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Considering: 1. in order to guarantee the originality and quality of the writing of skripsi,

thesis, and dissertation for students of undergraduate, master and doctoral programs at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, writing guideline is required;

2. that based on the consideration as referred to in letter a, it is necessary to stipulate the Guideline for Writing Scientific Works (Skripsi, Thesis, and Dissertation) of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta by the Rector's Decree;

Taking into account:

1. Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System;2. Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education;3. Government Regulation Number 4 of 2014 pertaining to the Manifestation of

Higher Education and the Management of Higher Education;4. Presidential Decree Number 31 of 2002 concerning Amendments from IAIN

[State Institute for Islamic Religion] Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to be UIN [State Islamic University] Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;

5. Minister of National Education Regulation Number 17 of 2010 regardingPrevention of Plagiarism in Higher Education;

6. Minister of Religion Regulation Number 6 of 2013 concerning Organization and Governance of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;

7. Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 49 of 2014 concerningNational Standards for Higher Education;

8. Minister of Religion Regulation Number 17 of 2014 concerning the Statute ofUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;




First : Guideline for Writing Scientific Works (Skripsi, Thesis and Dissertation) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as is written in the appendix is an inseparable part of this decree

Second : This guideline becomes one of the references that must be adhered to in writing skripsi, theses, and dissertation for students of undergraduate, master and doctoral programs at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;

Third : This decree shall take effect as from the date of stipulation;

Signed in JakartaIn June 14, 2017


Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A.NIP. 19571005 198703 1 003


The Appendix of Rector’s DecreeUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Number: 507 Year 2017Date: June 14 2017










"UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to become a world class university with an excellence in integration of science, Islam and Indonesianness."



All praise be to Allah SWT and peace, blessing, and salam be poured out to the Prophet

Muhammad SAW, his family, friends, and his people.

This Guideline for Writing Scientific Works (skripsi, thesis, and dissertation) is a revision of

the previous guidebooks which were published by the Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) and

which were written by each Program Study of Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral at UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta. This book contains general rules for writing scientific papers and

discusses the supervision and examination processes for final writing assignments for

students at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The Guideline for Writing Scientific Works

(thesis, thesis, and dissertation) can be used as a reference for each S1, S2 and S3 Program in

writing scientific papers.

To various parties who have contributed to completing this guideline, we thank you. We

accept suggestions and input to be able to make this manual better. May Allah SWT give a

heavenly reward and count this work a good deed for us. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Jakarta, June 2017

The Writing Team

Table of Content





A. Definition 9

B. Criteria 9

C. The writing principles 10

D. General Principles of Writing 13

Chapter II 14

A. Component of Research Proposal 14

1. Research Title 14

2. Background 14

3. Problem Identification 14

4. Problem Limitation 14

5. Objectives and Benefits of Research 15

6. Review of the Previous Research 15

7. Theoretical Framework 15

8. Hypothesis (if applicable) 16

9. Research Methods 16

10. Research Schedule 16

11. Description (if applicable) 17

12. References 17

B. Requirement for Proposal Submission 17

1. Administrative and Financial Terms 17

2. Academic Requirements 18

C. The Process of Writing and Proposal Examination 18


A. Beginning Section 20

1. Cover Sheet 21

2. Title Sheet 21

3. Sheet of Authenticity of Works 22

4. Sheet of Supervisor's Approval 22

5. Sheet of Legalization 22

6. Sheet of Transliteration Guideline 23

7. Abstract 23

8. Foreword 23

9. Table of Contents 24


10. List of Tables 24

11. List of Figures 24

12. Glossary 24

B. Middle Section 25

1. Quantitative Research 25

2. Qualitative Research 26

C. Final Section 27


A. Paper Type and Size 28

B. Type and Size of Letters 28

C. Margin 28

D. Writing and Hyphenation of Words 29

E. Numbering System 30

F. Writing Style 31

1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style 31

2. Chicago 1: Social science (author-date system) 33

3. Chicago 2 (Turabian) : Humanities or Notes and Biblio System 34

4. Modern Language Association (MLA) Style 37

G. Transliteration Guideline 39

1. Equivalents of Writing System 39

2. Vowels 41

3. Longer Vowels 41

4. Articles 41

5. Syaddah (Tasydid) 42

6. Ta Marbu tah 42

7. Capital Letters 42

8. How to Write Words 43


A. Supervision 45

1. Number of Supervisors and their Qualifications 45

2. Obligations of Supervisors 45

3. Frequency of Supervision 46

4. Replacement of Supervisor 46

5. Disputes 47

6. Ethics for Supervisors 47

B. Examinations 47





A. Definition

This guideline for writing assignments includes and aimed for skripsi, thesis, and

dissertation. For this reason, it is necessary to explain each of the final writing assignments.

Skripsi is a scientific paper written to fulfil one of the requirements in completing

undergraduate study (S1). Skripsi is the result of research that discusses a problem or

phenomenon in a particular field of science using applicable rules.

Thesis is a scientific work which is written as one of the conditions for completing a

Masters (S2) level study. The thesis describes the depth of mastery of the writer in a

respective field of study.

Dissertation is a scientific work that is written as one of the conditions for completing

doctoral program or S3 studies. The dissertation describes development, criticism and new

scientific discovery, and it is expected to contribute to society and science.

B. Criteria

Undergraduate [S1] students in writing a skripsi must meet the criteria, among others,

as follows: 1) showing an adequate understanding of the chosen topic related to one or more

scientific discipline; 2) showing capabilities of theoretical application, descriptive analysis,

and practical use of the results of the study being researched; 3) Being expected to publish the

results of their studies in scientific journals; 4) the number of pages is at least 40 pages.

Master [S2] students in writing their thesis must meet the following criteria: 1)

demonstrating a deep and comprehensive understanding of the topic chosen by describing

scientific correlation of his study with other related disciplines (interdisciplinary); 2) showing

adequate mastery of science being researched, and contributes to practical use or application

and theoretical development; 3) being expected to publish the results of their research in

national-level scientific journals; 4) the number of pages is at least 75 pages.

In addition, doctoral [S3] students must meet the following criteria for writing a

dissertation, among others: 1) showing a deep and comprehensive understanding of the topic


chosen by describing correlation of the science discussed with various other related

disciplines (interdisciplinary); 2) obtaining new findings in his field of study; 3) providing

contributive findings, and new theories in their field of study, and providing broad practical

benefits; 4) being expected to publish the results of their studies in scientific journals at the

national level and or at the international level; 5) the minimum number of pages is 100 pages.

C. The writing principles

Students in carrying out their scientific writing assignments must uphold the

principles of honesty and scientific objectivity. Anything that contradict the value of honesty

and objectivity could be: 1) manipulating data that actually does not exist or making fictitious

data; 2) changing the data according to the wishes of the researcher, especially to support the

desired conclusion; 3) taking other people's words or texts without giving quotations


In particular, this guideline also describe and elaborate plagiarism so that students can

pay attention. Plagiarism according to the Official Dictionary of Indonesian Language

(KBBI) is the taking of essays (opinions and so on) of other people and making it as if the

essay (opinions and so on) is theirs, for example by publishing other people's writings on

their own behalf; a copy (KBBI, 1988: 169).

Here are some examples of plagiarism:

1. Recognising other people's work as their own;

2. Copying other people's words or ideas without citing the source;

3. Giving incorrect information about the source of the quotation;

4. Changing the words from a quoted sentence without citing source of reference;

5. Copying too many words or ideas from a source though by citing the source;

Following are examples of intentional and unintentional plagiarism

Table 1.1.Plagiarism Criteria


Intentional Plagiarism Unintentional Plagiarism

Buy, steal or borrow someone else's paper and declare it as your own work.

Use terms or sentences which are very close to theoriginal source after paraphrasing

Ask someone else to write a paper and declare it as your own work.

Build arguments by borrowing other people's waysof thinking without mentioning the source

Use data in any forms whatsoeverwithout mentioning the source

Source: adapted from Purdue University Online Writing Lab

In principle, all other people's opinions must be cited as sources, either originating

from books, journals, newspapers and magazines, songs, television programs, films,

electronic sources, letters and emails, computer programs, announcements, or any other

media that are the works of a person or group.

Plagiarism can be avoided by paraphrasing. The following is an example of how a

text was paraphrased by two students to take the essence of an idea that the original writer

wanted to convey.

Table 1.2Example of Paraphrasing

Original Text

Namun harus digarisbawahi pula bahwa betapa pun mereka begitu intens menyuarakan keinginanuntuk kembali ke khazanah tradisi Islam clan begitu kritis terhadap ekses-ekses yang ditimbulkan danproses modernisasi, bukan berarti mereka anti modernitas. Sebab, pada dasarnya mereka juga adalah“anak” dari modernisasi yang dilakukan negara dengan kebijakan membuka akses yang besar bagikaum Muslimin untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di dalam dan di luar negeri. Karena itu, dalam takarantertentu para pemimpin gerakan ini juga dengan semangat menyerukan keinginan untuk membawakaum Muslimin ke arah masyarakat industrial modern yang mengakar pada teknologi maju. Hal initentu tidak mengherankan, sebab kebanyakan para aktivis itu memang lulusan fakultas teknologi danilmu-ilmu alam dari Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Institut TeknologiBandung (ITB), atau Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) maupun universitas-universitas di Barat.

The text is cited from Jajat Burhanudin dan Oman Fathurahman, (ed.)., Tentang Perkembangan islam:Wacana dan Gerakan, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,2004), h. 157—158.


Example of Paraphrased Text (1)

Jika mempertimbangkan latar belakang pendidikan para aktivis muslim itu, yang mayoritasmerupakan lulusan dari perguruan tinggi umum seperti UI, UGM, ITB, IPB dan lain-lain, tidak terlalumengherankan jika mereka sendiri tidak resisten terhadap modernitas. Memang mereka begitu tegasmengkritik berbagai akibat yang ditimbulkan dari modernisasi, terutama sikap dan mental yangdianggap berseberangan dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Akan tetapi, mereka tampaknya juga berpikirrasional dengan tidak menolak modernitas secara keseluruhan. Pikiran mereka umumnya bahkansangat terbuka dan maju; mereka membayangkan terciptanya sebuah masyarakat Muslim yangmodern, tapi dengan tetap berlandaskan pada nilai- nilai dan tradisi Islam.

Example of Paraphrased Text (2)

Para aktivis muslim yang memperjuangkan tegaknya nilai-nilai Islam sebagian besar berasal darikalangan yang menguasai tradisi keilmuan modern yang berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi umumdi tanah air. Mereka kebanyakan bekerja pada sektor umum yang tentu saja sering bersentuhan denganteknologi dan gaya hidup modern. Karena itu pola kehidupan mereka kebanyakan cenderung rasional.Walaupun begitu bukan berarti mereka menjadi sekular atau anti-agama; justru di tengah kehidupanmereka yang modern, mereka bangga memperjuangkan identitas Islam dan berupaya terus menerus

merumuskan strategi perjuangan yang berlandaskan etika agama.

Checking plagiarism can be carried out using several types of applications orsoftwares, among others:

1. Dupli Checker ( Copy Leaks ( Paper Rater ( Plagiarism Checker ( Plagium ( Plag Scan ( Viper ( Turnitin (

D. General Principles of Writing

1. Skripsi is one component of the undergraduate (S1) curriculum with a weight of 6

credits. Thesis is one of the components of the graduate (S2) with a weight of 10


credits, while the Dissertation is a component of the curriculum in the Doctoral

program with a weight of 14 credits.

2. Skripsi, thesis and dissertation might be written in Indonesian, Arabic, or English.

3. In preparing a skripsi, thesis, and dissertation, students can be supervised by one, two

or more lecturers whose qualification is in accordance with scientific competence and

in accordance with applicable regulations.

4. The draft of skripsi, thesis, and dissertation that have been approved by the supervisor

will be tested in an examination [sidang] to determine student graduation. For

graduation in S3, a draft of an approved dissertation is examined in a closed session,

and in an open session (promotion).

Chapter II

The Proposal for Skripsi, Thesis and Dissertation

A. Component of Research Proposal

Any research proposal for skripsi, thesis and dissertation must meet the following

organisational structure:


1. Research Title

The title of the research for skripsi, thesis, and dissertation must reflect topic,

problems, variables and objects studied by using clear and specific words.

2. Background

This section explains academic arguments (theoretical review) or re-review of results

of previous research and current developments or the state of the art of the studied topic by

including practical reasons why this research needs to be carried out using adequate and

updated reference.

3. Problem Identification

This section explains a number of potential problems that can be investigated before

choosing some specific research problems. Identification of problems - in addition to being

written in the background - can also be written in a separate section.

4. Problem Limitation

This section formulates concisely, clearly, and specifically about research problems.

The number of problem formulations can be adjusted to the necessity of the study. The

formulation of the problem can be arranged in the form of interrogative sentences - such as:

what, why and how, or in the form of a statement.

5. Objectives and Benefits of Research

The purpose of research is basically the specific goals desired from research based on

the formulation of the problems. The research objectives include: to explore, describe,

understand, explain, and predict certain problems or certain scientific problems that are

considered to have good potential for practical benefits and the benefits of scientific

development itself. In addition, the benefits of research illustrate the usefulness of research

both practically and theoretically.

6. Review of the Previous Research

A review of the previous studies contains an analysis of studies that have been

previously carried out whenever they are related to research problems. This review is


intended to identify similarities and differences in the study being conducted from other

previous studies. The goal is to avoid duplication of studies. The review can be presented in

a separate sub-chapter, in the background or in the theory.

7. Theoretical Framework

In general, theory is defined as a set of concepts, assumptions, and generalisations,

which are used to explain a particular phenomenon. Thus, the theory has three functions in

scientific research, namely explanation, prediction, and control of indicators

( function-theory-in-scientific-research).

In a scientific context, a theory functions:

A. to clarify and sharpen the scope of variables.

B. to predict and to guide in finding facts which later can be used to form hypotheses and

create research instruments.

C. to control the process and results of research, then to use it to provide theoretical and

practical suggestions.

All research activities, starting from the initial to the final stage, must become a

unified whole framework in order to look for scientific answers to the problems being

studied. A framework is made in a scheme that describes the contents of the research as a

whole, from the mechanism of data collection and the processing of data to its presentation. It

is recommended that the framework be equipped with concept map and clear narrative


8. Hypothesis (if applicable)

Hypothesis is a temporary statement or a presumed answer that is considered most

likely, but still has to be proven by research. In principle, the supposed tentative answers are

useful to help researchers so that the research process is more directed. In addition, the

hypothesis can be used to test the truth of a theory. It will also encourage the emergence of

new theories and will be able to be used to explain some social phenomena.


9. Research Methods

The research methods include the types of research (literature studies, field studies,

qualitative studies, and quantitative studies), populations and samples, data collection

techniques and data analysis. The quality of research results depends on the quality and

validity of the data obtained along with the data processing that will be carried out. Therefore,

variables, population and samples, instruments for data collection, research design, and

analytical tools should be best prepared or designed. The validity of method is considered to

be the most important part in assessing the quality of research results. But in this section, it is

sufficient for researchers to briefly explain them. This is because in detail it will be re-

explained in particular section of the final report of the research.

10. Research Schedule

In a research proposal, researchers create a schedule for conducting research. One of

the goals is to take into account each stage of the research so that he can work systematically

and to work as it is carefully planned.

11. Description (if applicable)

The Research description contains sequences of presentation of research results from the

beginning to the end.

12. References

Bibliography contains primary and secondary references consisting of books and

journals, magazines, or other library materials that are relevant and up-to-date. In accordance

with the development of information technology, bibliography can also be supplemented with

writings from websites or other materials from the Internet, as long as they are written in

accordance with the applicable rules.

In general, the reference used for the main material is 70%, while the rest is the use of

supporting material. Researchers are encouraged to use scientific journal articles. The

minimum number of bibliography for thesis is at least 15 references, thesis 25 references and

dissertation 40 references.


B. Requirement for Proposal Submission

Proposal submission of a skripsi, thesis and dissertation must meet the following


1. Administrative and Financial Terms

A. Registered officially as a student in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in Bachelor,

Masters or Doctoral Program in the semester being taken;

B. Take the components of skripsi, thesis, or dissertation on the semester Study Plan

Card (KRS);

C. Has paid off all financial obligations up to the current semester or academic year;

D. Attach a photocopy of proof of semester tuition payment.

2. Academic Requirements

A. Proposals can be submitted by 7th semester students or by they who have completed

at least 120 credits for skripsi and by 2nd semester students or they who have taken 12

credits for theses and dissertations, and have passed research methodology courses.

B. Submission of proposals by students is no later than the 9th semester for the Bachelor

Program and no later than 4th semester for the Masters and Doctoral Programs.

C. If until the time limit specified in point b, the student has not submitted a proposal, the

submission process must get the approval from the Dean of Faculty or Director of

Postgraduate Program.

C. The Process of Writing and Proposal Examination

1. After all the above conditions are met, students are recommended to consult with the

Academic Advisor on the students’ chosen theme;

2. After consultation, students write a complete research proposal;

3. After obtaining the approval of the academic advisor, the research proposal is

submitted to the Study Program [Prodi] which in turn leads to the Prodi to determine


who will be the examiners for the proposal of skripsi / thesis / dissertation and to be

examined by the examining team.

4. The research proposal is examined by at least two lecturers who have fulfilled the

requirements as examiners of skripsi / thesis / dissertation proposals;

5. The proposal examiner must provide written advices or suggestions. If the proposal is

not considered feasible, the proposal examiners can reject the proposal and oblige the

student to correct the proposal;

6. If the proposal is rejected, the student must re-register for the proposal examination

with another theme and pay the seminar fee;

7. After the proposal has passed, the examining team can recommend the name of the

prospective supervisor of skripsi / thesis / dissertation to the Chair of the Study

Program [Prodi];

8. After the appointment of supervisor, the student consults with his supervisor;

9. If the supervisor accepts the student's proposal by requiring him / her to make changes

to the title and contents, students must report such changes to the Chair of the Study

Program [Prodi];

10. If the appointed supervisor is not willing to be a supervisor or unable to supervise

within a period of 3 months, students can consult with the chair of the Study Program

[Prodi] by bringing written evidence of rejection from the supervisor. The Chair will

have to find a new supervisor.



Writing Organization

The organization of the writing of skripsi, thesis, and dissertation is divided into three

parts: beginning, middle and end.

A. Beginning Section

The beginning part consists of:

1. Outside cover (not numbered)

2. Inside cover

3. Title sheet

4. Statement of the authenticity of the work

5. Supervisor's legalisation sheet

6. Examiner's legalisation sheet

7. Abstract

8. Preface

9. Table of contents

10. Transliteration (if applicable)

11. List of tables (if applicable)

12. List of images or charts (if applicable)

13. List of attachments

14. List of terms (if applicable)


Overall, this initial section is given a small Roman numeral number (for example: i, ii, iii, and

so on) as a page marker.

1. Cover Sheet

The cover sheet consists of two parts: outside and inside. Hard cover is for outer

cover. The inner cover sheet contains the same text as the cover sheet, but is written and

printed on a plain paper. The text of the outer cover and inside cover consists of:

A. Title

B. Description on the purpose of the writing,

C. Standard University Logo (attached),

D. Writer's name,

E. Student Identification Number (NIM),

F. Name of Department or Study Program, Faculty, and University,

G. Year of completion (Hijri and AD).

The letters used for this part of the cover sheet are Times New Roman, sized 14 for

the title, name of the Study Program, Faculty, University, and year of completion of the final

assignment, and sized 12 for the writer's name, student number, and a section of "description

of the writing purpose". All texts are arranged symmetrically on the center. The sample cover

sheet with Latin writing can be seen in appendix 1 and the cover sheet with Arabic writing

can be seen in appendix 3.

The cover sheet is supplemented with back text, which contains: author's name,

student number; title of work; abbreviations for Faculty and University names, and

examination year.


2. Title Sheet

The text component in this section of the title sheet is exactly the same as the text

component on the cover sheet; the only thing distinguishes the two is the type of paper used.

The title sheet is calculated as the first Roman page from the beginning of the work, with the

number "i", even though the page number does not need to be listed. Examples of title sheets

can be seen in appendix 4.

3. Sheet of Authenticity of Works

This sheet contains a statement from the writer about the authenticity of his / her

work, and availability to provide accountability if plagiarism is detected. The sheet is signed

by the writer and it has a stamp of IDR 6,000. The word "Lembar Pernyataan" is written in

bold with capital letters and it is placed in the middle, with 3 spaces downwards. An example

of statement sheet can be seen in appendix 7.

4. Sheet of Supervisor's Approval

The supervisor's approval sheet is proof that the supervisor approves the draft of the

writing which was submitted. The text of this sheet consists of the title of the work, the

description, the name of the writer, the student's number, and the signature of the supervisor.

The approval sheet is a prerequisite before the drafted writing is examined. Examples of

supervisor's approval sheets are included in appendix 8.

5. Sheet of Legalization

The legalisation sheet is a statement that the draft writing has been tested before the

examiner and that the paper was corrected according to the advice of the examination team.

Therefore, in addition to stating the date on which the test took place, this legalization sheet is

also signed by the examination team. By signing this sheet, the examination team knows and

approves the final draft version of the writing. This legalisation page is a prerequisite for

testamur and transcripts of original marks to be given to the writer. The phrase "Pengesahan

Ujian" is written bold with capital letters and placed in the middle, with three spaced

downwards. Examples of the sheet can be seen in appendix 10.


6. Sheet of Transliteration Guideline

Transliteration is used in scientific writing of this final assignment consistently in

accordance with the applicable guidelines at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Examples of

transliteration guideline can be seen in appendix 11.

7. Abstract

Abstract is written between 200 and 300 word counts. The Abstract consists of titles,

objectives, methods, results of research and keywords. The abstract must be written in two

languages: Indonesian and English / Arabic.The word "abstract" is written in capital letters

and placed on the middle with 3 spaces downwards. The full name of the writer is typed with

a two-spaced capital letter below the title, started from the left side, followed by the research

title. The first letter of each word in the title is typed in capital letters except for prepositions

and conjunctions. An abstract example can be seen in appendix 12.

8. Foreword

This part contains gratitude to all parties who have helped in completing skripsi,

thesis and dissertation. Such statement is conveyed fairly, not excessively and not too

humbly. There is no need to apologise for any shortcomings in the writing, because this kind

of shortcomings is common in an objective, scientific papers. The preface is addressed to the

academics (deans, deputy of deans for academic affairs, heads of departments, and secretaries

of departments), supervisors, examiners, schools / institutions where they conduct research,

peers, and / or families. "Kata Pengantar" [Foreword] is written in capital letters and placed

in the middle, with 3 spaces downwards. Examples of foreword can be seen in appendix 13.

9. Table of Contents

The table of contents contains the writing structure from the title to appendix. All

sheets located before the introduction do not need to be included in the table of contents.

The way to write the titles and subtitles is as follow. The word "BAB" [CHAPTER] is

written in capital letters in the middle, followed by the number and chapter title. Furthermore,


under the chapter heading, numbers and sub-chapter titles are included. The page number that

shows the location of each part listed on the right side is connected through dots.

The word "table of contents" is written in capital letters and placed on center, with 3

spaces downwards. Examples of table of contents can be seen in appendix 14.

10. List of Tables

If in a final assignment there are more than five tables, it is necessary to make a

separate table list along with the table number and page number. The words "table list" are

written in bold letters and placed in the middle of the top, with 3 spaces downwards.

The table titles are listed sequentially, each followed by the page number that contains

it. Examples of table lists can be seen in appendix 15.

11. List of Figures

If in a skripsi, thesis or dissertation there are more than five illustrations such as

diagrams, graphs and images, a list of illustrations is required. The way it is arranged is the

same as the table. The words "list of illustrations" are written in bold letters and placed in the

middle, with 3 spaces downwards. An example of a list of illustrations can be seen in

appendix 16.

12. Glossary

In some science, it is possible that there are technical terms that are only known to

certain circles who are familiar with that particular science. Since the results of a study are

expected to be read and utilized by a wider audience, a glossary of terms and definitions is

required.The words "list of terms" are written in bold capital letters and placed in the middle,

with three spaces downwards. An example of a list of terms can be seen in appendix 17.

B. Middle Section

An explanation of some basic principles that must be present in this middle section is

explained in the chapter on research proposals. The following is a systematic example of

writing for quantitative research and qualitative research, namely:

1. Quantitative Research

The middle part of quantitative research can be structured with the following model:



A. Background

B. Identification of Problem (if applicable)

C. Limitation of Problems

D. Research Questions

E. Research Objectives and Benefits of Research

F. Review of the Previous Study (make a separate section whenever necessary)

G. Organization of Writing (if applicable)


A. Theory (related to research variables)

B. Framework (if applicable)

C. Hypothesis (if applicable)


A. Population and Samples

B. Place and Time of Research

C. Data Sources

D. Research Instruments

E. Data collection techniques

F. Data Processing Techniques


A. Research Findings

B. Discussion


A. Conclusion

B. Suggestions


2. Qualitative Research

The middle section of quantitative research can be organized with the following



A. Background

B. Identification of Problem (if applicable)

C. Limitation of Problems

D. Research Questions

E. Research Objectives and Benefits of Research

F. Review of the Previous Study (make a separate section whenever necessary)

G. Organization of Writing (if applicable)


A. Theory

B. Literature Review

C. Framework


This section contains geographical, historical, socio-cultural description.


This part contains a description of the presentation of data and research findings


This section contains a description that links background, theory, and formulation of new

theories from research


A. Conclusions

B. Implications

C. Suggestion


The format of this qualitative research can be adapted to the research design used and

findings that develop in the fieldwork.

C. Final Section

The final section consists of bibliography, appendices, and other items.


The Technique of Writing

The writing technique in this guideline uses a writing style that is in accordance with

each field of study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is expected that the final writing

assignment will be published as scientific articles in journals with international reputation. To

enrich knowledge, at the end of this chapter we present a comparison some tables of writing

styles such as the American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago, Turabian and

Modern Language Association (MLA).

A. Paper Type and Size

The type of paper used to write this final writing project is a HVS paper size B5 and it

weighs 70 grams.


B. Type and Size of Letters

For Latin letters, the font used is 12-sized Times New Roman for body text and 10-

size for footnotes. Whereas written in Arabic, the font used is 16-sized Sakkal Majalla or

Traditional Arabic for the body text and 12-sized for the footnote.

C. Margin

1. Skripsi, thesis, and dissertation are bound two-sided; the first page of

each chapter must be written on the front page;

2. Skripsi, thesis, and dissertation are typed in 1.5 spaces with following

margin : 4 cm on the left edge for the Latin-based writing, and 3 cm on

the right edge for the Arabic-based writing

3. For both Latin and Arabic, top and bottom margins are 3 cm each;

4. For every new paragraph, the typing must be indented (one tabbed)

from the margin line.

D. Writing and Hyphenation of Words

i. Hyphenation of words follows the Indonesian Spelling rules (EBI -

Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia);

ii. At the end of the line, it is imperative to avoid hyphenating syllables

either at the beginning or at the end of the word which consists of only

one letter. As an example: when hyphenating words like mempunyai,

menyadari and imunisasi, it is not allowed to make it mempunya-i,

menyadar-i and imunisas-i. The correct hyphenation is mempu-nyai,

menya-dari and imuni-sasi.

iii. Numbers such as RP 50.00, 12.00, cannot be hyphenated. If there is a

word written after the number and it is not an abbreviation,

hyphenation can be applied, such as 10 kilo-meter, 15,000 ru-piah and

so on;

iv. Abbreviations of the family title of a person may not be separated from

the complete name, such as: R.A. Kartini when written R.A with

Kartini being separated


v. Arabic scripts should not be hyphenated; this includes pronouns related

to the word in question;

vi. Numbers in text consisting of one or two components should be

written in full letters and should not be written with numbers. For

numbers with more than two elements, they are written in letters. As an

example: "Rata-rata penduduk satu hari "Jarak Jakarta-Cirebon sejauh

300 dalam waktu lima jam";

vii. Percentage, date, amount of money, landline number, telephone

number, decimal fraction, and numbers followed by abbreviations must

be written with number. Examples: 10%, 26 December 2007, Rp

10.000, Jalan Jeruk nomor 5, telepon 7401925, 0.08 and 7 km;

viii. Sentences should not begin with numbers. To avoid that, the sentence

structure must be edited. If unlikely to change the structure, the

number must be written in full letters;

ix. Title of books, names of magazines, newspapers, journals, and foreign

words -including words originating from Indonesian remote regions

which are not standard words in Indonesian - must be typed in italics.

This excludes foreign names, such as the name of the institution like

World Health Organization and Râbitah al- Alam al-Islami.ʻ

E. Numbering System

i. The page number of the Beginning Section in scientific works that uses

Latin letters is in the form of small Roman numerals, namely i, ii, iii,

iv, and so on. This starts from the Foreword page and it is placed in

bottom - center. In scientific works using Arabic letters, small Roman

numerals are replaced by Arabic alphabets, such as ج ، ب ، أ and so on;

ii. In the Middle and Final Section which starts from the Introduction, the

page numbers are written 1, 2, 3 onwards; this is written in the upper

right corner for scientific works using Latin letters. For Arabic letters,

it is placed on top left for scientific works except on the



REFERENCES. The numbers on the pages of the chapter are placed in

bottom - center. All page numbers are not followed by full stops;

iii. The number in the Chapter is written with large Roman numerals, such

as CHAPTER I, CHAPTER II, CHAPTER III and so on. It is placed in

the center, above the chapter title for scientific works using Latin

letters. As for scientific works using Arabic letters, the chapter لباب

:written in full letters, such as ;األول

iv. The next numbering, namely the number of sub-chapters, sub of sub-

chapters, and the remaining part, uses a combination of numbers and

Latin letters. Thus, for theses and dissertations written in Latin letters,

numbering systems are as follows: large Roman numerals for chapter

numbers, Latin capital letters for sub-chapters, Arabic numerals (1،2،3)

for sub of sub-chapters, and so on. (See the sample of table of contents

in appendix);

v. The number in footnote starts from number 1 in each new chapter.

Therefore, in each new chapter the reference is written in full, not


F. Writing Style

Citation styles that can be used for writing are for example APA, Chicago, Turabian,

and MLA. Each of these writing styles is briefly described below:

1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style

Document Type

Placement of Quotation

APA Style

Book Written in reference

Doniger, W. (1999). Splitting the difference: Gender and myth in ancient Greece and India. Chicago: University of Chicago Press


Written in the body text or written as a note

(Doniger, 1999)

Journal Article

Written in reference

Aguilar, L. (1993). Artist’s statement.Nueva Luz: A Photographic Journal, 4(2), 22-40.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Aguilar, 1993)

Web Document

Written in reference

Kurland, P .B., & Lerner, R. (Eds.). (2000). The founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Downloaded on 20 June 2003, from http://press-

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Kurland & Lerner, 2000)

Government Document

Written in reference

Environmental Protection Agency.(1986). Toxicology handbook (2nd ed.) Rockville, MD: Government Printing Office.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Environmental Protection Agency, 1986, pp. 101-114)

Chapter in A Book

Written in reference

Fromson, O. (1990). Progressiveness in the late twentieth century. W.F. Turner (Ed.), To left and right: Cycles in American politics (pp.627-42). Jackson, MS: Lighthouse Press.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Fromson, 1990, p. 627)

Thesis and Dissertation

Written in reference

Ontiveros, M. (1994). Circumscribing identities: Chicana muralist and the representation of Chicana subjectivity. (Unpublished master thesis, University of California, Riverside).

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Ontiveros, 1994, p. 44)

Article from Database

Written in reference

Iwanowski, J. (1994). Goliant vs. Goliath: Best Buy battles Circuit City. Business Week, 54, 12.


Downloaded on 9 May 1997, from ABI / Inform database <>

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Iwanowski, 1994, p.12)

Paper Presentation

Written in reference

Speth, J.D., & Davis, D.D. (1975).Seasonal variability in early hominid predation. A paper presented on Conference on Archeology in Anthropology: Broadening Subject Matter, Flat Prairie, Illinois.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Speth & Davis, 1975, p. 31)

2. Chicago 1: Social science (author-date system)


Placement ofQuotation

Chicago 1: Social science (author-date system)

Book Written in reference

Doniger, Wendy. 1999. Splitting the difference: Gender and Myth in ancient Greece and India. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Doniger 1999, 23)

Journal Article

Written in reference

Aguilar, Laura. 1993. Artist’ statement. Nueva Luz: A Photographic Journal 4, no.2: 22-40.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Aguilar 1993, 22)

Web Document

Written in reference

Kurland, Philip B., dan Ralph Lerner, eds. 2000. The founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Also can be downloaded from http://press-


Written in the body text or written as a note

(Kurland & Lerner, 2000, chapter 9, doc. 3)

Government Document

Written in reference

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).1986. Toxicology handbook. 2nd Ed. Rockville, MD:Government Printing Office.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(EPA 1986, 101-114)

Chapter in A Book

Written in reference

Fromson, Orlando. 1990. Progressiveness in the late twentieth century. In To left and right: Cycles in American politics, ed. Wilmer F. Turner (Jackson, MS: Lighthouse Press).

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Fromson 1990, 627)

Thesis and Dissertation

Written in reference

Ontiveros, Mario. 1994. Circumscribing identities: Chicana muralist and the representation of Chicana subjectivity. Master thesis, Department of Art History, University of California, Riverside.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Ontiveros 1994, 44)

Article from Database

Written in reference

Iwanowski, James. 1994. Goliant vs. Goliath: Best Buy battles Circuit City. Business Week, 54: 12. ABI/Inform database <>

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Iwanowski 1994, 12)

Paper Presentation

Written in reference

Speth, Jeff D., and Don D. Davis. 1975. Seasonal variability in early hominid predation. A

paper presented at Conference on Archeology in Anthropology: Broadening Subject Matter, Mei 24-


26, at Midland University, Flat Prairie, Illinois.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Speth & Davis 1975, 31)

3. Chicago 2 (Turabian) : Humanities or Notes and Biblio System

Document Type

Placement of Quotation

Chicago 2 (Turabian) : Humanities or Notes and Biblio System

Book Written in reference

Doniger, Wendy. Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Written in the body text or written as a note

Wendy Doniger, Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999)

Journal Article

Written in reference

Aguilar, Laura. “Artist’s Statement”. Nueva Luz: A Photographic Journal 4, no.2 (1993):


Written in the body text or written as a note

Laura Aguilar,“Artist’s Statement”.Nueva Luz: A Photographic Journal 4,no.2 (1993): 22.

Web Document

Written in reference

Kurland, Philips B., dan Ralph Lerner. eds. The founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2000. This can also be downloaded in http://press-

Written in the body text or written as a note

Philips B. Kurland dan Ralph Lerner. eds. The founders’ Constitution. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), chapter 9, doc. 3, http://press-

Government Document

Written in reference

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Toxicology handbook. 2nd ed. Rockville, MD: Government Printing Office. 1986.

Written in the body text or

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Toxicology handbook. 2nd ed.


written as a note (Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, 1986). 101-114

Chapter in A Book

Written in reference

Fromson, Orlando. “Progressiveness inthe late twentieth century. inTo left and right: Cycles in American politics, ed. Wilmer F. Turner, 627-42. Jackson, MS: Lighthouse Press,1990.

Written in the body text or written as a note

Orlando Fromson, “Progressiveness inthe late twentieth century. In To left and right: Cycles in American politics, ed. Wilmer F. Turner (Jackson, MS: Lighthouse Press,1990), 627.

Thesis and Dissertation

Written in reference

Ontiveros, Mario. “Circumscribing identities: Chicana muralist and the representation of Chicana

subjectivity”. Thesis Master, Department of Art History, University of California, Riverside.1994.

Written in the body text or written as a note

Mario Ontiveros, “Circumscribing identities: Chicana muralist and the representation of Chicana subjectivity”. (Master Thesis, Department of Art History, University of California, Riverside, 1994), 44.

Article from Database

Written in reference

Iwanowski, James. “Goliant vs. Goliath: Best Buy battles Circuit City”. Business Week 54 (1994): 12. ABI/Inform database <>

Written in the body text or written as a note

James Iwanowski, “Goliant vs. Goliath: Best Buy battles Circuit City”. Business Week 54 (1994): 12. ABI/Inform database <>

Paper Presentation

Written in reference

Speth, Jeff D., and Don D. Davis.“Seasonal variability in early hominid predation”. A paper presented at Conference on Archeology in Anthropology: Broadening Subject Matter, Midland University, Flat Prairie, Illinois. 24-26 May, 1975.

Written in the body text or written as a note

Jeff D. Speth and Don D. Davis,“Seasonal variability in early hominid predation” (paper presented at Conference on Archeology: Broadening Subject Matter, Midland University, Flat Prairie, Illinois, 24-16 May 1975), 31.


4. Modern Language Association (MLA) Style


Placement ofQuotation

MLA Style

Book Written in reference

Doniger, Wendy. Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1999. Print.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Doniger 23)

Journal Article

Written in reference

Aguilar, Laura. "Artist's Statement.Nueva Luz: A Photographic Journal 4, 2 (1993): 22-40. Print.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Aguilar 22)

Web Document

Written in reference

Kurland, Philips B., and Ralph Lerner. eds. The founders' Constitution. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press. 2000. Web. 12 May 1997.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Kurland and Lerner)

Government Document

Written in reference

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Toxicology handbook. 2nd ed. Rockville:

GPO, 1986. Print.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Environmental Protection Agency)

Chapter in A Book

Written in reference

Fromson, Orlando. “Progressiveness in the late twentieth century. Dalam To left and right: Cycles in Americanpolitics, ed. Wilmer F. Turner. Jackson, MS: Lighthouse,1990.627-42. Print.


Written in the body text or written as a note

(Fromson 627)

Thesis and Dissertation

Written in reference

Ontiveros, Mario. 1994. “Circumscribing identities : Chicana muralist and the representation of Chicana subjectivity”. Thesis Master,Department of Art History,University of California, Riverside.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Ontiveros 44)

Article from Database

Written in reference

Iwanowski, James. “Goliant vs. Goliath: Best Buy battles Circuit City”. Business Week 54 (1994): 12. ABI/Inform database. Web. 9 Mei 1997.

Written in the body text or written as a note


Paper Presentation

Written in reference

Speth, Jeff D., and Don D. Davis.1975. Seasonal variability in early hominid predation. Paper presented at Conference on Archeology in Anthropology: Broadening Subject Matter, 24-26 Mei, at Midland University, Flat Prairie, Illinois.

Written in the body text or written as a note

(Speth and Davis 31)

G. Transliteration Guideline

In skripsi, thesis, and dissertation which deals with Islamic discourse, transliteration is

a necessity. Therefore, to maintain consistency, rules pertaining to transliteration are

important to establish. Knowledge of this rule must be widely known and understood, not


only by students who will write the final assignment, but also by lecturers, especially

supervisors and examiners. This is aimed to get mutual control in the application and

consistency of using this transliteration.

In the academic world, there are several versions of transliteration guide, including

the Turabian version, Library of Congress, Guidelines from the Ministry of Religious Affairs

and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as the Paramadina version.

Generally, except for Paramadina version, the guideline obliges the use of certain fonts, such

as Transliteration fonts, Times New Roman, or Times New Arabic.

To facilitate the application of transliteration in writing the final assignment, this

guideline is written by not following the provisions of one of the versions above, but by

combining and modifying several characteristics of the letters. However, this version of UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was arranged in the same logic as the above versions.

1. Equivalents of Writing System

Here is a list of Arabic scripts and their equivalents in Latin script:

Arabic Script Latin script Notes

أ Not transliterated

ب b Be

ت t Te

ث ts te and es

ج j Je

ح h underlined H

خ kh ka and ha

د d De

ذ dz de and zet

ر r Er

ز z Zet

س s Es

sy ش es and ye


ص s underlined es

ض d underlined de

ط t underlined te

ظ z underlined ze

ع ‘ inverted comma / single closing quotation

غ gh ge and ha

ف f Ef

ق q Ki

ك k Ka

ل l El

م m Em

ن n En

و w We

ه h Ha


ي Ye

2. Vowels

Vowels in Arabic, similar to Indonesian vowels, consist of a single or monophthal

vowel and double vowels or diphthongs. For single vowels, the transliteration is as follows:

Arabic Vowel Latin Vowel Note

A Fathah

I Kasrah

U Dammah

For diphthongs, the transliteration rule is as follow:


Arabic Vowel Latin Vowel Note

ـي ai a and i

ـو au a and u

3. Longer Vowels

Transliteration rules for long vowel (mad) characters, which in Arabic are denoted by

harakat and letters, namely:

Arabic Vowel Latin Vowel Note

ا â a with diacritic

ي i i with diacritic

و u u with diacritic

4. Articles

The article, which in the Arabic script system is symbolized by letters, is translated

into letters / l /, both followed by syamsiyah and kamariah letters. Example: al-rijal not ar-

rijay, al-diwân not ad-diwân.

5. Syaddah (Tasydid)

Syaddah or tasydid which in the Arabic writing system is symbolized by a sign (ــــ) in

this transliteration is symbolized by letters, namely by doubling the letter given the sign of

the syaddah. However, this does not apply if the letter that receives the syaddah is located

after the article followed by the letters syamsiyah. For example, the word (الضرورة) is not

written ad-darurah but al-darurah, and so on.

6. Ta Marbutah

With regards to the applicable transliteration, if the letter ta marbutah is found in a

stand-alone word, then the letter is translated into letter / h / (see example 1 below). The same

is true if the ta marbutah is followed by an adjective (na‘t) (see example 2). However, if the


letter ta marbutah is followed by a noun (ism), then the letter is translated into letter / t / (see

example 3).

No. Arabic Word Transliteration

1 طریقة Tariqah

2 اإلسالمیة الجامعة al-jâmi’ah al-islâmiyyah

3 الوجود وحدة wahdat al-wujud

7. Capital Letters

Even though in the Arabic writing system capital letters are unknown, they are

applicable for our version of transliteration. This is by following the applicable rules in the

Indonesian Language Spelling (EBI - Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia), among others, it is applied to

write words at the beginning of a sentence, the initial letter of place name, month name, self

name, and others. If a self-name is preceded by an article, the one written in capital letters

remains the initial letter of the name of the self, not the initial letter or the article. For

examples: it is Abi Hâmid al-Ghazâli and it is not Abu Hâmid Al-Ghazâli, it is al-Kindi and it

is is not Al-Kindi.

Some other rules in EBI can actually also be applied in this transliteration, for

example the rules pertaining to italic and bold letters. If according to EBI, the title of a book

is written in italics, so is the case in the transliteration, and so on.

With regards to writing names, for any names of figures originating from Indonesian

archipelago, it is recommended not to be transliterated even though the root comes from

Arabic. For example, it is correct to write Abdussamad al-Palimbani, not ‘Abd al-Samad al-

Palimbâni; it is Nuruddin al-Raniri, not Nur al-Din al-Râniri.


8. How to Write Words

Each word, either verb (fi‘l), noun (ism), or letters (harf), is written separately. The

following are some examples of transliteration over sentences in Arabic, with reference to the

above rules:

Arabic words Transliteration

االستاذ ذهب dzahaba al-ustâdzu

االجر ثبت tsabata al-ajru

العصریة الحركة al-harakah al-‘asriyyah

اهلل اال اله ال ان اشهد asyhadu an lâ ilâha illâ Allah

الصالح ملك موالنا Maulânâ Malik al-Sâlih

اهلل یؤثركم yu'atstsirukum Allah

العقلیة المظاهر al-mazâhir al-‘aqliyyah

Writing of people's names must be in accordance with their own name. Names of

people who speak Arabic but not native to Arabic do not need to be transliterated. As an

example, it is true to write Nurcholish Madjid, not Nur Khâlis Majid; it is Mohamad Roem,

not Muhammad Rum; it is Fazlur Rahman, not Fadl al-Rahman.




A. Supervision

Supervision is the process of giving advices and scientific input by a supervisor to

students being guided in writing skripsi, thesis, and dissertation. This guiding process can be

carried out after the Chair of the Study Program [Prodi] issues a Supervisor's Decree (SK)

for lecturers who will guide students who have passed proposal examination for skripsi,

thesis and dissertation.

1. Number of Supervisors and their Qualifications

Skripsi can be supervised by one or two supervisors. On the other hand, thesis and

dissertation are supervised by 2 supervisors who are guiding both content and research

methodology. The qualifications of the supervisor of skripsi, thesis and dissertation are as


1. Lecturers in the study program [prodi];

2. At least having master degree for skripsi supervisor and PhD degree for supervising

thesis and dissertation;

3. Have a minimum academic rank of Assistant Expert [Asisten Ahli] for supervising

skripsi, Lector for thesis, and Head of Lector for dissertation;

4. Mastering the science pertaining to the project being guided;

5. Mastering research methods.


2. Obligations of Supervisors

Responsibilities and obligations of supervisors are as follows:

1. Supervisors must explain students the supervision mechanism for example on how

supervision will be organised, meeting schedules, and the process of writing a skripsi,

thesis and dissertation;

2. The supervisor guides students in completing the final assignment of skripsi, thesis or


3. Encourage students to be able to complete their final assignments on time;

4. Allocate regular time to have supervision in accordance with the mutual agreement.

3. Frequency of Supervision

The frequency is highly dependent on the agreement between the supervisor and the

student. For the effectiveness of supervision, it is obliged that the minimal number of

supervision is 8 times, and this must be documented in a supervision card / consultation book.

Students must write any progress in the book.

4. Replacement of Supervisor

Replacement of THE supervisor can be done due to one of the following conditions:

1. The supervisor is sick or dies;

2. The supervisor gets a university task that does not allow supervision for more than

two months;

3. The supervisor does not carry out his duties for more than two consecutive months;

4. The supervisor resigns for particular reasons;

5. There are conflicting opinions between supervisors and students that cannot be


6. Other reasons that can be accepted by faculty leaders (deans, deputy of deans, and

chairpersons of study programs) or postgraduate (directors and chairpersons of study



5. Disputes

If there is a disagreement or objection that cannot be accepted by one of the involved

parties (between the student and the supervisor or examiner, between the supervisor and

examiner, between the supervisor and the examiner), the person can report hierarchically to

the chairperson of the study program, deputy dean of for academic affairs, and dean.

6. Ethics for Supervisors

In carrying out supervision, the supervisor must maintain the principle of excellent

service, objectivity, impartiality and science independence.

Supervisors must avoid the possibility of conflicts of interest, for example:

supervising close relatives, supervising people with morality obstacles because of direct

structural problems (superiors-subordinates), or other cases that are felt to be burdensome and

may injure the ethics of academic supervision.

B. Examinations

Requirements for taking examination of a skripsi, thesis and dissertation are:

1. Students have passed a comprehensive examination [ujian komprehensif] either

written or oral one;

2. Passed the TOEFL and TOAFL examinations in accordance with the academic


3. The draft of skripsi, thesis, and dissertation have received the supervisor's approval to

be tested;

4. For bachelor degree, the examination consists of proposal examinations and skripsi

examinations. For thesis, it consists of thesis' proposal examination which is

conducted openly, the examination of research finding in the form of seminars, and

thesis examinations. For dissertation, it consists of a proposal exam, a seminar of

research findings, a closed examination, and an open examination (promotion).



Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1998.

Tim Penyusun. Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi, Disertasi. Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press, 2000.


Online Writing Lab Purdue University. (2014). “APA Style”. Diakses dari https :// owl . english . purdue . edu / owl / section /2/10/

American Psychology Association. (2014). “APA Style 6th edition”. Diakses dari: http :// www . apastyle . org / manual / index . aspx

Appendix 1

Sample of Outer Cover






completed as a partial requirement for a completion of Bachelor of Physcology(S.Psi.)

byMay Tunggal Putri

NIM 1111070000083


1437 H / 2016 M

Appendix 5

Sample of Supervisor’s Approval






completed as a partial requirement for a completion of Bachelor of Physcology(S.Psi.)

byMay Tunggal Putri

NIM 1111070000083


Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, Psi.

NIP 19770608 200501 2 003


1437 H / 2016 M

Appendix 10Sample of Legalization Sheet


A Skripsi entitled “THE EFFECT OF COMPUTER SELF-EFFICACY, COMPUTERANXIETY, RESISTANCE TO CHANGE, AND PERSONALITY ON THE PERCEPTIONOF EASE OF USE E-RECRUITMENT” was tested in the examination session of the Facultyof Psychology State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on 11 January 2016. Thisskripsi has been accepted as one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor degree ofpsychology (S.Psi) at the Faculty of Psychology.


Jakarta, January 11 2016Examination Committee

Dean / Deputy of Dean /Chairperson and Member Secretary and Member

Prof. Dr. Abdul Mujib, M.Ag.,M.Si. Dr. Abd. Rahman Shaleh, M.Si. NIP. 19680614 199704 1 001 NIP. 19720823 199903 1 002

Members :

Drs. Akhmad Baidun, M.Si Liany Luzvinda, M.SiNIP.19640814 200112 1 001 NIP. 19780216 200710 2 001

Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, Psi. NIP. 19770608 200501 2 003