Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar

Transcript of Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Page 1: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese


By Dr. Dorit Kedar

Page 2: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.


Page 3: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Nearly all human creation myths start with the motif of Chaos, the non-defined, non-limited. In one way or another human mythology sees Chaos as the source and bearer of the four formative elements of the Visible – earth, water, air and fire.

The present exhibition attempts to explore in very succinct words and imagery some characteristic which may turn Chaos more palpable.

Restoring inner psychological Chaos may turn us less egocentric, raise doubts, be more humble and consequently more emphatic towards all other impermanent sentient being and natural phenomena. Restoring inner psychological Chaos may also help in recognizing the evasiveness of the present tense, thereby focusing on amplifying the here and now with positive intentions, thoughts and deeds.


Page 4: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

The Four Elements

The four elements are represented by four birds of prey to symbolize Awareness, Attentiveness, Focus and Relevance to enable the unification of Body, Soul, Mind and Energy within the Here and Now.

Page 5: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac served as inspiration for 12 characteristics to enhance absorption of Chaos and turning it into a Way of Life

Page 6: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Rat - Multidimensionality

To become multidimensional, one has to give up the conceptual separation between the Path and the Goal. By stressing the goal, which necessarily exists only as a subjective reality, we might channel ourselves to a narrow path, missing the infinite gamma of Reality, as it is.To become multidimensional is to follow the goal (inner reality), always prepared to adapt the new advents of the Path.

Page 7: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Ox or Bull – Perseverance

Chaos and the elusiveness of Reality might be tiring, confusing and depressing unless we learn how to become perseverant.Perseverance can never be realized if it is based on illusive subjective certainty. As the Essence of Life is Chaos, Perseverance is to be grasped as a value, which helps withstand the ebb and flow of Reality

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Tiger – Adventure

Habitual ways of living, concepts, and beliefs are forcefully repetitive, misconceived most of the times, as eternal truths.Cultivating the sense of adventure reminds us to permanently be impermanent in our daily life, to dare explore unknown fields and be part of the ever pulsating Reality.

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Rabbit – Altruism

Altruism is a way of sharing Reality with all sentient beings and natural phenomena. Altruism requires a continuous effort to de-code the Other's way of life and needs. By gradually learning altruism, we enrich our world with infinite ways of living. We slowly attune ourselves to the infinite rhythm, sound, color, form, smell and taste of the fleeting sentient beings and natural phenomena.

Page 10: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Dragon – Enterprise, Initiative

To take upon ourselves new enterprises and trigger different views is per se of extreme difficulty.

Revolutionaries, inspired by the Vitality of Chaos, wish to breakthrough territorial and collective idea fix.

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Serpent – Introspection

In a strange way, wishing to be part of the ever moving waves of the Ocean of Life and Death, we must learn to be at the same time active and passive.There are times of progress, times of halting and times of withdrawal. We can make happen many things but many more things just happen, independently of our craving, dreams or goals.The Serpent reminds us to be flexible and be attuned to the caprice of Chaos.

Page 12: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Horse – Elegance, Splendor

Every culture has its code of manners, its etiquette. Generally the etiquette is sustained by social hierarchy and codification.One is considered polite or impolite according to the ethic criteria imposed by the society in which he or she lives.The Horse teaches Courtesy, which is independent of social etiquette.Courtesy derives from the Spirit of Equanimity and Understanding towards everyone, free of repetitive external mannerism.

Page 13: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Goat – Creativity, Harmony

Most of the time creativity is based on self-expression - subjective ideas, socio- political outlooks or emotional idiosyncrasies- concretized in different media, according to the particular choice of the creator.However, Goat symbolizes a Spiritual Creativity, transcending the boundaries of self-expression. Spiritual Creativity acts in an ampler context, as an enhancer of Harmony and Understanding among the sentient beings.

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Monkey – Savoir Vivre, Joie de Vivre, Humor

Humor is our daily reminder to envision the occurring events with temperance.Humor is our guardian to prevent us of being over dramatic, overzealous or fall into extreme state of minds as depression versus euphoria.Humor is our guide to go through life, remembering that everything is evanescent and therefore so worthwhile considering.

Page 15: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Cock – Renewal

The cock challenges us in a very meaningful way, for renewal is an exceptionally complicated task to accomplish. If Nature is in effect Renewal, the human mind tends to live following past experience, acquired beliefs, cultural heritage, social convention and personal characteristics.Forcefully there is an immense gap between the mind, which tends to remain static and the dynamism of life and death ruled by the Unknown, which Time imposes. The cock is an everyday reminder to check our relevance of body, emotions, thoughts and energies.

Page 16: Creation Myth, Chaos and animal symbolism in Chinese zodiac By Dr. Dorit Kedar.

Dog – Fidelity, Friendship

Fidelity and Friendship are scarce, as one has to think both about himself/herself and the friend, partner, colleague, family member at one and the same time.Dog instructs us to get down of the stage, cease to play the main role, and begin listening to the unheard voice and will of the Other.Only by acknowledging the way of life, thoughts, emotions and will of the surrounding sentient beings, can we effectively chose if to be complacent, to revolt, to agree or to retreat, always practicing to solely use the means of Harmony and Accord.

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Pig – Generosity

Generosity is simple and complex. In its essence it is seeing the other from the other's point of view, without necessity of judgment, according to the prevailing social morality criteria.Generosity is therefore a constant effort to enrich oneself by being very attentive to the needy on the path – human, animal or plant.Thus the more generous one is – the wiser, as generosity is a trigger to get out of our own imprisoned mind and needs.