The CMO Playbook for B2B Lead Gen - slides 012414

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Transcript of The CMO Playbook for B2B Lead Gen - slides 012414

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

Paul TaylorCEO

January 28th, 2014

The CMO’s Playbook for B2B

Lead Gen

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About Us

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We are a digital marketing agency focusing on lead gen & revenue.

Search Engine Optimization

Social Media Marketing

Paid Search & Display

Content Development

Top 500 Fastest

Growing Private

US Companies.

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We deliver on revenue.Not just leads & traffic.

Each campaign includes:

Business Research + StrategyCustom Scorecard TrackingAttribution + Data-driven Optimizations

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1 The Modern CMO ChallengeCapturing the New B2B Buyer

2 Lean Tools for the Digital FrontierFueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

3 Next StepsWinning Online Lead Gen in 2014

On the Agenda

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

1 The Modern CMO ChallengeCapturing the New B2B Buyer

2 Lean Tools for the Digital FrontierFueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

3 Next StepsWinning Online Lead Gen in 2014

On the Agenda

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Capturing the New B2B Buyer

“2/3 of CMOs will be held accountable for ROIby 2015. But, HALF feel insufficiently prepared to provide hard numbers.”

- IBM 2013 CMO Study

1 Increasing ROI Accountability

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Then Now

Source: Branding in the Digital Age, McKinsey, HBR, Dec. 2010

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

2 Navigating the Hidden Sales Cycle

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What does a winning lead gen strategy look like?

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

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Capturing the New B2B Buyer

A winning lead gen program consists of an integrative outreach and

nurture strategy driven by smart content marketing.





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70% of the buyer’s

journey now happens online.

Source: SiriusDecisions

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

It’s now critical to be the first influencer.

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Contacts sales rep directly.

Google searches services.

Reads peer reviews.

Sees competitor display ads.

Discovers blog covering vendor differentiators.

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

Be present at all touch points

*Sample buyer’s journey.

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Source: BtoB Online’s 2013 Marketing

automation study

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

How you can leverage content marketing:

Tailor Content to the Funnel

Push prospects down the funnel with

tailored content for each buyer stage.


Create a Nurture Program

Craft a nurture program based on

unique lead behavior.


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Over half of B2B marketers will increase their content budget in 2014.

30% of B2B marketing budgets are dedicated to content.

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

Source: B2B Content Marketing – 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends; MarketingProfs, CMI, BrightCove

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

B2B companies with an active content and blog

strategy generate 67% more leads per month

than those who do not.

(Hubspot, The State of Inbound Lead Generation)

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

Content delivers leads.

No Content Strategy

Active Content Strategy

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What does lead gen success look like?

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

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Capturing the New B2B Buyer

Reach a sales & marketing consensus.




To measure which campaigns generate revenue, set up your CRM to track closed deals back to influencing campaigns.

Determine the lead gen money metrics.

Qualified Leads (SQL/MQL)

Sales Pipeline

Closed Deal Revenue

Website traffic

Lead volume

Cost Per Lead

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First three pieces of content we recommend:







SEO Leads

Social Leads

SEM Leads

Reinvest budget into the top performing lead gen channels.

Evaluate lead gen campaigns based on revenue rather than

lead volume.

Capturing the New B2B Buyer

Reach a sales & marketing consensus.



$ $ $

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1 The Modern CMO ChallengeCapturing the New B2B Buyer

2 Lean Tools for the Digital FrontierFueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

3 Next StepsWinning Online Lead Gen in 2014

On the Agenda

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Where does lean fit in?

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“Agencies & clients that apply lean tools get

33% Better Results.”

- Boston Consulting Group, ‘Cutting Complexity Adding Value’, May 2013.

Fueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

Lean Digital Marketing enables our clients to:

Get results 66% faster.

Cut cost per lead in half.

Experience 2X lead volume.

Gain $8 pipeline revenue for every $1 spent.

Fueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

We have increased not only the quantity of leads,

but the quality of leads with your efforts. I’m excited about what we’ve been able to accomplish so far and am looking forward to what’s in-store for 2014.”Marina Antestenis,

Director, Integrated Marketing

Client Case Study

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inContact needed a best-in-class digital marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve in a highly competitive SaaS business segment.

1 Improve digital marketing performance in terms of lead volume, lead quality, and ROI.

2 Prove the value of each digital marketing channel with closed-loop reporting.


Our team rose to the challenge with two primary countermeasures:

1 Digital Marketing Kaizen 2 Attribution Reporting Model

Client Case Study

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260%Top 10 keywords

lead volume

29%cost per lead


social lead generation

175%QoQ revenue


Client Case Study

In just 5 months we have delivered:

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How did lean drive these results?

Fueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

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1 2 3 4Define the


Uncover the head of the problem.

Evaluate the Impact vs.

Effort Matrix.

Develop an action plan.

Fueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

Lean accelerates digital results in

4 Steps:

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

4 Develop an action plan.

Serves 3 purposes:




Creates a project timeline.

Assigns ownership.

Establishes standard KPIs.

Fueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

1 The Modern CMO ChallengeCapturing the New B2B Buyer

2 Lean Tools for the Digital FrontierFueling Revenue with Lean Marketing

3 Next StepsWinning Online Lead Gen in 2014

On the Agenda

#123webinar | @webmarketing123

Accelerate digital lead generation with

4 Key Takeaways:



Strengthen digital presence to influence the Hidden Sales Cycle.

Invest in a multi-touch attribution model.

Apply lean optimization tactics to agreed upon KPIs.

Next Steps

Conduct a lead generation content audit.



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Email or call 800.619.1570


Paul TaylorCEO

Meet with our team.

Let us help refine your lead gen strategy to exceed your sales goals.