The Effect of Sand Grain Size in theAeolianTransport...

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The Effect of Sand Grain Size in the Aeolian Transport Processes of TransgressivesDunefields of the Coast of the Santa Catarina State Brazil



The study area encompasses eight (8) existing dunefieldslong of the State of Santa Catarina between latitudes 26°58'37"Sand 29°18'18"S. Being these: Praia Grande (São Francisco doSul), Barra do Sul (Balneário Barra do Sul), Lagoa daConceição, Ingleses (Florianópolis), Siriú (Garopaba),R i b a n c e i r a ( I m b i t u b a ) , S a n t a M a r t a / C a m a c h o(Jaguaruna/Laguna), Morro dos conventos (Araranguá)(Figure. 2).

o know the wind regimen and the textural characteristics ofthe available sediments on the beach and dunes is basic toanalyze the transport and depositional processes of the coastalAeolian systems of Santa Catarina.

In the central portion of Santa Catarina coast, in an interval ofapproximately 50 km between the cities of Florianópolis andPalhoça, evidence an inversion in migration direction oftransgressive dunes can be found. Existing dunefields south ofPalhoça migrate southwest (SW) while that the dune fields tothe north migrate northwest (NW) (Figure 1).

The aim of this work is to analyze the effect of sand grain sizein the Aeolian transport processes of transgressive dunefields(active dunes) of the coast of Santa Catarina State.

Thirty nine samples were collected at the eight transgressivedunefields throughout the coast. Laboratorial grain sizedanalysis was carried out for determination of statisticalparameters, using the graphical moments method ( and

, 1957). threshold of shear stress ( * ) gotten by equation


Where: is air density (1.22 kg.m ), is sand grain density

(2650 kg.m ), is gravity (9.8 m.s ), is the grain diameter inmm, is an constant equal to 0.1 (esteemed by ,1940).

To calculate the tension of shear stress related to wind speeddistribution of logarithmic speed was used, expressed byequation 2:

Where: ' is the roughness factor of the sand grain surface

determined by ( , 1964), = 10 (mm) (plain surfacewas assumed), is height standard of the wind data (10 meters),

is the shear speed 894 * (mm), ( ) is the threshold shear

stress (m.s ), is the impact threshold wind velociy,

measured at a 10 meters high.The wind regimen along the coast was analyzed from

superficial winds registers from three meteorological stations.STUDY AREA







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Journal of Coastal Research SI 39 102 - 106 ICS 2004 (Proceedings) Brazil ISSN 0749-0208

G. Vintem†; L. J. Tomazelli† andA. H. da F. Klein‡

†Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulAv. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, CEP 91.501-970, Porto Alegre, RioGrande do Sul, Brasil,,

VINTEM, G.; TOMAZELLI L. J. and KLEIN, A. H. F, 2006. The effect of sand grain size in the aeolian transportprocesses of transgressives dunefields of the coast of the Santa Catarina State Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research,SI 39 (Proccendigs of the 8th International Coastal Symposium),102 - 106. Itajaí, SC, Brazil, ISSN 0749-0208.

The aeolian transport of sediment is a result of the relationship between wind energy and local sediment properties.The aim at this paper is analyze the effect of sand grains in the aeolian transport processes of the dunefields of theSanta Catarina coast plain. Along it's 538 kilometers the coast of Santa Catarina presents transgressive dunefields.An inversion in the migration direction can be verified in the central portion of the state, in an distance ofapproximately 50 kilometers between the cities of Florianópolis and Palhoça. The existing dunefields south ofPalhoça migrate towards SW, whit the northern fields migrate towards NW. In an attempt to explain this divergencein the migration directions, 39 samples from 8 dunefields, between the latitudes 26°58'37''S and 29°18'18''S along inthe coastal. Grain sized analysis was conducted and used to account the threshold velocity. The results show that themean sand grain size increases from south to north as well as the fluid threshold shear stress ( ), impact threshold

wind velocity at 10 m . The pattern shows that the role of grain size is an important factor in the analysis of eolian

transport processes.

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Transgressives dunes, grain size, drift potential, Santa Catarina.





‡ Laboratório de Oceanografia Geológica, Centro de CiênciasTecnológicas da Terra e do Mar, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí,Rua Uruguai, 458, 88.302-202, Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brasil,

Figure 1. Divergence observed in migration direction of dunefields in the central portion of the coast of the Santa CatarinaState. Ingleses, Lagoa da Conceição, Pinheira eSiriú.




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Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 39, 2006,

A situated one to the south, in the Cabo de Santa MartaLighthouse, another one in geographic center of the coast,situated at the Biological Reserve of the Arvoredo Island andplus another one to the north, at the PXIV oil platform in theLatitude 26°46'22"S and Longitude 046°47'02"W (~ 180 km ofthe coast) (see Figure 2). Data was analyzed for speed (m/s) anddirection, directional 16 proveniences of sectors of superficialwinds. The meteorological data was given by BNDO BrazilianNavy from the stations of Arvoredo Island (period 1963-1997)and of the Santa Marta Lighthouse (period 1964-1997) with sixhour interval sampling The data from Platform PXIV, had anone second during 10 minutes every hour (period 1995-1999).

The amount of sand carried by the wind was calculatedthrough the model considered by and ,(1979) (Equation 3):

( - )* (3)

Where: is the proportional amount of sand carried by thewind in a time . Its result is express in vector units (u.v.) it isequivalent to the sand drift potential (DP), is the average speedof the wind at 10 meters (standard height of registers inmeteorological stations), is the measured limiting impact

threshold wind velociy at 10 meters (minimum speed to keepthe sand in saltation) and is the time where the wind blew in thegiven direction (percentile value of the registers of frequenciesof wind directions, registered in the meteorological stations).

The values obtained from equations (1) and (2) proposed by(1941) and the grain sizes found at the analyzed

dunefields can be visualized in Table 1.Figure 3 presents the threshold of shear stress ( * ) obtained

by equation (1) proposed by (1941). The results showthat the average sand size increases from south to north andconsequently threshold of shear speed ( * ) of the fluid

necessary to begin grain movement also increases northward.When used in the equation (2) these values of threshold shearspeed at 10 meters limiting impact velocity (minimumnecessary to keep the grain in saltation) shows a variation at anorder of 3 m/s between Praia Grande e Morro dos Conventos.

The wind regimen found at the Platform PXIV during theperiod of 1995 to 1999, highlights the predominance of north-northeast (NNE) and northeast (NE) winds with frequency of24%, and average speed of up to 8.22 m/s (Figure 4). The east

winds (E-NE) follow in frequency, with an average speed of7.40 m/s. The SSE-S-SSW winds, together add 17% ofoccurrence, with speeds of up to 10m/s.

For the meteorological station of the Biological Reserve ofthe Arvoredo Island in the center-north of the coast, thepredominant regimen of winds occurred from the southquadrant (s) with 18.47% and average speed of 6.52 m/s, thewinds of the north quadrant (N) and northeast (NE) correspond12.35% and 15.88% respectively, of the occurrences, withaverage speeds of 5 m/s.

For the south region of the coast wind analyzes obtainedfrom the meteorological station of the Santa Marta Lighthouse,presented winds proceeding from northeast sector (NE) with apercentage of 21.69% of occurrence, and average speed of 7.63m/s is the predominant one. The second highest occurrence ofwind is from the south quadrant (S) with 10.62% of averageoccurrence speed of 6.11 m/s (Figure 4).

The wind regimen along the coast of Santa Catarinapresented a difference between the stations. This difference canbe attributed to the data registers of acquired superficial winds,for still presenting differences in of stations anemographictowers heights and for the difference of data collection methods,in relation to sampling interval. However, in a general way, itwas possible to verify that the predominant wind isnortheastward, represented by the platform PVIX and SantaMarta stations.

The results of the DDR (Direction of Resultant Drift)obtained by the sand roses agree with the general migrationdirection of the dunefields (Figure 5).

The Praia Grande dunefield presented a concordant DDRwith the real direction of migration of dunes. The drift potential(DP) found was of 201.91 uv, that according with the windenergy classification proposed by (1979), is a lowwind energy Aeolian environment. A high directionalvariability, with a RDP/DP rate of 0.076, represents a complexregimen of wind.At Barra do Sul dunefield, a value of DPof 324uv shows a intermediate energy wind regime with a highdirectional variability, and a RDP/DP rate of 0.12, presentingthe complexity in the wind regimen that acts in this field.However the DP magnitude was considerably higher, since theaverage sand grain size of this field is smaller and the windmakes the sand grain transport more effective.

For superficial wind data corresponding to platform PVIX,DP values were obtained at the Ingleses and Lagoa daConceição dunefields were 330 and 304 uv respectively. TheDDR from sand rose does not accurately represent the directionof migration evidenced in the field. At Lagoa da Conceição(Joaquina) dunefield, analyzed with registers of superficialwinds of the meteorological station of the Biological Reserve oftheArvoredo Island, DDR corresponds to migration route of thenorthwest (NW) fields, presenting a DP of 85 uv. seasonally thisfield has the most ehowever, the directional variability is intermediate throughout





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Where a similarity in wind regimen patterns between thesetwo stations was evidenced, due to the absence of obstaclessurrounding these, as the of platform PVIX station is located100 miles offshore and the Santa Marta Lighthouse station in acoastal plain with low relief.

ffective transport during winter and spring,

Sand Drift Potential by Wind Action

Figure 2.Localization of dune fields analyzed throughout thecoast of Santa Catarina an the meteorological stations used in thepresent study.

Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 39, 2006,


Table 1. Limit shear stress and impact threshold wind velociy

determined in accordance to mean grain size for each dune field.

Dunefield Mean Grain Size(mm)

(m . s-1) (m . s-1)

P. Grande 0.352 0.274 8.59

Barra do Sul 0.206 0.210 6.29

Ingleses 0.227 0.220 6.63

Joaquina 0.200 0.207 6.18

Siriœ 0.188 0.200 5.96

Ribanceira 0.198 0.205 6.14

Farol 0.181 0.196 5.83

M. Conventos 0.167 0.189 5.59

all the stations, what represents contrary winds to migrationdirection of this field, thus characterizing, what(1972) and (2000) call reverse dunes. The sameauthor does not associate the migration of these dunefields tothe NE winds, as these would be hindered to act in the transportdue to high topographical granites that borders the system.

The Siriú dunefield analyzed from the data of PXIV platformshows a DDR disagreeing with the real migration direction ofthe dunefield. This probably occurs because the south winds ofthis station are intense as north-east ones, with average speed ofcirca 8m/s. Since the necessary speed to place the grain inmovement is of 5.96 m/s what occurs is a balance of theresultant forces of these wind directions generating a resultantvector (DDR) that it does not accurately correspond to thereality observed in field.

In the same way, the results found here agree-with thoseobtained by . (1972) that, on basis of theanalysis of the sedimentary structures, showed that the directionof migration of the dunefields is southwest (SW) at the south ofthe State.

The Ribanceira dunefield presented a DP of 103 uv, beingconsidered a regimen of low energy according to classificationof (1979). Winter and spring are the most effectivein transport due to the northeast (NE) winds that are thepredominant ones for this region; the same was evidenced by

(2003), for this dunefield.The Santa Marta Lighthouse/Camacho dunefield presented a

DP of 285 uv, considered an intermediate energy wind, but verynext to the limit of high energy winds according to classificationproposed by (1979). The directional variability,with a 0.37 rate, can be classified as intermediate to low. Theseasonal and annual sand roses has a DDR that fully reflects theroute of migration of this field. Seasonally the observed patternis similar to the ones of the Ribanceira dunefield. The obtainedresults were similar to the found ones by (1993) thatpointed a similar drift pattern in this region.

The Santa Marta Lighthouse station was consistent with thesand rose and the DP found for the Siriú dunefield, with a DP of279 uv, considered an environment with intermediate energywinds and a RDP/DP rate of 0.37 indicating an intermediatevariability. The obtained DDR in the sand rose agreed with thefield's migration direction.

Dunefields analyzed at the south portion of the coastcorrespondent to the Santa Marta Lighthouse station, presentedconcordance with the results obtained in the calculations ofdrift potential.

The Morro dos Conventos dunefield presented a DP of 297uv, being classified as of intermediate energy the high one. Thevariability, with a 0.37 rate was classified as intermediate tolow. This field also possesses annual as seasonal sand roses,concordant with the route of observable migration over theterrain. Seasonally the results obtained in drift potentialcalculations confirmed the pattern found by (1993),where the winter and spring winds are most effective in thetransport.

mainly the average sand grain size, when significant differencesbetween the dunefields.

The pattern found reveals that the effect of average sandgrain size to be considered in the analyses of Aeolian transport









et al


Some factors must be taken in consideration when analyzingthe processes of Aeolian transport, as: quality of superficialwinds data; the choice of the meteorological stations for theverifications in relation to the dunefields to be analyzed and

Vintem et al.

Figure 3. Mean grain size and threshold of shear stress ( ) found for each field of transgressives dunes along the coast of Santa Catarina.u* t

Figura 4.Wind roses of analyzed meteorological station.

Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 39, 2006,


processes and not only the winds directional variability, but alsothe intensity of the superficial winds must be always analyzedtogether in relation to the average grain size when consideredvariability between dunefields.

Thus, it was verified that the migration direction of thedunefields agrees with the predominant wind (highestoccurrence) when the average speeds surpass the limitingvelocity of impact of the sand grain. However when this speed is

lower the average sand grain size of starts to determine themigration direction of the dunefield in agreement with theprevailing winds (highest intensity).


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Sand Drift Potential by Wind Action

Figure 5. Wind roses obtained for the studied area at the analyzed dune fields. corresponds to meteorological station at platform PXIV,corresponds toArvoredo Island and corresponds to meteorological station at Santa Marta Lighthouse.


Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 39, 2006,



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Vintem et al.

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