The GLOBE Program in Rikard Katalinić Jeretov Elementary School Opatija GLOBE mentors: Dragica...

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Transcript of The GLOBE Program in Rikard Katalinić Jeretov Elementary School Opatija GLOBE mentors: Dragica...

The GLOBE Program inRikard Katalinić Jeretov

Elementary School Opatija

GLOBE mentors:

Dragica Rade, B. Sc.Marija Popović, B. Sc.

• GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)

• The idea was presented by the US Vice President Al Gore.

• The program began in 1995, on Earth Day (April 22nd).

• The very year, the program included 35 countries, including Croatia.

• Rikard Katalinić Jeretov Elementary School started the program on March 17th 1997.

• The GLOBE project managers were Marija Popović and Fredi Glavan.

The GLOBE program in Rikard Katalinić Jeretov Elementary

School• In the framework of the GLOBE program, students

measure and record data from the immediate environment (meteorological, hydrological, geological, biological) and sends them to the U.S. science base, where the data is processed and used to create visualizations for better interpretation of the global environment and local specifics.

The GLOBE server• The collected results are entered

into a common database on the GLOBE server, which is through the Internet accessible to all visitors at :

Data entry

• Atmospheric, hydrological and geological  measurements are made every day.• Afterwards the data is entered to the

Internet GLOBE database.

GLOBE database• Database access is easy

and accessible to everyone.• You can search for specific

information, compare them and draw conclusions.

• Besides the tabular view, there is also a graphical representation of data.

The GLOBE activities

During the school year GLOBE groups are involved in many ecological activities:•collecting of waste paper•collecting of secondary raw materials (plastic bottles, plastic caps, batteries, old fabrics, tin cans, glass bottles)•setting up bird feeders that are maintained on regular basis, and putting new food •involving in environmental projects•cleaning the school aquarium•participating in a cycling race in the European Mobility Week•celebrating Eco-dates (the International Day for ozone protection, Days of Bread and gratitude for the fruits of the earth, the International Animal Protection Day, World Forest Day, World Water Day)

The GLOBE projects

• Every year we participate at the State festival and competition of the GLOBE schools

• Some of the projects we have worked over the years and presented at the National festival:

1. Biodiversity of mediolittoral in Opatija (2005)2. Dependence of vegetation on soil type (2006)3. Weather - similarities and differences (2007)4. Educational trail ”Leska” (2008)5. Stable isotopes in precipitation in our backyard

(2009)6. Examples daily course of soil and air temperature

in Opatija (2010)7. Ozonator in operational health (2011)

Using the GLOBE database

We use the GLOBE database in classes:1. Biology2. Chemistry3. Geography4. Information Technology

We also use the GLOBE data for preparation of our projects.

The GLOBE in IT Department

The GLOBE data are used in teaching ICT in the following topics:•Searching the Internet (5th grade)•Spreadsheets (MS Excel - 7th grade)•Databases (MS Access - 8th grade)

Creating projects using the GLOBE database

• 2007 we participated to the National festival of the GLOBE schools with a project called  “Weather - similarities and differences”  in cooperation with Mario Martinolić Elementary School Mali Lošinj.

• We compared the current, minimum and maximum air temperature of schools that are on the same parallel, and the same altitude as ours.

• Students are taught to find the necessary data individually, process them using a spreadsheet program for data processing and present their results.

The GLOBE Program in E-course• The GLOBE program is included in

an exchange of e-learning program at the Rikard Katalinic Jeretov Eco-School, which is implemented in our school.

Through e-course students have the opportunity to discuss protocols, problems, dilemmas, and the usefulness of the GLOBE Program.

Thank you for your attention!