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William John Meegan


SNOWFLAKE is a word that somewhat conveys definitively the nature of the soul whether it consciously understand and submit itself to the Spiritual Law: i.e. God or not. The word angel doesnt quite address what the nature of the soul is. The soul is tabula rasa (blank slate at conception) and its raison dtre (reason for existence) is to live and enjoy life.

The Spiritual Law (God) imbues the soul with its eternal raison dtre; whereas, human parents gifts the soul with defined personality characteristics during the gestation period, just as a snowflake is imbued with a defined pattern. It is the unanimity of the raison dtre and the parents gift of personality characteristics that the soul has to work with while experiencing life via this amalgamating process on a conscious level. The soul flutters every which way, like a snowflake in all directions, as is illustrated by the initiate that traverses the labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral and as Christ said from the cross, into thy hands I commend my spirit. This total absolute submission to the Spiritual Law, that is God, is the a priori archetypal paradigm that every soul experiences in life consciously in the Garden of Eden or unconsciously in the bowels of hell: i.e. mundane existence in the material world. This article is all about how the ancient scribes envisaged the Word of God from out of the psyche scientifically via reason and logic and how they imbued the Word of God into the sacred scriptures of the world symbolically and alphanumerically; therefore the sacred scriptures must be studied and read symbolically and alphanumerically letter by letter and word by word. This work will demonstrate why it is that every imaginable thought that the mind of man is capable of conceiving comes to the fore in the initiates quest to understand what the sacred scriptures are trying to convey.This is a new and an exceedingly radical approach to interpreting the Jueao Christian Scriptures, at least from modernity perspective, and by extension the worlds sacred literature. Here in this article, as in my other articles and published works, I bring to the banquet not rhetoric, which is yesterdays leftovers whos recipes no one in modernity can intuit and/or grasp intellectually; rather, I bring to the banquet scientifically discernible evidence of all that I intuit and interpret from the sacred scriptures. I believe in demonstrable evidence not the rhetoric of the ages.This article is about to explode the mystical nature of the world that the Soul lives in. The unbeliever that lives in the materialistic world, not knowing anything about God, spiritually denies the psyche of the unbeliever from ever envisaging the mystical nature of the world. It is only those that have regained their souls that are graced with the love of God: i.e. a vision of God. It is hoped that the initiate learning the mystical nature of the Judeao Christian Scriptures can earn his or her birthright that is the vision from God, which will enable him or her to see the mystical nature of the world: i.e. the soul learning about itself. Have you discerned the difference between the Labyrinth and the Maze? Believe it or not these two concepts are often interchangeable amongst scholars. The Labyrinth has but one path to the center, which the Holy Spirit guides the initiate along it path every way it turns; whereas, the Maze is a worldly device created by the mental acuity of ego-consciousness. The Maze has many paths to its objective, which has no guide and often a person would lose his mind along the way because of the many chaotic directional paths to the end goal and an unguided individual could possibly end up in an insane asylum.



How did the ancient sages envisage the WORD OF GOD[footnoteRef:1]? And how did these scribes of antiquity transcribe that message into what is known today as the sacred scriptures? This is what this article is all about and intends to definitively illustrate. I am perfectly qualified to perform this task seeing that I have been mysteriously guided by the Holy Spirit for the past forty-years. I will speak of that spiritual process as I unravel some of the mysteries culled out of the first four chapters of Genesis in this article. [1: I, personally, define the word GOD as impersonal universal spiritual law, which is impossible to infringe upon. Ignorance of this law is no excuse for not knowing it.]

The sacred scriptures of the world were written, via each of its volumes, mythologically in the very selfsame manner in which dreams[footnoteRef:2] are experienced by the individual; however, dreams are subjective[footnoteRef:3]; whereas, scriptural writing is a very objective and precision science, which uses the SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS: Arithmetic, Music/Harmony, Geometry, Astronomy/Astrology, Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic/Dialectics in unanimity as one integrated science to codify the WORD OF GOD into the mythoi of the culture. In this manner only the surface mythological storyline is available to the masses; whereas, the esoteric nature of the texts, alphanumerically structured, is available only to the initiate that understand the art of scriptural writing (esotericism). In todays modern world this ancient practice of using the disciplines of the SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS as one unified scientific system of thought is forgotten and no longer in used simply because the WORD OF GOD is no longer being scribed into any new mythological storylines. It is the goal of this article to demonstrate how the SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS were used and codified into the sacred scriptures to convey the WORD OF GOD. [2: During sleep ego-consciousness submerges into the depths of the dynamic vortex of the unconscious mind and becomes completely subservient to it as in being a captive audience. While in this state of deep-sleep ego-consciousness neither thinks nor acts for itself, in any manner whatsoever, it just experiences what the unconscious mind provides it. This vortex of the unconscious mind has neither sounds nor pictures nor dialogue nor any sensual and/or materialistic qualities whatsoever; however, upon awakening ego-consciousness records that experience, that was just experienced while sleeping, in the dynamic vortex of the unconscious mind, into a verbal or written commentary; thus, calling it a dream. This dreaming process is actually a precursor (preview) to the initiate that consciously dialogues with the unconscious mind; thus, creating the Garden of Eden in the real world. Ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind become equals; thus, creating a spiritual haven consciously. It is as if the initiate having been reborn retains the knowledge he or she gained throughout his or her life. ] [3: Dreams are subjective; because, they are personal to the dreamer and because dreams are extremely difficult to recollect in any amount of detail upon awakening.]

The Judeao Christian Scriptures as a library of books is merely a cultural religion system[footnoteRef:4] via a complex mechanism created solely as a mnemonic device so that the SOUL would never forget its true spiritual origins. The Judeao Christian Scriptures completely reveals the vision that God graces the initiate with, in such a manner, that nothing is left to chance. When the initiate understand the sacred scriptures, the incarnation of Christ, he or she will know God the Father: as Christ said, Whoever has seen me has seen the father (John 14:9). [4: Every religion around the world has their own esoteric method in which they codified the WORD OF GOD into their sacred scriptures, which would have to be somewhat similar to how the Judeao Christian Scriptures were structured.]

The WORD OF GOD is a commentary on the MONAD (Christ), which is not GOD the FATHER[footnoteRef:5]; rather, it is Christ, the Son of GOD and the commentary on the MONAD: God/Man Christ is in the form of a ten by ten (10 x 10) matrix[footnoteRef:6], which is the incarnation of Christ (the body and blood of Christ), which I will explain and lay out graphically in a far greater detail in this article. The commentary on the MONAD: God/Man Christ, itself, is ethereal for it does not exist in the world per se; rather, it exists in the world materialistically only insofar as it is scribed and mythologized into the sacred scriptures of the world; however, the SOUL (MONAD) permeated this commentary, which is personified as the psyche: unconscious mind and ego-consciousness. In addition this commentary of the MONAD: God/Man Christ is projected out into the outer darkness mystically creating the material world into a pristine Garden of Eden (House or Temple of God). In the above diagram I have colored coded that portion of the cycle MONAD: God/Man Christ in purple to denote that He is the King of Kings and that He symbolically represents the MONAD: God/Man, which is the Soul. The SOUL[footnoteRef:7] periodically through erroneous thoughts transformed into the divisiveness of the psyche, via the commentary on the MONAD: God/Man Christ. The unconscious mind and ego-consciousness symbolizes another pair of opposites, which is the human psyche that is diametrically opposite to Christ. The Garden of Eden (MONAD [Vesica Piscis]: Christ: God/Man = SELF = SOUL) is actually the first set of opposites; however, it is not connected to the erroneous psychic transformation of the SOUL into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. CHRIST (Soul) is the Mysterium Coniunctionis of the psyche (ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind) via creatio continua that is the salvation of the Soul. This diagram is merely a snap-shot of sorts of this overall psychic process, which includes the whole of the mirage (fantasy) called the material world[footnoteRef:8]. [5: The white area of this graphic image really does not exist outside of my pointing out its location, via an imaginative perspective, as to where GOD the Father would be represented in this psychic schema. Actually GOD the Father (white area) would take up the whole of creation in a blazing white-light where color, unconscious mind, ego-consciousness and materialism are nonexistent.] [6: I have named this 10 x 10 square THE UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix). This matrix is merely a prototype so-to-speak for discussion purposes; however, the matrix goes out infinitely in all conceivable directions: up, down, east, west, south, north, etc., etc. This matrix must be seen in this three dimensional perspective in order to grasp the complexities of the creatio continua. This is how the sacred scriptures of the world convey it. Each individuals psyches platform of existence centers on this matrix symbolically the same as Aladdins Carpet. In fact every single residential street (block to block is that matrix incarnated into the world. I recommend that the initiate read this paper to get a sense of other materials culled out of the first chapter of Genesis. This matrix in the world is symbolically creatio continua based upon this New Jerusalem (Johns Revelations). ] [7: The SELF, which Carl Jung calls CHRIST, is the SOUL in its pristine state as it would be in the Garden of Eden: i.e. Vesica Piscis: thus, the SOUL is CHRIST; however, when the SOUL is split into opposites (Adam receives Eve: i.e. ego-consciousness dominating the unconscious mind), which it really cant do other than in a fantasy and mythological mode. This is why Christ is a permanent fixture in the mythoi of Christianity for the soul can never lose its identity. Christ in the mythoi of the psyche becomes the anima/animus, which is the main guiding principle in the psyche, depending upon the gender of the initiate. There is actually nothing beyond the area of the cycle called CHRIST. All else beyond it is a mythological fantasy of the psyche and the materialistic world. Here I am merely defining my terminologies for the reader. In every sense the universe in its pristine state can be called Christ (Garden of Eden) because in every sense it is the sacred scriptures conveying the WORD OF GOD back to the psyche: unconscious mind and ego-consciousness as one see him or herself in a mirror.] [8: If most people thought about it they would realize that the material world does not exist. For example we look out into the star-studded universe; however, if those stars are light years away and it takes light years for the light to get to the earth to tell humanity that they are there this means that period of time no longer exist being that time existed in the past; therefore if the star-studded universe is showing Earth its past then what is presently occupying the space in the present time that those past stars once occupied? Yes, I understand that a good portion of those stars still exist; however, every so many billions of years stars burn out and disintegrate and are recycled back into new stars. This latter portion of the so-called visual universe is what I am drawing the readers attention to. That space has to be empty simply because stars cannot travel fifteen billion years since they do not last that long; thus, the universe cannot be expanding though the so-called visual fantasy evidence negates that conclusion. What are the observatories viewing if stars neither travel nor exist more than so many billions of years? I know that astronomers say that stars are recreated by exploding novas; however, that does not explain the absence of time lapse sequence showing us the process as it is happening. It is like the evolutionists with their theory. They cannot demonstrate the process or show evidence in fossil illustrating the process.Also in order for astronomers to say that light travels fifteen billion years to get to Earth to tell humanity the universe is that old it had to take the stars themselves (seeing stars dont travel at the speed of light), if they existed that long, far longer than fifteen billions years to travel to a place in space that is fifteen billion light years away, which would triple or quadruple or more the time it would take them to get to that space in light years from earth. According to Astronomys logic whole galaxies would have to travel at the speed of light to get to the positions they are presently in fifteen billion light years away, which of course is ludicrous in our present manner of understanding the process. Another problem is Seyfert Galaxies, this name is given to a galaxy that explodes and the effect of that explosion washes over the entire galaxy causing galactic-wide destruction. Why havent we a record of our own immediate galaxy in a blazing light in these time lapse sequences the star studded universe is suppose to be showing the observatories around the world? Scientists know that our immediate galaxy when through this process; thus, there should be visual record of it in our time-lapse universe.Then there is the mystery of DARKNESS in the universe, which has never been answered; however, that problem has been studied for thousands of years. What this entails is that with a universe of infinite stars completely surrounding Earth (similar to a Dyson sphere) each star shining in all directions 360 the universe should be in a blazing light [see: DARKNESS AT NIGHT: A Riddle of the Universe (1987), by Edward Harrison, published by Harvard University Press]; yet, darkness is seen throughout the universe. These anomalies in the equations of Astronomy show humanity how much it does not know about the material universe. The answer to our universe being in DARKNESS is of course that each individual is viewing the inner core of his or her own psyche by studying the projection of it: i.e. the outer world that is structure very much like the Vesica Piscis, which is symbolically half spiritual (light) and half material (darkness).]

Let me slightly recapitulate here. The center of the diagram above representing the unknown God that neither can be classified nor diversified nor individualized; thus, it is merely a theoretical postulate that positions the Universal Spiritual Law: God in the center of this diagram, which symbolizes the center of the Soul. Christ (purple) is the spiritual union of Ego-consciousness and the Unconscious Mind. Christ is the MONAD (Soul). In fact the MONAD is all that exist in creation. All else in the creatio continua is a variation on the nature of Christ. Ego-consciousness and the Unconscious Mind and the material world do not exist per se; rather, they are projections: i.e. commentary on the MONAD: Christ the God/Man. The psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind is another way of expressing the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX. The material world is another expression of the psyche and the Universal Mathematical Matrix. The psyche and the matrix and the world are different ways of involuntarily expressing the same psychic concept.When ego-consciousness branches off from the unconscious mind it dissociates itself from its identification with the MONAD (Christ: i.e. Soul). This is the selfsame story as the Prodigal Son[footnoteRef:9] that took his inheritance and went off into a far country. The Universal Mathematical Matrix: Prima Material (Perennial Matrix) no longer exists when it is split in twain. In every sense this splitting of the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind in twain is the renting of the curtain in the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem on the night of Christs crucifixion[footnoteRef:10]. All knowledge of the spiritual dynamic forces is forgotten. Ego-consciousness, like the Prodigal Son, exist solely on its own merits, which amount to basically nothing and this is why the Prodigal Son ended up taking care of the swine in order to make a living. The whole of the Judeao Christian Scripture is based solely upon the dynamic conflict between ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind and/or their eventual harmonious spiritual union. [9: Luke 15:11-32] [10: Matthew 27: 50-54;]

The Universal Mathematical Matrix: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix), which is the 10 x 10 square (commentary on the MONAD: God/Man Christ) mentioned above is the original foundational source of Astrology. Astrology is not an invention of man; rather, it is the symbolic representation of the vision from God, which educates the SOUL from out of Chaos into Order. Astrology can be said, unequivocally, to be the cause excellence for birthing the Eucharist for by parking of it Christ is birthed to the soul allowing it (SOUL) to be born again. This in fact would be the annunciation: i.e. Gabriel visitation to Mary (psyche: i.e. the agreed upon cooperation of the unconscious mind and ego-consciousness. The psyche is the WATERS OF LIFE: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. The word MARY is defined as aqua = water.): i.e. conception of the Christ Child. However, since ego-consciousness is in total and absolute opposition to the unconscious mind prior to the gift of the vision from God the Father the material world, symbolically ego-consciousness, does battle with the Anima/Animus (unconscious mind): the psyche symbolically represents the false zodiacal cycle. It is this eternal conflict through the conflicting gyrating forces of the opposites that processes THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION. As long as ego-consciousness is in control of the psyche the negative forces symbolically represented by the Calendar Year will dominate the scene forcing itself to live in a Hell on Earth of its own making; whereas, when ego-consciousness cooperates with the unconscious mind the positive forces symbolically represented by the spiritual zodiacal cycle that governs the scene by allowing the SOUL to enter into the Garden of Eden birthing the Christ Child.Let me clarify a point here. The soul is not the psyche. The soul is what lives in the Garden of Eden; however, if the soul is tossed out of the Garden of Eden it becomes the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind at war with each other. There can be no male (ego-consciousness = Sun) or female (unconscious mind = Moon) in Christ.This article is a commentary on the first four chapters of Genesis, which will introduce a system of cycles, which I call THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION that comes directly from the first two chapters of Genesis. There are only eleven cycles that I will be discussing, which literally construct the Scales of Libra giving the soul a choice between the so-called Scale of Light (spirituality) and the Scale of Darkness (materialism). There is inherently a much larger system of fifteen hundred and eighty-four (1584) cycles, which these eleven cycles are intuited. It would seem that our materialistic realm only deals with just these eleven cycles (Number Seven in Sector #7[footnoteRef:11]): this brings to mind Christs statement, In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (KJV John 14:2). The first four chapters of Genesis, as a whole, symbolically introduces the Zodiac/Calendar year. These two sets of cycles: i.e. THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION and the ZODIAC/CALENDAR YEAR complement each other. The Cycles of Divine Creation are split into two parts creating the scales of Light and Darkness. Here the sacred scriptures are openly declaring that the soul has a free will to choose which one it wants. As it will be shown in the main body of this article these cycles comes about through contrasting the Zodiac Cycles and the Calendar Cycles by distinguishing the Triplicities (elements): i.e. Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs used in the Cycle of Light from the Quadruplicities: i.e. Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs used to illustrate the Cycle of Darkness. [11: I may well be, and probably am, wrong about this. The other fifteen-hundred and seven-three cycles may well represent other aspects of the sacred scriptures or another cultures religious texts that I am not privy to. In no way am I say I am the end all and be all of this research. Other will come after me and add to what I have achieved.]

These sets of cycles seemingly comes out of nothing (Ex Nihilo) literally illustrating that the sacred scriptures has an all together different message from out of the WORD OF GOD than what is written out in the surface storyline. The manner in which the WORD OF GOD is written and structured into the Judeao Christian Scriptures is on a totally scientific basis and if it was not for this precision esoteric (hidden) science involve in its creation I could never have had a lifetime of researching the true WORD OF GOD as it truly was meant to be studied.The entire bible speaks to the vision that the soul is graced with from God. The first four chapters of Genesis have Virgo offering up the Scales of Libra to the soul. Here the Anima/Animus (Elohym/Moon), the feminine aspect of the deity, is offering up the Scales of Libra to the ego-centric god: i.e. ego-consciousness (Yahweh/Sun) or vice versa. Virgo is of course symbolized by Mercurys Caduceus, which has upon its staff two serpents. This is why many depictions of the Garden of Eden in art shows two serpents (Yahweh and Elohym: i.e. Adam and Eve are their angels) wrapped around the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.When reading the texts of the first four chapters of Genesis all of this sound like pure fantasy; however, when the symbols and alphanumeric letters/words of the sacred scriptures are broken down into their constituent components all of this above becomes very apparent.Creation is a psycho-spiritual/physical reality (Garden of Eden), which is formed by way of the four basic elements: i.e. Fire, Earth, Air and Water via their perpetual Mysterium Coniunctionis. The soul is meant to live in this pristine psycho-spiritual/physical reality: Garden of Eden; however, the soul in quest to create its own conception of reality goes astray of this non-progressive psycho-spiritual/physical reality into a self made time/space continuum through the misuse of the Triplicities (elements): i.e. four nuclear forces by way of the Quadruplicities: i.e. past (Cardinal), present (Fixed) and future (Mutable) classifications to create its own ego-centric psycho-physical reality.This above is not to say the psycho-spiritual/physical[footnoteRef:12] reality (Garden of Eden) is not subject to the time/space continuum, which it is of course. The psycho-spiritual/physical reality is subject to the same slow and/or rapid changes inherent in the dynamics forces of the cosmos; rather, what I am saying is that the soul in becoming dissatisfied with its spiritual surrounding, for whatever reason, and is not content with what it has in life decides to bring about a change it is cast out into the psycho-physical reality. The soul in wanting to change those undesirable and unacceptable conditions becomes discontent and goes astray of the Garden of Eden psycho-spiritual/physical reality that is its original birthright and is self-exiled into a terrestrial creation of its own making; hence, Virgo gifting the Scales of Libra to the soul. [12: This psycho-spiritual/physical reality is the Garden of Eden (Vesica Piscis) not the psychophysical reality that some are naming as an unseen reality. The psychophysical reality is the physical world the psyche is presently experiencing via ego-consciousness.]

Essentially, the psycho-spiritual/physical reality (Garden of Eden) is life in the material world that enables the soul to live contently with what one has; rather, than trying to progress into an ego-driven infinite realm of changes where there is no psychic stability whatsoever.It is difficult for the uninitiate to understand that every single initiate creates his own reality. No two human beings live in the same materialistic or spiritual reality; though, the senses project a different set of concepts that would negate that idea. The only hope the individual has in achieving a contented life in the outer reality is to create a personal Garden of Eden (Temple of God) and that will not happen unless the initiate turns his or her life over to the care of God.It is difficult for the individual to realize that he or she lives in the desert of ones own mind: the wilderness of the mind of man. Each of us thirsts for a contented life and like the nomad trying to cross the vastness of the desert desperately seeking the water of life he or she will create psychically his or her own mirage: oasis in that desert and it will solely depend upon the initiates hubris as to whether he or she will submit to the love of God.In every sense THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION: the Scales of Libra are derived from THE UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX or is that vice versa? As this paper continues the old idea of Squaring the Circle is going to come to mind. The rows and columns of the matrix are all in cycles; nonetheless, ego-consciousness in harmony with the unconscious mind envisages them collectively as being in unanimity a four square image not a sphere; thus, the CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION were probably derived from the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX; however, at least, from my perspective, understanding the matrix squares the circle: i.e. brings Order out of Chaos, which is another way of saying Squaring the Circle.This article concerns my own interaction with the Holy Spirit, who led me, in the past forty years, through a whirlwind of exhilarating discoveries by means of a serendipitous journey by way of the mind of Christ.


Returning to my Spiritual Roots

The Cycles of Divine Creation that this article is about to elucidate, was, in the forty-years of researching the esotericism that is intrinsically codified to the literature, artworks and monuments of antiquity through the auspices of the ancient scribes, my first and foremost mystical insight[footnoteRef:13] into spirituality and mysticism. [13: This took place in January 1977]

It should be understood right from the start of this work that when I first envisaged a cycle from out of the texts of the first chapter of Genesis it archetypally ceased my waking consciousness and caused a divine obsession to come over me[footnoteRef:14]. I could not, even if I wanted to, let it go; though, I was continuously warned, by my peers at the time, to do so and to get out of the book of Genesis altogether when I, through my inexperience, tried to explain what it was I was envisaging out of the Genesis Creation Account. [14: I say this from hindsight not from initially experiencing it.]

Over the years I have refrained from writing too explicitly about these cycles; though, I have touched on them slightly here and there in my previous writings[footnoteRef:15]. I have hesitated over the years to expound upon these Cycles of Divine Creation, in a more comprehensible manner; because, there were complexities about them that I had visualized, which I knew that I would not be able to do justice too. In the beginning, I was too inexperienced and had not the seasoned research experience and insights into the literature, artworks and monuments of the world that these past forty-years have prepared me for. [15: THE SECRETS and THE MYSTERIES OF GENESIS: Antiquitys Hall of Records andTHE SISTINE CHAPEL: A Study in Celestial Cartography, The Mysteries and the Esoteric Teachings of the Catholic Church ]

I actually can say that that kernel of an idea concerning the first cycle, I envisaged from out of the texts of the first chapter of Genesis, is, for all intent and purpose, the foundation of all of my later researches and my writings about them. This latter I say from hindsight. When I was actually researching all the other materials beyond the initial period of the cycles I had no idea that it would all relate inherently back to the Cycles of Divine Creation.In the truest sense I am coming full circle, back to those halcyon days, when I was just a fledgling neophyte in relationship to what the first chapter of Genesis was all about; though, I never really left researching the texts of the first chapter of Genesis; albeit, I kept researching these chapters from totally different perspectives than the cycles, and I will be, more or less, going back over that research tersely illustrating from whence it all hailed.The research I conducted on the first four chapters of Genesis after the first six years (January 1977 April 15, 1983) is incredible especially when it is realized that I barely touched on the Cycles of Divine Creation since then. There were so much more additional materials that I was uncovering esoterically out of the Genesis tests and in other religious literature, artworks and monuments that they collectively overshadowed anything having to do with the cycles. Only those initiates that can grasp the esoteric complexities of the sacred scriptures can truly realize that the entire Old and New Testaments can be symbolically read out of the first chapter of Genesis[footnoteRef:16] showing it is all interrelated very much like a holographic image; however, in the beginning I did not foresee all those nuances. Back in those untroubled days I merely had a nine part cycle, which was just the kernel of an idea, which became such an obsession that it dominated and unnerved my waking consciousness. Who would have believed my report? [16: Actually, the entire Old and New Testaments are a commentary on the first letter of Genesis: BETH.]

As the decades rolled by, since April 1983, I came to understand that Astrology was the innermost mystical paradigm of the spiritual creation. Personally, I do not research Astrology via the medium of horoscopes. I do not envisage Astrology as a prognosticating tool. Fortune Telling is absolute non-sense and paganism to my sense of what the WORD OF GOD is all about. Yes, Astrology is basically given birth via the mathematical sciences; however, seeing mathematics is a predictive tool only in that sense is Astrology a prognosticating tool. Astrology is more of a symbolic and alphanumeric tool, which aids in the unraveling of the mythological stories that goes with the culture it is associated with; thus, Astrology is at once both a mathematical (Quadruvium) and a grammatical (Trivium) tool: Seven Liberal Arts integrated[footnoteRef:17] as one Esoteric Science enabling the initiate to bring forth the Eucharist[footnoteRef:18]: i.e. The Transcendent Function[footnoteRef:19]. Without this mystical alchemical marriage of the opposites the spiritual vision that the initiate is entitled to by virtue of his or her birthright can never come upon the soul of the individual. This visitation (vision) is beautifully narrated in the New Testament when Mary the mother of Christ was grace by a visit from Gabriel and overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Christ is this mystical vision (Eucharist) that comes upon the soul/psyche (Mary) when it DESIRES to know God the Father above all other considerations in its existence (life). [17: The Seven Liberal Arts are codified to the ancient arts; however, only the grammatical aspect is overtly present for the uninitiateds consideration. The other six liberal arts are hidden overtly within the esotericism of sacred geometry, which is available only to the initiate. Any subsequent translation of the immediate artwork (indigenous language) destroys the abstractness of the Esoteric Science held within its precincts.] [18: The Eucharist of the Catholic Church ] [19: The Psychology of the Transference ]

The sacred scriptures of the world are not just the written texts of the major religions. The concept sacred scriptures: i.e. WORD OF GOD are symbolically represented via literature, artworks, monuments, nature and the activities of all organic life on earth and the courses of the stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, etc., etc. Most important the sacred scriptures are contained within the psychic activity of every single human being, which is exuded through every thought, word and deed of the individual including dreams and hallucinations. The Esoteric Science codified to the literature, artworks and monuments of antiquity were scientifically envisaged by the ancient sages guided by the MONAD: God/Man Christ via sacred geometry; whereas, all other materialistic-venues for the WORD OF GOD: i.e. sacred scriptures, such as translations[footnoteRef:20] of the spiritual texts into vernaculars other than the original languages, are not objective; rather, they are totally subjective and personal points of view. In every sense they (false prophecies) are only fit for the fire. [20: Translations are alright, insofar, as they deal with the basic mythological storyline; however, from a spiritual perspective translations are ambiguous and of little importance without a comprehensive understanding of the indigenous languages alphanumeric and symbolic structure. Without that esoteric knowledge, as the sole foundation for researching the sacred scriptures, there can be no spiritual contemplative study of any translation of an indigenous language used to scribe the Word of God.]

This article analyzes the first four chapters of Genesis to unravel two diametrically different sets of cycles associated to Astrology. The Scales of Libra, which represent the Cycles (transubstantiating into the Scales of Libra) of Light and Darkness and the second set of cycles represent the Zodiac/Calendar Year: in every sense the Cycles of Divine Creation (Scales of Libra) are the Zodiac signs and the Calendar months. Both these sets of cycles come together in unanimity of purpose to elucidate the spiritual vision (annunciation) that the soul/psyche, that deserves it, is graced with. In fact the elucidation of this spiritual vision to the soul/psyche is all the sacred scriptures of the world were created to convey.

The sacred scriptures of the world have nothing to convey to the initiate other than to give it knowledge of the vision[footnoteRef:21] that its soul/psyche has been graced with. There is absolutely nothing on the face of the earth or in the skies above or beneath the depths of the seas that is of more significance for the soul/psyche to busy itself about. [21: Its a harsh reality to learn that the sacred scriptures are not for the masses per se; rather, they were created solely for those that have had the vision; nonetheless, the sacred scriptures can incite an inner DESIRE in the heart of the individual to know God, which may and probably will generate the spiritual vision if its a true and honest DESIRE.]

For years now I did not believe I would be able to, in this life time, revisit these Cycles of Divine Creation; though, I had a great deal of it already researched. For me it was all about putting it to some kind of context. As I look back over the vista of my spiritual quest, spanning forty-year, and the esoteric discoveries I have made, from out of the literature, artworks and monuments of antiquity, I realized that that initial kernel of an idea concerning the first cycle I envisaged out of the first chapter of Genesis is what funnel all that other research into my psyche. The first two and a half years of my groping into the sacred scriptures from the beginning of August 1974 to January 1977, I would say, led me to that eureka moment when I envisaged that first cycle.

This spiritual research I have been pioneering is an entirely new discipline of thought, at least from modernitys perspective; though, it is as ancient as the dawn of the time/space continuum itself. Instinctively, I knew I could not leave this world without leaving a record of the cycles behind no matter what my conscious thoughts may have been. I am so very grateful to God that he has given me the strength and mental acuity that has enabled me to complete my raison dtre: reason for existence, in this lifetime.


THE RAPTURE[footnoteRef:22] [22: Matthew 24:35-44; the word RAPTURE is not actually used in the New Testament. It is a modern word use to call to mind this particular aspect of Jesus teachings.]

From my vantage point, as one knowing the Word of God and its origins[footnoteRef:23], I realize that it will be extremely difficult for modernity to accept the fact that Astrology played the dominating role in structuring the Word of God to the mythoi of the worlds religious literature, artworks and monuments seeing that Astrology has been so maligned; at least, throughout all the years of my life. In addition it will be inconceivable to academia and the numerous religious communities, around the world, that the Word of God can be known definitively and codified esoterically as an exact science for all future generations to benefit from. This idea that the root sources of the Word of God can be known scientifically is beyond belief for it goes against the prevailing theories of every religious community on Earth. The prevailing theory has God choosing one person over all his children, on the face of the earth, and gives that so-called prophet the responsibility of educating the world as to what His message is. This is about as far from the truth as a sow is from the moon[footnoteRef:24]. The MONAD: God/Man Christ gives each individual the same message and it is the responsibility of the individual, no matter where he or she is in the world, to discern it and to act upon it. This places the onus of the initiates spiritual education upon him or herself. [23: All my writings: i.e. books and papers are about explaining the root source of how the Word of God came into physical manifestation: literature, artworks and monuments: i.e. the Body and Blood of Christ.] [24: This cute remark is phrasing an old Native American Indian maxim.]

The soul neither individually nor collectively has any intelligence of its own. All knowledge is given to the soul via the auspices of the MONAD: God/Man Christ. The psyche creativity comes only from that reservoir of knowledge without restrictions. The soul enters and leaves the psychic illusion of the space/time continuum tabula rasa (blank slate) regardless of what the scientists may think they know to the contrary. This is similar to a fish existing in water. Outside the water the fish cannot breathe. Without the presents of the MONAD: God/Man Christ ego-consciousness could not possibly have a thought in his or her head. The outer materialistic world needs space for there to be time or an object to be placed into motion, plant life needs sunlight to blossom, life on earth needs air to breath, what makes man think that he can have a thought in his head without existing in the realm of the MONAD: God/Man Christ? There is no time/space continuum outside of the psyche dreaming it into existence. The Soul, literally, exists within the confines of the MONAD: God/Man Christ and there is no escaping those divine precincts.The Cycles of Divine Creation seemingly comes out of nothing (ex nihilo) because what comes from out of them is not something new under the face of the sun; rather, it is new to the individual/initiate receiving the spiritual vision from the MONAD: God/Man Christ. This raison dtre allows the individual to experience the same old world via more magnificent and spectacular intellectual and sensual experiences. The individuals environment goes from being ego-consciousness (Yahwehs) dung-heap (Hell) to an unrealized paradise (new creation: i.e. Garden of Eden). The receiver of such a gift[footnoteRef:25] realizes he or she has actually psychically died and has gone to heaven. This is what the serpent in the Garden of Eden was talking to Eve about, you shalt not surely die. Yes, of course Yahweh (ego-consciousness) is going to banish those that convert to the Kundalini Serpent into what it considers the desert. That desert is the Promise Land. It is the land of opportunity to bring forth a new creation by building ones own oasis in the outer darkness. That is what the Garden of Eden is, a personal oasis in the emptiness of the material existence. It is a one-on-one relationship to God the Father (Universal Spiritual Impersonal Law: i.e. an Empyrean of Love). [25: I like giving the analogy of a swarm of flies hovering over dung. Flies obtain their life nourishment from what we humans call filth; yet, flies live out their entire lives in that domain of filth.]

The MONAD: God/Man Christ gives the individual a new raison dtre (reason for existence) allowing him or her to live life more abundantly (John 10:10). The sacred scriptures of the world are only for those individuals that have received the spiritual vision directly from the MONAD: God; thus, it is only those individuals that have the mental acuity to appreciate intuitively the esotericism codified to the mythoi of the literature, artworks and monuments of the world. The Word of God is not for those that have not received the spiritual vision from the MONAD: God/Man Christ, which unfortunately comprises the vast majority of the race. This is not to say, of course, that the uninitiate cannot receive the spiritual vision from the MONAD: God/Man Christ if he or she persevere and truly DESIRE to know God the Father (Universal Spiritual Impersonal Law: i.e. an Empyrean of Love).How do I tell you the reader that Yahweh, in the Old Testament, is the adversary on one hand and Christ in the New Testament on the other? When Yahweh (Sun = Ego-consciousness) cooperates: i.e. has dialogue with the angels (Elohym = Moon = Unconscious Mind) he becomes King of the Angels: i.e. Christ. This is why so-called symbolists get it all wrong when they interpret the teachings of Christianity as sun worship. Yes, ego-consciousness represents sun worship when the Reformation Age and the Age of Enlightenment, cast religion out with the bathwater, while at the same time they worshipped REASON as the peak of human intellect. REASON from that perspective is sun-worship; whereas, when coupling reason with the whole of creatio continua is the worship of God the Father. Think about that contrast for a minute. Symbolically, the Earth represents the Soul. Worshipping the Sun (Yahweh) is the Earth circling (worshipping) a dot (sun) in the immediate solar system in exclusion to infinite creatio continua (symbolically the vast universe); whereas, the Moon represent the thirteen signs representing the Moon Calendar Year: twelve signs of the Zodiac (the whole of the spiritual creatio continua), which the Earth is at its center (Earth the soul is a symbol of the MONAD: Christ: i.e. God/Man). We have all read and/or have heard the stories of how in ancient times God or some human hero descended into the underworld of Hades to retrieve the deserving soul or a loved one. Dante Alighieris[footnoteRef:26] La Divina Commedia[footnoteRef:27] speaks of his journey through the three realms of spirit until he experience his rapturous vision of the Trinity; then, he came back to write of his psychic experiences. This is the RAPTURE that the New Testament symbolically speaks of: Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left (Matthew 24: 40-41). This is the spiritual vision that the individual is graced with that takes him or her out of the depths of the personal hell he or she is living in and revitalizes that individuals psyche as if he or she was a new born baby just experiencing the world for the first time; however, this time that individual receiving the spiritual vision has a newfound intuitive mental acuity coupled with a lifetime of experiences behind him or her as guides as to what to expect in the world; whereas, the new born baby has not that advantage in the life he or she is about to experience. How often has each of us desired to be young again with the knowledge we now possess? This spiritual vision given to the individual by the MONAD: God/Man Christ literally personifies that DESIRE in a real time experience. [26: ] [27: ]

The first chapter of Genesis is a very intriguing document on many levels. Its first two verses, for all intent and purpose, did not appear to me realistically, from the period of August 1974 to January 1977, to have any particular usefulness that I could envisage. These verses initially seemed, at least from my viewpoint, to be a redundancy on the body of the first chapter of Genesis before the author even begins to narrate the creation account. These first two verses of the Torah appeared to me, initially, to be an insertion into the texts by a later scribe.These were the initial years that first brought my attention to a serious study of the Judeao Christian Scriptures. I was a fledgling student of the text at the time and my ignorance was vast concerning all aspects of theology, doctrine, the history of the text, and even what the text contained in its storyline. I really had not read the Bible up to that time from cover to cover. Like most so-called Christians I rarely went to church and when I did the proceedings were baffling. That which I knew concerning the content of the sacred scriptures came, for the most part, from the pulpit and Sunday school classes in my adolescence years. I had read portions of the text in my late teens and as a young adult in Viet Nam but nothing that amounted to anything. I can say; however, that my religious education in Parochial School, up to the fifth grade of grammar school, would serve me well when I did get serious about studying the sacred scriptures. The nuns in Parochial School taught the Bible and Catechism through lectures and by oral examinations. After all I had been Baptized, Confirmed, and received my First Holy Communion before I had finished the fifth grade. If you are a Catholic you will know just how much of the Catechism you must memorize in order to achieve that feat; yet, I personally had not read the Bible or the Catholic Catechism until many years after those events. When I finally did read the Old and New Testaments for myself, from cover to cover, I was literally appalled by its contents. As time went by and I began to meditate on the text, slowly but surely, it gave up its secrets. I can truthfully say that I am a lucky man to have realized a non-Protestant outlook on religion because it was the scarcity of my religious education that prepared me for a lifetime of non-academic interference. Being forced as a child to read and grasp the ruthless and barbaric stories of the Old Testament literally takes innocence from an individuals childhood. Though I am not a Catholic defender the Church at least gives the child the bare essential of Christianity and then allows the child to be a child or at least this is how I remember my experiences of the Church in the late 50s and early 60s.In the beginning of my quest understanding of the sacred scriptures came at a snails pace. As I persevered in my research the text of the sacred scriptures began to reveal themselves, in their true form, in proportion to the sincerity of my studies. I have learned that such determination and DESIRE, to truly know God the Father, is the only prayer that God the Father can realistically answer.



It was a combination of articles and theological ideas that caused me to search the sacred scriptures as if words had numbers, color[footnoteRef:28] and symbolic values that interrelated with each other. My researches went on like that for a long time with little or no progress. I was eventually very successful in making all three relationships with some of the words of the sacred scriptures through the King James Version of the bible and this would be without any reference works whatsoever; however, my greatest success would be in arithmetical data via sacred geometry. That would not come about until after the first two decades of biblical research. I believed that the text of the sacred scriptures, without evidence or sane reasoning, was a comprehensive schema; whereby, all its parts, whether it was the analysis of words in a chapter, a group of chapters, or the entire Old and New Testaments as a whole were interrelate with each other as if they were in a grand symphony. This initial insight was a gut feeling based more on numerous conversations with various individuals[footnoteRef:29] I have met over the span of my lifetime up to that time rather than any other method or thought process that I may have had on the subject. This is certainly not a scientific method in which to pursue such a matter but nonetheless that is the way it was. [28: THE TARGUMS OF PALESTINE: commonly entitled, The Targums of Jonathan Ben Uzziel, on the BOOK OF GENESIS (see Genesis Chapter Three: And the eyes of both were enlightened, and they knew that they were naked, divested of the purple robe in which they had been created.). I had once hypothesized, before reading this that when Adam (red) and Eve (blue) left the Garden of Eden they disrobed a purple garment. You could imagine my astonishment many years later when I read the Jewish Targums, which confirmed my fledgling attempts at scriptural theology. My premise in this area is that the male, in the form of clothing, puts on the female representing blue in order to create the Adamic personality, which represents the color purple. So when Adam was split into man and woman he went from the color purple to the colors red and blue; thus, Adam and Eve disrobed a purple garment. In fact we tend to think of boys and men as wearing blue and girls and women wearing pink or red. Women, which represent blue, dress up in pink and red (putting on the male) in order to become the Adamic personality. This is a commonplace paradox, which is never ever talked about in our everyday affairs or within the cultural mores.] [29: I remember clearly an incident in my early teens when in speaking to a senior citizen, he told me that the entire bible was encapsulated into the first letter of Genesis and that the entire Old and New Testaments were commentaries on it. Of course at the time I could not fathom what he was talking about; yet, when I was deep into my own researches that conversation came to mind. It would take me almost into my late forties to envisage what he was talking about.]


There are many early Christian mystics and saints, not to forget to mention the Jewish mystics, that have written on the sacred scriptures leaving behind some very obscure, terse, and cryptic remarks that defies the logic of our twentieth and twenty-first century culture and thought processes. As students we are taught to believe in one train of thought taught by contemporary educators; yet, when reading the religious writings of people that were closer to the spiritual source, so to speak, we are being given a different way of thinking. It is exasperating, to say the least, that our religious educators would fail to give us a truer account and/or sense of what the early Jews and Christians actually knew and believed. It is of course possible and most probable that such cryptic remarks were just as baffling to them as they are to the fledgling initiate today.It was Saint Augustine that put me on to one of the great mysteries of the first chapter of Genesis (December/January 1976/1977) when he began to talk about God creating hell before he created the Heavens and the Earth. What could possibly exist before the first word of Genesis? Why would Saint Augustine, or anybody else for that matter, talk about that which could not possibly be known? He was inferring that something took place before creation began. I believed this to be presumptuousness, on his part, when I first read Saint Augustines Confessions[footnoteRef:30] but I would come to regret that thought process as time went by. [30: SAINT AUGUSTINE: CONFESSION, translated by R. S. Pine-Coffin (Book XI Chapter 12)]

My answer to those who ask what was God doing before he made the heaven and earth? is not He was preparing Hell for people who pry into mysteries. This frivolous retort has been made before now, so we are told, in order to evade the point of the question. But it is one thing to make fun of the questioner and another to find the answer. So I shall refrain from giving this reply. For in matters of which I am ignorant I would rather admit the fact than gain credit by giving the wrong answer and making a laughing-stock of a man who asks a serious question. Instead of this I will say that you, my God, are the Creator of all creation, and if we mean the whole of creation when we speak of heaven and earth, I unreservedly say that before he made heaven and earth, God made nothing.

Saint Augustine is being deliberately secretive here on a number of points in this statement. FIRST he points out that there were others that had made the remark prior to his comments. That is important to know that such remarks were bandied around a bit in those days. The SECOND point is that he distinctly points out that the answer can be known it is one thing to make fun of the questioner and another to find the answer. The THIRD is that Augustine says, God made nothing, which is a play on words for Catholics. There is not a Catholic worth his or her salt if he or she had not heard a nun say, An idled mind is the devils workshop. In other words these two phrases, made nothing and preparing Hell is synonymous. Is Saint Augustine just being more polite in his remarks then his predecessors? No, I think he is being more esoteric. The FOURTH point in this statement and probably the most important is that he quotes his predecessors correctly word for word and most likely it is the reason that this chapter was added to his Confessions: He was preparing Hell for people that pry into mysteries. The average person reading this chapter, on Saint Augustines Confessions, in contemporary times, would take the word mysteries to means something that was not known and needed to be searched out or that it could only be known by the spiritually gifted. It certainly means all that but also in Saint Augustines time the word mysteries pointed to the Mystery Schools. Contemporary religious educators would take the word mysteries in the context that it appears to have been written, to mean that these were forbidden and useless speculations, or a brainteaser. This statement would appear to have an implied threat of speculators going to Hell, attached to it, for those that misinterpret it; however, I believe that this latter part of the statement was meant for those initiates in the Mystery Schools more as an encouragement; rather, than anything else. In using the word mysteries Saint Augustine was indeed speaking to the initiates of the ancient Mystery Schools; however, I did not realize this interpretation of Saint Augustines words until many years later. God only speaks to those that have entered into his mysteries. In fact the Catholic Church is a mystical Mystery School in its own right and has replace the Eleusinian and Mithras Mysteries that hailed from ancient Greece and Rome.This was a very informative statement made by an ancient Christian educator, saint, and mystic. This statement explains, in terse remarks, that something does exist prior to the first word of Genesis and that the initiate had the means to ferret out what it was. It was very obvious, from these statements, that the so-called saints and mystics did not have a monopoly on the interpretation of the sacred scriptures. I remember years before reading that the Early Christian Fathers[footnoteRef:31] dreaded the fact that even the sinner can write a gospel. Can you, the reader, fathom the depth of that statement? It means that the initiate has at his disposal not only the resources to become knowledgeable in the spiritual Word of God but he also has the resources to obtain the ability to write a recognized canonized version of the gospels. That was an extraordinary idea/revelation. It meant that the initiate had the means by which to know the foundational source of the WORD OF GOD, which is an extraordinary insight and hope for all humanity. [31: Early Church Fathers ]


As my studied continued, I learned that the Hebrew word bara, which is translated into English as created also has definitions such as choose, select, and separate. This threw, at least in my fledgling researches, the whole concept of creation ex nihilo: out-of-nothing (meaning no prior material existence) right out the theological window. Yes, material creation is made out of nothing if we define materialism as nothing and spirituality as the only substance[footnoteRef:32]. Such theological statements are paradoxical because only a spiritually minded person would see that the material world was nothing: being a mirage of the mind. But have a materialist read that same theological statement he or she would actually believe that no material thing existed prior to God the Father creating the heavens and the earth. He could never envisage that every moment constitutes a new beginning: BERESHITH, whereas God the Father is continuously creating (creatio continua) the same nanosecond over and over again. As humans we tend to take an infinitesimal part of a moment in creation and chase after it as if it was all there was totally oblivious of everything outside the boundaries of our tunnel vision. God the Father permeates each infinitesimal part of creation with infinite creative ideas. [32: It was in December/January 1976/1977 that I began to read the works of Mary Baker Eddy the Discovery and Founder of Christian Science Metaphysics and it was her teachings that raised my level of consciousness to a more spiritual understanding of God the Father (unknown God). SCIENCE AND HEALTH, with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy ]

The Dogon Tribes in Africa define the words amma Bara as god helps.[footnoteRef:33] The first verse of Genesis can be translated In the beginning God separated the Heavens and the Earth. It is interesting that this tribe in Africa relates this phase to the dawn of the time/space continuum as the Genesis text does. How could this African tribe have obtained the same nuance, using the same words, in the appropriate context? It is believed that this tribe obtained much, if not all, of its cultural belief system via the Egyptian civilization. This would be in line with my own thought since I believe that it was the Egyptian civilization and other Gentile nations that collectively wrote the Hebrew Torah and we will get into that theme further at the appropriate time. The Dogon tribes entire religious mythology revolves around the star Sirius, which in Egyptian religious cosmology is related to Isis the consort of Osiris whom constellation is Orion. Two of the Great Pyramids so-called star-shafts are orientated to these two star systems.[footnoteRef:34] I found it quite fascinating that the latest estimate of the ratio of the masses of our sun and Sirius A is 2.14.[footnoteRef:35] Intriguing because the numerical value of the letter BETH, which is the first letter of the Torah, is 412, which is the reverse of 2.14 dropping the decimal. The Judeao Christian Scriptures makes such plays on numbers in words, in both the Hebrew and Greek texts, via the ancient art of Gematria as long as the digits are the same. Even when the numerical digits are not the same but the total numerical values of their letters are equivalent to other Hebrew words numerical values then two or more words would be considered related in some way in the art of Gematria. [33: THE SIRIUS MYSTERY, by Robert Temple, (pg. 318)] [34: THE ORION MYSTERY: Unlocking the secrets of the Pyramids, by R. Bauval and A. Gilbert] [35: THE SIRIUS MYSTERY, by Robert Temple, (pg. #31) ]

This above concerning the word BARA has a ring of truth to it in light of what the second verse of Genesis says. It is as if the first verse represented some kind of deliberate order being put into place, whereas, the second verse offered up chaos as an alternative to the first verse. As the initiate reads the Old and New Testaments he or she will recognize that the number eight deals with circumcision and the number nine deals with death. Now the first verse of Genesis says after the initial word: Bereshith, God separated the Heavens and the Earth, which conforms to the concept of circumcision. The second verse of Genesis is a very bleak picture of the Spirit of God hovering (moving and/or brooding) over the face of the waters and this verse reminded me of Jesus Christ on the cross dying on the ninth hour. Christ dying on the cross with his hands stretched out and his last seven-statements gives a vivid and very graphic picture of the spirit of God hovering and pouting over the face of the waters (psyche). This of course is not a flippant interpretation of the textual material under analysis. When equating the six days of creation, to the first six numbers (1-6), it is not difficult to realize that the number seven: i.e. seventh day of creation is in the second chapter of Genesis. If this above analysis of the text is correct, then the original authors of the Torah cloaked a cycle esoterically (hidden) into the first two chapters of Genesis. These authors esoterically numbered that cycle one through nine (1-9) by connecting the end of the second chapter of Genesis round to the first verse of Genesis. Why have not Judaism and/or Christianity written anything about these textual nuances over the past two to six millenniums?The main reason why this may not have occurred over time is because Christians, for the most part, do not study the Hebrew text nor do the Jews view their scriptures through the lenses of Christianity. This cycle could not have been envisaged without grasping the definition of the Hebrew word Bara. For the common man to just read the English translation, if the definition of the word bara is not known as it was to me, it is impossible to visualize this cycle. The second reason that there is nothing written about this cycle in Genesis or anything like it is because Christianity reasons in cyclic modes: they await their Messiahs return, whereas, Judaisms thought process is linear (straight line) for they still await the first appearance of their Messiah. Actually both Christianity and Judaism have their Messiahs eternally at hand. The circle is Christianitys and the straight line is Judaism. One is the benevolent Messiah because there is eternal life in Christian theology and the circle represents that symbolically. Judaisms Messiah is the straight line, which envisions no life after death, which crushes all hope for eternal life. One Messiah forgives sin and the other has no mercy for those that commit even the smallest fraction of error. These are inherent archetypes, which can be witnessed etched out in the life of each individual believer, whether he is of the Jewish or of the Christian faith.

The above Cycle of Divine Creation[footnoteRef:36] is a fanciful concept on the surface, for what value does it bring to the interpretation of the text of the sacred scriptures? For this cycle to just hang out there like that is not going to prove anything to anybody. It can be said to be an anomaly in the textual wording, which can allow for such an interpretation, or it can be said to be just one persons over active imagination at work. I recognized the limitations of such a discovery in the text if it has no purpose other than hanging out there with nothing to do. Unless it can be shown just what benefit such a cycle can have on the interpretation of the Genesis text it was worst then useless. It was an embarrassment but nonetheless it is a correct interpretation of the text or at least what we have of it at this point. [36: The first two and half years of my researches from August 1974 thru January 1977, I had argued the validity of the first two verses of Genesis, argued with Saint Augustines confessions, discovered the writings of Mary Baker Eddys Christian Science Metaphysics and intuited The Cycle of Divine Creation. What were the odds that a bible student would come across this kind of material in such a short period of time? As I look back at that period of time I am convinced that the Holy Spirit had guided my hand in these matters.]

I continued to maul over this cycle in every way that I could imagine but to no avail[footnoteRef:37]. Finally, in mid or late September of 1978, some twenty months after this initial discovery of this cycle in Genesis, an astrologer friend[footnoteRef:38] of mine, who is the leading astrologer in the Central New York area, was conducting a parapsychology class. In one of these sessions he handed out a single sheet of paper, which gave a one-line definition of each of the 12-signs of the Zodiac. Up to this point in time I had about as much knowledge of Astrology as the average person on the street, which amounts to basically nothing. I knew about fortune telling and the horoscopes in newspapers, which I gave no credence to; however, this was about the extent of my knowledge on the subject. Upon reading the text of these twelve one-liners on the Zodiac constellations I was astounded and literally overwhelmed by the definition for the sign of Capricorn, the goat that fed the gods. That is all the definition for Capricorn that was written on that sheet of paper but it would revolutionize my thought process on the first chapter of Genesis. I instantly saw the possible connection between the ending of the second verse of Genesis and the beginning of the third verse (the beginning of day one of creation) of Genesis in relationship to this definition of Capricorn, the tenth sign of the Zodiac. I fully realize, at this point, the average reader will see nothing in that little phrase. But it meant everything to me. It, for a moment, put the cosmos back together again; but, it also would create an interminable chaos. The word Elohym translated by inapt (or quite intelligent ones) translators literally means gods, angels. It has a feminine and a plural connotation in its theological makeup. When Elohym (gods)[footnoteRef:39] said, let there be light, it is not difficult to envisage this plea as a prayer. How could Elohym (translated God) be praying to anyone? Such an idea makes no sense if God is monotheistic. Elohym from my point of view symbolizes the infinite knowledge of God that ego-consciousness secularizes; thus, it would be the dead Word of God that is crying out in the DARKNESS for there to be LIGHT. If the initiate understood that it would revolutionize religion in our day. [37: I should mention here that in June 1978 God gave me the greatest spiritual gift of my life. I had a vision, which lasted merely a nanosecond that explained to me, in no uncertain terms, that there was no such thing as death. I envisaged the sum-total of all knowledge: this was obviously Gabriels visitation. I had glimpse of eternity. I have discussed this vision in my other writings I merely mention it here to illustrate the chronology of my research.] [38: Dennis Chuck Cole, Liverpool, New York, We became friend sometime after this first encounter.] [39: The Zohar has the word ELOHYM associated representing the twelve signs of the zodiac.]

It was, therefore, reasonable to assume that since the first verse of Genesis represented number eight (#8) followed by the second verse of Genesis, which is designated number nine (#9) that number ten (#10) would follow. If this number ten (#10) represents the sign of Capricorn it would mean that all the numbers in the creation account related to the Zodiac and that would place the second and third days of creation as harboring also the eleventh and twelfth signs of Astrology respectively. The Zodiacs twelve-signs would limit the size of this patterns data. This would equate Capricorn and day one of creation forevermore. It occurred to me that the word Light could represent number one (#1) and Darkness would represent the number ten (#10) in the first day of creation, Heavens would represent number two (#2) and the Firmament would represent number eleven (#11) in the second day of creation, Earth would represent number three (#3) and Elohym would represent number twelve (#12) in the third day of creation. This above scenario would produce a mathematical quandary in the text of the first chapter of Genesis.

7// 8, 9, 10-1, 11-2, 12-3, 4, 5, 6[footnoteRef:40] [40: I had absolutely no idea at this time that from out of this array of numbers I was choosing one set of cycles over another. It would not be for many years after this initial analysis that I would intuit from out of this array of numbers the key to discovering the Zodiac/Calendar year that span the entire length of first four chapters of Genesis. Beginning with the 10-1, 11-2 and 12-3 scenario I eventually realized that the first number presented the sign of the Zodiac and the second number represented the month of the Calendar Year (Day One of Creation Gen. 3-5; = 10-1; whereas, the 10 = Capricorn and 1 = January); thus, with the 10-1, 11-2 and 12-3 scenario in play it was not difficult from the full array 7// 8, 9, 10-1, 11-2, 12-3, 4, 5, 6 to determine the signs of the Zodiac and the Calendar months laid out to the fourth chapter of Genesis.]

Now when we review this array of numbers we must ask ourselves how these numbers come together in the proper order. Using the 10-1, 11-2, 12-3 scenario, in this array of numbers as a guide, it is not difficult to complete the cycle.As you can see it was just a matter of bringing the remaining days of creation, four thru six (4-6) around to meet and interlock with the numbers seven thru nine (7-9). Curious enough after completing this cycle I did everything I could to escape the taint of Astrology in my thought processes; yet, at the same time I was searching the libraries of the world looking for ancient verification of such a cyclic pattern. Now that the nine-part Cycle of Divine Creation had morphed into a twelve part cycle I called this new twelve part cycle, THE CYCLE OF GENESIS (10-1, 11-2, 12-3, 7-4, 8-5, and 9-6).

Psychologically I had no idea that I was working against myself. Hindsight is 20/20. My basic problem at this time in my researches on the text of the sacred scriptures is that I did not know anything about Astrology and I did not believe it would be necessary to know anything about it. All I knew is that from my youth Astrology was considered forbidden knowledge. Astrology in the eyes of Catholicism is a tabooed subject to study. It became my primary mandate to ignore all references to Astrology and at the same time to search out and confirm the validity of the Cycle of Genesis I discovered via a one-line astrological definition of the sign of Capricorn. The dogma of Catholicism had become, without my knowing it, shackles on my thought process.It would actually take me four and a half (4) additional years before this cycle in Genesis made any sense at all. Of course I was researching the first chapter of Genesis ad nauseam, during this time, to no avail. This does not mean that my time in those four and a half (4) years were wasted. On the contrary, it was a valuable period of time to wade through the trash of humanity rejecting basically everything in my wake in my quest for truth. Unlike Pilate, who asked Christ, What is truth? I did not know what it was but I did know what it was not. For me the crme of academic thought on the subjects of the Bible, history, tradition, philosophy or whatever was nothing more than fuel for the fire in the outer darkness. None of those authors thought processes made any sense. Their thought did not sync with reality as I was intuiting it. Like Johannes Kepler,[footnoteRef:41] who cleansed the stables of Astronomy/Astrology of the horse manure to make room for his discoveries of universal motion, I too found myself cleansing the hallowed halls of academia of all its bull manure. If anything I was the harshest critic of human thought that I knew of. I asked for no quarter and I gave none. [41: COSMOS: The Harmony of the Worlds (video series: Episode #3) written and narrated by Carl Sagan. I use the example of Johannes Kepler here also as a perfect example of someone choosing the Scale of Darkness over the Scale of Light. Keplers choice of materialism over the teachings of the Church, which actually includes Astrology, is where he made his mistake in tossing out Astrology with the bathwater. ]

Something put me into this world and that was enough of evidence for me to know that there was a God. God had to be without qualification omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscience; therefore, if He is the cause of my life then I was entitled as the Son of God[footnoteRef:42] to be privy to His very being and existence. I would accept nothing less from Him. [42: 1 John 3:1; Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.]

THE CYCLE OF GENESISThe precise date that I began to understand The Cycle of Genesis was April eleventh 1983[footnoteRef:43]; I was browsing a book-warehouse selling discounted books. I came across a book that dealt with an astrological theory concerning the twelve (12) sons of Jacob[footnoteRef:44] in the Bible. It must have been the years of rejecting such ideas and materials like it that my defense mechanism broke down and I purchased the volume. I felt it just might be worth searching out how this particular theory related to the Bible. This book was not really remarkable in any sense of the word other than that it enlightened me on some of the rudiments of Astrology. I did not understand the books basic premise but that is beside the point. I really did not try to understand it. Up to the time that I read it I really knew nothing about Astrology that amounted to anything. Yes, I gleamed a cycle some years before based upon a one-line statement about the sign of Capricorn but that was an anomaly. My reasoning was a bit different now since I learned a bit more about Astrology. I now understood that there were distinct mathematical and geometric patterns formatted, in the cycle of the Zodiac, by the four basic elements of Astrology: Fire [1-5-9], Earth [2-6-10], Air [3-7-11] and Water [4-8-12], in relationship to its twelve signs. These elements are called Triplicities because there are 3-signs to each of them. Then there are the three Quadruplicities: Cardinal [1-4-7-10], Fixed [2-5-8-11] and Mutable [3-6-9-12] signs intertwined with the Triplicities in the same Zodiac cycle, which also gave off distinct patterns. These Triplicities and Quadruplicities in a normal cycle of one-thru-twelve (1-12) gave off very orderly patterns that cannot be denied. I then decided to search out the Cycle of Genesis by determining where in it the Triplicities and Quadruplicities would array themselves. [43: This was a very traumatic and psychological transition. When I discovered the true meaning behind The Cycle of Genesis I could not sleep for four days. There was no doubt in my mind that an archetype of the psyche was coming forward to dominate the conscious life. I visited my doctor who gave me powerful sleeping medication to fight it off.] [44: 12 SIGNS, 12 SONS: Astrology in the Bible (1978), by David A. Womack]

As far as the Triplicities[footnoteRef:45] and Quadruplicities[footnoteRef:46] are concerned, there is perfect symmetry to their patterns in the Cycle of Genesis. All four sets of Triplicities are perfectly mated in relationship to each other in the above diagram, as are the three sets of Quadruplicities, in the other example of the cycle, are also in perfect harmony. All four sets of Triplicities are mirroring each others patterns. In addition, the Quadruplicities demonstrate that the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs of Astrology each have the same basic pattern intertwining them mirror imaging each other. For those that know something about Astrology this is all simplistic but for me at the time I was learning about it for the first time, it was a great revelation that inspired my thought concerning the Cycle of Genesis. At the present time the Cycle of Genesis must be seen as a cycle that overlaid the entire first chapter of Genesis. [45: I have color coded the Triplicities to correspond to their element, which I believe are their traditional colors given to them.] [46: I have additionally color coded the Quadruplicities according to their traditional colors.]

What also caught my attention at this time was that if the Triplicities are on display the Quadruplicities are out of sight out of mind and vice versa. This was clearly a concept illustrating how the psyche can be blocked from seeing something. There was much to intuit here from a symbolic sense. The mere fact that in Astrology the Triplicities and the Quadruplicities were amalgamated to the same cycle; whereby, one system knew nothing of the other was where my fledgling thought began seriously to think in turns of esotericism. This concept of two systems amalgamated into one was clear symbolic proof of the possibility of there be an Esoteric Science. Then there is of course the Zodiac Cycle and the Calendar Year, which are also married to the same cycle and clearly the Zodiac knows nothing of the Calendar and vice versa. In these early stages of my researches I was beginning to equate the Trivium and the Quadruvium to the Triplicities and the Quadruplicities and in this manner I began to see the legitimate possibilities of there being a mathematical science hidden beneath the grammatical texts of the sacred scriptures. I had previously heard of such an Esoteric Science; however, in hearing of it no one explained how to access it, which is one of the tragedies of modernity: rhetoric without demonstrable evidence. I dont think anyone actually knew just how this Esoteric Science was structured into the texts nor how it could be brought to the surface. Yes, Gematria was known insofar as the study of Hebrew letters and words; however, it is only in factoring in the Seven Liberal Arts: Trivium and Quadruvium that brings perspective to the problem of how the Esoteric Science was codified to the sacred scriptures and how it could be harvested.



The Cycle of Darkness is none other than the Cycle of Genesis but it will be examined from a totally different perspective. Previously we have seen that this cycle came out of the text in very symmetrical patterns in relationship to the Triplicities and the Quadruplicities. It was indeed a break-through to finally embrace the mathematics and symbolism of Astrology. That is as far as I would take Astrology. I have yet to meet anyone that could predict something that had any life changing or mind altering data from out of a horoscope. Fortune telling was out of the question as far as my thought processes went and the science of Astrology would be considered a mathematical, symbolic, and linguistic tool. Little did I realize that I would be able to illustrate this self-appointed dogmatic principle to my satisfaction with a precision that would manifest itself with demonstrable evidence; heretofore, not seen in hermetic, religious or academic studies on the sacred scriptures since the days of the Alchemists in the seventeenth century.It occurred to me after reviewing the outcome of the Cycle of Genesis from the perspective of the Triplicities and Quadruplicities that this cycle could be contrasted with what could be euphemistically called the Cycle of Light: The Zodiac Cycle use the numbers one through twelve (1-12) sequentially. The questions that began to come to mind after seeing these cycles of Triplicities and Quadruplicities were perplexing; for the reason that, they did not synchronize conceptually with what the literal text of the sacred scriptures were saying. How could such cycles be justified in lieu of what the surface area of the text was saying? I could not justify them then because I had no knowledge of what these cycles were all about or why they would be esoterically and mysteriously not explicitly written into the surface storyline. I considered myself in a real cultural dilemma about now because a person would begin to question his own sanity when confronted with such graphical evidence when the whole world seems to know nothing about them; however, I had no alternative but to continue with my researches in the hopes of coming out at the other end unscathed by the dark forces that seem to dominate our world. In a sense there was no place to go religiously or philosophically. I could not return to the old way of thought. I gone through that maze and have come out on the other side of it. I had built up, over the years, such an animosity towards the academic way of thought the very idea of getting caught up in their rhetoric sickened me. The way of philosophy was not a viable avenue to escape into either because it as a science also was riddled with contradictions. Every clown that has a set of vocal cords is heralded as the Messiah of the age.As the cycles of Light and Darkness are studied it is seen that the number ten (#10) in the Cycle of Darkness has usurped the position of the number one (#1) in the Cycle of Light. As each number is usurped from one cycle to another it in turn usurp another number in that cycle until one cycle is completed from the other; however, this only brought to the fore an additional cycle, which in turned implied a number of cycles was within some kind of esoteric system; therefore, I was literally forced, through such reasoning, to extrapolate out to determine how many cycles were in the system. I realized of course that the system was limited to the amount of cells to a cycle especially when one cell (#7) was anchored to its position permanently. The array of cycles only went out to eleven. When circumambulating the cycles it can be seen that a distinct pattern reveals itself whether the numbers are exchanged either way from one cycle to another. That pattern is as follows: from right to left or left to right1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 3, 6, 12, 5, 10The number seven (#7[footnoteRef:47]) is anchored in each of these cycles. It is the only number that is not in motion. We can continue with this sequent pattern, from one cycle to another, until repetition sets in. A total of eleven cycles are obtained for this stationary number seven (#7) sector, which is indicative of an even grander system of cycles. Naming this first set of cycles, as Sector #7 is not difficult to envisage since the number seven (#7) itself sets the precedent. If each of the twelve (12) signs of the Zodiac were placed into house #7, and each of the signs were made stationary for its own eleven cycles, a total of 132-cycles will manifest in just this one sector. This will produce a total of fifteen hundred and eighty-four (1584) cycles in all twelve (12) sectors of the system: eleven times twelve times twelve (11 * 12 * 12)[footnoteRef:48]. [47: This #7 symbolizes the second chapter of Genesis, which will be recognize in my researches as the Garden of Eden.] [48: This figure 1584is obviously a number to do with the precession of the Equinoxes; especially, if all twelve sectors had twelve instead of eleven cycles: 12 * 12 * 12 (12) = 1728.]

In the chart on the next page I have deliberately jump ahead in naming THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION in order to place this chart here for the readers consideration. From this point forward I can no longer give an exact chronicle version of my research because this research from this point forward is an combination of other researches I have conducted over the years, which all came to bear on THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION. This chart (the equivalent of graphic images of the cycles) is as far as I got in those turbulent days between April eleventh and April 1fifth 1983. I would literally not seriously revisit the cycles for another twelve years.

On April 1fifth 1983 after having rested I looked at the work I conducted on the cycles in four sleepless days, which was quite a lot of material. Again, I asked myself the question, Who would believe my report?I realized that outwardly it would seem that all of this was merely an invention of my mind and that the entire system of 1584-cycles was merely an extrapolation of the first cycle of nine parts and I would wholly agree with that assessment if someone had come at me with what appeared to be a cockamamie theory if I did not immediately understand it. It would take me many more years to understand how to deal with this material. In and of itself it appeared to be creation out of nothing. Nobody is going to believe it because I had no context to relate it to or contrast it against.I looked at my one bookcase library[footnoteRef:49], which was only about half full, at the time, to see if I could find an ancient work that could possibly have a mathematical system codified to it. After a few minutes I reached for Dante Alighieris La Divina Commedia and within just a few minutes I intuited an arithmetical system, which would take me twelve years to unravel. [49: This one bookcase pales compared to my present library that surrounds me today.]

The work I did on Dante Alighieris La Divina Commedia Mathematical System[footnoteRef:50], which was published 1998 would invariably aid me in my work on THE CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION. I revisited the Cycles of Divine Creation in late 1994 while awaiting publication of work on Dante Alighieris La Divina Commedia. I did not begin writing my second work until 1998: THE SECRETS and THE MYSTERIES OF GENESIS: Antiquitys Hall of Records[footnoteRef:51], published in 2003,, which I included a preliminary account of THE CYCLES OF DI