THE COLD WAR CONTINUED Time elapse of the nuclear era... .

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Transcript of THE COLD WAR CONTINUED Time elapse of the nuclear era... .


Time elapse of the nuclear era...


• Trace the continuing events & policies of the Cold War through the Eisenhower Administration.

The long term struggle with the Soviets may produce a “garrison state”…

2) DDE’s concerns…

Nike Missiles

Will the military emphasis of the Cold War overburden the U.S. economy?

3) The “New Look”…

• Sec. of Defense Wilson coins the phrase “more bang for the buck”…

•Reduce military expenses …“more bang for the buck”

•Nuclear weapons are cheaper than conventional forces …stabilizes the defense budget

•Pursue high- tech nuclear weapons

•“Massive retaliation”…

Sec. of State J.F. Dulles4) - ID J.F. Dulles…

- Describe his position on communism & his role in the “new look”…

• Communism is immoral & godless.

• “Rollback”…

• “Massive retaliation”…

• “Brinksmanship”…

J.F. Dulles - Dominant in US foreign policy leader during the 50s.

The “New Look”The “new look” successfully reducedmilitary spending... 1952 1960

66%............... 49% of budget

5) How did DDE feel about the “new look”?...

The “New Look” was not practical in all situations… Full scale nuclear war was the

only option to resolve situations

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

• A strategy in which the full-scale use of nuclear weapons would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker & defender.

• The strategy relies on deterrence ...the threat of using nuclear weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of nuclear weapons.

• Both sides lack incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm.

• In E. Berlin (1953) and in Hungary (1956) people revolt against Soviet occupation.• The Soviets violently crush the revolt.

6) How did DDE handle the crises in E. Berlin & Hungary?

• The US does nothing to support the revolution. WHY?...

The Death of Josef Stalin - Stalin died of a brain hemorrhage on March 5, 1953. His body was embalmed and placed next to Lenin's in the tomb at Red Square. In 1961, with Stalin falling into disgrace, the corpse was quietly removed & buried.

…. Stalin is responsible for the deaths of 20,000,000+ people

Leader of the USSR


Nikita Khrushchev

7) How did the ascension to power

of Nikita Khrushchev affect U.S.-Soviet


• Improved relations… - Redirected the Soviet economy to consumer goods - 1958: Suspends atomic testing - 1959: 12 day diplomatic trip to America

Geneva Summit (1955)The overall goal of the summit was to reduce tension. President DDE proposes the “Open

Skies” Doctrine.

The Soviets rejected the idea ….mistrust

The Soviets & US would allow

flights over each other’s territory to

monitor each other.

Soviet reaction?…

Sputnik - Oct. 4, 1957

• The first artificial satellite• Size of a basketball …183 lbs …98 minute orbit• SHOCK & PANIC in the US…The start of the space race

9) The National Defense Ed. Act of 1958…

An appeal to not spare the rod when it comes to catching up with the Soviets.

• NASA is formed - $8B into education

8) What incident ended the thawing of the Cold War?...

May, 1960

The U-2 Wreckage

U-2 wreckage on displayed in Moscow

The Soviets recovered

the parachute &


Covert Action10 & 11) Why did Eisenhower believe the

CIA was a practical way of resolving international political problems?

Cheap, quick & quiet

12) How did the U.S. & the USSR compete for influence in the third


• USSR: Emphasizes Anti –imperialism, $ and covert action

US - Destabilize Communist efforts with $ & covert actions

Intervening Around the World

13) What actions did the U.S. take in Iran to insure a friendly government?...

What was the outcome?...• 1953: Iran nationalizes British oil companies• CIA overthrows the Iranian government• The Shah is put in power & renegotiates oil contracts favorable to US

1955: The Formosa Resolution…

• Congress approves military force to prevent the PRC

from taking Formosa

• The PRC stops efforts to take


14) How did the U.S. gain Israel as a

reliable ally in the Middle East?

• The US backed Israel when the Arab countries attacked them in 1948.

• Arab states refuse to recognize Israel

• Ends with UN sponsored armistice in 1949

15) Why did Nasser nationalize the Suez Canal?...

Background...• 1875- Great Britain controls the Suez Canal• President Nasser seeks aid from the US & British to build the Aswan Dam… Aid is not approved by U.S. & Britain.• 1956- Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal & turns to Soviets for aid. • 1956 – Great Britain, France & Israel invade Egypt• Soviets threaten intervention• DDE condemns the action at the UN…Influences a halt to the crisis

DDE influences “The Suez Crisis”

1956: The Eisenhower Doctrine• US fears Soviet influence in the Mid-East… (OIL!)• The US will support Mid-East. countries threatened

by communism• 1958 – US thwarts Soviet take over in Lebanon

16) Why did DDE oppose the Guzman government in Guatemala? What actions did the U.S. take there? What

type of government was established in Guatemala?…

1954: Guatemala Leader of Guatemala (Guzman) gave US owned land to


It was believed that the Guatemalan government was Communistic….The CIA trains a Guatemalan army to

over throw the government.

- Fidel Castro overthrows the corrupt Cuban Dictator Fulgencio Batista

- Eisenhower authorized the training of Cuban nationals who sought to overthrow Castro.

1959: Cuba

Fulgencio Batista

Fidel Castro

The foundations of the Vietnam conflict…

The Viet Minh (Communists) are fighting against French colonialism in Indo-China.

First Indo-China War


Leader of the Viet Minh:

18. a.)

The Vietnam dilemma…• HST had committed the US to defend freedom… The

Truman Doctrine• DDE feared “another Asian war”…Possibly another

Korea• The French request U.S. involvement• DDE sends aid, military advisors & CIA• 1950-54: US finances 75% of the French effort

18 b.) Dien Bien Phu

• Expelled France from Vietnam• Human wave attacks• French: 2,200 dead/ Wounded

17,800 prisoners• Viet Minh: 23,000 dead

18 c.) Domino Theory…

“I can conceive of no greater tragedy than for the US to become engaged in an all

out war in Indo-China” - DD Eisenhower

1954: S.E.A.T.O…

• US backed anti-communist alliance in Asia• Members: US, Britain, France, Australia

New Zealand Thailand, Philippines & Pakistan

18. d.) The Geneva Agreement – Divides Vietnam: 17th parallel

NV - Viet Minh Ho Chi Minh

SV - Rep. of Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem

19) What groups opposed the “New Look” in foreign policy?

• Peace advocates… the New Look is illogical. • Scientists… the danger of radioactive fall out• Europe… Ban the Bomb protest group• U.S.… SANE protest (National Committee for a

Sane Nuclear Policy)• Women• College Students

Ike’s Warning: The Military – Industrial Complex

What is the “M.I.C.?”

20) What did Eisenhower warn against in hisfarewell address? ...What is at risk as a result of the “M.I.C.?”

The Military Industrial Complex speech…

“The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination

endanger our liberties or democratic processes.” - DDE

Honors American CulturesAmerica At Midcentury: The Cold War Continues – Review Activity

In small groups (2-3), classify the terms below into the category with the strongest relationship to the term. Each group will be responsible for explaining the relationship of the term to category. Several of the terms many be used more than one time.

17th Parallel Fidel Castro Gamal Abdel Nassar

Brinksmanship Viet Minh The Geneva Agreement

Domino Theory John Foster DullesNational Defense Ed. Act

The Shah Cheap Oil Allen Dulles

“Garrison State” CIA intervention Vietnam

Dien Bien Phu Ngo Dinh Diem “Roll back” Communism

The New Look Lt. Gary Francis Powers Ho Chi Minh

Eisenhower Doctrine U-2 Incident “More bang for the buck”

Formosa Resolution NASA SEATO

Covert action MAD

The Suez Canal is nationalized Communism is “Godless and immoral” The

United Fruit Company is nationalized Israel is attacked by Arab nations

British Petroleum is nationalized in Iran

Replace conventional weapons with nuclear weapons

President Eisenhower… Cuba… Nikita Khrushchev…

The Middle East French Indo-China… Secretary of Defense Wilson…

Guatemala… Secretary of State J.F. Dulles Iran…

Sputnik Examples of CIA intervention… Communism spreading…