The church year runs March CHRISTIAN WORSHIP...2017 - 2018 MISSIONAL GIVING Faithful Stewardship -...

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Transcript of The church year runs March CHRISTIAN WORSHIP...2017 - 2018 MISSIONAL GIVING Faithful Stewardship -...


Faithful Stewardship - Next Step Giving

• If you’ve never given a weekly offering, take the next step of faith and give weekly

• If you’ve given regularly, take the next step of faith and give a regular percentage (1-9%)

• If you’ve given a percentage. Take the next step of faith and give your tithe (10%)

• If you’ve tithed regularly, take the next step of faith and give extravagantly.

The church year runs March - February

Tithes & Offerings given, February

Monthly Budget:………………………….$17,540

Monthly Received: ……………………. $ 0

Total Received in January:……… $14,881


Ron Kearns—Interim Pastor, 253-678-6220

Christina Anderson - Administrative Assistant

Mario Garcia - Pastor to Spanish Congregation

Mario Garcia, Jr. - Spanish Congregation Ministry Intern

Carrie Goldsmith—Associate & Youth Pastor

Claudia Miller - Director, Orchards Childcare & Preschool,

& Children’s Ministry

Tim Miller - Worship Leader

Rev. Lowell Welker - Emeritus Pastor

Address: 850 Union Ave NE, Renton, WA 98059 Phone#: 425-271-3206 Fax#: 425-271-1334

Email: Website:

Wi-Fi: Nazarene, (1,2,3) Password: romans623 Find us on Facebook: rentonnazarene

God Calls

Call To Worship


Worship Through Music


We Respond

Pastoral Prayer

Tithes & Offerings


1st Sunday of each month




February 04, 2018

Combined Service Attendance

Total for Last Week: 100



If you have a prayer request or would like to become part of the prayer chain,

contact the office @ 425-271-3206 or

Or call Mary Guinn 425-271-4042 or LaVeta Lehman, (H) 425-207-3515, (C) 425-306-9958

PRAYER REQUESTS INDIVIDUAL: The Hart family as they deal with the loss of Don Hart; John Fitzpatrick-benign tumors & Sheryl-toe surgery; Janis Hyne-blurry & burning eyes; Suzy Ashford; Brian Smithlin’s mother, Susan-health and addiction; Bill Copple-health issues; Genevieve Wick, infant sibling of an Orchards family, has kidney issues; Mary Bame’s health, her Mother, Karen Maki-Fell & Fractured her arm, Jacob Bame-back pain & toe infections; Alonna Hopland-sprained back; Joann Calton-fighting an infection; Angela Ward & her son Nate recovering after the train derailment; Brian & Ashley Smithlin; D.S. Jerry Kester’s grandson, Micah (3yrs. Old) fighting leukemia; Troy Kearns continued recovery and rehab; Tova Rogers recovery; Shirley Arthalony’s cousin, Grady Zickefoose-bone marrow tumors; Marsha Gwinnett’s continued recovery; Judy Leonards’ son-in-law, Terry-shingles; LaVeta Lehman’s sister Geneva-continued recovery & her nephew Marty-awaiting open heart surgery; Pat Neely; Lowell Welker’s continued healing; Mary Guinn’s son in law, Mark Riggs; Caleb Wootton; Jean Dillingham-Shoulder; Clyde Lambert; Clayton & Judy Smith; Jesse Pollard; Les Graff– dementia & healing; Joann Carlton; Richard Fox’s cousin Harold; Roy Thompson; Mary Webb; Gary Wilson’s continued recovery.

PRAISES: John Fitzpatrick’s tumors are not as bad as first thought; that we are a mission minded church.

CHURCH: Everyone fighting illness; The church during the search for a new lead pastor; for the growth in all ways imaginable; the need for volunteers for the nursery, children, and teen ministries; that we would be faithful to God’s call on us as a church; for protection and healing of the church and the Orchards.

COMMUNITY: The victims of the DuPont train derailment; The homeless needing a warm and safe place to be; our neighbors, Honey Dew, & those with financial needs; all those struggling with loss.

WORLD: California mud slide victims; Those dealing with mental illness & the desire to hurt others; the persecuted Church; victims of child slavery and human trafficking; and for things to be “on earth as they are in heaven.”

Or scan the QR code:

Nursery Workers Schedule

Sunday February 4

8:45 am - Worship Team Practice

9:30 am - Sunday School

10:45 am– English Worship Service

1:30 pm - Hispanic Service

Wednesday February 7

11:30 am - Prime Time Bible Study

& Potluck @ Kent Hillside

6:30 pm - Youth Group

7:00 pm - CA Meeting in the Foyer

Friday February 9

7:00-12 pm– Hispanic Bible Study

Saturday February 10

9:00 AM Loving God’s Community

1:00 pm - Don Hart Memorial


Weekly Activities

February 4

Remedios Terrazas

& Sandra Trujillo


Bev Miller (S.S.)

Jessica Pollard (Service)

February 11

Remedios Terrazas

& Sandra Trujillo


Shawn Rexius (S.S.)

Sara Pollard (Service)


The Almighty God Renews the Weak


‘A’ is for Alabaster

When you buy something check your change

& collect dollar bills with the letter ‘A’ in the

seal. If several people join, we can really

make a difference.

The next Alabaster Offering

is Sunday, February 18th

Alabaster money is used to

build churches in mission

areas worldwide.

21 Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

Has it not been told you from the beginning?

Have you not understood since the

earth was founded? 22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the


and its people are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,

and spreads them out like a tent to live in. 23 He brings princes to naught

and reduces the rulers of this world to

nothing. 24 No sooner are they planted,

no sooner are they sown,

no sooner do they take root in the ground,

than he blows on them and they wither,

and a whirlwind sweeps them away like

chaff. 25 “To whom will you compare me?

Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:

Who created all these?

He who brings out the starry host one by

The NMI are enlisting your help with



We are asking for donations to

go towards Crisis Care Kits

between today and February 11th.

Donation envelopes and the drop

box are located on the Missions

Desk in the foyer.

If you have any questions check in

with RaeAn. With your help this will

truly be a Mission Possible.

You can make donations year-round

to support Crisis Care Kits!

Mark your calendar!

February Special Events:

Sat. 10th - Don Hart Memorial Service, 1 pm

Sun. 18th - VOTE - Annual Elections! Sample Ballot is available at the Welcome Desk

Sun. 18th - Pat Neely’s 90th Birthday

Celebration, 4 pm

Thu. 22nd–Sun. 25th - Youth Winter Retreat

Sat. 24th - Amy Miller & Cory Sethman

Reception, 4 pm

Sun. 25th - Farewell Potluck for

Ron & Marcie Kearns

one and calls forth each of them by name.

Because of his great power and mighty


not one of them is missing. 27 Why do you complain, Jacob?

Why do you say, Israel,

“My way is hidden from the Lord;

my cause is disregarded by my God”? 28 Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary

and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary,

and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:21-31 (NIV)


February 4th

is the last day to

register for winter retreat!

Get your $10 and permission

slip to Carrie Today!

Special “Thank You” notes have been hung by the welcome desk for all to see.

Stop by and check them out!