The Messenger - Quincy United Methodist 2017.pdfAs...

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Transcript of The Messenger - Quincy United Methodist 2017.pdfAs...

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8

The Messenger August 2017

A “Word” from Pastor Wilson August 2017

I offer my profound gratitude for the wonderful welcome July 02 (my first Sunday with you) as I began my ministry with you. You were right; the blanket in the Welcome Basket is way too warm for July & August but it will come in very handy later :) As I read your cards I was deeply touched by your love — and you don’t even know me yet. I want to share the thoughts on the community card that so many of you signed. To me it seemed my heart on this journey. It was written by Roy Lessin and it reads: “Just’re here not by chance, but by God’s choosing. He hand formed you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one else — you are one of a kind. You lack nothing that His grace can’t give you. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation.” Inside the card reads “You are God’s servant in God’s place at God’s perfect time.” In this message I see so many affirmations of God’s hand in bringing us together. It is not by chance but by God’s wonderful wisdom that brings us together. He has been forming both of us throughout our life time for this time and place (the picture on the cards shows the potter’s hands forming the jar of clay). Next we are reminded that we are special — that we are one of a kind (similar but different) and are not to be compared to anyone else. So often we may feel that we are unable to do for Him what He wants done, but we are to remember that we can do all things in Christ, that He is the Provider, He is the More than Adequate God, He supplies everything we can and ever will need when we need it. It is scary to read that we are here at this time to fulfill His purpose for this gener-ation. Yet when we consider this it is the only time, and this is the only generation in which we live and have the opportunity to make our life count for Christ to fulfill His pur-pose for our lives. Therefore let’s be sure to live it to the full. A second Thank You is in order. Thank you for the wonderful Welcome Potluck the 16th. It gave me another opportunity to visit with some of you. Gradually I’m finding names and faces come together. Yours for a full life in Christ, Pastor Wilson

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8

June 2017 Treasure Report

General Fund: The General fund beginning balance for June was a negative -$3,747 . By now QUMC should have this back in the positive and starting to build a little in the fund for over the winter months. As this isn’t occurring the Ad Council voted to loan $3,800 to the General Fund from the Building Fund. We ask that you continue to direct your contributions to the General Fund so that we may pay off this loan and develop a little surplus to get us through the winter months when we have less contributions with the snow birds away. QUMC had contributions of $6,250, but expenses of $6,661 for June so the deficit continue to grow slightly.

General Fund Expenses for June include: $3,356 payroll, salary, taxes, pastor benefits; $12 bank payroll fees, $18 Litchfield housing, $23 kitchen supplies, $50 copier maintenance when we purchased new router we had a service call to reconnect, $18 newspaper ad for housekeeper, $540 utilities; $300 pulpit fills: Don Lee, Heidi Rawson & Peggy Watson, $789 Ministry shares.

Designated Funds will be combined: As of the end of June to start the next fiscal quarter we are combining many funds. The new fund created will be called Directed and be comprised of Women’s Fund, Kids Club/Youth, Camp/scholarship, Funeral, Events, Adult Study, Food Fellowship and Rada Knives. Two funds are combined the Capital Improvement and the Building Fund into the Building Capital Fund. The three sales funds Plants, Rummage and Nuts are combined into a Sales Fund. The following funds will remain as is as separate funds: Pastor Discretionary, Special Offering, Memorial, Parsonage and General Fund.

Expenses Designated Funds for June included: Women’s Fund expenses for June were $124 Deb Z. Spring Lunch & $48 Margaret F; Plant Sales $475.88 Eternal Bread & $475.87 Jacob’s Well donations; Kids/Youth $100 donation to Kid’s Day in Park, $100 donation to Healing Hill of Hope; Camp/Scholarship $200 William C. for 50% camp scholarship, $50 honorarium in Pastor Julie’s name to Eternal Bread; Funeral dinner $56 Margaret F.; Events $71 plant sale ad, $52 Father Day gifts $60 Chamber membership; Special Offering $572 collection + $100 from Kid mentioned above for Healing Hill of Hope, Camp/Scholarship; Food/Fellowship $28 Margaret F. special Sundays & $51 Margaret F. Sunday fellowship; Altar Cross $584.20 for cross- fund depleted and closed; Building $1,600 exterior lights for building, $60 boiler certification fee; Memorial Fund $151 final payment of altar cross.

Designated Fund Income for June included: (DESIGNATED GIVING ISN'T COUNTED WHEN CALCULATING MINISTRY SHARE) $21 Kid/Youth; $25 Camp/Scholarship; $50 Pastor’s Discretionary; $77 Special Offering; $18 Adult Study Books; $160 Memorial fund; Parsonage fund made $454 in June; $50 Altar Cross; $1,750 building $77.04 was collected for UMCOR and $117.27 was sent to UMCOR. Amount send is from mid-month prior month to mid-month current month.

Designated Funds Balances at the end of June: All funds are in good shape, except the General Fund. Please give to the General Fund. $656 Women’s, $1,491 Kids/Youth, $1,139 Camp/Scholarship, $2,132 Funeral, $932 Pastor Discretionary, $87 Events, $2,064 Special Offering, $327 Adult study supplies, $106 Food/ Fellowship, $850 Memorial, $363 Capital Improvement, $47,667 Parsonage Fund, $20,593 Building, Rada Knives $43. God’s Grace To All, Lin M. Johnson, Treasurer

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8

Q=Quincy UMC Events

1 Q PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm

2 Q Guys Lunch CW Gardens noon

3 Q Game Night 6:30 p.m.

4 5

6 Q Worship 9am


8 Q PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm


10 Q N.O.W. Committee at 7:30 p.m.

11 Rummage Sale 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

12 Rummage Sale 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

13 Q Worship 9am


15 Q PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm Trustees 7pm Ad Council 7:30

16 SPRC 6:30 P.M.


18 19 SINGSPIRATION 7:00 p.m. at Hillsdale County Fairgrounds

20 Q Worship 9am

21 Annual Church Picnic At 6:00 p.m.

22 Q PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm



25 26

27 Q Worship 9am SINGSPIRATION-7:00 p.m. at Frontier


29 Q PrayerTime1:30 Quilters 2:30 pm




2nd Timmy Budas 4th Carol Kahaian 6th Derek Bassage 14th Phillip Zakrzewski 16th Marian Dinius 18th Christina Goshorn 19th Ruby Berry 23rd Eleanor Patterson 24th Dory Little 28th Joshua Fillmore Lois Myers


9th Mr. & Mrs. Dave Johnson

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8

July Attendance 7/2 72 7/9 69 7/16 72 7/23 54 7/30 56 Average 65

August Greeters: Jim and Deb Peters

August Ushers:

Bob and Laura Betts


Thank you, Quincy Family for the wonderful welcome on my 1st Sunday with you = you made my day :) The many cards and expressions of love and welcome were truly appreciated. I look forward to a

fruitful ministry together for the Glory of God! Pastor Wilson

Ps 51:15 “Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise.”

********************************************************************* To the wonderful women at Quincy UMC,

Please forgive us for being so late in returning the bowls. It was such a thoughtful gesture to give us leftovers that were enjoyed for days. You people are the best; the food was delicious; and the company stupendous.

Thank you, Sally and Don Ball





Cards of Care and Encouragement

Be sure to check the table in the fellowship hall for cards to sign for folks who need a note of cheer and encouragement. There is also a clip board available if you know of someone who could use a card.

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8

Quincy United Methodist Church Administrative Board Meeting

July 18, 2017 (To Be Approved At The August 15 Ad Council Meeting)

Present: Heidi Rawson, Rhonda Miner, Lin Johnson, Elizabeth Beckner, Anne Rumsey, Pastor Richard Wilson, Randy Podoll, and Margaret Fillmore.

Meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Ad Council Chair Heidi Rawson with an opening prayer by Heidi Rawson.

The minutes from the June 2017 meeting were read and reviewed. Lin made a motion to accept the minutes from the June meeting. Anne seconded the motion and the motion was approved.

Celebration and Concerns:

Heidi celebrated the Pot Luck for Pastor Wilson.

Heidi stated a concern for Colton Cobb and how he had been in the hospital. Please keep Colton and his family in your prayers.

Reports Treasurer/Finance Report: The Designated Funds Report and General Fund Income/Expense Statement for June were presented

and reviewed by Lin. Lin gave a verbal report and also discussed how general fund continues to be in the negative. Margaret made a motion to borrow $4,000 from the building fund to get the General Fund in the positive. Rhonda seconded

and the motion was approved. The external hard drive for the office computer is no longer working properly. Lin made a motion to allow up to $75 be spent to purchase a new external hard drive. Randy seconded and the motion was approved. Rhonda made a motion to accept the June verbal Treasurers Report. Margaret seconded motion and the motion was ap-proved.

Trustees: Randy Podoll: Randy discussed Longstreet coming to install the carpet in the basement entrance. Randy received a piece of mail regarding extra insurance option for terrorist attack. Lin made a motion to pay the $17 for terrorist coverage. Rhonda seconded and discussion occurred. The motion was not passed.

SPRC: Rhonda stated the church has a new housekeeper – Penny Dixon. Rhonda stated the Abuse Policy Incident Report Form is up for its yearly review. We will discuss at the August meeting if changes were needed and made. Nut Sales are coming up. Rhonda would like them done by the end of October. Presales and Prepay only this year for the Nut Sales. Pastor Rich-ard gave Rhonda 3 missionaries that were coming to the area soon. Rhonda stated she will see who/when any of the 3 are available. Rhonda discussed meeting with Ken Hale from the Funeral Home. Ken offered $500 for nonmember and

members free for funeral services. Rhonda stated that one stove in the kitchen isn’t working properly and the other is taking a very long time to heat up etc. Randy made a motion to purchase 2 new stoves for the kitchen with money coming from

memorial fund and then any extra from building fund up to $2,000 total. Lin seconded and motion was approved.

Pastor’s Report: Verbal Report given by Pastor Wilson. Written Report will be available in the August Newsletter.

Children’s Coordinator: Heidi read Children’s Coordinator report per Jim Hart who was unable to be at meeting. Extra children attending Kids Club from the lake homes. William is going to camp soon. Jim thanked the church for allowing the

opportunity for our kids to attend the UMC Camps. Randy is subbing for Jim on Sunday, July 30 th.

Old Business

There was a discussion about the vote that took place on Sunday, June 25th regarding the Time of Worship. It was voted to stay the same time (9:00 a.m.) by a 3:1 vote.

Ministry Work

N.O.W. Margaret discussed needing money for ice cream to serve 600 for the Kids Day in the Park. Margaret stated volunteers still needed. Margaret also talked about the welcome cups for adults and ideas for what would go in them.

Margaret also stated the church organ needs some work done to it.


None New Business

Heidi stated Rada Knives Sale will be coming up shortly and wanted to order more knives. Heidi stated she received a preorder already. It was discussed that Rada Knives should be preorder and prepay like the other sales the church holds.

Meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. with a closing prayer by Pastor Wilson. Next meeting will be August 15, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8 .

Pastor’s Report July 2017

Rev. Richard D. Wilson

I’ve been here 18 days (as of this report), and have done the following: created 3 worship services, 1 communion, 3 children’s stories, 3 “homebound” calls, 2 administrative calls/sessions, 1 pastoral visit, 3 mornings in the office and have tried to keep ahead in worship, bulletin & sermon planning for our fine Office Manager. Currently I am working on the next 2 worship services, bulletins, etc. My calling plans to visit the “homebound” is going slowly. I hope to visit the many who leave for the winter before they leave. I had hoped to do this on the days I was down in the office, but I may be changing that personal expectation until I am feeling better. I had my appointment with my cardiologist this morning and am already thinking about changes in my working schedule. I have been exceedingly tired the last 2 days and am forced to reevaluate what I do in my once normal week; a couple activities will be ending soon and that will free up 4 hours. I begin my 36 ses-sions (twice a week) tomorrow (19th) @ 7:00 a.m. I have most Church Conference reports in hand and have handed out some. As per District Secretary, Sarah Gillette, she is looking at Sunday, October 01 for Quincy’s Church Conference. I have sent her our worship time so that date is not official as of this report. In preparation for this Conference SPRC and Lay Leadership (nominations) will be meeting soon to begin their work. In His service, Pastor Wilson

August 2017 Volume 11 Issue 8

T H E M E S S E N G E R Q U I N C Y U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H 3 2 W E S T C H I C A G O S T R E E T Q U I N C Y , M I 4 9 0 8 2

Sunday Worship 9:00 AM

Rev. Richard Wilson

Quincy Kid’s Club Children dismissed after

Children’s Time during service.

Coffee Hour immediately after worship service.

Sunday School

10:30 AM

Office Hours 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, Monday -

Wednesday 9:00 AM - Noon Thursday
