THE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/03... · THE WAYNE -., OCRAT....

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Transcript of THE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/03... · THE WAYNE -., OCRAT....

'7 Men's. Boy's' and Children's-_OvercoatS 25 ~r cent DHs~(..nJ.

THE WAYNE - ., OCRAT. -------..,.----------

Twelfth Year.. \V AY:\K, \,VAYNK l'Ol'NTY, }.;KnHA~lO., ------- .. ----- -------.----.-~-----------.-----'"---- ---------~---------.- . -~----

L. E. HUNTER, Propr.

U . CATHOLIC FAIR. MERE·MENTION..I F. n. Girton .hipped two car' i TH.~~ 810 SToe!.: TR".\'G:li2S,

-EJ .. ~.~6 m. __ OJ}J,ze p ._ _ e:T~~h~e~c~a~t~h~O~l~iC;f~a~ir:W~h~i;C~hC:l~o;se;d;l;a;..~t ~.~C~O~1;11~1l~Ii~S~'~i0;n!e~r~s:n:,:e:et~tO:'~Il:o:rr:o~"~"::tr~a~'~tl,:e~t~~o~o~n~la~l~,a~),I~O~n~d~a~)~"~~~t~s~~to;~,,~a}c~e~o_:~u~nft~~~i'~~<i~~;~:~i~;;~fi;~~'~~i~~i~~iiiii~i;iiiii~i~iiiig~i;~ -fut~"-dl~~.~y~~~te~:tl!~~~~~~~~~l~~~~r~~·,,S-~·~~nde

- - ~atties ·who ,-fere'-"bflke("r hy the SU~ several hundred dollars. gar factory fdlows sa~ .... that the""prop- and e'tening dInner and supper were er way to ~pell it is ~ugar heat. served. and this f.eature of the fair Hon. C'h;:{s. Chase \yas up from Stan-

niKht the Sioux City, O'NdIl& railr9a.d hr011~ht ill fr,llUll~dl1~

*-1.,';' \Vas ,'ery popular with all. On Tues- ton Monday. . Atmanacs for 1896, State Journal,

Worltl-Her:ald, N. Y. World and Chi­.Mrs. p, H. Kohl \,-as a Sioux City ('ago News for sale at the Postiofticc

compefled to leave lastternt on ac<?ount of ~ick1tes,s. is again back in school.

ph, Belden, .l\iic;;'· ~itld L,I\~nd two special stock traiils of t went)' cars each w)1,ich wilt he .taken Ol1t at (, a'clod, 'the M-. P. 1, .... have dro'ppcd Delurte da.y evening Father McGrath deliv-.

and are nnw pllr .... lling- anatomical ered il yery eloquent and patriotic lec­.tudies,~so a httle bird whispered in ture on the •. Supremacy of the ArtIer· my ear the other day:r--- ica.l N<ltion." The spe~_ker took Ule

gruund 'that not only ,,,,'as America

\·isitor on 'l'uesc.lay. Ncwl"'Rtalld. Oscar Miltcr \yent to CODcorci last

w,celt. ,,,here he has secured a position Henry I..tey was doing business in Ellit\,w 1\1cNea.t, of the Herahl. w3.~ in a bank. His host o( friends at tilt"

\V~keJi~ld TUl~sday. ca.l1ed to Appleton City, l\\O~1 Monda.'", college unit..e in wishing him success..

thi~ morning- ov('[" th(' Chicag-o; :r.-1.ilwauket." & 8t. P:w1 (Ill <1 daylight run for Chicag-n, 'j'he tntius wen,~

arranged by X. }1o(I; ... ll11, a l.ll"g-e g'r"-iu The nic~ ... ~t cttndy and cig-ars at the he a tc-I('g-ral11 anno11tH'itlg- ~hc (1.Hl- The meillbers'·~oi tho teOlcbers' and In after Jays \\ hen \\ e talk about supreme because of her geographical PlIstofiicl' ~t>ws ~tal1d. ~el'ollS il1lll"'SS of his tlHqht'L r'de~tific classes received the subjects

Wayne's socia! l-last <;,u('c~s<;,tS, po;i~.E..!.._'~'hich i~olated ht!r from the J. H. Camphdl. representing- the Jqbn Dillnn is hook"d to appear at for their term orations last Tnesday,

".* and s~ock dealer of l~alhlolpil •. The .r trains will he accompiJ.nii.'tl h) Chi(;ago

The masquerade will come to mind countries of the old world, but her un- Bee, W.1S in tuwn 1'ucsri.IY. thf' operar-hoos (' on the ("vf'ninl( of The Misses_N.ilud, 14incla and Gertie ---WiTTllts ll1a,ks a~Ilesses;-- ~\leu ~oil I

by about twenty of the p:'omiu('nl .

-3.luL-two of the Cl)lI1pOi,r'" factors that ell-

A jolly crowd there \\,lS that ni~ht tille,1 her to the PI-lll1i(~rship among the 1-oa11 ,t this 1l\ornin~. streb .. wilt probably be here some tilll!! last Saturday. None had a thouhht of evil;· rtation·S', r ·ft-"'W3:~"-'5Upt:>C1I1e. too, bc~ I Cabinet plllltns ;:1.0:) P(,I" d(';:(,11' ~lt nj~xt month. The <;tcsco~~s will furnish the en~

Altho' 'tJ~ said Guss TRACY, he cause of her lIberal laws, her consti-' Craven's. over postot1icC", Local l)ap~rs throl1g1iol1t this ClHt- tertaiDmcllt next Friday evening' and

Did phy the very De'.ll· tution, whien s'3emed almost to have R. S. Steelt~ & ('0, shipped a car of g-res!'Iional district arc taking-' \Vtn. front t.he program displayed we ~ route with the id(!,l o~ ath.2rlh;ing'_ But willi. of that. for moil(s \v~re there, been penned by the hand of divinity hogs to Sioux City l\:1ond.lY, - .. candi~lac.\' foi· congresa a~ a 110 doubt it will be or a high order. uodhc.:;i\stcrn N(,~or'l~kH il~ ,l sto("'k ~

To "give the d-l his due." itself.- but ;c:,ovc all oecat1so of her Nick Cullen and Mr. T. Healey ~"crc -e joke ann. arc ~i\'itlg him the - Mr. Gatbreth of 'Yisuer cut~rcd raisiftg-country,·-~h)ux Cit)' ,1'lllrnal. JO~ES,SEDGWICK,ARMS1R(lN(i, WrBER, ZIE· system of (.'dul'ation-,;the vest and <.h:~wtl to Omaha 'Ycdm!sday, "h~n~e lang-h," 1,_ school Monday.

MEJ:T,too, broadest ot a.ny Oll the globe." rl'hc A A \,V 11 . t t' I~Yal Dr, J. 1I. Knott ('ante oyer frOill Mr. Nelson of Genoa, who lias been Dick TilLlcll left 'n'-:-lt~rd,..;.r fo[" All cfad in sombre hut". lect.ure was listened to with uufl.lg- ., e c 1 IS rallS,\{' mg" cg, Sio\lx City Tl1('sdny night to cOl1sult {Iui.t.e 1.11 with la. ['<'rippe, sutlicicntlyre- D ' ,.

btlsincs~ in Randolph tQday D cnver. he \vcnt from Siollx City to < ED. SULlI\'AN an En.dl\h td~lIi:J. \\';t<;. ging- intere~t, and at its close the ,. "- . with Dr. ""i~ht111an in the Ctt!lll) of covere'd to be '-cmo""cd to his hOlllC"thia

\11 tJ 1 l' l"r f "il ~ <tt ~ 'J .Wayne and brought in sever"al horses And sd wa~ ylHI11~ CiHlIha NUh.1 r, apeakcr wa.s enthusiastically ap- J,' Ie ca( lt1g' ( :\1 l('oS or!o';, c <. 1\fl·~. ';au1 nodsol~, who has lH~C:l "ill morning. whicli he: l,¥ppe.lf U()WII fOVll1-uli-;-'l- te--- . _

And If'l1 J(dlll B\lll.llq~ht, plautied. 'l~hc lecture was followed the Postcrfilcc News Slam1. f(w.!';\.'\ 'r,llUlotiths. The social gi\.en by the teachers' be sent with othcr,~ fnJltI lhc'['"c to Thl~j'·l h,hi thi!l"~ II~ J. llilgle by VOCa1ll111src. 'On Wednesday ~vcn- \\·111. SOl1nC'lu'll and Otto \'ng1, Jr" s} ·tT nfl' . 1 1St d . as ell ~lr. 'I','

v ',' _. . \Yen.' in l),dwta ~!I)" ~ntHl,ly. ~ wn. .rOWtt. o ~art1tl~t(lt1, pa.8!'.ed .c ass ~st a ur ~y evening \V w <McNEAL for on.:..! from irdanJ !1aikd,' ing flterc ,,'as a h

riltld dallce. '\d~,ICh ttirm1g'h tB"~f1 ~f"""i"'''''''·ith-;~~·,ml!+,,-tte-rldtrt1Im:tnrm;t-iiroF01tgi~~~etJjcorc1f:"t-iil .. ;;c(n:'Sloiixt'iiYiil({2m""rr:;:;t<7f'~~

A [)~utslher nun \\'as I3RI;\:'iER. - 'V";lS very l.lq,,;ei)' att('uoed. Last e\'- He,". J. R. ~llGratrl \\:i:-l~lt tIl)\~'I-l-'to th:ln n,ulled C;lrtf'I", hom f.~al1d{)lph. These pleasant features of the sell As a biker bold )'OlJ,J1~ ROLLEY ~[\' ening there was sju~iug oy the COll- Omaha Je~tcrday t1wrtlillg. h~~q hecn ... r1jt1(l~('d-lfl)ianp hy tHe will be hel<l''tH~nthly, ~ ,

Came U!li.:tn the \V!re .\ \i\inner. ('.onli.1 Glec Club "and others, rt!'cita- Link Nt.'i~ly and Artie returned Sat- c"m\llis~iot1ers of Ceda\' county. ,. tion:"~ instru1l1ental 1llu~ic and T~'l1 other wheclmen tOtl, \Vl'l e therc.\

DOCK lff.~':";:D~ I and Mr, Dll TLE,

JIM. MILUR alht l:. COI\Blr pcfsc:d, As"English dudes-those thll1gs so "ery

llttk- __ . .

Gifl<,1 with either cash or brains But simply a-pef,--{)f--ffiOnk-ey-;.

W.ho.think they copy english 'Iyk, But only ape their tlunkeys

The musicians who arc kno ..... n to all. W tre also aderts at poselng,

And while they ~'laJ eJ "' A t Slyle, They were: abo good at noseing.

HAt. eRA YEN waS' a Turkish r1l!1Ce, ED. THLOR a ktll~ht uf uld,

Wlli1e Mr. EVA:,,\S' j,\c\.;. Slut • Pn .. )cla1l11('l1 hlln ;\ sailor bold,

An.1 so they il)Okt.'J up\,)ln the Jloor, Mixed hkt' the rie that's mine.:,

With monk and lil!vJi, bykt'l, knight. Jack Lu, and Jast.not ka~t. a pnn(l?

But hold Illy muse, or slop lhe C!'Jllk We must not miss the I.h1ies,

For fear that they Illay angry get And consig,n us both to Hade'S! -­

So "place aux dames," as the frendt \\'oul~ say.

Th:\t natioll111osl poilte-And now with out mudl mOl e ado,

We'll bring the I.ldu.'s tu hght:

And tirst of all thl:'5C 1.1.d~~s fine Our ~uests flUlll tlH' CJty SIOUX,

Who cal1l~ to ~I ert then olJ tim.: friends And old time joys renioux,

We gave you welcome, Mrs STEELE, And Mrs, KORTRIGHT, tioux,

And glad were all when masks were doffed And your fel~.ures 'brought to vioux.

Il'le meSdames EutSJupstes W2TI:, --­(Mrs. Stowe's tamed gill of colQr),

And then tD make three of a kmct: \I e noted Mrs. fULLER.

Mrs HARRISON.S. butWt"Po ----- _ -PJayed with our hearts tarnation,

While Mrs COLE as a flow'r girl sold Mrs. NEfLY a carnation.

It's hoped Mrs INGAllS brought good luck To all she Illet that ni~ht,

10 Mrs. BRENNER as the bat,

dancing. Tbe final wind up of the urday frum theic Iowa, isit.

sptritt'd over the diamond ThC' lat.'1o,t l1lag·aZitH:Hi ,t!W,lys on ring, wyich was won by Miss Gertie h lnll at the po .... tumcl'~Ncws Stand.

\Veber, \vho received fj03 votes to 472 ''rhe F: . .l1, S. will tI1~~et wit.h F. A~ cast for ~:1iss Lois Childs. Tile_ silver D~arbcr.u-llext Tuesday evening

Jl)hn H Murt:lu!Yl1. fo...rmprly em­nlnypc] ~ on, the' DeIll0C1"<1 t, ha~, ac­c("pte4 a position as property man with the"Jncle Hiram Co .. and left to begin worTt with ,tbem ou ~1onday.

set was won by Dr. Heckert, one of

t-he-fla.a-i~m-e--laH1pa -by- T.---w--'-M-or-Cl;U_ Furnished lX)Qms for re'jn~t~·R(illAS:--j=tJniorr;-t1TI'Im:(~;:rjffits:p~~lTImi~~;;;~~'"t'i~~~;;;~.~~~~;'f~~-::':~~~~====::::=::-:=_~ ______ ._ aotl the other b)',Geo. C. Gilder. Ted -- - -- . ·MJ<8.J. --·'CCc.~-j-t<,<>+ref,·kr-Penver, where they w"i,ll

worked this season by the well known (lrh,elr and trainer, Dick Tilden.

Perry won the beautif-wl han~ing

lalnp, and John Coyle the hC,id re~\..

I~~y. FatlH~r l'oh'(jrath has been r~­

lie\'~d hum his dutIes ill' this IMrisil, and--\·dlLr..cturn to Chicago, tu which diocese he belongs. Durin~ his st,lY in \Vayue and Dixon he has won tht! lo\re and affection of nearly all HIS pa.rishioners, while he is held in the highest esteem by those of,oUI" people who tio nut belong to his .i1ock; and it is with ~re,-lt regret tll,at-the people of \V,lync will see him dl'part; and all ,,,in unite with Tile in hOp· ing the diflkulti('s may yet be adjusted ~nd F·~tI~t:! !\lcG"rath be re tained alll0ng- u.s

Tile ladies of the W. C T. U. w.ill rltet~t "'itll -Mrs:-Rev~oneS'TI1u-rs ),i'ch 6 , at 3 (J'clock.

H.V\', J. II" D,iVis and Mrs" "Weir, e\"ltl.zt'ljst~. COllllllt't1CeU revival selvi· ees ill the 13,l.ptist ~l!JJrch on Sund~y t.'vt'ning" il'Ud are meeting WIth conSid­erable success.

110 ('<typ, • .'

, This to\\l1"ttl Ydll~ Mr. Sovereign livelli spirit. has GOO itlhHbltunt~. not including tha

The stlldeuts marched to 1 lC Pr ku.n anll hungJ'Y ('t)W£1 and razor backecS· byterian 'church Sunu1ay ln a b,.t-ll.Ca·~rme~ Hhntt'~ wh[f'h ronm41w ~~tJ'N'tft. Th8-na .. rt\,v. II

\\~ cd ne~ll.lY. trave il1g' man whose eOl1llt('t1allC't"

familiar to n'cry old ~cttlcr in .. this (,Nlnt)', <.!k:d la!"t \V('Pi-t at San Diego, (\fl .• where he 'wei-:t ill lhe 11opt.~ .... ~f

t1le climale bellefitting his health'.

~ 1,1 UVt'S tn.lw kIndly to th(~ m'w camera. !.yhere special €'xcl'ci:ses had b<.ett..rgn.nlz. Om~, W110H~ varIOtl~l~( ra.t(~~wd trouser.

\,'ill it t1cce~sary tu impurt icc Ca1itl)rnia lo meet next SUH1mer'~ <.il­Ulaud.

vided 'for our bendit. Tbe Berm, Pac1f1o could be ml~ltnl\(,ll for H, lithor;raph ma., Rt!\', Wight was replete with go{,y..of the of'thl' to\vn'llHp, Wa.R ht-'ard 1.0 rema.rk1-vice" ilnd """lfA~ble, BUj!rI('! •. _ it:) good fcllers."

cann~t list-en to .sudl a ~~t~WtTIPf~R*'Obnlt!.·Jc:i.ll"'a'lY'~b·al .. 3u·lg':.llh!a,UO'l:'fl41G;~(~:~~';~i~7j~lV'~I":-John l;"'i~,l1('r writc~ from- -M~t\--l'i. feeling" that we have m<l:ny'th and !\l,isR Mattie D.\ l'l,·' of \", -plies just arrived at the Postoflice c-;use-U:~toa~Te-F-..QLa1lg::QQ!!L

News Stand. \lJat the)" al~e ha\'ing- good sleighi1lg' he~ides maldng bettc.r lllt:.n and women

... ~e\v linc of tablcts and sl'1tool h'\1p~

r-4'eil\~e onl('rs fill' tl1l' SltIlli,lY JtllU"w ",lIppnse~ n-"C are haying lllizzards of tile hearers. \\'''c appreciate~lit very nal at tll\~ Pl,~h,nic~ ]?>:c\'\'s St,t~~i". iIere. He l'yidcntly is 1Iot Il\\<arc that

Ncljra~lcl is the Ita}y uf America, and much. Delivered free. that so far from baving- J)li .... zanL... Ml·. Edgar of HartiiigforfviSitcd his

\Villi<llll Larrison has l11nyed into f,trl11ers are g~ttirlg reads to put in d~ughter at the college Monday. '

the Bartlett honse, ('orner of Third thc1l" spring- crop s. Prof. Pile has ,b~en 1I10~t fortunate

and Logan stl·eeh"i. Valentines! Valentinesl Valcntil1ct .. ! iu securing" a priUlal'Y teacher of broad J,l('oh Fo...,tcr and wife, of Red O~k, in endles.!I!. varieties al the Postofficc repttt.tion for the slimmer term. Sbe .,visHed over Sunday tdth J. M. News StalHl. has been lin. institute instructor in

Shea!'er and family. t1ifl'erent ~tate8 for several years. The Monday \Vhist dull \\cre has· I·'or the state COJl\'~lltiOl1 of ~he N~- '{'his will be a rare opportunity. for

pitable entertaiIled by 111'. alld Mrs. I~, hrash:a Sugar Beet Association, to be those wishing this wOlk. >

~I Smith this week. held at Fremont, Neh,. Feh. 5th and ~rr-. Miller of HartingtoQ entered Mh, 1896. excursion tickets to F-rctllt,lnt, school this weelc.-3 .

F.ltber F'ilz~cri"11{1,-Tatc-6r-Fl'en!()nt, -Neb:, wnl be ~old at one ;}nc1 one-third _ .. h11t now the new rector of SL 1-1ary's fare for the l'ound trio. Ticlrets'sold Mr;. Acres of Concord vlSlted hi.

At the appoil1tcd-~:;:-~--':~Cudrni~ mal'ch was pl.~ycd" <1l1(1 J<ccping' step to thcm~tsic; (h~ bride n,hel --g'I!'OO1tl ~' ma.rchcd into the pjHlol', whioh ,.;wa::;r·(li·

beautifully decorated. , ;i After the ceremony all expressed

good wishes for the you ng people, af-ter which the gnests parlool'~ of_a~]" " clcgartta-u(l uouutif111 'Vcutlilrg-~~~ per, which wa.s otljoycd by all.

After an evening: of conn:rsn.tlon and mits'ic the 'guests retired, to their homes feeling delightcc.1 with the {}c­casiou, a.ud leaving- behinLl UlelU a. nuulbe~of useful and!l.ifttlpres ..

-"""'. -~-- ------church, arrived 1~8t evenillg~. Feb. 4th and itl;-.-g-ood for r.eturn-unfill daugHter _at thecoUege

E ,\Ve will clean seed wheat \Vith~ut and inc1uoinrr Feb. 7th, 1896. Rev. Davisand Theobald' of the Bap .. Next Sunday will be Christian (n· D

Mr. Clayuaugh was forllH'rly a res· ident O"f Montgomery county. but !tor the last three --ycar:-; - 11~\:-; hi~' hOlUe at Wayne, Neb,

deavor day at the Presbyterian charge, W . lIiEH"\N, Agent. liat church were pl6asattt callers attbe 6·8w 'l\Iorris \\radsworth returt1ed" Tues- coUegc~ Wednesday morning. The church. Special music will ,be pro~

vided and the pastor will speak in the CV-t'lling to tlie Christial1.Endeavorcrs Evt'r}'uody 1nvited.

A. \V. tl~'Cf{"Hly of I'wf::u1iS011, S,()uth . R 0 k I former conducted chapel' exerciaes, D'll~ota. has bee'" in town this week day to hi8 home in ed a, owa, after whic-h"ea-ch ga,'o a brief but in.,

htlt will make periodical trips to this .trucllve talk. IO(lkin~ ,ift ... ·!" his interests here. . conntV' to look afte-r things at the "

\~t"l1'S plush C,lPS worth $1 and $1:!5 ranCh'. H(' i~ sole executor of· his un"1 The studen~8 will 1J~ncef~rtlt be The .!.-opec.'rli 1llC't.!tit1~S at the naptist ~~ach for SO cellts to clear them. clc's will, and will take his place a5-- known by their respecbve badges of

cbu-rch.-are being well attended and a I black and yellow ribbon \\1e are all JOH~- HAHRI!"'GTO~. a~ t11an~tg{'r, and as SOOrl as" he can ."

good ,.geal of interest is shown. After. There are two or three cases of (li~pose t)f the Rl"d Oak property will proud of our school, then why ~hould

Miss Melton'~ hume ha,':> _al;;'ay~

been in ~Iontgo11lery 'COlll~tY.:·o ';}}~r~d she is well known by Ulany young' , people who will miss lie-r ~'ery 1'1luclit:·.;

They will soot} depart rut; tlwir fu- . ture home at \Vaync, Ncb, --Itcd Oa.k t

(la,,) Su.n. noon meetings every afternoon at ~ probably remoya to~'Vayt1e county. we not display her eolol's? ' o'~lock. Everyhudy invited. Chit- trichinae spiralis rC'port-cu. from down " . . (j.. O. :l\lason has recovered froUl the G .... nd ,YoU Huot. dr~tl's meetill~ Saturday afternoon at on Coon Creek, SE)utlteast of town, The 11. P. l!. met with 1Irs. Cor-blt 'illness wllich detai~ed ~litl1 at hiJ~,_h_qt!-le Feb. 17tl~, FW l"

:; o·;lock. Suhj!.'ct of se.rmon Sunday Neal fi: Nye, the prorhet, priest laro;t Fnda.y afternoon. The royal se\[cral days after the beginning +--· .. ·~···-··'Jli'tl·e \"\dll be lutlllCQ. OliO::: au<.t

And to the babe Mr~. WUITE. ·Mrs. V.NWAGENN a lady in black, - A JI"",e'!:;r!. NlfS-:-lIlEC[(jR.

night will be" ,\1oral ;\1;.n." - ano ldng- "of populism itt, Lcsii-c was prize wa~ t<.!-l(cn by...Th1rH. Armstrong the term an,d is again at work hi the one-half inites sontho'i \\raytlC a"nd ex~ , . and the other hy Mrsff Crawfor~o - - - . -" - - ,--" I ':1'11') " :1,' :',f~":~i. tl1.1 t ,~ n'll,l), 1 :,,1 ih towb a couple of dfl)"S this weck lo!!. \,~cre ,sung bv Mr~. Harrison and ~horth~nd depait1tlent~ ten-ding -tbrcc 1.1lih~~ ''''Lst of VIC. to\vP.-

/" 111'1 Ilj~1 '( 'l\J\~ 'I 1,!",1 \1ld_11 \\ lll\ II ~" 1 t) J·l·- .) ship line and six tl1ile~J:?~t.,i: the ea.s.t.

Mrs. SIIlIlH a ~barnling nun aId nr3:~,,, --kl dress of soillbre color. ,

Miss CORBET was a gypsy bright, Maude BRiTTON. a gay pOP,PY ..

, "1M'SS LULu THOMP:;O.' anJ THm S'OCE 'A Lamb",ine ~ir!'s dre" did c\'>l'Y,

,;jrs. fLETCHER was a troul,;\dour. Whose singing's always -s~\vcet,

BUrn. ARMS.lR0'N(i was;i 1m ely babe. And l<J1§ CI\)LDS ~ Marg'rite,

_ -~~ti< ld Gave many a he~rt a rud~ twirl,

Wltil"'-.~NY Henry .~~d. Miss Vus~ Each made i lovely flower .!fir!.

Miss Susie Edwards was :J. girl Who'd given school the sack. _

--WhlILMinnie Sml1hlrom oc.ident Was >111 dy ~ diamond bll\:-k.


-,IlJ ry ,C 1111, It·. It j'. U11II, r ,t,q,.), It is curt'cntly rqwdt'd that 0111 .\1i!lls C .• 'hild!ol~ after--~:jlich the club tool" lAS". 'bell w.!·tho,,·t a clapper, . l' . n line to extend from the sou tlr,,:C&tcuf- -

,ll '\<11' d <I dfll()rI;:ill.", t11 :1 F'isher has lCl1sed hi~"'vld farm lI1.t 11~ a fe\v lessons in physical clt1ture I Useless and fo~gotten lies, '


tl ' J' • - 1 '. ,l.. ner of l\1r. Durlltltall'::; fal"ll1 .a'long:c

,1\' til'. s, iL;llinl " (":ol1nty and will rt;t_urn In t IC Sp,r,ltl h . \\'lddl were -,;rre'ltly enjoyed. The ~o d~!.lh; the bqsil'\el;f of the man \\l\h 11 fn:l1t, Tt) stlld buSiJl('S5 hnoming- I """ill ('Illh 11I{tf'b thtl!:) afternoon with ~lrs. \\:~ho will nev:er &!.lVet't\S.th_ township line to the south hue of the

-count-y\. and from thenCl! w~st 9 miles ,,~dl~l' d by thi' ~\tl"H iii h 1l]l11al~e caiJiuet photo., fdr $1.00 per tl(,Z- CraWf(lrd. Str;«OQt.t NO fBI, along th~ lines.of CutUiug and Ibtau'"

'f ~l~\~'(~(:;.:,,~~~i(~!~t l~:';,,~),\():;:;; ';,1;.1:: (,\1;: ~;)'~ '~~1 ell ftlr .1 short time. C M. CHA\·EN,. An explQsi5111 occurrcp in the ~(\f.O- \ ~"\ M. Worthrop Was a visitor at t,he ton, thence north to "a point one., aud

f..; .·~'llJHJ( 1,1:' all(l all 11\\ Ijlg 11;' d\.,n:;l h~:},d.; T. J. Stccle and ,~ife and Mrs. Kort· line engi!H' room at the Smith Sf Ellis scha~l Flriday. and gave ~he ~e~lOr one-half mUes south a!1u mile-s. ' t()1%U('1~,(t(;v~)~,p t\~\'~ll~.l' P~::!;I~:ll::;,J\ll:l' dr1ri~ht of Sioux Ci1y call1e ~v('r 11~ridil)' Co. elcvatOl' on »4ondn.y afternvol1 ~las~ a few pOlnt~rs on United States wes). of Wa.yne. All lines t\) tnovt-'a1.t

h ~,i\ (n to llwHI' I um"r::.t- hl n ig I1t and rem cd ned a ~o.uple of da) ft. whiGh_blew out the end of the room baf\lls, which was enjoyed by-all A. 11 a. m .• sharp, rounding up Wl..%t 'of fact that N 'l~[ltm' COl'1nan. chdinu.l and pretty generally wrecked, the I L.~'11ucR:er talked _ .

('[ tll(' (J('r1)O( l'_~_di(' >dtJ('l'lug (I)]lllllitt;·,_, q 'Ve rcgrt"t to learn that ~lx.l\1l'Ncal's h11i1!1 i,Ilg'. I~ortunately -no one was in te,rtnnent banks and A P. _ Chltdfi By Older~{C.~ttee. ~ 11~,. 1,,,1),11,,,11:1,1' f,,·r'n ~;"']lldll": ~~,'j';11 :Fnothcr di~d nearly 24 }lOur,s oefore he room at the time. and there could Thursday on postal qs.)'stem of_ the \\ :~r in tIl" pao>l f~'w ~~JlY;-. 'HI tll~' }lldl n'rrivl"d at her hU111e in Appleton Ci1y, ha.v-.. bCt'n-litl1e~ ttrnre-1-ita~-pit1t..Qf Ut1ited States.

,~\1~~::1~;-. o-r- r~lh'h n. ~~('.Il\,~u, llW:i'"lr;~ th\MO. . tbe explosive fluid ~n .fhe can at the Edd'ie-i{ing and

• 0 l-!f;lrtington .ha~sot('d _!12,GOO-, in time. Mr. \Varnock had Deen ~n the SYMPATHY'FOR .r:'rlS, RUNYUtlbond'-to b;-ild a high school btiilding room about three miniItes befor~

Ito replace the one---recentJy ~estroyed explosion, but notice~ no\hiqg T;hc ("('I'!rnn I::mp{"~,jr St'IH].; a spdby tire. with the tanj,< or ~ngi~e.

<'in} }!e.s~euger_~t/) 1110 1)('-1111 \1'~. K~flkleqp~u, 't;'iL:ioday n .... pr;r;;n~Vfn,,',i.;~u;m'i"'"rat-'f'l""=iTIi'.n"';;.if;;--i~;--.h . 'Princ.eton l Iowa, where he h~lS

.. r~~.· ,,,:" '~, 3f


"1:1" ___ . LE,1'RADE.6R REN~ __ -,. 1 10~lo09 ACR-fSj - - 200FARMSI

i~'~~ 4! HJ~~~!~m~:'~'~~ ~:~:~;~~~~~:~~,G~~~>i~!~d~OD'kTL_ =-.~ --~'-:;e;' h-:~;: - '~~-:;;;;;~-'? -~~~. --==:·-·~+--p-'r"-ii~,f-:C~-iJ1-(/;l-IU-';' also. i~ a-e-,d-ar. ~'no-! and .])i~OIl Counties, fa]).r 0/ tJlejiJl~si _. ~":: ~. --::: ::-.::-~: ,- -' -- , - -.-.,---. -' . !IUt':/leraZ /armilfU and StocK CJuntzes 11l }{ortheastmz }febrasRa .• -. • ., .!~

"---"-ii'-11---,--------t--e--------·-----------.. ·--c-___ _

BS~~ia1JcY in w,c:tcYme OO,!fltcY, the finest. ri~hest, \!lost fertile, and -: tieautifu.l OountcY in the ~tater.

;i--.... --ti .... ---.. -· .. · .. ·--'-'-· .. ---~·.. .' '.' -, .-" .. ' ·~~n tbii:'c~Jnty bud has soldi the present year as high 3S U3 per acre, cash, but there are mlllly

8P~CIII!tor~ and CAstern o":ller~ who ale 80 pinC? ed for mOlley. on l\ccolll~tof the finuncial.depres~ol1

., ..

that ".,11 sell.~to-tnosil1l1rokTna Ill\'ettmenl, atprlee~ that,eanlJot be duplIcated. .' .

,J.<"()t~lI~ce-w-e ha~-line. Doarly I.volqll~rtllr SCC~ll!l. seven miles fram W a-yne,'-'llnU'--tn-II.~=-· m!les oft-om Carroll :.t $26 per 'acre/--XII under cultivation. the best .Iand iu the state and very cheap . ll~!tha'~llrice, aud on t~rmii LhcJ: will b" dold. '.- .. '

,tWe'.JulVe an ulegant half seotion joining these at the same price,like Ihefour quarterd mentioned, ",~Ih: ~lle buildings, water Ill1d improvem.nts. ---

~~II t$e same vicinity and within a to lit miles O(tOWII, lind good markets. We hal'e' th" fine {al'm N~. 2do: 160 acres at *32: per IIcre •. This is llHunder fine stal~ of .cultlV!ltioll, new nn< ~ice b~:ildik~, houMworlh $600, barn '300, gr&lI&ry, nice 81'0'l'e. good \Vater, llnd every thing new ·and.; nAt C~S8. Good Term~. ~

. ,---- -~r--~-··=-~S_t.~.,.-~.==--=--·.~w.~~'lT'~rothm--ittiltu-niee slightly t-elliDgHmtl,-tb~il pfijcr']JIC~asy ternrs~ . '--~==

TU'rf &--. ell-ang" e,' ,,~~.~\~!~;e~·~&o~~r.~':f,~!,~~ioc~~,:~~?~';.':::'! l>l~ceJ!in the 8a~e neighborh?o~, (mrnearroll,. ill Wayne ?ODl.ltV. _ N'?.~.1?:!.:....i\ fin~.y.~ltl .. Lffll.J!l_oL ' .. .. - "'>un'r. N.""""'af"" ot'''~'' d.y"f,lan-uo ~wH·t. proved ... where-t-h4Hleb-'-lll 'tlitMr' good-'eta-te'-:of-;,cultiY6tIOll;' oZO :icre~. alTUnder cultival;tln 1~ 1111t)llH~tlou whel'el.n t ran ... M . .Morl1l1'Ol' ~r-;. fi _ . . . , . ,."

w.; pl&J"tUf ,,,,<1 Itlclu"ti W. Ban"'t, Adaat blfckc lid rIch aud the lIest crops pasture and meadow. fall' Improye- ollly 6 miles from town for $140 1Ii.~th:~n. '1'11118 H~lltl!tou aUft Ua.uiel OUM..H1 ." 'N 'i;" ,'. . l!v·· j.; d'':.~ t d f ~2600 I '_. we,·. dol."d,u", fol' 'he '.'·'No,u,.'" lhe 1'Il1· eoras.a are ene I year gloWIl. m!' . ...,,, S,.,,8 cor" n Kuox county. mul',I'""" upo .. lIIe' ·,.oal '''Ole h.,·oiyaftor : '. .!. • '0' t .n~· II' th 1-1 t d' .~ d u".cnoo.l,upon Which 'h. pl.lnLUlq .. 'he 8~,lr .~ ... 0 ... u per nert!, sma WI 8!U.!, paymell OWIl an . No 1!!1l An eleaa t pl·ee.e of l.';t day of ApriJ, l~), olllatutKll4 decree tut' ;".' . d d .~. - I fi' . II .. 0 11 , It'CBulllofJIIH.OO."d,,,Lcr •• ttltoreollatth,, : .ym nts down all goo terms on easy Ii6rms. A so ne, rICh, 1'0 - black level valle" land only 1 1 .... \U~.ot 10 pep-cent llt~l'aunum frow th'" hit ;I'~' , T . . 11' . . dO • • • h 60 .' ...J ,

",'!:'~·,:~'~="~~nl~~ t. c;~ ) .. nc~eBe prIces anl~a .. ' lng illarter a JOIl!lIlg,' I!!L _ ~frfimstutl()\.l;,--all ~ __

oOI .. ,,,,.d. docrec 101' 'I'" ~U. '" of 1ItlIl.1 ,20. and ft •..• m .. ' r5 to 110. Z.t.S.S tho an. any .. O~CleS .. br.Oke and .au good I!\nd. (or tlOll. Old .farm In Knox cQunty. lntm'est tlwretJll at, ti J>t,l' ctlul per annum ~~.'" \' °11 k $S SOO d' 'I' , bl1u Ibe I~t day uf Apl'Il, 11l\j". a,,11 tha' the <II r .," rmnnent farmers WI ta e , on goo terms. Lan se I It now for $2500, easv 1:I"'~t\ pJ'cmlsel'J IJ(I soht to ~liti~l"y fflts SHine, ,,: :&1.. • . • • • ?-J ~·hiclldec".c8arc 8",lln full forc· and u.n- f' r ~arIl18'--:-C-~~_. -_ - --N':"'1 o:-i'-trllOUsi '-M~:r '. ~=~t;;~~~'S;~".::,;;:';;~t;;~inte,·e,,:'i')-; --c- -c-:'-:'='::~_, .- • o. 6. a~r ouse all(. No. 3D. Fillo~1.60-·~re farn!. ~ .. ,d 51 •. &' ""., .. ur ~uit "ud accl·ui"~.eo"" tI,. j'" havE. sel ~rill ul1lmproveU acres of beaut!!u.1 gronnd nght in ~'1.!I,":·t,~,,,-_d",,!,'!'!~''!..' • .tlly,~c, u' •• '. " l~S m-thll-eountvtliat . mer 'of "resideuce" n-rtiOIl -5f miles.f~'Om three good tftWnl,iu

~'h" Nortb •• ,' quorle!' of section Iwenty ... '. I k od f t l' T P the finest part of Knox county. 'i~(""" ,owH.II'I",w.n'y·.e\·on (fm, ra .. ". U. ma e go arms.a rom \'a,l1e.$2,100. Bo.megood.t.l·ade, G' d h .,~II _ •• : ... 1 '11 two ('t) ~Iut. \\'lI,yn6 Ct)Ullt\, Scbl'ul:Ika. to I ~f J: Q!" ~/ • -0' No 'I'l be 'f d _~_ __ _QO ouae, ''-L-LLt --ll'-l-U--Y.-nU-H--t---'100_I,,gh.O.' bid,'.,·, , .. ~ c,",II, ., th.e f"un' .. ¥ 4' .0 .. , u pt'r acte. Ul. . Wi . ·taken I eallB maOEl.sool1. 0'1'0\,11 p.asture. n d 9-lIoo1'01 ttwhuUdlngu8e{ltt.~I~COUl'thol1be.1n liiff·· . t' f 11120 ";--- f ur rt ~ b . . (:) t , lea ow, [) acres ... "yIlC, I" •• ,,1 COUllty, 'hat oOing fll.I>"lIo- •. l,'~';. IlSIS IlIg O, __ ....IlCEe'8 •.. 0_ ·A..he...uuest argllln we havlI on the-under pI IV p.' $28 00 W'II tnkwhurtllntheln~jlI6nn .. olcollr~w.8h6Id. ~'l' r:·~=---n;:o~----:-·d dfi' "1, -. ,,0. lIce, .. 1 011 Munu.y 'lIumh dsy 01 ~·.brual'y.I~"', at . e from" HUH e all \EI ml 9S hst. take in trade $600$600 caMh tho hour "It 1U u'clock, A. M'I of butd dtlo)". f' . 11" Imost I'n the center . I . " , who" .ud WI1"r. due Mtend,,,cB will b •.. ' ill .". rIO • a No. 114. 120 acreBof the best ba unce on four or fivII years' ~1'\'6n fly the UtltltH·~lgnali. I \1 "t 0 t f I utifnl . ._ - D,lIed.t WKyn •. :Seb.thlslathdayofJah, .. ':' Yllfl .c un y, 0 leI! .' Illnd III \\ ayne county. Some- tIme at 7.per cent. Owner all

uory.\1jIIt! EI'_ IlEv:s()),n3,~loorln·. tll.~> rollihg, rich. and well-wat- tllhlg'very tine. Only 1-2 mile invalid and has gOL ~o Sl'lI. -Dome

A f,,,"orllo trick uf the Illnntetl, IEl'Il'1" 8 I F it· I ... II' 'I d' . fl" F' h -- h . ""hell beatell iu nrgllIUcn.t OU the uINlt. 81 " ,~" ~ , ... .:, n., I, IS n .. 1l11pr~Ve, all III ex- 0 eu h~atton; Ine oue, Wort No .. S7. 7,000 acres, mostly Im-

I . t t II Bv\lrt\luo1nnOldl'I'or~ltletomcdilfwted II·t l t tl I fi 4 $800 I 1._

k I 1 b t I '1!"'.·~I,.·ede~t,'",_e'tIL~.l.·N_c'_~U"~~l. '0"1 t~~~~y 01 . .-:-- d h dAb f b ,. ,-~ -- - htIC '~I t 10 C. all~ !_~; __ ,",--ver.18 money " ~ (Iii " omplete sets of: fnrm an trees,orc ar • .elllIll.ul au - countv • belOliO'ing to C. L'. Boon nItl)t' cnnf.tttutlOU. Ana III tbfl ab· t):!I;~~:~~J:~u~~~ r:lu:tl~I~~~~~)~vr~~'~~~~ ~:~I~i= '~!." ., 11 d t h t .'11 b Id h' .01 • ~ . t


... ... . . . Fine W inc-sand Liquors

Sole A~eDt Cor the Celebra~ed

Jhc l Mo ... ,. "I , •• c .... tIIUtlO~.. - - .. -,.--"= .. =.' ~~ell nndl', kllown 8S "The House fronl town. All under high state ami sec us about thIS at once.

nf tho fren .Oi.Duge "c •• ,.me, '". 0 a I ,I Is' l n t 01 .•...... '. .•.. ,lOIlUI IOn,_" .. _·1 .1 8f>.\_·llraEu. .' 11,-c.e __ . llUge,-,-",rn,..g. rl!Jlery, ->-}foved. ','rich-nrmrietamls in Knox

.enceof any htltter rORson for ~banltin!J 'If ,wd .""""0 HeU l·'''''""""."" U.!!'!.\' ct f~ric, (,U11d1l1ge. creeks. we S 1\11 ur )BUd

ouse 'ldl b 10 so. c ellp, I he ChIcago banker. at $10.00 to ironl tLo g'oJd to tim .ilvcr ltandard ., We." de'. "d.,,,., ,,,,. 'lie ,u,ec,."u,,· 01 ,WIn!,. mills. Is the finpst stock part OWH an a auce 111 mort- $12.5.0 per acre, sOIhe of whica U! tht. lUHlt~H.~': U~)VU lhlj I'C~L ":illttc jll'lcIIl- [1

Ch'· ! Ih."y ur"o thAt th,· (rtlmer. "t tho CO~'. afto .. <1."",,11"" u,'"'' ~'"cll "10 1'1'1""" U" ," ..... ·r..JJ .. '1'11 WIt"ne county nnd ClUlllOW gage. >Ire S. (,lcnd_id.·._tra .. c_ts.-.. W~ _i,I.1 :lc_.cent cago l td u( tl Id a d 811 lht' JlltU ll,LY ot vct.uilljl', J/'illi\,ulJttlllll'U a tic (~1lA J F 1 _tltut on 1ll,'D lOne ,\ go n . "H'C ,,,' til" bum "I ",." 00 ,,,,<1 ." (I'; cu,t III IL. ht'f t f No. 188. Ol'.e. /If the "Ilest 200' (ilfCrs to sell or trade on these' ,'er aM legAl touder moupy. ("It ~Ult, dUU JuliU l>. Ua~ktlilobt",illt.-"d b lit,)- .J~~L~~'()Ug 0 ll~ OlJ. ensy C1IltS or ,J... " .. , Although very frequently hoard, th. n,," ,,,' lho .UIU 0' 1",2.0 "lid tll.' tI,~ ''I'.~J.' .. !<' an acre acre fa.rms ill the celebI' (Jail deal whole. 7,000 acres.

'I! . f bliJ(1 plt'OlU'· s Utl I:IV~t.1 tu '"'tt.II~I)· t!ll:l tlUU10 'OF;,. if .' 1 . C i. \

. a~,ertloutbDt.tJv.rl'l\sll-c~hnto ree W\"CII <1<",,"", .," .tt" In 'u'ec Ulld un,., T 121 1 I'll . . val etY.ln edar count.y-,I~nllle8 'We have hUI.ldreds IJf othe .. l. ~. • »llft lY6 throuRb some l'eference t.oit in Hllh.JU+U, I WIll !:Iuillu :!Ialltlt) lho,lIIltld dtl- A· O. , R 8p ell( 1( :A.l'g'A:l11, Jfli f. .1 t 1.' I . '. < '" .. • i b 'I I r ·t olee' ,n"'''''t''.~ lu 'he 'UIU u' ~",oa., ,,,. I 8'" '1 f 0'3 t lon.goou OWll. -"arm las some harO':l1D8 Just as "'ood uJld better

C h < • I the CODstltut on~fJI ~lO Illi I n ~(. gctl.t'!; \\101 Illh:H!::It,. 1I11'1I1"1I I\.t lh~ 1,ll~ ot tie l • ~, qual er () BfiC. 'It J own l Old' U'" AIH1 130 " .... ...1__ 1") ~ , ....

rOnlC C The fO\1udt~rA of th1L,JJmon"id 110t un. U WI cVllt ltH uUI~u~hlh tlay vt - ~~I ~~. lUt Ill~y". - scres~ th<lll tbose-tlIetitlOlled. W1LMve' L'o.~ ................. ('h'UCI, It'iU .. , Illll .'1.0,'1 O\'~I, KU~'llg t rnng.e ill ~----1>nl'LI Q!.! h1 Q!!1 w~ culliv~)-t-iort;--------1ll!-U- tal .... e~per -.----------;-d --------,c-- •

- !'111tk..-w11pffi tI~_~..,. """,;-,1,">= <'~ <1c8ClThed-m , .. ,101 OI"Ct - •• ,J_ .' .~ • ". J\' 'I''''u eome llIce resl ellcc property III 10 1~'8Iate in regaN\ to the Blandford of <ot , .. LOe, lu,,'t. I (,ur farm. Bplendld soil. all nlJ""I acre 111 trade for tuwn property (,.c cl'ty o· f Way d th e fi

• \ I '"' I th' 'nit.' NOl'th weISt qllttltl'l o{ 'iH:ctiOll t 111- •• I' tl flu ne, an re 118 'tal, • lind tIe (UI" rll,.rence- 0 . e Ie." t,") ",,,,,,hlp '''CLOl}"" "'" , ..... go ClIltll·/lholl. It fl rame lOUSe. at $1500. well)ocated hri ksto' b'ld' I two- money Blota18-- is- lUl~(iJ. t!llt:U, \\",)1,10 C\J~I1I~. ~llHtI,::I.ka. lO I -fi.'1 tl f .",.. ~_; _=- __ c Ie Ul., 1~~-8._

hEMOCRATIC . I b'l •• t .. ·~· tM ~ .. kiD" auJ" qre ,It!<11c.,,t-II,,H,,· w, ..,,,.,,, .... Ute ''''". 011 Y H' IlI1 8S UO! lOu ny"e, '--Ovftr 1·00,'e:farm· S I·n C'e--d"-r·. for sale or {r'lde cheap' VI' e wlll ••• u ... \ JttOU IH ",}e-8~ _w..... " , (1~l' vJ the lJUlidlug u:.t'u <t~ " CUUl'\ - --- ~ b ~'O '" D '" ~. . thing bnt ~old Il\ld silver a tender 111 I"' .... ,. \\ 'IY"·, '" •• ,d cu~"'" til.t ""lUI< aud for 8/ue at a out '!:0 an acre, Dixo~:' Knox and Pierce eountie. .ell or trade this city property , , t f d;')bt T-b ~re Ii tvwiti'VeJ, the I.)I,Udlll8 .... htH~ill ~l~e Jd.~elll\,uf cuun . ,

- )1"Y1110n 0 ,~. • e " r-. ~ •• h"'~, 011 lIlv"~.Y 'hu 11111' <IllY of '.11- Aa .. y term/i. Ulld 20 fine farms in .val'ious part. hut only on a cas·h basis .. No in-l10thing in tllo COll8htutloll wb!\lh III'I'eJ >11"1), I~,ij,!l~ Wu,",upk Q' "'''<\ <IllY wl,e.. . I d I'll .

Iia·l nd SUo nday f.'Ci1 color to tbe preteu\i81 ot the sUTer· ~\',~ ~;:a~r.~~',;~:i~'O"'l~UO" ,,1111)0 given ~y No. 1118. a splendid bargnin--ill of coun,ty for the first l.'dlte. dva uos WI be asked or COIl-... 1 Y a . it"".·.,..' .' ""t,,'I", "ll>"., 'obr·,'''I" 1~lh 4ul' of f~ot R snap; 160 IIN'OS of rich lime offered for 8al~ at Ivw prices 81 erc . . . Bot c"on It tlie framers of·tbe constl· JUII .. urv. ml1ij. 1,;0 II~\,NOI"I><, Shoba.

!UtlOD bad 60011 lit to provide ~bnt botb We invite you all tu corne in and see us, and we will.,shiHV or direct you to 'some Rold aud .lInt .bould be U6<.'<1 as stand· Sllt;IUH'S ".I,LK •.

"rd.ot valoo tbat. would be no realOn _ 8y vll'l"a orcan o,d~r of •• Ie I •• ueu by nlentl1. Address spl~ndid invel!t-:



tOr adhering to all up.eate and ummuud 1110 clel'k ut1, 'h~ dl"ll'iut cm1l't 01 -Wlloyne o~trenC~ utter exper,ience. - h!.let sh9WU it! COtttttt-.- Nebl'8.ltktl, _upon " <tec1'6U"-rondered "til&. "'tIrO nud 'gre~t j\u4 ~ ~ opr rt;H~ln~~~~~~d~:~g ~N~':.~!~I:{~lJ~~:i~~;~~:~~~ fotl.~thers ~ore~ tbey cmlJ4· J~ fOl'~ee !f~~1-~:I~J!~:~~ ~1~tl~!.~1~·;!~. Ip':lL~\ti'I1(~~l~~r~ -fT.-i.- fm'Or'Dous increa.- 'itt, tJl~l>f.odJtotlPD '1"lOJJ)~~a 'fl/co»H.IU wJ\r~ ~efcmlallt8ldll'ectillg flf !ailver Of ~b" Inllt 2~ yelUil • .A.QdlJf,~ li!e~leQ thefulll)winl(llel'lnuettl'nl\le~tllte th" WeQt cllDlnl<lrol.1 natlou hove, aft· ~U~~~t~!I In u)~ CUij"ty or ,';!l "e. li.r,"~.l<~

TERMS. < ,'rOOnlllr'eI! llI.experlmenting. deoided . Th"""u',, hOllfn! l,o~ Ono (1), In lll<'ok OFFICE IN AHERN BLO' CK that the g914 ffl:~nallrd is the ~Bt.~ it ~:~~'ci~nl:!r"~~~.'I)~~.~ 1\~i~~~~o~'~I~~I~lnu~~~ " •

hIIJ,"1IvtrId •• Cltle'te, pe' ....... ,., " would b ... t"l~t t.". tlil~ ~m~lltry to ,tICk uf t'.hr\1\t1')" I""", '" 1't .. " ,,'ch'ck In 'he WA YNEg NEBRASKA. hn, .... Ilv,red outside Ch~ ... ~ \ to fjilyer lD~~l'ol,. l>ecflU~ f~' PPPtlStot8 ri~~:~()OII; .• ;fC(~~~:i~.lj~?;~I~,~,I~f (!~:;Id· :~~u\~lltyOtrl~

•• " •••••••••• -.-••• u_ ........... ' '11IItt 1 hu~ .. ed'i'it~ Ap.l\,ticatUil want. 'h~.', ~tl~ W \\:\,111', , ~Ohl'l\skU, :.Iell ~a\jl l'eal e .. tl\lu -lit • ..,." per cally·.· .................. , ..... uf lWt"ttbjllg, no UH1.tlE"r-f, .. lmt·traditwl~ nuM,P u~~. lIun tu thll h'Kht'~t hlddt· ... ~Jor hUr.,.,,....,,, ... II,"',." •• ~oo mny Ray,4u4 if th() cODfititn,f.ioll 'bad .~l~~r.Jt~~t,\t~}~~ ;~~~;A~t;ffl~~~~t/r\~ ~ll,I~I~~tl'!~~tf

'--!.L!·· ·_:.:_·.L··..:'cc!..'<-:· ',' '~t" t·,·· i'T· .. ·····, .. ••• 4'" At .. "". (I" :" ••• , ••••• , •• ,

BRITTON &ORILEY. 'hIr a. ~undaJ, ,. ,.." " ..u. fa\'01..ecl tbe""ilY,er ~tundard It 'Y0~ld :~\~fl:'~m~i~~IWtf~'i,S\8M1I,CI:~~ 1~~.l:I~ul~o~~~ fatpJ....... ...... ........ .•.. 1.08 havo been proUlptb"IIIlI/Iif~ ~o s'(1lrthe ..,,, "ce>:U1nu co.h. ..... ",., ,..r."· ...... "' .... ;; !.0Il /lew conditloll.. Dated Jilnusl'Y lO'h·kLjf· ItEYSOLI"; ..... ,.,., JIU,..,.aII, .......... UO ;:p;;'rn;;;;;;;'~I;;;'. . 811erUf of W.yue Count)'.

'. . . l . AnOkJa'bo;"o eOI'f'.<vcnflt!iit of Ih~~: C' 'E' ... "".. U E!' D I:: ,-... ~' C'urrE"!~t'Y cOllunitte,' of tnp ~eform -- I:~, " __ -~- -1- _____ . __ .

-_ADDREss........ "lob •• Y~ Ihat because of .horl'crop.t\ud· IWII"',J'0U a ... about to b':.h,& Sewing,laoblno low prices fot,two.Qr 111\ ell year;' the .pt'o· 2::t'.I':~I:itt ~~I~:A ~~llt~·:r::..,~ -'CH1CAGO CHRONICLE CO pl~tW'rewer~grn'J"ng .. t~h •• '~v"r inOltllblohedand '. .

. / ... ,-- .. - . "SI."i\j""b'Ul.t h.annt.h .... ]lI<lll!lfolr.m ... ·-.. Most.·. I' 164.'11111186 WlllIInI' taklol'llge 01'0\1. tlm •• a.Ollo.!!Oorl.I>U.l " . ot "'heat 011 I:h~ groulld •. t4'~y J\>9k for lot .1>':;1,:I'~'I~:gI~o!:~~ .

OKltCSAao. -- 8ub.tantl"l betterment nIl'S .. to .. rop,,"d.n.~ ':"" ..... that have gained • - " t"t1'1 b ~ d t.l WAYNE, NEBRASKA,' le.~ iuolined 10 take t?r .It Imyt~I~11I ?lit ~l'i '~..I~~ 1:i:i . .. _. " __ .. .. ___ ._'

'-n, 1IIoney having Ib, bll!heet~ pu.ell,slOg.. . -1~i.J'· Will pr~.tle. \ .. aU dourt.. -r ..... .,-----....... -,...,..~~-- 1·1>O·lVe'r."'--1~Q· eay,,: "T!wy &re Ilk. tbe , ~ ":':at %<.Jt:a:t\:~· .. clllo.n'. BanI< ..

to jOllllhe andt:~i:'~.l\~I'· ~,c r~~~ __ ~~r~~~

Attorneys atJ.,aw,


Attorney at Law;:-

"N. A. IVORY. --' " ,


OOl1tal Parlort OT.,t Fil'st ,NatIonal


Physician and Surgeon .. G. SCK'W·;A.E-R,~E1.. r~p.irin, o( B~~tI aDd ·Shoe, ~~~~ ~e~t ..

FI.NE WO~K A SPECIAL TV. ShoJN,ll-1[est .la. tuwer-itam- "SR'8" opc;;: - ,IJlte PhiUeo "Son'a Lumber .

WAYNE " . ,.

am ~ L~undry., • !' 1·__ ,~


... -. .. _._,..,..... .... . , .

THE WAYNE OCRAT. Twelfth Year. ---' ---._-.. ==:=::::::======= -·····-----··--------.c::=-_-__ -.. -'C·

L. E. HUNTER, Propr, Independent in all things Neutral

Pa.rries who were bilked hy the su­ga;: factory fcllo,,"s say that the prolh C:J:' w.ay to spell it is ~l1gar beat.

* it· . The M. P. F. have dropped DclsaTte

and are now pursuing anatomical a&udic~l so a httte bird whispered in ,,,,"ear lTIe otl1er day.

"'** 10 after Jays \\ hen we about

WaynC"s social past su~\esse~, The masquerade will come to mind

With its masks and prettjLdr,csses; A jolly Cflfwj there was 1kn ni~ht

None had a thou~ht of evii: Altho' 'tis said Guss TRACY, he

Did play the very ~-

But what of that. for monks w.erdhere To "give the d-l his due."



All clad in sOlllbre hue. Eo. SUl.UV.4.N an Ellgli~h tlluriSl \\':\s.

AI1l1 Sl) \\'J,S y()lIll,~ l;rOR\~1 NHh~11'. And If they apr:J .fuhn Uull alight,

They'j had thin;.:'s in a j,lil~lt'.

J\:\CNU.L for Oil':.: from lrt'lalhi hai\"d, A D~~ts~il~I~.Jl;a~-Was t3RE~NlR ,- -_. ~

As a bik't,boIJ youn~ ROLLEY Ln Came unJer the wire 3. willner.

Two other \\'hc-~lmc-Il ton, wat: the're~ DOCJ:i HE(;KERT ,and Mr. DnTlE,

JIM MillER an,l C. CORBI r I'osed. -- As-~lish ilthle5-thes"-l!t,ngs


Gift~d. with either cash or ['rains But SlIllP1y apes or monkeys,~~­

Who think they copy tnglis\l 5tyk, But only apt' tyeir Jlunkt'ys

The ·musicia!ls. ~\·hQ.a..r.e kno\\ 11 to all, Were aJs~) a\.lcpts at poseillg.

And while they V! in A ~ style, They were also good at noseing.

H.u. CRA.VEN waS a Turkish rrina, . ED. TAlLOR a kni,""t of old," v •

While [\'1'. EVANS' j;ck 1.1.1' Stjit ...

Prodaimed him ~l sailor buld; And. so they luoked upon the Hoor.

Mixed'jlb: the p(e -that's ll1inc~, With monk and devil, byk~r. knight.

JJck LH, and last not least, :\ prince.

But hold my mus~. or sh)p the crank We IlHISt not miss the ladies,

For fear that they may angry ~et Anl1 conSign us l'oth to Hal1es!

So dplace aux dames,'11 as the French woulLl sa)'.

Th:lt l1ati~)n most polite ~

And now wIth nut Illuch more ado, We'll bring the l.lctlcs to light:

And tifsf of an fTli.'se bdTe-s':tifc

OUI' ~uests {J om the city Sioux, Who cam~ to .greet their old tim~ friend.s

And old tin,e joy> renioux,

W< gave yoil welcom~ •. Mrs, STEELE, And Mrs. KORTRIGHT, tioux,

And glad were all whep masks were doffed And yOlll' features brought tu viou,. .

The Mesdames ELLIS Topsl.s were. (Mrs. Sto~e's tamed girl of color),

And then to make three of a kind, We noted Mrs. fUllER. . ..

Mrs HARRISON as • buttercup, Played with our hearts (arnation.

Whil< Mrs Cal E as a flower girl sold Mrs. NEELY a .carnation.

It's h!?!lJ'd Mrs INGALLS orolight ~ood luck Tu'iIJ she llIet (hat. night.

'1'0 Mrs. BRENNER as the bat, And to U,e !lii,e Mrs. WIIITE.

Mrs, VANWAGENN a lady in black, "A ftower...girl; MrS-MELLOR.

Mrs. SIIIIlH a c~anlling nun did make, In dress of sombre color .•

Miss GORBET was a gypsy bright •. Mauae BRiTTON. a gay poppy,

Miss LuLu THOMFSQ,' and TIlEO SCAC£ '" A t.mliorine girl's dres< did cClpy.

Mrs. FLETCHER waS a troubadour; Whose singing-'s,always sweet.

BUTII4 ARMSfRONG was a lovely babe, And ,Lvlp' C~I/oDS a M·arg·rite,

(ierlle Weber a. ~ fi~l1tr<ss bold Gave many a he~n a rad. twirl,

While Mary Henry and Miss Vos~

Miss Susie was;: girl. Who'd given school the sac.k,

While Minnie Smith from occi(jent .

-c·o~-.-cWai 5tl[IJy .i!;-dia.l1)on.d black .• ,


CATHOLIC PAI~. I 'MERE MENTION. COLLeoe NOTES, E. n. Girton shipped two car~

c~tt1e to Omaha ~Ionday. The Catholic fair which c1o~ed lasti CommiSSIoners meet t011l0rr0w.

eyenin~ ha!5. been eminently success -; n~-. Hecke·rt. Dentist. :Miller block ful and must have netted that society r..len'li plush caps worth $1 a

On "ccolint of ill health James Col­lier rctul'ne(l 'to his home at Randolph, W.Yne C<"Iunty \-Vas Not Re"r,~sent~d." .. Oii:k wh('~e he will take a short rest, returo 4

sev~ral hundred dollar's. - Each day Dr. Heckert was, a 'Yinsiuc dsitor each for 50 cents.. to cleal' them. and ~V'eni,llg and supper were Sunday. JOH~ H.\RN:l!\Gl~OS.

ing- to school ~ext week~ -, TUden Takes Wayne HOHta to [}cnHr,

I.(< Ilight tl1c Siou~ City. O'Kl'ill & "'~cStern railf"oad hl'ot.lght iil·from Hi.1 n--­dolp11, Belden, Allen aut! L;iurd two' spc-cinl stock trains of t WCII tv cars eac1~ -which will be taken' out at (, o'~l()c1c

sen.ed. aQd this feature of the' fair Hon. Chas. Chase \"as up ftom Stan· Alma-l1;tcs for 1896, State Jo~rtlal, was very popular with all. bn '1'ues· ton Monday. World·Hernld, N. Y. World an~ chi-

Milford Paul of Wakefield, who was compefled to leave la.t leTp' on account of !"ickness, is again back, in school.

day evening Father -McGrath deliv- Mrs. P. H. Kohl 'va~ a Sioux City cag-o News for sale at the Pos(ofticc Oscar Miller went to Concord last ered a very eloq.uent and patriotic lec~ I \·isitor 011 'rucslla),. News Stand. tute on t)lC_" Supremacy of the AUler- Henry Ley was doing busillC~· in Ellitor l\fcNeal, of' the Herald,• was ica,l N'ltion." The speaker took th.e I \\1u.kefie1d TUl's.L.iay. c:tl1ed t'o Arrkton City, Mo., h\Q...huay,

week, ,,,-here he hns secured n pOsition thi~ ~morning. O\,('t· the \~hicag.o.

in n. bank. His host or friends at the Milwauke~ & St. Palll un 'a daylight college unit~ in wishing hitu success. run for Chka~(). '!'he trains wpre

ground that not only was America IT-he· ntcC'st c:tntlv and cigars at the he a tel("g-rain ann·ot1tltin~ the clan· SUPI~llle because of her gC(lgraphical P0stoflice ~l'WS ~tand. ...__ ,~("rot1s it1nf'~s of his mOlher.

The members of the teacher-s' and a.rranged by~, nOl\~lJn, a Llrg-e g-rl\in

p05ition,-Which isota-ted -l~ the i -~~l. rl~I'rc~ef1ting _ t.he countries of the old world, but her un~ Bee, was i~wn-Tu~,rY-;-- _.....:_~ __ equaled.. suil and \rariety of climate r ' • ' __

rdentific c1asse!\ received the subj~cts stock dealer of Handolpll. '!"'Ite. for tileir term ora'Holls last Tuesday. ns will be accompanil'il to Chic;:rgp

ofr-Trr...-Mm~_M=<t;-hlmt""tn(Krer'tit+"~c_.a.:Il~;o:"'u:"'t"o_""":~,,· (l f tl:c IH'f)Jlli nen t of tile county and

two of the C()tI1P("lil""~' fii~tors that en-I It's safe t<," lH?t'p in t1~e. 1}o.1i l ldle Jones -returned to their home at Alleu titlel\ her to -the pl to. Uli~rship aniung! -the roa~i "- this mOflii nK· ~ last Saturday. nations. It was supreme, too, bc~ Cabinet pllut,)s sI'.O() PCl' <1['2('11 The Cl:esconts .. will furnish the Cll-cause of _ jjberal_~~, her_ consti. Craven's, over _po~toml't."" __ tertainUlcllt next Friday evoning and tution, which s'3emed almost to have R. S. Steele & Co. shippC'd a car of the prograt~Culsplay~d,"e .>=~+- .. c.:.=~c::.:...~. been penned by the hand of divinity hogs to Sioux City :Monduy. Peebles' candi,lac~' fOl· congreF.1 as a no uoubt itwill be of-a high ot"dcl'. itself, but ':~..JU\·c all because of her Nick Cul!en and Mr. T. Hea1e-y_,,"crc bM·!.,·e' joke allfl arc g-iving bim the ·Mr. Galbreth of \ri~er cutercd system. of -educat1ol1 ....... the best ,and down to Omah'J 'Yednesday. ""horse l;:tng-h." school Monday. broadest ~i any 011 thl~ globe." 'l'hc A. A. V{clch is trallsadin'g lt~g-al Dr. J. 1\1. J{nott C?t11C over from ~:rr. Nelson of Genoa, who has been lecture was listened to ,,~ith unHag- Sioux City T\t('sday l~·ight to eOlls\.~1t quite ill with la grippe_ s~Bicicntly re· going intercst, and at its close the bttsiness in Handoipli today. vdtll nr. 'Vig-htman in the e:tso of covered to be ~cl11oyed tohisho1llcth!ii apcal(cr W,tS ,e.nthusia.stically ap- All the lea(ling- daili('s for sale at ~ft·~. ~~alll IIodsotl, who has bec:1. il.l pl;,t.udeJ.. 'l"'hc lecture was followed the Postoflice News SJ~~[H1. .

mornirig. 'l'tre-sociul gil'en by t1.e-·Ieii.ell_,s'-j-m",."",T-wfHr-mrtTI'",,­for fie\ .'ralmonths.

by vocal- music. On Wednc:sd~lY eVCtl- "'111. ROMtlt."kt>n ilnd 'Otto Vogt, Jr" 8hnriff Brown,ofHarting-t011; PU$SPO

throtH.rh toW" :\fnr1fhr wlth a yOl1n~

class last-Saturday evening aHende:l and most thoroughly ing tht.'re was a. ~ralld dance, wllieli

"\~et,,.-\ar~~ly aU-e-uc1e.<h .. there' was-srnj.;"iug by tht! COll­

~o[iH.1. Glee Club and dtilers. n:cita­mu:sic

were it! Dtlkota Cit)' ~l1l1da)'.

Re,~,.,}-;- H-.~-Gn,.t+t-w~it-t ·do~.n

OllHtha yesterday mond'llg-.

Linl{ Ne~h;'-and Artie returned Sat~ urd~y froUl theic Iowa \ lsi!.

The lat\'!.'It m"g"i'lzitlcs ah'\-,\y~ ou 11 tt .. d at the po~tumCL' News Stand.

r:t~he F. O. S. will ra~et with F. A. Dearbcrn next Tuesday evening-

tliuH ('0 Cfl rt€r; ,rr:n;-;;"'";n:",=:h··t .... ·"""'"ntpt.j,;TIrr·~rrurl"n')r-1:m' ,,:6h'Jlllo.h;·m'" will be held tllo~thly, runniug- meetiuj.;,-,itl tllc ;.:pring' he will

·We·notice;bY th~ratn·tbat.Prof. be here. He s ,ill he hlic\''''\ Uob· l.9i1e teache.s ten hours' daily. Prof, I{ncebs should take hi~~ I:lt.'dic·tnc 'itt·· Conn'the same, Miss Byrne and Pruf. Ge~many, because the [h:rli:l coutts'

Her each nine, Mrs. Pile Elix. Mr. have made up theil' s 't~ ~",,",~~<n+t~~~' ~~~~.~,~~·~~~h~n .• ~"~~~~~~~~~l~ hecon--'-­

Whlte and Mi&s Buffington two tinue. with that appeal," said Mr .. This will gJve .ome idea 'of how Ti1d~n, "he will get u·ine years in.tead

and the other by Geo. C. Gilder. Ted ~!HS. J. II. I\'wMAx. Union. pacer, and Speculation, a Perry won the beautiful hang-ing Sunday paners delivered to a~1Y pan f-rotter\"'Jo Denver, wh(>re they will-be

of the city. t:;A~l: p,\."\'tl~s. worked thjs_s~a~on by.the weJl kno.w.n h<1mrrr.----c-~·-·---·---· In,mp, and John Coyle the res-(. f1rivpr anu trainer. Dic10'ildct1.

H.t:v. F'atht~r ~lcGr;tth haf! been re. ~Ir~_ C. K ConI, of Norfulk, vh;i~ed fic\'ed from-hi:; duties in t

,,,-,,,,,,-,,,-..-t R-e-v-:--l!-- ·II. -Millar;l ... i"nd}:.---Du. ,~~ g;~lt', ()f Si0UX _~~i!I~ ~rl old tiuH' brtcr'ian' c~u(cil SUllltay"in ,a· trave ing- l1Ia.ft whoSL: 011111t('natlC'(" if' . sp('cialJ.:.'xct·chse~ had. ' r~l~iliar--t;) -c\"cry- ~ld ~£ttlcr -in this vided for our benefit. The se CPtltlty. (!ied l<lst w('elf at San Dieg-.o, l~ev. Wigilt ,vas teplcte with

and will return to Chic,1gb, to diucese he belong-so During- his stay 'Vill it ncct~ssary to impor.t ic~ frum iLl \Vayne and Dixon he has WOIl.. tltt! California to meet llext sUlllmer',:,! dt.'~

love and affection of' nea.rly all iT1s mand~ where he went _iu tbe hopc:-i of' vice_a.nd vahut,ble &!:'·esuone,

tl1e-e-li111at~ oenefitting his heaItll. canno't listel1 to ~tich a parishioners, while he is held in the :"\lew line of tablets O1t1(1 sclIool ~~tq)~

John Fi~,her writc~ frotl1 .I\li~sol1ri feeling"" that w'e have many hig-hcst e8tC(~m by those ()f our people plies just arrived at tlH'1 Postuflic('

tl!at they are hil\'ing- good sh.>ighiug' ~.!lllSC us to adore the giver of all good) ~lIppn~c.:'l we <II"{' ha.ving 1Jlizl~ard.s besides making better men a.nd women hC're. He \'vidcutly is not. n'w-a";c that of-tlle ~earer~.--Wc apvreciatedit Nchrasl<a is the Italy of America, und much. rfot belong-to his flock; and it News Stand. • At the--lL-ppui·utcd honr a wed~

ularcb was played, ann. keeping $t~p -is with J{reat rcgf'et-Ulat the pt:'ople of r.f'ea\'l~ onh'rs fllr -(be Slllld,iY J(Hlr­

W<lync will see him depart; and all nat at tlle P0~h .. ,nlce ~ews St~tld. wiTl unite with The Democrat in hop- Delivered fre~('. ing tlta.t the diflku1ties may yet ue adjusted am)... Vat~r b-IcGra th be re tained among- us

so far front having h1i ..... zilrd(ii. Mr. Edgar 'Of Hartington visited his \Villiam-Larrison !Jas lJlin'cd into fa~'il1ers are ,!.t etliJ1Z reads to put in d~l.Ightcr'at the collcge Monday·: 1

to the -mnsic, the bride and "gJtOOH1' :.,'

'marched -it,t~- the. 11arlot', ,"}lioh ,wasi'().: beautifully deCOl'ated. ,-;i-

The ladies of the W. e T. U. will met't with Mrs. Rev. Jones Thursday, Feh 6, at 3 o'clock.

the Bartlett h{)use, cornet- or Third thdr sprIng crop s. and Logan street~.

Valentines! Valentines! Valc~til1es! Jacob Fostl'r and wife, of Red Oak, in endless varieties at the Posioflicc

la" "isitt'd over Sunday with _J. M. News Stautl. Shearer and famlly.

. After tl)e ceremony all expressed 111 securing' a pl'imal'Y tcacherof good wishc,s f01' _the yOUllg- people; af- \' reputation for the s.uUlmcr term. She ter. which the g-tlC:Bts partook of an I

has been all institute instructor in elegant and bountiful wedllitig sup'" different ~tates for several years. per, which ,,'as etljllY~ by ·all. '

The Mondav. 'Vhi·st club wet'/.' hos- For the state convention of t1fe Nc" '1'his will be a rare opportunity-for After an evening' of cotl\;(:rsatioll Rev. J. H. Davis and Mrs. Vi,reir, pitable <=:ntertntrH'!d by Mr. and Mrs. lC. hraska Sugar Beet Association, to wishing this WOlk. and music the guests retired to tl).eir

evdn~cTIon-.··~rrrrrrtt~~~~Vfr~~H-.I~~nn't!~~M~~~----.... ~-------+~h~e~l(,1,~'='t~~~~·~~'c~~~~5~tl~'~~+-~~.~~~~~~~ng~~eu~~~H»~~~~~4e4g~~~~~~~;---­('es in-the Bdptist church on Sunday t'vt>tdng- a-nd arc met:.'ting with cOtlsid~ crable success.

Next Sunda-y will be 'Christian EnM deavor day at the Presbyterian church. Special music' ,;-i11 be pro­vided an'o tlle pastor will speak in the evt'ning to tbe Christian Endeavorers, Ever)'uody invitt'd. '

The ~pec;tll mectil1K~ at the Bapti~1 church are being- w-ell attendt'd and a g-ood deal of interest is shown. After nOOll meetings every afternoon at 3 o'clock. Everybvdy invited. Chil­dren's mcetitlg' SalurdilY afternoon at ;) o·clock. Suhjt.'ct of sernHJn Sunday night will be" j\loral \ "

F<lther Fitz).[crClJd, ljde of 1;\·e11lont, hut !lOW the new rect.ol' of St. Mary's}1g.

'Ve will clean seed wheat without charge.


'VEBDER B[{os.

(jth, 1896, excl1r~ion t ant, school this week. casion, \lud leaving uchilltl lllem-.~ Neb., will be sold at one and one .. third Mr. Acres of Concord visited his number of llsefnl-an-d-ftC'.:Lutiful-pres .. fa.rc for t11e 'round trio. Tickets so1d Feb. '4th aitd2H.; ~ood for 'e.i-fUr'n,t"..!:;:rlW'lJll:J:rt;,,,c(>l~,!{e ':V,'.1t1,c:~:da;!'.·-'::-"I"u,,:,,-·c='~=~·

• Clayull~lgh was. formerly a res and including-E.eb-...4th, 1896. ident' of Montgomery connty. ont for

l\IoRAN, Agent. tist cburch were pleasaut callers at th~ the last ,three yean; lI;Ss iuade his"

Morri, Wadsworth returned Ttlc.- college, Wedne"lay morning .. The • at Wayne, Nc.b . A. \V. I\r~Creauy of t-Iadison, South uay to his home in Red Oak, Iowa, former conducted chapel exertiaes, Miss Melton's_ home hal':> a.hvayl.i

D 1 I I h . ttl's .ek after which each gave a brief but iu-a {O a, )i.\S cen 10 own \l W but will make periodical trips to this tieen in lVIontgomery C0111~ty~ 'yll)~r.t;..j. lonldng- <lfkf,his iuterests here. county to look after thil1gs at the structive talk. s,he is w~l! known by, many YO~'hg""

Hen's plush CillJS worth $1 and.$125 ranch .. He is sole executor of his un-) The students. will henceforth be peo,pie wlio will mi~s her vcry.'diiicl~::'\· each for SO cents,to dear thelll. clc's wjll and will take his place as known by 'their respective badges of They will soon depu"rt for tl1tdr fn ..

JOH~ HAHHI1SGTON. a~ tl1ana~er,· and as ~OOl1- a8 he can black and yellow ribb·on. We are~all ture hotue at \Vayuc, Neb.·--H.ed Oak, There are two or three cases of (liJspose of the Rt'd Oak prop~rty will proud of our school, then why should (Ia ,) Sun.· "

trichinae spiralis reportcd from down probably remove to 'Vayne county. we not display her colors? -----.----~~~-~ on Coon Creek, southeast of tuwn. ~... At C G. O. l\lason has. recovered from the ... Gr .. nd Wolf Hunt,


q The M. P ... met with rs. orbit illness which detained biut at hi~ hottie Motluay, Feb. 17th, 18n". Neal H. Nye, the prophet. .priest last'-' Friday afternoon. The royal s~vcral days after tl1.e beginni'ilg' of North linc ~wiU Uc i\)'llled one and

ann king' of populi!-llll in Li'sJic was prize was tal<en by f',:tr~. Armstrong the term aud is agai~ a.t work in the on~-half miles sOI,l,th'J7 \Va)'ue alld CX~ town a cuuple of d;ly~ t!Ji:-; w_cck and the other by Mrs, Crawford. So shorthatl.<l depil.rtme.nt. tending th.(l.fC l.uile::; \\'c.::;t.of the -to",'11":

It is ('un-entry reportt'o th,lt John Fiahet' hae leased his old fanu __ in this

and will -;:-ctut~-in tll-~ spring'.

starr business b(loming I ·will caiJirH't p.llOtO';' fur $1.00 per d<.,z~

el)l" ~~i1ort time. C M. CI{.\YE~.-

T, J. Steele and wifcJand Arl'8. Kort~ of Sioux City callie .0\'Ct: Frid'l¥

ight and 1'eUl{jtned a couple of da)5.

,We r~g~et·to leaf t1 that \Ir, McNeal'. r.died ncarly 24 hours befort' }·,e

at' her hOlpe 1n Api:'letou City,

! ..••

los were sung- by Mrs. Harrison and ;\l'i~s Child~, after which the club tool" As'a bell -,"hout ".clapper, ship Hnc an(t-six miles Ci.lst: t!w ea..;.-t

n ..... line to extend from the :,;outh ... WC::it.COl--

a few, lessons jin rhy~~tc,,1 Cttl*re SOU:l;~~~~l:nb~!?~~~ft~:tt:l~s~lan ncr of 1\lr. Burh1l1all'~ fal'Jll ~·lonJ;; ;~::~:~lI;:;~ethf:~::~~!r_n::j:V;;~h ~I;::_ Who. wtll l\e¥~r ~t.lvert\s.e. township line to the south ljot 01 tho Crawford. county, and from theuce··w~st C), miles .'

-==~~~l'iQ.f.I>~-:--=::::;:::;:;:=fiITi)jj"g the li~e~ Q!o..G.!l_!!:l_iut;' H~d_Stan" _An explosioq occurred ill the g~;Q.- \- ~-;-M.-'Nofnlr-oB\vas a visitor ton, thenoe north to a puint one a.nd

line engine room at the S.m,th ~ Ellis 5c.~aol r' _~nd 'gave the senior on~.half\tllUes so~th 'and t!lr:ze, mi~~s Co. eJeva tot' on Monday j~fternoon class a_few: pointers ~n United States weslof Wayne., All li,nes to move at which blew out the end of the room banks, which was enjoyed by all A. 11 a. ut.,-sharp, rounding up we~t'<).f and pretty generallv. wrecked the I L. -Tuck~r' talked Wednesday on gOY P. Sullivao'sJarm /1'; huilding". li'ortun,ltely t10 'one was in ,ernment 'b~nks <an4 A ~ .. Ctlild. By OHle; of Committee.

• rnolll at the till", and there could' Thursday all postal, system ot the, been little n10t:'e tha.n a pint of' Vrlited States. the· explosive fluid in the can at the King and Jean

M.r. \tVarnock' had been in viliitors Friday. Eddie

C. :0:. Cox". the joint 'tali~n a~ent of the u:P. and C .. St P,., \I ••. & O. at

Two Indians In 01dahomn T(>C'l"nUy "orwardf'd to the se('retar!-. ot: the Inter­tor .. Jettpr in v. 11k h they offer th~ir .eTY1cea to the co'\.:crnment In l:HSe ,\ ar between England and the l..-nlhd St ltes ahould lle declared The lettpT IS [,pr­talnly unique. 1t read~ "Qu-a~ a-po (_ Ita and Tc."d, Klckapoo a bra\e and NQ­toaa.-gua. a famous Sac and Fox ~{al\lpr • • eslre the- I'ood father to knfln 11, tl It the British lioft Insist.., on a ph ( t· nf \ o:>n tKut'la. they stand TPully t.) !lUI. n h through to the. fro-zen ZOnf'8 uf the Ls -cuJmo and scalp the! Brltl~h as-th(>y go I do .uggl"st a present or a pair ot blan­keta, that the tmpen"lng o1izzHnl may not chlll th~ ardor of theJr patrJotlc blood ..

elr JR.Cobu!'I,J\ thf.'rtull de "<'t the Hrtt-18h representattve In the T'3nN\ 1. a d~cendant ot Ja(>obu~ the DutC"h Gr­il.l, 1VhOlu~ .on Mf'!ttll'trltl th( t ap( tn 1&90 Hf!owafibornattht'(llp~O'\:\r~lxtv ,.ear. qo, and. waR for Jl)llny YI'1l1 j;I in "u.1n ••• at Efomt'net, Capo Colon) all

•• notary public and Jaw agfOnt He \\ nit .. member ot the leg1ftlatlye lU!fsembty for over m:.e.n..ty Se:&n...-..a.nd..---1n 1890 "as appointed the Queen II representative at

~ ~.

he H, 111e S€Ci~tarj' Will rfat r;e:: oJltmend Clemt'ncy.

'i'i: "'( H .... po""' ... 01 th~ \luprlt'l \

I tI'I" Boru ... (". ".trtlon lJut'w

J ~ tllt .... ult ... hnr:t \d~

Ullfll ... 1l lOon,

. \.

Pretoria. under thl! eonvcn tion or ~8g4.

a'~~NLAWI~~~.~~~~!_~~~~t~~~l~~~~ ... I_~~~I.~,_~·,_ ... popular with the H<){'rs as tt til w..-"'-~:"':':~Lar..~g<>~~~~!-"-.':gj<~®~l!!l!+;';:;;';;;';';;:;;;:,';;;;;;;;":;':':;~:;';,;;'~;';"';;;';;,,~~~~+~_,~·_~,,:W""'o-I.t.:..G1""'·""~~~_'_'_I~;;;!C"

poaJble tor any Atrlcandt r to be who hold. authority f) om the Q,ueen

MIne. Mf'lbu (!II (Oflll1antnn and R~('rptn~ ry was Inlllrtf'd In N~'w YOlh la!4t \\,\(>lc to a )'OUllg L)lH'II~hl(HUl 'l'he tI\ngf'1 S

Bitt was n 'HlIdlUg bl ftJ{ftP~t nnd a che{'k for $1 (JOO tho DE' HI RzIH' brotht'-r~ ,ent t" (iJ t.ll nutlt'ul t( u ~II I \ I< t'~ ~11. 'Maun t a 8Ilv(,~r d("Rs{'rt l;'If'l' \< (~ uno M r 81111 1\1 I S 01 nu a !:1I1l\ t'r ('ot'l\ P sen ic(' "he lInpl PRsarl(), Hf'nry A hb{ v, nnt} his 'Wtf'ti' ga ~ E' tich.-tf.l for a suH or IOOJll:!

----------waD LOA TTA eKe H I C'~A-=-G{)-:-. --


A Ne~ De.perado Shoots Pro­miscuotlsly In a Train.

KUIs One Xa., Fatallr ,,"oand!!! \u­~tbel" and &rlou8.) Injnn's • ~ 'l'htrd-HaoJ,TN110 a Tree ~ and PC'rforated.

'Rtu(>n('ld \\"" '-a. JA. n ',2!l -AT4f-x ",lorH~. Q. nt'l~ro df'9:pt'nHh1 \\ Inh' Utuh'l the innu{ nu' ()t 1tqu~lI lw 11th u t \H'st bOUlltl paF:St-"n,g-l'r tlHIll at h.t~\ ~t\)"1t" I.l'd

Jllg'hl Atte'r il'fu'"'m/lo:. to 1);,,1. ... hi,:; 1.11~ III Plllktl t\\t) It.. \ uh l 1 '" ~ln i t lln,Pl ".1", t.

firm..; nt randMn tlHI-Hlgh tIl. ,::U, \\hh 1 \\,IS (to\\~H'd "Itll Iht1ph' \jlJPt'ln~

lwlh \\t.:l.POllS After th~ <>:htwtmg- l' ,,-,as dll:5t(1\"t"rf'd thnt ,Y H Stloathf'. postma<>ter at Elkhorn \\.1..... s.ho· thlOUg-h the- abdl)lll.:'ll ('uU'!;mg d."uth a.l most In"tant1\; Cnnductor ~L(,ullotl~[I ¥o as sHcl'{ \l t I' "H~t bUt n{lt St r1l111S1)

v.0undni, t' I}' ll,\ Phl a l,llnl('d, IHin ~r, \\~~ --1 lit tlll It!gh tlh' I !g-ht bIt. usl 8tHl \ III Pl,lh,lhh lilt"

Cfoslng Session (If the Convention This Afternoon~-::'

'r1H>Xoet B!lII'<l<' .. wf'u1 a"d EathUR'­tic 1D. t.he Hi.torr of' &.he l\I.o?e­

lDont--Tbe S"""ke ... _4 "'lIat The,. !kId.

George Q. Cannon Draws the Term of Offic~,

nore' A .... Now ElcbtT-l1la. !>ere 01' the Uppelt.H01Ue. tbe

Delaw ..... Vaoallc7 Re-malnln. Ua49~

~-l\.1'\tnC't(\n Jan !!S -The comtft!ttI't of: d('I(!'Cllh~1i (rom the ~'()nv*Uon of th. Natt'OHat \'\~M'\.n s Suft'ra ... as.soclatlo~ w(llr~ gl~ t1i 1\ heallng this mormn. be-

tOF~ tha ~43i~~~:~~;:~:L~~~:~'~~;7,:~~:~~~~~,~~~~~~f~~~~~~·~~;'~:~~~~~~~~!~~~~i1·;;~~:~~~~~:~:!~1~~::~~~~ tee, al'Hl ;).' wniC'h th~ '\ arious member.

torelbl) ad.~ocatt" 1 an amendment t. Jhe ~o~H t~lOn. seCI'. inS' .... equ&l polUI call i~ht::! 0 un, lrn~spt'ctlve. or sex

'r'U8 afternoon llll ~do:sing session o. the ('orn enllj)n~\\ hlOh has boen tb.

H. howe\'(,l', '!).ctton w,/'I'e needed. 1th$1 Chronicle tll"ge:;\ that the Brltlah ftee_ should co-opo"


The IJftooJi Loader \\~il1 HAye APpld'l' RIl(1 t'ool Alr All Next Summer.

S111pl'lUl' Rpl'lng~. Ark. Jan 28.-Gra.n4 --1\t.u.stel'" RiH ~ reign vt the Knights ot La .. bor tli too bu~y to sdl those JIOOO barrel. ot aPrltcs h~ put In his natural cold star­Ugl" cave" hen tlwy were worth $I a bar .. ft·!, nlbeit, th~"y are no.w '\"\:orth twice '8S much In fact, he is BO bu~y that he

II t 11a '\ l~ time t'o Bell tho.:3e avpleil be-10l't~--next July and he \,\on t be to blarn. If tlwy 'arc" orth $5 a barrel then.

IS busy mauling rence: Hlolla and so much In e-arnest in the worlC' tha-t today he broke a. ten pound He is making fo< hlm.e1l a

Redfield College •• Redfleld, S. D., Ja.n. 28 -A lire - d~

strayed HedOeld college Sunday nIght; leavIng only the bare walls standmg. -President Hatch lost hls va1ua.ble- l-lbra .. lY, ciot111ng The lOBS is $30,000. [nsuranct -om Steps have bren taken to rebuIld

11 gah} -'Ptte e-oU€'-g€: W!!)P& €'{)n-tlnu .... .:.the­("ongregational clnlt"Ch havIng been ten .. tel eo for the purpose


, . '

, j 1,,1' I r,-'l:'(I"rat i~ not 8pomnr ii-,,;bolll the p",toilit'(' 11,;1 ,(Ill' I:", dem-t;cralit) county' <;>f­(~I'lna!!·(1 a,'\'orJin' t,j it:.;!.fi·j"::l-r,,;l,J.:[ rpall~·.it d,.)('sllo('be-

'd . f . 1 1 : li("'c \ Ii",' liC,'''' :111)' ~o lIef"l);l own.1 ells 0 rl" It :1I1( wlon(!: . ' . ~' . '" . ' 'dlcm,eln's :l!!,tillst .. tho ~illy 1\\-

does uot :"tcr t.:JC {liCit tlnlt ~Ir. t k .. f -, ".. I" J 'II . tl(, :" o_,t 1\"----I:.\+'I'u, Ull'un. t W,I

Hllss':l in r, r""IlI!.! l~) IIii'll over ~l(, rcml'fu.llC.rcd thatnlll{"s't froJll

'd ''''lIllt,\' 'lnit·i~Yl~. a~:-.{1Tt+l1!2: \,ur," • ~~uc. , :t TCl'tlhli. ,:Il I'Llllllly atlornc); ,

~ 1':[ p, Pt.'krs(,u. of \yil1~itl(', 1 '" W';tll ~'h(' D~'lI~o\"rut. f"l"cC

il : ... s '~ar:lh l,\t~;Ig',g:s, or v:, ~Uth1.l:Y~'t:l: with .s.-i~ster. -i\1;.'-s L. t,'I". . I

A !1('\"f;pa~tl1at is alw3Ys i·l.~·nthl'r ... of'purluining- ib-··

;"'U.t!:l\ i:t()ft~n tht" hiq .. ;:cst

'4' ~" 'I' '·t.l· Th' I.':; t.\l;;.:..: '" e . lngs ~tlt·lt'·('\1I111t. (Hi- mo~t i.1I fiCe-.. Tel'<

_ ~ r'lil'M nd~"()uare Jill-fooled fluii. : ·ltal ire 1t0l"'; '-

--.-E]i" F.E.,DUC,.ED THE PRICE a,F,


~() thnt it is wilhin t!.,' l\..'~\('h flf all who \\'i~!,l- t.(~. ryuy •

i.11t,y will ,·pl"hr,.l .. his'oil-I Ihe'hook, "f d'll' ,'ICl'i; or Ill<' ..Ii,- \h~ lilll<l Ihc I\e ,,,hliCllll waR CS­

"I'~ wea',Jil1g-:lillt In' "oI11ina,,~ 10 i trid ('01l1'1 I,. ~lr. n.lllwl1,j.' :t,d- I. b ;,i,(·lI •. l;/J.Itt pllpCf hilS been

~"Jbl:TC't'tI,Y ~ii"~11 0:' ll~" ~~h'crlil1~ dlJ;'('dly UIl<.lt,.!: !h" mlvi('(' (\f "11,,1,1\\1 \11' i'~~~,,.. I'll (lip

rrequentl.,- th:l't ;,the 1'111, 11111>1 ' :ll1rl "'{'<",Nwb', - t '., ~, ·h-,...-T."""',-'in-'l"okelieT<1r-"f.iie""'ilv If anv Hheri,ff or t'Ollslllblc hns I ,I,' . d go. ft (,:I;lar,(;-~ee~TINho"


r - . , .', , . str,d \ II', :ll'co;'duu:,c wilh:\' e- 'I I. ' I oT,crcbnl'.ged tbl'> ancll(Jlleer edt" ., ,:,uch slol';: lull penple 10'''' ~n tor wbJ does h-(' not 11I'ing "I)t ci~i'ln of tll(' 1"{"'lIl,li('all >upreille it~ yilliti,:atiolls ,when il rs· and recnvpr .lo,ahlp. Ihi> -"Iiti whi<-h ~")'8 slI;"i;llItially lIIember,:,I, 'Iflat Jutl.::·(" ~fartili. ,flJl')II11st.,tho too',.orCl.d oli;('i,.1 in- the ~:"llI"l\lt .. mll,t prove (:ll'l'k HI\:;'r~lll;lId SlH'ritl' U,,)'n-!/tead of hinling- at "lIdl n l('ri'i· lu~iHI.'· that -such nn oflip., ,,;d~ lIli- l'!'cl'ivt'd more'\'ol,,>, III

bIll crime tbrllllgh. I be only "of Il r "~i,t, Iwfoj·p IH' c,I\l'n"II~(' t h" In,,t eleel ion tna;l pver heforp. lid,,1 IIr),!,,,,, :IIH\l"'lHlhlil'lw 1"IJII'r his calling---:nHl Cl~l'lioll ;'111'1' Keep illl!, ~lr. Repuhlican

intbe city of Wn:ynel''' For the ";""ontl tlillC Ihe Hi'I;II!' tIH'ir re·plceliollill " H;!!7 will I!!2!!Z£S: lican a"~erts lha,t it c;lllnol III' 'l'l'ItCli,'ally IIl1anilllon., _

thing (Of.' himself. tIl_e wlwr~ 111'11' I~ dUA him men he' h"" ItfrNI' np ·ih I he -:-»'O~I Poi n I l'r(lgJ'(~8"!1,

was "rf-j. (~l'Cl" I;y ,hi' --o-~-'---- ±ee1!' ':"m,'I1II.\'. ,The)' Ihen "fieHU l\h

Wbiltis Ilielrl • .tillre wllh flii' B, S2 50,','1'1011 rol' Iln:nJI"'" repuhli"lin nllljorily ill ('(HI!!,l'e', ,vidmg he wlluld.SIj!h' a CI'"II:"el. and .lIillvll!i1' We t;upposell t hilt IIgrceillg to .'I('('qlt' I I III t pri,£' when 'th,'y 'rulllle 'illto 1101Vl'r thllt 'l'h;tI he diu. he Ii. l,il;1! il wu'. hOI little ~~IHnd ,\\'oilld tel' to ~('. is(lIlu·thi \,ul uf't.heD!

made in Ihlli. ,direction. be tlin,ttlle blu81pr lind hrll,ll'/llldo­CHI illdnlJ.l'l·d til II,)" th"i@1' <>,p,

Clall1"lli~u orluoi';' Wit" olily nHmllt for hllllll'OIll~I" t·o illftucnCl' thll

. eleclh;lls.

A little sugnr beet IitlgllliOl~


('III' unlil it \VIIS I'llis('(] on the ~nml'HllJ'8 h .. oks liS $5 heel,; hI' thell rc,u:11lPd the" .. I, 1~Jl(( flU the III~ tho ill Gu)' Wilhnr',


February 19 and ::20. Is the dal" ,:f the hig H\'e "t

tll!l FI:azier f"r'lI six '" il~, \\'1'81

,.f Wn.\'I.IP. On the-lHth '(,"ny­ihilll! ill the 1IJ:I .. hilJ~r.v lin" will

he "old: :11:;0 thrl'c "pall' of IWlIvy \·or~.;. 1llule~ and It feow g'Dl.d

h"r,()~. On I Ill) 2Uth :t lar!!"

'lumber of 1he 11('8t Clydpodal ..

ane 1I.IIllhletoninn hn,r:,('s ever ofi't~r()(l fill' ,ule willl>c sold. A

'liEnUU<;H p,ap("'r lll(mry agaill~t real C'&tale oud farm products­in ~ad, all those E;Ug,f.Hlf{tlOllS that ca!l bO'suullnafz(>d as "tho 'cry for Ill! 1'0

mOJleyH- Wit bout-: rf'-g!ud i-o---i-tS-fOU.iJf1u.f':'s -that j~, its (':s.chalJ~:e.~lbjJ;lv for tlle gold uniL-\To'llld. if"c~nl'i,e:i out, (:e.­r:troy Cl)u1JdrJ1C'(1 :111d tbel'('f'orn rlCl'H'UEr

\\'(\[11/ h nlHl iU.lpedo t 110 (li:'YC]ol1H1ont, a1Iil prosllcril·Y (;~ lilo li'OUlJ1ry.- .. "l.tloII Lil: dmlb\1lS' in JUllUIlJ'] l"ol'llDl, "

~o the ha.rd tit1ll'~ which h~

.:\S matters crew WQt-se the ;1,an:IH'd. c;\rth 'rl~fus;ed to slistain a I l}ladc of gr,,~s ,!:here g:rcPH f1cllds feu,

the l:~~ds 'before. }lI! rd'ire4 t-Ire opal \1

lHd tl-io(! ~tar~h("ct fr0l2t it .~(:t<:)'f"'[~(rand -

Best T~~LQll the Markel lPP('arf'ct at the ban.k in a \,",oolen I a'm ",,1!.H'..f-,-'rC:ii'fftrking' that he ' .... as ad.lpting : , hi:; apparel to the c.onaition of the!' " -

clI untry.'" .'\'ile"n ·the heav-etJsKpp('n~d I-sole la~t sprill~ and ,Soutll Dak~ta.·~. fields. \V~l'e g-reen <lg'illtl and her nvers were

fnIl of water, h.c p~t on his sp:arldcl'. I 'age f1 t . because, he saId, It '!vas- of the first, _ water .,:aricty and. hc....-iu'the r swi1l1,-: Sioux City Tribune. lOr

-"" - --.---, --------- ---'---'

Class History-Laura Holtz. Rt'ritation-.Jitl1tl1ie \Vright. E~saJ- A lire ·Rundle:'


free package --------


Bi"j[raphv~: Harr.d)ray~n. A. fine hand-ma,de-Cigar-j~N~ Story-Rena Oi;;"lead, . - smoker, fine- flav;r and made Paper-~I~lo:~'d~J~(=)~=,-"-cc"-=' ==-==-=--~-f11'6cm--ehtrn~-s-1:t'tcl~-Hterec-'is--n-fi1:te--bettt:r--ftn- the mar-

A Cincitlnati g-irl who is\ a little teo timorolls to ~P()P the qllt:'stion in mas. culiue style has writteq-the follo\'lling,

'$1.00 per year, IfpaiCI in" advance.


dyerfl~ing TflAT ............... .....

PAYS ."'l'

III€''a.tlll,t ppople "rfl'thl'> most H"hl" to I'pad. Alld hnvingonee alwnys rC!lIl'mbffi' what they hn\"e rend-'especially if'

.. , , H. F.-;Y.'lLSOrr.... "':, ... l,,·

N",rH.."-!\ C~.\CE;.. '1I'\~$'t 'Clld"!.u::1 i{alhnad Tin~etable. j .. "


J. J.l_~tl'hh~n, ~;'{'~lfJ{t' nn~Hr:, I"rlllik ,\1. 7\or:)n p ·p. "1, :~k II

~oba T. l;r("'s~l~r. .t'rnuk 1:: .• trnhijii: 11. F. \\ llto._ll',

;\ (,. \1\:'ll!'~ ~:~.~~'~~'j;.'. \~;::'~~~:;I~tl'!:~: ~ 1l'i..1:'\.~1.1I~ .tllly 1I1,'1l III tIHI"tni.'" .• f 1 I

I""ll. 01' 't\ ~,~ UI' ('UUH! ", :Si'hrtl'k',. 1\ UU\:. t~ iI,~'\ ,,, " h.') "Ii)u.' II III., ' " • ,>I "'I .'1 \ __ • Ill, '" ,,, "'U

:01'" r ,,( I II "'-"". \ ,," III ~,11l1" .",-, l'll" It In ''-In,: ~1l\!1 1 .... 'I'~ h .. \ ~ :!\III,::~"; I:';';; ,I ~ t: ~.\ I ~~I,tt:\ ~I~~ "nl;~;:\~,:;'" \'~\!". -"'. ~'. :tl.,I"nt· .. ~ */."'';''1,1 , .. , I'.'~ "" 1110'1'1' !-+--:tt 1 t 11_'1'

r,JPalace ",." I ' h.

, l" ... ......,.. ,,,,:' w4lo:tl gin,l!~ It:t~ ~~"tJ~ iJiO\l a.t ~l\biC ~tu~ ••. '. ~,

J\ht:rtk'::1('1 ~1:,1 nt'I"t'l~th:"t'I'h: '1Il,~,Jl,.I·', Ill'f,!,,\. 11>'\'I'i{ '" II " " I \ .. " " ,.. 01 ,. ~ ... , ':0 .1 III ~j n:,,' I

A (lt~'H"Ir"l H:\ fl kill Il H ,J :; n I'I'!R li(ln,. .• \.~(·I"lfl f fo or M .. toh, 'lll~ Ill. Ii l' ... l·ln~r.1 tol\]lt>1 1··--+ct:~w.<T1.....,.~~r;-7iF::"'T~':""'i-iT;-'''';':'~· s.;. Y;:,",;."",",.;",.,;:.",..' .n:',.' ':':',:.,;;' ,,' ·",·="":';"'iitiY:crr-~:t::;:::~~~:;;:::Ft:::;~ r,,,,,,.,.~ ... '~~A.~\"""A. ..... ~.AA..""'AA.J1...J..."'A...II$!."""'~~.'J ~A.~"-:-_.1"'._4..JL.A~ ......... ~r.."'A t-",i1\t'l' 11:'I! 11 1.j I,. :' .,'

-A. W ,TA\'LOR, " E, I-L T,l\Yi"O;; )f n:~~tllll'( ~'" '~". t:':l': 1.,' \' , ,:.. i: _,t "f t:.\' JUl:"ll:,;...' A:I(,.'!.:.,· l,.h .. ,t~'V.:JI)

'~I~\..\\~ t~:l:: h:.-:Ill'.', ~T~_L., !:'''lllid

Imo ls"but,!~, vg. tl .. ~, :~: ~~:\t:. ,';;t, : Ius ~·!~:::t l.<>tou· Iri~ 1mb" Il!::!:~ liI"".',ll'\"

:i~ rlpn'Onf'tlZl!lt; tb~ pt'q.:{'_-FhU'. _.~A¥LOR & SO.N, \\.. '.

~D'EALERS.~". \r ill \\' "rk the he,\ pf Stock ull.l dol \ h~ l'~ )­

lI'o1'k, "·c i'l",te t1te puh'li", in!'.' HCC II'" :~lltl ex­allliu~' nUl' ){':l.thcl' »1111 \\'I)rk. t~H:.lll you wili lw ('c"·II·iIlC{·'1. PHlCE-'i tu':,\;-;O.\.\ ilLE,

Shop un ler. Ah:!rn's Dry Goods Store, \"/ayne, Nt'b,


TranS:lds a S-cneral Banl(ing BnsinE'sg, .

, Hc .... ·<t.i,ll - ._)4"=~''-'''Hl-_'


COX('J"" "C(;~~l r.t:;ldf!o·~ r<:h('1U(~,~

GCI;('ral .T:I('nh ~{. C,\XP~; of 11\(' .ll'll1Y t l' ',\ l'~lry \'o':l!l,q'.~ \\~tlR I! t' 1 ~~tl}., d('ft'a~t.~d 1\\, nh;l l':~l~l1itL;~t\ f(.1' ~ ,

erIlor cf (:i.!{.. Jr~ 1.btfl rIll \\;' "6r('(",:I,,<'1:S aud (~l.~Cl'i El):!\I~. ,. a;ll

!iy \

he \n~.llld ll:"l,'(\ b,'t ~\ [\\}lHt'llt ,,:it h ~ 1', \ i 1" 1'(' IIr '1II HI dt<l' (It t-"d' I .. 1\1"

tlHldl':O;( );;)\'\l,:\'.i,.\l\.O of ]),,1 ,'l~l"lllI'Y !',) t·d s .. ,1\ IllI> \' '·If.. 'If IU" 011-11' c I,

~llU:l ~'}o' .... \ I.E,


a l:it:ll'(t~r, II" Jl,l;lt " til \.' ,j .', \\aYIU'l""1111~, :'I.t,t>I·,-kl, ,Oll In.· ; 1'\' .~;. ", C.. • ~

umldmg !;Icd c":"" I;.", ~1:::::':I','.t· . .'~:::·':::"':::';:"'::":"I' ;I:::::~' ';j: ... .,.,. 'I."P8(!'W . l;J.en~i,)q (j;,V,3tl 7,0 (:~.l:\\14".'l.,-n".~~ __

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illll'l'I.n eil f::..I.'.!l\ l~\" rut' P'! t : r'. t I' l' ::1' ::~ ::-\~:j,;,f'I:,~~';:,\;\I:,\~y:~~\1 ~~111~ L':::;l·:'.~ ~."I\' :,~Ii;. ,.::,:~ : ~~hilllV OV£" ~STOfFICt? kot 111\.':\U dH':li-','l' tr::p·-:','rt.;I'lJl:- \~. 1 11\'1' 1111111111: IL"HI tLI~t 1_\ '\d) p, \l fll !, li'M ,I r

thnt not l~:t';dl Chl,,'ptl' f:l:l:1 1 ;('(h,,·I... IHHl:!t"''''''I:>. u, /'0.0(', l~"\~ 1~'1"'''.1I\.\11r1\1 " (--:.-~_. ___ ..,... _____ ~ __ _

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g~u{'r<ll r,':ll!\' Wl.U1L'l tu 11,; i{ 1',J t,':lf • 1 \\ I 01 "I'd 10 ,,~, 11'" \ .... 'l.·j 1\. ~'lll'''~''11 ",,. I ", ~ ,

Iln '~llud~ ll(l\\' l'):i.~n!lf!. '1!; I" '.'.11 \:: I~~': :::,~';~ \\~;(~~/ll~~'l\>J\~tj~" ,I~:~; :,I;~~,; I;'~"~,~'(',\,,: I m:,b· t~I:1.~,':i ~t'';:H·f0':Ild (:u ll', t~\( :.\ 1. l~ ;' f~t:~l\:~::;'['~\~;\~;~:'~ll\\:)~~ :~( t· ... "lI\· ~I' "\'lld\\\

W·'V'N'P., NJ.l:P::-~~KA ~---.--, ........ ,,-

\Y111 IIp. E\('u O#lJ litl'!-::(l,;' \,\ l'I"1\1I1II"'1' l tt'U'I'I)I"l1'i.t'll"1\

k' ll'-b 1 L t' ~ I~·t 1 ~f· .t·"'tl"I~·tti"h ,\tht':J tht,-~t"Ja_';\'-1 Htt' T·l' l l.. -·"-:·I:~~:;t·,i~'~'~~;I:I\{,Y"I,I~',;-: ~"';' ~R E D' VO-LPP P , Th~()ulynR'lktuthE.'Conntywho8<' AtOC IS a 618 lome. Uflr(:'(, n"Il{'Jj '11,\111,\, ,."t-llol\'.I'IJ·~.t'I'\lrll F " ~_.-.:.... __ ~ ~- -------~--.---,......-- ~-- -~--~U_'l"~_Depo.sit.a.--: ___ .. - .. -----... --+tL.:.LLl.:w.,;q.=-I+~<lf'~.;;~.ft-:I~'".:__..:_t~~.~,,~'''~\.<:.~,'~'''~"~,;,,.~,,:~."::,~,~.::;IT.:~~~~;.~T-~·.,.--·--'-·-,-··~~~-·-------- .

8 g'(llllL;lg :-i:.,I1d~'r. j. t ·dw .... lnlnh I) I,! i J(J til(' Iw .. \ "~I l'lHOt U,!H'i, 111'1.1. 111\ \'\ll~ [lh.a [11- "l\\1 ~jl\,,'l' ~l'ld 1=1'~\\1l1~:1I'l::-; L lil.\ Ihu '!:1l1 d.IY 01 I"l'\l)'l1lln, H'~lj, at 111 .. -

ilw (,\ tbut P',l:t"i all' J.\JW \. ::·;::'\:'~I:::l"'~'t:~;I~,il~I~~:~;.~~~':':~;:~';::~:;,~~t::~ Il\\~ lu\y. _I\BII by 1111'HII(\I';"q.{Il\Ht

Nt']son Grim.;kr, .J W jO;)(,5.

~' ft •••• 6 + .~~"""""-+-" .. " ...... ~~ ........ ~Ilo .. 0'" 4 "". !.!.! ~!:* &..~, f----1_~rtorl''tmrt \',':tL-rl..11 \'nft..-._

V,i!('{la' \\a~Il~'l liil::<":Jttnlltyut ,l,U\lI;I'~1 "lit.

1:1>, l:r.Y~DI·.P·, ~!)t-'l Ht' III \i.J.~ ,,,\ l"lh~ll ~ • L ') l Ck lo:R. P:'esidcnt, E, D. t.~lTCHEL1-, Vice lOre •• D. C :t.1AIN, COl.s~i !


'CAPITAL S'I'UCK"- -';-~--'$7~OUU:-:~-Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000,

- ~--- -- - --- -

"bra.t'ts on all For~igti CI..Htntrie"s, Agents for Cunard liz'{' Stcntnt-ihip tid~d:-

~ .... t •••. ~~ t_': ~ •• 'Y t .. ": ............ t t! ... ""! __ • t •• t· + •••• '_!_"~~~

HOOVER'S S\\ORi oRbnt-·· n:mt1 House.

.1tlenls a~,al1 hours; Special a\terrti-on paid to far-m-c,'.s: \Vhen in town call and get il

GOOD WARM MEAL OR LUNC .. 'i. Pr-imG. Fln3sh OystGr-~ SGrUGc1 in any StylG,

C \ 1 ~ ~ 1\ \{ ~ R i

£';'\'('1-::1 Y';:'~":~ [rn 1~~1,':\, \\,T,~ {~i' ou.s~it~~! tb(~ r:~i:;:;l;:;.! (f Y;:1\cnl)~'l, ,

says n ('orrl1S1)Oj;!1(';lt (:f t~lO :~: ' York I'o . .;;t. }'l::!JY npininn:; \,.'f"tlJ ( :

prcsscll ns to t118 U}(.l~,r (1c::-;il'a'ui:~ S()l~ tho best sc{'rl. t:ln lwst. :crtni:::.L'l' fl.;: "

tl10 like, t111111Jl}.1}]:; OD:'; l'l.f fh(' :C:l'O'l)

, .. I

Impl1t:'nc;1 to Im~,s. 'flw qnc';:.llIJll \-\'~1 \llltlt:t~~I~\~\\\.u~':H~l'l( l;m

statol1, fl1Hl th(~ ~~Ol1llg' l)ltl!1 :;:11,,1: lilt' .""UlH1 wll[I.:1I lit" It'O I~ ~111l III I Il\.1.1< d

<1.1w.~ys on .hand, 'a:ni:r

Tjj Ii' :,' j () [ ~L ('J l'J ' "C .. >Jl'li· now, l ~ 11 (' h 1 \\' III ~\ ~, Y,' hn t :~;;~1:\\ ~:t'~~~~ tl,,\~ Ijl/ ,~~;j :'!~}L,~L~I\~:t ~\ 1:':1'\11 I~~~~ :)':1'

is opini1m »h'.:1t "1l1lJb'=.H'+l-jl';:~:;::':~',,;;, ~, ;:"-;,, :,,;, '1'~:;,;:;,~,,~;,,~~~, ~~Vf,,,,,,,,-::-,~tI-.~;-;;;:;;;cc- Ihnnl-,it'I\<II.-,Mrr ... I-------.. -~i!llt--'-c­mud h3'\'0 Dwdo lllQIIy flo fino C:i.'~'P In your tin~e. "

TilO 01.1 lllun'li t"'C" h' in1:],"1. II.' took uG hi~ b;lt, E,~ratchud hiH grnv wool furu"-i1m ,Y('rea: ~

ain '.t ri!!.c.tJy StiTO lL:Qut <1u "]~l\';­fiDCO of f(\rt11izl'l~lwJl\·H1Llr ns to t1l

'ViSllbl0 kind ob bc\'d W!,'IHS mort' better dan ('OiTl)01), IL1i. I'~1 dl'::{l Stlro able to j)i~k out .10 best pntc}

I' 'Id 1111 t II III ,It- g 1\' " r},) tIlt' II ,,\It'l "J ... II 11 111I/.tl,ll \\")lIt, ;"CLJ. Ihl::l4ulil Ull,) Ul

,J,J1Hl!lI,}, ],'t'h. ED. }{EY';-';ULH.~. SItUIIJl'

--'----~.-- -'

f-o-lllhultin watur-tniHttn,~-w1:roddur dr - &-JI-EIUFF'ci S~\ I.E.

@\"~~~lEh<J FDX::~'JI~~' PROGRES;, Twkp a ""('('k- " . -

~¥Rllr~~r\.tr-~-d-;'ty-,-------~ ~

Eight pages Friday. J

A S~aunch Ropublican News'taper, Inl1l1 i~ 0(';1 di~ l>l~laty or (10 'finin I'l'~;~'d\ :~:)~\~\ 1\',t\ .. ~~~~I~~nL\;\'II\\I; ~~~;l'~~\,lt:~:I~~:.; The floo:( CIfU Journal ~dl~r:'~'t~.~~i,~l7~.~~l'l~nn 'be:licst neii}~apcr l)ul.;ll~h •.

i:ngJo1JO ]~l)S':;," bo nudoJ, vi \\ll~Hl\CUunt~,l'oo:eblf\:..!{,\ltllI\h\,.lhouy ••••••••••• ,t.'W g to olllplJa~j~e bjs words, HI '~I, ~~~~I~l\~l'· :\:J\I~, I~JI:tll:.t: J~\~:llll('tJ I·l~;:!~.l'lJ ~/~ll1'~ Inc ~Sfoux COli' Joar-n-ai 1)1'1111"11\11 I hA 'l(~'w~ 11 t14 '" l,hpl')Ll mn1\t>)' ~flf\IHtor fot' .

1'0 it Oilt long tiD10 llat de l:1 t t't ul ,~w l~ th'1tHH.h IIll'l, luI' ~Hu·lul·\'CIU.-;' ................ }J •••••• ue",~. Thu b'lr.l hI Jillne 1(/1} gUI,d 'HI' Its 1.t:'lltl~1'J;. ,,' ~ nRrfClJ'(l.ctsl' plllCll for ru-isill 'lllilinns ::::~~I~:lrll~ll~l\I:I.~~:·:~:;lf,t\I::/,';:I~\_l~~~.lll JS:~; l)~~l/~ltlt~ T~n~e Sioux CIrg ~ JoUrnal lit nll·~· ('c1IIf>d~ t.1'·~ f'f'ltnl'lntij,~hflt'f iIII()l'lfOiII, l~'\"'nft

f:\OO:3 all do lI1--+'1'-cc~-T.-"::' (;;,\', t!I:, ~'lltJt~~J:I·~.J~L.II)~~j,:~I::~JI:~,'II~~1'~/tl ~ • _~,! _t~!_ t !~! ,!_!:..!! _":.- '!'~. ! fnltlJtollll, th.:it!ltlltto Ut Ie.Culltt!,'!.L!!J:u )O>IIIIIO,V! t Iu, ft,,,, 11)'('"

lU_~~~~~~~~'~.~"~ .. '~"~U~"~"~"'~'\~'~U~I~'~(~&~.~\\~.~"t'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d _. Jill' Ille "'UlLl 01 :tSl~1 i I All RhIPIWI', Uf'URule

AU G . p-J£P E NST 00 K ,- .. ~!""Ir--.=-=~~I::~·~~~~;~~~~I~::;':".':;~.'I,,~~~;::;.';'I'T~~;;;;::;~~j';,;;~·~,rt·~~~ {,~:~:!~icWif:it111f;-A""nd in ~irc1tlation and in!",ence leads all competitor.... It COSlS li'·t··-. -ill .. ,,-~~·· t1e. fhlbsoribc for it, A trial Order solicited. Sall1pie oopies fur. ConJectioneries,

3rocerlE'.R, Etc. Bread, PieB" Cakes,

and F,U1CY m.hed on application 4ddress "

PERKIN.S EROS. CO., Publishers,' T HE.-LO V-E :=FtE'>-"'FEt.,­

. __ , __ [;'_{lp_e_r,!r,~i_I/_8_'t_l'fet, Tuco a_lid ()()~/_I~e_-~n~'f/~l~!~fi~/~(}~e~KS~f~r~(}~m~D~e~)J~ot~'=-J~~~~~~;~~~!;~~+==~=:;:~~ii~~~,:~~p~~~g~~~g~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~f§§§~~~ .-= is 11,

t ll!~ 01\ 11"1' t ,._. ,t . \11..- ('l)lI",idt'J'H.tu)IJ II1HI

RATESi$1 00 TO $1,50 PER DAY, OR $'t,00 PER WEEK

Everl/tkills new alld First Closs; (load Sample Rooms.


Great Prize Contest. 1st Prize, KNA8EPIANO, style UP" $8

10 Cash Prizes, "aoh $20, IS Cash P.rlzea, each $10, 28Prlzes, ' •. -.


The tlrot prize wlll be lI'i"en to the p<!I'IOO who eonstrnels tl:e sh'Jrl,c.t sentence, In English, contBlnlng III tbe letters,ln the alphabet. rho ot,lPr prl_ wl1l go' In regular order to tho. .. cotllpemort whoso"s <t,,",1 an' In point of brevity.

c" . . CONDITIONS_ The jeD~th of a .entence is to be mPlutured Of th,,,,, Dombel' of lt3tt(':rs !t

contains, and each conte5tan~ must indicate by at the C1ClSrJ of hu len\eace how long i~ ··jo, . The

o namel!l a.nd fiimes of persoos 15th, 181l6. ,the result. ormo~ will be

I Ullul' ill I t.e pnynll'llt (II ~I\jd i!-um, JI":'\' 01' tlllH'1 pl'(lc"l'dlllg:~)tl I~" hav[Il,l{ I ef>ll ilJ ... tituied lu I't'COVt'1' ::.ulcI dp\JIN1UI' uliV IIIlI'f, 1 h"H~()f. ttl"OI'ItH'\~ I wdl "~ll fh'A Pl'O)wl'tV thl:ll'ein ctP, ,(,1:1/"'(1,10-" 11: Ono 1J11\'mUI'e COll}lIIg':! ymtl'~ Old tllls'"'prinH.

(1K~4) ; Twu OilY hol'"os COlllillg' :2 )'{'ILIS Old tills

~pJiIJI! (rHO!'; ..... 'rJ,,'hlnck 1I1.IJ'H e"mlllgo ~ YI'IU'!OI' old tld­

Bj- VIt'tllC uf lI.l1l.Jld1l.r 01 :-'idu to me t1it'('cl t.t! I.IUU. tHeeloll. UI Ilw(jl/;tl' ('t cuU1't,ul \\-I~\ Ii~ C"UIiI Y • .N,'IJ1·.id.u., 0" lile 'i ill <.t.!y ol JI\.lIU1Uy li'o~j,!. III ,lIl U\.\IIOll Yo 111'l't III f'l'lt"lf~-~vl.thH}l' ,\.\:', IJilUlIillt' UUII 1\,ICIU!l'U ~\'. Uu.rnHL ... " ____ UaUl

l:Ipl'Jl1~ II,I..VL; ()Iru 1"'11lU !llUlll uhont Ihl'L H ~I'Hl'.l4 0111, dl.

11'11'1 g-Ul\'; _ ~

lJ\>cle~o', l1111t~ H~IJt'ti\lU ~I\d Ol\nlt.l U "\-lll \AI'le dl'J~I,~lahl~. lUI' lite Ijjll'I,.'IUSIIIl;l ot Ihu Uhll',gltg'I' UpUH ll,(,l It n, (jst.Hll IItll'tlllhll1ur IU"~ljlJ~UI 1'l'O~1\11 \I\u 1111~llllln V,I ~he

1::1\ l\,l'j ut '~l!lIJ, 1,'~1"1 UlJlUlll\:,d 11. Ut'CI'uU luI' Illtl :tUnlllt ~j\J*.UV"tHtluIUH:i:)L llWICIJlIllllllu I",'! ur llr l-Jt'l' CI'utl)"1 'tlIJJJII\IJ IltHU lilt' JI:IL

\ ):1,:;~~I:'!;J,!16;,I~ ~ hOllt 5 Yf'Hl,>;, "Id, dill ~ !lIow,y

, d.l\ 01 'PI,I, ,1:1"." UI.U C\I"'L 01 /lUlL (llXI'U l\l i:<l; IL 1..1, JIll Cl'lI~S lH'lllct}\H~1 DllUll'.I'H;UIJ '11J11l"'IlU',lljlu, lin' :,oUIU lit ~",t .. Uulld jl'lt'JI~HL 11Ut.\!u •• lit h '1 t.:tl'hl IWI 1L"1HIJU

iJnA 1101'81' Inll e alJl)nt 8 j'e/II'!::! Old, Ulll'k 1,))'0'\\ Il '')lltIllPr! .Jac,1- ~

cow ~'i1h holl IltJi~ ]{1(1 dll"'" CUlll~H.1

I "1lI 'Ill' ,!;I" , .. Ii.} III " J(JI;l, U,JlQ til,-I.l ,,:\'\I jHI'llbllll1,.l .. WlJ IlIll 1/1" I' h,' iha\l\" _ at It IUIC" "".LTT~nT,\f~r\\ I ' I 1

-s. LEWIS, JR ..

. Urtd.l..:s, Whips,·'


. Repairing ~~ .t11tIl,tlt ~t()lIIpt\'Y attended O"'!~ ~1\ 't1 ... M.l\d 1 .tn ~o )'nu .f)()d,_


Af1 I look o\('r the city I can find onb ('Inc blI!Jdlng stclndlng and that i8 tlll tf'll1plr of thp god Herlth SOll1e' Holdl~ [~ oubld( of the (ity Jll a ton ('I find InK that th(!~ can no longPl dC'fc lld sh (h III

v.;as not or a speculatlve tUTU at that partle\.lloa.f periCld ot his htE' Ameri-

I ('an daf>b and enterpTI~e h9.d not then mad"f" an impression on hiS (}erman thrUt and caudoll Theretore "hlle adventlllouS spIrits were out -in the lllountams fighting and digging like wUdcats, €faus WtlB cou-tent to resume bif! white apron and coI'n~r grocery Vi hieb he .,dId In San FranclSco Money WliS plenty and profits V/3ry large. Clqu~ saw his bank account grow day by day He sent to Gennany tor his brothera aDd they came In the .uext ship

1 Then Spreckels and hiS brothel'lJ bought an lDterest in a brewery Their bank ac­count grew larger< than ""\ er, and when Cllll!'l waR offt'rf>d f>Q:nHthing like $n 000 tor his wten:-;t In the b e\\cry lIe Acccptcfl the Inont~\ an(J lll\&,<;tcd In a sugnr refin{'ry '1 he r;,.·tm£'l v \'I as iloing a large 'lind profita.­ble bu~lne86 Claus thought the matter ovel anu c nrluded the refinery should be bl~ He set ahout to get It The stock­holders objec cd to hlS busJness method.i, whereupon lle bought them out In- the


and a lert<tln ~l1m \'laB pald down on e(lllrs€' of time Ip.a\ IUb $700 {lOO to be paid In two ronf sud <lIl •

ao-tl ~B-u-t- t-b.A- ganlu.s ot Spreckels..- did not dis :$1·0 {lOO on Jan 2 lSn6 play Pself on a grand scale unt l be was

Sem-e tnll(> pi i)r LO the purchase old v.ell launched In the 6uga.r bUl:SlncSS on hhS (Iaus go 1\ e $600 OUO to eat b ot the boys ow n account Then he be"'"all to thInk tha-t Now ht regrets it for they used It as tbo Sand\\l"'h I~JantI~ offel~d a fine field fur am'rilUllit} n <J! It nst tha cofferlj of Sprecl ... ell:l tbe grQwing oC tlug-<1r He to~k fL i581L acro&S senl01 ThtJ of 1 ~ll)tleUlan not lun,g ago tlle PaC'"l-hc to I.::lVedlgate bllt: he quito said tbat \ loiph and Hut10lph t1l0Ugbt dtsrua~cd at finuml; t.nat C\lery foot or land that be ought to hInt giH'n them $2 OUO 00'0 mu,st bo ITllgat.ed TUls meant tht! expeldl apiece. lU~ te 11 of $GOU 000 but rO) ~- ture of e erfflent he hal accumulated but -s-a-k-e ot----h;'t-lJtloa-y--j't-e-'=~m_____t_h_e_____lr~~_____eo_nM~n8e ~a8 great aJJ~o:vk quurlers,.-- , ill hiS HaW3.11an cvm-I plunge PillY He found 10000 acres or land low con· Thi~ dbl not have the deslrea e1'fc~t, tor nectmg t\\O moyntalIl rE'gions and consld

abortl" nftp.r the trlnsr£'r the t\\O boys el p (1 U~f'l~A fIe leMed ihls barlen Wllst.<l


1fr<1m tho Pr ••• ,'N_ Yor"'~ Mor ... Pnslaner, of No. 1 .'lItt Iu.&

New York, who if! a real estrutu age .. t Ifir6 eoll&ctor of rent_, caul'ht a 8(!1TeJ'e coW

lut e'n"t. 'i!:.~11 ~~~~:,::.,!,:: hIS backbone, sid •• and cheol.

mnn), Sherman to' Mr Preslaner leant f4)S bravery He Is-a member of

rapidly alarm·

and I!l Tery popular mAn In the Mr Pres111uer told a reporter ato~

of hIS dreadful Illness and wonderfu recovery The reporter met hAm all h

:a~n~eih~~lh~ ~~~~~!r~O~f h';;.a~hnd~~ :ful cure, asked hIm to tell the-lltory. When hIr Preslaoer was cemfortably .eate4 in thIS plea'8ftot parl()r1 be told tJhe fol1o-w ... story, whlch, ICe ~aid, he hoped evel'1" ODe who was slliferlDlt a. he hal.' Buffered: would rend HIS wortIs w£'re ali follow., uTo begIn with, I was taken "sick just a 7eoar and a mouth ago, havmg taken a. se­vere cold \\~hlCh settled On my kldne1'.8 At first I thou~ht the pam I suffered would soon pass away, but, in8tead of doang Ibhi., it grew more lDtense every day, "80 that in & week I eould w81k only WIth consldera.­ble difficulty

HI called In a doctor, W'ho said I bact locomotor ataxia and began treatin:&' me for tillat dISeaSE" He did me no good, and all summer loug I conld scarcely attend to my busmess at £Ill Then I c~.lIed another doctor and took hiS medleme for severa.l weeks, b'nt

nIly along' towal~ds fall I gre'1i lus trC':1.ttiH nt I thmk Dr gooli doctnf and understood my ~a8.e, deslHte rthlS fact ilus medIcmes dld me no la.stmg good

"Early m November the little strength I had lD my legs left me and I WRfl unable to stand 'l'he pam In my back and ~lde. became almost lIubearabIf', and my llmtt. grew colilAn eIecfMc l.IilleTy T bou~ faltpd to help mE'", and fo-r weeks I felt my"' lielf growmg "eaker untll all hope left me. H~ome tune before this I h 1U reaa of a

wondrrfnl cure a man had l'P.('CIVed from

rurt ';!~la~s'p~~Jn~~~)~~S !~~l~~;~e !h~rl"i thonght "fig. a patent medlcme ot the usual wOlthleSlS character that I could not make up my mllld to try them As mypamfi lllcicased and dpnth seemed ("omIng near, I thought Qf "hat I had rend and of ~ sTmvtOll1~ of the ma.n_who hl!.u been cured. Thf"Y "ere pre-c'lsely the same a .. mlDfl, and at last, wIth my w lfe's ean}(~8t en­treaty, 1 consented to try the Pmk PIlls

"I am now convInced thwt these pill. 'Saved my life Gradually my strength began to rrtnrn, the rle-slN~ to lLYe grew stronger wIthIn me After havmg taken threE' boxes I

The attorney general at New Hamp­shire has deC'id:ed''-'that the appoin tment of women as notaries public in that stat. is unconstitutional

--- ---~

Mr. '. S{)O't'BJNIl SYRUP to1' obl1dreo te~iLln~ !\OrteU1\ th('\ guml!. r('cineU IUtl.l\1!Ullo.~ &1.11,) Ii }; aiu, CUleIi ~ Iud clillo :US" .. bu 'I.

ho~lil{:d ~\) 1~~('~~~~U~~~~s l~l;)~)I~lI~i ~~~l r~~J~~t I ~~;~ K~~i~!{!~ua\\1~1 Pi:n~n~f ~:~~rwr~t ~~ It is said that the sultan r~c~nt1y pre-ci~c.) hay bU'1l rmghlJly inlerffited 10 the mount 1ll11'5 t\\L1UY mll0ti av.ay He dug .. Bcnted to the cza.r of H.U£Sla. a pLece or wal \lth()u~h no;o;---nn old lUan In )(ar:-; ! [0111 tt,<'n tON WIle and thrfl6 feet the true cros8'---__ ~ __

un It "qu"'_-'--l>l~_--1.llcirt¥--,luD4_ thrfll.lgb

Sold by Druggists 'i'5c

An Amprican nrttst 'MIs!! CecUm Wentworth, ha3 received the academlo palms trom the Fre-nch government

It IR hetter to Rl"move than to Hlc!. compl~'xlona.l bl~mlshp.;; --Us Glenn's StllT)hnr Roar. not ('r)<,m~tfCR

"HIJl s Hair and \Vhlskcr Dye," Blaok or Brown, EiOC'~

Prof Van Amrhlge ot' un"" Tersity. has urged New Yorkers of' Dutch <'le5cent to estahIlsh a oh&lr ol Dutch In th'at tn8tltutio11

-- t;ICK·EM STICK--eM, --­be"'llCt~ ~--~

A Pock,·t CompRnn .. ,0"n •. ----~ !! bf"st ~ar mucilage and ce:rh~nt Oft

paper ~~r~ r:~I~ri~n~~0~3 .. t~e$ih~~r ~:~ &hov~ E'xpen e!'l Send 10 (,pn ts for sampr. and prioe to agent» E HllI, MUlcaUne.. Iowa:. ~

~----'--- ;-~ A gene--aloglst ha!'l ,'figured it out that

Victoria w111 In all prohablllt7 see· ... her gI andchildren 8 grand-

The lUodern ~rother lIas fOU'ncl that her Httle ones are im­proved more by the pleasant laxative. Syrup of Figs, when tn need of the-laxa..

;1:; ~~~;, ~t: f~~:lTt rtsm~~~e t~~~e:~ -",b1e to th~aren enJoy~ttana ff-~­bem':'"'flfSthern The trfte remedy. Syrup-of Figs is manufactured by tbe CaJif~ -­

Fig Syrup company only.

I . EPILUGUE. It I. t ..... yea ... a!ter tho m\lrde~ of

Riorr:r NorlaDd, the last •• eDt

, Wl~~~~~i:::~h~'""'M('c~Ptod lTuQ'h :Monnt~ ~'.-olfe-r or hl~ S\,~('J'tch \'iLlI\, ""l'ut tbe~ ",solved to bith" ht1rselt front tb~ wMM.

She WRlI aceomp.'lnic(\ by her friend abll1l\Rhl-the WOUlRn wht'l..';;'o thh~lit~· to her bAll tl,}jt!'.Il s() Abund:\n~,ly prO\'t"(\-:md ~1' ~lt·~, '\ lUp~Uly" who aeteu as bou1)e

t..xYfJr4\...At('tl'nt trlterV"u1. H"!.!"' Mountjoy Sh~ , \vidow. :She

wished t(' $he in·

"fSeneral Jfarrison ON

uAt? 9!re~ltielltlqJ OFfice-" .-A stdkil\g article in the February issue of.

liA; Ladles' .irorie Journal Over 700,000 Copies Sold


," R---A-,.,o.n1-,t!'·-\Nan' ted tol,OQk ~r ~ff~~k~;i:t;Mii~~~~---.-sen bers. :01


~)~~ Cu";,,I>,d,)ept.

~~d °c~~:iogue to Ilox W. L. DOUCLAS, Orockton, Mall ••

:MantfeE'fiTtS"('lfTtl ~~-:T~;;~~:,~:;~:,~t~~~T~!~~:~;;~~;ll"°I:i!I~I?;.~~~'~t:.;';~i:-\-=?:;~~~~~~~~:.,~~'":~~~~·IThc;JN.:Jft.~Pilii1ia.~:4c(~~ialm~~-""~c;tli(i~jt-~ goltre, 8wellln~~. ~u helicve W/l:-> earrit>d on to the j. . I rheum BmI 'Dim-{lles an~ otbpr eruptions. <)f the whule amount fur wlucll ho piOml~S~)~·y. ~IOIC~ th:LIl -0111' bank

Dr. Kay~-& c~.e n' 0 vat 0 r-

POl'lttl't"'bly ('nrc. (Jon'Atllh,'ion. )l.f!ol.l)cp"'l.a, - .

SC':l.rcely Il. ronn ttl ~~lY CU('J tl'n;ll it. b io.:JlllO W1l8 ini:ltft'cLt. . I 'faon;' is Hut and Hover ha~ iJean 11 lla .. fot;m. ]t ollngs t-ella(')t)US]y llntn the lu."1! \"t'M- .. rl~he 1ll11nlt'I' of Lortl HatTy immediatn· I tiona.1 hank, und notc~ are not used.. as ~ige or scrofuioulil pobon il!l f'r£l61t'atc<llrnlli the ly'l'wllnl", ('lItl·.;\·d !h~' ('II/lll;lauy to (Jx,op (lUlTt'Ili,'VrLO an\' extent.' The hanker bloOO-b-¥---llQ(~ Sar~upnrI11:~" '1'hou,-,aut'l.lj of ~gl~~-t'\(I\tl~YI(~i.'~!I~!:~·t~)I:~{:~:'~\\)II::IIC~ :;n~\:'\~.~;:~ llH·rely ;; t!lU alllonnt 0[1 the note voluntary tCBttmoniu!s \('11 ot l<ufferlng trom ow, an,l :,.h:U~:e InS t'\idt'llCe at thl'ir ~t!ld put:i hI;; pnrate M~al or chop over scrofulJ!., oftCtn lnhf'rtt('d an~' IllOlat tenacious, dbpo<:,:itiulf. \\'llllleva hI,I.Il\lt!Il:-l. I :-.11:111 It._ Sllch [lole:; TIl'e""IIIUdo (lTIt-ror tfosiU\'err; perr~ctlf and J)('rlUanently cured b:ro make j he fneLl:! or tilt' C:l~P JllllJlic, This Sl11l1S frum {. to 20.0UO tat'ls, !lUll the

d(1t1t~, nothing call hHrt'Ilh.~ :\-\'III!i.'1 W.hytll· Uldlle:3e b,qlli.l'r nl!\cr Il'oes baek on hilt

~~)~!l;~~XJ~\I,~I~l r.Pl!l:;~:;u.~'l~lllll~lj(~~:'~'II\i~:i r~~ ~ig~~:4tln·a. lIe. P:l,Y:i_ ttl~ llotC!J .whuo wife Cl\l{P.~-;' :;LWW I hell' l<tee ll) the \\ vl"iZl tIH'Y am prcselltcl1 JD Silver or _<lr uad KhID4'!Y


.Anltft., Iowa, Nov. 16,lSUS. 1)1'. :h. 3. Y.Ctl.y MedIcal Co.

'Hood's .. ~,dll. _ __ ._. . _ ' ) 'l'jll~ F.1!':'cr is IIslIaH.\' paid RecO "TC"n 1\Tr. ~rn1Tn!.frrY, 1 siff, whn1Cve---r-w-~lltt l.u~l\llllp~-tlle °ShilPU of ~ao,C""~----~

von \11":1"''-', exc'Ipt, t!l:lt I qm j<)lsTn~. bat.tltult,1 r:LtI~iug ill n\.!\le atl the wa~' Yon !l1I1"'!' not !,'ll !lUll thilt. I ",h,dl cull fnllll $t lo $,jJ. The wHial size is WOrlb Dear 811':-I have tllkt~n your Dr. Kay's

Renovator. for con~tlpatfon and htlltou~~

n~lu!l. and It hu irlven the bost of 8atlft~ ta.dlon. ,~ Mrs. O. C, 'l'hayor.

IADK OF CO;{CENTRATED EX'J'RACTS. Put up In Tablet!! and has 2 to , times as

many doses a".lIQuld n1edlc1nes seWn;; for aame price. ~end address tor free­&&'0 of Dr. Kay's Renovator and copy" ot Dr, Kay's Hand Book of Valuable RecIpes. and 8. Treatise on Dl'!';eases, the most ,·alu­able free book published:, Sold by (hug­C1stll Ot' ~cnt by m&iJ. Price. 2tI cents a.nd '1.00, Address our WestNtl oi11ce. Dr. o. 3. Kay Medlcin. Co .• 620 So. 16th stl'cet. Omaha.. l'eb.

,801d. by Uru~l:'l.t. Ever"vbere.

OPIUM :\lorphtn .. nnhlt ('n .. ,..' tn 10 to 20 dft,) " ........ ·P:1)' Ulll ul"('d.

. DR.J.STEYHEN9. Lell-Olfl-on.OCliO.



Keep your eye on Pearline "ads.'~

r. Even if you" use it already, you'll find

hiilts11cre and, t~lere tIl at will great! y heIp you. And there isn't a

woman, or child but can be helped by ~earline.

AI! these advertisements are m~:l.l1t for the good of Pearline, of course-to show vou the best

~~~l~l:~o~~l!\l\~)~'~~~~' !~)I~'~ :~\~J~ll~:~Vl.!ct Lv ) td)Ollt. $,)U; ,:tlltl IL ~weigh!t, U.lJOlit ti~·«! b A. v.n I POUlltl,"i. 1 he go hi J~ made lU lung, th1D

Snl": r~f\d the li'l tE'r 1\!!rlfn. (.~~~~,es, a~lIl. i.::. ~IJ ('al'ats ti!te. , Two tlJJlw,\ Wl'fl' OIH'iOIl'1 ,Fir"lt that I Ihe banker stalilpS Wit I] lus

hE' hlLlL 110 ~ltll' '0(' l~H~ r~~ii!ntlo:)~, I~nd. 'se:ile\-ery [{H~l:eyf siJyel' he Ilays out, oext, that ht~.hl{(l 110 Id(',\ of t!I(' enrit'lH'eJ ! and on'lI the·all t.lollars iH·e wUl'l,ed IIgniu~t hill! for the 1.nl1l'd~r of :he D ~IW, I thlLS with Illli'l:l ink. ~.E\"el'v biO' bank

~!~~ ~;;~;~:~e~l~~ \"~~~)~!b~~~~~~I~':~lt!~W I \Ir;:u~cl~~ or' co.1ll pall.\" ha~ a llla~ who. ta~e,s all had bl't' .. ll fOlOtll'!'rh·. ~he ~HW more clear~ the s!1sel' uollars, that cume III aud tit~ Iy that til!;' \"a,r of ttw wicked uw,u is uot thCIlI·illto ho:cs llIudo in a hoard. so a!\v!tI, ... so ("Ii";.\' fm' him. th~Lt wben they -!ie on tllcm their 8ur ..

It tit' kul"\\' th:lt Ili"i crime conlll h~ f.H'E,'J is jll~t h.H'el with tll(~ hoard. H6 e:';:~~~II\,~~UI~II:;~~~!,I;IIl~V\~II~t ~:~lr'~;~;'II!l{Ct;ll~ tllt'l1 l'l!U'S P.o - hl'tlsl-;-. ;~,'atcr -,,-,,-,---'--'" d,tI'{~M to ~h()\\' hilfl'"'l'lf. 11\' j ht~ nsl~('(l 1"01' w:lshe~ them :i" wlllle anti c;m"o l~ mUIH'~', ILl" wnnld llt"":-ll, Bl:fol",e sHch 11. il)ollgh they had jusl come from the ~\~ll,~~t~~ Lite UluSt Iwn.ll'lll!ti Villain would mint. Ile IlUW Sl:H,IIPS his chop UD

::;,1(' H,!8o ,unrh'r:-r.loo'1 that It t't'a~ d(>sirn- (':ll'h of th_~}ll,_ ;~nd tillS ,me,LU~ tha.t. be ble to In de frotH !Jilll tll~ IwlUl'cof lhl' t·vi.. gl1:Lrantees their P:"YIlll'Ut. .

lltld the 11.'llIH" ore thoJ ollly \\,1111t·:~~ Any Olle \\'lio has been in China, will him. S .. IC wnl!l ! t('ll hlln '

. er.i thau tJle Chine!'!c, alJ,(i they are espe­ci:ulyadept-in thu IJh'g-!.:,il1~~ 'of coin,' The ut.!H.'l' day an AllIeI"H"lll 1-(ot a SlIver. do,Jar in trade at ILtnkaw and attempt­led to P:l<-;,'i it at the bauk tllt"re. lIe Wl\.9

1o:Ll it was 110t g·/)tH1.aud 11pon his tion(ng the 1Il:11Il~1" t!w Uhlllesc !Wllt fDI' R ('alld e. HlHJ lit it. ll", -.h'm-r-'----.

il('fd tile ('oill 0\ er it. a.nd In! ill a nIn· l1leut h Iwg-au to. THe,t.. The liide~ fdl ()n~ alld in the (:enter ihet-fJ wag a pie('e ot (,0p[J(~I": Tile eOllnt_et'felttn-~ had Hpllt It :.{paullle coin .... ;lllil h ... d bol,owell 0111 the tW(, pic('(~s on thll ill..;ide, :;u tha,t the

~~;}~!~~~~:~:~~1~~'i!;~~'8.IiLt~11 -iuLO. lLeUl.-

- -----i!R-E!----easiest- and -chcapesl: of -=--~""hl...,;.::",.".;+;;;t,~nt.FI7i,"",..-n*~,-t,'"T.+-,..,=-t-;-,-,~~fF~4trrt-rt~h-P-.r-.J-.i,;;.;:;;;;,;;.,.,;;..:.~::.;,.,;.,;..;,;.,~.,..\-h,m,c;;,.Jdrtnl+...:{ffl--tft;HiWs1Hl";!;~>'r--<>l'--the I'cprespnt:lo

I of one ur·.Jel'l'old·~ P;P\'C:;I a sm'l'CS:-'.,

lapwl' h;(II1l tlw «'relll't! r:L lit.-d him, they will have helped yOl,t far more than they will, have _ helped Pea\line, You have more at stake, All the mopey r~;ni could bring to Pearline, b~ using it. ~"Quldrf't be'a-dr:op In the bucket to tire money you d sa\l~ by ,It. , ' 'Send Peddlers and so,me unscrupulous grc..cerS will ten )'0Ii •• tnis 'is ::u; ,good as*'

or "the same as Pearlineo" II'flS FALSE-Pearl4-ne is never peddled,


it' 'B k and' if your grocer sends you. !loD\C'thing in phce (:If PFline. b~' ac ,honest-r."", it NcL ,(70', lAMES PYLE, New Yo,,,-


The largest piece of ~ood tobacco ever,sold fOYJocents' .- " ad' -.- .

'The· 5 cent piege' is nea r/y. a's "~~:le ,as YCfU ~e1:'of; dtner -., . h .grades, foY' 10 cent~ ~ -=-=-~ --..-.:.::;-- -=~,~

Ii. : ,f... .. / ._,


., __ I -'1, ..... ~rLAYED BRIOt.

'C()l\l~ 't{}L~~" ~,'CQ)\U\ ··~;:"~:".~'jn;~~i::~.~~~';j,e ),,.;'''0' ~_. "~::' . . . , ' ,~. .' '\'1'"" not ,·".dj-,. A bridesmaid, was 5eus

t~\\kS\{ltu~,~~\" ~--,--A ll' kinds of coal at-re- intho ~~r!~~e::~';: ~ tho stairs waiting to strike up the' , '. "~ ~ -' :.' .t;aina of,the,wedding IWIrcl,.

ta'l'l' 0""" b 'I d 't 1 ' t '''1 d<ln't que," s4.,' poutc(l (is abe , 1 ,y car . oa. a owes thl'llwhcrsclfdiscOllsolntelyOll ndi,an,

cash to tho {;r<>at dRDK<'r of lle1 Teil: "l'm Dot goiDg~!lbe unlucky all n,y life if I CIIn help it. ,Do.."., dCl:l', why didll't remember it oOoncr. " , ' , .. RemelIJ-be1 wl,nt, d(l!!l:?" tho perple:ted,bridesmaid, "Why~ th"te,erything I ha'l'O on

I • " IieW· I did re\Il!lJ"lbe1 tha.t if ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'LA.:"::"''''''''''''~''''~~~':~~'~~~~~~I ~·'},f3rried in whif.:.<'.

You hive chosen all right,


• • •

Ci i_v' "NIea tNlarliet, buH forgot th", other: _r "Something dId and,BOmothing noW', . ~ .. ___ r..c"'::=--~,,~C:;:,h;OI-;:c,,:.....;yo~U·ll surety rue.

'J.H. GOLL, PropriefOr,on 19 new, and J . ',' . ' stit "step, nuti!'I have

Frc:;h, S~l1t~~'9Smoked Meats, old added tl}-lDydreso." ' r; "Take my b~rchief." BUgg'lSted

II ;.:!,t'"t m:l,ht !,dee paid ,Jor-' tlid('., , l'l'lts, aildfurs. ,;'"''

\rAYliE, ~EBRMlK'\.

oDe of the gir Is, \, . "Wbat could I do wjth it?" whine,l

the p6br thing, "Brides don't bRW

pockEltl; neither' do they caiTy band} chiefs in their hll1lds. It Would look, If'c expected to cry, "

"I have a '"appy thought," sa;" the ~!!'...t.~..t..~2'.!:..!~~2 . ..!~ bridesmaid. '~EJ:cb{'ngeshoeawitl .0.'


Fin0'\Vines and'~iquOl~S

·.''I)hoy-won.'t....1it._ .My_fllOLare. tw' Ii_ smaller thail YOut8, " '~."

"Thanks, awfully, Haven't ;you " pair of your own Cinderellaa?" . "Yes, I h .. ve," Mid t.he bride, jump, mg up in a hurry, .. Your head is loTeI, dear, Look in the pink box in the chif· fonier, or in the blue oue, Oh, th~y won't do, they're so awfully ooiled I'!

"Get me somo bread _crnmbs and a box of powder," said a practical Boul in

party, "Quick I l'U hove them White in a jiffy."


Sole Agent for tbe Celebrated



otICt~I.,t-~[i . "Two a;;koc\ me to kill gtandfarbor,. whom I ":as attelltlillg, B'o Wl\..<j oItl and ('ouhl nut rc('ov{),r. They M()m .... Ailnply to pit;( ld. pain, Irc' fused: Ne~t morningwhell I <,,,U",I t,he m~ .. w"8 dead, Tho imrse (01<1 . nl. t:,.

, ,bac\. sen t her ont on (\n. errand, WIlen. BI,o retunlc(l '!liewiiilloW's"'o-rtll:e tdek· room wore oprn. . Thero was a Itrongodor- at chloroform in tho room and the man \Val< d,,,id, " ' .

"And What did yOU doY" was a.ked, "Nothing, The elder si3ter i. DO,,"

under tbe care of ~ spocialist in ]lcl'VOIlS

diseuscR. She canuot ~lecp. She win not allow hersd! to be alone n moment, and she keeps tho gas burning in her room

fir"", 'every tobacco chewer is wauted all night, I think she will end in a ' 8. Is> the merits of . madhouse, "

t.:ORILLARD'S __ ISll't that II priceloss vit for some au· -~ijiiiil~--.. :"::C=~~:'=-_=-_i_,:,,\;r-:-"-lllllJ1otObook?-WII'hington, Post.

..... Awful Jllte. c .. Speaking' of fishillg' ~xperiences,"

said tho mall ill . the' negligee shirt, "Z shall ne~er' forget th~ daywhell' Bob

II White and I-you know Bob?-wllra try.'

-_",' _ ~_ 1:-,"'/.~ .... \ All ~!:1:~~~~:~~~;t~~~:~w~l ~_ _~ __ - ~ _ ~ mdden111 awful bWe"-. ," And tben you pulled in your Hne, e band over hand, onl,to lose a ten pOllnd . hi c.agO T rve~_~~~~!~~~~~=r~eff~~wt]iierT.ei about to hmd

LE;\l'RADE OR:'RENT- in . '\. -' ..

, -, .. ,,,. "'. "I... :," ' ~ . . :,'l"'.... '. . .... --,. . ,

Y.llarge, lisf oj iljl.PJ'Ol.'l'd (1./1(] ~;ill:/l~'.'i(m(la~ldS fur salt' i~·. tr.7:l. Y}/E, CO{/J~T:r, principallu; also,_ ill Ced"ar, lJ..'7~·' and lJi.rOfl Coullties, four of tllf} jl.1lesi

.\ - ~ . -- '

gel/eral farmill nhd StJ'CJc'CJimlies ill .Yorilz(!astenz Xe'bra.sJca. ' :-:.. . . . -

fispe·-c-.. ,-iU-. ~=l=¥=in=_=''{it{,=-=a=¥=n=' Fe\=c=\.0-=-:-u::::-'--n-t=8::'S:=~~~""'·-e:=f1=·n=e=·=s=t\==-f'-lC-h-::'=Et=s=t=~-,t;!l-=o=s=t;;:::" =f=e=1'=t=il=e="=(l=n=d=·:"'-, ~.-I' ttutiful Co nt¥ in the ~tute.,

In tltis G'tlln!)' 1/111,1 ha~ ,sol,l he )lrr~cl\! year liS Itig-h as $43 Ilcr une, ('ush, hut 'th~re are many "lleelllat(lr~ ami ellstOl'1I tllvuerr. who alo's,p.pilwhecl for mouey, Oil aceon.llt .,flhe 6!1llucitll depression tbat will ~ell, to tho"oticcking-linv(Jstmcllt, lit price~ that callnot be tlllplicated.

For ill$tllllCC we have f"ur. ~no.tnollrly level qnarter section', ,seven miles from 'Vayne, and three

les fro III Ca lTo II <it $26 1)1'1' 1cre, All under cullil ltl;(Jil, the best land_itLlhe state and very eheap at the price, and on tertii" th(J.~ wi II he sold. - w'e }mve' lin elegant half ~ec~i"lI1 j.,illing theso atthe'salllc price', lilic lire f(lul' 'qn<l!,hird mentiolled,' wilh fine buildings, water and \1lI\ll:ovements.

In the slime Vicinity und witlllirr'3 tn 5 miles of tOWl1, and good nnITket-g~ 'Va have the 6ne far.m' 20U; HiO ,lIcres lit $32: lilcr llcre. This, is ull under fiae stat.e of cultivation, \lew and nice

hllilo.lillg~, bOllSe worth $600, b~ni $3.00, gL'al1ary, nice grov~, g "d \~alUr, all(l every thitig llew and' lil'st class. Good 1'el'm8.! '-------~'

8iighUy rolling 1/l1l.<1, three miles llud on eu?y terms. u'QIll'..,-D'U'l'till,.-iu.-,. \Y.ny ne, . Ctlllil.L .. r+---;~-(-lo;~'7~c-A~-fi:n.l!:'- ~'3l-~~'.'-lmlll-,.of.~-

p"~ttlr .. Itmilllfl"dow, fail' impr,,\")" m~lltr !\lid wB-IL:;i}nllted for $:l (j 0 0 with BI.nall ~pny ~~;el:if dOWII al1e1 easy "tsl;ms, Also fine, rich, roil­ing quarter f1djoinillg, with 60

, aci.fu; b.r()Ke "nIT' ltW1"'~(ioir hnc1for . \'. -

(llIi), () 1lI1·tt'H· .frol\l town" for $14 lin a·cre.- '111 Kllo-;'colllity. '

N<2: i84. An ell'gllllt piece of black;"'TiiFet"-Vatrnrhrrul., .. .Qnly 1 ',' 'mite from station, all ill cultiva:.:.' fi on. Old fat'mlD K'riiJ:itcou'nty.

WL it,JIri ~or .. :UaI:Ill,:e"'ru"'s~~~~ ,terms. A g-reat bargain it is.

N.f1l3. Fiuo 160 a('re-farm, S ruLes from three !roori t,IWII8: in the finesttnrrt-'lJf Kllox county.­Go(id hilUS!>, Wl,II, wi;iHl=-mill,

ow,95aerss "lid,,\, plow, ['ri,"', $2.., 00, 'Viii tlliwill trade $1i00, $l;oO, catib,.; _

]'in. 114.' 120 ae'res of the liest "' ance Oil s·"~-t IY'tYIlB coun!.y, of henutifl1l, ],uld ill \\ ~'yne eOllnty, S()llIe~ tIme !it 7 per cellt. Owner an elitlL!<'!!~g"l'Idl, nu,l~ll-\\'II~-'~'HIIIg- ",,1':' tille. Oillv' 1:2--..R' . illvalId and ha~ (T(li t~'!:lell. Come'

'01 Inndl', kuoI\JI /I" ".'1'i1(' HOliHe 1'1"'1111';\\'11. All !lIIU"" "'i"h '11111' ,,"<1 sec us ahoutothis at onee. o ," 18 "lUll',' .nlld ill ~x- of,'ulll'."llo"; Fin<' h;.u<~ \\01'11;1 ---:\0,37, 7,OUO >!('n's, llHll:l!ly Im-.'

'"II.·"t condltltJlI.,~\lLh HP\'.md fil1l" $tiOU~ 1I1l'O l:t)'goe 1t"1'1I, ::~':tIH'l'Y, 1'1'",',,<1, I'jl'h pr" in K'ltox' lid complete "('t.8 of £111'111, 111111 i tr\'e~, m','It;lnl., A ~e"llI I1ul 8.'dl,: ('OUII' y. helollging- to C.,L" Boon; I

>lJch h~lil'li IIg~, C .. ", ... k8: well., limll u~ ~"u b':'''~, WIll, 1:0 ~()I,d ch"t~t'; i t h" Cllic:tgo h',j'uli'CI', ,,-t $1.0.00, to" . _ -.Dl~ kY'" fIDPst st.lck, p.1l L do\\ n <"IiI ,h,tI.HIt e \II IIl0Il-: $I:J, 50 .p",r f1cre, stln1.\' of wblCh

"rID iulYlIY)le c"uutY';-IUfCa~-;-Oo\;;tgllge.- ~ 71~--". ~~~ I HI'S SI'I"Il<lHtTrrr('ts;--wt1t~pr---Jt) b"nglJtof liS OIl ell~Y teuus fori 1\0: 1St!, ,011" j,f the fille.t. 200P~'er" to "1'11'01' trade 011 theRe' -:!5 "ii.Hcre. '. a,'re farlll,~l!ltlje eeleh'alt'd B.tlv, Call deal.whole 7,000ucl'es.,

"N ' ,,--, Ivall"l,ill C.,dar('olliltv I)'fillili"i ,,'-- , 1 tl, J2I,." H[)lpn,h,j 1 nl'glOlIl, JR f ' .. IT., "-I. . \ e }",,,o hlll\,lr(ld~x(lf nt,lrer

~ . .; ',)'011, gOtH 1 f,J.W II. ,£.Inn )as~o!n(', I.~: .\. .... . . ·c"io::-::;---,e ::l, I!" q.\lHrler IIf s .. " 23 I"WIl l /.1 J', I··']"() , .1 1o,\lg-.III1' ]11,1 01" !roltd 'lIId bt'tlt'r,

• J }OIIC lUg, ... :lIlt t) :\(.1'(1 .... U If ('" I . I .' \l~ I 7" l'ltllge ii, Il \lilrt_"f lit" old WiI- "III,ival.'ltll, \\ ill [,d,,, '$:!Q 'VI' ' 'all I ',"'" "''',lItJ lI lle(l. ... e I:.~e 'f ' I I I Till ' ' .,J ""llIl' lil"" r('sJd"lll'e l''t)' In

11: cUl.",f'{lt:lJ(J( :-;ul,11 Iltll I'l j-:H'II> 111 tl'ado fill' t()\\11 lH"'ll·lt., ll'pc-it, (If \\'I\'IH' 'Hld'tht'C'cfiIl8

Ii II "Unll, dltlil" f1llllill !J"ll''', al $l.'iUU. II I ", " '. l' £V(l- nliies !III/til (If \V" II'.! . \\(:.... \l(,rtt~d III'H·k ... ,o)'ehu~ldIHr7&

tJr ,.1 ,. , ) , (h"IIOOfiIlPfarlllslll(','ddr, for "t/e or trad., "hl'u!, \\ewrll I -~'t - - - -- mIlU,--~.JII!...::L:t1fi U.){'I~~·f)Ullll..!.."''''~ 01'_ 1'1\(~~I~C~y l)}~P~V,_ " Ul'.-SlUtt at'lt1J"ul ~.l() 1\:) ".'1', ~ , I" 11" , I II t J I" t '} tel ns IIlt(L211 tille [;'1'111- ill "al iOlls parI" hilt ollly 011 U (':.-It hasis. No in-No, 128,nsplpn,lill,bflrgain-,-iH ",f \\",I'IIC."";lIl1t y for lite ~""lltl,aIPdvaIUCtiWjll be asked or con- '

!let n SHllp. 11)0 Hcres o~ nch [llme.offered for sltle at Itrw [Jl'Il'i'" sldered. .

We invite you all tll conle in un,] Bee II~, lind we will"~hn\\:or direc(y(j}(t(isol~e ~'I;I('ndj~ invi'st- ..

'Ilelit~ •.

-.? A.B~C,harde « CO. . - .. ----~--



Attotneys at L;-w, WAYiIIE\ "'iEr AS··)(~. 1



_.- WA ¥HE.,.·p.,[SRASKA • .:...---


W'A)"NEg,N~BR,ASK'A., . ''''''---"

-r­ mocu,(IOO11lY,smPP"\l C""-1 ______ -'-'ANSON A,cW~LCH .. ,


.~ TllS NORTHWEST. .-... -.~,

1,' Attornc'y at lJaw,t - . I, \."

G~' '/fAYNE, N~BRASKA.II ~ r • '

, H,.a., LEiSE1I<RING, r:":,D,

Physician noeL SlIrgeon,

, . ,'''~-'t;~:~.~''~:'~~~O:,~?:tbeC~ St. 1'>":& Q •. ·au(, ____ ~ ____ .,....--I_~- lIilifwavs,

AUG. SCf(WAERZE.t.. D~s repairi~~' o! Boottl ~Dd Shoes ~ With ne.~

ness an" di8,patch,: at ,re.son~~~e .. pdcea.'


Rhop on Wl's't: -sid..- lo,,·er MaiD. Stree\ O'J)O­

PhlllP.~' 'A:. ~on'~ I.QJN.1M3T' VR.",