The American School of Hypnosis · to effectively use our Smoking Withdrawal Program that includes...

Post on 26-May-2020

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Transcript of The American School of Hypnosis · to effectively use our Smoking Withdrawal Program that includes...

Dear Prospective Graduate, Thank you for your interest in the American School of Hypnosis. In this catalog we will describe the features and benefits of our program. Upon reading the information you may want to review our website to see more in depth details of the A.S.H. as well as the dates and locations of up-coming classes. The American public is more health conscious now than ever before! Smoking and weight loss alone have become a multi-million dollar business. You can now have a full time or part time career where you can help others and become financially secure at the same time. There is no past experience necessary, only your desire and commitment to succeed . . .

There are three main reasons people learn hypnosis

1. Start a Business

This is one of the most flexible and lucrative careers available today! You may choose to start a full time or part time office from home or maybe just have an extra tool you can use to enhance your present occupation.

2. Self Improvement

Many of our graduates are interested in learning hypnosis so they can improve the quality of their own lives and that of their families and friends through numerous self help and healing techniques taught. You can help others to stop smoking, lose weight, sleep better and even rid themselves of headaches and other unwanted aches and pains.

3. Spiritual Enrichment

Some students attend classes for the many metaphysical applications. You will learn the formula and process of how to conduct individual sessions and workshops in past life regression and many other areas. You will also learn and understand the uses of hypnosis in spiritual healing.

The American School of Hypnosis & Alternative Healing

Rene A. Bastarache, DM, CHT

(215) 586-1818

Hypnotherapy is one of the fastest growing fields today and there are many opportunities available immediately upon graduation for those who have commitment and ambition. We are at the ground floor of a field that is literally skyrocketing with extremely positive exposure from the media and the medical community. People are increasingly looking for alternatives to modern medicine and very open to what you will have to offer. Here are just a few of the career possibilities that can give you a lucrative income in hypnosis . . . 1. Start your own clinical office. 2. Teach self hypnosis classes 3. Teach in the adult and continuing education departments of schools and colleges. This is becoming very popular now. 4. Work in doctors office with their patients on a full time, part time or on call basis. 5. Work with hospitals, clinics or holistic centers. 6. Work in gyms and holistic centers for sports enhancement stress reduction and health issues etc. 7. Conduct group sessions in high schools, colleges for test taking, memory retention and study habits. 8. Work as a comedy stage hypnotist and perform for high schools, colleges, military bases, cruise ships, night clubs, carnivals, fairs, corporate functions, fund raisers and even weddings. 9. Conduct individual and group workshops in past life regression and hypnosis. 10. Eventually you may want to open your own hypnotherapy school. 11. Work with local law enforcement with forensic hypnosis. 12. Start a hypno-birthing clinic. 13. Work with professional or semi-pro sports organizations. You may want to try just one or combine several. The only limitations are the ones that we set for ourselves. Let us help you to remove those limitations so you can move forward and attain your goals and desires in life.

Now offering your choice of one full week,

weekend or individual classes! Upon graduation you will be certified and qualified to

practice hypnotherapy worldwide and will have the

continuing resources and ongoing assistance of the

American International Association at your disposal.

We offer you the intense hands on training required to

enter this rewarding career in as little as 6 days with many

options and locations available. We are committed to

helping you succeed as a successful Hypnotherapist.

This is truly the most rewarding and enjoyable career you will ever find and one that will change your life forever!


Your professional hands-on training is just the beginning of the package! There are so many extras you will benefit from both during training and upon graduation.

We are the originators of the "21 Day for Change Program". You will be taught how to effectively use this program to help many that may have not been able to be reached by traditional methods prior. With this program you will find your success rate to be so much higher that that of conventional hypnotherapy. To see the background behind this astounding discovery go to: .

21 Days for Change with Hypnosis Take hypnosis to the next level

Now you can change, enhance, or eliminate virtually any habit or behavior. This is truly the NEXT GENERATION in hypnotherapy. “We have had the opportunity to use this product with many of our clients, both in groups

and individual sessions. The results have been astonishing! The depth levels and especially

the end results have far surpassed that of the conventional methods of traditional

hypnotherapy we had always been using. The most impressive success that has been

experienced with this program was the permanency of the changes made.”

Features: Can be used for one or several disorders at once. Just as effective in groups sessions as in individual sessions. Works on anyone who is committed regardless of hypnotic depth. Can be re-used over for new issues upon completion of program. Works as effectively on any subject, analytical or non.

Another major breakthrough is our Smoking Withdrawal Program. You will be taught to effectively use our Smoking Withdrawal Program that includes 9 separate scripts and instructions. With this program you will be able to wean your clients off of smoking easily and permanently even if other methods have not worked at all for them. It is the most effective smoking cessation program we have ever come across.


Compare our Total Package

to make an educated decision

1. Receive your training from three of the most innovative instructors in the field.

Raluca, Rene and Jamie make a wonderful team and you will have the benefit of their combined experience and knowledge. Rene A. Bastarache, DM, CHT

Director of the American School of Hypnosis & Alternative Healing. Certified Hypnotherapist and instructor with the American International Association and the International Hypnosis Association. Author - "Hypnosis Money Makers -Training Manual from A - Z" Author - "Hypnotherapy Certification Training Manual, Basic and Clinical" Raluca E. Bastarache, CI, CHT

Hypnotherapist and Director of the American School of Hypnosis, Clinical Division in Philadelphia, PA. Certified Instructor and Board of Director with the American International Association. Raluca is from Eastern Europe where she was a professional opera singer and is fluent in 5 languages. Raluca's expertise in hypnotherapy and also her abilities in the area of metaphysics greatly enhances the over all quality of training.

James K. (Jamie) Tyndall, CI, CHT

Founder, The Healthy Hypnosis Center in Mechanicsburg, PA. Certified Hypnotherapist and Instructor with the American International Association. Board of Directors, American International Association. "Jamie adds so much to our already wonderful package. He brings with him a vast

background of sales, management, professionalism, knowledge and computer savvy."

2. Affordable Tuition Many schools charge up to $3600.00 for the same or even lesser training.

Our training is only $1199.00 . . . No additional charges. In fact you are encouraged “re-take” the classes for practice or continuing education credits any time you wish free of charge. Compare, and you will find that we offer so much more for your tuition! Don't just take our word for it ... See our curriculum below for yourself as well as many testimonials from our graduates.

3. All Inclusive Our tuition covers everything including your training manuals, all materials and a one year membership with the A.I.A., "The American International Association". This elite group of professionals is dedicated to helping each other to progress in knowledge and business. We are an organization that encourages networking and helping each other rather than competing against each other. Membership is only available to graduates of A.I.A. curriculum training. We are the only exclusively member association available so as to initiate a higher standard in the training and

competence of Hypnotherapy Practitioners. The A.I.A. sets the standard in hypnotherapy certifications.


certification as a way of becoming part of a larger organization that can document that they are a professional in their field. Some boast to be the largest, the oldest or even the most prestigious. Some associate their names with doctors, mental-health professionals and even dentists. These associations will give you a certification / diploma to put on your wall for your clients to see, thereby giving them a form of security that they are being treated by a competent practitioner. How can any association or organization ensure the highest standard of their members training if they have never met or trained them, and do not physically check into their credentials or background? This is the exact case unfortunately with the majority of association benefits that are offered today. Even though many of these associations do have their own in-house training, they still allow any outsiders that that wish to join to do so by simply filling out an application and sending in a fee. After all, in business, the way to grow and make money is by offering your product to as many as possible. This may be a sound business practice but not a good one in the area of certification!

S TO FOLLOW . . 4. A.I.A. Certification Includes: * A beautiful certificate of completion to proudly hang in your office from both the AIA and the ASH. * A personal membership card. * Our CD of 200 + new, "original" scripts that you can use in your own practice.

Before you choose a school or certification there are important items to consider. First, what is your purpose for joining an association or certifying body? Of course one reason would be for the networking with other professionals in your field, but the most important reason to join is for some form of validation or regulation by a qualified third party. As you may or may not be aware of, presently there is "NO" form of federal regulation for hypnotherapy professionals. Therefore most practicing hypnosis professionals opt to join some form of association

* Inclusion on our national referral database. * Inclusion on our informative website upon request. * Unlimited access to our knowledgeable online and phone support to aid in your future success with advice and information on marketing, conducting sessions, business building and many other subjects of interest. * Availability to affordable malpractice insurance. * An invitation to become part of our association of over 100 Hypnosis Centers nationally which will assist you by becoming part of a larger organization which will give you immediate credibility, referrals and networking assistance in your new practice. * Our monthly publication with articles, updates and the latest breaking hypnosis news and techniques. * Access to our online store of CD's, books and metaphysical items. . . . and much more as you can see listed below. * An invitation to attend our yearly conference to learn many advanced topics from professionals in the field. Our conference is free for members to attend and is conducted via teleconferences so anyone worldwide can participate from a telephone or computer.

5. Mentor Program

Once you have graduated we are still there for you with our commitment to success. The choices of what kind of hypnosis business you can start are extremely varied. We remain at your disposal every step of the way for questions, advice or brainstorming. We also maintain the web's largest selection of FREE hypnosis scripts and inductions (over 250 and growing) that you can have right at your fingertips. This is a great advantage especially for the clinical practice.

Continued Practice - If you feel for some reason that you are not ready to hit the market and start your own business immediately, or would like to get more practice, you may continue to return to our training and take part in the live labs where we practice on actual clients.

Not able to return due to distance restraints? We can help you online live with our sound and real time video programs where you can conduct hypnosis safely right over the computer and we can watch on to critique you if needed.

6. C. E. U. Continuing Education Credits Upon graduation you are invited and encouraged to attend any future certification classes free of charge as often as you like which can be used as continuing education credits or just to learn more about areas that you may need a refresher on.

We also conduct live teleconferences that you are encouraged to participate in free on the first Thursday of each month to teach continuing training and to answer questions live from our graduates.

7. Hands on - LIVE Training We use the hands-on approach to training and you will be hypnotizing each other as early as the second day of training. Afterwards you will be practicing on live clients so as be comfortable in beginning your own business upon graduation.

8. Advanced techniques You will learn many advanced techniques that most schools sell as additional courses once you have graduated. Some of these are:

Rapid and Instant Inductions (Ways to bring a subject into the deepest states of

hypnosis in less than 5 seconds) These are important especially in the areas of pain management. Helpful for EMT's and Medical personnel.

Advanced healing techniques. Pain management through hypnosis and visualization.

Successful hypnosis for children that are too young to sit quietly in your chair.

Daily positive mental programming for health, wealth and happiness.

Regression techniques for perfect memory recall, automatic writing, and forensic hypnosis. . . . and much more!

This complete course includes “basic and advanced” certificating training. Upon graduation you will have all the knowledge necessary to immediately start your own practice as well as the ongoing resources of the A.I.A. to get you up and running.

Below is a list of the topics covered in class

Classes consist of lectures by qualified full time hypnotherapy instructors & practitioners, daily hands on practice and also live labs with actual clients and assignments.

21 Days for Change (See Below) Aaron’s Depth Scale Action Suggestions Addiction and Habit Control Advanced Induction Methods Advertising Methods Affect Bridge Analytical Subjects Analytical Techniques Analytical Vehicles Authoritative vs. Permissive Styles Automatic Writing Awakening Techniques and Scripts Behavioral assessment Behavior Modification Breathing Bridge Technique Body Language Braid (contributions) Brainwave States (what are they) How to use the Brainwave Chart Correlation with Depth Scales How to use them in Treatment Levels for Healing Levels for Repressed Memories Level for Psychic Ability Building a Successful Practice Chevreul’s Pendulum Classification of subjects Clinical Sessions Color Imagery Association Comedy Stage Shows (basics) Controlling Bleeding Criterion for Judging Depth of Trance

Dangers to Client or Hypnotist Deepeners Depth Tests Depth Scales Doctor Flower’s Method Dreaming-Out / Dumping Suggestions Easdaile (contributions) Ego Strengthening & Understanding Emergency Applications of Hypnosis Emotional Clearing Strategies Franz Anton Mesmer (contributions) Historical Overview of Hypnosis Encouragement vs. reinforcement Establishing and Collapsing Anchors Establishing Realistic Goals Explaining to Clients Grounding & Centering Goal Image & Focusing Group Application Guilt and Shame (dealing with) Habit Replacement & Creation Healing Faith & Commitment Instant healing Theory No Name The Tunnel Method Placebo Various Methods Visualizations Historical dates and people History of Hypnosis How to Conduct Group Seminars Hypno-Birthing

Hypnagogic State (working with it) Hypnotic Testing Hypnotherapy and Dentistry Hypnotizing Children Image Psychology Indirect Suggestion Insurances Ideomotor Methods Induction and Deepening Techniques Inductions Verbal Inductions Non-Verbal Instant Inductions (the secrets of) Instant Inductions (how to) Intake Worksheets & Process Interviewing of Clients Keys to Effective Suggestion Legal Considerations Liability Insurance Concerns Licensing Marketing and Promotion Marketing Group Sessions Measuring Hypnotic Depth Mechanical Aids Memory Retention; Metaphysics applications and aids Milton Erickson (contributions) Misconceptions of Hypnosis Multiple Sessions Nature of Suggestion NLP Non Analytical Subjects Overcoming Fears and Phobias Pacing and Leading Pain Control Phobias Positive Suggestion Management Post-Hypnotic Re-induction Post-Hypnotic Suggestions Pre-Induction Interview Producing Analgesia / Anesthesia Programming Behavioral Change Pre-Sleep Technique Progressive Relaxation Psychological Disorders Public Speaking Techniques Putting it all Together Rapid Inductions (how to)

Regression Applications Calendar Group Programs Individual Sessions Technique Theories True vs. Pseudo Vehicles Wording Regression, Past Life Regression, Present Life Reinforcement Scripts Relaxation Techniques Remote Control Technique Resistance to Feeling Emotions Resistance to Entering Trance Reverse Suggestion Scripts (using them) Scripts (writing them) Self Hypnosis (several styles) Self Talk For Health, Wealth and Happiness Semantics Sigmund Freud (contributions) Sleep Techniques Sleep Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Group Programs One Stop Program Withdrawal Programs (9 scripts, see below) Suggestibility Testing Stages of Depth Stage Techniques Stanford Scale Stress Management Stress Reduction Strategies Stimuli Replacement Suggestibility Tests (hands on) Subconscious Mind Systematic Desensitization Thought Stopping Trance State Transforming Resistance Waking State Weight Reduction What is Hypnotherapy

If you don't feel comfortable going out on your own tight away you may continue to come to our classes to get more hands on practice on live clients as well as receive continuing education for FREE. Yes, you read that right. One of the benefits of being a graduate of the American School of Hypnosis is that you can attend any portion or even entire future classes that you wish. This is a great opportunity to keep in touch with the latest changes and updates in hypnosis, to keep your talents sharp or just to volunteer as a subject for other students to practice on. As a graduate you also have the privilege to call anytime in the future for assistance or advice on your new venture. We are here to help you with marketing and advertising assistance and business building techniques. You will also belong to an association of hypnotherapist just like yourself that have gone on to start their own business. You have the right and are encouraged to contact any of them as often as you wish to network and get information or advice from. They are all committed to helping each other within the association which is a benefit that sets us apart form the rest.


All of our certification classes are for basic & advanced clinical Hypnotherapy. NOTE: Just 11 clients will pay your tuition back!

$50 Discount for 30 day pre-pay of tuition.


Now offering classes in PHILADELPHIA, PA & ORLANDO, FL and NORTHERN MA.

With your choice of:



Check out web page at or call for future class dates.

You may choose to pay your tuition in full or a down payment of $400.00 must be paid 2 weeks prior to the commencement of your scheduled classes so books and materials can be prepared in time for you to begin. The remainder of your tuition must be paid on the first day of class.

We now also have in house financing for all classes so as to ensure that all may attend this life changing training. Now you can earn as you learn.

Remember there is a $50 discount for 30 day pre-pay of tuition.

A Few Testimonials

"The class with Rene Bastarache has changed my life. Throughout this class I have been awakened to the health and

positive changes that can occur in lives throughout hypnosis. I have learned so much from this "hands on" class. One could

never get from reading only what has been gained through this class. Rene's mixture of experience is so vast and is shared so

positively that the approach lends itself to learning , understanding and moving forward. I plan to ultimately change my

career and direct my newly realized energies to helping people.

I learned about Rene through Adult Education. His teachings were so fascinating and such an awakening that I wanted

and needed more. Thank you Rene for teaching me and showing me the way to make hypnosis make positive change in

people's lives. "

Anita Findlen - Saco, ME

“This course conveys a wealth of information from Rene's vast experience in the field of hypnosis and uses fun,

imagination and humor to drive the lessons home. A positive and amazing learning experience!" Pamela Miller - Santa Barbara, CA

"Rene offers a very comprehensive and hands on training that is invaluable in the art of hypnosis. Rene is open to his

student needs and seeks to offer a higher level of education to all that attend. I would highly recommend this school to

individuals interested in incorporating hypnosis into their personal and / or professional life." Megan J. Freeland - Davenport, IA

"I did look into many other options for hypnotherapy certification. I am so glad that I decided on the American School of

Hypnosis and Alternative Healing. Rene's style is relaxed and informal. His humor and persona made the over all experience

absolutely wonderful. I now feel confident in my ability to hypnotize people and am looking forward to being able to help

them. Thank you Rene."

Leon (Mic) Allen - Macon, GA

"My name is Dennis Mercure and I attended Rene's hypnotherapy certification course in Biddeford, ME this June. I am a

registered pharmacist and felt that while the advancement in health care are remarkable there is another way of helping

people throughout hypnosis. Rene's course was very informative and the hands on training was nothing short of remarkable.

I feel confident that I will be able to help many people help themselves to a better live"

Dennis Mercure - Douglas, MA

"At one point in my life I just felt the need to attend a hypnosis class in order to help people in all kinds of different

situations. Research showed me that the American International Association is just the most solid organization in the whole

world. It has been years since I was at any school and I expected a class-setting but also an authoritative way of teaching.

The way Rene taught was different than my expectation. Rene taught in a very liberate way, hands on and very explanatory.

Any time I would have a question, Rene would take the time to explain how and why. It was a very nice experience. I would

like to thank Rene and Raluca for their nice course and their hospitality."

Dieuw Thonet - Laconia, NH "This was a very organized and well run course. I feel confident in my ability to use hypnosis after this course. We also

had alot of fun together learning about hypnosis. The book and materials that were given are also very instructive and well

organized." Ron Mosiello DO. - Kennebunk, ME

If you have any further questions or require additional information you can go online at, email us at or call us directly at (215) 586-1818