The explanation of ( Istia`adha and Busmala and their rules) · Explanation of Suratul Fatihah (The...

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Transcript of The explanation of ( Istia`adha and Busmala and their rules) · Explanation of Suratul Fatihah (The...



تفسيــــر ترجمة الداعية المكتب

محمد حسين علي

إعداد :

قسم البحث والترجمة بالمكتب

وى الأول ــــالمست

ــــــزي ليـــــإنج



المكتب التعاوني للدعوة والإرشاد

وتوعية الجاليات بالجبيل

إدارة التعليم


(03)362 5500 (Ext.1063) Fax No. (03)362 6600 1580, Jubail 31951

Account No. in Al-Rajhi at Jubail (Gen.9/21, Books & Cassettes 8/26)

First Edition Jamad II, 1437 H

Second Edition Dhul Hijjah 1441 H ه 1437الطبعة الأولى جمادى الأخرى

ه 1441ة جالثانية ذوالح الطبعة


Interpretation of ( Isti’aadah and Bismillah and their rules)

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم الرحيم الرحمن الل بسم

When is Isti’aadhah mentioned?:

Allah, Al-Mighty says:

فٱستعذ بٱللن نزغ ـ ا ينزغنك من ٱلشيط ( ٢٠٠عليم ) سميع ۥ إنه وإم

(And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitan ( devil) , then seek refuge with

Allah. Verily He is All Hearer All- Knower. Surah Al- Araf 8, verse 200.

He also says :

جيم ) ن ٱلر ـ من ٱلشيط ( ٩٨فإذا قرأت ٱلق رءان فٱستعذ بٱلل

,” So when you recite the Qur’aan , seek refuge with Allah from the Satan, the out cast

(the cursed). Surah Al Nahl 16, verse 98.

The first opinion:- Some scholars of the methods of recitation of the Holy Qur’aan

said: “Isti’aadah is to be mentioned after the recitation of the Qur`aan” . Their evidence

was that they depended on the apparent meaning of the second verse; and so as to avoid

self-admiration after one finishes the recitation and the act of worship.

Second opinion: Isti`aadha is to be said before and after recitation.

Third opinion: which is the strongest, most famous and the opinion of most of the

scholars- is that Isti`aadha is to be mentioned before recitation so as to pre-empt the

act of whispering. With regards to the verse :( So when you recite the Qur`aan seek

refuge with Allah from Satan, the out cast (the cursed one). Al- Nahl (98); According

to their opinion it means: when you want to recite the Qur`aan, as Allah says:

وه ج لوة فٱغسل وا و ا إذا ق مت م إلى ٱلص أيہا ٱلذين ءامن و ـ ك م وأيديك م إلى ٱلمرافق ي

(O you who believe when you stand up to offer As-salat , wash your faces and your

hands ( forearms) up to the elbows …. Surah Al- Ma`idah 5, verse 6

Some Excellences of Istia`adha:

1- It purifies the mouth from the nonsense speech into which oneself has been

indulged in order to recite the words of Allah, Al-Mighty.

2- To seek refuge with Allah, the All-High.

3- To acknowledge the power of Allah and affirm the servant’s weakness and

incapability to resist and repel this enemy, the devil (the Satan).

The meaning of Isti`aadha:

The meaning of أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم() , (I seek refuge with Allah from

the cursed Satan), is that: I seek the protection of Allah from the Satan not to do me

harm in my religion, worldly affairs or to hinder me from performing what I am

commanded to do ( by Allah ) or to entice me to do what is forbidden for me to do .

The rule of Istia`adha:


Most of the religious scholars said : It is recommended and that the Prophet (peace

be upon him) used to do that because it expels the Satan.

The meaning of الرجيم (the accursed):

The word شيطان is derived from the Arabic word شطن , shatana, which means: keeping

away or the far thing, for the Satan and because of his wicked nature, keeps itself away

from every righteousness or, the word شطن is derived from the word ,شاط sha`tt which

means : ( burned ), because Satan was created from fire , and the word الرجيم , (the

accursed) means being expelled from all kinds of righteousness.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ) البسملة (

(In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, and the most Merciful)


The meaning of the Bismillah:

It means I start with every name of Allah, All-Mighty Who is the only one to be

worshiped and whose mercy encompasses every thing in the world.

Is it a verse or otherwise?:

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him)

used not to separate between the سور , the chapters of the Qur`an, until

(In the name of Allah , the Most Gracious , the Most Merciful ) ) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (

was revealed to him) Narrated Abu Dawoud . Religious scholars however, consented

on that it is a part of an Ayah (a verse) in the Chapter of An`Naml but they disagreed

on whether it is an independent verse in the opening of each chapter, or is it in the

chapter of الفاتحة (The Opening) only, or is it for the separation of the chapters of the

Qur`an. The strongest opinion is that it is to separate between the chapters, as it is

evident by the above-mentioned Hadith.

Is it recited loudly or silently?

Those who regard it as a verse, see that it has to be pronounced loudly in the prayer

while those who do not see that say it has to be mentioned silently during the prayer. It

is reported that the four Kalifahs used to mention it silently in the prayer. This is also

the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifa, Thouri and Imam Ibn Hambal.

In summary, it was narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned it both

loudly and silently. However, scholars agreed unanimously that both of the previous

foresaid ways are valid.

Excellency of AL- Bismillah:

Abu Al-Maleeh (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that a man said: While I was

riding behind the Prophet (peace be upon him) his mule stumbled, I said, “ May Satan

perish “, He (peace be upon him) said “Do not say that , if you say so Satan will be

proud and become like a house in size and say, “I knocked him down with my

strength”, but say : بسم الله (In the name of Allah) , if you say that it will diminish until

it becomes as small as a fly.” Narrated Abu Dawoud.

The situations where Bismillah is recommended:

1- Upon reciting the Quraan

2- Upon mounting a vehicle.


3- Upon starting to perform ablution.

4- Upon starting to eat.

5- Upon slaughtering, and some scholars regard it as a must in this case.

6- Before entering the toilet to relieve nature’s call

7- Upon beginning a journey.

The Questions

Q.1. Religious scholars disagreed on the time in which Istia`adha is to be

mentioned . State the strongest opinion and mention the evidence.

Ans: The strongest opinion is to mention istiadha before reciting the Qur’aan in order

to pre-empt Satan from whispering.

Q.2. State the meaning and the rule of Bismillah.

Ans : In the Name of Allah

It is a Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH before starting many permissible things

and also it is verse of Surah Naml.

Q.3.State the meaning of ( يم )الشيطان الرج ,( the cursed Satan ).

Ans : Satan is derived from Shatana meaning far away because he stays far away

from good deeds.

Rajeem means the accursed because Satan has been expelled from all righteousness

Q.4. Is Al- Bismillah a verse or else? Mention a Hadith that denotes its excellency?

Ans: Bismillah is not a verse in every chapter in the Qur’aan because the Prophet

PBUH later started to recite it in order to separate the chapters of the


For it excellency refer to the hadeeth of Abu Al Maleeh.

Q.5. Is AL-Bismillah mentioned loudly or silently?

Ans : The Prophet PBUH recited it both loudly and silently and therefore the scholars

are unanimous that both the ways are valid.

Q.6. State three situations which AL-Bismillah is recommended in?

Ans : Select any three

Explanation of Suratul Fatihah (The Opening Chapter of the Qur`an )

سورة الفاتحة حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم بسم ٱلله ٱلر

The names of الفاتحة ( The Opening ):

Means that the writing of the Book and :(The Opening of the Book) فاتحة الكتاب -1

the prayer are started with it .


القرآن -2 أم الكتاب و (The Mother of the Book and the Mother of the Qur’aan) أم

because the meanings of the Qur’aan originate and well from the meanings it


for it consists of seven verses which :(The Seven repeated verses ) السبع المثاني -3

are repeated in each prayer.

4- The Noble Qur’aan. الكريم القرآن

5- The Praise. الحمد

6- The Prayer. الصلاة

7- The Cure. الشفاء

8- The Spell breaker الرقية

9- The Sufficient Sura. الكافية

10-The Sura of the Prayer. الدعاء

11-The Treasure. الكنز

The Revelation of Al-Fatihah:

It was revealed in Makkah as most of the scholars said.

Excellency of Al-Fatiha:

Narrated Abu Hurayrah R.A. that “ The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) went

out while Ubayy ibn K`ab R.A. was praying and said,“O Ubayy!” Ubayy did not answer

him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “O Ubayy!” Ubayy prayed faster then went

to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying, “Peace be upon you, O

Messenger of Allah”. He (peace be upon him) said, “Peace be upon you O Ubayy, what

prevented you from answering me when I called you?” He said, “O Messenger of Allah

I was praying.” He, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Did you not read among

what Allah has sent down to me”:

س ول إذا دعاك م لما ي حييڪ وللر أيہا ٱلذين ءامن وا ٱستجيب وا لل ـ م يO You who believe, respond to Allah and his Messenger when he calls you to what

gives life to you. Surah Al Anfal 8, verse 24.

He said, “Yes O Messenger of Allah I will not do it again.” The Prophet (peace be upon

him) said, “Would you like me to teach you a Sura the like of which nothing has been

revealed in the Tawrah (Old Testemant), the Injil (Bible/New Testament) , the Zabur

(Psalms) or the Furqan (the Qur`an),?” He said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. The

Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “What do you read in the prayer?”. He

recited أم القرآن (Umm Al-Qur`aan). Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “By

Him in whose hand is my soul, Allah has never revealed in the Tawrah, the Injil, the

Zabur or the Furqan a Sura like it. It is the السبع المثاني (seven repeated verses) and the

Glorious Qur`aan I was given. Narrated by Tirmidhi.

Ibn Abbas said, “While Jibril A.S. (Gabriel) was with the Messenger of Allah (peace

be upon him), he heard a noise from above. Jibriel lifted his sight to the sky and said,

“This is a door in heaven being opened, and it has never opened before now. An Angel

descended from the door and came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said,

“Receive the glad tidings of two that you have been given, which no Prophet before

you was given: the opening of the Book and the last three Ayat of Surat Al –Baqarah .

You will not read a letter of them, but will gain its benefit.” (An-Nasai)

Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the prophet (peace be

upon him) said, “Whoever performs any prayer in which he did not read Umm Al-

Qur`aan , then his prayer is incomplete.” He said it thrice.


Abu Hurayrah was asked, “When we stand behind the Imam?” He said “read it to

yourself, for I heard the Messenger of Allah say, “Allah, the Exalted said, “I have

divided the prayer (AL-Fatihah) into two halves between myself and my servant, and

My servant shall have what he asks for, if he says,”

لمين ـ ٱلع رب 1 ٱلحمد لل

(All praise and thank be to Allah, the Lord of Al-aalameen (existence) Allah says,

“My servant has praised me.” When the servant says;

حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم 2 ٱلر

)The Most Gracious , the Most Merciful)

Allah says, “My servant has glorified Me.” When he says,

ين لك يوم ٱلد ـ 3 م

(The Owner of the Day of Recompense)

Allah says, “My servant has venerated Me” or “My servant has surrendered all

matters to Me.”

When he says,

4 إياك نعب د وإياك نستعين

(You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help)

Allah Says, “This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall acquire what

he sought.” When he says,

ستقيم ) رٲط ٱلم غير ( 6) ( صرٲط ٱلذين أنعمت عليهم 5ٱهدنا ٱلص ال ين ٱلمغض وب عليهم ول ( 7 ) ٱلض

(Guide us to the straight path. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your

Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray)

Allah says, “This is for My servant, and My servant shall acquire what he asked for”


The Ruling of reciting Al-Fatihah in As-salah:

1. First Opinion : Reciting AL-Fatiha is an obligatory duty for the Imam and those

praying behind him as well as the person who prays alone, (Shafiei`s opinion)

which depends on the preceding Hadith and the Hadith which says, “ There is

no prayer for whoever does not recite the opening of the Book.” (Agreed on).

2. Second Opinion : It is not a must for those who pray behind the Imam neither

in the loud or the silent prayer according to Hadith which says, “Whoever prays

behind an Imam , then the recitation of the Imam is considered as a recitation

for him” (Ibn Majah) , but this Hadith is weak

3. Third Opinion : It is a must for those praying behind the Imam, while it is not a

must in the loud payer according to the Hadith which says, “The Imam is

established as a guide to be followed (in prayer) so when he says أكبر الله

(Allah is Great), then say,” Allah is Great” and when he begins to recite then

listen.” (Agreed on) This is an old opinion of Imam Shafiei, but the first opinion

is the strongest, and Allah knows best.

Interpretation of Surah Al-Fatihah

لمين ـ ٱلع رب (All the praise be to Allah, the Lord of all that Exists)ٱلحمد لل


الحمد AL-Hamd (All praise): Alif & Lam )ال( in Al-Hamd ( All praise ) is for

exclusiveness and comprehensiveness, meaning that all kinds of praise and thanks be

to Allah.

الله ( Allah): A proper noun of )رب( (Lord), the All-Mighty. It is reported that it is

Allah’s Greatest Name, for all kinds of best Attributes are for Him. It is reported in

Sahihain that the Prophet ( peace be upon him) said, “ Allah , the Exalted Has ninety-

nine Names, one hundred less one, whoever preserves them will enter Paradise.”

(Agreed upon). (Preserves them) means, comprehends their meanings very well,

memorizes them and acts accordingly.

means: All thanks are due purely to Allah, not any of (All praise be to Allah) ٱلحمد لل

the creatures that are being worshipped instead of Him, nor any of His creation.

Ar-Rabb (The Lord) means the possessor who has complete and full power over : )رب(

his kingdom as well as the authority to dispose of it. Ar-Rabb is used only for Allah ,

but we can say , Rabb Ad-Dar , Rabb Al-Saif, the master of such and such object.

There are two types of the care provided by Allah towards His creations:

1- General one which includes His creation of all the creatures and that He

provides them with sustenance and guidance for their welfare.

2- Selective one which is for His true servants; that He endows them with faith and

makes them successful in it and protects them from all kinds of vicissitudes of


لمين ـ ٱلع


Plural of (Alam) which encompasses every thing in the existence except Allah, All

Mighty. The Aalamin are the different creations that exist in the heaven and on the

earth, on land or in sea. Mankind is an Aalam, Jinn is an Aalam, Angles is an


حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم . Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), Ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful))ٱلر

These are two names derived from the word mercy. Al is added to indicate superiority

and overstatement, but Ar-Rahman is superior to Ar-Rahim.

(Ar-Rahman) means that Allah’s mercy encompasses this world and the Hereafter, and

Ar-Rahim is for the believers in the Hereafter as Allah AL-Mighty says,”

ا ؤمنين رحيم وڪان بٱلم

And he is merciful towards the believers. Surah Ahzaab 33, verse 43

AL- Qurtubi said,” Allah has described Himself as ‘ ArRahman after saying the Lord

of Alamin,’ so His statement, here, includes a reassurance after warning.

(Ar-Rahman) : is a name only used for Allah Al-Mighty. It is not permissible to be used

by a person. When Musailamah, the liar or the fabricator, called himself ‘Rahman

AL- Yamamah’ Allah made him infamous for fabricating and telling lies, so after that

he became known only as Musailamah the liar (the fabricator).

ين لك يوم ٱلد ـ (The Owner of the Day of Recompense )م

,It is recited in different ways . Some people recite it as (Maliki) : (Ma`lik ) , ) مالك (

others recite it as (Ma`liki) while some others recite it as (Malk).


Allah`s sovereignty is not only over the Day of Resurrection, but the Earthly life, too.

He is the Owner of the worldly Life as well as the Day of Judgment for Allah says in

the first Ayah that He is the Lord of existence. The Lord of the Day of Resurrection is

mentioned here because no one will dare to claim ownership of anything whatsoever

may be and no one shall speak unless Allah AL-Mighty permits him to do that.

means the Day of Judgment for all the creatures ( The Day of Recompense ) , ) يوم الدين

will be summoned in that Day to be judged for their good and bad deeds It has many

other names among which are:

Al-Qaari`ah, (The calamity) القارعة •

ة • اخ As-Saakh`ah, (The deafening sound) ٱلص

ة ٱلك برى • ام Al-Taamatul Kubra, (The great disaster) ٱلط

Al-Waaqiah (The inevitable) الواقعة •

You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help)إياك نعب د وإياك نستعين


) إياك( (You ) means You alone and none else.

) نعبد ( ,(We worship) : This word is derived form the word Ibadah which means

subdued. For instance, a road is described as Mu`abbad, meaning,’ paved’. In religious

terminology it implies the utmost love, humility, reverence and fear.

Some of the Salaf said, Al-Fatihah is the essense of the Qur`aan while these words are

the essence of Al-Fatihah.

means; we worship You alone and no one else, and we (You we worship), ) إياك نعبد (

depend on You only. This is the complete type of worship.

Istia`nah is to depend on Allah in bringing : (You we ask for help from ) , ) نستعين (

benefit and in protecting from harms and to have trust in Him while trying to get that.

The first part ,(You we worship, and You we ask for help ),إياك نعب د وإياك نستعين

( You we worship) is an affirmation of innocence from Shirk ( associating another thing

with Allah in worship). The other part (And You we ask for help) is an

acknowledgement of the inability and weakness of the servant of Allah.

We should mention that in this Ayah , the type of speech changes from the third person

to direct speech by using the Kaf in the statement Iyyaka (You), It is appropriate because

after the servant praised, thanked Allah and denied worshipping or seeking help from

any other one except Him, he stands before Him, addressing Him directly: ( You we

worship, and You we ask for help from), so it is as if he becomes near and present

before Him. Therefore, the situation renders suitable to use the Kaf to address Him


Allah Al-Mighty says, (You we worship) first, and then (And You we ask for help from)

because worship is an end while Isti`aanah (asking Allah`s help) is a means for it. Also,

it is a style of giving priority to the right of Allah over the right of the others.

ستقيم رٲط ٱلم (Guide us to the straight Path)ٱهدنا ٱلص

After the Praise to Allah came first, it becomes suitable for the one to ask Allah, the

AL-Mighty for his needs. This kind of method in asking one’s requirement, entitles the

person to be in a complete and a good situation before Allah the Exalted, and then asks

his needs and the needs of his fellow Muslims by saying: (Guide us to the straight Path).

Moreover, there is evidence in this way regarding the encouragement of the Muslim to

supplicate with the highest Attributes of Allah and ones good deeds. In this case the

servant praised Allah the Al-Mighty, thanked and exalted Him by addressing Him with


His best characteristics; The Lord of Al-Alamin, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful,

The Owner of the Day of Recompense, and that he makes all kinds of worship for Him

and asks the help of Him alone. So, after presenting these goods deeds before Him and

exalting Him, he asks Him for his needs; that to guide him and his Muslim brethren to

the straight way.

If we look at the verses of the Qur`aan very carefully, we will find that all the verses

containing supplications begin with an invocation of Allah, the Exalted, either with His

name Allah, His Divine Names or with His Best Attributes, or with the good deeds by

which a Muslim worships Allah and seeks to be near to Him such as what Dhun-Nun

(Prophet Yunus Alaihis salaam) said,”

نت من ٱل نك إن ى ڪ ـ أنت س بح ه إل ـ إل لمين ل ـ ظ

(La Ilaha ila Anta “ None has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah), Glorified

(and Exalted) be, You (above all that they associate with You) Truly, I have been of the

wrongdoers) (21:87)

He (peace be upon him) invoked Allah with true monotheism and confession of his sin

accompanied by great sorrow, which was considered as repentance.

:means lead, direct and make us successful. Guidance is of two types (Guide us ) , ) اهدنا(

1- Directive Guidance which every person has as Allah Al-Mighty says,

ستقيم وإنك لتہدى إلى صرٲط م

“And verily, you (O Mohammad) are indeed guiding (mankind) to the straight

path” (Al Shura 42, verse 52)

2- Guidance of success which is granted by Allah only as Allah, the Exalted says.”

يہدى من يشاء إنك ل تہدى من أ كن ٱلل ـ حببت ول

(Verily, you (O Mohammad) guide not whom you like, but Allah Guides whom

He Wills” (Al-Qasas 28, verse 56)

) الصراط المستقيم ( (The straight path) means the way that is not crooked. The true and

complete Islam in which there is no innovation or reduction. It is one of the useful

supplications, hence, it is recommended to be said in each Rak`ah of As-salah.

ال ين The way of) صرٲط ٱلذين أنعمت عليهم غير ٱلمغض وب عليهم ول ٱلض

those upon whom You have bestowed Your grace )

صرٲط ٱلذين أنعمت عليهم , ( The way of those upon whom You Have bestowed

Your Grace) denotes the straight path .Those upon whom Allah has bestowed His

grace are those mentioned in Surat An-Nisa ( chapter 4) when Allah says,

ن ـ ن ٱلنبي ٮك مع ٱلذين أنعم ٱلل عليہم م ـ س ول فأ ول وٱلر ومن ي طع ٱلللحين ـ يقين وٱلشہداء وٱلص د ا ) وٱلص ٮك رفيق ـ ٱلفضل ( ذٲلك ٦٩ وحس ن أ ول

ا ) من ٱلل عليم ( ٧٠ وكفى بٱلل

And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger ( Mohammad , peace be upon him)

then they will be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His grace ;

the Prophets , the Siddiqin (the truly faithful), the martyrs, and the religious, and how

excellent these companions are. Such is the bounty from Allah, and Allah is sufficient

to know. (Surah Al Nisa 4 verse 69 - 70).

means not (Not ( the way ) of those who earned Your anger) , غير ٱلمغض وب عليهم

the way of those who deserved your anger e.g. the Jews because they know the truth

but they do not follow it .


ال ين ول ٱلض means not the way of those who went astray e.g. The Christians for they

lack the true knowledge.

Allah, Al-Mighty affirms this statement by using La (nor) to show that there are two

corrupted ways : The way of the Jews and the way of the Christians .

The way of the believers comprises:

1- Knowledge of the truth.

2- Implementing of the truth.

The Jews avoid implementing the truth while the Christians lost the true knowledge.

So, for these reasons the Jews earned anger from Allah while the Christians went astray

because the one who knows and refrain from practice will be entitled for Allah’s anger,

in contrast to the one who does not know.

) آمين( , (Aa`min) means “O Allah accept our invocation”

The rule of saying Aa`min:

It is recommended for those who are not in prayer while it is strongly recommended for

those who are praying whether alone or behind the Imam as is reported in the Sahihain

by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “When the Imam says.’

Aa`min; then say, ‘A`min,’ because whoever says, Aa`min, coinciding with the angles,

his previous sins will be forgiven.” Ibn Shihaab reported that the Prophet PBUH used

to recite Aa’min. (Agreed up). It is also recorded in Sahih Muslim that Abu Musa

related to the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said, “When Imam says ‘Walad-

dallin’, say, ‘Aa`min’ and Allah will answer your invocation.” So, this Hadith shows

that if a person says Aa`min after each supplication, it is as if he says it himself. Hence,

it is said: It is not a must for the person who prays behind the Imam to recite because

his saying Aa`min after the Imam recites AL-Fatihah suffices him.


This noble Sura establishes the following:

1- The praise of Allah, the Exalted.

2- Glorifying of Allah, the Al-Mighty.

3- Giving thanks to Allah by mentioning His Best names which match His high


4- Mentioning of the Day of Recompense.

5- The guidance of Allah to His Servants to ask Him their needs humbly and to

confess their weakness and inability before Him.

6- The importance of being faithful and sincere in worshiping Allah with true

monotheism and the negation of any equal, partner or resemblance to Him, the


7- To ask Allah for guidance to the straight path.

8- The encouragement to do good deeds, and the warning from any deviation or

to follow the ways upon whom Allah descended Him anger or those who had

gone astray so as not to be one of them in the Day of Judgment.

The tenets in this Sura:

1-This Surah contains the three types of monotheism; the monotheism of AL- Rubobia

as Allah says, “The Rabb (Lord) of Al-Alamin”; The monotheism of Godhood as Allah

says, “You (alone) we worship” . The monotheism respecting the names and the


Attributes of Allah , AL-Mighty e.g. to affirm and attribute all characteristics of

perfection to Allah, The Exalted and to negate any Attributes of incompleteness and

deficiency regarding Him the ALL-Mighty All these are found in the word ( الحمد ) (

All the praise).

2-Allah, The Exalted has attributed the act of granting grace to His own self. He says,

“The way of those upon whom You have Bestowed Your Grace.” He, The AL-Mighty

has deleted the subject (the doer) of anger when He Says, “… not of those who earned

Your Anger”, but in fact He is the real Doer of that.

3- It also testifies the supreme power of Allah, The Most High, even though the servant

is the actual doer of his acts and deeds, in contrast to Al-Qadaryya and AL-Jabryya

sects. Also, it implies the decisive answer for those who have innovations and delusion

in the religion. This fact is apparent as Allah says, “Guide us to the straight path” . It

confirms that Allah alone is the One who guides misguides mankind, and not as Al-

Qadaryyah sect claims : ( It is the servant who chooses that, creates his own destiny

and acts accordingly. They however, give their proof on their claims and innovations

by misinterpreting some Ayaat (verses) which are not completely clear (with hidden

meanings) in the Qur`aan and leave the Ayat in which there is a clear argument against

their claims. This fact is evident in the Hadith reported by AL-Bukhari that the Prophet

(peace be upon him) said,

)فإذا رأيت الذين يتبعون ما تشابه منه فأولئك الذين سمى الله فاحذرهم(

“So if you see those who seek the allegories from it, then those are the ones whom

Allah has made deaf. So be cautious of them.”

Similarly Allah the exalted, says in the Quraan:

به منه ـ فيتبع ون ما تشا ٱلذين فى ق ل وبهم زيغ ء فأم ء ٱلفتنة وٱبتغا ٱبتغا

ۦ so as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation …) وما يعلم تأويله تأويله

(from the truth), they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah

(polytheism and trails), and seeking for its hidden meanings). Surah Aale Imraan 3,

Verse 7.

Praise be to Allah, the Exalted, that there is no valid argument in the Qura`n for an

innovator to testify to his claims.

4-The verse (Guide us to the straight path) affirms the fact of the Prophecy for this

situation can not exist without a messenger from Allah.

5-It confirms the recompense as well as the resurrection in the Hereafter as Allah AL-

Mighty says,

ين لك يوم ٱلد ـ م

(The Owner of the Day of resurrection)

6- The Sura also indicates the necessity of worshipping Allah sincerely as Allah


(You we worship) إياك نعب د وإياك نس

The Questions

Q.1- Mention five names of Al-Fatiha and where was it revealed?

Ans : Revealed in Makkah

Q.2-Mention two Hadith regarding the excellence of Al-Fatiha?


Ans : Hadith 1 : “By Him in whose hand is my soul, Allah has never revealed in the

Tawrah, the Injil, the Zabur or the Furqan a Sura like it. It is the السبع المثاني (seven

repeated verses) and the Glorious Qur`aan I was given.”

Hadith 2 : “Receive the glad tidings of two that you have been given, which no Prophet

before you was given: the opening of the Book and the last three Ayat of Surat Al –

Baqarah . You will not read a letter of them, but will gain its benefit.”

Hadith 3: “Whoever performs any prayer in which he did not read Umm Al-Qur`aan,

then his prayer is incomplete.”

Q.3-Scholars disagreed on the rule of reciting AL-Fatihah in the prayer. There

are three opinions respecting that, mention them and state the strongest one.


1. First Opinion : Reciting AL-Fatiha is an obligatory duty for the Imam and those

praying behind him as well as the person who prays alone,

2. Second Opinion : It is not a must for those who pray behind the Imam neither

in the loud or the silent prayer

3. Third Opinion : It is a must for those paying behind the Imam, while it is not a

must in the loud payer

The first opinion is the strongest, and Allah knows best.

Q.4- State the meaning of the following words:

• Allah ٱلله

Ans : It is the proper noun of Lord

• ; AL – Alamin ين لمه ـ ٱلع

Ans: It is the plural of Alam meaning universe.

• ; The Most Gracious نه ـ حم ٱلر

Ans: Nobody can be kind like Him

• ; the Day of Recompense ينه يومه ٱلد ه

Ans : The day when all people will be paid back for their deeds

• ; We worship نعبد

• Ans: Worship implies the utmost love, humility, reverence and fear. (You we

worship) means; we worship You alone and no one else, and we depend on You

only. This is the complete type of worship.

• ; those who earned the anger م ٱلمغضوبه عليهه

Ans: It means the Jews because they know the truth but they do not follow it .

• ; those who went astray ال هي ن ٱلض

Ans: It means the Christians for they lack the true knowledge.

• ; Aa`min. آمين

Ans: O Allah accept our invocation

Q.5-This Surah implies a number of benefits. Mention three of them.

Ans: 1) Allah listens to his servants and is kind upon them.

2) Allah did not reveal such a brief but complete chapter to previous Prophets PBU


3) The path of Islam saves a person from the anger of Allah and also from


Q.6.Allah, the Exalted, says,” (The way of those upon whom You have bestowed

Your grace). In this verse there is an answer that can be directed to a misguided

sect. Mention the name of this sect, and what argument do you have to refute

their claims.

Ans : Omitted


Interpretation of Surat Al-Ikhla`as

سورة الاخلاص حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم بسم ٱلله ٱلر

It was revealed after Surat An`nas.

Reason of Revelation:

Narrated Oubai ibn Ka`ab (may Allah be pleased with him) that the polytheists said to

the Prophet (peace be upon him) : “O Mohammed, tell us the lineage of your Lord!” So

Allah , the Most High, revealed

ق ل ه و ٱلل أحد Say He is Allah, the only One مد ٱلل ٱلصAllah is the Self Sufficient (Master) لم يلد ولم ي ولد

He begets not, nor is he begotten (means the one who does not have offspring nor is he

born because every one who is born is surely going to die and somebody else will

succeed him. So, Allah never dies or be succeeded.)

ا أحد ف و ولم يك ن له ۥ ڪ

And there is no co-equal or comparable unto Him (this means that (He, Allah, Al-

Mighty, has no resemblance or an equal and nothing at all like Him) (Narrated by Al-


Tabarani reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah (my Allah be pleased with him)

said: the Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) said: “For every thing is a lineage

and the lineage of Allah is ( Say:” He is Allah, One . Allah – the Self-Sufficient Master.)

Its excellency :

Anas ibn Malik ( may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that an Ansari Companion

was the Imam of Quba mosque . He, after Surat Al-Fatiha, would first recite this Sura,

then he would join some other part of the Qur`aan to it. He used to do that in each

Rak`ah (unit of prayer). The people objected to his practice and asked him to either

recite this Surah or leave it and recite some other part. He said,: “I shall do as I am

doing, if you like you pray behind me or I abandon the position of your Imam.” They

would not allow his withdrawal because he was the most pious among them. Once the

Prophet (peace be upon him) came to visit them, they described the whole episode. The

Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him why he did not listen to his people and insisting

on reciting that Surah. The man said,” I love this Surah.” The Prophet (peace be upon

him) said, “Your love for it has made you enter Paradise.” (Narrated by Bukhari.)

Abu Sa`eed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that a man heard

someone reciting Surat Al-ikhlas (Say,: Allah He is Allah, the only One) repeatedly at

night . In the morning he mentioned that to the Prophet (peace be upon him) belittling

the recitation. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “By the One in whose hand my

soul is, this Sura is equal to one-third of the Qur`aan,”(Bukhari).

A`isha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, “Whenever the Prophet (peace be upon

him) would go to his bed every night he would put his palms together and blow into

them and then he would recite into them (his palms), (Say: Allah is One) and (Say: I


seek refuge with the Lord of Al-Falaq” and “ Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of

mankind” and then he would wipe with them (his palms) whatever he was able to of

his body .He would start wiping his head and face with them and the front part of his

body. He would do this (wiping his body) thrice” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari).

Interpretation of the Surah Al Ikhlaas

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

مد )١ق ل ه و ٱلل أحد ) ا ٣( لم يلد ولم ي ولد )٢( ٱلل ٱلص ف و ( ولم يك ن له ۥ ڪ ( ٤أحد )

Say: “He is Allah, One (1) Allah – the Self-Sufficient Master (2) He begets not, nor

was He begotten (3) and there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him (4).

(Say: “ He is Allah, One) means say sincerely and truthfully with full knowledge of its

meaning that Allah is the One Who has no resemblance or a mate and that the status

of oneness is only limited to Him . This attribute is not given except to Allah the Most

High for He is the perfect in all His Attributes and Acts.

(Allah, the Self Sufficient Master ): Ibn Abbas ( may Allah be pleased with them) said:

It means the One to whom all creatures resort in their needs and all affairs. Some other

said: He is the master He does not eat or drink and he is immortal. (He begets not, nor

was He begotten) means He has no offspring, a father or a wife.

(And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him). Mojahid said: He has no

resemblance among His creatures or something equal to him.

The Questions

Q .1. Mention the occasion of the revelation of Surat Al-Ikhlas?

Ans : Narrated Oubai ibn Ka`ab (may Allah be pleased with him) that the polytheists

said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) : “O Mohammed, tell us the lineage of your

Lord!” So Allah , the Most High, revealed this Surah

Q.2.Mention one evidence that denotes the excellence of Surat Al-Ikhlas?

Ans :

1) The Prophet (peace be upon him) told the Ansari Imam of Quba Masjid, “Your

love for it has made you enter Paradise.” (Bukhari)

2) The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “By the One in whose hand my soul is,

this Sura is equal to one-third of the Qur`aan,”(Bukhari).

3) A`isha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, “Whenever the Prophet (peace be

upon him) would go to his bed every night he would put his palms together and

blow into them and then he would recite into them (his palms), (Say: Allah is

One) and (Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of Al-Falaq” and “ Say: I seek

refuge with the Lord of mankind” and then he would wipe with them (his palms)

whatever he was able to of his body .He would start wiping his head and face

with them and the front part of his body. He would do this (wiping his body)

thrice” (Bukhari).

Q.3. State the meaning of the following words:

Samad; مد ٱلص


Ans : Samad means the Self Sufficient Master. Ibn Abbas ( may Allah be pleased with

them) said: It means the One to whom all creatures resort in their needs and all affairs.

Some other said: He is the master He does not eat or drink and he is immortal.

He begets not; لم يلهد

Ans : Means nobody is born from Him, nobody is like Him and no one will succeed


an equal. ڪفوا أحد

Ans : Similar in resemblance or equal in names and attributes such as eternal, most

powerful, most merciful etc.


Interpretation of Surat Al-Falaq & Surat An-Nas

سورة الفلق &

سورة الناس حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم بسم ٱلله ٱلر

The Excellences of Al-Mu`awwidhatain :

Uqbah bin Amir (may Allah be pleased with him ) reported that the Prophet ( peace be

upon him) said, “Do you know that tonight two Surah have been revealed to me, the

like of which were never found, then he recited these two Surah.” ( Muslim).

Abu Sa`eed reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to seek protection from

Jinn and the evil eyes but when these two Sura were revealed he used them (for

protection) and abandoned all else besides them”. (Tirmidhi, Nasa`ie and ibn Majah).

When are the Muawwidhatain recited

A`isha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, “Whenever the Prophet (peace be upon

him) would go to his bed every night he would put his palms together and blow into

them and then he would recite into them (his palms), (Say: Allah is One) and (Say: I

seek refuge with the Lord of Al-Falaq” and “ Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of

mankind” and then he would wipe with them (his palms) whatever he was able to of

his body .He would start wiping his head and face with them and the front part of his

body. He would do this (wiping his body) thrice” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari).

Uqbah Bin Aamir stated that the Prophet PBUH has commanded me to recite

Muawwidhatain after each prayer. (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Nisai. Corroborated by


Seeking Refuge

Mu’adh Bin Abdullah Bin Khabeeb reports from his father that once we ventured out

with the Prophet PBUH during a rainy pitch-dark night. We requested the Prophet

PBUH to lead us in prayer. Then I went to the Prophet PBUH. The Prophet PBUH

commanded me to say. I did not say anything. Again He PBUH commanded me to say.

I did not say anything. Again He commanded me to say. I enquired “what shall I say?”

The Prophet said “Say : When you witness the day or the night, in each morning and

each night, recite Qul Huwallahu Ahad and the Muawwidhatain. They shall be

sufficient for you against everything”. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nisai. Corroborated by


Interpretation of Suratul Falaq

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah , the most Gracious , the most Merciful

ٱلفلق ) ( ومن شر غاسق إذا وقب ٢( من شر ما خلق ) ١ق ل أع وذ برب ت فى ٱلع قد )٣) ـ ث ـ ( ٥( ومن شر حاسد إذا حسد ) ٤( ومن شر ٱلنف

(1) Say : I seek refuge from the Lord of Al Falaq (day break)


(2) From the evil of what He has created,

(3) And from the evil of darkening as it comes with its darkness,

(4) And from the evil of those (who practice witchcraft) when they blow in knots,

(5) And from the evil of the envier when he envies.

ٱلفلق ق ل أع وذ برب Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of Al-Falaq (the cleaver meaning the daybreak.)

As some scholars said, “It means the daybreak”. This is also the opinion of Imam Al-

Bukhari as he stated in his Sahih that it means I resort and seek protection with the

cleaver of the daybreak.)

من شر ما خلق

From the evil of what He has created

Means from the evil of all creatures; Jinn, human beings , animals and all others.

ومن شر غاسق إذا وقب

And from the evil the darkening as it comes with its darkness,

Mojahid said: Ghasiq غاسق means the night.

-idha Waqab إذا وقب

As it ( the night) comes with its darkness.

Refers to the setting of the sun while others said : It is the moon as A`isha ( may Allah

be pleased with her) said that the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) looked at the moon and

said : “O A`isha seek refuge with Allah from this , for it is the غاسق إذا وقب (

Ghasiq idha Waqab)”, because when the moon appears or the sun sets, this means the

beginning of the night, the time which we are commanded to take refuge with Allah

from for it is the time when Shayatin ( the devils) come out and scatter, and Allah knows


ت فى ٱلع قد ومن ـ ث ـ شر ٱلنف

And from the evil of those (who practice witchcraft) when they blow in knots.

Means the witches who seek help on their witchery by blowing in knots in which the

work of witchery is made.

Aishah reported that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) was bewitched under a

magic spell, until he thought that he had relations with his wives while he had not done

so. Sufyan said.: This is the worst form of magic when it reaches this stage. Once he

said to me:, “I asked my Lord and He showed me. Two men came and one sat near my

head and the other near my legs. The one sitting near my head asked the other. “What

has happened to this man?.” He said,” He is under a magic spell.” He asked, “Who

bewitched him? He answered,” Labid bin A`sim from Bani Zuraiq tribe. Who is an ally

of the J ews, and a hypocrite” the man asked, “With what (did he bewitch him)? The

other answered, “With a comb and hair from the comb.” He asked, “Where are those

things? “In a dried bark of a male date palm under a rock in Dharwan well.” A`isha

said, “So he (The Prophet (peace be upon him) went to the well and remove it.” Then

he said, “ This is the well that I saw. It as if its water had henna soaked in it and its palm

trees were like the heads of devils.” He ( the Prophet ) peace be upon him) said, “It was

removed (from the well). Then I (A`isha ) said, “Will you not make this public?” He


replied, “Allah has cured me and I hate to spread (the news of) wickedness to any of

the people.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari & Muslim).

Ibn Abas (may Allah be pleased with them) narrated that a Jewish boy used to serve the

Prophet (peace be upon him) when the Jews managed (after several trials) to persuade

the boy to give them some hair and some teeth of the comb of the Prophet (peace be

upon him) in which they bewitched him (peace be upon him). Abu Sa`ad narrated that

Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet and said O Mohammad, Are you sick? When the

Prophet said yes, he said, “I invoke the name of Allah against every disease that pains

you, against the evil of every envier and against any evil eye, may Allah heal you, I

invoke the name of Allah against every disease that pains you.”

ومن شر حاسد إذا حسد And from the evil of the envier when he envies

Envier حاسد

The person who wishes the favors bestowed on another person to vanish and hopes to

acquire them. So seeking refuge with Allah in this case is needed in order to avoid his

evilness and render his plotting to fulfill that ineffective. Envy also includes the evil

eye because evil eye does not stem except from an envier and a wicked self.

This Sura comprises the way of seeking refuge with Allah Al-Mighty from all kinds of

evils in general, and witchery and the evil eye in particular. It shows witchery as a fact

and that it has a harmful effect, which can be feared. So a person has to seek refuge

with Allah to avoid its evil.

The Questions

Q.1. Mention two Hadith regarding the excellences of Al-Mu`awwidhatain.

Ans : Uqbah bin Amir (may Allah be pleased with him ) reported that the Prophet (

peace be upon him) said, “Do you know that tonight two Surah have been revealed to

me, the like of which were never found, then he recited these two Surah.” ( Muslim).

Abu Sa`eed reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to seek protection from

Jinn and the evil eyes but when these two Sura were revealed he used them (for

protection) and abandoned all else besides them”. (Tirmidhi, Nasa`ie and ibn Majah).

Q.2. State the meaning of the following words:

Al-Falaq – ٱلفلق

Ans: It means the cleaver (breaker). In this Surah it means the day break (dawn)

because it breaks the day from the night.

From the evil of what He has created من شر ما خلق

Ans: It means from the evil of all creatures; Jinn, human beings, animals and all


Ghasiqin idha Waqab - غاسق إذا وقب

Ans : It means ‘The night as it comes with its darkness’. According to Mojahid,

Ghasiq means night whereas according to a hadith it means the moon.


Those who blow in knots – ت فى ٱلع قد ـ ث ـ ٱلنفAns : It means the witches who seek help on their witchery by blowing in knots in

which the work of witchery is made.

Envy - حسد

Ans : To wish that the favors bestowed on another person vanish and to hope to

acquire them.

Q. 3.Was the Prophet (peace be upon him) bewitched? Who did that and how?

Ans : Yes the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was bewitched by Labid bin A`sim from

Bani Zuraiq tribe who was an ally of the Jews, and a hypocrite. He bewitched the

Prophet PBUH with a comb and hair from the comb.


Interpretation of Surat An-Nas

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ٱلناس ) ه ٱلناس )٢( ملك ٱلناس )١ق ل أع وذ برب ـ ( من شر ٱلوسواس ٣( إلد ور ٱلناس )٤ٱلخناس ) ( ٦( من ٱلجنة وٱلناس )٥( ٱلذى ي وسوس فى ص

1. Say : I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind

2. The king of mankind.

3. The God of mankind

4. From the evil of the one who whispers and withdraws

5. Who whisper in the breasts of mankind

6. Of Jinn and men

.I Seek refuge’ means: I resort and take shelter‘ أع وذ

ٱلناس ) ه ٱلناس )٢( ملك ٱلناس )١ق ل أع وذ برب ـ (٣( إل

‘Say,: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, The king of mankind, The Ilah (the One

deserving worship) of mankind.

These are three Attributes from the Attributes of Allah, the Mighty : Lordship, kingship

and deserving of wprship. Thus He is the Lord ,the king and the God of all the created

things for He, the most High has created every thing. He is the king and they are His

servants. Therefore He commands us to take refuge with Him Who possesses these

Attributes, from evil of the whisperer, the Satan, which adores the evil and whispers in

the breasts of mankind.

’The whisperer‘ ٱلوسواس

Means the Satan, which is appointed, for every man, so every person has a Satan which

encourages to him the evil. So, the righteous person is the one whom Allah Al-mighty

has protected (from the evilness of the Satan).

Ibn Masoud narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “With every one of you

there is a devil. The Companions asked: Even with you, the Messenger of Allah? He

(peace be upon him) said,: “Yes, but Allah has granted me protection against him and

it ( the devil) accepted Islam, so it does not order me except with good”. (Muslim).

Bukhari & Muslim reported the story of Safiyya when she came to visit the prophet (

peace be upon him) while he was performing I`tiKaf in the Masjid, that he went out

with her during the night to walk her back to her house . So, two men from the Ansar

met him (on the way). When they saw the Prophet they began walking swiftly. So, the

Messenger of Allah said,

“Slow down, this is Safiyya bint Huyay.”

They said, “Glory be to Allah, O Messenger of Allah.” He said,

“Verily, the Satan runs in the Son of Adam like the running of the blood …”

Abu Maleeh reported that once I was riding behind the Prophet (peace be upon him)

when his mule stumbled, I spontaneously uttered , “May Satan perish.” The prophet

said, “Do not say that. It encourages Satan and he grows bigger and bigger till it is like


a house in size and it says . “I stumbled him with my strength.” But if you say “In the

name of Allah بسم الله he will diminish and become like a fly.” (Narrated by Abu

Dawoud.) There is evidence here that when the person celebrates the remembrance of

Allah, Satan will become small and be subdued and if he forgets to do that, Satan will

become strong and have domination over him.

Sa`eed bin Jubair ( may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Ibn Abbas (may Allah

be pleased with them) said , “The Satan is perched on the heart of every man. When he

forgets Allah he starts to whisper, and when he begins the remembrance of Allah, he


Ibn Abi Thaur narrates from his father that “Satan blows into the heart of man in

happiness and sorrow . When he forgets Allah, he starts whispering and If Man

remembers Allah, he flees away.”

د ور ٱلناس ’Who whisper in the breasts of mankind‘ ٱلذى ي وسوس فى ص

Means whisper in the chests of mankind and Jinn.

,’Of Jinn and men‘ من ٱلجنة وٱلناس

And this makes strong the opinion that mankind includes both men and Jinn. An other

interpretation of (Of Jinn and mankind), it can mean that the evil people from among

the human race and Jinn whisper in the chests of other people as Allah Al-Mighty says,”

ه م إلى بعض نس وٱلجن ي وحى بعض طين ٱل ـ ا شيوكذٲلك جعلنا لك ل نبى عد و

ا ور ف ٱلقول غ ر خر ز (And so We appointed for every Prophet, devils among mankind and Jinn, inspiring

one another with adorned speech as a delusion) (Al-Ana`am: 112)

Abu Dhar reported that once he went to the Masjid and sat with the Prophet (peace be

upon him) .He asked me, “Did you pray?” When I said no, he said, “Offer two Rak`ah.

When I again sat after finishing the payer, he said “Abu Dhar, seek refuge against the

devils among men and Jinn.” I asked, “Are there devils among men also? He said,

“Yes,” (Nisaie).

Abu Huraiah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “Some of the Companions of the

Prophet (peace be upon him) came to him and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, we

sometimes say things to ourselves that we abstain to say openly.” He asked, “Do you

really find that?” They said, “Yes,” He (peace be upon him) said, “That was the plain

(sincere) faith.” (Muslim).

The Questions

Q.1. State the meaning of the following words:

I seek refuge أعوذ

Ans : It means I resort and take shelter.

The whisperer ٱلوسواسه

Ans : It means the Satan because he whispers in the hearts of people.

Of Jinn and mankind نةه وٱلناسه ن ٱلجه مه


Ans :

First meaning : Mankind includes both human beings and Jinns.

Second meaning : The whisperers (misguides) include men and Jinns.

Q.2. What should a man say when he stumbles? Mention the evidence.

Ans : He should say ‘Bismillah’. This is according to what the Prophet PBUH advised

Abu Maleeh in the hadith.

Q.3. Are there devils among mankind? Mention the evidence.

Ans : Yes there are devils among the human beings as stated by Allah in Surah Al

An’aam, verse 112:

ه م إلى بعض نس وٱلجن ي وحى بعض طين ٱل ـ ا شيوكذٲلك جعلنا لك ل نبى عد و

ا ور ف ٱلقول غ ر خر ز And so We appointed for every Prophet, devils among mankind and Jinn, inspiring one

another with adorned speech as a delusion


Interpretation of Surat Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre)

سورة لهب / المسدحيم ن ٱلر ـ حم بسم ٱلله ٱلر

Occasion of the Revelation:

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Prophet ( peace be upon

him ) went out to Al-Bat`ha and ascended the hill and called out “ يا صباحاه ا يا صباحاه

” Which was an expression to call the people to assemble. When the people gathered,

he addressed them saying “If I state that your enemy is coming to attack you in the

morning, or in the evening, would you believe me?” They all said, “Yes”. Then he said,

“Verily, I am a warner (sent) to you before the coming of a severe torment.” Upon this

Abu Lahab said, “Have you gathered us for this? May you perish” Then Allah reveled

“Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

( سيصلى ٢ۥ وما ڪسب ) ( ما أغنى عنه مال ه ١ )تبت يدا أبى لهب وتب ا ذات لهب ) الة ٱلحطب ) ( وٱمرأت ه ٣نار سد ٤ۥ حم ن م م

( فى جيدها حبل (٥ )

(1) Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he.

(2) His wealth and his children will not benefit him.

(3) He will be cast in a Fire of blazing flames.

(4) And his wife, too, who carries wood.

(5) In her neck is a stranded rope of Masad (palm fibre).

Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab تبت يدا أبى لهب وتب

Means : They ( his two hands) were losers. Abu Lahab was one of the uncles of the

Prophet (peace be upon him). His name was Abdul – Uzzah ibn Abdul –Muttalib . His

‘Kunniyah’ (teknonym’ was Abu Utaibah. He was called Abu Lahab because of the

brightness of his face. He always used to harm the Prophet (peace be upon him) . He

once heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying, while the people gathered around

him, “O people say لا اله إلا الله ( There is no god worthy of worship but Allah ) and

you will be successful, Abu Lahab stood behind him and said, “O People , he is an

apostate ( from our religion) and a liar” and he followed him( the Prophet ( peace be

upon him) wherever he went .

And perish he وتب

Means that his loss and destruction would certainly came true. Abu Lahab used to say,

“If what my brother`s son says proves to be correct , I will offer my wealth and offspring

in compensation to avert the punishment.” Then Allah Al-Mighty revealed

ۥ وما ڪسب أغنى عنه مال ه ما

(His wealth and offspring will not benefit him)

ا ذات لهب ’He will be cast in a fire of blazing flames‘ سيصلى نار


Meaning, it has sparks, flames and severe burning.

الة ٱلحطب ۥ وٱمرأت ه حم ‘And his wife, too, who carries wood’.

His wife was among the leading women of Quraish and she was known as Umm Jamil,

her name was Arwa bint Harb ibn Umayah and she is the sister of Abu Sufyan. She was

supportive to her husband in his disbelief and obstinacy. Therefore, she will help in the

punishment of her husband in the fire of hell in the day of Judgment. So, she will carry

the firewood while she is putting a rope of fibre around her neck, or she gathers sin on

her back as the one who collects wood

سد م ن م حبل جيدها .’In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad (palm tree)‘ فى

Meaning, there is a rope of fiber in her neck. Sa`eed bin Al- Mosayyab said that she

had a valuable necklace and she used to say, “I shall spend it for opposing

Mohammed.” Allah says that she will have a rope of fiber in Hell-fire. Some scholars

said that she would be tied with a rope of fire and then pulled up with the rope to the

verge of Hell-fire and then the rope will be let loose, then again she would go to its

bottom. She would go on suffering this kind of torment forever.

The benefits of this Sura:

1- Lineage and family relationship will not benefit any man before Allah Al-Mighty,

but piety will, for we see in this Sura that Abu Lahab, who is the uncle of the

Prophet ( peace be upon him), is in Hell-fire.

2- In this Sura there is a miracle and clear-cut proof of the Prophecy of the

Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that since the revelation of these verses:

‘He will be burnt in a fire of blazing flames. And his wife, too, who carries wood’

it was destined that they would be unfortunates and disbelievers and would not

accept Islam neither openly nor in an implicit way, the destiny which came to be


The Questions

Q.1. Mention the occasion of the revelation of this Sura?

Ans :Refer to the hadith narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas

Q.2.State the meaning of the following words:


Ans : Perish (Loss, destruction, doom)


Ans: What he gained (What he collected / earned)


Ans: Flames / Bright

ها يده فهى جه

Ans : In her neck

Q.3. What are the benefits of this Sura?

Ans : Refer to the last section of this lesson


Interpretation of Surat Al-Nasr (The Help)

سورة النصر حيم ن ٱلر ـ حم بسم ٱلله ٱلر

وٱلفتح ) ا )١إذا جاء نصر ٱلل أفواج ل ون فى دين ٱلل ( ٢( ورأيت ٱلناس يدخ ا ) إنه فسب ح بحمد رب ك وٱستغفره اب ( ٣ۥ ڪان تو

When Allah's help and the triumph comes (1) And you see mankind entering the

religion of Allah in troops, (2) Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek

forgiveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready to show mercy. (3)

Occasion of the Revelation:

This is a Madani Surah which consists of three (3) verses. It was revealed in Mina on

the occasion of the farewell pilgrimage and after the revelation of Surah Tauba. In the

sequence of revelation, this is the last Surah of the Quran as related by Ubaidullah Bin

Abdullah Utaibah that Abdullah Bin Abbas stated to me “Do you know the Surah of

the Quran which was revealed last of all, wholly at one time?” I replied

وٱلفتح إذا جاء نصر ٱلل“When Allah's help and the triumph comes”. He said “You gave the right answer”.

Muslim, Kitaab Ut Tafseer, Bab Fee Tafseer Ayaat Mutafarriqah 5349. (Muslim Book of

Exegesis, Section in Exegesis of different verses, 5349)

Objective for the revelation of the Surah:

This Surah contains an insinuation towards the departure of the Prophet PBUH from

this world as narrated by Ibn Abbas Radiallahu anhuma that “Umar Radiallahu anhu

used to take me with him to the congregations of the Sahabah (companions) who had

participated in Badar; so someone disapproved of this matter and said that we too

have sons like him, therefore should they not come to our meetings?” In reply to this

comment, Umar stated “Ibn Abbas is one of those people whom you know very well.”

Then one day he took me to one of their meetings and started asking them regarding

the ‘tafseer’ (exegesis) of the verse وٱلفت إذا جاء نصر ٱللSomebody said that “When we gain victory, support and supremacy, we should recite

the praise and glory of Allah and we should seek the forgiveness of our sins” whereas

some people remained totally silent. So Umar Radiallahu Anhu asked me “Do you

also say the same thing?” I replied “No”. Thence he asked “What do you say?” So I

said “It contains an insinuation towards the demise of Rasulallah Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam”. So Umar Radiallahu Anhu said “I also know the same thing that you say” (Bukhari, Kitabul Tafseer, Bab Qaulahu “Fasabbih Bihamdi Rabbika …..) (4588)

Ummul Mu’mineen (Mother of the believers) Ayesha Radiallhu Anhuma said that the

Messenger of Allah PBUH used to recite “Subhan Allahi wa Bihamdihi Astaghfirullah wa a

tuubu Ilaih” very frequently in his last period (meaning : Allah is perfect, and with his praise,

I seek forgiveness from Allah and I turn towards him.). And he used to say that “My Lord has

informed me that I will witness a sign (The victory of Makkah and the entry of people into

Islam in great numbers), and when I shall see it, I have been commanded to glorify the

perfection and praise of Allah; and verily I have seen it.” (Bukhari Tafseerul Quran, Bab Surah idha Jaa’a Nasrullah (4585); Muslim Kitabus Salat, Bab Ma Yuqaalu Fir Rukuu wal

Sajadah (747).


وٱلفتح When Allah's help and the triumph comes إذا جاء نصر ٱلل

Means : O Muhammad, be informed about this matter, Makkah which is your city, from

which you have were banished, when you conquer it,

ا أفواج ل ون فى دين ٱلل ورأيت ٱلناس يدخ

And when people begin to enter the religion of Allah in crowds

ا إنه بحمد رب ك وٱستغفره فسب ح اب ۥ ڪان تو Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready

to show mercy.

Means now the mission that was assigned to you in this world has been accomplished.

Now you make preparations to come to Me; because the hereafter for you is better

than the world, and shortly your Lord will bestow upon you which will make you


Brief meaning and interpretation of the Surah

These three verses were revealed in the last period of the Prophet PBUH, which

contains an insinuation towards the death of the Prophet PBUH. Allah the almighty

has told him that, now that Allah is bestowing victory and domination to you on each

campaign, even the conquest of Makkah is accomplished, which has been transformed

from being a center of disbelief to a center of Islam; now people from far and wide

are entering Islam without fear and danger; whereas earlier people used to harbor fear

and anxiety, they used to live in hiding; so give thanks to Allah for this blessed truth

and its completion. Now the existence of falsehood is being erased, the religion of the

polytheists is being finished. Hence you seek forgiveness from your Lord; seek

forgiveness for the shortcomings in closeness of the Lord and perfection in actions;

this does not mean those sins which are committed by others; for which they have

been commanded to seek forgiveness and atonement. Thus, Allah the Almighty who

has commanded you to seek forgiveness, is going to accept the atonement of the slave

and is going to forgive his sins.

The Benefits of this Surah

1) This surah contains the glad tidings regarding the support and help from Allah

for the Prophet PBUH. In addition it contains the pleasant news regarding the

conquest of Makkah and the mass entry of people into the religion of Islam;

which has already occurred.

2) Allah the Lord of the universes has commanded that when victory and the

domination of Islam is witnessed, He shall be thanked, he shall be glorified

and praised and forgiveness shall be sought from Him.

3) This surah contains an insinuation towards the subject that Allah will continue

to support His religion till the day of judgment.

4) Similarly an insinuation has been made towards the departure of the Prophet

PBUH from this world.

5) If a person is going to die, his close circle can be informed regarding it, but

there should be no public announcement.

6) If someone receives a blessing, it is customary to give thanks for it, whose best

method is to perform prostration.

7) It is established to say during ‘Ruku’ (bowing) “Sub ha na kalla humma wa bi

hamdika Alla hummagh firli.”



1) When was Suratul Nasr revealed?

Ans : It was revealed in Mina on the occasion of the farewell pilgrimage and after

the revelation of Surah Tauba. In the sequence of revelation, this is the last Surah

of the Quran.

2) State the reason for the revelation of Suratul Nasr?

Ans : It indicates that the mission of the Prophet PBUH is going to be completed

successfully and therefore he may not live very long.

3) Write the meanings of the following words:

ٱلفتح Ans : Victory

ا أفواج Ans : Armies / troops / huge groups of people

4) Write three benefits of this Surah.

Ans : Refer to the last section of this chapter.

Interpretation of Surat Al-Kaafiruun (The Deniers)

سورة الکافرونحيم ن ٱلر ـ حم بسم ٱلله ٱلر

ون ) فر ـ أيہا ٱلڪ ـ بد ون ما أعب د ٢( ل أعب د ما تعب د ون )١ق ل ي ـ ( ول أنت م عا عبدتم )٣) بد ون ما أعب د )( ول ٤( ول أنا عابد م ـ ( لك م دين ك م ولى ٥أنت م ع

( ٦دين )

Say: O deniers! (1) I worship not that which you worship; (2) Nor do you worship that

which I worship. (3) And I shall not worship that which you worship. (4) Nor will you

worship that which I worship. (5) Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.


Occasion of the Revelation

When the deniers among the Quraish presented this proposal to the Messenger of

Allah PBUH that we shall worship your God for a year and then you shall worship

our idols the next year, Allah revealed this Surah of the Quran in which he has

commanded his Messenger PBUH to express complete dissociation and

disenchantment with the polytheists. Tafsir Ibn Kathir Lil Imam Ismail Ibn Kathir Al Damashqi 561/4

Customary occasions for recitation

It is customary to recite it at the following occasions

a) In the first rakat of the Sunnah prayer after the Tawaf (circumambulation of

the Kabah) Muslim – Kitabul Hajj, Bab Hajjun Nabi Sallallahu Alah Wa sallam (2137)


b) In the first rakat of the Sunnah prayer during Fajr and Maghrib Tirmidhi : Kitabus Salat, Bab Ma ja’a fir rakataini ba’dal Maghrib wal Qara’a feehima (396). Ibn Majah, Kitaabal Qaamatis salaat wal Sunan Feeha, baab Maa Yaqra’a fir rakatain ba’dal Maghrib (1156). Albani has called it hasan

(good). Al Mishkaat (801)

c) Before going to sleep : according to the statement of the Prophet PBUH

“When you go to bed for sleeping, recite the complete ‘Qul Ya ayyuhal

kafiron’ because it contains disillusionment towards polytheism.

d) In the witr (odd number) prayer Tirmidhee, Kitaab As salaat, baab Ma jaa’a feemaa yaqra’a bihee fil witr (425). Abuu Dawuud, kitaabus Salaat, maa yaqra’a bil witr (1213), Ibn Maaja, Kitaab Aqaamatis salaatwal sunnatu feehaa, baab ma jaa’a feemaa yaqra’a fil witr

(1163). Allamah Albanee has called it authentic. Sunan Tirmidhee (463).


1. It contains disenchantment from ‘Shirk’ (polytheism) as stated in the hadeeth.

2. This Suurah is equivalent to one fourth of the Quraan, as narrated by Anas Bin

Maalik that the Prophet Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam said “Whoever recited

Idha Zulzilatul Ardh then he receives a reward equivalent to half the Quraan

and whoever recited Qul Yaa Ayyuhal Kaafiruun, he receives a reward

equivalent to one fourth of the Quraan and whoever recited Qul Huwallaahu

Ahad, he receives a reward equivalent to one third of the Quraan.” Tirmidhi, Kitaab Fadhailul Quraan, bab Majaa’a idhazulzilat (2818). Authenticated by Albaani in Saheeh Al Jame


ون ) فر ـ أيہا ٱلڪ ـ بد ون ما أعب د ٢( ل أعب د ما تعب د ون )١ق ل ي ـ ( ول أنت م عا عبدتم )٣) بد ون ما أعب د ٤( ول أنا عابد م ـ ( لك م دين ك م ولى ٥)( ول أنت م ع

( ٦دين )

ون فر ـ أيہا ٱلڪ ـ ق ل يSay: O deniers!

This is addressed to all the rejecters (unbelievers).

ل أعب د ما تعب د ون

I worship not that which you worship.

Meaning that I shall not worship your idols.

بد ون ما أعب د ـ ول أنت م ع

Nor do you worship that which I worship.

Meaning that you do not worship Allah whom I worship because you include others

in worship and the worship which is not pure, is not accepted.

ا عبدتم ول أ نا عابد م

And I shall not worship that which you worship.

Meaning I do not worship in the same way that you worship and neither do I adopt

your practices; on the contrary I worship Allah in such a way that He is pleased.

Brief meaning and interpretation of the Surah

Allah, the Lord of the Universe, is commanding His beloved Messenger (PBUH) to announce

complete outward and internal dissociation from rejecters (of Islam) and from the worship of

anything other than Allah, because these polytheists include others in the worship of Allah,

and when polytheism is added to any deed or act of worship, it can no longer be called

worship. Allah, the one and only, who has no partners, has repeatedly mentioned it in order to


emphasize upon it because none of their acts of worship were unadulterated from polytheism.

And in the last verse, Allah has drawn the line of demarcation between both the groups by

saying that: O rejecters, your religion and way is for you while my religion and way is for me.

I can never ever follow your religion and neither can I ever worship your idols.

A few of the benefits of this Surah

1) Allah shall be worshipped alone. All acts of worship shall be dedicated to Him


2) Announcement of disenchantment against polytheism, polytheists, all people

of falsehood and Non Muslims.

3) This Surah contains a total refutation of those people who call towards ‘Unity

of religions’. Through this Surah, Allah has differentiated between truth and

falsehood. Each Muslim should hold the belief that the religion of Islam is

solely the true and authentic religion and all other religions and creeds are


4) Imaam Shafa’ee has inferred from the verse ( لك م دين ك م ولى دين) that all disbelief

is one nation; that is why all the people who profess invalid religions and

creeds will be inheritors of each other if the relationship of descent and

inheritance is found between them. Whereas according to Imaam Ahmad

Rahmatullah Alaih, people professing two different religions (even though

both religions are invalid) will not be inheritors of each other as stated in the


“People of two different religions will not be inheritors of each other in

anything.” Tirmidhi, Kitaab Al Faraidh, Baab La yatawaarith ahlu millatain (2034). Albani has classified it as Saheeh in Saheeh al Jaame (7613)

5) This surah is an evidence of the infallibility of the Prophet PBUH bestowed by

Allah that helped him in refuting the invalid opinions and ideas of the



1) What is the background for the revelation of Surah Al Kafiroon?

Ans : Refer to the section “Occasion for revelation”

2) Mention two situations for the recitation of Surah Al Kafiroon

Ans : Refer to the section “Customary occasions for recitation”

3) Many virtues of Surah Al Kafiroon have been described. State any one virtue.

Ans : Refer to the first two points under section “Virtues”

4) Mention in brief the meaning of this Surah.

Ans : Refer to the section “Brief meaning and interpretation of the Surah”

5) Mention three benefits of this Surah.

Ans : Refer to the last section of this lesson.