Thank you for letting me learn from you and letting me participate in your unique work!

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Thank you for letting me learn from you and letting me participate in your unique work!

Thank you for letting me learn from you and letting me

participate in your unique work!

Clay Has Four Challenges!

1. Hear the Message of an Empty Pew and Remember the


The Non-Verbal Message Of Too Many Empty Pews Is…

“There is something wrong here!”

And new people hear it three times a service!

The Pews Are Not Variable Enough For Your Flexible

Situation –

Remember the Numbers


30% Full = Congregation’s Death40% Full = No Growth

50% to 66% Full = Best Growth66% - 75% Full = Slowing GrowthOur Growth Stops When Average

75% Full


These rules are architect’s rules and they are very, very accurate!

I did not believe their accuracy in early years but after years of

checking, they are very accurate!


30% Full = Congregation’s Death40% Full = No Growth

50% to 66% Full = Best Growth66% - 75% Full = Slowing Growth

Our Growth Stops When We Average 75% Full

You Need Double the Chairs of Your Sunday Morning Average


When you are less than 50% Full Pull some chairs!

When you are 66% Full –Add some chairs!

It will greatly improve your singing, your sense of participating, and

your very bad negative non-verbal message to your visitor!

The problem with keeping the very long pews is that each pew counts

for 10 to 12 seats and they put you into the territory of a very

negative message very quickly!

2. The Challenge of Evangelism, Invitations and Warm Welcomes!

We Need To Do God’s Instructions To Reap God’s


God gave us the job of evangelism, saying “Come”, and

reaching out to the lost!

There is a ratio of Transfers to Baptismsthat is very important!

For every adult soul that you convert and baptize, 4 brethren nearby want to be a part of an

evangelist congregation and they will want to join with you in your


Where do active Christians want to be…

In a stagnant congregation orIn an effective, evangelist one?

3. The Challenge of Building Leadership

A congregation grows as its leadership grows!

Leadership in a congregation is not how many elders do you have

but the total of individual initiative from everyone in the


Leadership Is…

Eagerness to serve God wiselyIntense prayers you have prayed

Desire to learn wisdomReadiness to suggest, listen,

persuade, harmonizeYour hard work

Your thankfulness to God

4. Work hard to help build the best Bible Classes that you can

My prayers will be with you!

If you want to be saved and be a part of God’s marvelous kingdom,

He has a spot available for you tonight!