; lhot, in th" ipoc1t.c on1tonco, o ploO< lo our own Khoo~ ,..,,,.,,, 11 r; with rhor c,.,101n oMOunt ot wonder ond o 9ro .... n9 F' a tll41 wa .. otch tho onthu .um of the m.denl. onv lopo one! m broco tho whole oi ou 111 I tut.on, mo. ng 11 o l1von9 func ""' $p rited orgon:1:1hon. N w •uo n t. whO om ~ to 4'1 .:=" .. c

•ludOnl body, moy wonder ot tno comment en •l:o• :ee o thom to bo porloctly notmo • Howov0<. the s;;n.oo1 I o po mod c th ng .. h,ch moru it 1 or coo; no , om~.

occoro'n9 lo .. n1m - In" mo•e• rt on e en le bo _ J1iovod ond lo be worlod for. ! • not '?""lon-..Jy p;-e;er. •

Al NrJC o in very co~ or un vlltSlty • ..., tn<;.,., ,. 10 hoptt for, eipoct. olld ,..or1; "" en•-:roe>m n sdlOOI •-Thi> yoor, ,,.·th o uddon burs~ t "4 bfouomeo boie<e -· ,.., >hou d not undore-:ti=to I> ••"'°· Tho '"'"' o~ho. wt: ~ it opens for • - n- oq;.;o •onces. .cca-..sfd ·>ci>ool o ... iv· ol>CI moro r..,.ord:ru;i .. p<i<>er.c.n - = iO oc· De !.11-

upon ~ - o ·~ Iha per - i wo co;>Kt o... respon :; • e 1 ud<mt body member< to i:::ortcpo o • one COC'llhO.:'e t~ "~8 r.nctlOnl Tlio re uh of sl•-:ler.t e:;l " c;m •:ii. yeor ho'~ Deon so reword nq in """'Y o .poc:t of cole~ life tMo' we could ne' r°"'t montionong the oOVlC"

\', o do 1hn becou\CI our <Chcol llo now bocone " ::loce c w ;ch •ho •uden• ore ptouct o•.d o pix.a "n -~ch they GO!' e,,_ "fOY mony o.rlro-a.mculer ochv •;. - tho ""''°" be' ·9 tho• • " •Ml tho s•udonh hove modo 'I lno ·~ts be>nq •p"1tod. Wo hopo thot tho tudonh .. I "phold th s ..e .. <to"°"<d ·- •ho

0; o d ont nuo ta e•pren •h·s enthv\00.m ·,., odN tie.s.. - J. R.

IUTENDl:I> O. o .. · L Mra. t..o.nae •·•nl b&cl< thl.I

rummer to lhr t:nt\·erwtty of Ida.ho and received her M.utcT•• O.ii- ln odue&Uan. 01.hor Lhan Mr •tlllll INNJur 1.l llChool, aho cnJo,...S U.o lak• o.nd """'• ""'Imm"'&

:\ttf'aUon. ~1

Phi Th•t.a Kappa caJl'l own llnd M<>ua:;b a.oo Olucl•nu "' nu1ko up lu "top l"" - eotnl" quota. TM moro.J Of Ulla lllOry la

HAS 11(.'-,y bt."lDIE& Mr Suenkel trained .ocalon

11\U mmmer for ~ Na· t lono.1 ln ~ 11 oum111r.11 P"O•· lou. ho trl.lnod KIW!ra ror Oblo Maleh llr Slltnk•l truu>agt!d to &et hr~'o \l,ff.ka ot rot Uned lnto> hla 1>elledut• beCe>tt­ln.o: work at I.he JC.

'I'll• 1.<h''- I.I.IL baa -D i-1..r on I.I\• bulloUn -...i. wtlh. lb~ namw ot prot• a.nd IN llt-t.a for whom u...y..,.. -.....

A WS Officers Chosen For Year

Nat. Defense Act Loans Funds Are Available At NIJC

U mm and WOIDnJ

Tli1a Ck>-dopm<-a• la nllo.nt p-~~lo! ,;hu


Afl$ ~ 1'1~r.-t<d 1. pl "" for a lean aboula male• ap­pllcallon Uuvu(h lM laaut t1onal ~prD4'Jll.aUn Mr P....,, ~'l. of m.,.

ll la well wbm U,. '""1M a.nd UM- iiumcd ctUaw~ n....., lNtba but. bow mucb beUtt to dsrr..,... I.he LN\ho 1.l=dy w.. CO\ ttf'ld 'r ,-.t lb., IDU1lt. l\ld Ho~ )« n1


l1trtRSTATt TY1>twR1rur c o 4 f7 st..r~111 Awe • "'•"'• 4.JAl l


1 " "" 1 .. 'ou l•rkl. ~o4•1nl l'hn1mut.n. Thi" or cu l lno 1•Nn hit"" th~ lmtM'tu" trnd 1t-itdrr .. hlt• f n ,.,., .. 11olf"nl ... octaJ artalr"' dnrtnR th.- ) .. ,.,., ' "' ut,. r,-< f'UI r:"Ttt•nll"'J' lll T··~ u.rlou .. tlant1, ·~ 'luthrr·"' Un.~ tt\lt. tUl!I ''' 14' •hO\\ .

Comparative Fall Enrollments By Curricula l llA1 ·61! IOJ13-~ll 1050 90

!\o. So. .. !\n

n" hrh1r nt \rt. :.?0 1176 21 G~ :I~ • 1 10 2.88 12 B.00 21 ~ .. an II• DU d i t8Cl0 "' ll l II~ lfftlll ti)') 28!>0 121 2'• .1 .~ 2011'> s:. lllM ~ 12' II 001' 11 3,'\0 2.'• u

tu 2"" 11 l 2~ IQ 2l

·~ ,,,.2 Ill 1200 i.1 u

n 000 I 0 l~· : o~

l)tfttl•lf y 13 Pfl IU • 7~, ti; u

it t) o!1 ~6 d1..U I~ ll 111 2 ~b 10 Z"',t• ~ II

a IJ

3 t7 1(11) ()(1• 31ltl 10000•

Faculty Vacations Spent In Many Ways

4' I ll' lo UJlll" lh1

.,., ~¥• m whJL h f 11 utty n lfM n I lhr r •nrnrnrr

St-Hral lnlcr\'St"Y.•

r t t the •Untmt'r 11."a.A

paUIUng u.. - lnsld4: Hrr 9fJn and dau(hlf"r

.. th tlM! lnsldr, and h• p<d Will\ I.he ""Uldt'

.Mr Cluiallan.on ,. ... lM rift!:• adrr fld" hrtth wr,rtctnic CrnitJP­

J.lna Yatn fr.;m the businea p&'nt apt'r.l a bully .um· n -"Ing pa klnir ....S ~~ llllmir cA Mr ume- vdt.i

r ta y b<'-fc.rr ah~ lf'fl Lt

C'°"'r d' Alm• lo 1-l>

Tastes better because It's fresher

ta from

1flllii FRESH MILK

\Vtnchc-atrr. VI Shet t.aulbt '"" hrgh ..-hool 1n t.:111111 Ill prior to lhl• y•.r Br lhal ""• l•>11!hl In vonow I Jee bu•ln,,_ df"partmenC

New Library Booh \\'omen Qf Afodrrn fi&tolf"

by Yo11

2 Th< U!k· of 'nm• by h11r C'•lltomtu Str<d, by B<

I, A V lturlnorllon. by ll L<-wl.o and HarlcJ"""'d

~o Eal Wdl and Stay II by Key•.

11 ~ T.achor a11d atold. by l!.,...tal<a•





John O Nf"'\U\I.

PollUcal M~Nallf7

Kln!f c;.,.,l"C" VI by n~u.

A Klotory or Ttiougbl by RoD c~1 .. earth. by Btu ..... ~D>~y<lo,...... Vol Sttk t.M Fair LAMI )(.a)<cn.


Students Crowd S. U For Friendship Tea

NIJC'S Re9is tror Hos New Assistont

1"ukt NlJC'• ha.rd wt,tk1ns r t"J1Jflrt1r. rww hu IOmC' morti nffdf'd h•lp In lhr 11fll< r )In. Jraa •tarm<tl\ l1 thfl nrv. otflt" u-uuinl M rw M•nn.Qn h.A•J ~n wqrkln« p.rl·Um• In th" o tftr• o r h,.r hu•band whO 11 IJv. Jrw•J dlr~<tur of \'r~&tlr,n•l f"tu t-aUon and I.a ntrA w11tkln• tuJJ·Um.- (or tbe r1»llr1r

Jk1 r &nd )(ra Marmon • .-hi, U\f• at Aflvf' r )J.ra.(h mt>Vt'4 hnr ( t'hnl &.tlll'! lhrff )' .. re •K"O Thf'ly h.a'1 dl·n• lra\rUns In tbl• .,... '"' H )'f"llr•. encf' Mr MA.rmon ll Ul.f! •rff ·~'Tllklf' of &rad~ •nd 1ndu1trl&I -.ndut-• ttNI In North Jtt•ht•

·" " •tannon N)• .ti• find# .,..kin tn thf'I tJffl("c "lnlf"frJtl·

nl( •n•I .,,,.,,.., th11 .. rlt'&AAnt f""""Plf"

t h•nctna 111~ q•x•V-. A I '"' l'fnff' , .,,._ rll on "hy ttu u• 111 ~J1h a "•allh 11t lcnO'tltnhtr in tmr Afllf"rican unH N•ltlN II.- u)'• • 11n1" t11tit 11 att1 full t1f kno-...JNJ~• thl'I trnhrnf'n btin-• a Uttlt1 iH arut UH .,. niir~re u1kt "''""' aw.y •ttd }c111.rw1,.t11:'• " ' v mu lal..- ..


tJt Sli!tun• " A•• COlUk D',,LLNl IDAHO



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Aleno Laundry

& Dry Cloeners IOI m.1 • MOl>.•I 4 H it

Fr.. Pidup • ...i De~.....,

Stop •t • ••

Louie's ln·N·Out Fe"'°"'

Poul Bunyon Bur9ers Everything To Go • . •

• S.lad He~ • Homb..r(Je"

= ~9• • Hot Ooq, • "-ch ~.e. • Sllole . Molh • Coll.. Mill • Cold Orin\ • Ice c - m Louio end Gery 0.mHher

H""-••f tO Wett • f City Ct•I•-

lh~ a t trmnon of lbJ, day. ' lcadf'-JU-. and IM'Ull~ aUkr find tt a \,.r, """''~ part 1of tar ~Ul.J ralf""ndat. Tbt" p!Mvr" abb\r ' bl""' ""°'""'" rrla'"" tn thr- ""ludrnl t n5on. ~hr" Ow T ... l .. hrhL

French Club Hos Selected Officers

Thf' J"ff'n1 J\ Ou.b, ·ruch ...u thr mf"rnbH' ot UM' r·r~neh ca.. aut•m~auaally bt'JonK to. b.WS a m• ... tln1 f'.rpt 30 and t>let:toN th.., tc..Ut'Nan~ c..fhcen tnann~

.... "*hl O«'<tary. ftu<ly """"· .. , truwtrr Jra~ M.annmc

trp.iorl#r Bob L.if"pt)ld ph->l ~raptu-r. lha Uuti Hc:.oprr. a<'TV 1n;: haJnnan t.a11ra U.lch&rd:.. n mu ct-.aJrman .8&Jl7 Bure>k~r • ranft!• ti,,,... •o. and &A> Lif':• PQ.ld. lll"lUla C,ayJr f'fl'l'JIOCl .on,; 14'ad« an1 !l&l'K'7 TbrlmJ*ID.. 1.aan111

)!any of 111- om "" port.aln lo t.M banqu<t •tilch "UJ bo hC'ld nrxt ~m,..1.-r Mr rndd; I- rm• h instnK'or wnU l•trr n111 1nalf' :rn"' .tu~La whom hf" •tll haY(" eNrnrd lo ~pc:ik I"' ,,.m h •rtd untltor11and It ¥.~IJ

lor UH oft C'tlOM o! pr.--.ickr.t arvl vltr 1 r llW"t1l. AnJ th" "UJ volf' UIMm t~ alodirrH•

TJ,, (lab V.1ah" t I tlUlDk lAll yto•t • >- rrnch tiutt tor thr $1 1o11 \\hhh U' t .rm•'I' •tub 1dt Jn th• uruury an 1 hvJ,,...• lo 1' a\'rt rnc.rfl /,,, n,-;.\ ),...,

1 hfl ~·rttn' h :lJus " al.cJ Ir 1trt11I to h•\1• thf'I llN •l•nc: .. 1 t ll• thre,, I"''""'"• J•aul """ ,,. 01111 Hrr1tt1tlt- IH1bi rt •n•I 11"1 \II Jr,htl.9fllt whu tun• hf'lpt'd 1 htt I· r1 ui h Club tr .. m L-h• flrw\ \'•· 1r• uf It• l'Jlih•lt·nc • Mi•• John111un who waa lh1 8 l1 1111rnu1:n •n•I .:1rl• I' E 1t*rh t•f la•t \rtat hAa •lttll•h \hUll"CI tlu 1t1t .. lhhl )Mf

l'lh t..rl•n1t C1rn1S) l(lh"h• n o( ~ 'h\C'lllO ~ Mt l hf' dub " t u111r1ltnll'ntat)' l-1X tof bon-bor "hh h tlh') •~ M\ lnlC fur t!W It

t 'lfHJOt"I

Prosbytorion Club Provides Broakfost

1 f"n. 1b\l•n•n l..,. 1b WW f'rt" br .. "~ l r J>l".V"

P'C"C u,.. m"11tM>n .,n bW'kla) O. l II Aflrr !he b.-kfut.. tti. 11\f'mlwn and pffta alt at-.. hn4~ chun:"h a.C"n'I~ l~Lhf'r

,,,. ,.,..,.b~~·rtan ('Jul>. •blch mHU "'"') F'rtJat" noon U\ ~ hom• ...-onoml<- ""°"" f'l&na lO ha'.. • ha \"ridt- IOOll. ,,,,, du.b rn...,ht'd • 5'. .. IM'N\l9 donatioll

"'"" lhe c-r " Al<M ~ .. ,. trrtan Cbutth tor dub• ao­thilk'9

without tilling

MANN BOTTLING CO. C..w1t ~'Al•••. •dat.o

Highbrow Recordings 81 Paul \\....Ui:


An'On n. U,_.f' ,.,_ I • :b. p.. &Ct' Uld t 11,rn :..o •r'.Jl and tt<X-•~ lt1'. me 11.-w r'°'tJrdmc humor b) P l)lllC"r ThJ.t ia a coUec-1 n t CU!nJC jdtU.fU NLlntd \\ ttl T or 11' a Jl rol "OC"i..rc :

Hrr faaal exp~ att .• .. ,.phi an1 rt•produc

thl'ouCftOUt the nocord.i~ •ua:­cn.tJnl: tor ('Xaft'ipl,,.. • !~.n! <A a M&rtlan • llD.qtna I.lo

M, ba - Mya. i. tn 'rlr.tta.J £hoc• ru t 1 nykm


hi' lrft

SNEA Plons Dinner At Hoppy Hour Club

:< .. ubtld nOd l Off n ~ ...... prcaldr o..n >' hr k ~,...._pnsula!l. UonJ\R

··~ _.-.rtary Kn H ~r tn ... Lln-r M"" 8ch&ert1 CWT~ camzc1\t.N Cl&1r &Wk ""4 JIM!) 5pdlm&IL

RC"ff'dh.mcftta Wlfft Mn"9id Iii u.. "t r~ a "'>rr, cood"' bra~~

l1w nut •.et.Lac aC U.. ::"SEA "1.ll ~ a 41c:wr mttUD,£

•1 Uw ·11&ppr "'*"' Oii Oct. :1 n.. ~ ... hleh lndudN .u tl:e - ... ,._ .... •t. "'1ll ....: $1:::. - pc.- All edll· ca11<m at.-u """ lnrtt..S..

An c ;._('<'Uthe com.mitt" men 'n.t;" .,. u h~ld cm Ort I T"rcacn1 ... ~,.. l- app.>lnl<od comml\1-th• "4\<'Tt.lllnl; and rnembcnhlp



FRENCH CLEANERS i; l"c• p and 0. """Y

1)0 N Fo ... r+ti- St • MO ...... 4 .Stl1

N I J C REYE.JW C..1i11, d AS.~•. 14•~. W ed,. Oc:t - 7, 195'

•••• ·-ThN"t" aU,...,.th, and flt"OmJl'N"n1 "onwn n:t.•mbr,... u t tht> .\\\..., art­pt<tot'PCI rr-:a.J~ to ...,.n .. ,,.. Mftf'.'f" at thl" ~L I rrtf'nfl..,btp ft"9 olud~ fl.·\nuld..._ ' llf" (&-..•h :LIH1 J C'"aftJ" ~fAnnlnC \\,.,.,. t ltr h.,..p11.-111, romm111 ..... fflr lh4" "4M"bl "1:fl&lr. ' Uor \.., ,,, .... IJf'ut Qf \\\ ... JUHi J uth anJ .lf"(\I\.'" ah' a.1"4 C'O-C"Clltur- ot Tflr R,.-,1r\\.

U.h r nlt mn.-,.... of t'4•mmill"°' \\rr.-: Cf"ntrrplttw- - u .. 1.,n T·'6~U .. l...aura Rl· ha"t... < arohn lbm1a11~ ~ Burokf'r. ~1Arl1• ' ' "'': f .ntrrt&Jnnvat - 'far9'n..- Ramum., ..l&IW' \ ·aadt • .Jud) Rr,-nokl ... ; ( ,..,...,._ur - ' l.a.r\ T•lhlrt \la\l"' Prtt>~ ,:..o._..,;&0 \\rf,c:ht .. l.A>rt'ft.I* t•mul C hff• • ,.,....m. and t~ - !\an(') 8 ro-n n, ~BJU") 'l"an<"n . ( ar'4 n· R.....J Unrl-:t. \\ an.a.n.l..rr; Cdoki~ - (,fort.a \1anl). •"',.."' t aln-h1loL Rt-ti\ •••l'l•.hun. ,,.._,., f'.Adln. ... , :,.andra "'h••nlrr. ' ' h \\ 1> .. trrh1nd \ t_.a"'" l•Ml>. Ruth :-.~oN~. G'f'ft'' lf'\f" b rU> 'All\ -l•"'"· .l•n• \ l\n•.11. ' "'"Ca .r~ . lldro Tont.-ll. Jud~ ~'.\· ..,.-,aji..._ 1 .... 11, ft.. , hard, Jun,.. \\ ra"·r. a--. I-Ulloa, '-'"'"" ' '\:lift.k

( .._,,,. \. .. 11t """'' \ aJ.,r r h•lt,.n~ Jud~ ' pc"llman. ' an• \ lin:"\n. \l•rtha ' "' 1l. ' bn ''• h.f'n:U Tf'rtt ' """ll..

LSA Or9onized; Set Meeting Dotes

. " \ "

HERBES CITY DRUG """ .. a...... .... .. .,. Ski-.-..

\\ \ LL\ . DRl' E-L\

Remember Our Special!




Your &~a Y•r<l• 9e Shop

IC1 N F...ti. S• • MO••• l ._.... COEUR D'ALENE. ID~O


Nip & Kurl Beouty Solon and School

l 11 <A A A ... • MO~•·I 4.SOSS ...... ............... . COEU- D'ALEN E. IDAHO




SUN. - MON .• rues. OCTOIE1t II . 19 . 10


~ P..U.. H MM Fruk .od Sir.Ly Winten




SUN .• MON. - TUES • OCTO&El l5 . U .11




••••••••••• •• ••• ••••••

Cardinal Baslcetball Candidates Get Call For Oct. 15 Turnout

Will Head Bowling ActivWes

B&akoUMt.ll at !'>'"UC t..n. Ort. 10 Squirt K .. Unc b ~ to put O<ll Wllal caD tor all lhaoe wbo an lnlclWled IA "an•l1 bukolba!L W tb = manr ,,.......,,, and lJ>p

r..11<11 '""" IMt 7e&r'1 -d, (;oar.ta KeallJSC ""~ to 1:2= a Mllrr aU-arvcmd ball thb comtni; k&8(G.

Coach K !Jee &llO otalftl thll w?>c.ev~r b bltornt"" .., rt~ on ll>P Col! tmm .-Id ('Oftt 1 ri . .. ~llt

'59 NIJC Graduates Are Now Teaching In N. Idaho Schools

Mam nt lh• 1t1•..1 from NIJC.,... """' le -"'II. In l'nld• «'hOOll In the &"-

Somo ur Lhf'm &rt lktte U..r nun\ Ja<quol and 0..rt ... JM! quot who Art 1,..rhtns; at ~plnl L&kr. Barbara &ui:hton ar h~r brolhcr, Bob Doucbt':'t. Vt

•rt• tra.chtn., tn C:Wur II Alrl\ Shlrl•Y C:lllalJ'I•. '""'·hlni; 1" Bonner Cl>unl)» E>·•lrn Halh I~ li'•l'hlnc tbr n ... 1 J:'T' al ll•Yd•n LAk• t..llllal' Rat• t('4C'hJnt: In Uir l<<"llCll".S: air C--4rmf'lll• R.-h·•£r tt"•rl:\tnc th«" fifth. "nd 81!1C;lh .,.._...,. Al f'T1nt ttwrr. •nd lt.1'! T\u·11rr 1,.., h h1~ at ~an~1pri1nt

Superior Student Program At NIJC Moy Be Continued If Students Show Interest


SHUMAN A~( Opu1 • .- .. ,~

1 o.,,. w .. ,



014. ' ( ....... .

••41 Yo.,,r t .. ,._. R.n.•

,,., ~t " •• ~ 14 • b4 ..

111 5._.,,.. • ., A•• • c .. "'' 'Alt••

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

Lake City Lanes, Inc . ... .

··co Where The Crowd Goes·· TEEN-AGE ROCK 'N ROLL DANCES

Coeur d'Alene Teen Club l221f? Sherm•" Ave. - Coeur d'Alene

Wednesday - 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. TOP RECORDS BY K.V.N.1.

Friday and Saturday 8:30 to I I :30 LIVE BANDS

Also live Bands Every Saturday Night at KEUOGG - Union legion H1R - 8:30 to 11:30 SANDPOINT - Comm11nity H.n - 8:30 lo 11 :30 W All.ACE - Odd Fellows HaQ - 8:30 to t I :30

i=aculty Was Busy r- -n Xr C'ttrt_ ,. at ...

t~ a :-i&tkGaJ Sdr r f-Uon c....,... at M0t11&1:a St.&:,, Uni'<tnlly at >l1-ul&. 1:1• <lld JlllU>q• lO op.nd hll -k- \"1roCaUonJn~ In the

bc&,.111111 e111 t.r th .. l&Jt~· and tnid ng lo ..U...r b1111n- m&t• t .. ni u mayor of Coeur d Alen•.

1 t.wko Nlahlo. bet ll'r known u Tllkl, lfp<!nl ano~ awnmor Ilk" all wmm'""· workln&' ln '"" eort1< .. "' NUC mi. did .... <ctYf'I a. twro-week vacat.1oa.. whtcb at.. apt:it work nr D' hem• At llhr iloon't rt1-call lciatln~ al all.




SPORTS CENTER 301> Sherm&n Ave.

~t "9 G.ed'i Toil•c.c• NOYelti•• .__.., .. "" , .... , ... ,.,. c.1.

For Your

Hunting Equipme Yklt


Weddinq lnvil•ticm Office Suppl:•

Leader Publishing I 116 N Fo .. rt~ S1 MO>•..\ 4

Mr. Funk & Mr. Wagn "U. re U.lo mati.r o1 Good T ....... aid !.Ir. P'UnJr IO hlo MCrOUry, "'tab a de6.oldoo.~ ""'?' .... -u-... eu:n.ed ••• b7 U.. · · • artlon ol u.. rwt&tory ---- •• :· '"And add thlo," put In Mr. Wapallo. "T - : th• fanllty ol ••• appr9dalhlr th• beauuruJ ••• " "That,'' aid !.Ir. Funk, """'Pl It up. Air. W qQ&flo, will )'OU Join me Jn I Coe.Cola?'" "So rood In 111111 - • :· "And ••• lo ourh rood lMtlr' • .lilGff Of G000 TASJI ......... """•• •Yl'-'ty of n.. C--Colo ea.,_,,. .....


• •