DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are...

DRAFT BOOKLET ** ATTENDING FUNERALS & VISITING GRAVES ……OF THE FAITHFUL BELIEVERS A GIFT…. To :All the Believers who have passed away ….. From: All those who are to follow soon……. Presented by www.Duas.org www.Ziaraat.org & www.Islamic- Laws.com "It is one of the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim that he should visit his grave." Imam Ja'fer As-Sadiq (A.S.) EXTRACTED / ADAPTED FROM :- MAFªT«° AL-JINªN The Keys To The Gardens Of Paradise VOLUME TWO: COMPILED BY Shaykh `Abb¡s al-Qumm¢ Ansariyan PublicationsP.O. Box 18722 Shohada St., Qum Islamic Republic of Iran Tel: ++89 251 7741744 Fax: 7742647 Email: [email protected] www.ansariyan.net & www.ansariyan.org INDEX Remembering the deceased Visiting the graves Other ettiqutes

Transcript of DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are...

Page 1: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm




To :All the Believers who have passed away …..

From: All those who are to follow soon…….

Presented by www.Duas.org www.Ziaraat.org & www.Islamic-Laws.com

"It is one of the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim that he should visit his grave."Imam Ja'fer As-Sadiq (A.S.)

EXTRACTED / ADAPTED FROM :- MAFªT«° AL-JINªN The Keys To The Gardens Of Paradise VOLUME TWO: COMPILED BY Shaykh `Abb¡s al-Qumm¢

Ansariyan PublicationsP.O. Box 18722 Shohada St., QumIslamic Republic of Iran

Tel: ++89 251 7741744 Fax: 7742647Email: [email protected] www.ansariyan.net & www.ansariyan.org

INDEXRemembering the deceasedVisiting the gravesOther ettiqutesFuneralBurial witness documentSalat Mayyit

Page 2: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm

BurialTalqeenAfter Funeral/BurialSalat WahshatSuras Appendix






ء ' ا2 a

إ42 i Cا uب2 b ت2 tث2 th ج2 jح2 ¦ خ2 khد2 d ذ2 dhر r ز2 z

س s ش2 shص ¥ ض2 ¤ط § ظ2 ¨ع ` غ2 ghف f ق2 qك k ل2 lم m ن2 nه2 h و2 wي y

Long Vowels

Short Vowels

آ ¡ ـ2 aو £ ـ2 uي ¢ ـ2 i

Page 3: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm
Page 4: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm


REMEMBER ..One gift of Sura Fatiha or a 2 Rakat Salat is worth more to the deceased & he would offer the ‘Whole world’ in exchange for it …

The following tradition is recorded in the book of J¡mi` al-Akhb¡r as reported from one of the Holy Prophet’s companions:

One day, the Holy Prophet (¥) said, “Give presents to your dead people.”“O Allah’s Messenger,” we asked, “what should we give as presents to our dead people?”“You should present them alms and supplications,” instructed the Holy Prophet (¥).He then added, “Every Friday, the souls of the believers come down to the lowest sky directly

on their houses and homes and each one of them cry out with sad tone and weep, saying, ‘O my family members! O my sons! O my father! O my mother! O my relatives! Be kind to us, may Allah have mercy upon you, by presenting us some of that which was possessed by us! Now, woe and perdition are to us while the benefits are to others!’ Each one of the dead then cry out to his relatives, saying, ‘Be kind to us by giving as alms a dirham, a loaf of bread, or a dress so that Almighty Allah will dress you from the garments of Paradise.’”

The Holy Prophet (¥) then wept so heavily that he could not keep on talking. We also wept. He then added, “Those are your brothers-in-faith. They became rotten dust after pleasure and bliss. They now express grief and lamentation, saying, ‘Woe be to us! Had we given as alms all that which was possessed by us, seeking Almighty Allah’s pleasure and obeying Him, we would not have been in need for you.’ They then return with regret and grief, calling out, ‘Hurry up in giving the alms of the dead!’”

The Holy Prophet (¥) is also reported to have said, “Whatever alms you give on behalf of the dead, an angel will take that alms in a plate of light, while the alms is shining, to the seventh sky. He then stops at the brink of a ditch and says, ‘Peace be upon you, O inhabitants of the graves. Your people have gifted you this present.’ As the angel enters the grave with that alms, these graves are extended for their inhabitants. Verily, whoever dedicates an alms to a dead person will be given by Almighty Allah rewards that are as great as Mount U¦ud. On the Resurrection Day, he will be placed under the shadow of Almighty Allah’s Throne when there shall be no shadow except Allah’s. Because of that alms, he will be saved in his lifetime and after his death.”

It has been told that the governor of Khur¡s¡n was seen in dream saying, “Send to me the leftovers that you give to the dogs, because I am in urgent need for these leftovers.”

In conclusion, visiting the graves of faithful believers brings about an abundant reward in addition to great advantages and outcomes. It gives lessons in religiousness, draws attentions to the reality of our worldly lives, encourages asceticism and abstinence from worldly pleasures, and arouses the desire for the Hereafter.

Visiting the graves becomes highly recommended for those who are highly delighted or extremely distressed.

A true reasonable is he who learns lessons from graves, stripping himself of the sweetness of this worldly life and changing its sweet taste into bitterness, he who ponders over the inevitable extinction of this worldly life and the ceaseless changeability of its manners, and he who always remembers that very soon, he will be just like these inhabitants of graves, will fail to do any further charitable deed, and will be lesson for others.

Page 5: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm

VISITING THE GRAVES OF THE FAITHFUL BELIEVERSThe trustworthy and sublime Shaykh Ja`far ibn Qawlawayh al-Qumm¢ reports `Amr ibn `Uthm¡n

al-R¡z¢ as saying that he heard Imam Abu’l-°asan M£s¡ ibn Ja`far, peace be upon him, saying, “Whoever is unable to visit us, may visit the righteous adherents of us. If he does so, he will be endued with the reward of visiting us. Likewise, whoever is unable to connect us, may connect the righteous adherents of us. If he does so, he will also be endued with the reward of connecting us.”

Through an authentic chain of authority, Mu¦ammad ibn A¦mad ibn Ya¦y¡ al-Ash`ar¢ is reported to have said, “I was in Fayd (a station on the way of Makkah) when I accompanied `Al¢ ibn Bil¡l in visiting the grave of Mu¦ammad ibn Ism¡`¢l ibn Buzaygh. `Al¢ related to me, saying: The one buried in this grave told me that Imam al-Ri¤¡ (`a) said, ‘Whoever comes to the graves of his brother-in-faith and puts his hand on the grave ,directs his face towards the kiblah and recites S£rah al-Qadr (No. 97) seven times, will be secured on the Great Horror Day.” From the apparent point of this tradition, we may understand that security on the Resurrection Day will be for the one who recites that S£rah (i.e. the visitor of the grave) although it is probable that the one intended may be the visited one. This meaning is supported by a coming report of Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s:

It is reported that Almighty Allah revealed to Prophet Jesus (`a), saying:

ن عينيك يسى، هب ل4ي م4 يا ع4لخشوع ن قلب4ك ٱلدموع وم4 ٱ

4ذا لحزن4 إ ل عينيك ب4ميل4 ٱواكح4لبطالون وقم على ك ٱضح4

وت4 لص م ب4 الموات4 فناد4ه4 ٱقبور4 ٱيع4 لعلك تاخذ موع4ظتك ف4 ٱلرم ق ب4ه4 4ني الح4 نهم وقل: إ م4

ين. ق4 لالح4 ٱف4ي

O Jesus, devote to Me tears of your eyes and reverence of your heart. Darken your eyes with the stick of sadness when the idle ones laugh. Stop at the graves of the death and call on them with mournful tone so that you may learn lessons from them, saying, “I shall join you among all those who will join you.”

According to another tradition, the best thing to be said whenever one passes by a graveyard is the following words, after stopping there:

م ما اللهم وله4ٱتولو

all¡humma wallihim m¡ tawallaw

O Allah, (please) turn them to that to which they have turned

حشرهم مع من ٱوٱاحبو

wa¦shurhum ma`a man a¦abb£

and join them to those whom they have loved.

Another tradition on the same subject reads that Mu¦ammad ibn Muslim asked Imam al-¯¡diq, peace be upon him, “Should we visit the dead people?”

“Yes, you should,” replied the Imam.“Will they know about us when we visit them?” asked Mu¦ammad.“Yes, I swear it by Allah,” said the Imam (`a), “they do know about you, feel glad with that, and

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find entertainment with your visits.”“What should we say when we visit them?” asked Mu¦ammad.The Imam answered, “You may say the following words:

الرض ٱاللهم جاف4 م عن جنوب4ه4

all¡humma j¡fi al-ar¤a `an jun£bihim

O Allah, (please) prevent the soil from harming their sides,

4ليك د إ وصاع4 wa ¥¡`id ilayka arw¡¦ahumtake their souls up toارواحهم


نك وز4دهم م4ر4ضوانا

wa laqqihim minka ri¤w¡nanincrease Your pleasure with them,

ن م م4 4ليه4 واسك4ن إرحمت4ك

wa askin ilayhim min ra¦matika

and make part of Your mercy dwell with them

ل ب4ه4 وحدتهم m¡ ta¥ilu bih¢ wa¦datahumso that You will saveما تص4them from loneliness

wa tu'nisu bih¢ wa¦shatahumand entertain theirوتؤن4س وحشتهمisolation.

4نك على كل شيء إقد4ير

innaka `al¡ kulli shay'in qad¢run

Verily, You have power over all things.”

In the book of K¡mil al-Ziy¡rah, it is reported through a valid chain of authority that `Abd al-Ra¦m¡n ibn Ab£-`Abdull¡h asked Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) to teach him how to put his hands of the graves of Muslims. Teaching him, the Imam (`a) put his hand on the ground while facing the kiblah direction.

Through an authentic chain of authority, `Abdull¡h ibn Sin¡n has reported that he asked Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) to teach him how to salute the inhabitants in graves. The Imam (`a) replied that he might say the following words:

الم على اهل4 السن4ين لمؤم4 ن ٱلديار4 م4 ٱ

ين لمسل4م4 ٱوalssal¡mu `al¡ ahli alddiy¡ri min almu'min¢na walmuslim¢na

Peace be upon the inhabitants of these graves, the faithful believers and Muslims.

,antum lan¡ fara§unYou have preceded usانتم لنا فرطلله ٱونحن إ4ن شاء

قون ب4كم الح4wa na¦nu in sh¡'a all¡hu bikum l¡¦iq£na

and we, Allah willing, shall join you.

Imam al-°usayn, peace be upon him, is reported to have said that whoever enters a graveyard and says the following words, Almighty Allah will record for him rewards that are as many as the creatures from the time of (Prophet) Adam up to the coming of the Hour (of Resurrection):

اللهم رب هذ4ه4لفان4ية4 ٱالرواح4 ٱ

all¡humma rabba h¡dhih¢ al-arw¡¦i alf¡niyati

O Allah, O Lord of these extinct souls,

لبال4ية4 الجساد4 ٱو ,wal-ajs¡di alb¡liyatirotten bodiesٱ

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رة4 لنخ4 لع4ظام4 ٱو wal`i¨¡mi alnnakhiratiand crumbled bonesٱن ٱلت4ي خرجت م4ي ب4ك ٱلدنيا وه4

نة مؤم4allat¢ kharajat min aldduny¡ wa hiya bika mu'minatun

that left this worldly life bearing faith in You,

م روحا ل عليه4 ادخ4ني نك وسالما م4 م4

adkhil `alayhim raw¦an minka wa sal¡man minn¢

(please) insert into them rest from You and salutation from me.

Imam `Al¢, peace be upon him, is reported to have said that whoever enters a graveyard and says the following words, Almighty Allah will grant him the reward of fifty-year worship and erases from him and his parents the punishment of fifty-year wrongdoings:

الم على اهل4 ال السلله 4له إ4ال ٱإ

alssal¡mu `l¡ ahli l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu

Peace be upon the group of “There is no god save Allah”

4ال 4له إ ن اهل4 ال إ م4 min ahli l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hufrom the group of “Thereٱلله

is no god save Allah.”

4ال 4له إ يا اهل ال إ y¡ ahla l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡huO group of “There is noٱلله

god save Allah,”

لله 4له إ4ال bi¦aqqi l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡huin the name of “There isٱب4حق ال إno god save Allah,”

كيف وجدتم قوللله 4له إ4ال ٱال إ

kayfa wajadtum qawla l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu

how have you found the profession of “There is no god save Allah”

لله 4له إ4ال ن ال إ min l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hufrom “There is no godٱم4save Allah?”

لله 4له إ4ال y¡ l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡huٱيا ال إO He to Whom “There is no god save Allah” is said,

لله 4له إ4ال bi¦aqqi l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡huٱب4حق ال إI beseech You in the name of “There is no god save Allah”

ر ل4من قال ال ٱغف4لله 4له إ4ال ٱإ

ighfir liman q¡la l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu

to forgive any one who professed that “There is no god save Allah”

حشرنا ف4ي زمرة4 ٱو4له إ4ال من قال ال إ

ٱللهwa¦shurn¡ f¢ zumrati man q¡la l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu

and to include us in the group of those who professed that “There is no god save Allah.

لله4 د رسول mu¦ammadun ras£lu all¡hiMu¦ammad is theٱمحمMessenger of Allah.

لله4 aliyyun waliyyu all¡hi`Al¢ is the authority`ٱعل4ي ول4ي from Allah.”

In his book of Mi¥b¡¦ al-Z¡'ir, Sayyid ibn ±¡w£s says: When you intend to visit the graves of the faithful believers, you may choose Thursday; otherwise, you may visit them on any other day. To

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do so, you may turn your face towards the kiblah direction, put your hand on the grave, and say the following words:

رحم غربته £all¡humma ir¦am ghurbatahٱاللهم O Allah, (please) have mercy on his strangeness,

ل وحدته ,wa ¥il wa¦datah£connect his lonelinessوص4,wa ¡nis wa¦shatah£entertain his isolationوآن4س وحشته

ن روعته ,wa ¡min raw`atah£secure his horrorوآم4ن 44ليه4 م4 واسك4ن إ

wa askin ilayhi min ra¦matikaattach Your mercy toرحمت4كhim;

رحمة يستغن4ي ب4ها عن رحمة4 من

واك س4ra¦matan yastaghn¢ bih¡ `an ra¦mati man siw¡ka

such mercy by which he can do without the mercy of anyone other than You,

قه ب4من كان والح4يتواله

wa al¦iqhu biman k¡na yatawall¡hu

and join him to those to whom he has adhered.

You may then recite S£rah al-Qadr seven times.The method and rewards of visiting the graves of faithful believers have been demonstrated in

another tradition reported from Fu¤ayl who, accordingly, said: As to any one who recites S£rah al-Qadr at the grave of a faithful believer seven times, Almighty Allah will send to him an angel who will worship Him (i.e. Almighty Allah) next to that grave and the reward of all the devotional acts that are done by that angel will be recorded for the dead person. When Almighty Allah raises him from the grave, He will make easy for him all the horrors by which he will pass until he is allowed to enter Paradise. Along with S£rah al-Qadr, S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah (No. 1), S£rah al-Taw¦¢d (No. 112), S£rah al-Falaq (No. 113), S£rah al-N¡s (No. 114), and ªyah al-Kurs¢ (2:155) may be also recited three times each.

Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s then added: While you are in a graveyard, you should recite S£rah al-Taw¦¢d eleven times and dedicate the reward to the dead. It has been reported that Almighty Allah will reward the one who does so as many folds as the number of the dead persons in that graveyard.

In the book of K¡mil al-Ziy¡rah, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) is reported to have said, “If you visit your dead people before sunrise, they will hear and reply to you. If you visit them after sunrise, they will hear you but they will not reply you.” In the collection of Shaykh al-Shah¢d, the Holy Prophet (¥) is reported to have said: Whoever repeats the following words at a grave three times, Almighty Allah shall certainly remove from the dead person in that grave the chastisement on the Resurrection Day:

4ني اسالك all¡humma inn¢ as'alukaO Allah, I do beseech Youاللهم إ

د وآل4 ب4حق محمد محم

bi¦aqqi mu¦ammadin wa ¡li mu¦ammadin

in the name of Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad

an l¡ tu`adhdhiba ان ال تعذب هذاh¡dh¡ almayyita

not to torment this dead.

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Other Etiquettes- Graveyard

Respect the sanctity of the grave yard. The prophet (S.A.W.) has said:"If I have to walk over burning desert or fire or to place my foot on the edge of a sharp sword, I would prefer it to trampling on the grave of a Muslim."

He also said to Imam Ali (A.S.):"Ya Ali! Allah considers a few things undesirable for my followers. One of them is laughing in a graveyard…..

In al-R¡wand¢’s book of al-Da`aw¡t, there is a tradition reported from the Holy Prophet (¥) entailing discommendation of visiting the dead at night. The Holy Prophet (¥) is reported to have said to Ab£-Dharr, “Do not visit them frequently at night.”

QURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite:

1. Suratul Fatiha three times2. Suratul Qadr three times3. Ayatul Kursi three times4. Suratul Falaq three times5. Suratun Naas three times6. Sura Yaseen7. Sura Mulk

Any dua asking Allah's forgiveness for the deceased

See Appendix for Surahs

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ATTENDING FUNERALSImam al-¯¡diq (`a) is reported to have said that it is recommended to inform the brethren-in-

faith about the death of their brother so that they will present themselves in the funeral ceremonies, offer prayers on his dead body, and implore Almighty Allah’s forgiveness for him. Once they do so, both they and the dead person will be awarded.

According to another acceptably reported tradition, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) has said, “When a faithful believer is entered into the grave, he hears a caller saying to him: Verily, the first of Your gifts is Paradise and the first of the gifts of those who followed you (in your funeral ceremony) is forgiveness.”

According to another tradition, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) has said, “The first gift of a faithful believer in his grave is that all those who have followed his funeral will be forgiven.”

According to another tradition, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) has said, “Whoever follows the funeral of a faithful believer to the grave, Almighty Allah will order seventy angels to escort him on the Resurrection Day and to implore Allah’s forgiveness for him from the grave to the situation of the Judgment.”The Imam (`a) is also reported to have said, “Whoever participates in carrying the coffin of a dead faithful believer, Almighty Allah will forgive twenty-five of his grand sins. If he carries the four legs (consecutively) of the coffin, all his sins will be forgiven.”

It is not traditional that women follow funerals. It is also makruh for those who follow a funeral to laugh or to utter nonsensical words.

The ‘Dead body must not be visited by persons on whom ghusl is wajib or menstruating women .In case of a Woman Non Mahrams must not see the face of the deceased

Burial –‘Witness’ document of Belief & Good of deceasedShaykh al-±£s¢ has advised that an inscription should be written down on a document as a

Witness of the belief & knowing only good of the deceased .This document is made/signed   by one witness & further attested by 40 Momins ( who can sign despite their knowledge of faults of the deceased)

This document is then folded enveloped & put with the palm-leaf stalk on the right side of the deceased. It is preferably written with camphor (i.e. water with which camphor is mixed) and non-aromatic aloe-wood, must be put on the dead person’s forehead

It is said that HE will forgive the deceased for his faults if 40 momins testify in this way

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Page 12: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm

Salat MayyitIn his book entitled al-°ilyah, `All¡mah al-Majlis¢, may Allah have mercy upon him, quotes the

Holy Prophet (¥) as saying, “Whoever performs a prayer for a deceased, seventy thousand angels will pray for him and Almighty Allah will forgive him his past and coming sins. If he remains until the deceased is buried and soil completely covers his grave, then he will be granted a carat of reward for each step he has made. One carat is equal to the weight of Mount U¦ud.”The Holy Prophet (¥) is also reported to have said, “Any faithful believer who performs a prayer for a deceased person will be awarded Paradise incumbently unless he is hypocrite or impious to the parents.”– The person must recite all these words & not keep silent as in case of Jamat salatHe should say the following words after uttering the first takb¢r ( Allaho Akbar) statement:

ن2 ال2 إ42ل2ه2ا2 ش2ه2د2ا2ل2ل2ه2 ashhadu an l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡huI bear witness that thereٱ�إ2ال2

is no god save Allah

ن2ا2 ش2ه2د2و2ا2ل2ل2ه42 د2ا2 ر2س2و2ل2 ٱ�م2ح2م2

wa ashhadu anna mu¦ammadan ras£lu all¡hi

and I bear witness that Mu¦ammad is Allah’s messenger.

These words should be advisably said after uttering the second takb¢r statement:

ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ص2ل2 ع2ل2ى2د2 د2 و2آ2ل42 م2ح2م2 م2ح2م2

all¡humma ¥alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li mu¦ammadin

O Allah, (please) send blessings upon Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

These words should be advisably said after uttering the third takb¢r statement:

ر2 غ2ف42 ٱ�ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ن42ي2ن2 ل42ل2م2ؤ2م42ن2ا2ت42 ل2م2ؤ2م42 ٱ�و2

all¡humma ighfir lilmu'min¢na walmu'min¡ti

O Allah, (please) forgive the believing men and women.

These words should be advisably said after uttering the fourth takb¢r statement:

ر2 ل42ه2ذ2ا2 غ2ف42 ٱ�ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ٱ�ل2م2ي2ت42

all¡humma ighfir lih¡dh¡ almayyiti

O Allah, (please) forgive this dead person.

Then, the fifth takb¢r statement should be uttered to complete the prayer

Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) is reported to have instructed the bearers of a coffin to say these words:

ل2ل2ه42 ل2ل2ه42 و2ب42 ٱ�ب42س2م42 bismill¡hi wa bill¡hiٱ�In the Name of Allah (I begin) and in Allah (I put my trust).

all¡humma ¥alli ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ص2ل2 ع2ل2ى2`al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li

O Allah, (please) send blessings upon

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د2 د2 و2آ2ل42 م2ح2م2 mu¦ammadinMu¦ammad and theم2ح2م2Household of Mu¦ammad

ن42ي2ن2 ر2 ل42ل2م2ؤ2م42 غ2ف42 ٱ�و2ن2ا2ت42 ل2م2ؤ2م42 ٱ�و2

waghfir lilmu'min¢na walmu'min¡ti

and forgive the believing men and women.

Imam Zayn al-`ªbid¢n (`a) is reported to have used to said these words whenever he would see a funeral procession:

ل2ذ42ي2 ٱ�ا2ل2ح2م2د2 ل42ل2ه42 ن2 ل2م2 ي2ج2ع2ل2ن42ي2 م42

4 ل2م2خ2ت2ر2م2 و2ا2د42 ٱ�ل2س2 ٱ�

al¦amdu lill¡hi alladh¢ lam yaj`alan¢ min alssaw¡di almukhtarami

All praise be to Allah Who has not included me with the extinct beings.

Through a valid chain of authority, Imam al-¯¡diq (`a) is reported to have said, “When a faithful believer dies and his funeral is attended by forty faithful believers who says these words about him, Almighty Allah will say to them: Your testimony is admitted and I will forgive him what you do not known about him but I do:”

ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 إ42ن2ا2 ال2 ن2ع2ل2م2 خ2ي2ر2ا2 ن2ه2 إ42ال2 م42

all¡humma inn¡ l¡ na`lamu minhu ill¡ khayran

O Allah, we do not know about him but goodness,

ع2ل2م2 ب42ه42ا2 ن2ت2و2ا2ن2ا2 م42

wa anta a`lamu bih¢ minn¡while You know him better than we do.

According to another validly reported tradition, the Holy Prophet (¥) has said, “The first title of a faithful believer’s Record of Deeds is what people say about him after his death. If they say good things, then his Record is good; but if they say evil things, then his Record is evil.”

BurialIn his book entitled Mi¥b¡¦ al-Mutahajjid, Shaykh al-±£s¢ says:It is recommended to carry a coffin from the four sides, beginning with the right side of the

hand, the right side of the leg, the left side of the leg, and ending with the left side of the hand. Thus should the four sides of a coffin be carried. Hence, the bearer should turn around a coffin just like the turning of a hand mill.

When the coffin is brought to the grave, it must be left at the backside of it. Then, it must be approached towards the grave in three stages. If the dead person is a woman, then the coffin must be put in front of the greave towards the kiblah direction. Then, the dead person’s heir or the person deputized by the heir to do so may go down the grave. Meanwhile, he is recommended to say this prayer:

ج2ع2ل2ه2ا2 ٱ�ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ي2ا2ض42 ن2 ر42 ر2و2ض2ة2 م42

ٱ�ل2ج2ن2ة42all¡humma ij`alh¡ raw¤atan min riy¡¤i aljannati

O Allah, (please) make this grave to be one of the gardens of Paradise,

و2ال2 ت2ج2ع2ل2ه2ا2 ح2ف2ر2ة2ل2ن2ا2ر42 ن2 ح2ف2ر42 ٱ�م42

wa l¡ taj`alh¡ ¦ufratan min ¦ufari alnn¡ri

but do not make it to be one of the holes of the Fire.

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The burier is required to go down to the grave barefooted, bareheaded, and having the buttons of his shirt unfastened. Receiving the dead body, he should begin with the head to take it down to the grave. Meanwhile, he should say these words:

ل2ل2ه42 ل2ل2ه42 و2ب42 ٱ�ب42س2م42 bismill¡hi wa bill¡hiIn the Name of Allah, inٱ�Allah,

ل2ل2ه42 ,wa f¢ sab¢li all¡hion the way of Allahٱ�و2ف42ي2 س2ب42ي2ل42

ل2ة42 ر2س2و2ل42 و2ع2ل2ى2 م42wa `al¡ millati ras£li all¡hiٱ�ل2ل2ه42

and following the principles of Allah’s Messengers.

all¡humma ¢m¡nan bikaا2ل2ل2ه2م2 إ42ي2م2ا2ن2ا2 ب42ك2O Allah, (this is on the basis of the) belief in You

wa ta¥d¢qan bikit¡bikaand giving credence toو2ت2ص2د42ي2ق2ا2 ب42ك42ت2ا2ب42ك2Your Book.

ل2ل2ه2 ٱ�ه2ذ2ا2 م2ا2 و2ع2د2ن2ا2 و2ر2س2و2ل2ه2

h¡dh¡ m¡ wa`adan¡ all¡hu wa ras£luh£

This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us,

ل2ل2ه2 ٱ�و2ص2د2ق2 و2ر2س2و2ل2ه2

wa ¥adaqa all¡hu wa ras£luh£

and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth.

د2ن2ا2 إ42ي2م2ا2ن2ا2 ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ز42 و2ت2س2ل42ي2م2ا2

all¡humma zidn¡ ¢m¡nan wa tasl¢man

O Allah, (pleas) increase us faith and submission (to You).

Then, the burier should make the dead body lie down on the right side facing the kiblah direction. He should then unknot the knots of the shrouds from the sides of the head and the legs. He should then put the cheek of the dead person on the soil. It is recommended to put with the dead body an amount of soil taken from the tomb of Imam al-°usayn (`a). He should then line up bricks on the dead body and say these words meanwhile:

ل2 و2ح2د2ت2ه2 £all¡humma ¥il wa¦datahا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ص42O Allah, (please) maintain (communion) his loneliness,

wa ¡nis wa¦shatah£entertain hisو2آ2ن42س2 و2ح2ش2ت2ه2lonesomeness,

ر2ح2م2 غ2ر2ب2ت2ه2 war¦am ghurbatah£have mercy upon hisٱ�و2seclusion,

ن2و2ا2 س2ك42ن2 إ42ل2ي2ه42 م42 wa askin ilayhi min ra¦matikaput with him part of Yourر2ح2م2ت42ك2


ر2ح2م2ة2 ي2س2ت2غ2ن42ي2 ب42ه2ا2 ع2ن2 ر2ح2م2ة42 م2ن2

و2ا2ك2 س42ra¦matan yastaghn¢ bih¡ `an ra¦mati man siw¡ka

due to which he will dispense with the mercy of any one other than You,

ح2ش2ر2ه2 م2ع2 م2ن2 ٱ�و2ه2 ك2ا2ن2 ي2ت2و2ال2

wa¦shurhu ma`a man k¡na yatawall¡hu

and resurrect him with those to whom he has been loyal;

ال2 ن2 ة42ٱ�م42 ئ42م2م2 ي2ن2 ع2ل2ي2ه42 ر42 ٱ�ل2ط2ا2ه42

min al-a'immati al§§¡hir¢na `alayhim alssal¡mu

namely, the Immaculate Imams, peace be upon

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ال2م2 .themٱ�ل2س2


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Prompting the Dead -TALQEENBefore lining up bricks, it is recommended to prompt the dead person to say the two creeds of

Islam and the Holy Imams by names. Hence, the prompter, addressing the dead person, should say:

… ب2ن2… y¡… ibna…O [so-and-so] the son ofي2ا2[so-and-so]

ل2ذ42ي2 ل2ع2ه2د2 ٱ�ذ2ك2ر42 ٱ� ٱ�ن�� م�� م�� ن�� ل� ل�� ل�� ن� ل�� ل��

ل2د2ن2ي2ا2 ٱ�د2ا2ر42

udhkur al`ahda alladh¢ kharajta `alayhi min d¡ri aldduny¡

remember the covenant on which you have departed the abode of this world:

ا2 ش2ه2ا2د2ة2 إ2ال2 إ42ل2ه2 ال2 ن2ه�� ل�� ٱ�ل�

shah¡data an l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu

the profession that there is no god save Allah,

ه�� ل�ل ل�� م��ي� ل�� ل�� ل� ه�� ل�� ن�� wa¦dah£ l¡ shar¢ka lah£One and Only and havingل��no associate,

ه�� و2ا2 ه�� �ن� ل�� �ا� ل����� ل� ه�� ل��!ه�� ه�ل ه�#و� ل�$ ل��

wa anna mu¦ammadan `abduh£ wa ras£luh£

that Mu¦ammad is His servant and messenger,

و2ا2 ع2ل42ي2ا2 ي2ر2ا2 ن2 م42ن42ي2ن2 ٱ�ل2م2ؤ2م42

wa anna `aliyyan am¢ra almu'min¢na

and that `Al¢ the Commander of the Faithful,

ل2ح2س2ي2ن2 و2 ل2ح2س2ن2 ٱ�و2 ,wal¦asana wal¦usaynaal-°asan, al-°usaynٱ�

م�� ن�� ل�% ه� ن�ل ٱ� ل�� ن�& ل��' م� ل�� -wa `aliyya ibna al¦usayni`Al¢ the son of alل��°usayn,

ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 د2 wa mu¦ammada ibna `aliyyinMu¦ammad the son of `Alو2م2ح2م2¢,

د2 م2ح2م2 ب2ن2 wa ja`fara ibna mu¦ammadinJa`far the son ofو2ج2ع2ف2ر2Muhammad,

ج2ع2ف2ر2 ب2ن2 ,wa m£s¡ ibna ja`farinM£s¡ the son of Ja`farو2م2و2س2ى2م2و2س2ى2 ب2ن2 ,¡wa `aliyya ibna m£s¡`Al¢ the son of M£sو2ع2ل42ي2

ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 د2 wa mu¦ammada ibna `aliyyinMuhammad the son ofو2م2ح2م2`Al¢,

د2 م2ح2م2 ب2ن2 wa `aliyya ibna mu¦ammadin`Al¢ the son ofو2ع2ل42ي2Muhammad,

ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 ل2ح2س2ن2 ,¢wal¦asana ibna `aliyyinal-°asan the son of `Alٱ�و2

ة2 ل2ح2ج2 ل2ق2ا2ئ42م2 ٱ�و2 walq¡'imu al¦ujjatuand the Risingٱ�Argument-person,

ه�) ل�( ل��%ل� ٱ�ل� ه�+ م�, ن�� ل� alayhimu alssal¡mupeace be upon them all`ل��

ت2ك2ا2 ه�-ا2 ئ42م2 ل��� م�.ال2 ٱ�ل2ه2د2ى2 ه�$ٱ� ��ل�� ن�&

a'immatuka a'immatu al-hud¡ al-abr¡ru

are your Imams. They are the pious leaders to true guidance.

Upon accomplishing lining up the bricks, the burier, as well as all the attendants using the backsides of their hands, should pour down dust on the dead body. Meanwhile, they are recommended to say these words:

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إ42ن2ا2 ل42ل2ه42 و2إ42ن2ا2 إ42ل2ي2ه42ع2و2ن2 ر2ا2ج42

inn¡ lill¡hi wa inn¡ ilayhi r¡ji`£na

We are Allah’s and to Him shall we return.

ل2ل2ه2 ٱ�ه2ذ2ا2 م2ا2 و2ع2د2ن2ا2 و2ر2س2و2ل2ه2

h¡dh¡ m¡ wa`adan¡ all¡hu wa ras£luh£

This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us,

ل2ل2ه2 ٱ�و2ص2د2ق2 و2ر2س2و2ل2ه2

wa ¥adaqa all¡hu wa ras£luh£

and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth.

د2ن2ا2 إ42ي2م2ا2ن2ا2 ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 ز42 و2ت2س2ل42ي2م2ا2

all¡humma zidn¡ ¢m¡nan wa tasl¢man

O Allah, (please) increase us faith and submission (to You).

When the burier finishes and intends to come out of the grave, he should come out from the legs’ side. He should then cover the grave with dust raising it four fingers higher than the level of the ground. He must not put in the grave any dust that does not belong to the hole itself. At the side of the head, he should put a brick or a tablet. Then, he should pour water on the grave beginning with the side of the head. He then turn to the four sides of the grave and return to the side of the head. If any amount of water remains, he may pour it on the middle of the grave.

When the grave is leveled, any one may put his hand on it, open the fingers, press them on the grave, and pray for the dead person, saying:

ا2ل2ل2ه2م2 آ2ن42س2£all¡humma ¡nis wa¦shatahو2ح2ش2ت2ه2

O Allah, (please) entertain his lonesomeness,

ر2ح2م2 غ2ر2ب2ت2ه2 war¦am ghurbatah£have mercy upon hisٱ�و2seclusion,

,wa askin raw`atah£calm down his fearس2ك42ن2 ر2و2ع2ت2ه2و2ا2

ل2 و2ح2د2ت2ه2 wa ¥il wa¦datah£maintain (communion)و2ص42his loneliness,

ن2و2ا2 س2ك42ن2 إ42ل2ي2ه42 م42 wa askin ilayhi min ra¦matikaput with him part of Yourر2ح2م2ت42ك2


ر2ح2م2ة2 ي2س2ت2غ2ن42ي2 ب42ه2ا2 ع2ن2 ر2ح2م2ة42 م2ن2

و2ا2ك2 س42ra¦matan yastaghn¢ bih¡ `an ra¦mati man siw¡ka

due to which he will dispense with the mercy of any one other than You,

ح2ش2ر2ه2 م2ع2 م2ن2 ٱ�و2ه2 ك2ا2ن2 ي2ت2و2ال2

wa¦shurhu ma`a man k¡na yatawall¡hu

and resurrect him with those to whom he has been loyal.

When people leave, the nearest relative of the dead person should remain there, praying Almighty Allah’s mercy on the dead person. If nothing prevents from so, this person should call at the dead loudly and say these words:

y¡… ibna…O [so-and-so] the son ofي2ا2…2 ب2ن2…2[so-and-so]!

,all¡hu rabbukaAllah is your lordا2ل2ل2ه2 ر2ب2ك2

د2 ن2ب42ي2ك2 wa mu¦ammadun nabiyyukaMu¦ammad is yourو2م2ح2م2prophet,

ل2ق2ر2آ2ن2 ك42ت2ا2ب2ك2 ,walqur'¡nu kit¡bukathe Qur'¡n is your bookٱ�و2

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ب2ل2ت2ك2 ل2ك2ع2ب2ة2 ق42 walka`batu qiblatukathe Ka`bah is yourٱ�و2direction,

,wa `aliyyun im¡muka`Al¢ is your Imamو2ع2ل42ي2 إ42م2ا2م2ك2ل2ح2س2ن2 ٱ�و2

ل2ح2س2ي2ن2 ,wal¦asanu wal¦usaynuand al-°asan, al-°usaynٱ�و2

ل2ح2س2ي2ن42 -wa `aliyyu ibnu al¦usayni`Al¢ the son of alٱ�و2ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 °usayn,

د2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 wa mu¦ammadu ibnu `aliyyinMu¦ammad the son of `Alو2م2ح2م2¢,

د2 wa ja`faru ibnu mu¦ammadinJa`far the son ofو2ج2ع2ف2ر2 ب2ن2 م2ح2م2Mu¦ammad,

,wa m£s¡ ibnu ja`farinM£s¡ the son of Ja`farو2م2و2س2ى2 ب2ن2 ج2ع2ف2ر2,¡wa `aliyyu ibnu m£s¡`Al¢ the son of M£sو2ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 م2و2س2ى2

د2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 wa mu¦ammadu ibnu `aliyyinMu¦ammad the son of `Alو2م2ح2م2¢,

د2 wa `aliyyu ibnu mu¦ammadin`Al¢ the son ofو2ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 م2ح2م2Mu¦ammad,

ل2ح2س2ن2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 ,¢wal¦asanu ibnu `aliyyinal-°asan the son of `Alٱ�و2

ة2 ل2ح2ج2 ل2ق2ا2ئ42م2 ٱ�و2 walq¡'imu al¦ujjatuand the Risingٱ�Argument-person,

ال2م2 ل2س2 م2 alayhimu alssal¡mupeace be upon them all`ٱ�ع2ل2ي2ه42

ت2ك2ا2 ة2ا2 ئ42م2 ئ42م2ال2 ٱ�ل2ه2د2ى2 ب2ر2ا2ر2ٱ�

a'immatuka a'immatu al-hud¡ al-abr¡ru

are your Imams. They are the pious leaders to true guidance.

With the exception of moribund condition, it is recommended to prompt the dead person on two occasions:

(1) when the body is placed in the grave; in this case, it is better to grasp the right shoulder of the dead with the right hand of the prompter and the left shoulder with the left hand. Then, the prompter should move the body and say the words to be prompted.

(2) after burying; the nearest relative of the dead person should sit to the side of the head, after all others leave, and prompt the dead in a loud voice. It is better to put the two palms on the grave and approach the mouth towards it. However, there is no objection if the nearest relative deputizes another person to prompt the dead person.

According to reported traditions, when a dead person is prompted these words, Munkar and Nak¢r (the two angels who interrogate the dead in the graves) will say, “This dead person has been prompted; therefore, there is no need to interrogate him. Let us leave.” Hence, they leave without interrogating the dead.

`All¡mah al-Majlis¢, may Allah have mercy upon him, says: The all-comprehensive form of prompting the dead is as follows:

إ42س2م2ع2 إ42ف2ه2م2 ي2ا2…2…isma` ifham y¡… ibnaٱ�ب2ن2…2

Listen! Understand! O [so-and-so] the son of [so-and-so]!

¢hal anta `al¡ al`ahdi alladh ن2ت2 ع2ل2ى2ا2 ه2ل2f¡raqtan¡ `alayhi

Are you still keeping the covenant on which you

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ل2ذ42ي2 ٱ�ل2ع2ه2د42 ٱ�:have departed usف2ا2ر2ق2ت2ن2ا2 ع2ل2ي2ه42

ن2 ش2ه2ا2د2ة42 ا2 م42 ن2 ال2ل2ل2ه2 ٱ�إ42ل2ه2 إ2ال2

min shah¡dati an l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu

that you bear witness that there is no god save Allah,

ي2ك2 ل2ه2 wa¦dah£ l¡ shar¢ka lah£One and Only and havingو2ح2د2ه2 ال2 ش2ر42no associate,

د2ا2و2ا2 ن2 م2ح2م2ل2ل2ه2 ع2ل2ي2ه42 ٱ�ص2ل2ى2

و2آ2ل42ه42wa anna mu¦ammadan ¥all¡ all¡hu `alayhi wa ¡lih¢

that Mu¦ammad, may Allah bless him and his Household,

,abduh£ wa ras£luh£is his servant`ع2ب2د2ه2 و2ر2س2و2ل2ه2messenger,

ل2ن2ب42ي2ي2ن2 wa sayyidu alnnabiyy¢nathe chief of theٱ�و2س2ي2د2 Prophets,

ل2م2ر2س2ل42ي2ن2 wa kh¡tamu almursal¢naand the seal of theٱ�و2خ2ا2ت2م2 Messengers,

ي2ر2ا2 ن2 ع2ل42ي2ا2و2ا2 م42ن42ي2ن2 ٱ�ل2م2ؤ2م42

wa anna `aliyyan am¢ru almu'min¢na

that `Al¢ is the commander of the faithful believers,

ي2ي2ن2 ل2و2ص42 wa sayyidu alwa¥iyy¢nathe chief of theٱ�و2س2ي2د2 Prophet’s successors,

ف2ت2ر2ض2  ٱ�و2إ42م2ا2م2 ٱ�ل2ل2ه2 ط2ا2ع2ت2ه2 ع2ل2ى2

ي2ن2 ٱ�ل2ع2ا2ل2م42wa im¡mun iftara¤a all¡hu §¡`atah£ `al¡ al`¡lam¢na

and the Imam the obedience to whom has been made obligatory upon all people by Allah,

ل2ح2س2ن2و2ا2 ٱ�ن2 ل2ح2س2ي2ن2 -wa anna al¦asana wal¦usaynaand that al-°asan, alٱ�و2


ل2ح2س2ي2ن42 -wa `aliyya ibna al¦usayni`Al¢ the son of alٱ�و2ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 °usayn,

د2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 wa mu¦ammada ibna `aliyyinMu¦ammad the son of `Alو2م2ح2م2¢,

د2 wa ja`fara ibna mu¦ammadinJa`far the son ofو2ج2ع2ف2ر2 ب2ن2 م2ح2م2Mu¦ammad,

,wa m£s¡ ibna ja`farinM£s¡ the son of Ja`farو2م2و2س2ى2 ب2ن2 ج2ع2ف2ر2,¡wa `aliyya ibna m£s¡`Al¢ the son of M£sو2ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 م2و2س2ى2

د2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 wa mu¦ammada ibna `aliyyinMu¦ammad the son of `Alو2م2ح2م2¢,

د2 wa `aliyya ibna mu¦ammadin`Al¢ the son ofو2ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2 م2ح2م2Mu¦ammad,

ل2ح2س2ن2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 ,¢wal¦asana ibna `aliyyinal-°asan the son of `Alٱ�و2

ة2 ل2ح2ج2 ل2ق2ا2ئ42م2 ٱ�و2 ٱ�ٱ�ل2م2ه2د42ي2

walq¡'ima al¦ujjata almahdiyya

and the Rising, Argument, and well-guided Imam,

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ل2ل2ه42 ٱ�ص2ل2و2ا2ت2 م2 alaw¡tu all¡hi `alayhimmay Allah’s blessings be¥ع2ل2ي2ه42

upon them all,

ن42ي2ن2ا2 ل2م2ؤ2م42 ة2 a'immatu almu'min¢naare the leaders of theٱ�ئ42م2faithful believers,

ل2ل2ه42 ع2ل2ى2 ٱ�و2ح2ج2ج2 ي2ن2ا2 ٱ�ل2خ2ل2ق42 ج2م2ع42

wa ¦ujaju all¡hi `al¡ alkhalqi ajma`¢na

the arguments of Allah against all of the creatures,

ت2ك2و2ا2 ة2ا2 ئ42م2 ئ42م2ب2ر2ا2ر2ا2 ه2د2ى2

wa a'immataka a'immatu hudan abr¡run

and your Imams; the immaculate leaders to true guidance.

y¡… ibna…O [so-and-so] the son ofي2ا2…2 ب2ن2…2[so-and-so]!

ل2م2ل2ك2ا2ن42ا2 إ42ذ2ا2 ٱ�ت2ا2ك2 ب2ا2ن42 ٱ�ل2م2ق2ر2

idh¡ at¡ka almalak¡ni almuqarrab¡ni

When the two archangels come to you

ن2د42 ن2 ع42 ر2س2و2ل2ي2ن42 م42 ٱ�ل2ل2ه42 ت2ب2ا2ر2ك2

و2ت2ع2ا2ل2ى2ras£layni min `indi all¡hi tab¡raka wa ta`¡l¡

as two messengers from Allah the All-blessed and All-exalted,

wa sa'al¡ka `an rabbikaand asked you aboutال2ك2 ع2ن2 ر2ب2ك2و2س2ا2your lord,

و2ع2ن2 ن2ب42ي2ك2 و2ع2ن2د42ي2ن42ك2

wa `an nabiyyika wa `an d¢nika

your prophet, your religion,

و2ع2ن2 ك42ت2ا2ب42ك2 و2ع2ن2ب2ل2ت42ك2 ق42

wa `an kit¡bika wa `an qiblatika

your book, your direction,

ا2 و2ع2ن2 ت42ك2 ف2ال2 ئ42م2ت2خ2ف2

wa `an a'immatika fal¡ takhaf

and your Imams, then do not be scared;

م2ا2 ,wa qul f¢ jaw¡bihim¡rather, you shouldو2ق2ل2 ف42ي2 ج2و2ا2ب42ه42answering them, say,

ٱ�ل2ل2ه2 ج2ل2 ج2ال2ل2ه2ر2ب2ي2

all¡hu jalla jal¡luh£ rabb¢“Allah, Whose majesty is all-majestic, is my Lord,

ل2ل2ه2 د2 ص2ل2ى2 ٱ�و2م2ح2م2ع2ل2ي2ه42 و2آ2ل42ه42 ن2ب42ي2ي2

wa mu¦ammadun ¥all¡ all¡hu `alayhi wa ¡lih¢ nabiyy¢

Mu¦ammad, may Allah bless him and his Household, is my prophet,

إل42س2ال2م2 د42ي2ن42ي2 ,wal-isl¡mu d¢n¢Islam is my religionٱ�و2ل2ق2ر2آ2ن2 ك42ت2ا2ب42ي2 ,walqur'¡nu kit¡b¢the Qur'¡n is my bookٱ�و2

ب2ل2ت42ي2 ل2ك2ع2ب2ة2 ق42 walka`batu qiblat¢the Ka`bah is myٱ�و2direction,

ن42ي2ن2و2ا2 ل2م2ؤ2م42 ي2ر2 ٱ�م42 ب42ي2ا2 ع2ل42ي2 ب2ن2

ط2ا2ل42ب2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2wa am¢ru almu'min¢na `aliyyu ibnu ab¢ §¡libin im¡m¢

the Commander of the Faithful `Al¢ the son of Ab£-±¡lib is my Imam,

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ل2ح2س2ن2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 ٱ�و2ٱ�ل2م2ج2ت2ب2ى2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wal¦asanu ibnu `aliyyin almujtab¡ im¡m¢

al-°asan the son of `Al¢ the well-chosen is my Imam,

ل2ح2س2ي2ن2 ب2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 ٱ�و2ي2د2 ب42ك2ر2ب2ال2ء2 ه42 ٱ�ل2ش2

إ42م2ا2م42ي2wal¦usaynu ibnu `aliyyin alshshah¢du bikarbal¡'a im¡m¢

al-°usayn the son of `Al¢ the martyred in Karbal¡' is my Imam,

و2ع2ل42ي2 ز2ي2ن2ي2 ٱ�ل2ع2ا2ب42د42ي2ن2 إ42م2ا2م42

wa `aliyyun zaynu al`¡bid¢na im¡m¢

`Al¢ the adornment of the worshippers is my Imam,

4 ل2م2 ر2 ع42 د2 ب2ا2ق42 و2م2ح2م2ٱ�ل2ن2ب42ي42ي2ن2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wa mu¦ammadun b¡qiru `ilmi alnnabiyy¢na im¡m¢

Mu¦ammad who split the knowledge of the Prophets is my Imam,

ا2د42ق2 ل2ص2 ٱ�و2ج2ع2ف2ر2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wa ja`farun al¥¥¡diqu im¡m¢Ja`far the veracious is my Imam,

ل2ك2ا2ظ42م2 ٱ�و2م2و2س2ى2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wa m£s¡ alk¡¨imu im¡m¢M£s¡ the suppressor of rage is my Imam,

ض2ا2 ل2ر2 ٱ�و2ع2ل42ي2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wa `aliyyun alrri¤¡ im¡m¢`Al¢ the amicable is my Imam,

ل2ج2و2ا2د2 د2 ٱ�و2م2ح2م2إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wa mu¦ammadun aljaw¡du im¡m¢

Mu¦ammad the magnanimous is my Imam,

ل2ه2ا2د42ي2 ٱ�و2ع2ل42ي2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wa `aliyyun alh¡d¢ im¡m¢`Al¢ the guide is my Imam,

ل2ح2س2ن2 ٱ�و2ٱ�ل2ع2س2ك2ر42ي2 إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wal¦asanu al`askariyyu im¡m¢

al-°asan the resident of `Askar city is my Imam,

ل2م2ن2ت2ظ2ر2 ة2 ل2ح2ج2 ٱ�و2 ٱ�إ42م2ا2م42ي2

wal¦ujjatu almunta¨aru im¡m¢

and the Awaited argument-person is my Imam.

ل2ل2ه42 ٱ�ه2ؤ2ال2ء42 ص2ل2و2ا2ت2 م2 ي2ن2ا2 ع2ل2ي2ه42 ا2 ج2م2ع42

2ت42ي ئ42م2h¡'ul¡'i ¥alaw¡tu all¡hi `alayhim ajma`¢na a'immat¢

These, may Allah’s blessings be upon all of them, are my Imams,

و2س2ا2د2ت42ي2 و2ق2ا2د2ت42ي2و2ش2ف2ع2ا2ئ42ي2

wa s¡dat¢ wa q¡dat¢ wa shufa`¡'¢

my chiefs, my leaders, and my interceders.

م2 bihim atawall¡I am loyal to themت2و2ل2ى2ا2 ب42ه42ن2 م2ا2 و2م42 ا2 ع2د2ا2ئ42ه42

wa min a`d¡'ihim atabarra'uand I repudiate theirا2ت2ب2ر2enemies

ر2ة42 آل2خ42 ل2د2ن2ي2ا2 و2 ٱ�ف42ي2 f¢ aldduny¡ wal-¡khiratiin the world and theٱ�Hereafter.”

ع2ل2م2 ي2ا2…2 thumma i`lam y¡… ibna…Be it known to you, O ٱ�ث2م2 [so-and-so] the son of

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ل2ل2ه2 ت2ب2ا2ر2ك2ا2 ٱ�ن2 ب2 ل2ر2 ٱ�و2ت2ع2ا2ل2ى2 ن42ع2م2

anna all¡ha tab¡raka wa ta`¡l¡ ni`ma alrrabbu

that Allah the All-blessed and All-exalted is the most excellent Lord,

د2ا2و2ا2 ن2 م2ح2م2ل2ل2ه2 ع2ل2ي2ه42 ٱ�ص2ل2ى2

س2و2ل2 ل2ر2 ٱ�و2آ2ل42ه42 ن42ع2م2

wa anna mu¦ammadan ¥all¡ all¡hu `alayhi wa ¡lih¢ ni`ma alrras£lu

Mu¦ammad, may Allah bless him and his Household, is the most excellent Messenger,

ي2ر2ا2 ن2و2ا2 م42ن42ي2ن2 ع2ل42ي2 ٱ�ل2م2ؤ2م42

ب42ي2 ط2ا2ل42ب2ا2 ب2ن2wa anna am¢ra almu'min¢na `aliyya ibna ab¢ §¡libin

the Commander of the Faithful `Al¢ the son of Ab£-±¡lib

ال2و2ا2 ة2ٱ�و2ال2د2ه2 ئ42م2 ح2د2 ع2ش2ر2 ن42ع2م2ٱ�ال2ة2ٱ�ال2 ئ42م2

wa awl¡dah£ al-a'immata al-a¦ada `ashara ni`ma al-a'immatu

and the eleven Imams who are his descendants are the most excellent Imams,

ن2 م2ا2 ج2ا2ء2 ب42ه42و2ا2ل2ل2ه2 د2 ص2ل2ى2 ٱ�م2ح2م2

ع2ل2ي2ه42 و2آ2ل42ه42 ح2ق2

wa anna m¡ j¡'a bih¢ mu¦ammadun ¥all¡ all¡hu `alayhi wa ¡lih¢ ¦aqqun

whatever has been conveyed by Mu¦ammad, may Allah bless him and his Household, is true,

ل2م2و2ت2 ح2ق2و2ا2 ,wa anna almawta ¦aqqundeath is trueٱ�ن2 و2س2ؤ2ا2ل2 م2ن2ك2ر2

ل2ق2ب2ر42 ٱ�و2ن2ك42ي2ر2 ف42ي2 ح2ق2

wa su'¡la munkarin wa nak¢rin f¢ alqabri ¦aqqun

the interrogation of Munkar and Nak¢r in the grave is true,

ل2ب2ع2ث2 ح2ق2 walba`tha ¦aqqunthe raising from theٱ�و2dead is true,

ل2ن2ش2و2ر2 ح2ق2 ,walnnush£ra ¦aqqunthe Resurrection is trueٱ�و2

ر2ا2ط2 ح2ق2 ل2ص2 wal¥¥ir¡§a ¦aqqunthe Discriminatingٱ�و2Bridge is true,

ي2ز2ا2ن2 ح2ق2 ل2م42 ,walm¢z¡na ¦aqqunthe Scale is trueٱ�و2

ل2ك2ت2ب42 ح2ق2 wa ta§¡yura alkutubi ¦aqqunthe dispersion of theٱ�و2ت2ط2ا2ي2ر2 records is true,

ل2ج2ن2ة2 ح2ق2 ,waljannata ¦aqqunParadise is trueٱ�و2

ل2ن2ا2ر2 ح2ق2 ,walnn¡ra ¦aqqunthe Fire is trueٱ�و2

ا2ع2ة2 آ2ت42ي2ة2و2ا2 ل2س2 ٱ�ن2 ي2ه2ا2 ال2 ر2ي2ب2 ف42

wa anna alss¡`ata ¡tiyatun l¡ rayba f¢h¡

the Hour (of Resurrection) shall come; there is no doubt about it,

ل2ل2ه2 ي2ب2ع2ث2و2ا2 ٱ�ن2 ل2ق2ب2و2ر42 ٱ�م2ن2 ف42ي2

wa anna all¡ha yab`athu man f¢ alqub£ri

and Allah shall resurrect those who are in graves.

Then, the prompter should ask:

…ا2 ي2ا2 م2ت2 afahimta y¡ …Do you understand, Oف2ه42[so-and-so]?

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According to a reported tradition, when a dead person is addressed these words, he answers, “Yes, I understand.”

The prompter should then say these words:

م�� م�& ل��0ا� ٱ�ل� م�1 ن�و ل�2 ن�ل م�&ٱ� ه�� ل�� ٱ�ل� ل�� ل�4 �ل�� thabbataka all¡hu bilqawliل�5althth¡biti

May Allah confirm you with the sure word.

إ42ل2ى2 ل2ل2ه2 ٱ�ه2د2ا2ك2 ي2م2 م2س2ت2ق42 ر2ا2ط2 ص42

had¡ka all¡hu il¡ ¥ir¡§in mustaq¢min

May Allah guide you to a straight path.

ب2ي2ن2ك2 ل2ل2ه2 ف2 ٱ�ع2ر2و2ل42ي2ا2ئ42ك2ا2 و2ب2ي2ن2

`arrafa all¡hu baynaka wa bayna awliy¡'ika

May Allah introduce you to your leaders

م�� م�4 ل�� ن�� ل�$ ن�� م�� ر�� ل�2 ل�4 ن�% ه�� f¢ mustaqarrin min ra¦matih¢in a resting-place of Hisم�7'�mercy.

He may then add the following words:

ال2 ج2ا2ف42 ٱ�ا2ل2ل2ه2م2م�� ن�� �ل� ن�8 ل� ن�� ل�� ل�9 ن�$

all¡humma j¡fi al-ar¤a `an janbayhi

O Allah, (please) take the earth away lest it touches his two sides,

م�� م�� ه���� م�& ن�� ل�: ن�; ل��ٱ�إ42ل2ي2ك2

wa¥`ad bir£¦ih¢ ilaykaelevate his soul towards You,

ب2ر2ه2ا2ن2ا2 ن2ك2 م42 ه42 wa laqqih¢ minka burh¡nanand make him findو2ل2ق2demonstration from You.

ع2ف2و2ك2 ا2ل2ل2ه2م2all¡humma `afwaka `afwakaع2ف2و2ك2

O Allah, [I beseech for] Your pardon! [I beseech for] Your pardon!

After Funeral

It is MOST Important to Give Sadaqa   on behalf of the deceased ON the FIRST Night of Burial .This has MANY beneifts & can only be achieved by giving sadqa on the first night when it is MOST needed by the deceased .

Sayyid Ibne Tawus has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) that the most difficult for the dead person is the first night in the grave, so have pity on your dead ones and give Sadaqah on their behalf so that their difficulty is reduced and if there is nothing to give in Sadaqah you must pray two rakats prayer.  

Giving Condolences to relatives

Use foll words ujurukum ….


Page 24: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm

It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that whenever there is narrowness and severity on the dead body the Almighty widens his grave and removes the narrowness and says that this widening is because you had recited Namaz-e-Wahshat for such and such believer brother.

Namaz Wahshat can be recited as under

645. It is befitting that on the first night after the burial of a dead person, two Raka'ats of wahshat prayers be offered for it. The method of offering this prayers is as follows: In the first Raka'at, after reciting Surah al-Hamd, Ayatul Kursi should be recited once and in the second Raka'at, Surah al-Qadr should be recited 10 times after Surah-al-Hamd;

and after saying the Salam the following supplication should be recited: Alla humma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammad wab'ath thawabaha ila qabri ......(here the name of the dead person and his father's name should be mentioned). 

646. Wahshat prayers can be offered in the night following the burial of the dead body at any time, but it is better to offer it in the early hours of the night after 'Isha prayers

616. A person offering prayers for the dead body should recite takbirs and supplications in a sequence, so that Namaz-e-Mayyit does not lose its form. 

617. A person who joins Namaz-e-Mayyit to follow an Imam should recite all the takbirs and supplications.

618. The following acts are Mustahab in the prayers for the dead body:

-To pray bare-footed. -To raise one's hands (up to the ears) while pronouncing every takbir. -The distance between the person offering prayers and the dead body should be v less -To pray in congregation. -The Imam to recite the takbirs and supplications loudly and those offering the prayers with him to recite them in a low voice. -One who offers the prayers should earnestly and persistently pray for the dead as well as for all the believers.Before the commencement of the congregational prayers for the dead body one should say "as-Salat" three times. -The prayers be offered at a place where people often go for Namaz-e-Mayyit.It is Makrooh to perform prayers for dead bodies in masjids, except in Masjidul Haram.

Page 25: DRAFT BOOKLET - Duas.org - Dua - · Web viewQURAN SURAHS to be recited .On the grave you are visiting recite: Suratul Fatiha three times. Suratul Qadr three times. ... May Allah confirm