The Grid of the Future Farrokh Albuyeh, Ph.D Farrokh...

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Transcript of The Grid of the Future Farrokh Albuyeh, Ph.D Farrokh...

1 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

The Grid of the Future Farrokh Albuyeh, Ph.D Farrokh Rahimi, Ph.D. Smart Grid Conference 2014 Grid Renovation Workshop December 8, 2014 Session 3

2 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Agenda • Session 1 75 Minutes

– Introductions

– Driving forces changing the electric utility landscape

– The impacts of the proliferation of Variable Energy Resources (VER)

– Operational challenges at the wholesale/transmission and at retail/distribution levels

– Increased visibility and situational awareness requirements at the distribution level

– Using AMI and customer data to increase visibility to last mile distribution circuits

– Managing Demand Response (DR) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

• Break 15 Minutes

• Session 2 75 Minutes – A new construct: Distribution System Operator (DSO)/Distrusted System Platform (DSP)

• Overall Description

• Implementation

– The emerging Transactive Energy paradigm and its convergence with DSO/DSP constructs

• Break 15 Minutes

• Session 3 60 Minutes – Illustrative examples and case studies

– Concluding Remarks/Question and Answer

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Case Studies

4 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

First Energy-Integrated Distributed Energy Resource (IDER) Management Project

• Create an infrastructure based on Smart Grid principles to enhance distribution system reliability and operations and leverage opportunities for participation in regional power markets.

• An Integrated Control Platform and two-way communication system for distribution system monitoring and support, peak load shifting and optimum resource and asset usage.

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

5 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

First Energy

• Project approach: – Direct Load Control

• Direct control devices and temperature sensors on 24000 residential central air conditioning systems ( total curtailable load 38MW), 2.4 GHz wireless mesh communications

– Permanent Peak Load Shifting • Four Ice Energy’s Ice Bear units

– Distribution line sensors using cellular communications • 10 sets of PowerSense three phase sensors

– Measures current, power, voltage, distance to fault

• 21 single phase Grid Sentry line sensors – Measures current, outages, faults

• 34 existing Satec substation meters integrated

– Integrated Control Platform • Centralized data collection, analysis, and control system

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

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Case Study- First Energy: Integrated DER Management Project

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

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First Energy- Integrated Distributed Energy Resource (IDER) Management

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

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Permanent Peak Load Shifting

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

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First Energy

• Results – Successful Direct Load Control events to address

distribution issues – Demonstrated ability of aggregated loads to

participate in market (PJM) – Achieved high levels of customer participation (17%

through door to door solicitation) – Permanent peak load shifting effective. Can allow

deferment of infrastructure investments (18kW reduction at site=20.4kW at PJM bus)

– Distribution line sensor data enhanced visibility greatly

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

10 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

First Energy-Lessons Learned

• Density of DLC devices important for Mesh communications

• Web based and map based visualization tools very effective

• Substation and circuit condition data, presented in near real-time via web based visualization tools is very effective in optimizing maintenance schedules and projects

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

11 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Case Study- Con ED : Transforming the Grid Through Integration

• Developing the technology necessary to integrate distributed resources into utility’s distribution system and distribution control center.

• One of several projects

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

12 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Consolidated Edison

• Project Approach – Developed a Demand Response Command Center

(DRCC) interface that provides the link between Distribution Control Center (DCC) and customer-owned distributed resources

– DRCC provides the distribution operator with increased visibility and access to DR, DER, and Storage assets

– Resources are used to alleviate congestion and respond to other potential issues

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

13 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Consolidated Edison

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

14 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Consolidated Edison

• Results

– Time from distribution operator’s trigger to transfer of facility load to distributed generators about three minutes, under the initial 10 minute target required for market based programs

• Actual startup and transfer under 30 seconds

• Facility managers to receive SMS/Phone messages, log into the system, acknowledge the requests took several minutes

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

15 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Case Study- Con ED : Transforming the Grid Through Integration

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

16 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Case Study- Con ED : Transforming the Grid Through Integration- Contd.

• Project Successes: – Distribution Line Sensor visualization providing data in graph or Table Format – Line Sensor and substation meter data inform distribution system operations – Direct Load Control Used for operation support and for RTO Market Programs – Distribution line sensor data confirms historical data

– Better Forecasting of DR/DER in Real Time

– Ability to Visualize DR/DER Effects on Utility Distribution System – Platform to Support DSP

• Challenges – Reliable two-way Communications- 2.4 Ghz Wireless Mesh does not provide

adequate coverage.

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

Key Requirement to future use of DR/DER

17 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Kansas City Power & Light

Key Statistics Customers 830,000 Meters Generation 6,100 MW

– 9 plant sites

– 26 generating units

– 10 peaking facilities

Distribution Subs 315 Distribution Circuits 1600

18 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Case Study-Kansas City Power & Light: A True End-to-End Smart Grid

• ~$50M project

– Half from DoE

– Half from KCP&L and vendor partners

• End-to-end Smart Grid technologies

• Keen focus on interoperability and industry standards

19 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

KCP&L- Smart Grid Demonstration Project

• Project Objectives

– Provide Interoperability

– Cyber Security

– Use of DR/DER Resources to Address Distribution Grid Operational Issues

– Aggregate DR/DER Resources for Participation in the SPP Market

20 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

KCP&L- A True End-to-End Smart Grid

21 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop


• Deployed 14,000 AMI meters

• Overhauled Midtown substation and implemented 61850

• Installed automated field devices

• Deployed home area network devices

• Installed a 1 MWh Lithium Ion battery

• Installed 100 kW of solar

• Over-arching focuses:

– Interoperability and emerging smart grid standards

– Cyber security

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KCP&L- Systems Integration

23 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

DERM In Overall Smart Grid Architecture

24 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

DR Architecture D











25 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

KCP&L- Lessons Learned

• Development/maintenance tools are helpful: – Heartbeat messages

– System logs

• Data synchronization between systems is challenging: – Model propagation

– Customer, program, asset enrollment

• Industry standards don’t equal plug-and-play – Industry needs to push for profile creation

26 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

American Electric Power

• Assessing Distributed Energy Resources (DR, DER, Storage) and technologies that can serve collectively in a manner similar to a physical Power Plant (VPP)

• One of several projects

27 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

American Electric Power

• Project Approach – Installed 80 Community Energy Storage (CES) batteries

on a distribution circuit and is controlling them as an aggregated fleet for a total of 2MWh of storage

– Each unit is small (25kVA, 25 kWh) connected to the secondary of a transformer serving 2-5 Houses

– Study System • 13.2 kV circuit serving residential loads, peak demand 5.8

MW, 1795 smart meters with 15 minute interval data

– Focus on Storage Units and Controllers – Studied Three Types of discharge algorithms: Peak

Shaving, Load Following, Schedule Based

28 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

American Electric Power

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

29 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

American Electric Power-Results

Qualitative Control Strategy Summary

Attributes Issues

Peak Shaving • Fixed kW peak • Operations directly

targets peak demand periods

• Risk that required kWh will exceed the stored kWh

• Requires periodic review of control settings

Load Following • Operations directly targets peak demand periods

• Reduced risk that the required kWh exceeds stored kWh

• Peak demand limit is variable

• Dependent on load shape characteristics

• Requires periodic review of control settings

Schedule Based • Control settings require minimal periodic updates

• No additional monitoring • Central control not


• No preset demand limit • Battery fully discharged

each day to ensure reduction of the peak

• Long shallow discharge profile required to confidently reduce peak

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

30 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

American Electric Power

• Lessons Learned – Peak demand reduction can be achieved with any of

the discharge strategies

– To manage the risk of insufficient storage when required, review and update of algorithms are required

– Direct dispatch of energy storage based on monitored kWs (peak shaving) will reduce the number of charge/discharge cycles

– Minimal impacts to voltage profiles were observed

– Negligible impacts on customer voltages

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

31 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Dispatchable Voltage Reduction (DVR)

32 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

About the Project

• Utility Company: – A Cooperative (COOP) that receives energy from G&T (

Duke Energy) – Is Charged a Demand Component based on the

COOP’s peak load that is coincident with the G&T’s Load

• Objective of the Project: – Forecast G&T’s Load – Reduce Own demand though dropping voltages

during G&T’s Peak Load Time – Use DVR to Address Grid Reliability Issues

33 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

DVR Definition • DVR (a.k.a. CVR) is the deliberate and active control of

electrical network devices to reduce consumption through

voltage changes on the network

• CVR may be performed as an event or on a continuous basis to

reduce peak demand or total energy consumption

©2014 OATI, Inc.

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Leveraging AMI Data

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Bellwether Meters and Regulation Zones

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Direct Voltage Control

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Sample Test results

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Ameren Illinois

• Two Projects Focused on determining the effects of Conservation Voltage Reduction on two Distribution Systems

• CVR: Reduction of Voltage Along Distribution Feeder for the Purpose of Reducing Electric Power Demand and Energy (126-114 Volt)

• CVR Factor= % ∆ Load/ % ∆ Voltage

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

39 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Ameren Illinois

• Project Approach:

– Installation of New Regulator Controller with two-way Radio Communications

– Installation of Voltage Sensors and End-of-line Locations

– Modifications to LTC Controller to Provide Remote Control Capability

– Implementation of Automatic Voltage Control in SCADA

– Implemented Baselining Method using historical data

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

40 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Ameren Illinois

• Results – Demand Reduction Varies by Time and by Type of


• Lessons Learned – Understanding load characteristics

– Need Additional testing

Estimated CVRf

Feeder Summer Fall

Urban .78 1.24

Rural/Urban .97 .44

Source: EPRI/DOE- The Smart Grid Experience Conference- Charlotte, NC, October 27-29 2014

41 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Concluding Remarks

42 Smart Grid Conference 2014 (SGC’14) - Grid Renovation Workshop

Concluding Remarks

• The electric power industry is experiencing fundamental changes – Fuel economics, renewables, customer-side DR/DER, changing business

Models, New Technologies, ..

• More Reliance on Distribution/Customer-Side Assets for Grid Operation • Requirements for Measurability, Predictability, Controllability, and

Verifiability of Last Mile Assets • DSO/DSP Constructs and Transactive Energy seen as the Wave of the

Future • Implementing Smart Grid Projects:

– Multi-Vendor Projects – Cyber Security: Customer Side Assets as the points of Security Breach – Interoperability: Standards a Must, but Not Sufficient – Geo-Spatial Presentation of Assets – Need for Heartbeat Signals

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