The ‘Write’ Way to CED · Marketing •Identifying need for Indigenous language resources...

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Transcript of The ‘Write’ Way to CED · Marketing •Identifying need for Indigenous language resources...

The ‘Write’ Way to CED: 'Create to Relate' Publishing in Pukatawagan, Canada

Janice SetoUniversity College of the North, Manitoba

Tuesday September 25, 2018Canadian Community Economic Development Network

Econous 2018 Conference: An Economy That Works for All/UneEconomie au Service de Toutes et Tous

People, Planet, EconomyMoncton, New Brunswick


The ‘Write’ Way to CED, a project of Create to Relate… from Day One of the CED diploma

• The ‘Write’ Way to CED’ is a project within Janice Seto’s‘Create to Relate’ framework that guides and sustains her design of the Community Economic Development (CED) curriculum.

“Community Economic Development happens only when the individual is developing. There is a storyteller in everyone, there is a Micro-Entrepreneur (ME) in everyone.”

• If CED students become entrepreneurial and model a can-do spirit, they could break themselves and their families out of the poverty of a welfare-dependency mindset often pervading indigenous communities.

Sidney Castel’s The Pukatawagan Song on The Tonight Show

Pukatawagan, a Cree language communityCED students who had hitherto primarily been consumers of internet content (video gaming, surfing for information, etc) first learnt in the foundation course of the CED program to use Google Suite to produce a coffee-table book on Pukatawagan featuring personal photographs, archival images, and interviews with elders and community members, on any topic of their choice. CED recycling initiative

Phase 1: Creating on Amazon -> Themes & Topics of Book 1: Pukatawagan


-> sourcing images

-> writing content, promoting (blurbs)


-> designing cover


• Ice Fishing

• Canoe race

• Historical photos of Pukatawagan

• Creating and sport of snowshoeing

• Puk Life – family outings

• Painters of Pukatawagan

• Pukatawagan cover band

• Local Saw Mill


• Conflicting priorities of parenting students -> student absenteeism • NEET adult students who did

not make adjustment to routine dropped out• Lateral violence by family

and friends -> ‘the nail that sticks up gets hammered down’

Phase 2: Developing Entrepreneurship, Celebrate Proactivity• focused on developing

entrepreneurial skills… ME (Micro-Entrepreneurs) via learning-by-doing

Marketing• Identifying need for

Indigenous language resources throughout the country, and Cree language specifically – and addressing this demand • Outreach to elders and

other community members for Cree translation• Learning from test

marketing feedback To date, CED students have published 10 bilingual English-Cree children’s books currently available for purchase on Amazon in ebook and print format

Tourism• In-bound without

carbon footprint• Extend message to

global audience

To date, CED students have published 10 bilingual English-Cree children’s books currently available for purchase on Amazon in ebook and print format

Themes & Topics of Book 2: bilingual Cree-English children’s book

• Basic literacy• Basic numeracy• Environmental science• Stories in the culture• Praying in Cree and English• Local geography: High Rock Adventures• History: Walking for Clean Water

Pukatawagan on the Move by CED instructor, Janice Seto, translated into Cree by UCN regional centre coordinator, Ralph Caribou

Phase 3: Deepening alliances with Stakeholders

• Stakeholder buy-in of these capacity-building projects has encouraged these nascent CED professionals to continue creating and diffusing locally-created meaning.

• Pukatawagan Education Authority, K-12 Sakastew School Ellen Bubar, Ralph Caribou

and Janice Seto of UCN and CED cohort authors

Themes & Topics of Book 3: bilingual Cree-English children’s book• Basic literacy• Basic numeracy• legends in the culture (2)• Persistence in the face of

discouragement• local geography: Street

names in Pukatawagan

Manifesting Potential

Talent… Expression … Next

Stakeholder engagementIn progress, • Media Kits• rudimentary YouTube video

support -> narrating books in Cree

Create to Relate:The Write Way to CED• Aside from individual royalty

income, ‘the Write Way to CED’ initiative adds value to the community as an integral participant in enhancing the Cree language capacity of Pukatawagan generations to come.

UCN CED cohort books -> Available on Amazon -> search ‘Pukatawagan’A. Bilingual English-Cree Language Children's books

• -> Water is Life by Dhedra Dumas

• -> Climbing Obstacles by Dhedra Dumas

• -> Teach me Alphabets by Tyrone Caribou

• ->The I Love You Book by Tyrone Caribou

• -> Learning to Count by Pascall Bighetty

• -> Praying Our Father by Sylvia Caribou

• - Family growing up-Opi-ki-wak-ni-too-tee-mak by Mary Sylvia Caribou

• -> My Sister by Roxanne Linklater

• -> Walking for Clean Water: Pukatawagan on the Move by instructor Janice Seto w Ralph Caribou, regional centre coordinator

• -> A Coloring Book Walking for Clean Water: Pukatawagan on the Move

B. The following are English only (perhaps will be available later in Cree-English)•

Talking/dp/1926935349/ -> Save Your Breath: Negotiating Better Deals by Talking Less by instructor Janice Seto

• - Netting the Wild by Pascall Bighetty

• -> High Rock Adventures by Desmond Castel

• ->

• Pukatawagan's Saw Mill by Roxanne Linklater

• -> The Legend of Wasakijack the trickster: Book 1 byDesmond Castel

C. The following is Cree only•

Translation/dp/0995840431/ -> High Rock Adventures (Cree) by Desmond Castel

The ‘Write’ Way to CED: 'Create to Relate' Publishing in Pukatawagan, Canada

Janice SetoUniversity College of the North, Manitoba

Tuesday September 25, 2018

Canadian Community Economic Development Network

Econous 2018 Conference: An Economy That Works for All/UneEconomie au Service de Toutes et Tous

Moncton, New Brunswick
