The Early Middle Ages Coach Rooker 702 World History.

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Transcript of The Early Middle Ages Coach Rooker 702 World History.

The Early Middle Ages

Coach Rooker


World History

November 11, 2014 Chimers 1.) What do you know to be true about the

Middle Ages? 2.) p. 242 (1-4) Answer in your comp

books. 3.) Get a sheet of paper out on your desk.

Monty Python and Holy Grail The Black Knight This was a comical skit, but this does show

the type of dress that was in and around this time period

A fight to the death from this time period was extremely common, and it was not uncommon for kings to ride with a servant like in the video

Leaders of Europe: Choose 4 Pick 4 Leaders and put in the diagram their


Geography of Europe Major Rivers: Rhine, Danube, Seine, and

Po Used for shipping goods to inner Europe by

smaller boats; Transported from large sea ships

Provided a natural barrier for protection and offered separation of different groups

The Mountains of Europe Urals, Carpathians, Alps, Pyrenees,

Apennines Mountains also provided for protection and

natural barriers between the kingdoms Some kingdoms were actually located in

the mountain ranges Italy was completely separated from the

rest of Europe by the Swiss Alps

Kingdoms in Western Europe Read p. 246 and 247 by yourself You will have 10 minutes to break down 3

main points: People Places Events Once you outline and take notes on the Franks,

tell me in 3 sentences why they were important.

Kingdoms in Western Europe By A.D. 500, Western Europe was divided into

many Germanic kingdoms Germanic Tribes closer to Rome practiced more

Roman influenced traditions, while northwestern tribes practiced Germanic Traditions

In Britain, Roman Armies cleared and Anglo-Saxons moved in, kicking out the Celts

Celts fled north and west, but most crossed the sea into present day Ireland

Notes: Western Europe cont. Scottish, Welsh, and Irish are largely

descended from the Celts today

Traditional Scottish Music

Quite Frankly, It’s the Franks Strongest Germanic Tribe Clovis, First king of the Franks Accepted Catholic Christianity From Kings to Mayors of the Palace Charles “the hammer” Martel, The hammer halted Islam into Europe Defeated Muslims at the Battle of Tours Son, Pepin, became Mayor of palace Became king of Franks in return to help the Pope; ran off

Lombards in Italy Land was given to Pope and became known as Papal states

Pictures of the Mayors and Kings Clovis, Charles “the Hammer” Martel, Pepin

the Short, and Charlemagne

Chimers: November 17, 2014 Read Waves of Invaders on pgs. 248-249. Imagine that you are in your village and you

see the Vikings on the sea, about to port on the shore where you live.

Write a journal entry of how you would feel about these people, and how you plan to fight them off.

Write this from a townsperson perspective.

Emperor Charlemagne Pepin, the Short’s son Charles would take over after the

death Charles became known as Charlemagne after he doubled the

kingdom Included Germany, France, Northern Spain, and Italy 800 A.D. Christmas Day, Charlemagne was worshiping at the

church of St. Peter in Rome Pope crowned him as New Emperor of Rome

Accomplishments: built schools for children, doubled size of kingdom, educated people on religion, Latin, music, literature, and arithmetic

Crowning of Charlemagne

Waves of Invaders in Western Europe

Magyars, Muslims, and Vikings 800’s and 900’s A.D. Magyars Hungary, Muslims Middle

East, and Vikings Scandinavia Vikings were most fierce group that came

from the Fjords in Scandinavia Excellent sailors and relentless

Holy Roman Empire In 911 A.D., nobles elect a king to unite all of

western Europe 936 A.D. Duke Otto of Saxony, King of

Germany Defeated and ran out corrupt nobles and Magyars Pope crowned him as emperor of the Holy Roman

Empire Fredrick I and Fredrick II tried to unite Germany

and Italy as one country struggle continued until 1800

Church and its Influence Guiding Question- How did the Catholic Church

influence life in the early medieval Europe? 400’s St. Patrick moved to Ireland to spread

Christianity Influenced Pope Gregory I Developed idea and theory of Missionaries By 1050 most Western Europeans had become

Catholic Christians

Monks and Nuns Schools and Hospitals Improvements in farming Christian Writings Copied books and other

literature to spread the Christian religion Illuminations- ornate and decorative manuscripts Monasteries Monks and Convents Nuns Abbots and Abbesses

Illuminations and Manuscripts

Church Authority Monasteries became wealthy and caused

problems with officials of the church and the King’s men

1073 A.D. Pope Gregory VII declared that only the pope had the authority to appoint church officials

This angered Henry IV, and the pope excommunicated him, which meant that he could not go to Heaven or be involved with the church

Church Authority Cont. German Nobles supported the Pope Henry IV traveled to Italy and begged the Pope for

forgiveness German nobles chose a new Emperor After Henry was forgiven, he seized Rome and named a new

Pope Struggle continued until 1122 A.D. Pope and Emperor eventually agreed and signed the

Concordat of Worms Concordat- an agreement between the pope and the ruler of

a country

Concordant of Worms Example of Actual Document

Conclusion Homework: Write an Essay that describes the importance of

Medieval Europe on the Catholic Church and Christianity. Discuss the various topics we’ve discussed in class such as geography, education, Emperors of Palace, the Pope, Kings, Noblemen, Invaders of the West, etc. Be prepared to discuss this in class tomorrow.

Quiz over section 1 tomorrow. Have notes from section 1; You will be getting a grade on

those tomorrow. Continuation of Section 2 tomorrow.