The Consummation: Postmillennialism

Post on 10-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Consummation: Postmillennialism

The ConsummationPostmillennialismC.S. Noren, 2017

Premillennial Views

Premillennial Views:

MillenniumHistoric Premillennialism

Second Coming

Final JudgmentTrib

MillenniumDispensational Premillennialism

Second Coming

Final JudgmentTrib


Post Millennial Views

Postmillennial Views


Second Coming

Final JudgmentTrib


Second ComingFinal


Summary of Amillennialism The Bible teaches there are two ages:

Present Age.▪ Inaugurated with the first coming of Christ ▪ Temporal.

Age to come.▪ Inaugurated with the second coming of Christ ▪ Eternal.

The second coming of Christ separates the two ages. The elect are gathered. The wicked judged.

Amillennialism and the Millennium Revelation 20 and the Millennium.

Recapitulation vs. Chronological Sequence.▪ View 1: Revelation presents visions in Chronological

Sequence.▪ Each vision segment follows the previous vision segment in

time order.▪ Millennium occurs after Christ returns.

▪ View 2: Revelation presents visions in Recapitulation form (Amillennialism and Post Millennialism).▪ Visions follow the pattern of history from Christ’s first coming

to his victorious second coming and judgment.▪ Millennium covers the period of Christ’s first coming to


Amillennialism Summary

Amillennialism is the view that the millennium occurs between the first and second comings of Christ.

The number 1000 is symbolic of the completeness and intensity of Christ’s reign.

The tribulation also occurs during this time, but also intensifies when Satan is unbound.

Amillennialism Summary The already but not yet.

We presently live in “this age”. Spiritually we taste “the coming age”.

This view is consistent with the NT teaching: Two ages, the present age and the age to come. One judgment when Christ returns.

Practical Consequences: Victory is ironically achieved through suffering. An intense tribulation is coming (and might be here). Christ is reigning now. Christians look forward to the second coming, which

can happen at any moment.

Amillennial Timeline

The ChurchThe ChurchTribulationMillennium


New Heavens and EarthThe Church The Church

Postmillennialism Postmillennialism is the view of the last things

which hold that the kingdom of God is now being extended in the world through the preaching of the gospel and the saving work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of individuals, that the world eventually is to be Christianized and that the return of Christ is to occur at the close of a long period of righteousness and peace commonly called the millennium. (Loraine Boettner, The Meaning of the Millennium, Four Views, edited by Robert G. Clouse, p. 117).

Postmillennialism Summary Summary of view:

Christianization of the world. Not every single person will be a

Christian, but a majority will. Evil will be reduced to negligible

proportions. Christian principles will be the rule. Christ will return to a truly Christianized


Postmillennial Timeline

The ChurchThe Church



New Heavens and EarthThe Church The Church

Basis of Postmillennialism And Jesus came and said to them,

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)

Basis of Postmillennialism Matthew 28:18-20, the Great

Commission, is not merely a command, but a promise. “All authority” is viewed that authority

with a sweeping conquest has been given to Christ.

Through Christ, the disciples and the Church is empowered to accomplish the aim.

Other Biblical Support

Psalm 47:2; 97:5 – great king and Lord over all the earth.

Zechariah 9:10 – his rule shall be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.

Revelation 7:9-10 – the redeemed cannot be numbered.

Other Support

Loraine Boettner notes (in 1977): The gospel is going throughout the

nations. Christian principles are extending

throughout the world in ethics, law, politics.

Critiques of Postmillennialism They do not examine closely the only

place in the Bible that mentions the millennium, Revelation 20.

Does not fit with biblical teachings apostasy, the great tribulation, or the revelation of the Antichrist.

Is the world going in an optimistic direction?

Revelation 20 Issues

Believers ruling with Christ in Revelation 20:4-6 Not ruling on earth. Refers to souls of believers who have

died, in the intermediate state. No indication of a golden reign on earth.

The pattern of Revelation 20 does not fit the pattern of a golden age before Christ’s return.


Luke 18:8 – “… when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” When Christ returns, it may be possible

that the number of true believers will be very small.

So what? Christ is ruling. History is not accidental events. History has a God directed path. Already and not yet:

Christians are participating in Christ’s rule. We look forward to the consummation of history.

Victory is through the cross. Through Christ’s death and our union with

Christ. Ultimately our death ushers us to the glorious

presence of Christ.

Book Recommendations Biblical Theology:

Old and New Testaments

by Geerhardus Vos Excellent introduction to

Covenant Theology and biblical interpretation.

Reformed Forum is doing podcast book study of Biblical Theology.

Paperback and Hardcover

Book Recommendations

A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times by Kim Riddlebarger Excellent case for

amillennialsim. Paperback and


Book Recommendations

The Bible and the Future by Anthony A. Hoekema

Best book on Amillennialism.

Paperback and Kindle

Book Recommendations

The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation by Vern Sheridan Poythress Excellent short

commentary on Revelation.


Book Recommendations

Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation by Dennis E. Johnson More detailed

commentary on Revelation.

Hardcover and Kindle

Book Recommendations

The Book of Revelation (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) by G. K. Beale Best commentary

on Revelation. Paperback and


Book Recommendations

Revelation: A Shorter Commentary by G. K. Beale (Author), David Campbell More readable

edition of Beale’s massive commentary.


Other Books

Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church by Gary Demar Postmillennial Paperback

Other Books Revelation: Four

Views, A Parallel Commentary, Revised & Updated Edition by Steve Gregg (Editor), Robert G. Clouse (Foreword) Commentary on

Revelation based on 4 views.
