The Creation Myth of Mara

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Transcript of The Creation Myth of Mara

  • 7/30/2019 The Creation Myth of Mara



    The Creation Myth of Mara

    The Beloved Mara of Nippur

    Part One

    Lo, there was no there there, nor was there

    here here nor there. Neither distance, nortime nor light nor unlight nor up nor downnor left nor right nor movement nor stasis.

    Or so it seemed.

  • 7/30/2019 The Creation Myth of Mara



    Pure thought existed, The Bornless One, who encompassed the not-there and

    the not-here and the absence of distance and time and light and unlight and up

    and down and left and right and a multitude of other nothingnesses. His

    invisible boundless infinite spiritual light was all and nothing was there outside

    of it, for there was no outside of it.

    So the Bornless One withdrew himself to form a place wherein could live that

    which he envisioned to bring into existence. Yes, the invisible boundless spirit

    light contracted itself to form an opening inside itself which it did not fill, so

    that it no more utterly filled the All.

    First, he called forth Tiamat to exist in that space that was evacuated. Then

    Tiamat was not evil but she was the clay from which all mind and thought was

    formed. But still no time nor distance nor light nor unlight existed neither here

    nor there.

    From Tiamat was called forth The Consort, the shining perfect one, the

    firstborn. From Tiamat was also called forth the beings and the souls and the

    minds and the creatures, to join Tiamat and The Consort to reside in that

    evacuated space. Yet was there still no there nor here nor light nor unlight nor

    distance nor up nor down nor movement.

    From The Consort emerged the powers, the laws, the rules of formation, the

    tiny whirling ones according to their types, the chains of light, the ladders of

    light, the formulae of distance and of time, and also, the sounds to bring them

    into being.

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    Then spake The Consort in the invisible light to bring forth the emanations, the

    tiny whirling ones, the tiny chains of light and the ladders of light to guide

    them and the building bricks of distance and of time, and the glue to bind them

    and their nature and their function and their qualities and the laws ruling

    them. Then the Consort commanded Tiamat to enter into the words, to give

    them life, as she was the clay of mind.

    When The Consort spake, the promise of the here and there, the up and down,

    the left and right, the movement and the stasis and the tiny ones, pressed

    together by Tiamat as if by the weight of a multitude of mighty Ziggurats,

    appeared like a tiny spark. Inside of it was the prediction of all that would ever

    be, and outside of it was the absence of here and there, no thing, no time, no

    distance, no light nor unlight.

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    Tiamat had entered the fireseed to kindle it. Terrible was the birth pangs of

    that which would be, in utter anguish were the ingredients of the powers and

    the bricks and the cement and of time and direction squeezed together.

    Hark! Movement was the firstborn.

    The seed swelled out by Tiamat s terrible pushing that resembled the

    heaviness of a multitude of mighty Ziggurats in the center of its heart. Faster

    than lightning, the movement made it grow as the thoughts were compressed

    together in no space, yeah, they struggled for space.

    For the seed became a fireball, nay, the heat of a thousand furnaces could not

    compare. The promises inside the seed was like unto a fire but fiercer than

    flames, for it suffered the savage pressure of Tiamat. The seed billowed out

    quicker than a lighting bolt to ease the ache of Tiama ts mighty pushing . Verily

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    I say unto ye, not even the most stiff-necked nor the wickedest of ye will suffer

    the excruciating pain that the promises in the seed endured, when ye descend

    into the Abzu where ye are headed to be chastised and tormented. In that, ye

    are indeed fortunate.

    The laws, the regulations and the ordinances could not yet operate, nor could

    the powers perform their functions, neither could the tiny whirling ones

    assume their names, their qualities, their forms and their tasks that TheConsort had decreed, for they were all one in this terrifying fire-like thing.

    But their desire to assume their names and their tasks, and the violent force of

    Tiamat made them press outward with urgency. Then also The Consort pitied

    them for the ferocious pressure they endured, and for the chaos, the harsh

    heat and the lack of space to assume their forms and their functions.

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    Therefore The Consort divided herself in two. Half of her entered the fireball

    and half of her stayed outside in the infinite light with The Bornless One.

    Inside, The Consort speeded up the growth and the expansion, for as yet no

    laws were in place. The powers had no power over the tiny whirling ones, as

    the powers and the whirling ones were one, as were the laws one with the

    powers and the tiny whirling ones. They were all mixed and pressed together.

    Then The Consort separated the first power. It was called The Pulling and it

    assumed its name and its functions. When it started doing so, it made space

    for the tiniest of the little whirling ones to assume their form and their

    appellation in the turbulent sea where the promises of the larger ones were

    still smashing into one another, indeed, crushing one another.

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    Then The Consort pulled another power free and this power made the fireball

    grow even quicker, a thousand times the speed of a lightning bolt, so that the

    heat was lessened and with it the agony. Now more of the tiny whirling ones

    obtained the space to take their form, on account of the lesser heat and the

    greater room to move.

    Then The Consort split the third power into two powers and these two

    different powers took up their duties. The one is a merchant, the other is an

    alchemist. They are the powers of exchange and transformation.

    This splitting of the one into two cooled the fireball so much that all the

    remaining whirling ones even the largest now took up their form and their

    function. In this, they were assisted by the merchant and the alchemist.

    There were no more lost, scattered and wandering tiny whirly ones that drifted

    aimlessly to form clouds that absorbed the light.

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    Thus The Consort cleared up the smoke, blew away the clouds, indeed did she

    clear the skies by setting the whirlers in their appointed places. For until this

    time, the All was like a dirty cloud of smoke, dimly lit by a dull red glow.

    When The Consort cleaned up the All, she liberated the light from the smoke

    and the fog that smothered it, she assigned them their places, and the All

    emerged in magnificent splendor. Then the ladders of light guided the tiny

    ones of light in straight paths. And then the Pulling force helped to form the

    stars of heaven that adorn the night sky like gemstones. Throughout all space

    the sublime song of the stars resounded in harmony.

    But still there was Tiamat, untamed, wild Tiamat, who had witnessed what her

    formidable power had helped wrought, and she craved more. She so hated the

    song of the stars that she began humming a discordant tune, she started

    croaking a clamorous song of destruction. Not even The Consort could hushTiamat. The most the Consort could do was to control her by the powers and

    the laws, to the extent that she was able.

    For Tiamat had become drunk on her power, she wanted to change and

    rearrange the laws and the powers for her own glory, she yearned to destroy

    for her own enjoyment. Wherever she could, by the insidious sorcery of her

    shrill cackling and her hellish bellowing Tiamat pressed together large stars to

    cause destruction, to break the laws, to smash the rules, to render null the

    regulations and to overthrow the ordinances.

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    Thus in her hubris, Tiamat broke the laws, she pushed one star into the other,

    she kindled them with chants of malice and burnt up their fuel so they

    collapsed and verily, so terrible was their implosion that they tore and rent the

    brick walls of space and time. Where once their light flared brightly, now

    appeared the evil, hideous Abzus of the heavens, the insatiable whirlpools that

    devour everything, the pestilential pits that suck in even the light.

    By this madness, decay entered upon the All. All that The Consort had

    organised and arranged and adorned fell subject to decay, the order that she

    had established fell victim to disintegration, the harmony of heaven was

    ruptured by the malice and the witchcraft of Tiamat.

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    Then The Consort called upon her other self in the realm of invisible boundless

    light. In order to repair the havoc wrought by Tiamat, large fountains opened

    in the heavens, portals from the sphere of infinite spiritual light, where power

    and light and tiny whirling ones pour in, so that whatever is devoured by

    Tiamats d ark abysses, is replenished from that realm of inexhaustible light.

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    And thus it shall be until Tiamat is slain. For verily, she dwells within ye and ye

    being stupid and ignorant, cannot distinguish her dissonant squalls from the

    healing voice of The Consort. And even when ye can, ye choose the clamorous

    cacophony of Tiamat on account of yer innate rebelliousness.

    That is why the Abzu awaits ye, where ye shall be purified of yer wilful

    wickedness and yer ignorance and yer stupidity. By fire and smoke and cuts

    and lashes and stings shall ye learn to choose life and righteousness. And only

    when Tiamat is finally destroyed shall evil no more infect yer hearts, nor

    wickedness yer minds. Sela.