The Daily Inspiration of Walter DeVoe - Walter DeVoe

Post on 04-Oct-2015

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Walter DeVoe is one of the finest mystics of the past century. He devoted his life to exploring universal truths and applying them in practice through the power of mind and spirit in order to bring greater healing love and angelic attunement into the world. In this short treatise, Mr. DeVoe synthesizes a score of empowering spiritual principles, fashioning uplifting affirmations as well as an instructive discourse that illuminates specific aspects of salvation for all upon the Divine Path towards becoming an Angel of the Heavens in Service to the Creator of The Universe.

Transcript of The Daily Inspiration of Walter DeVoe - Walter DeVoe

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    TTThhheee DDDaaaiiilllyyy IIInnnssspppiiirrraaatttiiiooonnn ooofff

    WWWaaalllttteeerrr DDDeeeVVVoooeee


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    As a counselor and healer, I have devoted many hours a day to blessing

    and transmitting my realizations of soul power to my friends at a distance.

    A lifetime devoted to creative thought for the healing and strengthening

    of souls has kept my mind exalted above mundane disturbing thoughts

    and feelings. During these hours of creative activity, my entire mind

    became polarized to a vivid and victorious State of Being. I led others up

    the steep ascent to these sublime heights of contemplation. I poured out

    to all receptive souls the wisdom and power gained by soul contact with

    mighty Immortals. I saw the possibility of perfect health and happiness

    for every human being who would walk in this Way of Eternal Life, and

    who would so organize their lives as to gradually outgrow the qualities

    that hold their souls bound to weakness and pain.

    I have helped others to health. They have realized soul life and power to

    the degree that they have practiced the spiritual principles herein. There

    are many who would receive a startling spiritual awakening just by

    reading these words charged with soul potencies. Some would be

    healed immediately of either mental or physical disturbances by reading

    these words. But the majority would uncover their soul health gradually

    by attuning their lives to the purpose of the Creator. As they made

    themselves worthy builders with the Creator, all the wealth of heaven

    would be poured out through them to make them mighty souls. Their

    healing and realization of a perfect and powerful character would come

    as a result of their service to others.

    Whoever will meditate daily, and endeavor to bring their mind back to

    their own soul center of consciousness, as the clock strikes each hour,

    will begin to realize the awakening of those divine potentialities which

    will provide them with endless happy experiences for eternity.

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    In these meditations I seek to reveal to my friends what I have learned in

    my quiet moments of communion with the Source of all knowledge. I am

    not trying to convert the prejudiced or unbelieving. These experiences

    and revelations are unique and unusual simply because very few

    persons devote time to deep thought, or seek to discover what lies

    behind their reactions to outer experiences. As the thoughts born of the

    mathematical faculties are difficult to understand to one who has not

    studied mathematics deeply, so the thoughts born of the spiritual

    faculties are difficult to one who has not developed that part of the mind.

    My experience is that spiritual faculties can be fed and strengthened in

    the same way as the mathematical faculties; so I have provided the

    thought-food, the study of which will enlarge and deepen the spiritual

    understanding of students of Truth. As they ponder upon these thoughts

    they will have certain inner reactions which will reveal the possibility of a

    new world of spiritual activity and experience. What I have realized will, I

    hope, inspire students to think and create for themselves as I have done.

    I have arisen before the sun to bless my friends, and all the world. Most

    of the people in this country are asleep, passive to the blessings of

    Inspiration which it is my job to pour out to their souls. While their minds

    are passive, their souls are alert, and more responsive to blessings.

    What an opportunity! Realizing the potent force of thought, and aware

    that a host of Victorious Immortals are concentrating their love through

    my thought, I enjoy the exhilaration of blessing all souls in this country. I

    desire that everyone shall attain to this exalted realization of themselves

    as an influential personality, so I urge my readers to begin the day in

    quiet concentration, affirming:

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    III aaammm aaa bbbeeeiiinnnggg ooofff rrraaadddiiiaaannnttt pppooowwweeerrr,,,

    AAAttttttuuunnniiinnnggg aaallllll mmmiiinnndddsss tttooo ttthhheee CCCooosssmmmiiiccc WWWiiillllll...

    Those who claim that they can find no time for quiet thought during the

    day, would gain great spiritual profit by rising at four or five in the

    morning and devoting a half hour to creative concentration. They would

    escape that heavy psychical period which many experience toward

    morning. Returning to bed after having become positive by meditation,

    they would be refreshed by further relaxation, whether they slept or

    remained awake. When I arise at four in the morning, I think of all my

    friends, and read to them from spiritual writings, letting the life and joy of

    my realization of Divine Inspiration flow to them. Then, thinking of those

    who have written to me for wisdom or soul strength, I feel Divine Power

    as I affirm:

    III sssiiittt ssseeerrreeennneee iiinnn mmmyyy PPPlllaaaccceee ooofff PPPooowwweeerrr

    CCCrrreeeaaatttiiinnnggg wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee wwwiiillllll ooofff ttthhheee OOOmmmnnniiipppooottteeennnttt...

    Another day is dawning. I am sitting facing the west, and in imagination I

    see the whole nation awakening to the dawning of a new day. The sun

    will soon rise over the Atlantic Ocean and bless Boston with the radiance

    of its golden light. As it rises higher and higher in the heavens, the

    darkness of night will fade from the land and the light of day will reign

    supreme. So shall the spiritual Orb of Splendor rise for every soul in the

    land, and lift the pall of depression from the people of the nation. My

    work this day and every day is to voice the Inspiration of the Creator,

    and to shine as a soul-sun to dissolve the gloom that hides the glory and

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    power within every soul. This should be the work of all enlightened souls.

    III aaammm aaa pppooottteeennnttt pppeeerrrsssooonnnaaallliiitttyyy

    PPPrrroooccclllaaaiiimmmiiinnnggg ttthhheee ggglllooorrryyy ooofff ttthhheee sssooouuulll...

    The world is spread before me in imagination. I bless its millions with a

    love that would awaken them to the Inspiration of the All One, lighten

    their burdens, soothe their pain, and harmonize their difficulties. O

    Creator, help them realize that they can have a spontaneity of creative

    joy expressing from the Ever-Presence in their souls which would make

    them masters of destiny. As I sit quietly blessing these millions of souls, I

    am aware of waves of soft spiritual light vibrating through my blessings

    to them. This consciousness of the cooperation of a luminous power

    greater than I alone could generate has grown during the years of my

    service to humanity. I know from hourly experience that anyone can tune

    in with the Cosmic Will and become a mediator for the transmission of

    wisdom and power. May this mighty truth be revealed to the multitudes

    who are sick, weak and helplessly bewildered, unaware of their divine

    potentialities as sons and daughters of the Almighty. Everyone who

    tunes in with this mighty Inspiration will help to bring enlightenment to

    humanity, and find happiness for themselves.

    III aaammm rrraaadddiiiaaannnttt wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr'''sss BBBllleeessssssiiinnngggsss;;;

    III aaammm mmmiiiggghhhtttyyy iiinnn EEEttteeerrrnnnaaalll LLLooovvveee...

    Whence these luminous waves? Whence these pulsations of power?

    The Inspiration of the Creator rises out of my own soul as I bless, but

    these luminous waves of power are the inspiration flowing from other

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    souls. They are the blessings expressed by the Victorious Immortals.

    Vibrating in unison with my blessings, they gain a tangibility from my

    mind that brings them into touch with the people of the earth, and at the

    same time they give an exalting power and radiance to my soul that

    makes my blessings more inspiring and more effective. Could I make

    real to those walking in spiritual darkness the reality of my experience,

    and the joy they might experience, all would seek as I have sought to

    know the Consciousness of the Creator. This is the knowledge of eternal

    life, health, peace and joy.

    BBBeeecccaaauuussseee III hhhaaavvveee mmmaaadddeee ttthhheee EEEttteeerrrnnnaaalll BBBeeeiiinnnggg

    MMMyyy hhhaaabbbiiitttaaatttiiiooonnn ,,,

    TTThhheee AAAllllll OOOnnneee hhhaaasss gggiiivvveeennn AAAnnngggeeelll HHHooossstttsss

    CCChhhaaarrrgggeee ooovvveeerrr mmmeee,,,

    TTTooo llliiiggghhhttteeennn aaallllll mmmyyy dddaaayyysss...

    The multitudes I have blessed for hours every day through the years

    have called out of my soul a consciousness of Love which is to me life

    eternal. I am not merely a physical person: I am an immortal individual.

    My consciousness transcends the experience of the three dimensional

    world, and I live consciously in higher dimensions of life and thought. I

    live in and enjoy heaven here and now, because I have cultivated the

    qualities of soul intelligence which make heaven. Heaven is my throne,

    earth is my footstool. What I experience, all may experience. I proclaim

    my own experience that other souls may venture fearlessly, and discover

    their divine inheritance, the Consciousness of the Creator.

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    MMMyyy tttrrraaannnsssccceeennndddeeennnttt sssooouuulll iiisss aaawwwaaakkkeeennniiinnnggg

    TTTooo ttthhheee bbbllliiissssss ooofff EEEttteeerrrnnnaaalll BBBeeeiiinnnggg...

    The consciousness of eternal life is not necessarily gained by dying

    because the loss of the physical body does not change the mind. It is not

    realized by psychical experiences because they do not awaken the soul;

    not by psychic phenomena because they merely appeal to the senses.

    This consciousness is attained by deepening and developing the mind

    until it realizes the eternal life which the soul is now living. The

    happiness of heaven can be realized now in the joys of creative service

    that bring into expression the beauty and intelligence of the soul. No

    mortal beliefs or experiences can take from me the joy of my eternal life

    in the Creator.

    III aaammm rrraaadddiiiaaannnttt wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee cccooonnnsssccciiiooouuusssnnneeessssss

    TTThhhaaattt III aaammm aaallliiivvveee fffooorrreeevvveeerrrmmmooorrreee...

    Looking back into my life I see now that I was spiritually asleep up to the

    time I became aware of my immortal life in the All One. My mind was

    filled with mental reactions to the facts and forces of the material world. I

    knew nothing of the real forces of the realm of mind. I was in a dream

    state infatuated with the materialistic superstitions, such as the

    commonly held belief that I or anyone could die. Now that I am awake to

    the realities of an endless life, how infantile seem my former intellectual

    conceits, which I called knowledge and science. How blind I was to the

    Presence of Intelligence which has so profoundly provided for the

    endless development of the individualized intelligences the Ever-Present

    created. How can I exercise the awakened powers of my soul to arouse

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    the immortal children of the Creator, who suffer and sorrow because

    they are psychologized by materialistic superstitions? There is

    satisfaction for their sorrow, there is peace for their pain, there is

    prosperity for their poverty, awaiting them in the Consciousness of the


    TTThhheee IIInnnssspppiiirrraaatttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee AAAlllmmmiiiggghhhtttyyy

    IIIsss mmmyyy llliiiggghhhttt aaannnddd aaawwwaaakkkeeennniiinnnggg pppooowwweeerrr...

    I sense strong and steady pulsations of power as I bless my friends, and

    the people of this nation. They are the blessings of the Victorious

    Immortals. They come from an Orb of Splendor that is shining like the

    rising sun above this country to bring enlightenment to its people. The

    Immortals who dwell in this Spiritual Sphere have come to transform the

    world, and to bring peace and prosperity to all humanity. This day their

    power is pulsating through all souls. All who will attune their lives to the

    benevolent purpose of the Victorious Immortals will begin to realize the

    health, the peace and the creative joy which will make life here on this

    earth a glorious and progressive experience of the eternal life of the


    III bbbllleeessssss ttthhheee BBBeeeiiinnngggsss ooofff BBBeeeaaauuutttyyy

    WWWhhhooo dddwwweeellllll iiinnn ttthhheee RRReeeaaalllmmm ooofff LLLiiiggghhhttt...

    It is a most exalting experience to meditate early in the morning and to

    feel that one can positively influence a whole world of sleeping minds. In

    blessing these minds, I do not try to impose my will upon them. I tune in

    with the Cosmic Will and feel Its creative mood which prevails this day. I

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    thus exalt my mind into accord with my Creator and feel the practical

    power of Infinite Will inspiring all my plans and purposes during this day.

    I become a step-down transformer for the power of the Cosmic Will.

    Everyone can learn to do this, and in so doing they will enlarge and exalt

    their personal power. It opens the inner door to permanent health and

    success. The inner Inspiration of the Ever-Present is felt by many this

    day as a creative urge, moving them to create, originate and invent. The

    outer inspiration of the Victorious Immortals is felt by those harmonious

    souls attuned to its purpose as a purifying and perfecting power. The

    Administration of the Almighty is preparing the world for a new and more

    benevolent leadership. Now is the opportunity for every soul to become

    a bearer of Light to make the humanitarian purpose of Heaven real and

    powerful in this world of practical affairs.

    III aaammm aaattttttuuunnneeeddd tttooo ttthhheee CCCooosssmmmiiiccc WWWiiillllll

    AAAnnnddd aaattttttuuunnneee aaallllll sssooouuulllsss tttooo iiitttsss lllooovvveee...

    The mood this day is receptivity, sensitivity, impressionability, and

    responsiveness of soul to divine monitions. The Immortals are seeking

    the sensitive souls who are the salt of the earth, in order to purify them of

    the psychical influences which hold them in subjection, and draw them

    into a unity of purpose that shall provide earth with the mightiest souls

    that have ever been known. I have felt the Inspiration of the Almighty

    and the Angel Hosts flowing through and around me this day, blessing

    all sensitive souls with awakening power.

    WWWeee rrreeessspppooonnnddd tttooo ttthhheee HHHaaarrrmmmooonnnyyy ooofff HHHeeeaaavvveeennn

    AAAnnnddd cccrrreeeaaattteee wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee AAAnnngggeeelllsss ooofff ttthhheee EEEvvveeerrr---PPPrrreeessseeennnttt...

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    As I commune with souls everywhere in the early morning hours I sense

    a stirring of those souls which presages a mighty awakening. In the

    midst of the gloom glows a great light. Those living on the mental plane

    do not feel it. But those whose hearts are attuned to the humanitarian

    motive, and who are seeking how they may do the greatest good for

    their fellows, feel the Urge and see the Light beginning to illuminate their


    Young men and women have thought deeply upon the motives that have

    ruled destructively in the past, and many of them have felt the Real

    Motive that will perfect and glorify life here on earth, and bring peace

    and prosperity to all. These young people will be our leaders, and the

    builders of a new nation and a new world. Every one of us can help to

    usher in this new era, and give soul strength to these youthful leaders by

    cultivating, intensifying and expressing the perfecting influence of Love.

    The gloom will be dissipated by the Light of Love that we all create. The

    world will become perfect as we perfect ourselves by expressing Love in

    all our ways.

    TTThhheee pppeeerrrfffeeeccctttiiinnnggg PPPooowwweeerrr ooofff LLLooovvveee

    IIIsss cccrrreeeaaatttiiinnnggg aaa nnneeewww ccchhhaaarrraaacccttteeerrr aaannnddd aaa dddiiivvviiinnneee dddeeessstttiiinnnyyy...

    What a pleasure to arise early and quietly tune in with the mood and

    meaning of the new day! What priceless moments of serenity and

    harmony, when the whole world pulsates with healing love! What a

    spiritual leverage it gives over the conflicts and confusions of the day! I

    feel myself a universal soul teacher and healer in these exalted

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    moments of meditation. I enjoy my attunement with the Cosmic Will and

    act with it to bless responsive souls in all the world who are serving

    humanity. All might enjoy as I enjoy this communion with the Cosmic Will

    and realize Its healing power working constructively in them to

    harmonize body and affairs. But as they are as yet asleep to the truth

    that they can be active agents of the Will of the Creator, those who are

    awakened must vibrate an awakening influence to arouse those around

    them to know and live life more abundantly. I feel Divine Inspiration as I


    LLLooovvveee pppuuulllsssaaattteeesss pppooowwweeerrrfffuuullllllyyy ttthhhrrrooouuuggghhh mmmeee

    TTTooo aaawwwaaakkkeeennn aaannnddd hhheeeaaalll ttthhheee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn ooofff

    TTThhheee EEEvvveeerrr---PPPrrreeessseeennnttt...

    I feel that the Inspiration of the Almighty is exalting and empowering all

    natural and spiritual healers. Life requires expression and not

    suppression, in order to heal and perfect human lives on the physical,

    mental and spiritual levels. The suppressive psychology and medication

    of the past will be replaced by the psychology of self-expression, and

    healing methods which liberate life to perfect expression. Intelligent

    organizing Life is always present and always powerful to perfect human

    character and to heal human bodies, but it requires humanity to think,

    feel and act so as to give it expression. Then humanity is transformed by

    the renewal of its life and mind from within. The more I teach the more I

    know, the more I bless the greater is the healing love that flows through

    my soul; the more I use my will constructively the greater is my power to

    do so. Thus I fulfill the law of self-expression. Love is the fulfilling of the

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    MMMiiiggghhhtttyyy mmmiiirrraaacccllleeesss ooofff LLLooovvveee

    SSShhhaaallllll ggglllooorrriiifffyyy ttthhheee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn ooofff ttthhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr...

    I see those Beings who personify the authority of the Almighty touching

    and awakening young men and women throughout the world, and

    preparing them to fulfill a mighty purpose. They will draw them together

    into an efficient organization. They will show them the Way, and make

    them leaders of world emancipation. These young people will be

    inspired and will speak with authority. They will reveal moral, as well as

    mechanical principles. They will organize human society and create

    peace and prosperity. As natural and spiritual healers they will perform

    miracles of love. As healers they will fill the hospitals with their healing

    radiance. As teachers of children they will be panoplied with a power

    which will protect children from all destructive psychical influences. As

    scientists they will show the unity of spiritual and physical forces. They

    will establish righteousness and justice and transform laborious work into

    humanitarian service.

    TTThhheee IIInnnssspppiiirrraaatttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee AAAlllmmmiiiggghhhtttyyy

    SSShhhaaallllll ggglllooorrriiifffyyy ttthhheee yyyooouuuttthhh ooofff ttthhheee lllaaannnddd...

    I unite with the Immortal Idealists in the heavenly Realm to bless all

    souls who are trying to make their ideals real and practical in this

    physical world. The ideals of visionaries and dreamers of the past are

    the practical facts of today. After many years of exploration in the Realm

    of the Ideal, I can say that it contains the answers to all human prayers,

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    and will satisfy all aspiring souls with permanent peace and progressive

    wisdom. We have realized strength and inspiration as we have kept

    attuned with the Victorious Immortals who would lift the whole world into

    their exalted state of peace and perfection. They are giving the force of

    faith to their ideals, knowing that sometime, somewhere, they will

    become realities.

    AAAsss aaassssssoooccciiiaaattteeesss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee AAAnnngggeeelllsss ooofff

    TTThhheee EEEvvveeerrr---PPPrrreeessseeennnttt

    WWWeee rrraaadddiiiaaattteee ttthhheee bbbllleeessssssiiinnngggsss ooofff hhheeeaaavvveeennn...

    As I have consecrated a lifetime to making my ideals real, so have

    others envisioned the possibilities and determined to sacrifice and serve

    together to make those ideals real. After years of association, we have

    developed a Concord of Creators, every member of which has

    consecrated their lives to doing the Cosmic Will. Every one has pledged

    to sacrifice personal selfishness, time, talents and money in order to help

    build a new world. Collective self-expression has become to us a source

    of strength and success.

    IIInnn ttthhheee uuunnniiitttyyy aaannnddd vvviiibbbrrraaannncccyyy ooofff ooouuurrr sssooouuulllsss,,,

    WWWeee aaarrreee aaa mmmiiiggghhhtttyyy CCCooonnncccooorrrddd ooofff CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrrsss...

    We have been a progressive nation. Other nations have followed our

    lead. The ideas and inventions born in this country have had a liberating

    influence upon the whole world. We have sought a personal and a

    selfish liberty, but we shall progress to the realization that "Where the

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    Spirit of Love is, there is Liberty." The liberty of the immortal sons and

    daughters of the Creator will be realized as we outgrow selfishness, and

    lose our lives in unselfish service. In the present world men and women

    are turning for light to the intelligence of their own souls, and they are

    learning how love will bring liberty. As we realize and organize this Love

    and make it practical we shall become a progressive nation in the truest

    sense, and lead the world to freedom from poverty, criminality, and all

    the evils born of selfishness. For all souls in this nation, I affirm:

    YYYooouuu aaarrreee tttrrriiiuuummmppphhhaaannnttt iiinnn ttthhheee WWWiiillllll ooofff ttthhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr;;;

    YYYooouuu ssshhhaaallllll eeexxxttteeennnddd ttthhheee kkkiiinnngggdddooommm ooofff LLLooovvveee...

    The Victorious Immortals have created Places of Radiance in the

    spiritual worlds to which the sick and distraught spirits newly risen from

    earth are brought for their healing. Angelic Beings bathe these

    discordant spirits in their love and harmonize and heal them. Then they

    teach them how to think constructively and how to bless with love until

    each one becomes a center of radiance and a healing influence to

    others. When I envisioned these spiritual and celestial Places of

    Radiance years ago, I planned to create a Place of Radiance in the

    physical world. The students therein would be taught how to express

    divine Love and become so radiant that together they would create an

    atmosphere of harmony into which the Angels could come and help

    them make a mighty Place of Radiance on earth. We can truly affirm:

    OOOmmmnnniiipppooottteeennnccceee gggiiivvveeesss pppooowwweeerrr tttooo aaallllll ooouuurrr bbbllleeessssssiiinnngggsss;;;

    OOOmmmnnniiipppooottteeennnccceee iiinnnssspppiiirrreeesss ooouuurrr PPPlllaaaccceee ooofff RRRaaadddiiiaaannnccceee...

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    I would use the magic of words to withdraw your mind from its

    entanglement in the shadow world to the contemplation of the truths of

    the realm of Reality. The truth of your Being is so deep, so profound, so

    glorious, that you could spend endless years in the contemplation of its

    beauty. The truth of your Being is the truth of the Creator. As you learn

    to express the potentialities of your own nature , you will reveal the truth

    and power of the Ever-Present. The truth most essential for you to know,

    if you would outgrow your mental and physical limitations, is the truth of

    that Divine Dynamic which you call your Self. You will find inspiration

    and power in the truth that you are a living Will, a Will that can conquer

    ignorance, disaster, and fate, and rise to those heights of self-knowledge

    and self-expression which have been attained by the Angels of the

    Almighty. Meditate upon this thought this day:

    YYYooouuu ssshhhaaallllll kkknnnooowww ttthhheee tttrrruuuttthhh,,,

    AAAnnnddd ttthhheee tttrrruuuttthhh ssshhhaaallllll mmmaaakkkeee yyyooouuu fffrrreeeeee...

    You are an immortal form of Intelligence! You are not the limited physical

    form. You are not the limited mind that functions through your flesh. You

    are an intelligent Soul, superior to physical and mental forms and

    conditions. You were born from the love-intelligence of the Creator, to

    personify Wisdom and Beauty.

    As the poets song is a thing of beauty which words cannot adequately

    express; as the artists picture, as it exists in the Realm of the Mind, can

    be but faintly represented in form and color on canvas; so the Creators

    Idea of you is a transcendent Soul which flesh and thought utterly fail to

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    reveal. Meditate upon this thought today:

    IIInnntttooo mmmyyy nnnaaatttuuurrreee aaarrreee wwwooovvveeennn

    AAAllllll ttthhheee aaattttttrrriiibbbuuuttteeesss ooofff IIInnnfffiiinnniiittteee IIInnnttteeelllllliiigggeeennnccceee...

    The physical world of sensation is but the shadow of the Reality. Matter

    is absolutely obedient to the creative forces of Mind. Lift your thought

    from appearances to the Realm of Reality. Conceive of your soul as the

    Creators idea, and time and space will reveal more and more of the

    beauty of your real Self.

    Your thought has created a mental sphere which attracts mental and

    physical conditions manifesting the quality and intelligence of your

    thought. Your present condition is the effect of your acceptance of the

    thoughts and feelings of the race mind, thoughts and feelings based

    upon material experience. You must re-conceive yourself by creating a

    nobler and truer concept of your own being. You glorify your Creator by

    thinking truly of your Self. Now you desire to create a more peaceful and

    perfect world. There is a perfect pattern in the Divine Mind. You can

    conceive of this pattern and recreate your mental and physical world

    after its image and likeness. You can attune your mind to the Divine Idea

    and think Divine Thoughts.

    III hhhaaavvveee fffooouuunnnddd mmmyyy bbbiiirrrttthhhrrriiiggghhhttt aaasss

    TTThhheee IIImmmaaagggeee ooofff ttthhheee IIInnnfffiiinnniiittteee,,,

    AAAnnnddd III ssshhhaaallllll aaabbbiiidddeee iiinnn ttthhhiiisss CCCooonnnsssccciiiooouuusssnnneeessssss fffooorrreeevvveeerrr...

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    You can drink of refreshing water from the well of Divine Thought. You

    can partake of spiritual food from the table of Divine Love. You can

    breathe the Breath of Divine Meaning, and be inspired by the life of the

    Creator. You can feel the pulsations of the Heart of Divine Love within

    your own being, and be restored to angelic health. You will unfold the

    latent wisdom and power in your true Self by learning to give out the

    thoughts born of Inspiration to those in need. You are to learn to send

    forth a stream of true thoughts from your own creative Intelligence. As

    your thought is lifted up, you will draw all minds to the Light from whence

    your thought proceeds. Think today of the exaltation of the Immortals

    who glorified the All One by thinking Infinite Thoughts, feeling Eternal

    Love, and doing the Omnipotent Will, and affirm with them:

    III aaammm wwweeeaaavvviiinnnggg aaa wwweeebbb ooofff lllooovvveee

    FFFooorrr ttthhheee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn ooofff eeeaaarrrttthhh...

    The Creator is the active life and energy that you see displayed in all the

    forms that surround you. The forms you see are the effects of Ever-

    Presence. The All One is the unseen cause of their life and activity. They

    are unreal and temporary: Jehovih is real and permanent. They are the

    shadow: Jehovih is the Light. All that your senses know are but shadow-

    imitations of the real. Do not identify yourself with the shadows which are

    transient things, because thereby you suffer loss when they pass.

    Identify yourself with the creative Intelligence which gives these things

    their temporary existence. You cannot be content with shadows and

    sensory pleasures because your consciousness is in the Realm of

    Reality. You can be satisfied only in the enjoyment of its everlasting

    Being. Listen to the Inspiration in your soul which always encourages,

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    strengthens and invigorates your faith. Identify your Intelligence with that

    exalted Intelligence which sees no limitations, which feels the joy of

    endless life and of ever-growing aspirations. Feel that you are the

    Intelligence that has conquered all things, and attained to immortal

    freedom and power.

    Begin to live in the Consciousness which is deeper and broader than

    your sense life. Be yourself a creative cause for the ideal and happy

    state that will satisfy your highest conception of what is good and true.

    AAAllllll ttthhheee cccrrreeeaaatttiiivvveee pppooottteeennnccciiieeesss ooofff ttthhheee AAAlllmmmiiiggghhhtttyyy

    AAAwwwaaakkkeeennn mmmeee tttooo eeevvveeerrrlllaaassstttiiinnnggg llliiifffeee aaannnddd aaaccctttiiivvviiitttyyy...

    Open-mindedness and tolerance toward all need not hinder

    discrimination as to the particular value or degree of spiritual

    development of any person. Your sympathy and goodwill for everyone in

    every condition of life open ways through which you receive blessings

    and benefits the Creator is ever giving through all creation. When you

    close your mind to the understanding and appreciation of the intelligence

    of any creature you close your life to the good that the All One may give

    you through that soul. To limit wisdom or revelation to one sect, or

    doctrine, or nation, is to limit your realization of the intelligence and

    power of the Creator. The Ever-Present is uttering Infinite Intelligence

    through the scientific mind, the metaphysical mind, the materialist, the

    spiritualist, and through the revealer of planetary lore. You are to test all

    things in order to find that which proves most potent in practice. The

    universe as a whole is not great enough to reveal all the wisdom and

    power of the Creator; how shall one book, one cult, or one nation

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    comprehend or reveal all of the Infinite Intelligence?

    MMMyyy uuunnndddeeerrrssstttaaannndddiiinnnggg ssshhhaaallllll bbbeee ooopppeeennn

    TTTooo aaallllll ttthhheee wwwiiisssdddooommm ooofff TTThhhyyy PPPrrreeessseeennnccceee...

    Divine Intelligence knows all by being all. Let your mind find rest and

    peace in the all-comprehending Mind. Your intelligence and Divine

    Intelligence are one, and inseparable. Free your mind from beliefs and

    prejudices which hide this consciousness of Oneness. Feel the

    greatness and glory of your intelligence reaching out to the Infinite from

    the depths of darkness to the heights of Light. You will realize a new

    depth of meaning in this affirmation:

    TTThhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr aaannnddd III aaarrreee ooonnneee...

    Mother those in the babyhood of intelligence with the unselfish kindness

    of a godlike being. Do not criticize, condemn or ridicule them for what

    they do not understand. Win them to your thought by gentleness and

    tolerance. Help them as you would help the undeveloped babe, and they

    will grow to bless you.

    Work not for any selfish end. Let the joys of self-expression be your

    satisfying reward. You will find satisfaction in seeing the ripening fruits of

    your efforts. Leave the fruitage in the Creators hands. Thus you grow in

    freedom and are not bound by self-interest.

  • 20

    III aaammm rrraaadddiiiaaannnttt wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr'''sss BBBllleeessssssiiinnngggsss,,,

    III aaammm mmmiiiggghhhtttyyy iiinnn EEEttteeerrrnnnaaalll LLLooovvveee...

    Your life of loving service for the good of all lifts up the whole world. You

    are an active, creative center in the Mind of the Whole, and every mind

    is benefited by your activity. You are a silent, subjective source of

    inspiration and faith to other souls attuned to your radiant influence. You

    are an active agent of the Almighty. You feel the Love of the Creator

    expressing through your soul to all children. This is the freeing Spirit.

    Where the Spirit of Love is, there is liberty. The love you radiate makes

    your atmosphere luminous and harmonious with the healing light of

    Heaven. Your love for all is the very feeling of the Infinite Intelligence,

    which purifies and liberates your mind and soul, and links you with the

    Victorious Immortals of all ages.

    I am a blessing, Love is my power. O, the wisdom and power of this

    Presence of Inspiration! My mind is stilled in wonder, and awe of the

    Eternal is the beginning of wisdom. This Presence does everything,

    moves constellations of suns or creates human bodies with equal ease. I

    relax into this effortless Presence and find peace and power. Why strain

    after things and accumulate heavy and enduring responsibilities in the

    outer world when wisdom and satisfaction are found only in the inner

    world of the soul?

    III dddwwweeellllll iiinnn ttthhheee CCCooonnnsssccciiiooouuusssnnneeessssss ooofff ttthhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr...

    III aaabbbiiidddeee iiinnn EEEttteeerrrnnnaaalll PPPeeeaaaccceee...

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    The nation extends before my thought, and every soul therein draws

    upon my love. Every soul I bless adds to the enriching current of love

    that flows through me. My supreme satisfaction is found in feeling and

    acting as a universal brother. My sympathetic understanding of the

    limitations and suffering of human souls inspires me to serve to the

    utmost degree to bring them the liberty I have found. I want to give to all

    the benefits of my knowledge and experience. I want to lead them up the

    mount of vision where they will see what I see:

    NNNeeewww ttthhhooouuuggghhhtttsss,,, nnneeewww hhhooopppeeesss,,, nnneeewww dddrrreeeaaammmsss,,,

    nnneeewww ssstttaaarrrrrryyy wwwooorrrlllddd tttooo ssscccaaannn,,,

    AAAsss TTTiiimmmeee ppprrroooccclllaaaiiimmmsss ttthhheee DDDaaawwwnnn,,,

    TTThhheee bbbrrrooottthhheeerrrhhhooooooddd ooofff mmmaaannn...

    Inspiration has led me into the exalted realization of the One Who is All.

    While I tell of many planes and states of life, nevertheless I see but One

    all-comprehending Mind, in which all minds live, move and have their

    being, whether they have physical bodies or not. In the realization of

    unity with all I cannot think or feel aught against another because in so

    doing I injure myself. I am impelled to bless, give and serve to the utmost

    degree because in satisfying others, I am myself satisfied. Thus in unity

    of thought and feeling with all, I affirm, as the clock strikes the hour.

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    BBBeeennneeevvvooollleeennnccceee iiisss mmmyyy iiinnnssspppiiirrraaatttiiiooonnn

    AAAnnnddd ttthhheee CCCrrreeeaaatttooorrr ooofff aaa hhhaaappppppyyy dddeeessstttiiinnnyyy...

    TTThhheee EEEnnnddd