The alien hand syndrome: What makes the alien hand alien? · may interfere with the actions of...

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The alien hand syndrome: What makes the alienhand alien?

Iftah BiranDepartment of Neurology and Center for Cognitive Neurosciences, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Tania GiovannettiTemple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Laurel BuxbaumMoss Rehabilitation Research Institute, PA, USA

Anjan ChatterjeeDepartment of Neurology and Center for Cognitive Neurosciences, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia, PA, USA

The alien hand syndrome is a deeply puzzling phenomenon in which brain-damaged patients experi-ence their limb performing seemingly purposeful acts without their intention. Furthermore, the limbmay interfere with the actions of their normal limb. We report a case of alien hand syndrome follow-ing a left medial frontal and corpus callosum ischemic lesion. From our clinical observations and thepatient’s performances on experimental tasks, we postulate that three factors contribute to the sense ofalienness: First, the errant limb must be disinhibited and disproportionately reactive to externalenvironmental stimuli. Second, the limb is under less volitional control and produces perseverativemovements in which motor stereotypies are concatenated. Consequently, the disinhibited limbperseverates on external stimuli and appears purposeful, despite not being engaged in true goal-directed intentions. Finally, the patient needs to have a relatively intact action-monitoring systemto be aware of the abnormal movements as they are occurring.


The alien hand syndrome (AHS) is one of themost dramatic and puzzling syndromes encoun-tered in clinical neurology. Patients with thissyndrome experience their limbs acting withoutbeing guided by their own will (Biran &Chatterjee, 2004; Bogen, 1993; Brion & Jedynak,1972; Cooney & Gazzaniga, 2003; Feinberg,

1997; Fisher, 2000; Gasquoine, 1993; Kertesz,2000; Marchetti & Della Sala, 1998; Trojano,Crisci, Lanzillo, Elefante, & Caruso, 1993) Theyare unable to stop their alien limb from reachingout and seizing objects, and they often have touse their other hand to prise open their fingersto release the object (Kumral, 2001; Ong Hai &Odderson, 2000). Patients with AHS have evenwoken up to find their alien limbs choking them

Correspondence should be addressed to Anjan Chatterjee, Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, 3 W Gates,

3400 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Email:

# 2006 Psychology Press Ltd 563 DOI:10.1080/02643290500180282

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2006, 23 (4), 563–582

(Banks et al., 1989). Perhaps the most peculiarabnormal movement in the AHS is diagonisticapraxia (Akelaitis, 1944–1945; McNabb, Carroll,& Mastaglia, 1988; Nishikawa et al., 2001;Tanaka, Iwasa, & Yoshida, 1990; Tanaka,Yoshida, Kawahata, Hashimoto, & Obayashi,1996), in which one hand acts in opposition tothe other. For example, a patient reported byBogen (1993) found his alien hand undoing thebuttons of his shirt even as his “healthy” limbtried to button the shirt. Patients frequentlyexpress astonishment and frustration at theseerrant limbs and often refer to the limb in thethird person.

The syndrome, in its typical and dramatic form,arises most commonly following lesions to themedial frontal lobes and the corpus callosum(Banks et al., 1989; Baynes, Tramo, Reeves, &Gazzaniga, 1997; Bogen, 1993; Chan & Liu,1999; Della Sala, Marchetti, & Spinnler, 1991;Fisher, 2000; Goldberg & Bloom, 1990;Goldberg, Mayer, & Toglia, 1981; Suwanwela &Leelacheavasit, 2002). A variant of the syndromecan be seen with thalamic or parietal damage(Bundick & Spinella, 2000; Levine &Rinn, 1986; Marey-Lopez, Rubio-Nazabal,Alonso-Magdalena, & Lopez-Facal, 2002;Nishikawa et al., 2001; Ventura, Goldman, &Hildebrand, 1995) and with cortico-basaldegeneration (Kompoliti et al., 1998).

The syndrome itself is quite variable; indeed itmay be sufficiently variable that it encompassesdifferent syndromes. For example, patients varyin the extent to which they claim ownership oftheir limb and recognize their own limb and inhow they describe their errant limbs. (For anextended discussion of the terminological ambigu-ities accompanying this variability, see Della Salaet al., 1991; Marchetti & Della Sala, 1998.) Onemight further infer that different expressions ofthis syndrome are associated with different pathol-ogy. For example, medial prefrontal damage,especially on the left, is hypothesized to beassociated with grasping behaviours and compul-sive utilization behaviours (Boccardi, Della Sala,Motto, & Spinnler, 2002; Eslinger 2002), callosaldamage with intermanual conflict (Feinberg,

Schindler, Flanagan, & Haber, 1992), andposterior lesions with disorders of motor controlbecause of interrupted sensory feedback (Marey-Lopez et al., 2002). However, these brain–behaviour relationships are not always consistent(as reviewed recently: Scepkowski & Cronin-Golomb, 2003) and the claims are largely basedon descriptive data. Patients with this syndromehave only rarely been investigated experimentally(Giovannetti, Buxbaum, Biran, & Chatterjee,2005; Riddoch, Edwards, Humphreys, West, &Heafield, 1998; Riddoch, Humphreys, &Edwards, 2001) in attempts to test hypotheses ofcomponent processes that might give rise tofeatures of the syndrome. Riddoch and colleagues(1998, 2001) found that a patient with cortico-basal degeneration and AHS had difficulty inhibit-ing prepotent responses with familiar objects infamiliar positions. They emphasize the conflictbetween goal-based intentional movements andstimulus-driven unintentional movements as animportant element in the errors made by thispatient.

In the case presented here, our goal is to framethe investigations within classic views of motorcontrol (Chatterjee, 1998; Denny-Brown, 1958;Jackson, 1958; see also related models byNorman & Shallice, 1986) and relate them tomore recent ideas of action monitoring andforward models of motor behaviour (Desmurget& Grafton, 2000; Wolpert, Ghahramani, &Flanagan, 2001). We recognize that variants ofthe syndrome may have different underlyingmechanisms and hope that this general approachmight be useful in identifying such mechanismsin the forms of AHS in which abnormal motoroutput is evident. The investigations are motivatedby three ideas: motor systems are organized hier-archically, the nervous system controls bothapproach and avoidance motor behaviours, andapproach motor behaviours lie on a continuum ofbeing externally evoked (exo-evoked) or internallydriven (endo-evoked).

First, the motor system has a hierarchicalorganization with different levels of complexityas articulated in the nineteenth century byHughlings Jackson (Jackson, 1958). Simple



movements such as grasping, pinching, or pointingserve as motor primitives. These motor primitivesmay be concatenated into more composite actionsthat may still remain stereotypic but ultimatelyserve complex goal-directed behaviour. Theneural representation of motor primitives is notwell understood (Ghahramani, 2000) but mayoriginate in the parietal lobes (Colby, 1998;Denny-Brown, 1958; Milner & Goodale, 1995).The frontal cortex coordinates motor primitivesgenerated by the parietal lobes into integratedgoal-directed behaviours. Following frontaldamage, motor primitives are often released asperseverative movements. As described originallyby Liepmann (described by Sandson & Albert,1984), perseverations can also vary in their levelof complexity. The question with respect toAHS is, at what level within this hierarchicalorganization is the abnormal limb operating?

Second, Denny Brown thought that goal-directed behaviours relied on parietal and frontalinteractions, with the parietal cortex controllingapproach behaviours and the frontal cortex con-trolling avoidance behaviours (Denny-Brown,1958). On this view, frontal damage releasesparietal approach behaviour that can take theform of simple reflexive acts such as graspbehaviours or more complex actions such as thecompulsive and automatic manipulation of toolsseen in utilization behaviours. The question withrespect to AHS is, what is the nature of theapproach behaviours in this disorder?

The third idea motivating our experimentsis the distinction between exo-evoked andendo-evoked movements, as also emphasizedby Riddoch and colleagues (1998, 2001).Exo-evoked movements are relatively autonomousmovements that are triggered and shaped byobjects in the environment. Endo-evoked move-ments are volitionally planned movements withcomplex goals in mind. Many situations rely oncombinations of both endo- and exo-evokedmovements. Thus, when writing a letter, onemay reach and grasp a pen on the table relativelyautonomously but consciously plan the motorprograms involved in actually writing the letter.The question with respect to AHS is, how has

the relationship between endo- and exo-evokedmovements changed for the abnormal limb?

With this framework as a guide, we report ourclinical and experimental observations of a patientwith AHS. We designed the experiments toaddress different kinds of movement, fromsimple responses to more complex goal-directedactions. We recently reported this patient’s beha-viour in the complex naturalistic action ofmaking coffee (Giovannetti et al., 2005). Thosedata are also summarized here (in Experiment 4),but the focus here is on control over less complexmovements. At the outset, it should be clear thatthe AHS is a rare syndrome with sparse experi-mental literature to guide these investigations. Ourexperiments are by definition exploratory. Ourinterpretation of the experimental results isshaped by clinical observations as well as compari-sons to the phenomenology of other dramaticmotor syndromes, such as hemiballismus and utili-zation behaviour. From our observations and data,viewed through classic and contemporary modelsof motor control, we hope to gain some insightinto the most interesting and also the mostelusive aspect of the AHS: patients’ subjectivesense of their own limbs’ alienness.


JC was a 56-year-old right-handed man whosuffered a left hemispheric stroke and presentedinitially with mild right-sided weaknessand naming difficulties. His MRI scan demon-strated a left fronto-mesial lesion extending intothe rostrum, body, and splenium of the corpuscallosum (see Figure 1). Initially he did not usehis right arm spontaneously, and it remainedlargely inert. Four weeks after the stroke he com-plained of peculiar uncontrolled movements ofthis limb. His hand would do things “as thoughit has a mind of its own”—such as playing withlight switches, grasping and holding things. Itopposed the left hand in some situations. Forexample, it would grab the left hand or reach forpapers held by the left hand. Eating became diffi-cult because of oppositional behaviour of the right



limb. At night after he would fall asleep, the limbcontinued to move and would frequently wake himup by seizing parts of his body. JC moved his bedagainst a wall so that he could lie with his rightarm trapped between his body and the wall inthe hope that he would rest through the night.During the day, he frequently sat on his righthand to keep it from moving or grasped a rolledup magazine in this hand, which he said, “satis-fied” the hand.

On the general neurological examination 2months after the stroke JC’s cranial nerves wereintact. He did not have any motor weakness. Allreflexes were symmetric, and there were no pyra-midal signs. He had a grasp reflex with his righthand. There was no sensory loss. His coordinationand gait were normal.

On his bedside mental examination, JC wasfully alert and oriented. He had a digit span of 6digits forward and 4 digits backwards. His short-and long-term memory were intact. His speech

was well articulated. His comprehension andnaming were normal. He was apraxic whenmiming how to use tools with his left hand(Kischka, Ettlin, Lichtenstern, & Riedo, 1996).He did not show other signs of callosalimpairment. He could name objects held in hisleft hand (without visual feedback), and he couldidentify letters and numbers traced on his leftpalm. He was perseverative when drawing tripleloops and was unable to write alternating ms andns in script. He had difficulty coordinatingsequential gestures and their names (fist, edge,palm) with either hand. He was also unable tocoordinate his two hands in an alternating simplemotor sequence, such as alternating clenchingone hand and extending the other in a rhythmicpattern. He could coordinate alternatingsequences cognitively, as demonstrated byhis ability to perform an oral version ofTrail-Making B (Report A-1, B-2, C-3, and soforth).1

Figure 1. Axial T2 MRI scan demonstrating the left mesial frontal lesion (A) and the extension to the corpus callosum (B).

1 We administered a non-standardized test, as sometimes used by neurologists at the bedside as a coarse measure of frontal lobe




Further limb signs and symptoms

The following descriptions of JC’s right-handabnormalities are based on behavioural obser-vations during his visits and a diary kept by thepatient and his wife. These abnormal behavioursoccurred during the day and night and wereobserved across many activities, including eating,reading, self-grooming, and sleeping. The abnor-mal behaviours were combinations of unre-sponsiveness (negative phenomena/akinesia) anduncontrolled movements (positive acts).

UnresponsivenessAt times the right hand would not carry out JC’sintentions. This unresponsiveness was often com-bined with positive uncontrolled behaviour. Forexample, while he was cleaning his house, thealien hand might dust only part of the furniture.When he was showering, it might avoid holdingthe soap. When eating, it might not reach for acup of tea or pick up food with a fork eventhough it was grasping the fork.

Uncontrolled actionsThese actions were either related or unrelated toJC’s intentions. They are characterized as follows:

Simple repetitive movements. JC frequentlyrepeated simple intransitive movements. Forexample, he would move his right hand side-to-side, tap his knee, or scratch his shoulderrepetitively without intending to do so. Similarperseverative movements were also seen withtransitive movements. For example, he wouldrepeatedly turn the water tap on and off, puteyeglasses on and off, or repeatedly press keys ofremote controls.

Complex continuous actions. These movements wereoften intentionally initiated by JC, but he wasunable to stop the right arm once the movementwas initiated. These repetitions could occur whenhe brushed his teeth, swept the floor, combed hishair, or cleaned his eyeglasses. On one occasionthe right hand kept pouring tea from a kettlewith boiling water even after the cup was filled.

When getting on a bus, the right hand mighttake a card out of his pocket but not his tokens,while in other instances it reached for tokens inhis pocket for no apparent reason. Occasionally,these seemingly complex continuous behaviourswere observed without JC’s knowledge. Forexample, in one of the testing sessions, he wasasked to turn pages of a magazine with his lefthand. As he did this (without any difficulty), theexaminer lightly touched his right fingers with apen. The right hand reached towards and persistedin following the pen continuously as it was slowlymoved away from the hand (see Figure 2). Thisreaching continued until the limb was a footabove the table. JC was unaware of his armmoving on that side.

Intermanual conflict. In some situations the righthand acted at cross-purposes to the left hand.Sometimes it would interfere with the left handwhile it was performing actions. Examples ofsuch behaviours included snatching a knife out ofthe left hand while JC tried to cut food, orseizing papers held in the left hand, interferingwith the left hand while shuffling cards, refusingto let the left hand put on a belt. At other timesit would undo actions immediately after theywere completed by the left hand. For example, itwould take the shirt-tails out of JC’s trousersafter he had tucked the shirt in with his lefthand. The patient’s wife also observed the hands“fighting” while JC slept.

Subjective reactions to the handJC attributed wishes and plans to his right limb.These attributions were evident in statementssuch as “It has a mind of its own”, “Wants to bethe boss”, “Its own way”, “Wants to dust the wayit wants”, “It won’t go the way I want”,“Controls the towel while I dry myself”. JCfurther interpreted simple reaching movement ofhis right hand as purposeful: for example, “[The]right hand goes in [my] pocket to check forthem [tokens]”. He reacted to the actions of theright hand quite vividly at times by cursing it(“Damn you”), or by restraining it (sitting on it,seizing it with his left hand, holding it between



his legs—see Figure 2). His wife described theright hand as acting like a “toddler in a bad mood”.


Our clinical observations suggested that JC’s rightlimb was disinhibited. To test the hypothesis thatJC’s limbs reacted differently, and the right wasrelatively disinhibited and responded reflexivelyto exogenous stimuli, we designed a selectivereaction task in which he responded with eitherhis right or his left hand on every trial in responseto a cue on a computer monitor. In different blocksthe ratio for the response of each hand was variedto determine the extent to which response biasesfor both hands would be influenced by contextualfactors, specifically the probability of making aresponse. Our prediction was that JC’s righthand would be disinhibited, and we wished tolearn whether it would be more sensitive tocontextual contingencies than the left hand.

Stimuli consisted of the letters “R” or “L”presented for 150 msec at the fixation point. Ata viewing distance of 60 cm, each letter subtendeda vertical and horizontal visual angle of

approximately 1.58 and 0.58, respectively. JC’sindex fingers were located on the target keys(right index finger on the “L” key and left indexfinger on the “F” key. The letters were maskedby white stickers. JC was asked to respond withthe hand designated by the letters stimuli (“R”for the right hand, and “L” for the left hand).There were 3 conditions differing in the ratioof the stimuli given to each hand (L4:R1,L1:R1, L1:R4). Accordingly, there were 3 kindsof trials:

1. Frequent trials (F), in which the designatedhand in a trial was frequently the stimulus forthe condition (i.e., “L” stimuli in the L4:R1condition, or “R” stimuli in the L1:R4condition).

2. Infrequent trials (I), in which the designatedhand was as the infrequently the stimulus ofthe condition (i.e., “L” stimuli in the L1:R4condition, or “R” stimuli in the L4:R1condition).

3. Equal-frequency trials (E), in whichboth stimuli appeared with equal frequency(i.e. “R” or “L” stimuli in the L1:R1 condition).There were 240 trials for each condition, givenin four 60-trial blocks.

Figure 2. Examples of alien behaviour of the right hand: (A) The right hand grabbing knife from the left hand. (B) The left hand is

restraining the right hand. (C) JC reading a paper, unaware of his right hand reaching for a pencil.




AccuracyJC made more errors of commission (inappropri-ate responses) with his right than his left hand.This difference was significant for all trial typestesting for the significance of proportionaldifferences (Bruning & Kintz, 1977): 31% versus13% for the equal-frequency trials (p , .0001),33% versus 15% for the frequent trials (p ,

.012) and 8% versus 1% for the infrequent trials(p , .0001).

Reaction timesThe reaction times (RT) are shown in Figure 3.RTs for correct trials were analysed further. RTsgreater than 2 standard deviations from the meanfor each condition were considered outliers andwere not included in the analyses. ANOVArevealed a main effect for frequency (RTs werefaster with more frequent trials: F ¼ 17.19, p ,

.0001) and hand (right hand was faster thanleft: F ¼ 23.58, p , .0001). There was aFrequency � Hand interaction, such that thetrial frequency influenced the right more thanthe left hand (F ¼ 6.48, p , .005).

Post Hoc comparisons demonstrated that theright hand was faster than the left hand in thefrequent and equal-frequency conditions and thatwhile the RTs of the right hand in the frequent

and infrequent conditions differed significantlyfrom the equal-frequency condition (F vs. E:F ¼ 21.0, p , .0001; I vs. E: F ¼ 7.3, p , .01),those of the left hand did not. This analysissuggests that the Hand � Frequency interactionoriginated in the right hand’s greater sensitivityto contextual probabilities.


These data is consistent with the view that JC’sright hand was disinhibited as compared to hisleft. When compared to the left, it respondedfaster and more often inappropriately, and it wasinfluenced to a greater degree by contextualprobabilities. This reactivity to environmentaland contextual cues with disinhibited reflexivemovements may have contributed to JC’s senseof the limb’s alienness.


JC claimed that at times his limb would notrespond to his intentions in everyday tasks, suchas dusting. To test the hypothesis that JC hadless control over volitional sequencing of hisright than his left hand, we designed a task withtwo components. The first component wassimilar to the previous experiment and assessedhis reactivity to selecting the use of his left orright hand. The second component involvedsequential movements to different keys indicatedby a sequence of colours shown on the screen.On each trial these stimuli would indicate one ofthree possible combinations of movements.

We were specifically interested in the differencebetween the two hands, rather than in whether oneor the other was “normal”. On clinical examinationit was JC’s left arm that demonstrated a callosalapraxia and would be likely to have trouble withsequences of previously learned motor acts. Ifanything, this observation might predict worseperformance on sequencing by the left than theright hand. By contrast, if the right hand wasunder less volitional control in on-line planning

Figure 3. RTs for the various conditions in the choice reaction task

(�p ¼ .01, � �p , .005).



of novel sequences, then it would perform less wellthan the left when manoeuvring through thesesequences that varied across trials.

Stimuli consisted of the letters “R” or “L”presented at a fixation point (viewing distance of60 cm, each letter subtending a vertical andhorizontal visual angle of approximately 1.58and 0.58, respectively) and a vertical array of 3coloured oval shapes (red, green, and yellow)presented below the fixation point and subtendinga vertical and horizontal visual angle of 1.58 and58, respectively. Letter and colours were presentedsimultaneously. The stimuli remained on thescreen until the end of each trial. See Figure 4for illustration of the experiment. All combi-nations of letters and colours were counterba-lanced. JC responded with 4 movements: 1st,2nd, and 3rd step: pressing coloured keys (“K”:yellow, “H”: red, “F”: green), 4th step: pressingthe space bar. At the onset of each trial JC’shands were placed in front of the keyboardrather than at the keys themselves, as in theprevious experiment. Accordingly, on the firststep of each trial he reached towards the keyboardwith the appropriate hand, while in the followingtrials his hand was in the vicinity of the target keys.The examiner recorded the hand that responded

(right, left, or both hands). The computerrecorded the time taken to make each movement.There were 2 blocks of 30 trials each.


AccuracyJC was similarly accurate for all movements witheither hand (R ¼ 27/30, L ¼ 28/30, p ¼ ns).His rare errors were the following: For the right-hand trials he produced the wrong sequencetwice and used the wrong hand once. Forthe left-hand trials he produced the wrongsequence once and used the wrong hand once.

Reaction timesThe right hand was faster than the left on thefirst movement (right hand: 2069 ms, left hand:2685 ms, p , .02). By contrast, the right handwas slower than the left for the subsequent move-ments (right-hand average: 621 ms, left-handaverage: 517 ms, p , .005. (See Table 1 andFigure 5.)


This task demonstrated a difference in theperformances of both hands with respect to thetwo components of the task. The right hand wasfaster than the left when responding reflexively,replicating the results of the previous experiment.However, it was slower than the left whenmanoeuvring through a complex novel motorsequence that had to be planned on every trial.These results are compatible with our hypothesis

Figure 4. In this trial JC was required to press with the right hand

the following key sequence: “H” ðRed Þ ! “K” ðYellowÞ ! “F”

ðGreenÞ ! space bar. The colour names denote the actual colour

of the ovals. In the experiment the words were not present.

Table 1. Performance of hands in the different steps of the multi-

step task

Step Hand RTa SD

1� Left 2685 1207

Right 2069 406

2–4�� Left 517 167

Right 621 274

aIn ms.�p ¼ .0165. ��p ¼ .0035



that the subjective sense of alienness mightemanate from having a limb that is simultaneouslydisinhibited and under less volitional control inplanning sequences of movements.


In this experiment we examined JC’s reaction tohis own errors. To do so, we relied on anobservation made initially by Rabbit (1966). Theobservation is that when subjects engage in atask with serial responses, a correct response thatimmediately follows an error is slower than othercorrect responses. The idea is that when anaction-monitoring system is more careful after itdetects an error, it is consequently slower on thesubsequent trial. The normal monitoring of sucherrors is thought to be modulated by the anteriorcingulate gyrus (ACG) and the dorsolateralprefrontal cortex (Gehring & Knight, 2000).Damage to this system could impair JC’s aware-ness of his aberrant motor behaviour in twohypothetical ways. First, a disinhibited errantlimb might simply be the result of poor monitoringof this limb. Alternatively, intact action monitor-ing of errors could contribute to the sense of alien-ness if JC detected the disinhibited nature of hisright-limb movements even as it moved.

We modified a task used previously by Gehringand Knight (2000). The goal was to design a taskthat would produce enough errors that theperformances in error trials and in trials followingerrors could be evaluated. Rather than looking atgroup effects, as is more often done, we soughtto find effects within an individual. Furthermore,rather than have subjects respond with bothhands, JC responded with the same hand in eachblock. This modification was necessary becausethe hypothesis under consideration is not thatJC had abnormal error monitoring, but that hismonitoring ability was different for both hands.We also asked JC to rate his performancesubjectively.

JC and 3 normal controls matched for age(average age ¼ 54.3 years) performed a letter-discrimination task in which, following a cue,they chose one of 2 letters. The cue was a colour(specified by a word), and the subject had tochoose the letter coloured by the cued colour. Ineach trial the cue (the word “green” or “red”) waspresented for 200 ms and was followed 400 mslater by a pair of letters (MM, MB, BM, BB),one of which was red and the other green. At aviewing distance of 60 cm, letters subtended a ver-tical and horizontal visual angle of approximately1.58 and 0.58, respectively. The subject had topress the key corresponding to the letter colouredin the cued colour. For the right-hand trials hisindex finger were placed on the “b” key and hismiddle finger on the “m” key; placement was theopposite for left-hand trials. The letters remainedon display until the trial was completed. The inter-stimulus interval was 100 ms. See Figure 6 for thelayout of the experiment. There were 960 trials foreach hand, administered in 15 blocks of 64 trialseach. After each block, subjects were asked torank the performance of the hand on a scale of 1(worst) to 5 (best).


AccuracyResults are shown in Table 2. Control subjectswere more accurate than JC (left hand: 96.4% vs.66.3%, p , .0001; right hand: 96.8% vs. 81.2%,

Figure 5. Performance of hands in the different steps of the multi-

step task (�p , .02, � �p , .005).



p , .0001). JC was more accurate with his rightthan his left hand (p , .0001).

Subjective ratingControl subjects rated the performance of theirright hand as better than the left hand (LH ¼ 3.6,

RH ¼ 3.9, p , .05). By contrast, JC rated thehands equally (LH ¼ 2.3, RH ¼ 2.2, p ¼ ns),even though he was less accurate with his left hand.

Reaction timesResults are shown in Table 2 and Figure 7.Control subjects were faster than JC for bothhands. They also had similar RTs for bothhands. JC’s pattern of performance varied withthe two hands, as described below.

Different trial conditions. Control subjects wereslower in both error trials and correct-posterrortrials compared with the average correct trials (seeFigure 5, p , .0001, for all comparisons to averagecorrect). JC was slower on error than correct trialsfor the right hand (p , .0001) but not for the lefthand (p¼ ns). He did not show slowing in the pos-terror trials. However, in correct trials precedingerror trials the right hand was faster than itsaverage correct performance (p , .005). This pre-error quickening was not observed with JC’s lefthand, or with either hand in the normal subjects.


On this task control subjects demonstrated asimilar pattern of behaviour for both hands,

Figure 6. Layout of the error-monitoring experiment. In this trial,

following the cue, “RED” subjects were presented with the letter

“M”, which was coloured green, and the letter “B”, which was

coloured red; they had to respond by pressing “B”.

Table 2. Performance in correct and error trials for JC and controls

JC Controls

Hand RT SD N pa RT SD N pa

Correct: average Left 1462 644 637 — 931 458 2777 —

Right 1359 1690 780 — 887 400 2788 —

P (r–l) 0.0082 0.0003

Correct: pre-error Left 1425 601 209 0.482 866 332 91 0.18

Right 1224 599 138 0.0030 861 316 78 0.62

r–l 0. 0067 0.67

Error Left 1433 705 323 0.55 1185 590 103 0.0001

Right 1690 1108 180 0.0001 1158 733 92 0.0001

r–l 0.0002 0.40

Correct: posterror Left 1422 638 206 0.45 1365 883 89 0.0001

Right 1278 628 134 0.19 1306 819 76 0.0001

r–l 0.0514 0.94

ap values compared to correct average.



consisting of slowing on error and posterror trials.The slowing on posterror trials is compatible withthe expectation that an error-monitoring systembecomes more conservative after detecting an erro-neous response. However, the slower responses onerror trials themselves are at odds with the usualspeed–accuracy trade-off in which error trials areexpected to be faster than the average correctresponses (Fitts, 1954). We are left to concludethat this error-slowing behaviour is idiosyncraticto this version of the task (in which all responsesare made uni-manually). On this task, subjectsbecome aware of their error even as they aremaking their erroneous movement.

Unlike the control subjects, JC performeddifferently with each hand. His left hand hadsimilar reactions on error trials and on thecorrect responses that preceded and succeeded

the error trial. By contrast, the right hand wasvariable, depending on the nature of the trial. Itwas slower on error trials and actually faster onthe trial preceding the error trials in comparisonto average correct trials. The slower responseson error trials by JC’s right hand, similar tonormal subjects, suggest that he was more awareof the error being made by his right hand. Wedo not know why JC did not show slowing onthe trial following the error with the right hand.One possibility is that the effects of disinhibitionmay have countered the effects of posterrorslowing on this trial for JC in a way that did notapply to normal subjects.

An unanticipated finding was that JC was fasteron the trial before the error trial. This pre-errorquickening suggests that his hand was speedingup in the preceding trial, and perhaps this accelera-tion predisposes him to making errors. This notionwould be analogous to the clinical phenomenon of“festination” seen in patients with frontal-basalganglia disorders, where they repeat a motorbehaviour (often in walking) with increasingrapidity, until they lose control.

Control subjects rated the right hand asperforming better than the left hand, compatiblewith their faster performance with the right thanthe left hand. JC, however, rated the performanceof both hands similarly, although he was in factfaster and more accurate with the right hand.From this discrepancy, we again infer that he ismore aware of the errors of his right than his lefthand. This relative lack of awareness of his lefthand is compatible with the observation thatthis hand’s speed is not modulated by error orperi-error trials.


In the previous experiment, our inferences aboutJC’s monitoring of his limb movements werebased on the different performances by each ofhis hands. Here, we wished to examine the integ-rity of his monitoring system more generally.

Figure 7. Performance of the right and left hand in error and

correct trials for JC (top) and control subjects (bottom).



Medial frontal damage may produce dissociationsbetween the selection of verbal and motorresponses (Turken & Swick, 1999). Similarly,there might be a dissociation of monitoring abili-ties depending on whether the subject produces amotor or a verbal response. We examined JC’sperformance on a more commonly tested inter-ference task, the Stroop task. We wished to learnif he could generate monitoring effects seen innormal subjects, despite his medial frontal lesion,which included the anterior cingulate cortex. JC’sindividual data were culled from a separate groupstudy examining cognitive control in patientswith ventral-medial prefrontal damage (Fellows& Farah, 2005).

This computerized version of the Stroop taskrequired subjects to name one of 5 colours of inkin which single words were printed, as quickly aspossible, as they were shown on the screen, oneat a time. All words were the names of the same5 colours—hence, all trials were either congruent(ink colour and word the same) or incongruent(ink colour and word different). Stimuli were onscreen until the subject answered, with an intertrialinterval of 1000 ms. The onset of the verbalresponse was recorded by a microphone connectedto a PsyScope button box (Cohen, MacWhinney,Flatt, & Provost, 1993). Subjects had 70 practicetrials, with equal numbers of congruent and incon-gruent stimuli. This was followed by 2 blocks of100 trials each, separated by a rest period. Thefirst, low-conflict, block had 80 incongruenttrials and 20 congruent trials; in the second,high-conflict, block, this ratio was reversed. JC’sdata are compared to 12 age-matched normalcontrol subjects.


Similar to normal subjects, JC showed a normalStroop interference effect that was modulated bythe probability of being presented with conflictingstimuli. (Stroop effect: high-conflict condition,JC: 147 ms, controls: 171 ms; low-conflict condi-tion, JC: 132 ms, controls: 106 ms). In addition,JC showed posterror slowing that was at least asrobust as that of normal subjects. His responses

on the posterror trials were 19% slower than oncorrect trials, whereas for normal subjects it was6% (þ11%) (Figure 8).


From these data, we infer that JC is capable ofmonitoring his actions in a cognitive interferencetask. Despite his medial frontal damage, he gene-rates a pattern of interference and posterrorslowing that is similar to normal subjects. Thus,the differences in the previous experimentbetween his action monitoring of the left andright hand are unlikely to be accounted for by ageneral abnormality of action monitoring. Weconclude, albeit tentatively, that his monitoringof actions is different for each hand, and that heis disproportionately sensitive to errors made byhis alien hand.


Thus far, JC’s motor behaviour was studied inconstrained laboratory tasks. However, the phe-nomenology of AHS is most evident in everyday

Figure 8. Performance in the Stroop task in error and correct trials

for JC and controls. The Y-axis denotes the ratio between the

average reaction time in each condition and the average reaction

time for correct trials.



naturalistic tasks. To determine whether similarpatterns of behaviour could be observed in actionsthat more closely simulate real-world behaviour,we used the coffee challenge (CC) task, in whichsubjects are required to prepare 2 cups of coffee.This is a task that has been given to a group of 17healthy control participants (see Giovannetti,Libon, & Hart, 2002, for details on the design ofthe task, scoring procedures, and reliability). Acomprehensive report on JC’s bimanual perform-ance on this task is described elsewhere(Giovannetti et al., 2005). In this paper we describeJC’s performance on unimanual conditions, as rele-vant to our experimental data on his monitoringand awareness of the actions of his limbs.

The CC incorporates factors known to eliciterrors in everyday tasks by requiring participantsto make 2 different cups of coffee (i.e., regularcoffee with sugar and cream and hazelnut coffeewith skim milk and sweetener) in any sequenceas quickly as possible. In order to compare the per-formance of each hand, the task was administeredas a unimanual task for both the right and the lefthand. The performance of JC was compared tothat of 4 right-handed control subjects—menbetween the ages of 48 and 60 (M ¼ 52.3) andwith 10 to 14 years of education (M ¼ 12.0).

The task was administered as follows: 13bimanual practice trials, during which participantsreceived feedback on their performance and errors,were reviewed and corrected. After practice, parti-cipants performed the CC with their right or left

hand on each trial. The hand that was not usedwas comfortably restricted in a sling. In total 12unimanual trials were administered (in blocks of3 trials) in an ABBA counterbalanced order.

Error analysisErrors were coded as one of three kinds: (a) micro-slips, (b) detected overt errors, or (c) undetectedovert errors. The first two categories denoteerrors that are detected. Microslips are errors inwhich the subject reaches towards or touches adistractor object but stops short of using it;these therefore represent episodes of correctingthe erroneous movement. Overt errors includeinstances when an incorrect action is executed.An overt error was coded as “detected” if the par-ticipant attempted (successfully or not) to correctit or if the error was accompanied by a predeter-mined set of behavioural reactions to the error(i.e., distinctive manual and facial gestures: Hart,Giovannetti, Montgomery, & Schwartz, 1998).Other overt errors were coded as “undetected.”


Table 3 shows the total errors and the proportionfrom each error-detection category. JC producedmore errors than did control subjects, andhe required more time to complete the task: JC:R ¼ 197.5 s, SD ¼ 20.3 s; Controls: R ¼ 88.1 s,SD ¼ 14.5 s; t(10) ¼ 10.8, p , .0001; JC: L ¼

209.3 s, SD ¼ 36.1 s; Controls: L ¼ 93.5 s,

Table 3. Number of errors and proportion of errors in right- and left-hand trials for JC and controls


Left Right

JC Controls JC Controls


Detected Microslips 6.3 2.7 0.78 1.5 0.8 0.66 4.3 1.6 0.46 1.1 0.65 0.74

Detected, overt 0.2 0.4 0.02 0.7 0.5 0.30 3.8 1.7 0.42 0.4 0.4 0.23

Total detected 6.5 2.7 0.80 2.2 0.8 0.96 8.1 2.8 0.88 1.5 0.7 0.97

Undetected 2.2 2.6 0.20 0.1 0.1 0.04 1.3 1.4 0.12 0.0 0.1 0.03

Total 8.7 1 2.3 1 9.4 1 1.5 1

P ¼ proportion.



SD¼ 10.4; t(10)¼ 7.6, p, .0001. He made similarnumbers of errors for trials involving his rightand left hand (R ¼ 9.4, L ¼ 8.7; z ¼ –0.56,p ¼ ns), and he needed similar amounts of time(z ¼ –0.65, p ¼ ns).

There was no difference in any error type(micro-slips, overt detected, and undetected)between the hands for the normal control subjects(z , 1.5, p ¼ ns for all). Analysing the perform-ance of the hands: JC showed a greater proportionof microslips with the left hand than the righthand (z ¼ –2.7, p, .01) and a greater proportionof overt–detected errors with the right handthan the left (z ¼ –2.9, p , .01). There was noright vs. left difference in overt–undetectederrors (z ¼ –1.1, p ¼ ns).


In this task JC demonstrated different patterns oferrors across both hands. He made more errorswith either hand than did normal subjects. Givenhis left-hand callosal apraxia, errors in this natur-alistic action task are not surprising (Buxbaum,Schwartz, Coslett, & Carew, 1995).

The results of the error detection analysesreveal that although JC was aware of the errorsmade by his right hand as often as his left (nodifference in undetected errors) and that theright-hand errors were corrected later (overt–detected) than left-hand errors (microslips). Atfirst glance, the results of this task seem at oddswith our observations of JC’s performance on theaction-monitoring task. In that task we inferredthat JC was aware of errors made by his rightbut not his left hand, and here we infer that hewas aware of errors made by both hands. Theimportant consistency with respect to JC’s alienhand is that in both tasks he is aware of thislimb’s performance. The CC task as a naturalistictask is conducted at a slower pace than is the com-puter task, and we suspect that at this time scale JCis capable of being aware of the actions of bothlimbs. We interpret the fact that he was less able

to control the errors of his right than his lefthand as a reflection of this hand’s disinhibitionand its exo-evoked sensitivity.


At first glance, the alien hand syndrome is deeplypuzzling. Patients observe and experience theirown limbs engaged in purposeful behaviours overwhich they have little control. This limb maydisrupt movements of the other limb that isresponding to the intentions of the patient(Akelaitis, 1944–1945). Furthermore, the errantlimb does not even rest during sleep (Bankset al., 1989). Our patient slept with his armpinned against a wall to keep it from wanderingand seizing things in his sleep. He, as most otherpatients with this syndrome, referred to this limbin the third person. Our goal in this investigationwas to try to understand this sense of alienness.

From our observations, we postulate that threecomponents are necessary to produce the alienhand syndrome in its prototypic form (which wetake to be the production of actions that appearpurposeful but are not intended by the patient,based on their verbal claims).2 First, the limbmust be disinhibited. Without such disinhibition,the question of abnormal movements does notarise. Second, the movements must appear purpo-seful. Without purpose, the question of aberrantintention does not arise. Finally, the patient mustbe acutely aware of the behaviour of the alienlimb. Without such awareness, the experience ofcontrol by an “other” does not arise. Below, wepresent the evidence in support of this postulateand place our postulates in the context of otherneurologic syndromes and classic and contempor-ary models of motor control.

Our results are consistent with the idea thatJC’s right hand was disinhibited. On his clinicalevaluation, he clearly demonstrated continuousperseverations when drawing figures such astriple loops. In the first experiment in which a

2 We recognize that these components may not apply to versions of the syndrome in which the primary symptom is lack of

recognition of the limb, as originally described by Brion and Jedynak (1972).



stimulus directed him to respond with the right orleft hand, his right hand responded more quicklyand made more errors of commission than theleft. Furthermore, this hand was influenced dis-proportionately by environmental contingencies.Its disinhibition increased disproportionately asthe probability of the triggering stimuli increased.Our second experiment confirmed that JC’s righthand was disinhibited and simultaneously wasunder less volitional control than the left. In thisexperiment JC was engaged in a sequentialmotor task. Again, his right hand respondedmore quickly than the left to the triggeringstimulus. However, after this initial reflexivemovement, it moved more slowly than the left inthe subsequent movements that had to beplanned on each trial. Taken together, theseresults show that JC’s alien hand was disinhibitedand his control over novel sequential movementsby the right limb was impaired.

While disinhibition and loss of volitionalcontrol may be necessary, they are not sufficientto produce the alien hand syndrome. Clinicalneurology is replete with examples of patientswith motor disinhibition, without the reports ofalienness. These examples range from simplemotor tics to hemiballismus. Hemiballismus isoften seen following strokes to subthalamicnuclei (Provenzale & Glass, 1995) and is charac-terized by dramatic large-amplitude flailing oflimbs. While patients with this syndrome losecontrol over their limb, they do not claim thatthe limb is governed by an other.

We postulate that the second necessarycomponent of the alien hand syndrome is theappearance of organized purposeful behaviour.JC found that his alien hand would reach outand seize light switches and turn them on andoff repeatedly. It would also grasp his other armwhen he tried to eat using his left arm. JC devel-oped strategies to “distract” the alien limb, suchas grasping a rolled-up magazine in this hand,which, he claimed, “satisfied” it. We suggest thatthere are two elements to JC’s motor behaviourthat contribute to the appearance of organizedpurposeful behaviour. First is the breakdown ofmovements into motor fragments that retain

stereotypic characteristics. The idea that motorbehaviour consists of stereotypic fragments canbe traced to classic writings by Leipmann (ascited by Sandson & Albert, 1984, and Luria,1966). The second is that JC’s limb is drivendisproportionately by external contingencies.Riddoch and colleagues (1998, 2001) emphasizethis point in their experimental observations ofa case with cortico-basal degeneration. Denny-Brown (1958) emphasized the interactions ofendo and exo-evoked motor behaviour. JC isunable to inhibit his alien hand’s movementtowards objects in the environment, and the handthen produces simple motor stereotypies such asgrasping or pinching. When combined with con-tinuous perseverations, it appears that he isturning a light switch on and off. These behaviourshave the appearance of purpose without actuallybeing so. If this interpretation is correct, wepredict that an alien hand would never write aletter the content of which was alien to the patient’sconscious intentions, because such an act could notbe performed by concatenating motor stereotypies.

While the appearance of organized purposefulbehaviour of disinhibited actions may be necessaryfor the alien hand syndrome, it is not sufficient.Two clinical syndromes make clear that awarenessof such behaviours is also critical. Patients withbilateral frontal lobe damage exhibit “utilizationbehaviour”. Their movements may seem organizedand are compelled by objects in the environment(Boccardi et al., 2002; Lhermitte, 1983). Thesepatients are often quite demented and have littleinsight into what they are doing. Similarly,patients with frontal-lobe seizures may, during aseizure, engage in complex movements that givethe impression of purposefulness, but they haveno awareness of these movements (Ances &Chatterjee, 2003; Suwanwela & Leelacheavasit,2002). In neither case is a subjective sense ofalienness prominent.

We postulate that the third component necess-ary for the alien hand syndrome is that the patientbe aware of what the limb is doing. Three lines ofevidence suggest that our patient was acutely awareof the behaviour of his limb. First are his verbalreports. The fact that, unlike patients with



utilization behaviour or frontal lobe seizures, hecan describe what the limb has been doing makesthis awareness self-evident. By itself, thesereports do not distinguish whether he was awareof the actions as they were occurring or wassimply aware of the consequence of the actions,as probably occurred in the patient described byRiddoch and colleagues (1998). Second are hisreactions to his errors on the coffee challengetest. He detected the same proportion of errorswith each hand. We infer that his right hand,more than his left, was driven powerfully byobjects in the environment (also see Giovannettiet al., 2005, for further evidence), and after initiat-ing an erroneous movement, he was less able toinhibit it. These observations suggest that he wasaware of his errors as they were occurring, ratherthan representing a verbal reconstruction ofearlier events. Finally, this impression is consistentwith our data on his ability to monitor his actions.

Our action-monitoring task was adapted inspecific ways. The basic observation is that whenproducing a rapid series of responses, subjectstend to be slower with a correct response thatfollows an error than with other correct responses(Rabbitt, 1966). The inference one makes fromthis observation is that subjects are aware of theirerrors and are cautious on subsequent trials. Thisobservation is evident in group data of normal sub-jects and has been adapted to patients with focalbrain damage (Gehring & Knight, 2000). Herewe adapted the task even further to examine thebehaviour of an individual in which the main com-parison of interest is differences in performancebetween his right and left hands. One mightobject that damage to the medial frontal cortexmight impair such monitoring generally, so thatusing these paradigms as a probe is not particularlymeaningful. However, we were able to show thatJC’s performance on a task that does not requirea limb movement (the Stroop interference para-digm) generated modulations of reaction timesby errors similar to normal subjects.

Given that JC has the requisite neural machin-ery to generate such a behavioural effect verbally,we now turn to his behaviour on the task adaptedto assess his ability to monitor the actions of eachhand. Since deficits in the ability to select verbalor motor responses may dissociate with anteriorcingulate damage (Turken & Swick, 1999), wecannot assume that JC would also be aware ofmotor errors as he was of verbal errors. Ournormal subjects showed slowing of responses bothduring an error trial and on the trial following it.This pattern suggests that in this particular adap-tation of the paradigm, subjects can monitor theirerror as it is happening. JC’s left hand was relativelyunaffected (as assessed by reaction times) bywhether the trial was an error trial or the trial thatfollowed. By contrast, his right hand was modu-lated by errors and was closer to the normalpattern than was the left hand. Notably, he wasslower on the error trials themselves, as were ournormal subjects. In addition, he was faster on thetrial in which he responded correctly before theerror trial. This suggests a pattern of “festination”that is sometimes seen patients with basal-gangliadisorders, where they may accelerate a movementpattern to the point of losing control. Most relevantto our claims is the fact that JC became slower onhis error trials, again suggesting awareness of hiserroneous movements as they were happening.

Our patient had an extensive lesion of the corpuscallosum and the medial frontal cortex includingthe anterior cingulate gyrus. The medial frontaland dorsolateral prefrontal cortex interacts incomplex ways to generate and monitor actions.Considerable evidence from monkey physiologyand human studies suggests that the supplementarymotor area governs internally evoked movements inplanning complex actions and works in concert withthe dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex, which, alongwith the posterior parietal regions, is responsive toenvironmental determinants of action (Gerloff,Corwell, Chen, Hallet, & Cohen, 1997; Goldberg,1985; Passigham, Ramnani, & Rowe, 2004).3

3 This is a variant of the classic Denny-Brown view and incorporates the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in neural systems that

mediate exo-evoked movements.



Boccardi and colleagues (2002) suggested thatdamage to the medial frontal cortices, especiallythe supplementary motor areas, might be critical tothe production of utilization behaviours.Consistent with these views, our patient withmedial frontal damage had more trouble withplanned complex movements and was disproportio-nately influenced by the environment.

Gehring and Knight (2000) found that lateralprefrontal damage in patients influenced actionmonitoring. Specifically, they found that patientscorrected a smaller proportion of errors but contin-ued to show posterror slowing. However, the error-related negativity, which is an event-related brainpotential thought to reflect medial frontal actionmonitoring, no longer showed the modulationbased on whether the trial was correct or erroneous.The authors suggest that the dorsolateral prefron-tal and medial systems modulate corrective actionsbut do not themselves implement them. The ideathat monitoring errors and implementing theircorrection is distinct has theoretical support,although the neural instantiation of this distinctionis controversial (MacDonald, Cohen, Stenger, &Carter, 2000). Consistent with this view, wefound that medial frontal damage did not abolishJC’s ability to be aware of errors being producedby his disinhibited hand.

In viewing the motor behaviour of our patient,we have drawn on classic models of motor controladvocated by Denny-Brown and by Luria.Following Denny-Brown (1958), we have empha-sized ideas that motor behaviour can be exo-evoked or endo-evoked and suggest that ourpatient’s alien limb is more likely to be drivenby exo-evoked contingencies. Following Luria(1966), we have conceptualized the notion ofmotor fragments that can be concatenated insequential behaviours. Our observations are alsorelevant to contemporary models of motorcontrol (Desmurget & Grafton, 2000; Wolpertet al., 2001).

Contemporary models of motor controlincorporate both feed-forward and feedbackcomponents. Feed-forward models propose thatmotor commands are defined before the onset ofa movement and feedback is relevant only at the

very end of movement trajectories, when move-ments are slow. Feedback models are the concep-tual opposite, positing that there is no a priorimotor command. Rather, the muscle commandsare generated in real time through continuouscomparisons of the position of the limbs and thetarget. Simple feed-forward models are difficultto reconcile with observations that movementsare more accurate when proprioceptive and visualinformation is present. Simple feedback modelsare difficult to reconcile with the fact that visualor proprioceptive signals need up to 100 ms toinfluence movements—a delay that would be inef-fective since the limb is in a different position bythe time these signals are available. Because ofthe inadequacy of these models, hybrid modelshave been developed in which afferent and efferentsignals are integrated during movements. Thesemodels are referred to as internal models (also, inthe literature, as “observer” or “sensorimotorintegrator” models: Desmurget & Grafton, 2000;Wolpert et al., 2001).

These models of motor control (Blakemore,Wolpert, & Frith, 2002) assume three motorstates: (a) desired state, (b) actual state, (c) pre-dicted state. Actions are performed when goals for-mulate the desired state of the system. Controllersgenerate movement based on the differencesbetween the actual state and the desired state andare then tuned by sensory information from theenvironment. The predicted state is used to esti-mate the future state of the system based on aforward motor program. As the actual state is avail-able through sensory feedback only after delay, thisstate is critical for monitoring movements online.Adjustments are made by comparing the 3 statesof the system (see Figure 9). According to thismodel, in alien hand syndrome the limb is dispro-portionately compelled by environmental stimuli(disinhibited and exo-evoked) rather than bygoals. For such a movement there is no desiredstate and no postulation of a predicted statechange; consequently, the patient is simply awareof a changing actual state. The forward componentis disconnected from the feedback component.That disconnection, combined with the apparentpurposefulness of the movements, and online



awareness of the movement, we postulate,produces the sense of alienness.

To summarize, we present a man with classicalien hand syndrome. This syndrome seemsmysterious and would seem to offer insights intonotions of self, agency, and motor control. Indemystifying his behaviour using clinical andexperimental observations, we suggest that threethings are needed to produce this syndrome.First is a disinhibited limb that is disproportio-nately driven by the affordances of environmentalstimuli. Second is the concatenation of motorfragments into perseverative movements that givethe appearance of purpose. And third is theonline awareness of the behaviour of this errantlimb. The alienness is unlikely to represent a truegoal-directed intention motivating the errantlimb from which the patient’s verbal “interpreter”system is disconnected (Cooney & Gazzaniga,2003). Patients experience alienness in beingaware of their own limb performing unintendedmovements that give the appearance of purpose.

Manuscript received 23 September 2004

Revised manuscript received 19 January 2005

Revised manuscript accepted 20 May 2005

PrEview proof published online 27 December 2005


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