Term 3, Monday 20 August 2018 - Walwa Primary School

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Transcript of Term 3, Monday 20 August 2018 - Walwa Primary School

Steven Lynch


Walwa Primary School

Address: 4 Main Road, Walwa, Victoria, 3709

Postal address: PO Box 28, Walwa, Victoria, 3709

Telephone: 02 6037 1380

Web page: http://www.walwaps.vic.edu.au

Email: lynch.steven.s1@edumail.vic.gov.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Walwaps

Term 3, Monday 20th August 2018


Thanks for your support in this area. Please continue to communicate with us as to why your child is

away on the day of absence and we will do the same. Thank you in advance.

University of New South Wales Mathematics Competition

Well done to Abby, Lilly and Mac who completed the University of New South Wales Mathematics

Competition last Monday. They looked quite worn out after the exam, which I am sure was no easy

feat, but I am very proud of their participation in such a challenge.

Sounds of the Mountain Radio

Thank you to Anne for connecting us with Dave from “Sounds of the Mountain” Community Radio

from the Tumut area. Dave is keen for our students to appear on the radio each week to talk about

what we have been doing at school each week. This is a great, authentic opportunity for the children

to use their speaking and listening and language skills on the radio.

Library Bags

Could all families please provide a library bag for the Library books that the children have borrowed.

A simple pillow slip will do if a bag is not possible. Please see Mr Lynch if you need help with this.

Book Fair

Thank you to Anne who did a great job of the Book Fair again this year after the books arrived at just the

last minute! Well done to the boys and girls who dressed up and helped out with the Book Fair so happily

as well. Anne tells me that we sold over $500 worth of books so thank you to everyone who supported

the fair. Anne has purchased more great books for the children

Grade 6 to 7 Transition

Ana and Lachlan attended their first transition last Friday at Corryong P-12. This is a fantastic

opportunity for the students to become more at ease in transitioning to secondary school. They had

a great day and particularly enjoyed Art and Cooking – making scones! Yum!

Professional Development

I attended a Principal’s Network meeting last Tuesday at Kiewa Valley Primary school. It was a great

chance to meet with other Small School’s Principals and view what the children and teachers are

doing in the classroom. I also attended the compulsory Literacy Leaders course I am enrolled in on

Friday. I was learning about reading and some positive (small) changes we can make to our current

program that are beneficial for the students here.

Walwa Primary School Parent Opinion Survey

Just one more week left to go do please participate to help create the kind of school you want for

your children.

Bush Poetry

Thank you to Trevor Best and Jan Lewis for coming and singing and doing poetry with the children

and getting them to write some. I look forward to sharing some in the newsletter and on our new

writing wall in the classroom.


The whole school will be studying a Science Unit called ‘Material World’ this term where we learn

about the various materials that things like gloves and bags are made of and materials that

indigenous people would have used. We have set up an experiment to see which materials rot.

We have also been putting shredded paper on our tyres in the garden and cleaning up and we are

making broccoli and potato soup with broccoli grown at the school this week.

In Maths we are studying fractions of shapes and amounts.

In Reading we are getting excited about the MARC Van visit and setting new goals.

In Writing we have been working on letters to Ms Baxter and our pen pals in Melbourne plus writing

recounts about Book Fair and the Bush Poetry visit.

Indonesian – we will recommence Polycom with Talgarno PS next term on a Thursday. In the

meantime Mr Lynch will do some activities with the students each Thursday.

MARC Van Visit

Today we had a visit from the Devenish MARC (Mobile Area Resource Centre) Library Van. The

children were excited and Mrs Davies had a great session with the students. She talked about Book

Week and the children did some fabulous art work and got to borrow from the van. Mrs Davies is

awaiting approval from her Committee of Management to see if this is a viable future regular

prospect but the trip was a long way for her today. Fingers crossed!

Athletics Carnival

Our Athletics Carnival will be held in Corryong at the Football / Netball grounds on Friday the 7th of

September. There will be NO BUSES running on this day. The students have been training for the

athletics and Clive from Albury will be helping them train even further this week and next. I will send

more information closer to the date.

Thanks, Meredith

Well done to everyone for the great dress ups at our Book Fair Open Day.

Thanks to all of the local visitors! Thanks to Gai Drummond for the great photos!

Long Service Leave

Mrs Haugen will be taking some well-earned long service leave for the last few weeks of the

term. Ms Emily Bowman will take her place Tuesday to Thursday and I will be having the

children on Mondays and Fridays, if I am not away at courses or Principals meetings. Have a

great break Mrs Haugen!

Dates to Remember

Friday August 17th, 24th and 31st – Grade 6 Transition at Corryong College

Thursday August 23rd Clive coming again for Athletics coaching.

Sunday August 26th – Parent Opinion Survey closes

August 27th – 31st – Book Week and Literacy and Numeracy Week

August 27th – Koorie Engagement Support Office Jacqueline Martyn

coming to work with our students on some indigenous activities for

Aboriginal Literacy Day.

Wednesday August 29th – Grade 5 NAPLAN Online Readiness Test

Thursday August 30th – Cluster Principal’s Network Meeting at Wodonga

Monday September 3rd – O H and S audit at the school.

Tuesday 4th September – Mrs Haugen on LSL till the end of term,

Principal’s Network Meeting

Wednesday September 5th – Clive returns for final athletics training

Friday 7th September – Athletics day @ Corryong

Tuesday 11th September – School Council

Wednesday 19th September – SES Day @ Corryong College for Grade 3-6

Friday September 21st – School finishes at 2pm



Mrs Davies from Devenish, near Wangaratta, drove up to give us a MARC

Library Van Visit. We are so lucky! She will return again possibly each month.